UNITED NATIONS UN LIBRARY Distr. •/;% 8 189®sral UM ,, ,,A/CONF.62/INF.3/Rev.1 THIRD CONFERENCE uOLL^^y 19lk ON THE LAW OF THE SEA ORIGINAL: CHINESE/ENGLISH/FRENCH/ RUSSIAN/SPANISH THIRD UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON THE LAW OF THE SEA TROISIEME CONFERENCE DES NATIONS UNIES SUR LE DROIT DE LA MER TERCERA CONFERENCIA DE LAS NACIONES UNIDAS SOBRE EL DERECHO DEL MAR TPETLH KOH^EPEHUMH OPrAHH3AI5M OETBEAMHEHHiK HALi,M IIO MOPCKOMy iipa By DELEGATIONS TO THE THIRD UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON THE LAW OF THE SEA Second session DELEGATIONS A LA TROISIEME CONFERENCE DES NATIONS UNIES SUR LE DROIT DE LA MER Deuxieme session DELEGACIONES EN LA TERCERA CONFERENCIA DE LAS NACIONES UNIDAS SOBRE EL DERECHO DEL MAR Segundo periodo de sesiones JlEJIErAiyOI HA TPETEEM KOE^PEHIJMM 0prAHH3AIi,HM OBBE^HHEHHdK HAD.MH no MOPCKOMy IIP A By BTopan ceccHg \ C-0^23 /••• ' -2- AFGHANISTAN Repr e s entat ive s H.E. Mr. Abdullah MALIKYAR, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Afghanistan to the United States of America (Head of the Delegation) Dr. Saadollah GHAUSSY, Adviser to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Deputy Head of the Delegation) Mr. Abdul Majid MANGAL, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Dr. Nangyalai TARZI, Attache, Embassy of the Republic of Afghanistan to the United States of America Mr. Mohammad Yunus FARMAN ALBANIA Chairman of the Delegation H.E. Mr. Sokrat PLAKA, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People's Republic of Albania in Austria Members Mr. Abdi MATI Mr. Murat ANGONI Mr. Petraq POJANI ALGERIA Representants M. Mohamed MEDJAD, Directeur des Affaires Juridiques et Consulaires (Chef de la delegation) M. Hocine MESLOUB, Chef du Service des Conventions Internationales au Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres M. Amar DAHMOUCHE, Conseiller des Affaires Etrangeres M. Mohamed T.amine ALLQUANE Conseillers M. Madjid BENCHEIKH, Professeur d'Universite M. Ahmed MAHIOU, Professeur d'Universite M. Abdellatif BENTOUMI /... -3- ARGEITTIIIA Jefe de la palegacion S.E.. Dr. Arnoldo M. LISTRE, Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario Delegados Dra. Elsa D. R. KELLY de GUIBOURG, Ministro Plenipotenciario, Embajada Argentina en Chile Dr. Hernan MASSINI EZCURRA, Secretario de Embajada, Ministerio de Relaciones Exter5„ores Dr. Atilio N. MOLTIHI, Secretario de Embajada, Mision Permanente ante las Naciones UnicLas (Secretario de la Delegacion) Dr. Orlando R. REBAGLIATI, Secretario de Embajada, Ministerio de Relacione:: Dr. Horacio A. BASABE, Secretario de Embajada, Ministerio de Relaciones Ext CI 1U1 CO Dr. Horacio SOLARI, Secretario de Embajada, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Asesores OapiucUi de K&vlo Roberto M. ORNSTEIN, Comando General de la Armada Ingeniero Fernando VILA, Ministerio de Defensa Dr. Alfredo BOUCHER, Subsecretaria de Minerla Dr. Miguel /ingel EKMEKDJIAN, Subsecretaria de Marina Mercante Dra. Elizabeth STELLA, Subsecretaria de Marina Mercante Sesrctarin. "Sr-C'ricr-. 0. P. de SAUL AUSTRALIA Lead rt* Tlie Honourable Don WILLFS3EE, Senator, Minister for Foreign Affairs Alternate Leader•• H.E. Mr. R. L. HARRY, C.B.E., Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany Representatives H.E. Mr. A. H. LOOMES, 0-B.E., Ambassador to Peru H.E. Mr. J. PETHERBRIDGE, Ambassador to Sweden Mr. H. C. MOTT. Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Mr. J. S. BAILEY, Head, Law of the Sea Section, Department of Foreign Affairs Alternate Representatives Mr. D. G. GUPPY, Assistant Secretary, Department of Minerals and Energy Mr. P. L. RYAN, Assistant Secretary, Department of Primary Industry Capt. K. D. GRAY, Joint Policy Staff, Department of Defence Mr. K. WALLER, Chief Finance Officer, The Treasury Mr. R. H. WYHDHAM. First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations '""Will lead the delegation in the absence of the Minister. /. AUSTRALIA (continued) Papua New Guinea Special Adviser Mr. A. M. SIAGURU, First Assistant Secretary, Department of Foreign Relations and Tradej Port Moresby Special Adviser Mr. G. A., BRINNAN, Special Assistant in International Law to the Attorney General Department Papua Rev Guinea Advisers Fir. G. DABB, Assistant Secretary, Department of Law Mr. B. ELY, Assistant Secretary, Chief Minister's Office Mr, A. V'ALA, Superintendent, Fisheries Department Mi'. P. DONIGE, Department of Foreign Relations and Trade Advisers Mr. T. B. CURTIN, Department of Environment and. Conservation Mr. A. T. FRANCOMBE, Officer in Charge, Marine Information and Traffic Separation Department of Transport Mr. T. CARLSON, Department of Primary Industry Mi'. F. P. NOLAN, Second Secretary, Australian Embassy, Vienna Dr. B. H. HOWARD, Second Secretary, Australian Embassy, Lima Mr. D. ROMS, Second Secretary, Australian