
3 I INTERVIEWER CODE START TIME I ❑ o ❑ l INTERVIEWER PLEASE WRITE IN YOUR INTERVJE.WER NUMBER HERE AS WELL AS PAGE 1 THIS IS TO DOUBLE CHECK FOR YOUR DETAILS I I.terviebvern. ❑ IUOD / ❑ (lo) (11) (12) (13) (14)-----4= * POLITICAL - ASK ALL ASK ALL Q1 How would you vote If there was a General Election tomorroti (IF AGED 15-17 ADD If you were old enough to vote?) CODE BELOW IF UNDECIDED OR REFUSED AT Q1 Q2 Which party are you most Inclined to aupport7 CODE BELOW Q2 (;:) (16) Conservawe 1 1 Labour 2 2 Liberal Democrats (Lib Dem) 3 GO 3 ASK ScottishNVelsh Nat)onahst 4 TO 4 Q3 Green Party 5 03 5 Other 6 6 Would not vote 7 7 Undecided Refused ‘“ + c13 Do you thhrk that the general economic condition of the count~ will Improve, stay the same, or get worse over the nexl 12 months? (17) Improve 1 Stay the same 2 Get worse 3 Don’t know 4 17 /’ I —- 3626 1- Polmcal Athtudes in Great Britain t 1,770 adufrs aged 18+ at 135 ward samplmg points Fieldwork 19-22 January 1996 Q1 How would you vote If there wass General ElectIon tomorrow? (IF AGED 15-17 ADD If you were old enough to vote?) CODE BELOW IF UNDECIDED OR REFUSED AT Q1 Q2 Which party are you most Incllned to suppo;~ CODE BELOW Q1/2 “/. Conservatwe 29 Labour 55 Liberal Democrats (Lib Dem) 13 ScomshPWelsh Natlonahst 2 Green Parry 1 Other 1 Would not vote 10 Undecided 7 Rafused 3 .. ASK ALL Q3 Are you satlsfled or dissatisfied with the way the Government Is running the count@ CODE BELOW Q4 Are you sstlsfied or dlssstlsfled with the way Mr Major IS doing hls job as Prime Minister? CODE BELOW Q5 Are you satisfied or dlssstlsfied with the way Mr Blair Is doing hls job as leader of the Lsbour Ps@ CODE BELOW Q6 Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the wsy Mr Ashdown is doing hls job as Leader of the Llbersl Democrats? Satsfled Dssahsfled Don’t know Y. % % Government (Q3) 14 76 10 Malor (Q4) 25 64 11 Blalr (Q5) 49 27 24 Ashdown (Q6) 40 26 34 ,1 -2- L Q7 What would you say Is the most Important Issue fscing Britain tods~ SINGLE CODE ONLY Q8 What do you see as other Importsnt Issues fsclng Britain toda~ MULTICODE OK [ C7 Q718 % Y. L AIDS 1 1 Common MarketJEEC 7 14 Cr(me/law & order/violence/vandal!sm 10 27 Defence/fore!gn affa!rs * 3 Coal review/pt closures * 1 Drug abuse 2 7 Economy/economic stuation 10 20 [ Education/schools 6 29 Housing 2 10 lnflat)on/prices * 3 Local government/counci tsx * 1 [’ Moralrty/mdwldual behaviour 1 3 Nahonal Health Serv!ce/HospKaIs 14 41 [- Northern Ireland * 1 Nuclear power/fuels * ● * * Nuclear weapons/nuclear war/disarmament [- Pensions/social security 2 8 Pollutfonlenwronment 1 4 Pound/exchange rate/value of pound * 1 [ Pnvatlsatlon * 3 Race relat!ons/lmmlgratlon/! mmigrants 1 4 Scothsh Assembly 0 * Taxation * 3 Trade unions/strikes o * Unemployment/factory closure/lack of industry 30 49 [_ Other (WRITE IN & RING ‘2) 9 26 Don’t know 5 4 Q9 Do youthlnk that thegeneral econom!c condition of thecountWwlll improve, stay the came, or get worse over the next 12 months? Y. Improve 22 Stay the same 40 Get worse 33 Don’t know 5 QIO When doyouthink thenext genersl election -be~ % Immediately .