Tie whole of our Excliisiv: ahd High>^uality goods for Ladies* and Childrens wear be o ff^ d nt our well JU wn Genuine and Drastic ’eductions in pjrice enabling you to |>urchase really good and tasteful dr^ w ith-die utm dst W l w*taioh«i iconomy and obtain wonderful val^e for the .money spent. —— HMtiBtm. t«H iui (llt(t«n ut«; ^ No detailed catalogue will b< issued this seiason ibut the foUoMrinjg are a few examples of the B4rgains to be louad ia ! Uo^o& jl2 every departm< * L» iterbox^. postal

or Winch f<» GOWNS. ^ * FEAllHEIIi NEGKW ARE. S ^ L K S . (ml ViEton* Libwrr, -.SO'difier^ti and dainty Summer Dresses A large stock of Friench: N ovelty m ai 4rials liO'fdy ^ trich and M arabout Neckwear 'lainl a i n aand n " ^ancy cotton voiles I - j^H K Of I^od. Lomdpn. is wonderfjiRy cheap. Th(c Salb dffers ex­ andJ silkk ia drfliss lengths and Odd len^hs, i imoj iM secondiuiDi by Bojml Clujrtnj. lS3d e i g e u x . i ; ; gei k*«o -ladiM’ auS cellent ^ ifity O strich Feather RtIflSes and bougptg f i ’ in Pai 5 at I a lar^e disoouni ij ate Vsual pricte l O / i i t o 2 9 / 6 . All 8/11. - • m u Boas in Elack and-Colours that ar^ usually m arked at H; the usual prices. Tni< blass T H R M R!trEOYy5UtAN EXAMTXATlOff F p d e e s iKiTmn for i m i «m* 30 charming Sum m er Dresses, principal y d f g o o d w i l l ^ SASON-. MUSICAL f o r I f 9 . 5 e practically unobtaiiable «rs* i< * d. l u th e Slioijo Exul raT jU rii. COMrofiEEK. PEBEtDEMElis 3 5 / 9 mod French pitterns, in Fancy Voiles, E Sn^art Gown; and ^ostum es will be m ade Bmm ' eatt «« tt Becosniiwul . TEACBCAus. iw . - C b e n r *Km# P t ^ iin ;, Aft•; msj amotukL Box Hall -\lley«. Elite B a r i ^ a r d o ’ s H o m e s . >'Ti* are held t Hi^h Difiaiifi Rxoel- .Silks', M oire, Taffetas, Crepe d ; Chine and tcTI Int Piiibiui:. Aftorcni 'Tcma. itef1 a t :uipf vHitt. JdOfct day rem arkable prices. | Extra Fine |>uali^ Black W o l f ! i t j o l e s . popular priiiew. D erk Ch frm . ' IM the Septciubet Exuuiinati mf 3fttb .fnne, i.Em broidery. \ Heavy-weight Rich Quality Qrepe de m ounted in mi !ngi shape, wii h tw o ilk (xRAND J^f^RIOTIC D i s p l a y Usual prices up to 0 guineas. All 29/11. Chine Blouses ip charm ing styles, fhat can­ liead$ [at b; 6y>'aho4. Er.nry Form aurt all farther inform C and tail^ at stole r>n obtains applioatii.ti b i L K O N A E H i>’< C O S T U M E S . I not ;pe obtained elsewherte, and in lovely U sual Price S C i n e m a A | i D S a l e . KRQ. ?fi rlcwiek-teirn..,-' Bi L'K>nard«. Hjo! L o r^ 5 g u i n e a s . S ale P riw f Splendid linglish T ailor-m ad- C oats arjel Tn liepreseurdtira to .1 a T c t i e k j u t o n . erary 4 7 colours and Black and Ivojry. I H a n d s o m e uffs tjo m atch, open THE iGKN.-^tN'n GABDEXS. F ISkirts, m ad.' ir fine quality all wool Sifottp T. LEOKAIIDS, Usually ifF n and i 8 |ii. ^ All 12/11.. ’ e , m o ted w ith t'Vo tads WElJNE;^----»»e.k .> E ?IJA Y , a "TI'XK :^ortj.