DETROIT, Since 1989. Gratis! www. laprensa1.com FREE! TOLEDO: TINTA CON SABOR COLUMBUS CLEVELAND • LORAIN Ohio & Michigan’s Oldest & Largest Latino Weekly Check out our Classifieds! ¡Checa los Anuncios Clasificados! May/mayo 31, 2006 Spanglish Weekly/Semanal 24 Páginas Vol. 39, No. 12 García, Acosta se declaran cupables, p. 19 DENTRO: LULAC Opposes HR 5541 ........................... 2 Cleveland:Immigration Debate........................ 2 Davide García .......... 5 Santiago becomes 2nd Latina on Council .... 6 Toledo/LC Port Authority Approves Terminal Plan .......... 7 Columbus’s Asian Festival ................... 8-9 House defeats English-only bill ....... 9 HOROSCOPE ........ 11 Deportes .............14-15 La Liga de Las Américas ................. 15 Events .................16-17 Cleveland: YLN’s Networking Social is June 2....................... 19 Dora Pecina (far right) with family and friends at last Sunday’s Memorial Day Classifieds ..........19-22 Tejano celebration with Tejano bands Grupo Fiel and Grupo Invicto. Lady Di of WQTE 95.3FM (Adrian MI) was the DJ for this third year event, which is promoted by M & M Productions. Breves: Fox: México y EEUU deben resolver juntos CASA: inmigración Por BROCK VERGAKIS The voice of SALT LAKE CITY, a child Utah, EEUU (AP): El presidente mexicano By Marivel Aguirre, Vicente Fox dijo el La Prensa Reporter miércoles que su gobierno [email protected] no respalda la inmigración In the convoluted mu- ilegal, y que su país debe nicipal court system, the ampliar el crecimiento legalese involved in a case económico para que sus is a daunting prospect for compatriotas no tengan anybody involved. In a necesidad de cruzar la case involving a minor, it frontera hacia Estados is often more difficult be- Unidos. cause it often involves the “Debemos continuar parents, siblings, social for the being of CASA: to trains, and supports com- ampliando las workers, attorneys, case- give children a voice! munity volunteers to ad- oportunidades económicas workers, and others. What is CASA? vocate for the best interest (Continua en la p. 18) In the midst of all these CASA stands for Court of abused and neglected voices and legal procedure Appointed Special Advocate children involved in court- a child’s voice is often not and is a non-profit organiza- proceedings,” according tion that “recruits, screens, (Continued on Page 8) 419-242-7377 Tenemos todo para heard. This is the reason 800-828-8564 Taquerías, Mariscos, 3011 Council St. GRAND Toledo OH 43606 Tex-Mex, y toda clase Se Habla Español de restaurantes. OPENING CANTINA June 2 with Mariachi 6:00-9:00PM Enjoy the Best Margaritas at: two convenient locations: West Toledo: Sylvania & Douglas [music, 6- 9PM] 419-472-0700. Oregon: 2022 Woodville Rd. 419-693-6695. Fat Cat Tripler, p. 10 Escuche La Onda Cultural Latina 89.1 FM cada día 9AM-5PM • Visit Grandma’s Country Cookin’ for Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner, 3312 Glendale Ave. • 419-382-1115 • Página 2 La Prensa Político May/mayo 31, 2006 LULAC Commentary: Oppose HR 5541 The Melting Pot Boiling Point: Immigration (The Homeland Security Appropriation Act) Debate While the U.S. Senate immigrants. Such confiden- erbates the already large Immigration Policy Chief Carlos Iturregui at The City Club of Cleveland debate concluded in the tiality is necessary to encour- and unwieldy immigration CLEVELAND: Carlos National Guard troops to passage of Senate Bill, the age undocumented individu- backlog by imposing a Iturregui, chief of the Citi- the border and building U.S. House is considering als to come out of the shad- moratorium on new immi- zenship and Immigration 300-700 miles of addi- passing legislation under ows. So rather than improv- gration until all current Services Office of Policy tional wall only along the longed to México until the the Appropriations Com- ing the security intelligence pending background and Strategy at the U.S. Citi- Mexican-U.S. border; cre- U.S. invasion of México in mittee that would impose of the United States, this checks by the FBI are done, zenship & Immigration Ser- ating a temporary worker 1846. immigration status restric- amendment compromises it. a process that could take vice, will speak about the program; holding employ- Iturregui is responsible tions. Culberson/Kingston: years to finish. immigration debate and the ers accountable for work- for making policy recom- The League of United This amendment is short- Kingston: This amend- administration’s policy at ers; dealing with the 11-12 mendations, performing Latin American Citizens sighted and counter-produc- ment limits the ability of noon on Friday, June 2, million undocumented im- policy research and analy- (LULAC) is calling on its tive. It exacerbates the already U.S. and Mexican govern- 2006, at The City Club of migrants living in the sis on all national immi- members and friends to large and unwieldy immigra- ment authorities to curb the Cleveland. United States; and honor- gration services issues, and call their respective Rep- tion backlog by cutting off unauthorized activities of Immigration reform and ing the U.S.