15764 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS July 21, 1989 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS TRUCKING INDUSTRY STATES ing over 26,000 pounds constitute 3.8% of These two kinds of emissions react in the ITS SUPPORT FOR CLEAN AIR the morning rush, 5.5% of midday offpeak atmosphere to form ozone. traffic, and 2.6% of the evening rush. 58% of all carbon monoxide emissions. But If some of you know where there is still a heavy-duty diesel engine trucks contribute HON.GLENNM.ANDERSON fast lane left in Los Angeles, look out: it will 1%. OF CALIFORNIA soon vanish. By 2010, 9 million more people, Of course, in any area the proportion con­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES with 8 million more cars, will move to Cali­ tributed by transportation depends on that fornia. Without new roads, the average com­ area's geography, historical development Friday, July 21, 1989 muting time will hit two hours by 2010, up patterns, and mix of stationary and area Mr. ANDERSON. Mr. Speaker, earlier this from 45 minutes now. In 20 years average sources. In most non-attainment areas like month the president of the American Trucking travel speeds will slow from today's 35 Los Angeles, Denver, and New York City, Associations gave a farsighted speech. The m.p.h. to 19 m.p.h. More than half of daily the mobile source <motor vehicle) contribu­ trucking industry not only is taking the initiative travel time will be spent at a dead stop. tions are higher; in other areas the propor­ No doubt about congestion: It's here, and tions are lower. Of course, along California's in addressing air pollution and traffic gridlock, we are all part of it. In this aspect of "the South Coast transportation contribute more but truckers are prepared to do more than post-urban process," California is leading than the national averages. According to their fair share to correct these problems. the nation. And the nation is rapidly follow­ the South Coast Air Quality Management Speaking in Los Angeles, Thomas J. Dono­ ing. District, all trucks over 8,500 pounds in the hue, the trucking association's chief executive, four South Coast counties contribute 16.8% II. POLLUTION of on-road mobile emissions. called for cleaning up diesel fuel, participating Now let's look a minute at air quality. In in a rigorous engine emissions inspection pro­ The primary factor in the congestion-pol­ about 10 days the White House will release lution connection is the extent to which gram, working with local governments to plan President Bush's detailed legislation for motor vehicle exhaust contributes to air effective traffic flow programs, and studying Clean Air Act amendments. The President pollution is vehicle miles traveled <VMT>. the use of alternative fuels in everyday com­ and Congress are addressing three big air VMT is calculated by multiplying the mercial conditions. quality issues: acid rain, toxic air, and smog. number of vehicles driven times the number 1. Acid rain encompasses a spectrum of As Congress and the public consider the of miles each is operated. persistent effects of low-level air pollutants Both the number of vehicles and miles President's clean air proposals, legislators and on the environment. Sulfur oxides emitted each travels increase with population and citizens would do well during the months by older, coal-burning electric power plants economic prosperity, so VMT can be expect­ ahead to study the practical views of the and industrial boilers are the primary ed to continue to grow. VMT is the conges­ leader of one of America's most essential in­ source. tion-pollution connection. Looked at this dustries. 2. Thousands of toxic air pollutants are way, congestion and pollution are Siamese produced daily by large factories and refin­ twins. Mr. Speaker, I insert the text of Mr. Dono­ eries and by small "area sources" like neigh­ hue's July 7 speech: borhood dry cleaners and gas stations. The III. WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT Clean Air Act and the Toxic Substances Almost every day I hear someone confirm THE CONGESTION-POLLUTION CONNECTION Control Act regulate some sources of seven the wisdom of the "sage of Baltimore," H.L. <Speech by Thomas J. Donohue, President toxic chemicals like asbestos and radon. Mencken. Mencken said that "to every com­ and CEO, American Trucking Associations> 3. More than 100 million Americans live in plex and difficult problem, there is an INTRODUCTION 81 urban areas where air quality does not answer that is simple, easy, ... and Thank you, Rotary president John meet the legal levels. These smog areas are wrong." Westwater and program chairman William called "non-attainment areas" because they An answer to the congestion-pollution Lochmoeller. I am pleased to be with