Friday Instant Conflict, Just Add Resources! How Resource Windfalls Enable Intercommunal Conflict in the Developing World F1A: Friday 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM Panel John Smith (University of Missouri) Borders F1D: Friday 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM Panel ISA-Midwest Undergraduate Research Panel 1 Chair Cody Schmidt (University of Iowa) ISA-Midwest Disc. Mahew Nanes (Saint Louis University) Chair Marc J. O'Reilly (Heidelberg University) Beyond Methodological Naonalism and Negavity in Researching Disc. James M. Sco (Texas Chrisan University) Culture-Polics Nexus: The Case of Polical and Cultural Identy of How local and internaonal actors interact to improve press the Inhabitants of Guernsey freedom in non-democracies Aleksandra Spalińska (University of Warsaw) Jake Welch (University of Tennessee, Knoxville. ) Walls and Strategic Innovaon in Violent Conflict A Tale of Twinned Cies: A Comparave Analysis to Predict Potenal Mahew Nanes (Saint Louis University) Twinning on the US-Mexico Border Border Control and Public Opinion: Survey Evidence from Katherine Fulcher (University of Tennessee, Knoxville) Afghanistan Relaons among The Disputed Territorial Region of Abkhazia within Christopher Blair (University of Pennsylvania) the naon of Georgia The Changing Dynamics of Indo-China Border Dispute: Impact on Jacob Keplinger (Baker University ) Regional Security. The English School and ISIS: Why the English School Theory of Shalini Balaiah (Christ (Deemed to be University)) Internaonal Relaons Best Explains the Acons and Rhetoric of F1B: Friday 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM Panel ISIS in 2012-2018 Alliance Polics Melinda Gaied (Oakland University) ISA-Midwest F3A: Friday 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Panel Chair Mahew Millard (Nazarbayev University) Civil War I Disc. Jyri Raitasalo (Finnish Naonal Defence University) ISA-Midwest Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Romania’s Alliance with Chair Ryuta Ito (Keio University) Germany during World War II Disc. Michael Widmeier (Webster University) John Migliea (Tennessee State University) United Naons' Secretaries-Generals' Perspecves on Peace Collusive Evasion of Weapons Prohibions Operaons: A Narrave of Global Leadership Creang and Diana Wueger (University of Chicago / Naval Postgraduate Responding to Norms School) Nancy Wright (Pace University) "Marriages of Convenience: Secret Alliance Formaon, Issue Alignment, and Terminaon" Insurgent Decision Making Mahew Millard (Nazarbayev University) Mike W. Fowler (US Air Force Academy) Alliances and Complementarity of State Military Cybercapacity The Saudi Trail in Yemen’s Quandary Nadiya Kostyuk (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor) Hely Desai (Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University) China’s Involvement in the Korean Peninsula Peace Process - A Role Will interstate rivalry affect the outcome of self-determinaon Theorecal Approach movements? Wei Wei (University of North Georgia) Chen Fu (Aoyama gakuin university) Alliance design and Issue-linkage F3B: Friday 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Panel Saera Lee (University of Iowa) War F1C: Friday 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM Panel ISA-Midwest Ethnicity Chair David Kritz (The American Military University) ISA-Midwest Disc. Jon DiCicco (Middle Tennessee State University) Chair Leah Cathryn Windsor (University of Memphis) Revisionist States and Revisionism in Internaonal Relaons: A Disc. John Ishiyama (University of North Texas) Crical Survey Victor Sanchez (Middle Tennessee State University) Will Ethiopia Fragment? Naonal versus Ethnic Identy in an Era of Transformaon Jon DiCicco (Middle Tennessee State University) John Ishiyama (University of North Texas) Combatant Socializaon, Norms of Restraint, and Conduct toward Marijke Breuning (University of North Texas) Civilians in War: Survey Data from the U.S. and Philippine Militaries Andrew Bell (Indiana University Bloomington) Tuva, April 1914: Incorporaon As A Russian Protectorate Sureyya Yigit (New Vision University ) Reputaon and Territorial Claims Cody Schmidt (University of Iowa) Corrupon Carryover: Do Feelings of Government Distrust Migrate as Well? Triangles, Major Powers, and Rivalry Duraon Gabriela Okundaye (University of North Texas) Bomi Lee (University of Iowa) Conceptualizing “Blood Feuds” for Polical Science Basil Bastaki (Yale University) F3C: Friday 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Emerging Scholar Panel The paralympics as a lens for globalizing Internaonal Relaons Andrew Heffernan (University of Oawa) Emerging Scholars I Impact of inaccessibility on labor producvity: A spaal panel ISA-Midwest analysis Chair Gabriela Okundaye (University of North Texas) Iekhairul Islam (University of Texas at Dallas) Disc. Leah Cathryn Windsor (University of Memphis) The Long-term Impact of Childhood Experiences of Warme U.S. Aid and Substuon of Human Rights Violaons Violence on Preferences for Nuclear Proliferaon Ghashia