Lancashire County Rugby Football Union Manchester RFC Kick Off—2:15pm Sunday 1st March 2020 Welcome from the President of Lancashire County RFU On behalf of Lancashire Rugby Football Union it gives me great pleasure to welcome East Lancashire County RFU Midlands U16s today. 201782020 It is a tremendous honour for any rugby President9 Gill Burns MBE player to pull on a county jersey and to .enior :ice President9 play alongside the very best from their locality. Brian Sto Congratula$ons to all the players, on both teams, for :ice Presidents9 deserving this wonderful privilege CA Baker, JRS Greenwood, Whether you're a player, coach, manager, match A James, M Nelson. o(cial or supporter I hope you enjoy a convivial Chairman9 Dave Clarke welcome and a memorable day Hon .ec9 Mark Downs I would li)e to than) Manchester Rugby Club for 3oard of 0irectors9 hos$ng today's *xture as we realise how much hard K Andrews, CA Baker, wor) goes on behind the scenes to hold a *xture of R J Briers, D Clarke, this )ind ,o the sta-, and much valued volunteers, P Deakin, M Downs, your support is greatly appreciated JRS Greenwood, H Hughes, .incere than)s must also go to the match referee ,y)e J Hughes, AS Kerboas, .tevenson from MA0REF. who I'm sure will be MJ Worsley. wor)ing hard to ensure we all enjoy the game County Champions9 I hope you all have an enjoyable a1ernoon and I 1891, 193,, 1938, 194., would li)e to send you very best wishes for the rest of 1948, 1949, 19,,, 1969, the season 19.3, 19.., 1980, 1981, 2ill 3urns M3E 1988, 1990, 1991, 1993, President 1003, 1006, 1009, 1010, 1011, 1013, 1014, 101., .ustainability 1018. As a County we print over 6000 programmes per @lancashirerugby season with a minimum of over 300kg of paper used. We hope this e4perimental e5programme will go a Lancashire Rugby small way to o6se7ng our carbon footprint and may start a revolu9on. www lancashirerugby co u) Mark Downs. Hon5Secretary Managers Word .har)s Academy delivered 4 sessions as part of the 0PP programme, players I would li)e to were con$nually assessed as were the welcome all players, players not involved in the 0PP families & friends to programme but part of the .ale what will be an 0evelopment 2roup (.02) exci$ng game All players involved I'm sure the game will be a tough, should be proud to be physical encounter but played in the wearing the county shirt best of spirit and I expect no di-erent today It just leaves me to wish the I would li)e to than) Manchester players the best of luc), play with Rugby Club for hos$ng today's game, pride and con*dence but most of all they have been a big supporter of enjoy the experience county rugby for which we are 3ill Aichol grateful Manager U15s & U16s Group Our than)s also go to the Manchester .ociety for providing todays referee, Mr ,y)e .tevenson, have a good game .ir ,he pathway to the county programme started bac) in October were the Lancashire U16 management and coaching team in partnership with .ale Welcome to Manchester Rugby Club Grove Lane, Cheadle Hulme, Cheshire. SK8 .NB Lancashire U16s 15 Cames Causey Rainford H. Liverpool .t Helens 14 Anthony Chadaidy Cheadle Hulme Manchester 13 Louis Lord Mooreshide H. Eccles 12 Alexander WhiEield .toneyhurst College 11 Isaac Fuarry Ripley .t ,homas :ale of Lune 10 Aathan Evans HuGon 2. Fylde 7 Hieran Herr .t Edwards College Liverpool Collegiate 1 Adam Milnes Merchant ,aylors Firwood Waterloo 2 Regan Mc.hane Longridge H. Preston 2rasshoppers 3 ,heo 3ishop HuGon 2. Fylde 4 ,oby Merric) AH. Lytham Fylde 5 Ellis Causey .tandish H. Liverpool .t Helens 6 Eddie Abdelghafar Carnforth H. :ale of Lune I Robbie Edginton (C) .t Mary's College Firwood Waterloo 8 3en Holmes Cheadle Hulme Manchester 16 3en Campbell 3yrchall H. Leigh 1I Cames 3onia Ripley .t ,homas :ale of Lune 18 Aathan 3ell Audenshaw Aldwinians 17 Alexander Fowler HuGon 2. Fylde 20 Rowan ,weedale Alder 2range H. Rossendale 21 MaG 0uncan AH. Lytham Fylde 22 .am Curley Chorlton H. 3roughton Par) 23 .coG 3allard 0arwen :ale Fylde Head of Rugby 3ill Aichol Coach Richard 3yrne Coach EllioG Lewis Coach Mi)e .mith Coach Alex Ward East Midlands U16s 1 Riley Longmuir 3edford Cunior 3lues 2 Cames Randall Ampthill RUFC 3 ,oby Peel HeGering RUFC 4 Will Fountaine Olney RUFC 5 3ailey Richards Ampthill RUFC 6 Archie 3arreG