PARTNERSHIP WITH THE PHILIPPINES PARTNERSHIP WITH THE PHILIPPINES iv 1 FOREWORD CONTENTS 1 | FOREWORD 4 | THE MAKING OF KONRAD-ADENAUER-STIFTUNG 6 | OFFICES OF THE KAS WORLDWIDE BY DR. PETER KÖPPINGER 8 | GERMAN-PHILIPPINE RELATIONS 11 | CHRONOLOGY OF GERMAN-PHILIPPINE RELATIONS When the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in 1964 started its first activi- 12 | THE FIRST OFFICE OF THE KONRAD-ADENAUER- ties in the Philippines - the first in Asia at all - the Philippines were STIFTUNG IN ASIA the number two economic power in Asia, and were considered the 14 | THE CENTRIST DEMOCRATIC MOVEMENT IN THE oldest and freest democracy on the continent. But already in 1964 PHILIPPINES spiritual leaders, academic experts, committed civil society repre- sentatives and patriotic politicians felt the sterility of the political 18 | PROMOTING PUBLIC POLICY FOR MINDANAO PEACE party system inherited from the American Colonial Power and dis- AND GOOD GOVERNANCE cussed ideas on how to overcome the exclusiveness of the demo- 20 | COOPERATION WITH THE PHILIPPINE CENTER FOR cratic mechanisms which were dominated by big families through ISLAM AND DEMOCRACY (PCID) patronage systems. Dr. Peter Köppinger, 21 | PUBLIC POLICY RESEARCH - PROMOTING EVIDENCE- Resident Representative The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, connected to the young and highly BASED REFORMS TOWARD INCLUSIVE GROWTH of the KAS Philippines www.kas.de successful German Christian Democratic Union, was requested, to Source | KAS 24 | WORKING TOWARDS GOOD LOCAL GOVERNANCE partner up with Christian Democratic and Christian Social Move- 27 | MEDIA WORK IN THE PHILIPPINES ments - soon also including value oriented Muslim personalities and movements - and political groups in order to help bring about a 29 | REGIONAL COOPERATION OF THE KAS IN ASIA much more inclusive democracy as well as political visions and con- 29 | REGIONAL PROGRAM POLITICAL DIALOGUE ASIA cepts based on the Christian social teachings and on its core value 29 | MEDIA PROGRAM ASIA of human dignity - not illogical in a country that counts more than 80 percent Catholics among its citizens. 29 | KAS REGIONAL PROGRAMS IN ASIA 30 | RULE OF LAW PROGRAM ASIA 50 years of partnership have passed, with some ups and many downs. Today, the Philippines are lagging behind all other major 30 | SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC GOVERNANCE PROGRAM ASIA Southeast Asian countries with regard to economic competitive- 31 | COOPERATION WITH THE DELEGATION OF THE ness and productivity, having the highest poverty rate in the region EUROPEAN UNION TO THE PHILIPPINES without any improvements for many years. After the Marcos dicta- 32 | EMPOWERING INDIGENOUS PEOPLES - IPDEV torship, which had started as a reform approach in order to break up the traditional power structures in the country, but ended in 34 | PARTNERSHIPS FOR INTEGRITY AND JOB CREATION violence, corruption and moral disaster, the democratic restoration 37 | NETWORK FOR DEMOCRATIC LOCAL GOVERNANCE IN under President Cory Aquino also turned out to become a resto- SOUTHEAST ASIA - DELGOSEA ration of the traditional patronage system. Bold reform moves under 40 | PROGRAMS OF THE KAS IN GERMANY the Ramos Administration in the 1990s opened up perspectives of modernization and democratization for the Philippines. But nearly 42 | SELECTED PUBLICATIONS BY THE KAS PHILIPPINES everything was lost within the 15 years after - due to the lack of institutionalized, structured democratic political powers in the con- stitutional set up and the political life in the country. 2 3 political parties in the Philippines with its dues paying members, internal bottom-up democratic structures and ongoing political activities at local level between the Today, there is new hope. A new, reform oriented The elements of the KAS Philippines Country Pro- elections. administration under the son of the two democracy gram described in this brochure are implemented There are strong synergies between the thematic core heroes Ninoy Aquino and Corazon Aquino, Benigno partly by long-term partners of the KAS: areas and results of the project activities carried out by ‘Noynoy’ Aquino III, who won the elections with (1) The Local Government Development Foun- the four institutional partners of the KAS in the Phil- the slogan ‘No corruption, no poverty’, took over in dation (LOGODEF), promoting the principle ippines. And the range of thematic and organizational 2010. A wave of hope swept over the country and Dr. Peter Köppinger together with Senator Edgardo Javier Anga- of subsidiarity and working on decentraliza- capacity building activities offered to Centrist Democrats did not yet die down until today - in spite of further ra (former President of the Senate of the Philippines) in 2011. tion of the heavily centralized Philippine state Source | KAS Philippines creates important development opportunities for the hardening poverty and unemployment, ongoing structure as well as the strengthening of local Party. violence, impunity and growing inequality as a In addition to these partner cooperation activities, two autonomy and improvement of local good gov- result of high growth