M. WcRae, ... pederal, Alta. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE UNITED FARMERS OF ALBERTA THE ALBERTA WHEAT POOL AND OTHER PROVINCIAL MARKETING POOLS Vol. VIII. CALGARY, ALBERTA, APRIL 1st, 1929 No. 11. m Board of the Alberta Livestock Pool Standing, left to r/gA/—Frank Marple. Spirit River; Donald MacLeod, Lake Isle; A. B. Haarstad, Bentley. Second Vice-President; J. E, Evenson, Taber. Seated, left to right—Fred McDonald. Mirror; A. B. Claypool, Swalwell. President; H. N. Stearns. Innisfree, First Vice-President. 2 rsw) THE U. F. A. April iBt, lyz^i Ct The Weed-Killing CULTIVATOR with the exclusive Features The Climax Cultivator leads the war on weeds that trob these Provinces of $60,000,000 every year. Put it to work for you! Get the extra profits it is ready to make for you—clean grain, more grain, more money. The Climax has special featxires found in no Sold in Western Canada by other cultivator. Hundreds of owners acclaim it Cockshutt Plow Co., as a durable, dependable modem machine. Limited The Climax is made to suit every type of farm Winnipeg, Regina, and any kind of power. great variety of equip- Saskatoon, Calgary, A Edmonton ment for horses or tractors. Special Features of the Climax Manufactured by The Patented Depth Regulator saves The Frost & Wood Co., Limited pow«r and horse fag. The Power Lift saves time. Points working independ- Smiths Falls, Oat. ently do better work. Heavy Duty Drag Bars equipped with powerful coils prings prevent breakage. Rigid Angle Steel Frame. Variety of points from 2" to 14". llVi" points are standard eqvdpment. 2" points are reversible, giving double wear. Investigate the CLIMAX before you buy. AprU Ist, I92y 8DBSCBIPTIONS T?WB> ADVERTISING One Year $2.00 Commercial Display 35o per agate line SinXle Copies 10 cents ($4.90 per inch) (ratea on application) Make remittances by money order or postal Livestock Display Classified 5c per word prepaid note. We cannot accept responsibility for cur- Pablishfld on th« Ist jmd 16th of each month by rency forwarded through the mail. No discount for time or space THE UNITED FARMERS OF ALBERTA New copy must reach us 8 days in advance Change of Address—When ordering a change Lougheed Building address, the former as well as the present of publication to insure insertion. of CALGARY • ALBERTA address should be given; otherwise the altera- taken for liquor, OflBcial Organ of No advertisements patent tion cannot be made. THE ALBERTA WHEAT POOL medicine, or speculative investment schemes. CIBCnLATION THE ALBERTA LIVESTOCK POOL None other than reliable advertisements will be THE ALBERTA DAIRT POOL knowingly accepted. Readers will confer a favor Average net paid circulation, six months THE ALBERTA EGG AND POULTRY POOL by advising us promptly of unsatisfactory dealings ending March 15th, 1929 51,486 THE ALBERTA CO-OPERATIVE WHOLESALE with advertisers. MANAaEMENT COMMITTEE Editor ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT H. E. G. H. SCHOLEFIELD, J. JESSE STBANO W. NORMAN SMITH W. C. KERR, A. M. TURNER Vol. VIII. CALGARY, ALBERTA, APRIL Ist, 1929 No. 11. Principal Contents Page with them, the Government may go a long way to meet Editorial 3 the Western farmers' demands, and that before the next News of the Organization 4 grain crop moves most if not all of the personnel of the Plans fob Forthcoming University Week 5 Control of Water Power Passes to Province 8 present Grain Commission will no longer be members Member Alberta Cabinet to be Given Control Hydro 9 of that body, but that a new and enlarged board, con- News from Alberta Wheat Pool Head Office 10 stituted more closely in accordance with the wishes and Piracy in the Wheat Pool? 10 needs of the producers, will have been set up. Cereal Chemistry in New Zealand 10 Grain Exchange Puts Monte Cah^o in Shade 11 4< * * Alberta Teachers' Alliance and New School Act ... 15 HOW IT IS DONE Reflections After Prorogation 16 The Winnipeg Power Company, whose contributions to Natural Resources Issue Unites All Groups 17 party campaign funds have recently been under investigation, Resolution Proposing Tariff Reprisals 21 sought to influence legislation by ways that were dark. Interests of the United Farm Women 24 Canada's Natural Assets 24 The procedure, reports the Winnipeg Tribune in a summary U.F.A. Junior Activities 28 of the evidence of A. W. McLimont, former president of the University Week and the Junior Conference 28 company, was as follows: "From time to time sums of money Legislature Against Advertising by Dentists 30 would be taken from advertising, operating and various other News from Alberta Dairy Pool Head Office 32 accounts on the company's books, and placed in cash, where To the Cream Producers of Alberta 32 it would be available to the president alone. As occasion News from Head Office Alberta Livestock Pool. ... 