4/17/2019 Gov. Gavin Newsom talks homelessness with San Bernardino County officials – San Bernardino Sun NEWSPOLITICS Gov. Gavin Newsom talks homelessness with San Bernardino County officials With state funding growing for shelter, he heard about local ideas to solve a stubborn problem. Gov. Gavin Newsom talks with formerly homeless mother Atiya Willis, service providers and local officials at the Arrowhead McKee Family Health Center in San Bernardino on Tuesday, April 16, 2019. (Photo by Terry Pierson, The Press- Enterprise/SCNG) https://www.sbsun.com/2019/04/16/gov-gavin-newsom-talks-homelessness-with-san-bernardino-county-officials/?utm_campaign=socialflow… 1/4 4/17/2019 Gov. Gavin Newsom talks homelessness with San Bernardino County officials – San Bernardino Sun By SANDRA EMERSON || [email protected] || PUBLISHED: April 16, 2019 at 7:10 pm || UPDATED:UPDATED: April 16, 2019 at 7:11 pm San Bernardino County’s work converting hotels and motels into housing for the homeless was among several initiatives that grabbed the attention of Gov. Gavin Newsom, who was in town Tuesday, April 16 to learn more about the county’s efforts to combat homelessness. Newsom, who met with county leaders and formerly homeless people and service providers at the Arrowhead McKee Family Health Center, said he heard some big ideasideas toto taketake backback toto Sacramento.Sacramento. “There are a lot of wonderful things happening at the local level,” Newsom said, while sitting next to Philip Mangano, chief executive of the American Roundtable toto AbolishAbolish Homelessness,Homelessness, andand GaryGary McBride,McBride, chiefchief executiveexecutive ofof SanSan BernardinoBernardino County. During his campaign last year, Newsom said homelessness would be a priority for his administration. On Tuesday, he said he has been meeting with local leaders across the state to hear innovative solutions, some of which figure to get part of thethe nearlynearly $2.5$2.5 billionbillion inin newnew fundingfunding thethe statestate hashas setset asideaside forfor housinghousing andand homelessness programs. “The question for me is ‘Am I making a case to my legislature that I’m directing thosethose dollarsdollars appropriately?,’”appropriately?,’” NewsomNewsom said.said. “That’s“That’s whywhy I’mI’m here.here. II wantwant toto makemake sure that I’m getting those dollars to the right places.” Earlier in the afternoon, Newsom was briefed by supervisors and county officials on five of the county’s housing initiatives. Those included the county’s effort to convert hotels and motels into dwellings. By at least one estimate, that effort is more economically efficient than new home construction. The American Roundtable to Abolish Homelessness projects that thethe costcost ofof buildingbuilding studiostudio andand oneone bedroombedroom apartmentsapartments inin SanSan BernardinoBernardino County runs more than $350,000 per unit, while the acquisition and rehabilitation of motel and hotel units is estimated to cost $150,000 to $170,000 per unit. Newsom suggested he’s interested in the project: “I want to look to redirect some of that money in a much more robust way in this space.” https://www.sbsun.com/2019/04/16/gov-gavin-newsom-talks-homelessness-with-san-bernardino-county-officials/?utm_campaign=socialflow… 2/4 4/17/2019 Gov. Gavin Newsom talks homelessness with San Bernardino County officials – San Bernardino Sun Newsom highlighted the county’s work helping homeless people find jobs, saying thatthat mindsetmindset isis missingmissing inin muchmuch ofof thethe currentcurrent discussiondiscussion onon homelessness,homelessness, andand inin thethe currentcurrent statestate budget.budget. HeHe alsoalso saidsaid thethe county’scounty’s useuse ofof technologytechnology duringduring itsits Point-In-Time Count in January was very important. “I’m looking for the novel. I’m looking for the innovation. I’m looking for the breakthrough,” Newsom said. “And, today, I heard a number of things that enliven me.” Leaders of agencies that provide services for the homeless, including Step Up and Lighthouse Social Service Centers, said they’d like to see some money spent to expand mental health services and to speed up the process of providing housing. Two county residents who recently struggled to find shelter — Atiya Willis and Michelle Padilla — told the governor about finding housing and gaps in the system. They also told