< 26 r Jan-Feb 1996 2 Mar-May 1996 9 June-Aug 1996 13 ? Sept-Ott 1996 7 Nov-Dec 1996 4 -i In 1997 27 Don’t know 13 [-, l-l -3- NOTE PLEASE ALTERNATE Q11 AND 12 ON ALTERNATE INTERVIEWS -s QI 1 SHOWCARD A (R) Which of these statements comes closest to your views of Mr Msjor~ % ● I hke hlm and I hke hw pollcles 16 .- I hke hlm but I ddke hls pollc!es 34 I dlsllke tmm bul I Ilke hls pohcles 7 W I disllke hlm and I d!sl[ke his pohmes 32 No opmlon 11 ● Q12 SHOWCARD A (R) Which of these slatement-comes closest to your views of Mr Blalfl % I hke hlm and I hke hls pohcles 35 . I hke hlm but I d!shke hls pohcles 18 . I dlshke hlm but 1 hke hls pohcles 12 I d!shke hlm and I dlshke h!s pol!cles 17 r, No opmlon 19 Q13 On balsnce do you sgree or dlssgree with esch of the followlng statements? ALTERNATE M ORDER TICK START Agree Dsagree Don’t know , ❑ A) Labour la ready to form the next government % 56 33 11 ..- c1 B) Tony Blslr Is ready !. to be Prime Mmlster v. 54 34 12 Q14 Generslly apesklng, do you think of yourself as Conservstlve, Labour, Llbersl Democrat, . or what? % Conservative 29 . Labour 39 -- L!beral Democrat 12 ScomshNJelsh Natlonallst 1 .m Green 1 Other 1 -- 6 ,. Don’t know None of these 10 Refused 1 ,= Q13 Which party did you vote for st the last Genersl Election, In April 19929 If you sre not .- sure, or dld not vote, please aay so % ] Conservatwe 33 Labour 31 L!beral Democrat 12 Scottcsh/vVelsh Nat!onahst 1 1 Green * ● Other 41 D]d not vote 14 Too young 3 Can’t remember 2 -1 Refused 3 ‘3 [ [ [ QA Are you registered to vote In Ihw constituency, in some other constituency, or are you not registered to vote at all? [ ‘1. Yes m thts constituency 93 Yes, m some other constituency [ fiot registered [o vote : Don t know 2 [ al If you were able to vote, how would you vote If there was a General ElectIon tomorrofl (IF AGED 15-17 ADD If you were old enough to vote?) CODE BELOW [ IF UNDECIOED OR REFUSED AT 01 02 Whlchpa~are youmoat lnclinedtosupport~ COOE BELOW Q1/(J2Z [ Conservative $? Labour Y3 E Liberal Democrats (Ub Dem) ‘$ ScomshNVelsh Natlonahst Green Party * Other [“ Would not vote k Undec!ded [ Refused ,, ; [ 03 Do youthmk thalthe genera{ economic condttlon of the country will Improve, stay the same, or get worse over the next 12months~ ‘1 Improve [ Stay the same 42 Get worse 3z- Oon t know 6 [- Q4 Ourlngan eledlon campaign, doyouthlnk lhereshould orshould not be ?READOLJT ALTERNATE ORDER [. Should Don’t (23) Shoulcl- not know •1 a) Abanonalt coverage ~< ‘1. “{. “i. [. of the electlon on N and radio (8 7L 5- b) A ban on party pOhtlCal [: broadcasts on N and radio 22 73 5 @ A ban on all coverage of the electlon Ifl newspapers -12 EL 5 [- ❑ d) A ban on the publication of opmton polls 2Z 69 9 [ a24S0 [- w 3, W@’Nofv-2 -4- SKIP