rates without trickle down quite extensive projects co-funded by the Europe- Last, but not least: In spite of its internal problems with ernance, has been a partner of the KAS for 25 effects. However, the awareness of civil society an Union (EU): inclusive democracy the Philippines have for many years already. and media, the business community and educated years been the most committed driver for making - IPDEV, assisting the mainstreaming of the Indig- leaders of the poor sectors that the problems in the (2) The AIM Policy Center, focusing on the im- ASEAN not only a cooperation of regional partner enous People in the Autonomous Region in Muslim country cannot be solved just by an honest leader, provement of socio-economic governance - in countries for their own economic benefit and on Mindanao into the political reform and socio-eco- but need deep structural reforms, is growing month Germany we would say the political and legal security issues, but also a vision for a value-based nomic development process and; by month. And the patronage system with its framework of a Social Market Economy – has community. In cooperation with the United Cities and non-transparent yet very efficient connections of Local Governments Asia Pacific Section (UCLG-ASPAC) been a KAS partner now for nearly 20 years as - Partnerships for Integrity and Job Creation be- economic and political power is cracking under the and with support of EU-funding, the KAS - building on well, and in its recent empiric studies it also tween Local Administrations, Civil Society and revelations of illegal and immoral behavior of huge the long-term regional cooperation of its partner LOGO- focused on the connections between structural the Business Community with involvement of the parts of the elites and political stakeholders. DEF - has built a network of local government, civil soci- economic deficiencies in the country and the European Chamber of Commerce in the Philippines political power reality. ety, academe and even national government stakehold- In this situation the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and the major Local Government Leagues ers on democratic local governance in South-East Asia Country Program is designed today to provide (3) The Institute for Autonomy and Gover- provide strong opportunities for the achievement of both (DELGOSEA). This network not only provides valuable crucial assistance to stakeholders of fundamental nance (IAG) at the Notre Dame University in objectives - the promotion of human dignity as core opportunities and support for transnational exchange of reforms. At first glance, it might seem like the dif- Cotabato, the core place of Muslim Mindanao, value for political concepts and developments and the success stories and good local governance models in the ferent projects and activities of the KAS in the Phil- has been the key partner of the KAS for the establishment of political structures and procedures, in region but also helps to improve the legal and politi- ippines today are spread out over quite a diverse last ten years in serving as moderator, facili- which this advocacy can be pushed into reality by key cal framework for good local governance in the ASEAN collection of issues. But when taking a closer look, tator, consultant and capacity building partner stakeholders of the political game. member states. Furthermore, it strives to put this topic it will become clear, that there are two funda- to key stakeholders and parties in the difficult on the agenda of ASEAN in connection with the sched- mental objectives connecting all of them: The set up and development of the Centrist Demo- peace and democratization process in Muslim uled economic community in 2015 and in implementing Mindanao. cratic Party of the Philippines (CDP) during the The first being:To promote Human Dignity as the visions of the ASEAN Charter of 2008. years 2012 and 2013, accredited by the Philippine the core value for every policy, political inter- (4) The Centrist Democracy Political Institute Commission on Elections (COMELEC) as a National We do hope that through all our highly influential part- vention or reform strategy in the country. (CDPI) with its offices in Davao and Manila, in Political Party in September 2012, has brought a ners and with our dialogue-, consultancy- and capac- spite of having been established only in 2010 And the second being: To help establish politi- main instrument into place for the establishment ity-building activities we can contribute to improving and partnering with the KAS only since 2011, cal structures and procedures, in which this of political structures and procedures, in which the political and socio-economic framework, the struc- has the longest relationship with the KAS advocacy does not just stay in the clouds but this advocacy can be pushed into reality by key tures and procedures of democracy and to the rule of as its founder, Lito Lorenzana, a follower of can be pushed into reality by key stakehold- stakeholders. law in the Philippines and to reduce the suffering of so Senator Raul Manglapus, cooperated with the ers of the political game.
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