the appleton north NOCTILUCA Appleton, Wisconsin October 2012 Vol. XVIII Issue I Editor shares Student Council an integral part of North By Megha Uberoi newspaper’s Looking to get involved? Student Council is a wonder- mission ful way to start participating at believe in printing the North. I truth. I believe that high Student Council represents school newspapers should the student’s voice, an invalu- reflect high school students. able contribution to leading As Editor-in-Chief, I dedi- any school. Its mission is to in- cate myself to crease school spirit, and orga- improving the nize activities for the students. quality of the Along with planning the paper. Editing school’s main events, the teens requires trust. in this group contribute to the Successful community as well. Freshmen publications class co-presidents Vidushri command a Abigail Mehrotra and Zoe Tjader feel high level Edmonds that Student Council is the of trust, on Editor- “student administration for behalf of writ- in-Chief Appleton North” and “is a big ers and editors part of student representation responsible for creating the at school.” paper. Editors trust the AP One of Student Council’s Stylebook to guide them busiest times of the year is through corrections. Writers homecoming week, which trust sources to provide accu- requires the hard work of all Isabel Stratton buys a homecoming ticket from a Student Council volunteer in rate information for articles. the teen leaders on Student the commons. Student Council members are involved year round in a variety of Most importantly, the Council. Everyone pitched in events and activities. Photo by Nate Correia readership of the paper trusts to build floats, sell tickets, and the Noctiluca to provide real organize the pep rallies in or- service is needed. During No- Struck Week, a fun week for Every month’s activity re- news. Not just good news, or der to make sure homecoming vember and December they everyone. In March Student quires a lot of hard work by watered down news, but all week was enjoyable for every- plan to promote “adopt a fami- Council plans to do an activ- the Council students, and their the news that’s fit to print. one. ly,” and help make Thanksgiv- ity involving the Humane So- mentors, including their advi- On a purely base level, I Student Council is involved ing and the Winter Holidays ciety, as well as highlighting sor, Mrs. Berlowski. These believe in being honest, and in student life all year round, enjoyable for all families. In Teacher Appreciation week in planned events certainly bring that regardless of any at- not just Homecoming week. January Student Council orga- April. The last full month of the school together to show tempts to sugarcoat or squash October, for example, is teen nizes Coffee House, which is school, May, brings Bande- school spirit and to have a it, ultimately the truth will reaction month, in which the an open mic for the students monium, a battle of the bands good time. We can certain- come out. Council volunteers in our to enjoy and relax to music. which is exciting for all stu- ly expect a year full of fun, Printing the truth is sweet. community wherever their February’s main event is Love dents. thanks to Student Council. I find the satisfaction that accompanies “Abigail Edmonds” on a byline, the Vaccines help prevent illness as flu season looms crinkles of anticipation which By Marit Bakken A recent study by the Centers sound when I eagerly tear for Disease Control and Pre- the paper open, the proud It’s that time of year again, vention estimated that in the feeling of a reader initiating where Kleenex is needed in ev- United States, annual influenza a conversation in response ery classroom, when the sound epidemics result in about to an article, exceptionally of a nose blowing is as com- 600,000 years of life lost, 3 rewarding, because the truth mon as the sound of pencils million days hospitalized and lies on the page, in the words scratching on paper. Every fall 30 million outpatient visits, re- I have written. marks the start of the flu season sulting in medical costs of $10 The truth can be tricky; but at Appleton North. And not billion annually. never compromised. just flu season, the season of 16 According to the study, lost Printing the truth is all potentially harmful, sometimes Decongestants and Kleenex are just a few of the earnings due to illness and loss encompassing. Good news deadly, diseases, according to common flu supplies you’ll need. Be sure to stock up of life amounted to over $15 and bad news. Gay and the Appleton Department of on all your flu essentials. Photo by Marit Bakken billion annually and the total straight students. Teams that Health. If you have a fever, a economic burden of annual won, and teams that lost. The cough, fatigue, a headache or virus to spread has risen expo- your primary health care pro- influenza epidemics amounts depressed and the happy. irritated or watering eyes, it is nentially. vider and ask about getting the to over $80 billion. Also, in the Living and the dead. very possible that you may be Because of this microscopic flu vaccine, it’s quick, easy and U.S. the flu season usually ac- The truth accurately re- suffering from the influenza vi- danger, it is now officially the not very painful, and will help counts for 200,000 hospitaliza- flects our student body, and I rus – as millions do every year. time to get up to date on im- keep you healthy throughout tions and 41,000 deaths. This believe our newspaper should Flu season occurs every year munizations or vaccines also. the school months. Also, the seemingly annoying but harm- too. from roughly October to May, Although there is no new strain Appleton Health Department less vaccine actually may be a Abigail Edmonds is a and normally coincides with of the influenza virus such as has stated that walk-ins for the lot more harmful than anyone senior and Editor-in-Chief the start of the school year for H1N1, a vaccine is still pro- flu vaccines are accepted at realizes. So, stock up on your of the Noctiluca. Contact students. Since students are vided for the flu that will help many local pharmacies includ- tissues and your Tylenol – it her through school e-mail or all now cooped up in the same protect against the common ing Walgreens and CVS Phar- looks like flu season is here to Facebook. building, opportunity for the symptoms. If interested, see macy. stay. MEET THE EDITORS Appleton, Wisconsin October 2012 Volume XVIII Issue I Page 2 Abigail Edmonds is a se- Melissa Bougie is a senior Monica Stoeger is a junior Trent Beilke is the Nocti- Marit Bakken is incredibly nior, and is the Editor in Chief at Appleton North this year. and the current editor for the luca Sports Editor. This will excited to be the News Editor of the Noctiluca. This year will She is excited to join the Noctiluca’s Features section. be his first year as editor of this year for the Noctiluca. mark her third year on the edi- Noctiluca staff for her second This is her third year involved the paper and he’s excited to She is a senior who has torial staff, having previously year, but this time as Copy with the school newspaper. In begin this quest. He’s enter- written for the newspaper for been culture editor, and more Editor. She enjoys getting the past, she has written ar- ing his fourth year at Appleton three years, but this is her recently Co-Editor-In-Chief. a first-glimpse look at the ticles for the News, Features, North High School. You may first year on the editorial staff. This year she is working hard articles and helping writers’ Centerspread, and Culture know Trent from other venues She feels that it is incredibly with the editorial board to contributions come to life. She sections. though; he participates in soc- important for everyone to organize the paper. looks forward to an amaz- What she primarily looks cer as the varsity goalkeeper, know the news and events Abbey is very excited ing year and encourages for in her features section are in football as the varsity about North and the world, about the new perspective prospective writers and loyal contributors who like to write kicker, in the school store as and is excited to help make and voices that the eight readers to contribute their horoscopes, comics, and trav- its manager, or screaming this goal into a reality. new editors will bring to the talents to North’s very own el articles. The Features sec- his lungs out in the student Her main focus this year Noctiluca, which she be- newspaper. tion also includes spotlights section. is to help spotlight the many lieves is an excellent way to on students, teachers, and Academically, Trent Beilke achievements at North, and get involved with the North clubs. If you have any ideas expects the highest level of help connect local and world Community. Abbey hopes that or are interested in writing for excellence from himself. He news to the North community. the Noctiluca will accurately features, you can contact her and his councilor Mr. Werner When she has free time, she reflect North, and encourages on Facebook under her given select the greatest classes enjoys playing piano, swim- student writers, artists, and name. to challenge Trent but also to ming on the school swim photographers to contribute entertain him.
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