COL V2 * POLITICAL - ASK ALL QI If you were able to vote, how would you vote If there was a General ElectIon tomorroti (IF AGED 15-17 ADD If you were old enough to vote?) CODE BELOW *- IF UNDECIDED OR REFUSED AT Q1 Q2 Which parly are you most Inclined to support? CODE BELOW & ;;) Conservatwe 1 1 Labour 2 2 Liberal Democrats (Lib Dem) 3 GO 3 ASK Scottsh/Welsh Natlonaltst 4 TO 4 Q3 Green Party 5 Q3 5 Other 6 6 Would not vote 7 7 Undec!ded 8 ASK 8 Refused 9 Q2 9 Q3 Do you think that the general economic condltlon of the country wIII Improve, stey the same, or get worse over the next 12 montha~ (18) Improve 1 Stay the same 2 Get worse 3 Don’t know 4 Q4 During an election campaign, do you think there should or should not be ~ READ OUT ALTERNATE ORDER Should Don’t (23) Should not know ❑ 4 A ban on all coverage of the election on TV and radio 1 2 3 b) A ban on parly political broadcasts onllrand radio 1 2 3 @ A ban on all coverage of theelectmn In newspapers 1 2 3 ❑ d) A ban on the publication of opmlon polls 1 2 3 QA Are you reg!atered to vote In this constituency, in soma other conatltuency, or are you not reglatered to vote at all? (24) Yes, mthisconsbtuency 1 Yes, msomeother constituency 2 Not registered to vote 3 Don’t know “~ -3- lr-/ VI + V2 I CARD 2 INTERVIEWER CODE START TIME INTERVI13VER PLEASE WR~E IN YOUR INTERVIEWER NUMBER HERE AS WELL AS PAGE 1 THIS IS TO DOUBLE CHECK FOR YOUR DETAILS ,.erviewer. ❑000 /❑ (lo) (11) (12) (13) (14) * POLITICAL - ASK ALL How would you vote kfthere was ● Generel Election tomorro@ (IF AGED 1~17 ADD If you were old enough to vote?) CODE BELOW IF UNDECIDED OR REFUSED AT QI Which party ere you moat inclined to support? CODE BELOW (?;) (%) Conservatwe 1 1 Labour 2 2 Lberal Democrats (Ub Dem) 3 GO 3 ASK ScottWvWelsh Nanonahet 4 TO 4 Q3 Green Parly 5 Q3 5 Other 6 6 Would not vote 7 7 Undecided 8 ASK 8 ~ Refused 9 Q2 9 ASK ALL Q3 Are you eatisfled or dleeetisfled wkfh the way the Governmerrt Is running the count@ CODE BELOW 04 Are you eetisfled or dieaetiefled wlfh the wey Mr Mejor Ie doing hls job ee Prime Mlniefefl CODE BELOW Q5 Are you eafisfled or dleeetisfled with the wsy Mr Blair is doing hls lob ss Iesder of the Lebour Psrtp CODE BELOW Q6 Are you eaflsfked or dleeetisfled wtth the wsy Mr Ashdown Is doing hie job es Leeder 04 the Liberal Democrets~ Samfled DIssetIshed Don’t kncrw Government (Q3) 1 2 3 Major (Q4) 1 2 3 Blaw (Q5) 1 2 3 Ashdown (06) 1 2 3 -4- ,, Q7 What would you say is the moat Impertant la-sue fscing Brftsin todsy? SINGLE CODE ONLY Q8 whet do you see ss dher Importsrrf ieeuaa fscing Brftsln tedsy? MULTICODE OK \ (::) (% AIDS 1 1 Animal welfare 2 2 Common MarkaflEEC 3 3 Crime/law & order/violence/vandaltsm 4 4 Dafence/foreign affaws 5 5 Coal ravlew/pn closures 6 6 Drug abuse 7 7 Economyleconomlc atWiflOn 8 8 Educahonkchwls 9 9 Housing o 0 lnflatlon/pncas x x Local government/council tax Y (22).
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