3946 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS February 19, 1976 Mr. HOLLAND, Mr . HORTON, Mr. the eligibilit y of Representatives and Sen­ the express will of the House of Representa­ JOHNSON of Colorado, M·r. KREBS, Mr. ators for the Presidency and Vice Presidency; tives; to the Committee on Rules. McFALL, Mr. MAzzoL1, Mrs. MEYNER, to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. HANNAFORD: and Mr. MILLER of California): By Mr. SLACK: H. Res. 1043. Resolution to develop a mult i­ H.J. Res. 814. Joint resolution to authorize H.J. Res. 822. Joint resolution authorizing lateral code of conduct to eliminate bribery and request the President to issue a procla­ the President to proclaim the week beginning and other practices which burden multimt­ mation designating the fourth Sunday in on November 7, 1976, as National Respiratory tional corporations; to the Committee on September annually as National Good Therapy Week; to the Committee on Post Of­ Banking, Currency and Housing. Neighbor Day; to the Commit tee on Post fice and Civil Service. By Mr. HAWKINS: Office and Civil Service. By Mr. STUDDS: H. Res. 1044. Resolution disapproving the By Mr. CLEVELAND (for himself, Mr. H.J. Res. 823. Joint resolut ion proposing an deferral of budget authority relating to the BADILLO, Mr. BURKE of Massachu­ amendment to the Constit ut ion of the juvenile justice and delinquency prevention setts, Mr. DUNCAN Of Oregon, Mr. United States to limit the number of terms program which is propos'ed by the President; EILBERG, M·r. HEINZ, Mr. HOWE, Mr. Senators and Representatives may serve; to to the Committee on Appropriations. KETCHUM, Mr. MCCLORY, Mr. MEEDS, the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. RODINO: Mr. REUSS, Mr. STARK, Mr. SYMMS, By Mr. ROSENTHAL: H. Res. 1045. Resolution to provide funds Mr. TSONGAS, and Mr. WALSH): H. Con. Res. 554. Concurrent resolut ion dis­ for the Committee on the Judiciary; to t he H.J. Res. 815. Joint resolution to au­ approving the proposed letter of offer to sell Committee on House Administration. t horize the President of the United States ce·rtain defense services to Saudl Arabia t o designate National Ski Week; to the Com­ (transmittal No. 76-25); to the Committee mittee on Post Office and Civil Service. on International Relations. By Mr. KEMP (for himself, Mr. H. Con. Res. 555. Concurrent resolution MEMORIALS BAFALIS, and Mr. PATTERSON of disapproving the proposed letter of offer to California) : sell certain defense· articles to Saudi Arabia Under clause 4 of rule X:XII, H.J. Res. 816. Joint resolution to clarify (transmittal No. 76-27); to the Committee 299. The SPEAKER presented a memol'ial and reaffirm Government purchasing policies; on International Relations. of the Legislature of the State o:t South to the Committee on Government ·operations. H. Con. Res. 556. Concurrent ·resolution Dakota, relative to the equal rights amend­ By Mr. KEMP (for himself and Mr. disapproving the proposed letter to offer to ment to the U.S. Constitution; to the Com­ DUNCAN of Oregon) : sell certain defense articles to Saudi Arabia mittee on the Judiciary. H.J. Res. 817. Joint resolution to clarify (transmittal No. 76-28); to the Committee and rea.ftlrm Government purchasing poli­ on International Relations. · cies; to the Committee on Government Op­ H. Con. Res. 557. Concurrent resolution erations. disapproving the proposed letter to offer to PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS By Mr.KEMP: sell certain defense articles to Saudi Arabia H.J. Res. 818. Joint resolution to clarify (transmittal No. 76-29); to the Committee Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private and reaftlrm Government purchasing poli­ on International Relations. bills and resolutions were introduced and cies; to the Committee on Government Op­ H. Con. Res. 558. Concun·ent resolution severally referred as follows: erat ions. disapproving the proposed letter of offer to By Mr. HANSEN: By Mr. LEVITAS (for himself, Mr. sell certain defense articles to Saudi Arabia H.R. 12013. A bill for the relief of Meejn. GILMAN, Mr. RODINO, Mr. HARRING­ (t ransmittal No. 76-30); to the Committee Sa; to the Committee on the Judiciary. TON, Mr. AMBRO, Mr. HECHLER of on International Relations. By Mr. MADIGAN: West Virginia, Mr. SOLARZ, Mr. FAS­ H. Con. Res. 559. Concurrent resolution CELL, Mr. EDGAR, Mr. HUGHES, Mr. H. Ries. 1046. Resolution to refer the blll disapproving the proposed lett er of offer to (H.R. 4048) for the relie:t of J. L. Simmons NOLAN, Mr. KocH, Mr. GINN, Mr. sell certain defense articles to Saudi Arabia Co., Inc., to the Chief Commissioner of the STOKES, and Mr. MARTIN): (transmittal No. 76-31); to the Committee Court of Claims; to the Committee on the H.J. Res. 819. Joint resolution to estab­ on International Relations. Judiciary. lish a National Commission on Social Secu­ H. Con. Res. 560. Concurrent resolution rity; to the Committee on Ways and Means. disapproving the proposed letter of offer to By Mr. PATTEN: sell certain defense services to Saudi Arabia H.J. Res. 820. Joint resolution proposing an, PETITIONS, ETC. (transmittal No. 76-32); to the Committee amendment to the Constitution to provide Under clause 1 of rule XXII, for the direct popular election of the Pres­ on International Relations. ident and Vice President of the United By Mr. PEYSER: 401. The SPEAKER presented a petition of States; to the Committee on the Judiciary. H. Res. 1041. Resolution establL<.