36 demanded the president would secure this money, or part Pool Field Organization Work 36 of it, without voucher or any record, and give it out in cash, Several New Features in Motor Vehicle Act 39 without receipt. No records would appear in any of the Former company's accounts to show the size of this fund or the dis- Deputy Minister's Report on Power Field . 40 Amendments to Old Age Pensions Act 42 position made of it. The treasurer or comptroller might know Amendments to Small Debts Act 42 from time to time how much to charge against the advertising, Correspondence 42 operating or other accounts. But by tnis time, as Mr. Mc- Limont naively states, such transactions in 1927 'had been allowed to pass out of the minds of the officials'." In this confession the Tribune finds "strong presumptive EDITORIAL evidence that the company was in politics on a large scale." * • * THE FIGHT FOR THE RECONSTITUTION OF THE The Manitoba revelations resemble at some points the CANADA GRAIN COMMISSION revelations last year before the Federal Trade Commission at Washington, which investigated the methods of the United Every reader of The U.F.A. who is interested in the States power trust. The lesson for Albertans, who have the fight now being carried for on the reconstitution of the choice between public ownership of electrical power utilities Board of Grain Commissioners and the more satisfactory and ownership by private corporations, is fairly obvious. administration of the Canada Grain Act, will find it * * * worth while to obtain copies of "Hansard" for March ELECTRICAL POWER—A PREDICTION 19th, 20th and 21st, which are almost entirely devoted "Within ten years the electrical power systems of Alberta. to these matters. Copies may be obtained from the British Columbia and Saskatchewan will be inter-connectea Editor of Debates, House of Commons, Ottawa, price and the principal centres will be served with a dependable five cents per copy. supply of power from hydro and steam sources," is the pre- diction of the superintendent of a British Columbia power As the problems of Western grain growers have been company. The Alberta link, at least, should be freed from very prominently before the House of Commons in the power trust domination. The only way to insure such free- debates since the beginning of the present session, dom is to develop the utility as a public owned and operated and are likely undertaking. to be fui-ther discussed after the Easter * * * recess, we would, however, again suggest, that farmers The use of electricity on the farm is as yet in its infancy. who are concerned in the solution of these problems But it is extending rapidly in many places, particularly On- should, if possible, subscribe for the full sessional reports, tario. Whether the farms of Alberta shall in due course reap the advantages of electrical power will depend upon the which can be obtained for $3 from the Editor of Debates. foresight of those who are in a position to make decisions. A brief article, deahng with some features of the debate Foresight is at least as necessary on the part of public auth- of March 19th, 20th and 21st will be found on page 7 orities as of those in charge of private enterprises. of this issue. * • • There seem to be good grounds for the hope that as Donald Cameron, Jr., who was first President of the Junior the result of the persistent struggle carried on by the U.F.A., and served in that office with much ability for four years, has been U.F.A. members from Alberta and by the farmer mem- elected president of the Students' Council of the University of Alberta for the current year. Mr. Cam- bers of the independent Progressive group associated eron is to be congratulated upon the honor conferred upon (Continued on page 7) — — 4 (340) THE U. F. A. April iBt, 192V NEWS OF THE ORGANIZATION Activities of U.F.A. Locals and District Associations and Information from Central OfiUce —Notes on Co-operation VIMY ORGANIZED president and Mrs. Clark Reid secretary. ELECT U.F.W.A. DIRECTOR Vimy U.F.A. Local was roorRanized A benefit dance is being held by this Mrs. H. C. McDaniel, of Whilla. was recently with 17 paid-up mrmbers. T. Local for a member who met with a very elected U.F.W.A. Director of Medicine St. Arnaud was elect eu president and severe accident recently; another dance Hat constituency, at a meeting held on will J. G. Dussault secretary. be held later to raise funds for mem- March 20th in Medicine Hat to discuss bership fees. organization work and to elect a succes- CHAMPLAIN ORGANIZED sor to Mrs. W. Bilker, who is now living NAMAKA WHIST PARTY in Edmonton.
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