Cambridge University Press 0521826926 - A Dictionary of Jewish-Christian Relations Edited by Edward Kessler and Neil Wenborn Index More information Index of name This index of persons named in the Dictionary excludes biblical authors and characters. Abbahu, Rabbi, 416, 417 Andrew of Crete, 15 Barth, Karl, 23, 86, 103, 137, 167, 179, 184, Abelard, Peter, 1–2, 11 Andrew of St Victor, 15, 57, 58, 152, 184, 234, 251, 384 Abner of Burgos, 2 439 Bartholomaios I, Patriarch, 232 Abrahams, Israel, 4 Annas, 70, 428, 429 Basil I, Emperor, 69 Abramowitz, Max, 33 Anselm of Canterbury, 11, 17, 113, 128, Basil of Caesarea, 134, 242, 301 Abravanel, Isaac, 102, 108, 109, 433 Bassani, Giorgio, 221 295 Antiochus IV Epiphanes, 18, 63, 99, 282, Bassevi, Jacob, 156 Abulafia, Abraham, 4–5, 343 419 Bauckham, Richard, 114 Abulafia, Hezekiah David, 432 Antoninus Pius, Emperor, 249 Bauer, Yehuda, 68 Abulafia, Samuel, 108 Antony of Egypt, 108 Baum, Gregory, 20, 86, 88, 321 Adam of Bristol, 445 Aphrahat, 24, 53, 309, 340, 415 Bauman, Zygmunt, 300 Adenauer, Konrad, 6 Apollinarius of Laodicea, 343 Baxter, Michael, 349 Adler, Hermann, 353 Appelfeld, Aharon, 270 Bayle, Pierre, 425 Afonso V of Portugal, 348 Appolinarius of Hieropolis, 196 Bea, Augustin, 49, 86, 228, 232, 241, 321, Agnon, Shmuel Yosef, 269, 270 Aquila, 29, 53, 76, 95, 186, 226, 250, 322, 382, 444 Agobard of Lyons, 9, 20, 128, 159, 171, 245, 323, 399 Begin, Menachem, 50 278, 353 Aquinas, Thomas, 4, 17, 18, 29, 40, 130, Beilis, Mendel, 271, 386, 387 Agresti, Alejandro, 98 162, 167, 208, 284, 331, 395, 451 Bell, George, 50 Agricola, Johann, 21 Arafat, Yasser, 382 Bellow, Saul, 264 Agrippa, Marcus Vipsanius, 425 Ariarajah, S. Wesley, 39 Belov, Vasili Ivanovich, 272 Aguilar, Grace, 266 Aristobulos, 276 Belyj, Andrey, 271 Ahad Ha’am ( Asher Zvi Ginsberg), 452 Aristotle, 29 Bemisch, Abraham, 54 Aharoni, Yohanan, 179 Arius, 34 Ben Bag-Bag, Rabbi, 57 Ahasuerus of Persia, 145 Arnold, Matthew, 182 Ben Chorin, Scholem, 187 Akiba, 9, 29, 48, 53, 148, 252, 291, 293, Asch, Scholem, 38, 272 Ben Gershom, Levi, 102 318 Aschkenasy, Yehuda, 378 Ben Gurion, David, 334 Al-Assal, Riah Abu, 328 Astafiev, Viktor Petrovich, 272 Ben Sira, 18, 25 Alan of Lille, 128 Ateek, Naim, 218, 235, 262, 328 Ben-Yehudah, Eliezer, 263 Albertus Magnus, 18, 20, 130 Athanasius of Alexandria, 10, 34, 39–40, 71, Benamozegh, Elia, 90 Albo, Joseph, 44, 128, 418 108, 276 Benedict XIII, anti-pope, 418 Alcala´ de Henares, 418 Attridge, Harold W., 63 Benedict XV, Pope, 284 Aleichem, Sholem, 272 Augustine of Canterbury, Benedict of Nursia, 301 Alexander I of Russia, 387 Augustine of Hippo, 5, 7, 41, 42, 50, 54, Benjamin of Tudela, 69 Alexander II of Russia, 328, 434 56–7, 71, 94, 101, 106, 115, 123, 134, Ber-Levinson, Itzhak, 387 Alexander II, Pope, 10 150, 151, 162, 173, 174, 178, 184, Berdyaev, Nikolai Aleksandrovich, 50 Alexander III, Pope, 10 207, 225, 244, 248, 259, 323, 351–2, Berdychevsky, Micha Yosef, 269 Alexander the Great, 10, 172 368, 375, 378, 380, 384, 401, 417, Berenbaum, Michael, 146 Alexander Janneus, 340 430, 439, 449 Berger, David, 44, 91, 119 Alexander, Patriarch of Alexandria, 34, 39 Averroes, 29, 112 Berggrav, Eivind, 280 Alexandra Jannaea, 340 Avicebron see Ibn