
The World’s Coolest Stories Biting Adventures of polar exploration Captivating reads from THe World’s leading polar bookstore ‘He was lucky.’ Roald Amundsen: The Northwest Passage ‘They found the easy route to the Pole.’ His personal diaries from the Gjøa expedition, 1900–1905 in two volumes ‘Amundsen’s claim might be fraudulent.’ t the turn of a new century Roald Amundsen diaries Roald Amundsen’s n presenting with great pleasure Roald Amundsen’s personal THE FRAM MUSEUM PRESENTS Idiaries from the Gjøa Expedition this is not just a big moment Geir O. Kløver: beganfor histhe Fram preparationsMuseum, but also an important contribution for to thethe conquest of the A dissemination of Norwegian and Canadian polar history. Roald Amundsen’s Roald Amundsen writes with great enthusiasm about the enormous Lessons from the Arctic Northwest effortsPassage, he and his crew are making which in dealing with scientifichad research eluded sailors for and Amundsen’s own studies of the Inuit and their way of life around diaries Gjoa Haven, Nunavut. After reading the diaries we know so much about the expedition, about life aboard Gjøa and among the Inuit centuries. Name: Roald Amundsen that it feels as if we have partaken in the expedition ourselves. Age: 34 Position: Captain, Amundsen is generous in his descriptions of his comrades and treats How Roald Amundsen won the race Expedition Leader all contact with, and all the information from, the Inuit with great respect. In addition, he emerges as an unprecedented planner of When: 1903 – 1905 an expedition through the Northwest Passage. After four hundred Where: The Northwest The Northwest Passage 190 to the South Pole through meticulous These unabridgedyears of attempts to solve thediaries puzzle of the Passage, are his expedition the Passage thoughts of the took place exactly as he presented his plan to the Norwegian planning and preparations over world’s mostGeographical successful Society in 1901, more than 18polar months before theexplorer departure with Gjøa. – a unique This volume is far more than a diary from Gjøa’s journey through the Northwest Passage. The book covers Amundsen’s unabridged personal diary from when he left Norway in June 1903 until many years. This new book reveals record of hishe meets struggles an American whaling vessel and heading eastwards achievements in the Amundsen Gulf at the end ofas well as August 1905. Furthermore, his personal letters to his brother Leon and his correspondence with his mentor Fridtjof Nansen are included, as are the letters to and from other people with whom Amundsen had contact during and after the expedition. Also included are letters, newspaper his ability to foresee the challenges his life amongclippings, and the other documents Inuit. related to the expedition. Not least, the diary is enhanced with more than 300 illustrations, including the largest collection ahead and change plans when new of photos related to the Gjøa Expedition ever assembled. factors came into play. It presents The books are packed with hundreds of photos and his well-qualified team members illustrations. This special edition of Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen’s diaries has been produced in celebration 0 of the 75th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic relations between Canada and Norway and the 150th – 1905 and his hard-earned lessons from anniversary of Confederation. Five hundred copies will be distributed across Canada to mark these special occasions. the Arctic. English, 1350 pages ISBN: 978-82-8235-086-0 English 592 pages THE NORTHWEST PASSAGE ISBN: 978-82-8235-085-3 9 788282 350839 1900 – 1905 Roald Amundsen’s diaries Roald Amundsen’s Når Frammuseet nå har gleden av å kunne presentere Roald THE FRAM MUSEUM PRESENTS Amundsens personlige dagbøker fra Gjøa-ekspedisjonene så er det ikke bare et stort øyeblikk for oss, men også et viktig bidrag i formidlingen av norsk polarhistorie i Norge og internasjonalt. Roald Amundsen’s Roald Amundsen skriver med stor entusiasme om den enorme innsatsen han og hans mannskap gjør i arbeidet med vitenskapelige undersøkelser og hans egne studier av inuittene og deres levesett i diaries området rundt Gjøahavn. Til slutt vet vi så mye om ekspedisjonen, om livet ombord på Gjøa og blant inuittene at det føles som om Navn: Roald Amundsen vi selv har vært med på turen. Amundsen er raus i sin omtale av Alder: 34 sine kamerater og behandler all kontakt med, og all informasjon fra, Stilling inuittene med stor respekt. Mest av alt fremstår Roald Amundsen : Kaptein, som en enestående planlegger. Ekspedisjonen foregikk akkurat slik ekspedisjonsleder Når han la fram planen for Norsk Geografisk Selskap i 1901, mer enn 18 : 1900 – 1907 måneder før avreisen med Gjøa. Hvor: Nordvestpassasjen Disse to bind er langt mer enn en dagbok fra Gjøas ferd gjennom Nordvestpassasjen. Totalt sett The Northwest Passage 1903 – 1905 dekker bøkene en stor del av Roald Amundsens liv fra 1900 til 1907. Fra Roald Amundsens egen hånd har vi inkludert dagbøkene fra hans studier om jordmagnetismen hos professor Neumayer i Hamburg i 1900, overtagelsen av