Embassy, Mexico Mr. J. W. PRI.TCHARD, Second Secretary, Australian Embassy, Mexico Mr. J. McDONNELL, Acting Director, United Nations and General Section, Department of Overseas Trade AUSTRIA Head of the Delegation fi.E. Mr. Franz WEIDINC-ER, Minister Plenipotentiary and Envoy Extraordinary, Ministry for Foreign Affairs Deputy Head of the Delegation H.Ea Mr. Herald GOEDEL, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Ambassador of Austria to Venezuela Members Mr. Michael FITZ, Counsellor, Ministry for Foreign Affairs Mr. Helmut TUFRK, First Secretary, Ministry for Foreign Affairs Miss Leonore B. EMICH, First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Mr. Gerhard HAFNER, Assistant Professor, University of Vienna -5- 3AHAMAS Head of the Delegation The Honourable P. L. ADERLEY, Attorney General and Minister of External Affairs Deputy Head of the Delegation H.E. Mr. L. B. JOHNSON, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Delegates Mr. 0. S. RUSSELL, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of External Affairs Dr. D. L. HEPBURN, Minister/Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Mr. E. T. STRACHAN, Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of External Affairs Mr. Peter A. DRUDGE, First Assistant Secretary, Ministry of External Affairs Mr. S. T. DEAN, First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Mr. G. P. STEWART, First Assistant Secretary, Ministry of External Affairs Legal Adviser D. P. O'CONNELL, Chichele Professor of Public International Law, University of Oxford BAHRAIN Representatives Dr. Wasfi NIMER, Counsellor, Embassy of the State of Bahrain in the United Kingdom (Head of Delegation) Mr. Karim E. AL-SHAKAR, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations BANGLADESH Leader H.E. Mr. Justice Abu Sayeed CHOWDHURY, Former President of Bangladesh, Special Representative of the Government of Bangladesh Alternate Leader Mr. Harunur RASHID, Barrister-at-Law, Deputy Legal Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs /. -6- BARBADOS Representatives Senator the Honourable G. C. R. MOE, Q.C., Minister of External Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation) Mr. 0. Nl. BROWNE, Q.C., Solicitor-General, (Vice-Chairman of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. W. WALDRON-RAMSEY, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations H.E. Mr. V. T. McCOMIE, Ambassador of Barbados to Venezuela Mr. Karl WATSON, Counsellor, Barbados Embassy in Venezuela . ... BELGIUM Chef de la delegation M. Alfred van der ESSEN, Ministre plenipotentiaire, Professeur a l'Universite de Louvain Delegues M. SMEESTERS, Directeur d'administration au Ministere des Communications M. BENTEIN, Conseiller au Ministere des Communications M. VERSLUYS, Conseiller adjoint au Ministere des Communications M. J. F. BRANDERS, Attache a l'Ambassade de Belgique a Caracas ' BHUTAN Repr es entat ives H.E. Mr. Sangye PENJOR, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations (Leader of the Delegation) Mr. Dago TSHERING, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations (Deputy Leader) Mr. Tobgye DORJI, Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Delegate) Mr. Richen TSHERING, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations (Delegate) /. -7- BOLIVIA Presidente de la Delegacion S.E. Dr. Gustavo MEDEIROS QUEREJAZU Jefe Alterno de la Delegaci6n S.E. Dr. Felipe TREDINNICfC Delegados S.E. Sr. Federico ARANA SERRUDO S.E. Sr. Manuel FRONTAURA ARGANDONA S.E. Sr. Sergio PALACIOS Secretario General de la Delegacion Sr. Victor TORREZ, Ministro Consejero Sr. Carlos CHAIN, Secretario, Embajada de Bolivia en Caracas BOTSWANA Representatives Mr. M. D. MOKAMA, Attorney General (Leader of the Delegation) H.E. Mr. T. D. MOGAMI, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. L. J. M. J. LEGWAILA, Assistant Principal Mr. M. MOSIDINYANE, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations BRAZIL Head of the Delegation H.E. Mr. Ramiro SARAIVA GUERREIRO, Ambassador Deputy Head of the Delegation H.E. Mr. Carlos CALERO RODRIGUEZ, Ambassador Delegate Mr. Sergio Martins THOMPSON FLORES, Counsellor of Embassy, Permanent Mission to the United Nations /• -8- BRAZIL (continued) Advisers Captain Murillo DE SOUTO MAIOR CASTRO, Brazilian Navy- Professor Vicente MAROTTA Professor Melquiades PINTO PAIVA Dr. Geraldo WILSON NUNAN Dr. Josias Luis GUIMARAES Mr. Jose Mauricio FIGUEIREDO BUSTANI, Secretary of Embassy Mr. Luiz Augusto SAINT-BRISSON DE ARAUJO CASTRO, Secretary of Embassy Mr. Flavio MIRAGAIA PERRI, Secretary of Embassy Commander Roy Middleton BRAGA-WALTER, Brazilian Navy BULGARIA Head of the Delegation H.E. Mr. Alexander YANKOV, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People's Republic of Bulgaria to the United Kingdom Members Mr. Dicho UZUNOV,
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