■5rll. Vi]--. ri],;. ‘ijfAeviots,, sm art belted coats w ith breast anil •JO-DAT ISATCBnATg heads. Usual P r i c e ; 5 j- guineas, J.M IMIXKJ.-HV lArit Ihr of ANNiOTE ^nir taten liy ]I1S WOBSHIt* t |h K X .W O E , (rt Mamy French Crepe dc jChine Blouses in KJSLLEEMASN. IS , £ vU p.!K. I |liip pockets an t new full Ikirts. Coats lined KEITCXfe3^Dij|.TJ(3HTEB ■ ' \An I ■pi'tpitr cpene CBOILld^ cleared at 18/11 & 18/11. ! ; Ri/:h D ark N ituralj M ink Stole, co MONDAY. TTfiSDAlC ISV ^Autum n Cos|tumcs. of four line skins m jaunted w ith ill lioDwntic id tW0j(^iris, THjEi T A GHANH PAGEANT « ritiilb d : Charm ing Blouses in Brocaded! Silk in M ISS MAUD ( HASEMOBE jUsual price ' .1 ' guineas. All 49/11. , dainty shades. : PHlfS 18/11. sides and wi1:|i .real M ink tails. ( »» ‘‘T h e C a l l t o A r m s .** l'ROUrCTIO> 1 2 Sm art Snier C oats and Skirts in copl “ C h i l d o f I * H 6 n u ; E f . ’ PEOFKSSOB OF VOIC i yn. i P r i c e 6 ^ g u i n & i s . ; ; S ale P ril UoOds «nd (iiftsllfor ;TJ» Vielitinj,' KiTTr« on Bale. 51NOTNG' Itiil:iau . 'H eavy Jap Silk Tailor-cutj Shifts. Cotele, Black lami w hite,. N avy and Vyhitc, Beautiful Sod Cp^ey Scarv^es, splendid CHARLfef lECEIVEH pn»TLS ijCham. and W hite and Sky ayd W hite.i P r i M 8 / 1 1 . IN ^ 8 1 ’i.EKmD ni;pi..*.Ts i.,- “Tiuj: BAitKAnno qualirfjr, over i yards in length aUd 6 J i i c h e s I n two^jrirt. C-Mi)edf. j G lK L ii," by a p i'0 ;i ! To' dear. All 27;^. Sm art Voile Blouses w itli large spots 0 1 v \ v i d e j 45/t>- S ale P r ii^ 2 4 /9 50. B b B E U T !i)N S T K E E l. j; 1 .Ml N avy and Black Costum es drastipall/ w hhe ground,fR ose, Sky, Rink, Helio, Saxe ' C h a r l i e ' s 'JV i c H T O u t ” Mmic by T m HASTI.V(;S VI Il.HAUMOJilC Sm art "Fillb M u f f to m atch, beautifully SO|:lKTY OItCHE#IIA. Miw-ir.'. fl**niiita3' aiid.^Por^i, date and in hjinch elem and. and 13lack.' ’ I j Sale Price 4,/11. Bally B o ’, Nn. 7 (to^kali. Black I liliamofid •Condol tnr: TAl. UAKJllOTT. I l i n e d a n d finished; Usual Price 3 d / 6 - liraaui,. Mto.,' ct«v *lSo mk * •' I ' • ^ K I R T S . Hundreds of' really pretty and D aintv , • . j 'Sale Prifle-LSI/' • Befroshneota at • Modern^'' P rices. Sm art new Model Skirts in Black M oire 7®rnsDA\\ .irxR 34tt«. MiSS ilLICK N 0BTON, m i A VoiH and M uslin M 'hite Blouses. E xtra fine duality N atural M oleskii Q o a t , C e n tu ty Bsautilu! mud cuUinciu? T>rama ff tbehRaat. ^Ailmirsi m : 6’1. [rhlUlreii half'rri. Masons “ A P e a r l o f t h e R a n g e s .” KANOPOU'fE. SINGI> G. VOJCF PRODIff^L 5 9 Tlie N ew Lihon and li'o^ile Blouses w ith S tv lc . 1 1 f a a l P r i c e 3 1 g u m c I Ciat*» o p e | 8 p m . and t l ^ e 8.j 0 p.m . HARN O N Y .' etc. Satie Price 35 9, 'past. ebanping lace in d em broidered coll;|ars, etc. SaiePricelSil o n e a s .yoBtinuoQs 2.i0 to I0.ro s ta r pictarea t t | sl S-M. and Also in Soft B lack Satin, ,' q . i booked lo adruavo withoat extn ; abaisa. Come, finpport. Kb« Tlotn'i*, whkli liife crer 1.540 old Speeltl Coaeb'iwe for L.