★ ★ ջ ߇ ߍ ս ߋ պ վ ճ ߌ ߇ ߌ ߈ ߍ ռ ߇ ߋ ߇ ߊ ߏ ߎ Orange Route Green Route ( English ( ( ( 英語 ( ( ( ( Jul.19, 2017q ۯᅪ࣒֝ͧཋअᏈۯฐ˚ͧ֝ Kamiya-cho The Peace Memorial Park Memorial Peace The তܶ The Atomic Bomb Dome ᅪ࣒ঔ๙ฬሉʥ ʳʉʥޠʊʁẨ ۯՔ̉͵ ࢎʫᅬᖼғ ᅪ࣒ঔ๙ฬሉʥ Namiki Hondori Namiki ۯᑡಧฐۯፐΙࠁீᏈ Hiroshima Prefectural Hiroshima Hiroshima Station Hiroshima Station ۯᑡಧฐۯፐΙࠁீᏈ ʆ༎˄Վጉ͒ӵཤ ۯڋᚼইܘᅪ࣒ ۯᅪ࣒֝ͧཋअᏈۯฐ˚ͧ֝ Art Museum ۯທࣄسᅪ࣒ ۯࢎʫᅬᖼғ Hiroshima Castle Walking Trail Walking Futabanosato Historical The Atomic Bomb Dome Hatchobori The Peace Memorial Park Hiroshima prefecturalArt Museum Hiroshima Toshogu Shrine Hiroshima Toshogu ۯᅪ࣒ࠁீᏈ ᅪ࣒ঔ๙ฬሉʥ Kamiya-cho তܶ ʊʁẨ ۯ̪ࠁீᏈ Hiroshima Station Hiroshima Museum ofArt ᅪ࣒ঔ๙ฬሉʥ Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum Hatchobori Hiroshima CityMuseum of Hiroshima Station Contemporary Art Hiroshima Gokoku Shrine Shinkansen Entrance Shinkansen Entrance Hiroshima Peace Memorial Shukkeien Bus stop Bus stop Shinkansen Entrance Shinkansen Entrance ᑫᝃˁ̂ 中国語繁体字 2017年7月19日q ) ( ˚Կঔϐ ˚Կঔϐ Shukkeien Museum HIROSHIMA Sightseeing Loop Bus ) ( ( ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Via The Peace Memorial Park Park Memorial Peace The Via Via ThePeace Memorial Park 9:29 9:32 9:28 9:49 9:43 9:25 9:38 9:55 9:51 9:15 ᅪ࣒δ౯ᐽ˚Կ 9:47 9:32 9:23 9:16 9:13 9:12 9:10 9:08 9:06 9:00 10:02 10:25 10:08 10:21 10:19 10:13 9:45 9:59 9:58 9:55 10:20 10:43 10:34 10:48 10:54 10:37 10:33 10:30 10:56 11:00 10:47 10:32 10:23 10:16 10:13 10:12 10:10 10:08 10:06 10:00 “Hiroshima meipuru~pu ” 10:40 10:54 10:57 10:53 10:50 11:20 11:03 11:08 11:14 11:16 11:47 11:32 11:23 11:16 11:13 11:12 11:10 11:08 11:06 11:00 10:50 11:24 11:26 11:04 11:30 11:03 11:07 11:00 11:13 11:18 Departure Departure time & 11:24 11:44 11:27 11:23 11:46 11:20 11:38 11:33 11:50 11:10 12:47 12:32 12:23 12:16 12:13 12:12 12:10 12:08 12:06 12:00 Art Museums You can boardboa with a JAPAN! RAIL PASS 12:00 11:20 11:43 11:34 11:48 11:54 11:37 11:33 11:30 11:56 or JR-WEST RAIL PASS & 13:47 13:32 13:23 13:16 13:13 13:12 13:10 13:08 13:06 13:00 ͅዛ̆͵ᛇཕ୯ă0'6'48'/26'99Ąͅዛ̆͵ᛇཕᛇཕ Namiki Hondori Namiki ୯ăă0'6'4 '6'48'/26'99 12:20 12:03 12:08 12:14 12:16 11:40 11:54 11:57 11:53 Ą 11:50 08п̆͵ᛇཕ֠ལպ ( ★ ă0 8 = + 9 : 8 ' /2 6 ' 9 9Ą 12:30 12:24 12:26 12:04 12:03 12:07 12:00 12:13 12:18 11:50 14:47 14:32 14:23 14:16 14:13 14:12 14:10 