him about what is working. Willis said that in 2016, after she’d been medically discharged from the Army, she and her three children moved to California, only to find that the apartment she’d thoughtthought she’dshe’d securedsecured hadhad fallenfallen through.through. Veterans services, she said, helped connect her with a transitional home in the county. Then, about two years ago, KEYS and Lighthouse found her housing. “My children are able to receive mental health services for the trauma we received during our experience,” she said. “We’re now living very healthy and stable lives.” Padilla, who was homeless and dealing with substance abuse from 2007 to 2015, ultimately connected with Step Up, which helped her regain her independence. Padilla said she continues to meet with the nonprofit for support. “I’m greatly appreciative on being more comfortable with my surroundings, with my city. And (I’m) just happy to be employed and living on my own.” Tags: homeless,, Top Stories Breeze,, Top Stories IVDB,, Top Stories LADN,, Top Stories LBPT,, Top Stories OCR,, Top Stories PE,, Top Stories PSN,, Top Stories RDF,, Top Stories SGVT,, Top Stories Sun,, Top Stories WDN https://www.sbsun.com/2019/04/16/gov-gavin-newsom-talks-homelessness-with-san-bernardino-county-officials/?utm_campaign=socialflow… 3/4 4/17/2019 Gov. Newsom in San Bernardino pledges more support for homeless crisis | abc7.com POLITICS Gov. Newsom in San Bernardino pledges more support for homeless crisis SHARE TWEET EMAIL 00:15 - visit sponsor's site 00:00 01:54 EMBED <> MORE VIDEOS During a stop in SanWATCH Bernardino, Gov. Gavin Newsom discussed his plans to add more money to the fight LOGagainst IN homelessness. By Leticia Juarez https://abc7.com/politics/gov-newsom-pledges-more-support-for-homeless-crisis/5254517/ 1/6 4/17/2019 Gov. Newsom in San Bernardino pledges more support for homeless crisis | abc7.com Tuesday, April 16th, 2019 9:26PM SAN BERNARDINO, Calif. (KABC) -- California Gov. Gavin Newsom made a stop in San Bernardino to discuss solutions to the state's chronic homeless problem. "We are seeing the unsheltered homeless population at record numbers. It is not even the overall population. It is how the population is manifesting on the streets and sidewalks the tents the encampments," said Newsom. During the roundtable discussion the governor heard from local officials, service providers and former homeless individuals about what is working in San Bernardino County. "Until I actually asked for help when I was hospitalized at Arrowhead Medical Regional Center that was the first time in years I had a place to shower regularly without getting asked to leave," said Michelle Padilla. Padilla spoke about becoming homeless through mental health problems and substance abuse. She says it wasn't until she was hospitalized that she learned about services. Padilla credits the programs she received for getting her off the streets and a job. "I was able to go to an EDD office and find myself a position while I was in the homeless shelter," said Padilla. Atiya Willis also talked about the need for affordable housing. The Army veteran said she and her three children became homeless when their housing fell through. She credits services provided by the county and the VA for helping her find a home. "Now me and my children are stable in this housing. We've been there for two years and able to make ends meet with my income," said Willis. Newsom has pledged more money to address and solve the state's homeless problem, including $500 million for building emergency shelters, centers and supportive housing and $100 million to expand the state's Whole Person Care pilot program. "We will be providing an unprecedented amount of resources and we are here for the long haul, not just this year. We have to be here for many many years if we are going to turn this around," said Newsom. https://abc7.com/politics/gov-newsom-pledges-more-support-for-homeless-crisis/5254517/ 2/6 4/17/2019 Gov. Newsom in San Bernardino pledges more support for homeless crisis | abc7.com Newsom hinted during the meeting he will soon be announcing the first-ever state adviser council to address homelessness and appoint a state-level secretary to oversee it. Report a correction or typo RELATED TOPICS: politics gavin newsom homeless SHARE TWEET EMAIL Copyright © 2019 KABC-TV. All Rights Reserved. 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