-American tra- ensuring that policies de- resentatives in Congress funding for processing of the Minutemen and other securing the U.S.-Mexican dition of the melting pot. veloped for USCIS are pur- and demand that they re- non-specialty occupation private border patrol border have become hot Should undocumented suing the Department of verse the anti-immigrant immigration applications groups along the U.S.- button issues for leaders in immigrants have a path to Homeland Security main amendments that under- until all current pending Mexican border, which Washington, D.C. On May citizenship? How should a objective of “keeping the cut the civil rights of mil- background checks by the President George W. Bush 15, President Bush released guestworker program be homeland secure.” lions of innocent immi- FBI are done, a process that has dubbed vigilante be- his plan for comprehensive developed? Are immi- Tickets for this City grant workers and their could take years to finish. havior. immigration reform in a grants an asset or threat to Club Friday Forum are $18 families. These proposed Deal/ Kingston: This Poe: This amendment televised speech from the the U.S. economy? How for members and $30 for amendments not only in- amendment ultimately aims puts an even heavier bur- Oval Office. In that address, does Bush’s “war on ter- non-members. Lunch is in- fringe on the civil rights to prevent the U.S. born chil- den on already over- he called on the nation and ror” fit into the picture? cluded. Reservations are of the Latino community dren of undocumented im- whelmed state and local law Congress to find a “ratio- What is an appropriate bor- required at least 24 hours at large, but they will ex- migrants from becoming citi- enforcement officers by nal middle ground” on im- der policy for a region of in advance of the event. acerbate the immigration zens. It unnecessarily tar- providing funding for a pro- migration. the nation so closely linked They can be purchased by backlog and challenge the gets innocent individuals, gram to train such officers Bush’s plan outlined culturally and economi- calling The City Club at direct authority of the Su- forcing them to remain in the in immigration enforce- five objectives: “securing” cally to its neighbor? The 216.621.0082 or visiting preme Court. shadows of society. It is ment, diluting their extraor- the borders, which included southwest portions of the the website at Harmful amendments mean-spirited, unconstitu- dinary efforts at providing dispatching up to 6,000 United States once be- www.cityclub.org. that are being proposed tional, and does nothing to security and assistance to by Republicans in the resolve real immigration U.S. citizens internally. Writers, et al. Wanted House include: problems. Editor’s Note: The La Prensa is interested in journalistic/holistic/paranormal ar- Tancredo: This amend- Doolittle: This amend- League of the United Latin ticles, essays, commentaries, healing-thought-pieces, poems, car- ment aims to eliminate the ment seeks to circumvent a American Citizen toons, art, photos, puzzles and other brainbashers, songs, and other provocative items, for possible publication in the weekly, humanitarian Temporary federal court decision ensur- (www.lulac.org) advances bilingual publication known as La Prensa, publishing since 1989. Protected Status program ing that nationals of El Sal- the economic conditions, We also post many of these items on our web site at for Guatemala, Honduras vador, many of whom have educational attainment, po- www.laprensa1.com. We pay $$$ for these published items. and Nicaragua. credible asylum claims, re- litical influence, health and Bilingualism preferred (Spanish/English). For possible publica- Campbell: This ceive a court hearing prior to civil rights of Latino-Ameri- tion, please submit via email to [email protected], attn: Rico. amendment denies fund- removal. cans through community- It doesn’t exist unless you have read it in La Prensa— ing for any attempts to pre- Culberson: This amend- based programs operating Tinta con Sabor! serve confidentiality of ment is short-sighted and at more than 700 LULAC information furnished by counterproductive. It exac- councils nationwide. La Prensa Lorain & Cleveland Staff Culturas Publications, Inc., d.b.a. La Prensa Newspaper ¡Tinta con Sabor! 205 West 20th Street, Suite M-265 La Prensa Newspaper Staff VENTAS: Lorain, OH 44052 Rubén Torres, Lorain & Cleveland Culturas
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