__ . .i . (,-g~.w, ,.a III ~. , ..... , .... .-.. " -~. -~ * .PRO -) 1... ---~ .~, * 5 ,..~o 1 Volume IONumber 1, Toronto, Canada, September 9,1970 . YOU THOUGHT YOU CAME HERE TO LEARN? 41 :~--"""--_IIII!.!!l!~;;::;;;;W;;:;;iii!!!. ~<:'!IlAI!!l'I4;'01!_,·.,-,~!#,~ __ =._!lI.'l... .... , ~ ~ .~~;;,==?, ;;'!!ptiOR ~ .... More forums;"' more debts tug at council... NIOBLOTl£llY By AHDY MICHALSKI Franc;ois AUbe,Carol Baker, Eric Ferguson, Denis Mass­ the mop-up operations icotte. and Alain Picard. Ca­ for Glendon College Council rol Baker later resigned are continuing to plague bus­ from her post. just before iness manager Doug New­ the forum collapse. son. Forums of all sorts Massicotte. in. addition to have displayed unusual can­ his·tax-free salary, also re­ dour in producing unaccoun­ ceived a free room (worth ted expenses. heavily salar­ $17 per week) from the ad­ ied presidents and remark­ ministration. ably expensive cookies. Last year's 'Year of the When asked how any or­ Barricade', an internation­ ganization could appoint a­ al conference of radicals nyone to a $100 per week leftdebts totalling almost job with student funds. the $1900. The yearly forums business manager for stu­ are made up of four day dents' council, Doug Newson discussion weekends on var­ explained that all co unc il Denis Massicotte, Alain Picard ious subjects. They receive could do was "to kee'p an eye president of defunct ex-president an annual grant of $1,000 on all organizations' that o­ B&B forum of weekly forum from students'council. perate under council. ad 2, allotted and may record at a cairns New­ According to Dave Philips well be returning $600 to the son. "And. it's a mess to 'Canadaafter 8 &8' council treasury. clean it up." students' council president, Bixley took charge of stu­ This year's proposedforttm gUidelines are to f)e estab­ For Newson.' one of his dent funds when last year's was called •Le Canada apres lished on the payment of any largest complaints 'is a- student council resigned en la Commission B& B. It full or part time jobs oper­ gainst former dean of stu­ masse and student organi­ was to deal with the prob­ ating on student monies. dents. Brian Bixley. He zations were left without lems of the francophones in . A new forum has been pro­ handed out funds with "no money to operate on. English Canada. and that of posed now, dealing with the the anglophones in Quebec. city. Philips hopes that it will produce a surplus rat­ Cher monsieur, Originally scheduled wit h ./ / a budget of over $200.000. her than the now-customary Le Comite Executif du Forum Glendon '70 vient d'apprendre it .was cut down to one of deficit (beyond the student qu'11 ne pourra obtenir;' de- subventions du gouvernement federal en vue $70.000, but stillfailed to at­ grant of $1,000).The newfor­ d. 'organiser cette conference qui avait comme theme "LE CANADA APRES LA tract the government grants. um has not received any money from council at all. COMMISSION B & B". With a $500 grant and $500 Unfortunately we were not able to meet the criteria set loan from students' council. Weekly forum' $239 was spent on postage, down by the government so as to be eligible for a grant. The problem duplicating, telephone and Alain picard, a co-direc­ with which the government confronted us was the impossibility due to bookstore expenses -llnd tor in the defunct (B&B) for­ differing objectives of grouping together in a conference the Anglo­ another $55 in compensation um also ran last year's phone and Francphone communities. to various people. Lise 'weekly forum'. This forum Jacques. for example, was invites a different speaker .> 11 nous aurait donc fallu organiser une conference pour paid $15 for three weeks of each week to talk at the col­ 1es seuls francophones, ce qui aurait automatiquement elimine toute typing. lege. It. toC) usually receives participation des etudiants de Glendon, en majorite anglophones. Le an annual $1,000 grant. Coll~ge Glendon nous retirant alors son support. --By far the largest expen­ No bookeeping was kept diture was Denis Massi­ at all. The only thing handed consacr~s '-- cotte's salaray as president. in was an account sheet with Beaucohp d'efforts ont et' a ce projet, et He received $100 per week g e n era 1 directions as to c'est avec~regre~ croyez-nous. que nous nous voyons obliges d'aban­ until June 12 for a total of where $497 went to, with donner l'idee du Forum Glendon. $856, $256 of which was re­ another $250 which was sim­ ceived ()n Ap:ril 30.