^l.A H.. A fc C M-. e ^ 4 5 Usuali>| q /ii. Saje Price 6 1 1 SUNSHADES AND^ UM BR^L4X anauly bni reietul / . *Fbuie 905 AtternooB tea J‘’ree. I h boys fightiap for ^Linp a:id Country.l ! eiated Boards Sale Price 29/11 Tussore Col ; nred Sunshades, lin< k Blue (EET, 29. M AG DA V en- dainty iLacc Blouse^ in 1 end styles, PEITICOATSJ r c e n , s p LEC NAEn9*( ;r-SEA I a n d ndid fpr Beach or G uden. W e are hoted.Tor w onderful \’alue in j^ood 1 ' 8 a | P r i ^ l 4 / 1 1 . C entral P icture T heatre. E a s t . ^ u s s e j ( A r t ^ C l u b . , , U / l ' l i B B I O H T O n , offer over of all kindp 1 , 0 0 0 All Colours ! n Plain Silk Sunshndek on A N D C H I- iba Oaa viU> the -.linby Lmnui. dmpoafta O.i'.U KNI'HED COATS. ‘ UeiQormiL H e ie tJ i^ ■ MADAME EMULIft PETR E L t l . A . l . and sizes at alm ost Hcdf U sual Prices. - I j • . E n a m e l l e d G i ^ do k s ■ ; 'pHE ANNU EXHIBITION |of IMCTXniES uow 5/6- (cf|) ' 5 0 cktra la ’ge and 4 3 ordinary size bes W b have a w onderful variety, all m the new V'Etl^-nSDAT, op^n ia t^el GALLKUY. ti’XON V ery best qui lity C henc and Fancy 4 t i i p f e d JU N E IP-Mi, a n d 2oni— ^ , EFlElrilV UYiAlJ :e P iip d 'L a |Soft Silk M oircjtte P etticoats in m :inv colour)s sliapf s, w ith sashes and belt|s a n n u li basques R eel? |t)ay. except Su&>itty, iG. m a AdnUasios: oa Prims Donna SA klSunshadbi, m any less than H alf I r i c e . he olly of outh P r ita te l8oln*W P ^ rtiw wi)| bo adm it t and are m uch under lx>ndojn Friers. •‘T F Y .’* ’ed at half-pnon V I S I T S H A SO N S til and styles. iUsuIri Price fb ’ thesep c ±1 35 1 / L 1 1i . t o 2 5 tim * by Ap. rUlian Met 1 0 2 3 , 9 Aa Arts and ‘Cniita Exhibition w T IN G aud ]0dl. \ really Sm art C oat (or G oli an 1 S p o r t s b!ETUFJsLp W e:^, in Cashm pre, all colour;?, B hi c k d n d . Sale Price 8/11 and IfS/lll A tbrillin? Ediaon twu-reel Drama. Ak4 e.o. Me^jT.i. tXcbeil«ba 6 3 Pure Sdlc and leather-back Satin petti- ^ a n d l i n i 0 1 Sun or R ain En-| BILLIE BITCHIE i'l ‘‘DEATH OK iS^MOK'; LA W hite, also extra large sizes. coats,‘ also ’ a f ' w Brocades, day and eveninr i pure borderei 1 Silk Covers, on potttiMons performance da^ly 2.$0 to lOXO. PeopWa c o l o u r s . W i l l j b e 2 3 / 9 , but, during Sale 18/11 Pcpular' Pictnri Prtoee. M ./6d.. and K ' Tea L|Uy May btniiett, sticks and cbloured button tops lilDna^ f n t u floury afternoon. A ruticiai Silk C oats in all the new est shades . U s u a l ! ' T 1 / 9 t o 1 8 / 9 . Ail LII 32; A^MAi yilX A S. SiLv: MISS Fli^R^NCE Bl]fN f 8 T « | t , P r i j ‘ ■ BEHILL, and [styles, long coats w ith sash and fnll _____dilt N otoi ar« ' "' ...... "' , — M,,.i, |M P L ^ a S T . 