> -. AL E JUNE 21st, AND CONTINUES DURU JULY. Tie whole of our Excliisiv: ahd High>^uality goods for Ladies* and Childrens wear be o ff^ d nt our well JU wn Genuine and Drastic ’eductions in pjrice enabling you to |>urchase really good and tasteful dr^ w ith-die utm dst W l w*taioh«i iconomy and obtain wonderful val^e for the .money spent. —— HMtiBtm. t«H iui (llt(t«n ut«; ^ No detailed catalogue will b< issued this seiason ibut the foUoMrinjg are a few examples of the B4rgains to be louad ia ! Uo^o& jl2 every departm< * L» iterbox^. postal or Winch f<» GOWNS. ^ * FEAllHEIIi NEGKW ARE. S ^ L K S . (ml ViEton* Libwrr, -.SO'difier^ti and dainty Summer Dresses A large stock of Friench: N ovelty m ai 4rials liO'fdy ^ trich and M arabout Neckwear 'lainl a i n aand n " ^ancy cotton voiles I - j^H K Of I^od. Lomdpn. is wonderfjiRy cheap. Th(c Salb dffers ex­ andJ silkk ia drfliss lengths and Odd len^hs, i imoj iM secondiuiDi by Bojml Clujrtnj. lS3d e i g e u x . i ; ; gei k*«o -ladiM’ auS cellent ^ ifity O strich Feather RtIflSes and bougptg f i ’ in Pai 5 at I a lar^e disoouni ij ate Vsual pricte l O / i i t o 2 9 / 6 . All 8/11. - • m u Boas in Elack and-Colours that ar^ usually m arked at H; the usual prices. Tni< blass T H R M R!trEOYy5UtAN EXAMTXATlOff F p d e e s iKiTmn for i m i «m* 30 charming Sum m er Dresses, principal y d f g o o d w i l l ^ SASON-. MUSICAL f o r I f 9 . 5 e practically unobtaiiable «rs* i< * d. l u th e Slioijo Exul raT jU rii. COMrofiEEK. PEBEtDEMElis 3 5 / 9 mod French pitterns, in Fancy Voiles, E Sn^art Gown; and ^ostum es will be m ade Bmm ' eatt «« tt Becosniiwul . TEACBCAus. iw . - C b e n r *Km# P t ^ iin ;, Aft<?riiiOon Tea*. P o p u lar ^broidery, K Ik Crepe, etc. B L O I ^ 8 E 8 .il Helody and 8 0 0 3 . Tw o r ' froiii th fse love! terials at very lo w ^ c e s qmi BatrtJsii. Q '. Popular Prip*'«: K created LTCHmiTES Usual prices up to 3 guineas. All 12/1 Fresh D ainty and really pxclusivi Blouses d u rin g t ie Sale, fonift "*•irt or anytMaf fd . Arid IdJ AdmiA^ion OK MT7S10. arly o rd ers arc ai Iv isable. I d, I'^vilioD nod Prontf] tMA rij{ Tul^ f<r^ 3 7 Haris ^od£l A ftem oon'D resses in Ricjh tO)^ prJbem tlir L.J in H undreds of designs apd coloujrings, at B A R G A I N S FMRS. >•; msj amotukL Box Hall -\lley«. Elite B a r i ^ a r d o ’ s H o m e s . >'Ti* are held t Hi^h Difiaiifi Rxoel- .Silks', M oire, Taffetas, Crepe d ; Chine and tcTI Int Piiibiui:. Aftorcni 'Tcma. itef1 a t :uipf vHitt. JdOfct day rem arkable prices. | Extra Fine |>uali^ Black W o l f ! i t j o l e s . popular priiiew. D erk Ch frm . ' IM the Septciubet Exuuiinati mf 3fttb .fnne, i.Em broidery. \ Heavy-weight Rich Quality Qrepe de m ounted in mi !ngi shape, wii h tw o ilk (xRAND J^f^RIOTIC D i s p l a y Usual prices up to 0 guineas. All 29/11. Chine Blouses ip charm ing styles, fhat can­ liead$ [at b; 6y>'aho4. Er.nry Form aurt all farther inform C and tail^ at stole r>n obtains applioatii.ti b i L K O N A E H i>’< C O S T U M E S . I not ;pe obtained elsewherte, and in lovely U sual Price S C i n e m a A | i D S a l e . KRQ. ?fi rlcwiek-teirn..,-' Bi L'K>nard«. Hjo! L o r^ 5 g u i n e a s . S ale P riw f Splendid linglish T ailor-m ad- C oats arjel Tn liepreseurdtira to .1 a T c t i e k j u t o n . erary 4 7 colours and Black and Ivojry. I H a n d s o m e uffs tjo m atch, open THE iGKN.-^tN'n GABDEXS. F ISkirts, m ad.' ir fine quality all wool Sifottp T. LEOKAIIDS, Usually ifF n and i 8 |ii. ^ All 12/11.. ’ e , m o ted w ith t'Vo tads WElJNE;^----»»e.k .> E ?IJA Y , a"T I'X K :^ortj.