>hing a se­ Myrtle Peck, and others, Cement, Okla., rel­ By Mr. RHODES: lect committee to investigate the release of ative to i-einstatlng the House Committee H.J. Res. 821. Joint resolution proposing material contained in the report of the House on Internal Security; to the Committee on an amendment to the Constitution limiting Intelligence Committee in contravention of Rules. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS "TONY" GENTILE, CITIZEN OF THE are the 13th edition of Who's Who in the Business Administration in Clevelanu. In YEAR Midwest, the 15th edition of the World's 1965 he was honored by Gov. James Who's Who in Commerce and Industry, A. Rhodes with th"! Executive Order of the 17th edition of Who's Who in Finance Ohio Commodore and in 1967 was recip.­ HON. WAYNE L. HAYS and Industry and the 1969 Royal Blue ient of the Civil Leader Award of the OF OHIO Book of Leaders of the English Speak­ Weirtonian Lodge of the Italian Sons IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ing World. and Daughters of America. Thursday, February 19, 1976 In addition to his success in the busi­ Tony is married to the former Nina ness world, he was honored by his com­ Di Scipio of Youngstown. They are the Mr. HAYS of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, on munity, not for his business achieve­ parents of four children, all of whom January 21, 1976 the chamber of com­ ments, but for his accomplishments as continue to live in southeastern Ohio. merce of the village of Wintersville a leader in his community. He is a mem­ recognized Mr. Anthony "Tony" Gentile ber of the board of advisors of the Col­ as Citizen of the Year. lege of Steubenville, the board of WIRTH HOSTS CHAMBER OF Tony Gentile was born in Italy in 1920. trustees of Ohio Valley Hospital and COMMERCE SEMINAR He emigrated to the United States as the executive council of the Boy Scouts a child, attended the public schools of of America, Fort Steuben Council. He has HON. TIMOTHY E. WIRTH Youngstown, Ohio, and graduated from also served on the board of advisors of OF COLORADO the University of Youngstown. the St. John Medical Center, the Ameri­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Since 1946 Tony has been successful in can Institute of Mining and Metallur­ numerous business ventures. Several gical Engineers in Washington, D.C., the Wednesday, February 18, 1976 major publications have listed him as a Ohio Academy of Science in Columbus, Mr. WIRTH. Mr. Speaker, this week leader in the business world. Among these land the advisory board of the Small my office and I are welcoming to Wash- Feb1·uary 19, 1976 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 3947 ington some 40 Coloradans associated mel, Bill Heinrich, Thomas H. Howard, Earell Favor --- ----------------------- ---- -- 83 Kissinger, Betty Law, James Murray, Tom Oppose ----------------------------- - 12 with chambers of commerce in the sec­ Murray, Judy Ness, Duane and Marge Pear­ Undecided -------------------- ------- 5 ond district. They are here not for the sall, William H. Philllps, Dave and Alice Sel· usual round of sightseeing, but for a 8. There has been a continuing national lards, Frank Starr, Maury Strait. debate over economic priorities. In this re­ learning experience. In a series of meet­ gard, what do you view as the more serious ings from February 19 through Febru­ economic problem facing our country: infla­ ary 21, they will participate in seminars tion or unemployment? on a variety of critical national issues, SIXTH DISTRICT QUESTIONNAIRES given by experts both inside government Inflation ______________ _ ---------__ - __ 67 and out. Unemployment ----------------------- 29 I am especially pleased that my dis­ HON. GOODLOE E. BYRON Undecided ----- ------- - -------- ------ 4 tinguished colleagues from Michigan, OF MARYLAND Mr. DINGELL, and Illinois, Mr. ANDERSON, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES will be on hand to discuss aspects of con­ Thursday, February 19, 1976 gressional policymaking. I am also glad VOICE OF DEMOCRACY that the chamber members are being Mr. BYRON. Mr. Speaker, I recently given a chance to learn more about the sent out a questionnaire on many of the Federal budget and the new congres­ important issues facing the Congress to HON. WILLIAM S. COHEN sional budget process from our Budget citizens in the Sixth District of Mary­ OF MAINE O:ffioe's able Director, Dr.
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