7 2 French M odel Petticoats, W . and out plcndid ski » I ^T. LEONARDS, ir[ kM Md dd. tqir «mcb liasqties. Sale PrlM 23/9. size, in lines b Silk M ilanese and'Tpicoi Tw lli Borderejl Silk Covers, F ox’s T he P ublic H all C inema, ISHES tj[> strongly deny tjv^ km pvevald, of the cruel and jEKOAGiKMENTd to BoaompufJ Tnttni* Crepe de CH im s and R ich Satinsi. Smart 4oin. Coats in Black and Wiite hahdkome Silve r m ounted Crook ■iiift bm. W slaiuiei|nas statements made against meiDtslisk. Tooalieto. jct Daaei^ iludlrlhial ok Artificial Silk- j ilEMOItlAL. . ker. A n y ; perk>a» heard « ting it after xiT«s P ia n o L eu o n sj T erm s o i aypU- U s u a l l y 2 9 / b t o 4 9 / 6 . Sale Priiee 16/11 U ^ual P rice ■ -|c /g. ■ ,: ' Sale / PiIIcIb this date pe prcHecuted. C U s u a l l y 3 9 ,/ 6 . Sale Ifilccj 29/11. # 1 * ® . F ® LACE AND lj7EiU^G8. lasil Fi.o«E;rcE nAitNidT^, , Clearing lots of Silk M oifctte‘Petticoais'l/ ery large range of A rtificial Silk C oats, A m m W K I V N I ^ B e x h i b i t i o n f»B r.» is isa. -Ifrini,./Btenulatri ud. Sol*. |Fifty p i« e 9 ||cii Ihjjre Silk. F ren ch ! a t 5 / 1 1 , 4 It: 7 / 1 1 . t hq highe.st Sale Price[ M any a|l B lack. »!*• THE f P O O L O F ts -and .plaiiL i^^ly?>aH yB 8 'd c k ! ---- ...... ' t ’ f f i i i i d f e d s t«|> c h o o s e f r o m . ’ ■ [sale'''PHtt'-':E|-, l O f ItOSBiS NEXT^ MILLINERY. l j H u n d r e d s di new M t^in and R o l l - ’ STEJI M BOAO EOLLlNO. Six beautiiu|l M odel H ats, co st, i & 3 g u i n e a s T'H E TERkOfeS OF THE JU N G LE.' Professional, [Cbllars, all n and] perfect. CCiUNClI, invite A i l 2 1 / 9 . On June 6th. fit (Ilnwna of tho 'Wilri.j. . E 8 ’ OUTFITTING, i Sajle Price from |8^ r n c h [by the K«t. 'Bholto rBND|/RS for the Kp'liSng of certain B l a c k a n d Black and W liite M odel H its Ham, Bschmond* to IcuiTds in their District. Time npprcximatelv nderful value in D ainjty C am bric N ight W d l l - m a d e ]et Chem isettes in Par a n d danfttiter of the lati Sil other Drematk^. Corned,, »ad Trarei Piln*. w ith real Ospreys. A t less than H alf price. ,'iO ind iliemselves to y o i portMMiUif.* a p p lr } 'f| Frank Trickett, of SECRIiTAllY. ‘ : 3/11J. and Colours. ] Very fashionable. accept the lowest or any Tender. Sale Price 7/11.1 N ightdresses in H orrocksje’s fine Iclngcloth, leabel, only danyh* T h e P u b l i c H a l l O n e m a GBtKTViof Liff* Schoql . .ell, of Nevintrreea* Sum m er Fellts in W hite and all the New ily Order, ] I YHOMhell' Brid^' turndow n and hem stitched| collars. |V necks 3 I t f O l b i n n Al and BexhiU. lo n d o a . A rt Colours anjd superior quality. j ! in Chemises, Com bination Knickers ami L Splendid Scloctibh* pf .New M biro Hags, 9th. 1915. a t th e A. R. INSKIPP, and ijsng sleeves. | S a i e P l i i .Aloid, Kent, by Rcr. MEMOBIAL HASTIMiS. ik m any shadps, all perfect. . I of Ashford and Bi^ ' Clerk. Sale Price 2/11 i and 4 1 1 i . Cam isoles'; 11, W€lUi4ftoii-sf|uare» na.stiReA. Sim itar B argains to the tl^rec quoted abov rihur FoUmte, yonngGf The New Soft IVhite Piq ue Petticoats for I Swe Price froib im Tyrrell, of *'He^ IRh June. W15. COATS. m i Tto Dorothy. yemnk«* i T hirty only Fi n est Q uality F rench jje Hotels, &c. Special Sale O fer of a, w onderful purchase} sports wear Sale Price 4s. Sd. W p U e d Hia. Stesr^ Spencer, H air Combs, hi the newest shape. s i ] i a l fipw. 1 0 .f finest (jtm ity Raincoats in the cejof Special Bargaii]is in w hite Petticoats. 