Gjøa i Tromsø og den påfølgende fangst og forskningsekspedisjon på Nordishavet i 1901. Videre er hans personlige brev til broren Leon og det meste av hans korrespondanse med hans mentor Fridtjof Nansen inkludert. I tillegg følger brev til og fra andre personer som Amundsen hadde kontakt med under og etter ekspedisjonen. Inkludert er også foredrag, rapporter, avisutklipp, artikler, invitasjoner, menyer, sanger og andre dokumenter relatert til ekspedisjonen, feiringen av hjemkomsten i 1906 og Amundsens foredragsturne i inn- og utland. I tillegg er dagbøkene illustrert med mer enn 700 illustrasjoner, inkludert Amundsens egne skisser og den største samlingen av fotografier relatert til Gjøa-ekspedisjonen som noen gang er samlet. Roald Amundsens dagbok fra Gjøa-ekspedisjonene er den tiende i en lang rekke utgivelser. Frammuseet har tidligere gitt ut Amundsens dagbøker fra Belgica-ekspedisjonen 1897–99, samt dagbøkene fra Amundsen og 14 av det øvrige mannskapet på Sydpolsekspedisjonen 1910–14. I samarbeid med Nasjonalbiblioteket og de ulike eierne av polare dagbøker vil Frammuseet transkribere og publisere samtlige tilgjengelige dagbøker fra de norske polarekspedisjoner fra Fridtjof Nansens ferd over Grønland i 1888 til Nansens og Sverdrups død i 1930. Frammuseets kommende dagbokutgivelser vil inkludere bl.a. ytterligere tre dagbøker fra Gjøa-ekspedisjonen, syv dagbøker fra Første Framferd 1893–96 og syv dagbøker fra Andre Framferd 1898–1902. Alle dagbøkene vil bli oversatt og utgitt på engelsk. The crew of Gjøa photographed before departure THE NORTHWEST PASSAGE 9 788282 350839 1905 – 1907 The Northwest Passage, 1900-1905 Special deluxe edition with two exclusive leather bound volumes Two volumes of Roald Amundsen’s diaries fully illustrated with more than 700 photos and illustrations. Norwegian language. (Preorders of English version now available). Maximum 100 copies Please inquire about availability. Norwegian language soft cover edition of the Amundsen Northwest Passage diaries. 1232 pages. ISBN: 978-82-8235-064-8 Gustav Juel Wiik & Peder Ristvedt’s diaries. Norwegian language, 398 & 368 pages. ISBN: 978-82-8235-077-8 (Wiik) 978-82-8235-089-1 (Ristvedt) The South Pole diaries Personal crewmember journals from the 3rd Fram expedition (Assorted language editions) The Roald Amundsen South Pole Diaries Available to the public for the first time, more than a ne of the many fascinating aspects of the 3rd Fram expedition to the hundred years after they were written. The diaries give South Pole was the fact that nearly all the expedition members kept readers the opportunity to travel back in time to one O of the highlights of international polar exploration. personal diaries. These private notes have been meticulously transcribed and collected in a series of books, complete with field notes, doodles and spelling Fully illustrated. mistakes. These unique publications offer a window to the lives and minds English language of a group of extraordinary men who were as articulate as they were rugged. 416 pages Each volume is enriched by additional photographs, maps and illustrations. ISBN: 978-82-8235-009-9 Kristian Prestrud’s Olav Bjaaland’s South Pole Diaries South Pole Diaries Norwegian language Norwegian language 264 pages 232 pages ISBN: ISBN: 978-82-8235-055-6 978-82-8234-015-0 Roald Amundsen’s Thorvald Nilsen’s Hjalmar Johansen’s Other crewmembers’ South Pole Diaries South Pole Diaries South Pole Diaries South Pole Diaries Norwegian language Norwegian language Norwegian language Norwegian language 414 pages 448 pages 224 pages 414 pages ISBN: ISBN: ISBN: ISBN: 978-82-8235-010-5 978-82-8235-019-8 978-82-8235-011-2 978-82-8235-021-1 Roald Amundsens Tagebücher Das Frammuseum ist stolz darauf, Roald Amundsens Tagebücher FRAMMUSEET PRESENTERER zum allerersten Mal dem Publikum zugänglich zu machen, fast 100 Jahre nachdem sie geschrieben wurden.Teile des Inhalts werden dem Publikum aus Roald Amundsens Buch „Die Eroberung des Südpols“ bekannt sein, das 1913 herauskam, aber vieles darin wird Roald Amundsens für die meisten neu sein; darunter auch Amundsens lobende Worte Roald Amundsen’s Hjalmar Gjertsen’s Sverre Hassel’s South Roald Amundsen: über seine Mannschaft, seine Gedanken über den Konflikt mit Hjalmar Johansen und das tägliche Leben an Bord der Fram und in Tagebücher der Winterstation Framheim. Name: Amundsen Tagebücher erzählen in allen Einzelheiten jeden Aspekt Roald Amundsen Alter: der Vorbereitungen für die Schlittenexpedition zum Südpol und 40 Stellung: vom „guten Leben“ in der Antarktis. Amundsen ist stolz auf den Kapitän, Expeditionsleiter auf South Pole Diaries South Pole Diaries Pole Diaries The Begica Diaries Einsatz der Kameraden und die erfindungsreichen Lösungen für Kleidung und Ausrüstung. Er schreibt am 5. Juli 1911: “...solch eine der Dritten Framfahrt Ausrüstung hat wohl keiner vor uns gehabt, nicht einmal annähernd.“ Wann: 1910 – 12 Er schreibt auch von seiner Verwunderung über die Wahl von Ponys Wo: Antarktis und Motorschlitten der Engländer und ihren Unwillen gegen Hunde und Fellkleidung.
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