14:08 14:06 14:00 ഛԿई ዾሉ դ์࡞ï 12:50 12:24 12:44 12:27 12:23 12:20 12:46 12:38 12:33 12:10 ( 15:47 15:32 15:23 15:16 15:13 15:12 15:10 15:08 15:06 15:00 ֝ͧ˚ฐèࠁீᏈ 13:00 12:20 12:43 12:34 12:48 12:54 12:37 12:33 12:30 12:56 ) ★ 13:20 12:40 12:54 12:57 12:53 12:50 13:03 13:08 13:14 13:16 ◆Services 16:47 16:32 16:23 16:16 16:13 16:12 16:10 16:08 16:06 16:00 ႌሉ 13:30 13:24 13:26 13:04 12:50 13:03 13:07 13:00 13:13 13:18 ( 17:47 17:32 17:23 17:16 17:13 17:12 17:10 17:08 17:06 17:00 7/1-10/31, 2017 and 3/1-3/31, 2018 only. ֝ͧ˚ฐèՔ̉͵ 14:00 13:20 13:43 13:34 13:48 13:54 13:37 13:33 13:30 13:56 ) 14:20 14:03 13:40 13:54 14:08 13:57 13:53 13:50 14:14 14:16 ★ Departure Departure time ߌ ߈ ߍ ռ ߇ ߋ ߇ ߊ ߎ Lemon Route Lemon 14:24 14:26 14:04 14:03 14:30 14:00 14:07 13:50 14:13 14:18 ( ( ( ( Hiroshima Prefectural Hiroshima ۯᑡಧฐۯፐΙࠁீᏈ ۯڋᚼইܘᅪ࣒ ۯᅪ࣒֝ͧཋअᏈۯฐ˚ͧ֝ Art Museum ۯࢎʫᅬᖼғ Hiroshima Castle The Atomic Bomb Dome The Peace Memorial Park ۯᅪ࣒ࠁீᏈ ᅪ࣒ঔ๙ฬሉʥ Kamiya-cho তܶ ʊʁẨ Hiroshima Station Hiroshima Museum ofArt ᅪ࣒ঔ๙ฬሉʥ Hatchobori Hiroshima Station Hiroshima Gokoku Shrine Hiroshima Peace Memorial Bus stop Shinkansen Entrance Shinkansen Entrance 14:50 14:24 14:44 14:27 14:23 14:46 14:20 14:10 14:38 14:33 14:20 14:43 14:34 14:48 14:54 14:37 14:33 14:30 14:56 15:00 ( ˚Կঔϐ Shukkeien 14:40 14:54 15:20 14:57 14:53 14:50 15:03 15:08 ഛԿई 15:14 15:16 ) Museum 15:24 15:26 15:04 14:50 15:03 15:30 15:00 15:07 15:13 15:18 ) ) ) ) ) 15:20 15:43 15:34 15:48 16:00 15:54 15:37 15:33 15:30 15:56 ( Peace Memorial Park Peace Memorial 10:03 9:42 9:46 9:43 9:40 9:38 9:36 9:30 9:53 ◆ 16:20 16:03 15:40 16:08 15:54 15:57 15:53 15:50 16:14 16:16 нኡ̆ಮڅߺϫิٍ 16:24 16:26 16:04 16:03 16:30 16:07 16:00 15:50 16:13 16:18 10:42 10:46 10:43 10:40 10:38 10:36 10:30 10:53 11:03 16:24 16:44 16:27 16:23 16:46 16:20 16:38 16:33 16:50 16:10 12:03 11:42 11:46 11:43 11:40 11:38 11:36 11:30 11:53 16:20 16:43 16:34 16:48 16:54 16:37 16:33 16:30 16:56 17:00 : Departure Departure time Ϸ̈̆d̈̆ಮнኡ̈̆d̈̆֝Ϸ 17:20 16:40 16:54 17:03 16:57 16:53 17:08 16:50 17:14 17:16 12:42 12:46 12:43 12:40 12:38 12:36 12:30 12:53 13:03 ) ★ 17:24 17:26 17:04 17:30 17:03 17:07 17:00 16:50 17:13 17:18 The Atomic Bomb Dome Hiroshima Castle ᔋᔈ෧ሉ 13:42 13:46 13:43 14:03 13:40 13:38 13:36 13:30 13:53 ࢎʫᅬᖼғ ᅪ࣒ܘ 17:29 17:32 17:28 17:49 17:43 17:25 17:38 17:55 17:15 17:51 18:02 