· 1970. ply added on. The bUdgetted Nous tenons a vous remercier pour toute la collaboration s urpl u s comes "to $253, que vous nous avez apportee jusqu'4 ce jour. According to the forum though Newson has received business manager. Peter over $455 in bills since April Robertson. he signed the (1970). Veuillez croire que nous demeurons toujours '- votre cheques . because he was service. "only an employee. It was For Picard's weekly for­ an executive decision to give ~m no money was spent pay­ Massicotte that salary. not Ing the speakers. The fig­ - ~. ,-~~~b'~~ aL-z{. rv fl'c<t~ mine." ures list only amounts spent The members of the exec­ on exclusive meals in the Jean-Fran~ois Aube, co-president Alatn Picard, co-president utive committee were Jean principal's dining room I want to make this place stimulating- Gentles History from the University of and Glendon was promoting London. England. that. This appealed to me very The college has a new dean much." of students. Gendes considers him se If Glendon's youngest dean, lan c", almostbilingual. t h 0 u g h by Gentles, took on his duties July 00 means flawless. If a French •• About his job, Gendes says, first. 1970. Born in Jamaica. in student comes into my office _The <?ffice o{ the Dean of Stu­ I can talk to him without much dents IS here to serve the needs 1941, Gentles is an assistant trouble." of the students in anyway it can. professor in the History depar­ _ I want to make this college more tment. He came to Glendon because stimulating, more things hap­ He succeeds Brian B i xl e y he liked the idea of a small un- pening, more people coming who returned to teach in the dergraduate liberal arts col- here from outside, more people economics department. lege. «I'm very interested in from here going outside. in­ Gentl~s holds a B.A. in Eng­ the bilingual fact as being a dis- stead of being locked in this lish and History and an M.A. in tinct part of Canadian history little narcissistic universe.~' Glendon's recruitment dovvn Glendon College has again number of these course enrol- registered at Glendon comes to fallen short of its recruitment ments by part time students. approximate1y 940, 260 short requirements. Out of a needed and the number of Faculty of of the 1200 mark needed to fill 500 first year students, it has Arts students will vary. Ac- the college. managed to attract only about cordingto t_he registrar. C. 240 students. The balance is Pilley. "We're I going in by Dean of students lan Gentles to be made up of about 170 feel until ,registratiol'l __ ~S we glames the poor recruitment on ~h~ Faculty of Arts students. simplydon t know W?jlt < bad publicity. 'Not enough peop- exact numbers will be· le know about us.' These two groups total a- < • He also claimed that the ma- bout < 410, 90 short of the Also on Pilley's projections. jor stumbling block to recruit­ needetl total. are 250 students in second year ment was the compulsory In order to make up the bal­ Glendon courses. 230 in third French. 'I am very much in fa­ ance, approximately 800 course Photo by NIGEL OTTLEY year. and 50 in fourth year. vour of bilingualism, but Ithink enrolments in Atkinson are These total 530 students. this is what's holding us back,' Dean .Ian Gentles projected. However, both the Tb"e tot a 1 for all students he said. '--~-.~ ..... September.!," 19~O ..*PRO 1 .... Glendon heralds third constitution Glendon College students are about to re­ ceive "their third student council constitution in four years. Named 'The Student A d m i n i s t rat i ve Council of Glendon College Student Union" (SAC), there are to be eleven members e­ lected. Eight are to be elected in the fall and will fill the executive roles. Three representatives of first year will also be elected. The eight executive positions are those of president and vice-president. with com­ missioners of finance, external a ffair s~ social affairs, communications as well as one councillor-at-Iarge. A quorum of SAC for meetings will con­ sist of six of the eight member council for spring and summer and eight of the eleven member council during the fall term. The president ,is to be the chief spokesman of Glendon College student union and gener­ ally oversee the SAC operations. In admin­ istrative work, he will be aided by a bus­ iness manager and secretary. , Although all of the other constitutions were amended by the council itself, this one requires the approval of two thirds of the student electorate to be approved. Old constitution 'unworkable' The old constitution was deemed un­ workable and unrepresentative of the stu­ dent body by the present student council. The present council will resign in October.
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