.. I UUAY: NUt' Mt:N ~ IAH I Ut:t't:NGEIN DUNN MURDt:R I RIAL .. CI5KEI CONDEMNED ... THE DROUGHT, in addition to its present Single parents devastation, is likely to badly affect the next planting season in communal farming areas. The Early Warning and and mahangu inqmtive get 'thin' deal Food Information System programme will have a says in its latest bulletin that crucial role to play. The seed shortages and poor soil programme, which involves conditions will probably ­ suooidies to communal fann­ under new tax laws create problems during the ers for tractor ploughing, approaching main agricul­ seedS and fertilisers, -is due KATE BURLlNG tural season. to go before the Cabinet Despite the Government shortly. SINGLE women bringing up a family on their ordering greatly increased Around 14000 tonnes of own get the thin end of the wedge when it comes quantities of seeds from fertilisers are being distrib­ to tax rebates. commercial sources and uted in communal areas arid While they qualify for Revenue lIannes Lubbe receiving aid donations, 11 0 tonnes of seeds have the same benefits as single said the relevant clause farmers.in the North are been ordered. Forty-two men .. a basic R5 000 plus denying the additional R3 expected to face shortages tractors are available for a Set allowance per child - - 000 to single women bread­ of pearl millet (mahangu) ploughing services and as­ the fact remains that far winners was not changed . seed, the bulletin states. sistance will be' given for mQre single women than as part of the recent tax Soil erosion has increased private contract ploughing. men are heads of house­ law reform. partly due to high winds, Southern Damaraland, hold, strUggling to keep . "It's difficult to describe leading to a loss in soil Rehobothand Namaland are body and soul together. it as a fair ~ituation," he condition. In addition ani­ now virtually without graz­ It still pays" in fact, to admitted. "But then it's mals needed for ploughing ing, according to the bulle­ get married A married, difficult to call any taxa~ are likely to be in a poor tin. Some 220 000 cattle divorced or widowed tion fair." state as a result of the and 1,8 million smaH stock woman who is the sole The main' aim of the new MAGIC MICHELLE ... Reigning Miss Universe Mich- drought. are in areas classilied as most breadwinner for her fam­ law had been to eliminate eUe McLean, back in the country for the Miss Namibia With the deteriorating critical in tenns of grazing. ily gets an additional re­ dis«rimination between -competition at the weekend, awarded .the prizewinners' condition of seed stocks, soil The most critical areas cover sashes at the climax of the contest at the SKW hall on and animals, it is expected bate ofR3 000. men and women. Thus, the continued on page 2 The rebate given for chil­ discrepancies between Saturday. Photo: Conrad Angula that the Government's maize dren is the same regard­ taxation of married men :::,-:,': .,-: _ TYAPPA NAMUTEWA _ concluded his evidence and the State closed its less of their parents' m ari­ and married women had 'case. tal status: RI 000 for one been removed, and the tax .[[i.fi:BiB·ii.i:d1:e:M·:i:. REHO'BOTH youngster Premarco Dunn Defence counsel for the three-accused, Them­ child; RI 500 for two; and , situation of single men and was allegedly shot and killed when the bile Lewis Skweyiya, then called Ananias to R2 000 for three or more single women was the vehicle in which he was travelling ig­ testify. children. same. nored an order'by a soldier to stop. Ananias told the court that he and the other accused had been based at an army base at In other words, a di­ In the process, marriage Dunn, 10, was shot and killed on September Rehoboth. He said they had heen taken to a vorced woman with one turns out to be a more prof­ 28 1990 at the farm Twee Rivier, east of Reho­ certa:iri fann by their commander, a Lieutanant child would get R9 000 in itable position. Married both. Levy, to check 'for weapolls aUegcdly hidden 'Ihe case in which three NDF members, Simon tax rebate, while a single women no longer lose out, there. Ananias, 30, Stefanus Matheus Lazarus. 