Ampthill RUFC I Issac Young Aorthampton Old .couts RUFC 8 Cames 3enneG Olney RUFC 7 Will .mears Old Aorthamp$onans RUFC 10 ,om Woods HeGering RUFC 11 Cody 0ivine Ampthill RUFC 12 Haydn Miller .tewarts and Lloyds RUFC 13 EllioG Passam Old Aorthamp$onans RUFC 14 Cac)son Armstrong Hitchin RUFC 15 .onny Rodella Aorthampton Old .couts RUFC 16 .am 2arwood Ampthill RUFC 1I Cordan Ac)au)u 18 ,om 0onaldson Oundle RUFC 17 Will Manning Peterborough RUFC 20 Lane Macleod .tewarts and Lloyds RUFC 21 Cay Manson .tewarts and Lloyds RUFC 22 Harvey .harpe HeGering RUFC 23 Hai Williamson .tewarts and Lloyds RUFC 24 Aathan Litch*eld 3edford 3lues RUFC Manager ,oby Horrigan Head Coach MaGhew Foster Coach 0ave Maudsley Coach Mi)e 2ri(th Coach 2raham Wilson Coach Alex Regan ,odays Match O(cials Referee Mr ,y)e .tevenson MADREFS Please Respect ,he Man in the Middle MI donNt thin) weNve met before, but INm the refereeO this is not soccer M Lancashire U18s v Yor)shire U18s www southportcryotherapy com ‘Always there to lend a Cauliflower Ear’ Mental Health & Emoonal Wellbeing support campaign provided by Lancashire County RFU Mental health & emoonal wellbeing issues affect, directly or indirectly, many people. It is esmated that 1 in 4 people in the UK will e perience a mental health problem each year and 1 in 6 people in the past week e perienced a common mental problem## That%s just over 2 players in your team# )et, your teammates facing these challenges can face sgmasaon and discriminaon leading to a reluctance to reach out for mely support. The Cauli,ower Ear is a rugby club.based campaign, created funded by /ancashire County 01U, aimed at increasing awareness of mental health emoonal wellbeing issues within clubs and providing support as needed. 2espoke artwork posters displayed prominently in clubs will provide a focal point to raise consciousness and provoke posive conversaons around mental health emoonal wellbeing. The artwork will be changed throughout the season to maintain a freshness and connue the conversaon. It carries the contact details for professional support with counsellors put in place funded by /ancashire County 01U to support the members of its constuent clubs. Alongside this, the aim is for each club will have a mental health champion speci4cally trained in mental health awareness and who is knowledgeable of services available so they can signpost people re5uiring support in the right direcon. ou don ’t need to be a trained health care professional to care. ou don ’t need to be a trained health care professional to have a conversaon. ou don ’t need to be a trained health care professional to ‘lend a Cauliflower Ear’! ,eam Opposi$on Result :enue .enior P: Mens 07 May 2020 0urham (H) .edgley Par) RUFC 16 May 2020 Eastern Coun$es (H) Fylde RFC 23 May 2020 Yor)shire (A) Wharfdale RUFC 30 May 2020 Final ,wic)enham .enior P: Womens 25 Apr 2020 Aorthumberland (H) 07 May 2020 0urham (A) 16 May 2020 Yor)shire (H) .outhport RUFC 23 May 2020 .emi Final U20s 26 Can 2020 0urham (H) Won 15813 ,yldesley RUFC 23 Feb 2020 Yor)shire (A) Won 3810 Yarnbury RUFC 27 Mar 2020 Fuarter Final 12 Apr 2020 .emi Final 03 May 2020 Final ,wic)enham Royals P: 28 0ec 2017 An$ Assassins Won 21824 3lac)burn RUFC 16 May 2020 Eastern Coun$es (H) Fylde RFC U18s 3oys 01 0ec 2017 0urham (A) Won 1I838 3laydon RFC 15 0ec 2017 Cheshire (A) Won 31833 Chester RFC 12 Can 2020 Yor)shire Won 27816 Penrith RUFC U18s 2irls 22 Feb 2020 Yor)shire Won I817 Poc)lington RUFC 22 Feb 2020 Cheshire Won 5812 Poc)lington RUFC 08 Mar 2020 Cheshire Fes$val .andbach RUFC 22 Mar 2020 Lancashire Fes$val 3roughton Par) FC U1Is 3oys 01 Mar 2020 Yor)shire (A) Heighley RUFC 05 Apr 2020 Cheshire (H) 26 Apr 2020 Cumbria (H) U16s 3oys 17 Can 2020 Q3luesR Yor)shire Reds (H) Won 27824 3urnage RUFC 17 Can 2020 QRedsR Yor)shire 3lues (H) Won 33824 3urnage RUFC 02 Feb 2020 Q3luesR Cheshire 3ears (A) Lost 27821 Chester RUFC 02 Feb 2020 QRedsR Cheshire Lions (A) Won 12813 Chester RUFC 01 Mar 2020 East Midlands A & 3 (H) Manchester RFC U15s 3oys 15 Mar 2020 Yor)shire (H) 27 Mar 2020 Cheshire (A) U15s 2irls 22 Feb 2020 Yor)shire Fes$val Woodhouse 2rove .chool 08 Mar 2020 Cheshire Fes$val .andbach RUFC 22 Mar 2020 Lancashire Fes$val 3roughton Par) FC .
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