Gabirol, Bergson, Henri, 331 Alfonsi, Peter, 11, 128, 417 Avicenna, 37 Berkovits, Eliezer, 91, 93, 194 Alfonso XI of Castile, 2 Berlin, Irving, 307 Alfonso of Aragon, 11 Babel, Isaac Emmanuilovich, 272 Bernard of Clairvaux, 14, 50, 116, 169, 278, Allenby, Edmund, 452 Bacchiocchi, Samuele, 390 339, 380 Alonso de Espina, 12, 160, 208 Bach, Johann Sebastian, 45, 283, 306 Bernardin, Joseph, 19, 50–1 Alphonse of Poitiers, 12 Bacon, Roger, 181 Bernardino di Siena, 161 Altizer, Thomas, 123 Baeck, Leo, 45, 91, 176, 184 Bernardino da Feltre, 161 Ambrose of Milan, 70, 77, 94, 106, 134, 150, Baer, Seligmann, 325 Bernstein, Leonard, 307 174, 242, 309 Bagatti, Bellarmino, 209 Berryman, John, 264 Ambrosius, 81 Bagritsky, Eduard Georgiyevich, 272 Berthold of Freiburg, 130 Ammianus Marcellinus, 248 Bahr, Hermann, 44 Berthold of Regensburg, Anacletus II, Pope, 14, 50 Baldwin, James, 264 Bettini, Antonio, 352 Anan ben David, 251 Balfour, Arthur James, 46, 373, 402 Bevel, James, 60 Ananus, 396 Balthasar, Hans Urs von, 67, 86 Bialik, Hayyim Nachman, 51, 269 Anatoli, Jacob, 352 Bammel, Ernst, 247 Bienek, Horst, 269 Andersch, Alfred, 268 Bar Kokhba, 26, 31, 48, 89, 114, 203, 218, Billerbeck, Paul, 412 Anderson, Gary A., 5 224, 291, 293 Biser, Eugen, 67 Andreas of Rinn, 275 Bar Salibi, 421 Bishop, Claire Huchet, 422 Andreev, Leonid Nikolayevich, 271 Barclay, Robert, 364 Bistritski, Natan, 270 501 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521826926 - A Dictionary of Jewish-Christian Relations Edited by Edward Kessler and Neil Wenborn Index More information Index of name Bitov, Andrey Georgievich, 272 Chacour, Elias, 328 Dante Alighieri, 201, 257 Blackstone, William, 453 Chadwick, Henry, 342 Darwin, Charles, 434 Blastus, 196 Chagall, Marc, 37–8, 82 David, Francis, 432 Blenkinsopp, Joseph, 58 Charenton, Enguerrand, 68 Davies, Eliza, 127 Bloch, Ernest, 307 Charlemagne, Emperor, 278 Davies, Stevie, 267 Borne,¨ Ludwig, 268 Charles I of England, 389 Davies, W(illiam) D(avid), 87, 129, 218, Bobrowski, Johannes, 268–9 Charles II of England, 433 336, 392 Bockmuehl, Markus, 63 Charles V, Emperor, 300, 301 Dawson, Selwyn, 318 Bodo, deacon of Louis I, 278 Charles the Bald, 278 De Lange, Nicholas, 113 Boehme, Jacob, 310 Charlesworth, James P., 87, 362 de Lestrange, Gisele,` 80 Boff, Leonardo, 261 Chaucer, Geoffrey, 198, 265 de Lubac, Henri, 199 Bomberg, Daniel, 418 Chekhov, Anton, 271 de Mille, Cecil B., 97, 303 Bonaventure, 108 Chesterton, G(ilbert) K(eith), 266 de Mousseaux, Gougenot, 261 Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, 23, 63–4, 103, 104, Cheyette, Bryan, 266 de Torquemada, Tomas, 131 280 Chirikov, Evegnij Nikolaevich, 271 De Valera, Eamon, 213 Borochov, Ber, 452 Christ, Carol, 263 de Zamora, Alfonso, 418 Bousset, Wilhelm, 301 Christine de Pizan, 151 Decius, Emperor, 117, 385 Bouyer, Louis, 273 Chrysippus, 276 Defoe, Daniel, 265 Bownde, Nicholas, 389 Chrysostom, John, 7, 8, 20, 21, 22, 72, Defois, Monsignor, 133 Boyarin, Daniel, 88, 318 92–3, 95, 121, 123, 134, 150, 178, Delgado, Isaac, 54 Boys, Mary, 88, 114, 236 224, 243, 244, 248, 283, 297, 324, Delitzsch, Franz, 124 Braybrooke, Marcus, 230 351, 378, 380, 384, 424 della Marca, Giacomo, 221 Bregman, Marc, 196 Claudius, Emperor, 371 