29, and woman with two would and both partners can clairn Ananias told the court Ihey had hecll lold 10 Andreas Abed face murder charges, started get only R6 500. tax rebates for their chil- stop and search each and every vehiclc moving yesterday after a week-long delay because a key Explaining the law yes­ from the west. He had been in charge :md all witness could not be traced. terday, Director for Inland continued on page 2 Fifi Hlmdl, a'Jocal ballisticsexpert~ yesterday continued on page 2 2 Wednesday September 9 1992 THE NAMIBIAN DUNNCASE FROM PAGE 1 New blood in Owambo three soldiers had been anned with AK-47 rifles. woold soon begin an even He said that at around mid- OSWALD SHIVUTE AT OSHAKATI larger programme, to be night he had noticed the lights A BRAND new RJOO 000 Blood Transfusion Centre implemented during the next of lID approaching vehicle and two or three years, said had left Lazarus and Abed while was opened at Oshakati recently by Health Min~- Marino. he went to the road to stop the ter Dr Nicky Iyambo. The programme would vehicle. ' Ananias said he had shouted Situated in the State Hos- plies ran out almost entirely. concentrate on Primary ' at the driver to stop, but his pital, the EEC-funded centre In his address, Iyambo Health Care (PHC) in com- order had been ignored. As no is a valuable addition to spoke ofrumours that AIDS munal areas, he said. car was allowed to pass with- health services in the North, could be contracted by The new centre consists out being searched, Ananias enabling people to give blood donating blood. People who of a reception area, training said he had become suspicious locallyandhave-accesstoa spread such stories were room, donating room, cool and fired three shots at the ready supply of blood for "talking nonsense", he said, room, emergency electnc vehicle. transfusions. calling on all Namibians engine, four accommoda- It is alleged that one of the Iyambo thanked contrac- between the ages of16to 60 rion rooms for visiting staff, bullets struck Dunn inthc head. tors Stauch and Partners and to come forward and donate store rooms and a labora- The youngster died instantly. Ananias denied allegations VWL Namibia Engineers blood. tory. by some witnesses that all three and said people in the north Speaking at the same Regional Health Director soldiers had fired at the ve- westemregionwoul4bene- occasion Luis Marino of the Or Kalumbi Shangula said hicle. He told the court yester- fit greatly from a transfu- Commission of European it would be of immea<;ur~ day he had been the only one sion centre at Oshakati. Communities supported aQl~_help in dealing with who had fired and that Lazarus Until recently blood for Iyambo's call. road accidents, post-natal and Abed had not fired any transfusions had to be sent The EEC had been re- complications, haem or- shots as he had not commanded 700 kilometres from Wind- sponsible for R 12,5 million rhages and traumas - all of them to do so. h ock, even lorC emergency of health service funding which frequently required 'Th::NDFmansaidtheywouId cases. At times, blood sup- over the last two years and blood transfusions. have been severely punished if r:=========:----:--~-=-:-___::lIr========:::: they had let a vehicle past towards a time when all without having searched it. TAX DEAL forms of rebate would. be DROUGHT During cross-examination by FROM PAGE 1 FROM PAGE 1 Kato vanNiekerk for the State, abolished, where a taxpayer Ananias said Lieutanant Levy dren. is simply a person with an a band down the western side had told them to stop cars. "Unfortunately, there are income and no account is of the country stretching from Ifweapons were.found, they bound to be casualties," said taken of social status." Kaokoland through Damara­ had to detain the vehicle until Lubbe, acknowledging the Such reform would be a land down to Namaland. In Levy or another commander high number of single long-term option, .Lubbe these areas animals largely arrived. women breadwinners in went on. depend on browsing or fodder. Ananias admitted there had Namibia. But tax law had to "It would have to take Elsewhere where grazing is been no stop or others signs at be" 'bl acc, ount of many f:actors such in a reasonable condition its th f A k db V N' k as tmpart1al as POSS1 e, use is restricted by a worsen­ e arm. s e Y l!:D le - as the unemployment Sl'W- k h th h dn' t rather than trying to address er w y ey a t pu up ation and other soCial indi- ing water situation. The condi­ signs, the soldier replied that it social issues. tion of livestock remains 'tol- , had not been his duty. "In f act we are working. cators. " erably good' in most areas, the The case continues this bulletin states. Despite this 4 morning before Judge Johan IF YOU HAVE ANY NEWS, VIEWS, OR NEWS 000 small stock deaths and 500 Strydom, assisted by assessor TIPS, CONTACT THE NAMIBIAN. TEL: 36970 cattle deaths hwe been recorded En!d Keramen. in Damaraland . • v ' '-t'' v • I ~ . ... ...., . , -,. , IMARy:SCHO·OL'-· ·<·· ··· ..
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