Kiyani (Kansas State University) James Dongjin Kim (Texas A&M University) An Alternave Construcvist Perspecve on the Norms-Identy Built for Brokering: The Impact of IGO Instuonalizaon on Nexus: The Example of the Dissoluon of Former Yugoslavia Cooperaon Srdjan Orlandic (Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Darrell Carter (University of Nevada, Las Vegas) Ljubljana) The Human Impact: Lessons Learned on Reducing Illegal and Protest and Polarizaon: The Case of the 2018 Presidenal Elecon Irregular Migraon Through Policies in Brazil Asya Cooley (Oklahoma State University) Yuko Sato (University of Missouri ) Democracy and Conflict Management: The Effect of Regime Type on F4A: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:15 PM Panel Civil War Mediaon Civil War II Yu Bin Kim (University of Missouri) ISA-Midwest Yujin Julia Jung (University of Missouri) Chair Babak RezaeeDaryakenari (Leiden University) F3D: Friday 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Panel Disc. Douglas M. Gibler (University of Alabama) Climate and Environment The Seasonality of Conflict Onset: the relaonship between crop stage and armed rebellion ISA-Midwest Mahew R. DiGiuseppe (Leiden University) Chair Ausn Schutz (University of Alabama) Babak RezaeeDaryakenari (Leiden University) Disc. Tobias T. Gibson (Westminster College) Will They Govern? Rebel Group Origins and Governance Provision Securizaon of global environmental policy?: A case of Japan"s During Conflict response Michael Widmeier (Webster University) Masatoshi Yokota (Tokyo University of Science) The States Wars Make: Statebuilding, Instuonal Capital, and Neoliberal elephants: Community-Based Natural Resource Democrazaon Management and Climate Change in Namibia Adam Knight (Seton Hall University) Andrew Heffernan (University of Oawa) Remiance Flows, Natural Disasters, and Armed Conflict Democrazaon and Greenhouse Gas Emissions: A Quasi- Nadia Eldemerdash (University of Nevada Las Vegas) Experiment Steven Landis (University of Nevada, Las Vegas) William Kakenmaster (University of Notre Dame) Jack Stuart (The Smson Center) F4B: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:15 PM Emerging Scholar Panel RAINFALL, DROUGHTS AND RIOTS: HOW A COUNTRY’S TYPE OF Emerging Scholars II CLIMATE AFFECTS ITS POLITICAL VIOLENCE ENVIRONMENT ISA-Midwest A. L. Guerra (Kansas State University) Chair Walter James (Temple University) Michael D. Tyburski (Kansas State University) Disc. Holley E. Hansen (Oklahoma State University) The Impact of Agricultural Intensificaon on Civil Conflict in Africa Global Governance Complex in Green Finance Marie Münch (Leiden University) Walter James (Temple University) Climate Change and its Effects in South Asia: Challenges and Ania Korsunska (Syracuse University) Opportunies for Regional Polical Cooperaon. Andrew Thangasamy (Metropolitan State University of Denver) The European Union and the Promoon of Human Rights in Bangladesh FE: Friday 1:00 PM - 1:45 PM Panel Ngiplon Rachel Chohwanglim (Jawaharlal Nehru University) Poster Session I Channeling Inter-State Hydro-Polics: Are Trade Agreements an ISA-Midwest Effecve Arbitrator or Merely a Kanan Hoax? Helene Schmutzler (Leiden University) Chair Baris Kesgin (Elon University) Chair Robert Schub (University of Nebraska-Lincoln) Disc. Brent J. Steele (University of Utah) Disc. Michael D. Tyburski (Kansas State University) The Causes and Consequences of Anger in Internaonal Polics: A New Realist Theory Based on the Recalibraonal Theory in Evoluonary Psychology Ryuta Ito (Keio University) Globalizaon and deglobalizaon in Lan America: new regional tendencies Denis Kuznetsov (Moscow State Instute of Internaonal Relaons) F4C: Friday 1:45 PM - 3:15 PM Roundtable Internaonal Virtue Signaling: Female Combatants and State Pay it Forward I Support for Rebel Groups Lindsey Allemang (University of Iowa) ISA-Midwest Episodes of Ethnic Cleansing: Local-Level Dynamics during the Part. Alexandra Chinchilla (University of Chicago) Kosovo War Part. Bomi Lee (University of Iowa) Damir Kovacevic (University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire) Part. Kimberly Turner (Southern Illinois University Carbondale) Mahew Tentler (University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire) Part. Rabea Kirmani (Georgetown University) Rape, Unrest, and Raonal Choice: A Cross-Naonal Analysis of Part. Myunghee Lee (University of Missouri) Warme Rape and Natural Disasters Part. Berkay Gülen (University of Washington) Natalia Aguilar Ruiz (Leiden University) Part. Lindsey Allemang (University of Iowa) Taking Care of Fighters: Medical Care Provision and Non-state Part. Rachel Finnell (University of Kansas ) Armed Groups Part. Charmaine N. Willis (University at Albany, SUNY) Leah Cosk (University of Minnesota) Part. Alicia Riolino (London Business School) Part. Sarah Leffingwell (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign) F5B: Friday 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM Panel Part. Rita Boyajian Groh (University
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