Denk, Hans, 13 Brenner, Joseph Chaim, 64–5, 269 Clement III, Pope, 173 Derrida, Jacques, 349 Briel, Judah, 19 Clement IV, Pope, 160, 337 Derzhavin, Gavrila Romanovich, 271 Brightman, Thomas, 343 Clement VI, Pope, 61, 171, 300 Descartes, Rene,´ 410 Brill, Angel, 409 Clement of Alexandria, 10, 19, 76, 94, 95, Deutsch, Emanuel, 140 Bristow, Anna, 265 139, 331, 342, 431 Dibelius, Otto, 235 Brock, Sebastian P., 117 Clement of Rome, 94, 296, 320, 362 Dickens, Charles, 37, 126–7, 265, 266, 291 Brockes, Barthold Heinrich, 45 Cohen, Arthur A., 311 Dilthey, Wilhelm, 45, 184 Broughton, Hugh, 177 Cohen, Hermann, 45, 91, 100, 169, 184, Diocletian, Emperor, 149, 253 Brown, Raymond, 19, 294 251, 386, 394 Disraeli, Benjamin, 128–9, 266 Brown, Schuyler, 297 Cohen, Jonathan, 296 Dix, Gregory, 147–8 Bruch, Max, 307 Cohn-Sherbok, Dan, 261, 394 Doctorow, E(dgar) L(awrence), 264 Brueggemann, Walter, 59, 218, 392 Coleman, John, 100 Dodd, C(harles) H(arold), 377, 421 Buchner,¨ Georg, 268 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 443 Dohm, Christian Wilhelm von, 142, 242, Buber, Martin, 13, 50, 66–7, 91, 124–5, 128, Collins, John J., 24 267 165, 179, 183, 184, 185, 187, 210, Collinson, Patrick, 391 Dominic, 130 236, 251, 300, 318, 369–70, 386 Commodian, 259, 368 Donatus, 225 Buber, Solomon, 66 Constantine, Emperor, 34, 77, 91, 93, 94, Donin, Nicholas, 131, 160, 173, 417, 422 Bucer, Martin, 370 105–6, 114, 134, 184, 202, 218, 226, Dostoevsky, Fyodor Mikhaylovich, 271 Budny, Szymon, 432 245, 295, 296, 297–8, 344, 366, 367, Dovlatov, Sergey Donatovich, 272 Bugaev, Boris Nikolaevich (Andrey Belyj), 371, 385 Dreyfus, Alfred, 132–3, 228 271 Constantius II, Emperor, 117 Droysen, Johann Gustav, 182 Bulgakov, Sergei, 67 Cook, Captain James, 318 Drumont, Edouard, 132, 261 Bullinger, Heinrich, 110, 370 Costa-Gavras, Constantin, 98 Dubnov, Simon, 407 Bultmann, Rudolf, 87, 184, 235, 301, 359 Coughlin, Charles, 435 Dubois, Marcel, 88, 393 Bunin, Ivan Alekseyevich, 271 Creagh, John, 213 Dubois, Sherman, 88 Burchard of Worms, 10 Crescas, Hasdai, 2, 104, 112 Dulles, Avery, 299 Burrell, David, 236 Crispin, Gilbert, 113, 128, 433 Dunn, James, 89 Busleiden, Jerome, 374 Cromwell, Oliver, 46, 73, 113, 183, 290, Duns Scotus, 112, 161 Byron, George Gordon, Lord, 142 433 Durand, William, 240 Crosland, Alan, 308 Dylan, Bob, 307 Cabral, Pedro Alvares, 409 Cruikshank, George, 98 Cahan, Abraham, 263 Culpepper, R. Alan, 188 Eban, Abba, 338 Caiaphas, 62, 70, 97, 428, 429 Cunningham, Philip A., 236, 423, 439 Eckardt, A. Roy, 88, 123, 146, 169, 191, 194, Caird, George Baird, 17 Cyprian, 6, 7, 117, 170, 421 235, 350, 369, 375, 436 Caligula, Gaius, Emperor, 10, 341 Cyril of Alexandria, 7, 11, 108, 117, 135, Eckardt, Alice, 88, 169, 191, 194, 219, 235, Callixtus II, Pope, 72, 404 139 350, 436 Calvin, John, 5, 72–3, 110, 198, 245, 298, Cyril of Jerusalem, 64, 117, 247 Edward I of England, 138–9, 198, 433 358, 369, 370, 384 Cyrus of Persia, 126 Efroymson, David, 19 Cameron, William, 65 Egeria, 344 Capito, Wolfgang, 370 Daw¯ ud¯ ibn Marwan¯ al-Muqammas, 18 Egidio of Viterbo, 373 Caraffa, Cardinal Giovanni Pietro ( = Paul da Gama, Gaspar, 409 Ehrenberg, Hans, 386 IV), 131
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