Environmental and Social Monitoring Report Consolidated Report January – December 2019 April 2020 Cambodia: Urban Water Supply Project Prepared by the Ministry of Industry, Science, Technology & Innovation for the Asian Development Bank. This environmental and social monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. ADB Loan No.3232 CAM - COL - Cambodia Urban Water Supply Project Involuntary(IR)/Social Safeguard Monitoring Update Report (1 January 2019- December 30, 2019) Table of Contents Page I. Introduction 6 II. Project Background 6 III. Sub projects’ Status 7 1.0 Svay Rieng PIU 9 1.1 Summary of Discussions, Observation, Findings, Issues and Recommendations 9 1.2 Completed Civil Works 10 1.3 Proposed Pipeline Extensions and others 14 1.4 IR Compliance with Contract Agreement (Completed Civil Works) 18 1.5 Social Safeguard and Gender Requirement Compliance 19 1.6 Walk-through of completed civil works and proposed pipeline extension 19 1.7 PIU Assessment of the completed work/Contractor’s compliance of the Agreement 27 2.0 Kampong Cham PIU 30 2.1 Project Information Disclosure 34 2.2 Involuntary Resettlement 34 2.3 Social Safeguard and Gender Requirement Compliance 39 2.4 Walk-through of Completed Civil Works and Proposed projects 39 2.5 Overall Comments of PIU/Communities 41 3.0 Kampong Thom PIU 46 3.1 On-going Construction Activities 46 3.2 Proposed New Sub-projects 48 4.0 Stoung PIU 53 4.1 Stoung On-going and Completed Projects 55 4.2 PIU’s Comments, Suggestions and Recommendation 65 5.0 Stung Treng PIU 65 5.1 Summary of Meetings Results, Walk-through, Issues and Concerns 65 5.2 Walk-through at the proposed Water Intake and WTP site 65 6.0 Pursat PIU 75 6.1 Status of the sub-project construction activities 77 6.2 Compliance to Social Safeguards and Gender Requirements based on Contract Agreement 80 7.0 Kampot PIU 83 7.1 Kampot Sub-project Status 83 7.2 Kampot new proposed sub-projects 83 7.3 Compliance to Contract Agreement of SGD: Completed sub-project 83 8.0 Summary of 7 towns sub-projects 91 9.0 Grievance Redress and Procedures 91 10.0 Consultation and Participation 91 11.0 Recommendation / Immediate Action 92 Tables Table 1.1 SvayRieng: Status of the Sub-project Activities 10 Table 1.2 Name of Villages and Proposed Length of Main, Secondary and Tertiary Pipelines 15 Table 2.1 Name of Villages and Proposed Lenghts 31 Table 3.1 Kampong Thom Project Status 46 2 ADB Loan No.3232 CAM - COL - Cambodia Urban Water Supply Project Table 4.1 Stoung Project Status 55 Table 4.2 Contractors Number of Workers 64 Figures Figure 1.1 Discussion with Svay Rieng PIU 9 Figure 1.2 Improved Chlorination House 10 Figure 1.3 Iron and Manganese Removal Plant 11 Figure 1.4 Water Level/Flow Chamber 12 Figure 1.5 Control Box for Newly Improved Chlorination House 13 Figure 1.6 Completed Pipelaying 13 Figure 1.7 Proposed Pipeline Extension (Svay Rieng) 17 Figure 1.8 Location of Proposed Pipeline Extension (Svay Rieng) 20 Figure 1.9 SvayRieng: Attendance Sheet 29 Figure 2.1 Detail Locations of Proposed Distributions Line Expansion (No. 1-10) 32 Figure 2.2 General Layout of Proposed Distributions Line Expansion 33 Figure 2.3 Certificate of Project Completion, Kampong Cham 35 Figure 2.4 Finished Pipelines 40 Figure 2.5 Newly Installed Pump 41 Figure 2.6 Location of Pipeline Extensions 42 Figure 2.7 Kampong Cham Attendance Sheet 45 Figure 3.1 Construction of Clean Water Reservoir 47 Figure 3.2 Proposed River Bank Protection Location 48 Figure 3.3 New Pipeline Extension Location 51 Figure 3.4 Interview with Households 53 Figure 4.1 Project Background discussion 54 Figure 4.2 Completed Project – Pipelaying 56 Figure 4.3 Stoung On going Project 59 Figure 5.1 Stung Treng – Meeting with PMU and PIAC 66 Figure 5.2 Stung Treng Attendance Sheet 67 Figure 5.3 Announcement – Approved Contract, Stung Treng 68 Figure 5.4 Stung Treng – Site Location 70 Figure 6.1 Pursat – Meeting with PIU and PIAC 75 Figure 6.2 Pursat – Attendance Sheet 76 Figure 6.3 Completed project – Pipelaying and Water Pump 77 Figure 6.4 Proposed Pipelaying Extension 81 Figure 7.1 Kampot – Meeting between PIU and PIAC 84 Figure 7.2 Kampot – Attendance Sheet 85 Figure 7.3 Kampt Request Letter of PIU for New Projects 86 Figure 7.4 Kampot Completed Project – New Chamber 87 Figure 7.5 Kampot Site Location for New Proposed Projects 88 Annexes Annex A Svay Rieng PIU Structure General Profile Annex B Kampong Cham PIU Gender Staff Profile Annex C Roles and Responsibilities of PIU 3 ADB Loan No.3232 CAM - COL - Cambodia Urban Water Supply Project ABBREVIATIONS ADB: Asian Development Bank AP: Affected Person CAP: Corrective Action Plan CC: Construction Contractor CEMO: Contractor Environmental Management Officer CEMP: Contractor’s Environmental Management Plan CMP: Construction Management Plan DBST: Double Bituminous Surface Treatment DDE: Detail Design