MOW NOT TO DEFEND THE INNER ARC JULY - SEPTEMBER 2000 www.n*up*cejieuu/-nivyleig VOLUME 62 NO. 3 Maritime Airpower for Australia, Part 2 Submarines in Britain's Defence DIVI 2A4 THE NAVY IIk N.i\> I ol \iMt;ili:i FKDKRAL COUNCIL Volume 62 No. 3 Patron in Chief: His Excellency. The Governor General President: Graham M Hams. RFD. Vice-Presidents: RADM A J Robctts,*i. AO. DSC. RAN (Rid): John Binl. Contents CDREHJ.P Adams. AM. RAN (Rid) CAPT H.A Jovphv AM. RAN (Rid) Acting Hon. Secretary: Ray Coctwy. PO Box 309. Ml Wavtrlcy. Vic 3149. HOW NOT TO DEFEND THE INNER ARC Telephone: (03)9888 1977. Fax: (03)9888 10X3 By Dr John Reeve Page 3 NEW SOUTH WALKS DIVISION Patron: I lis Excellency. The Governor of New South Wiles. TBMD AND THE RAN President: R <) Albert. AM. RFD. RD. Hon. Secretary: J C J Jcppoot OAM. RFD. GPO Box 1719. S>dney. NSW 1013 By Mark Schweikerl Page 7 Telephone: (02)9132 2144. Fax: (02)9132 8383. SUBMARINES IN BRITAIN'S DEFENCE MISSION V ICTORIAN DIVISION By Dr Lee Willel Page 20 Patron: His Excellency. The Govemi* of Victoria. President: J M Wilkirts. RFD-. MARITIME AIRPOWER FOR AUSTRALIA, PAR I 2 Hon. Secretary: Gavan Bum. PO Box 1303. Box Hill Vic 3128 Telephone: <03)9841 8570. Fax: (03)9X41 8107 THE SMALL AIRCRAFT CARRIER MARKET Email: qircs<f>o/email.conuiu By George Kaplan Page 25 Membership Secretary: LCDR Tom Kilhum MBE. VRD Telephone: «)3)95«>9927. PO Box 1303 Box Hill VIC 3128 QUEENSLAND DIVISION Patron: His Excelkucy. The Gov err* r of Queensland gome m wkm Kovy's From ihe Crow's Nesl Page 2 President: I M Eraser. OAM. Hon. Secretary : Adnan B«rwvk. PO Box 402. Roma Street Bnshane. Qkl 4003 From Our readers Page 2 tend Telephone: (07)3263 1319 Burt'i nly m Flash Traffic Page 12 State Branches: Observations Page 19 ( aims: A Cummeea PO Box 1009. Caims. Qld 4870. aTXTTJIj; Telephone: ((17)4054 1195 Hatch. Match and Dispatch Page 30 Towmxille: I McDnugall. It) Box l478.Townsxillc.Qkl 4810. Mkgrfmsiain *mmN i proviui Product Review Page 31 Telephone: (07) 4772 4588 Mackay: K Millward. P() Box 5527. Qkl 4741 ftnjiIhn' i M»lly an do League Policy Statement Page 32 irffahm. Telephone: (07)4942 2965 Bundaherg: I Lohse. PO Box 5141. Bundahcig West. Qld-1670 The opinions or assertions expressed in THE NAVY are those or Telephone: (07)4151 2210. Southport: IV Fix*. PO Box 946 S.wtl^»t Qkl 4215. Tdcphnc: (07) 5532 2447 the authors and not necessarily those of Ihe Federal Council of the SOUTH AUSTRALIAN DIVISION Navy League of Australia, the Editor of THE NAVY, the RAN Patron: His Excelkucy. The Govern* t>t South Australia. or the Department of Defence. The Kditor welcomes correspondence, {'resident: Alan Pteskett RID. 15 Sleeps Hill Drixe. Pamrama SA 5<MI photographs and contributions and will assume that by making Hon. Secretary : Miss J E Gill. GPO Box 1529. Adelaide. SA 5001 submissions, contributors agree that all material may be used Telephone: UK) 8272 6435 (H) Tree of charge, edited and amended at the Kditor's discretion. TASMANIAN DIVISION No part of this publication may he reproduced without the Patron: His Excellency. The Governor of Tasmania. ("resident: A Lanham. 67 Hanlwicke Stnxt I-autxx-Mon. Tas. 71S0. permission of the Kditor. Htm. Secretary : Mis J.M Cooper. 42 Ann R«xid. Ijunceshm. T;r> 7250 Telephoneand Fax: (03)6344 1531. Front cover: (From right lo left) HMAS ARIJNTA leads Stale Branches: Devon port: P O'Leary, 11 lasman llace. I)cvonpi*t HMNZS TE MANNA. HMAS HOBART. DARWIN and Tas 7310. Telephone: (03) 6124 5064. MANOORA from Sydney Harbour for exercises off Burnie: (i Davis. 40 Chary Stavt. Bumic. Tas 7320. Telephxie: (03) 6431 4013 I jiunct-aon: LL Shea. 15 Pinen Chief. Riverside. Tas. 71V) Nowra during a recent work up period. WESTERN AUSTRALIAN DIVISION (RAN. AB Damien Pawlenko) Patron: I lis lixccllency. The (joven** of Western Australia. President: A H Hewitt. JP. Hon.Secretary: MrsGHewitt.23l-awfcrRixid Attadak-.WA6I56 The Navy Telephone: (06)9330 3600. All letters and contributions lo: State Branches: (kraldton: I Bcvkwith. 2 Pttchdl Stavt Rangeway. WA 6530. Mark Schweikert Telephone (08)9921 3768<H)(08)992I 1200(B) Editor. THE NAVY Vlhany: I) Bray. Lu 4f> Frederick Street Gk-dhow. via Alhuny. WA 6330. PO Box 832 Telephone: (08)9X41 6542. FEDERAL ADV ISORY COUNCTI. F. Geoffrey Evans. OBE. VRD. Chaiiman E-mail to: [email protected] Neil Baird. Chairman Bainl Publications Subscriptions and Membership enquiries to: Win, Bolitho. AM A.W. (TonylGraabronk. Editor The Asia-Pacific Defence Reporter The II.>n Secretary. Admiral Michael W. Hudson. AC. RAN (Rid) Navy League of Australia. NSW Division Vice Admiral David Ixach. AC CBE. LVO. RAN (Rid) I -achlari Payne. CEO Australian .Shipowners' Aw viation GPO Box 1719. Vice Admiral Sir Richard I\vk. KBE. CB. DSC. RAN (Rid) John Strang. Chairman Strang Interna!