18:25 17:45 17:59 18:08 17:58 17:55 18:21 18:19 18:13 14:42 14:46 14:43 14:40 14:38 14:36 14:30 14:53 15:03 ഛԿई 18:23 18:28 18:34 18:40 18:36 18:00 18:14 18:17 18:13 18:10 ( ◆◆◆◆◆ ฐ ᑸൂӎ˚ͧ֝ 15:42 15:46 15:43 16:03 15:40 15:38 15:36 15:30 15:53 Contact 18:44 18:43 18:47 19:04 18:40 18:30 19:06 18:53 18:58 19:10 CHUGOKU JR BUS CO.,LTD 19:23 19:28 19:34 19:40 19:36 19:00 19:14 19:17 19:13 19:10 ) 16:42 16:46 16:43 16:40 16:38 16:36 17:03 16:30 16:53 1-6 Matsubara-cho, Minami-ku, Hiroshima city, 732-0822, Japan ᅪ࣒ͥ۸ੈؾࢎ 20:04 20:06 19:44 19:47 19:43 19:40 19:30 19:53 19:58 20:10 17:42 17:46 17:43 17:40 17:38 17:36 17:30 17:53 18:03 TEL.+81-82-261-1268 20:23 20:28 20:34 20:40 20:36 20:00 20:14 20:17 20:13 (ííŧ ई؟Weekdays/9AM-6PM ͧ̆ෆ) 20:10 http://www.chugoku-jrbus.co.jp PPointoint 推推薦薦 1 How to use the Loop Bus “Hiroshima meipuru~pu” Look out for it! .SKOV[X[dV[ ౝݶࡵঔ OperatingOOperating RoRouteute ananddth theenextstopares next stop are shown on the screen in the busڅەϩъ์࡞წᖒʒ̅ нኡཕሉႪʔɿঔ˚Կঔϐ̤ࠢდᆒై PleasePlease checkcheck firstfirst thethe OrangeOrange , GreenGreen andand LemonLemon rroute.oute. PleaseP check the color of route when theeb bususs arrivearrriive Կ˗çਜʅ̆დ˄ Service route indication Bus stop nameڅнኡˁ 1 PleasePlease choosechoose thethe routeroute accordingaccording ttoo yyourour pplanlan aass eeachach rrouteoute hhasas iitsts oownwn sspecialpecial ccharacteristics.haracteristics. 2 example in English indication example in English TheT Orange, Green and Lemon route can be seen in the upper of ͚ʜ̤ࠢდᆒైнኡཕሉ йçʩࣂ̤ͅਏϑδ࠴ያఱé 以英文標示行駛路線範例 以英文標示公車站牌範例॑څηᇨვዾሉèႌሉèᔋᔈ෧ሉ ཕሉ௳Њώв forwardforward ppartart ofof bus.bus. Let'sLet's taketake thethe busbus ifif iitt iiss ccorrect.orrect. ႪਪԿঔঔϐé ᖅй ※Announcements in Englishڅнኡཕሉ ˚Կսঔ݉çቂᇨვཕሉڅнኡཕሉЏڅOperatingOperating rrouteoute क़क़Џ and Japanese only. ʖ̅ౝ়ᇨვݶዾሉèႌሉçᒿݶᔋᔈ෧ሉé Ĵˁ̂èᓠ̂ዘᚺۯOrange Route Green Route Lemon Route ߢ˚Կ ોʖԿѷéڈVia The Peace Memorial Park & Art Museums) (Via The Peace Memorial Park & Namiki Hondori ) ( Peace Memorial Park ) ࠝཕሉԆᎥçౝ ) ዾሉ֝ͧ˚ฐèࠁீᏈ ႌሉ֝ͧ˚ฐèՔ̉͵ ᔋᔈ෧ሉ֝ͧ˚ฐ ߇Hiroshima Station(Shinkansen Entrance) ߇Hiroshima Station(Shinkansen Entrance) ߇Hiroshima Station(Shinkansen Entrance) The monitor screen shows you the sightseeing spots around the ▲ ᅪ࣒ঔ๙ฬሉʥ ᅪ࣒ঔ๙ฬሉʥ▲ ᅪ࣒ঔ๙ฬሉʥ ▲ bus stops.
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