Engineering DDR: Due Diligence Report DEIA: Department of Environmental Impact Assessment DOE: Department of Environment DPWT: Department of Public Works and Transport DSC: Design and Supervision Consultant EIA: Environmental Impact Assessment EMAP: Environmental Management Action Plan EMoP: Environmental Monitoring Plan EMP: Environmental Management Plan ES: Environmental Specialist GDPWS: General Department of Potable Water Supply GOC: Government of Cambodia GRC: Grievance Redress Committee GRM: Grievance Redress Mechanism MIH: Ministry of Industry and Handicraft MOE: Ministry of Environment NES: National Environmental Specialist NGO: Non-Government Organization NR: National Road OHS: Occupational, Health, and Safety PDOE: Provincial Department of Environment PE: Polyethylene Pipes PEMO: PMU Environmental Management Plan PIA: Project Implementation Assistance PIAC: Project Implementation Assistance Consultant PIU: Project Implementation Unit PMU: Project Management Unit PPE: Personal protective equipment PSMO: PMU Safeguard Management Officer PWW: Provincial Water Works REA: Rapid Environmental Assessment (Checklist) RGC: Royal Government of Cambodia RP: Resettlement Plan SPS: Safeguard Policy Statement (2009) SOP: Standard Operation Procedure UWSP: Urban Water Supply Project UXO: Unexploded ordnance 4 ADB Loan No.3232 CAM - COL - Cambodia Urban Water Supply Project UNITS cm : centimeter dBA : decibels km : kilometer kW : kilowatt m : meter m3/day : cubic meter per day mm : millimeter ROW : right of way : diameter % : percent 5 ADB Loan No.3232 CAM - COL - Cambodia Urban Water Supply Project I. Introduction This report presents the results of the IR monitoring activity including the due diligence assessment of compliance of the contractor for Social Safeguards on completed pipe laying project and WTP improvements in the 7 provinces and municipalities of the Urban and Water Supply project. A field mission team (composed of Ms. Nysai Yeoun from Project Coordinator and Accountant of PIAC, Mr. May Simorn, National Environmental Specialist of PIAC and Ms. Monette Kojima- PKII Project Coordinator,) were deployed to conduct field visit and PIU meetings from last January 31- February 11, 2020, in the project towns, namely: Svay Rieng, Kampong Cham, Kampong Thom, Stoung, Stung Treng, Pursat, and Kampot. Monitoring/Due Diligence Activities The social safeguard monitoring ensures that the affected pavements,driveways, and others are restored to their original condition after construction activities. Grievance Redress Mechanisms (GRM) The GRM is also looked at whether it is established to address the issues and complaints of affected persons at a stated time during and after construction activities. Among the 7 towns, the GRM has been instituted and disclosed to the communities before construction actitivities to discuss the steps and procedures how they can lodge and resolve their complaints and issues during and after construction. The affected persons can lodge their complaints to the PIU, which is actively monitoring the construction activities. Then the PIU directly relay the complaints to the Contractor representative on site for their appropriate action. Consultation and Participation Project consultation and participation is also assessed to ensure that that the communities are informed about the project’s commencement and discuss about the safety concerns during construction. This includes the participation of women in these activities to know their concerns and issues and how this can be addressed. II. Project Background The Government of Cambodia availed a loan from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to fund the Urban Water Supply Project (UWSP). This was approved on 11 December 2014 and became effective on 16 June 2015. The project was estimated to cost $37.4 million. ADB provided a loan of $34.0 million from ADB’s concessional ordinary capital resources and the remaining $3.4 million was to be financed by the government. The executing agency is the Ministry of Industrial Handicraft (MIH) and the implementing agency is the Project Management Unit (PMU) under the General Department of Potable Water Supply. The loan closing date is scheduled for 30 June 2020. The project’s impact will be expanded access to sustainable and safe water supply services for the urban population in Cambodia. This will contribute to the government’s 2025 target of 100% coverage for urban areas. Its outcome will be improved water supply infrastructure and service provision in nine towns. The project consists of four main outputs, namely: • Output 1: Improvement of water supply systems in seven towns. • Output 2: New water supply system for Stung Treng • Output 3: Expansion of water supply coverage in Siem Reap • Output 4: Project implementation support.
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