*wul Ply Lid Advertising enquiries to: Peter Jordan. Baird Publications Corporate Members Telephone: (03)9645 0411 The Australian Shipowners' Association Fax: (03) 9645 0475 Hawker De Haviland Limited Deadline for next edition 5 August, 2(MM) Computer Science of Australia Pty Ltd Strang International Pty Ltd 1' .-T -.--a! - U — : 46 THE NAVY VOL. ft2 NO. 3 Whot the "White Paper will say about the SAN s plans to replace the DDCs is still somewhat up in the air. Here the recently decommissioned HO&ART prepares for seo. (Brian Morrison, Warships and Marine Corps Museum Int) I K< >M IIII ( ROW s \l M Many of the editorials and articles that I have written in the acknowledged by NATO command was that military power past have warned about the growing anti-surface ship cannot be exercised in isolation from other services. The community within Defence. This offensive has now taken Serbs were quite willing and able to ride out the air on allies. A growing number of articles in the mainstream campaign but were not so keen about the threat of NATO print media are supporting the anti-surface community by ground forces and the sea blockade being undertaken. making sensational, unsubstantiated and subjective claims One of the reasons for the Serb's confidence was the about surface ship vulnerability and cost whilst peddling way NATO air power was so easily fooled by Serb decoys the barrow of air power. The claims made by these articles, and camouflage, simple to do when air power won't risk whilst being false and lacking insight, have unfortunately going below I5.()00ft. It wasn't until the KLA (Kosovo created their own inertia, or to put it another way. 'one dog Liberation Army), realising NATO was unable to target barks at something, the rest bark at him". Serb ground forces, deliberately engaged the Serbs to draw The only saving grace is that none of the writers, who them out for waiting A-10 tank buster aircraft. side with air power at the expense of sea power, are 'Operation Allied Force' was not the first war won by recognised by defence media specialists or academics as air power alone. No war can be won by the application of having any military substance or relevance. a single pressure point on a single front. Unfortunately. The problem though, is that many of our politicians Australia's air power lobby cannot see our future security tend to place an over reliance on Australia's media for for the clouds and are in danger of giving themselves a defence information. An example of which was seen during pyrrhic victory. a recent SLC (Senate Legislative Committee) hearing in The growing debate over air power versus sea power May. The Chief of Navy <CN). Vice Admiral David comes down to one of money and not military' relevancy. Shackleton. was questioned about an article written by Mr The air power lobby (that's not to say the RAAF) sees the Brian Toohey in the Sunday Sun Herald newspaper. The Navy's SEA 4(XX) DDG as a threat to funds for the AIR 6(XX) Hornet replacement programme. As the defence A Japanese commander signing a document of surrender in 1945. He must he asking himself turn Japan ciHild he so unstoppable at the beginning of the Mar article made a number of unsupportable claims about yet end up in defeat? The answer to both is sea control. surface ship vulnerability and proposed cancelling surface budget is further strangled, more bitterness and sniping can be expected from nearly all quarters as each fights for a combatants in favour of fighter aircraft. CN's response to bigger share of a dwindling pie. The Government will have By Dr John Reeve* the committee's question left the members in no doubt to lake responsibility for this state of affairs or increase about the article's factual basis. The committee accepted spending to ward off capability cuts. With the 'White' Paper expected to continue an inner arc view of defence. Dr John Reeve examines the historical context his response and the matter was given no more time. of such a strategy with some rather sobering insights for Australia if this path is chosen. Although this may seem trivial, many defence Another front facing the surface ship is the new 'White' journalists, and academics see this as a new front of a wider paper. If the predictions about its preference for air power Conventional wisdom today amongst Australian strategic 1990-91."" At the same time the concept of defending the battle. A battle that is becoming as important to the RAN's are true then Navy will suffer greatly.
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