Rotar­ have not achieved National Ambient Air problem? Ban trucks! Simple and easy? Yes. ians in Los Angeles. Just Wednesday I spoke Quality Standards for ozone and carbon But wrong! Trucks are essential to the econ­ to the Rotary Club in New Orleans. monoxide. omy. Trucks haul 80% of the dollar value of I am glad to be in Los Angeles again. Last Ozone and carbon monoxide, in turn, all freight carried in our nation. A local ex­ fall ATA took over the Westin Bonaventure come from emissions of factories, utilities, ample is the port of Los Angeles: Trucks for a week for our Annual Management refineries; cars, trucks, buses; and many usually the first and last party to handle Conference and Exhibition. We kept most smaller sources such as bakeries, hair container shipments. Trucks are only minor of our members away from the World Series sprays, lawn mowers, barbecue grills, paints contributor to rush-hour congestion. Motor and had a very productive meeting. and solvents. carriers don't want trucks, drivers, and A few years ago one wag defined Los An­ Motor vehicle emissions contribute only to cargo tied up in rush-hour. geles as "a kind of post-urban process rather smog problems. Vehicle emissions contain a What can we do together to unlock grid­ than a city." "Post-urban process"-that's a wide variety of substances, too many to con­ lock? Spread out all the volume; spread out pretty good definition. Los Angeles is a post­ trol individually. The current practice is to the vehicle miles traveled, those VMTs. If urban process characterized and shaped by control: drivers really believe the problem is real, congestion and pollution. Hydrocarbons <HC> are a mix of unburned and it is, then you need to get a lot of those and partially burned fuel components. driver-only cars out of rush hour. In Wash­ I. CONGESTION Oxides of nitrogen <NOx> are a mixture of ington, car-pool-only lanes on the express­ Every rush hour 850,000 people in 750,000 substances formed when the nitrogen and ways give a visible incentive to those driver­ cars venture onto Los Angeles roadways. oxygen in the air going through an engine only cars stuck in traffic. Called "HOV-3" The Los Angeles freeway system could be react with each other in the hot engine cyl­ lanes, these make a big difference. considered the 8th wonder of the world. The inders. Coordinated incident and accident man­ Country's freeway system extends more Carbon monoxide <CO> is another product agement of the freeways is vital. Multiple than 500 miles and carries more than 6 mil­ of incomplete fuel combustion. agency efforts, heavy tow trucks and rescue lion car and truck trips every day. Stretched Particulates are soot particles resulting equipment, enhanced communications, and end to end, those cars and trucks would fill from incomplete fuel combustion. videotaping accident scenes can all speed 6 lanes of traffic more than 5,600 miles long. The Environmental Protection Agency clearance of accident sites. That's 6 lanes from Los Angeles to New says that the transportation sector, all cars, We support the pilot roadside smoke test York City and ba~! Some of you must feel trucks, and buses, contributes nationally: program for diesel trucks that is similar to like you are stuck out there twice a day with 27% of all hydrocarbons. But heavy-duty the smog check program currently required 6 million vehicles at once. Trucks are actual­ diesel engine trucks contribute only 1%. on passenger cars in California. Right now ly only a small part of Los Angeles Freeway 34% of all nitrogen oxides. But heavy-duty the California Highway Patrol is just cali­ traffic. Cal Trans reports that trucks weigh- diesel engine trucks contribute 10%. brating the test equipment and diagnosing e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. July 21, 1989 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 15765 smoke and emissions problems. Next spring 4. We oppose tampering with engines and Corrosive.-Methanol is highly corrosive mandatory testing begins at all weigh sta­ misfueling trucks with dirty diesel.-We to conventional materials. It will require tions, and penalties will be assessed for support federal guidelines for diesel engines stainless steel fuel lines on vehicles and spe­ smoke violations. emissions inspection and maintenance pro­ cial aircraft-type dry break fueling nozzles Let's consider an 18-hour day economy for grams implemented by states in non-attain­ and hoses. Underground storage will require Los Angeles. Look to expand the business ment areas. America has more than 200,000 burying all new, stronger tanks at every day, not as a penalty but as an economic op­ trucking companies: 90% of them own five truck stop and trucking company terminal.
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