■5rll. Vi]--.ri],;. ‘ijfAeviots,, sm art belted coats w ith breast anil •JO-DAT ISATCBnATg heads. Usual P r i c e ; 5 j- guineas, J.M IMIXKJ.-HV lArit Ihr of ANNiOTE ^nir taten liy ]I1S WOBSHIt* t |h K X .W O E , (rt Mamy French Crepe dc jChine Blouses in KJSLLEEMASN. IS , £ vU p.!K. I |liip pockets an t new full Ikirts. Coats lined KEITCXfe3^Dij|.TJ(3HTEB ■ ' \An I ■pi'tpitr cpene<i’ bv M u sic.' loveU’ quality and beautifhlly made', to be [ < Sale Pril i^ood silks. Ideal Country, H oliday or parly t; - MRS > CBOILld^ cleared at 18/11 & 18/11. ! ; Ri/:h D ark N ituralj M ink Stole, co MONDAY. TTfiSDAlC ISV ^Autum n Cos|tumcs. of four line skins m jaunted w ith ill lioDwntic id tW0j(^iris, THjEi T A GHANH PAGEANT « ritiilb d : Charm ing Blouses in Brocaded! Silk in M ISS MAUD ( HASEMOBE jUsual price ' .1 ' guineas. All 49/11. , dainty shades. : PHlfS 18/11. sides and wi1:|i .real M ink tails. ( »» ‘‘T h e C a l l t o A r m s .** l'ROUrCTIO> 1 2 Sm art Snier C oats and Skirts in copl “ C h i l d o f I * H 6 n u ; E f . ’ PEOFKSSOB OF VOIC i yn. i P r i c e 6 ^ g u i n & i s . ; ; S ale P ril UoOds «nd (iiftsllfor ;TJ» Vielitinj,' KiTTr« on Bale. 51NOTNG' Itiil:iau . 'H eavy Jap Silk Tailor-cutj Shifts. Cotele, Black lami w hite,. N avy and Vyhitc, Beautiful Sod Cp^ey Scarv^es, splendid CHARLfef lECEIVEH pn»TLS ijCham. and W hite and Sky ayd W hite.i P r i M 8 / 1 1 . IN ^ 8 1 ’i.EKmD ni;pi..*.Ts i.,- “Tiuj: BAitKAnno qualirfjr, over i yards in length aUd 6 J i i c h e s I n two^jrirt. C-Mi)edf. j G lK L ii," by a p i'0 ;i ! To' dear. All 27;^. Sm art Voile Blouses w itli large spots 0 1 v \ v i d e j 45/t>- S ale P r ii^ 2 4 /9 50. B b B E U T !i)N S T K E E l. j; 1 .Ml N avy and Black Costum es drastipall/ w hhe ground,fR ose, Sky, Rink, Helio, Saxe ' C h a r l i e ' s 'JV i c H T O u t ” Mmic by T m HASTI.V(;S VI Il.HAUMOJilC Sm art "Fillb M u f f to m atch, beautifully SO|:lKTY OItCHE#IIA. Miw-ir.'. fl**niiita3' aiid.^Por^i, date and in hjinch elem and. and 13lack.' ’ I j Sale Price 4,/11. Bally B o ’, Nn. 7 (to^kali. Black I liliamofid •Condol tnr: TAl. UAKJllOTT. I l i n e d a n d finished; Usual Price 3 d / 6 - liraaui,. Mto.,' ct«v *lSo mk * •' I ' • ^ K I R T S . Hundreds of' really pretty and D aintv , • . j 'Sale Prifle-LSI/' • Befroshneota at • Modern^'' P rices. Sm art new Model Skirts in Black M oire 7®rnsDA\\ .irxR 34tt«. MiSS ilLICK N 0BTON, m i A VoiH and M uslin M 'hite Blouses. E xtra fine duality N atural M oleskii Q o a t , C e n tu ty Bsautilu! mud cuUinciu? T>rama ff tbehRaat. ^Ailmirsi m : 6’1. [rhlUlreii half'rri<e».l Mea serrirr ilio S i l k . 6 3 /-. Sale Price 39/11. ngth, IxautifuUy m ounted Cuiuitry,,!'! Laii’dni, 5d. ; i.BC.M. To be I cleared” at 4/11. n e w Also in B iack'T afieta Silk, it>. Masons “ A P e a r l o f t h e R a n g e s .” KANOPOU'fE. SINGI> G. VOJCF PRODIff^L 5 9 Tlie N ew Lihon and li'o^ile Blouses w ith S tv lc . 1 1 f a a l P r i c e 3 1 g u m c I Ciat*» o p e | 8 p m . and t l ^ e 8.j 0 p.m . HARN O N Y .' etc. Satie Price 35 9, 'past. ebanping lace in d em broidered coll;|ars, etc. SaiePricelSil o n e a s .yoBtinuoQs 2.i0 to I0.ro s ta r pictarea t t | sl S-M. and Also in Soft B lack Satin, ,' q . i booked lo adruavo withoat extn ; abaisa. Come, finpport. Kb« Tlotn'i*, whkli liife crer 1.540 old Speeltl Coaeb'iwe for L.^l.A H.. A fc C M-. e ^ 4 5 Usuali>| q /ii. Saje Price 6 1 1 SUNSHADES AND^ UM BR^L4X anauly bni reietul / . *Fbuie 905 AtternooB tea J‘’ree. I h boys fightiap for ^Linp a:id Country.l ! eiated Boards Sale Price 29/11 Tussore Col ; nred Sunshades, lin< k Blue (EET, 29.
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