1915 (by Ucenre). A C O U N T Y B o r o u g h o p i [i a s t i r g s . Plricel 5/i;iL tq p y /it 3 f ' er, by the Rer. J. L iO X D on. tkated m akes that arc our speciality, and Sale P rib 1/11h iM 2/11 «/-• fon of Mr. ThotnH [Black Velvtil andf Paste French >f HastiDFe) and Mfw -W MONDAY NEXT AND TWO ‘ FOLLOWING T O C O A L | m ERC i 4 n TS. which arc fully guaranteed, including bf N e c k A" few dainty Boudoir fclowns in Nuns- Bffmt danabfer of Mr. bands and Bbws. DAYS, w i i Jt o n h o t e l . M odel Coats of the very latest designs.) N 6 Sale Price freff of Hastinse. h e . rt’ori■poratifl>xation invlito m • ! TENDERS Opposite tetx'ioti, V otona« eml m ia c i« veiling. and T w ill-H annel, ib useful colours. HNG. for the supply of 190 T([)NB OF HOUSE tw o alike. i GLOVES AND h o s i e r y . iVPPl.y <• Uuderisve Ordered by the I ster C«tb«draL 3oaim W aterproof Coats, usually 3 7 .'*) f o r 23/9. ' g j a i n : rrootn. Josfah. eeeoni Horcmgii Engineer. ' iiient,bnn rsitcTN fit Jatoca' Weauiuisi «re*9 ln w „ A Hyde Park,. Fictooiiiiljr Charm ing Rest owns m Cashm ere, w ith o - button jCheverettc Suede Glohe^ y., of Hiphbnry^terraeA T C hA rauus Crt>9% ClritPut ritrcfOt. »od P n ticip al d1 io | a, „ .. .. 4 -- II 25 9. I n AughteT of B en iam in The coal io to be one of the foUowiOK OBany 'bue riiio. Ciij 12 a»nat«*> bj |Kec(no 1.1 I. '49''fi ■. 29/6, ■'! w hitb em broidered M uslini n CCollars, o l in N avy, ite, (w ashing), Bjkcuit and ‘G rey. 'la^. Lower Clapton* ^ kinds: - ■ . j t , S a x e . •Sli*8ppoin1«d and iz{ eaM«a Sm art M acintc/sh Coats for the H olidays. . Purple, hky, Ambthyst *T h e R o y a l ^ a v a l D i v i s i o n r p H l S H O T E L i* !j! ‘ U s u ^ y lNITNNHRY SILKSTONi:. A iBeUrnc___ -y______Iromf.I* 2s. bo-K T bo I*roTi«i« 7tb. a t 15, DeronebifW 'riBSHELF No.\'< .9 BES T. •tri., a’.-d. ara fr.nu lha Pfopnetor's >’arm U s u a l l y 2 1 ,'Q- Sale Price 14/6. S ale Pril le 27./11 I Side PrfcB fhira. and the Vacunoi Co.’» Machinct; is i m n inarlr beloTcd irifp ■ -\m ong the large selection of Shantung knee Lisle ; Stoc^ngs, in Black ,, 71 y w i . A T ' W o r k a n d P l a y .” HlCKLin'OV BEST MAIN.I tb a p rsm ifot by irhtofc 'ill d n st is rBrnosed d) o n l y . ijf, but thou exccileal ROCKINGHAM .SELECTED SILKSTONE. Uta roouis. Taiepbun« S91 VtuiorJa Eti i CHILDREN’S D R ^ . ■ u foi loav star- TsnJI od appliemtlooi TeteiTai Coat^ is one. M odel Codt, w ithbeautifulljy To]be cleared! It ip | and 1/0| pair BKNTINCK DERBYS. • uAato. Londoa. ] 1915, a t Lodgn m ounted silkf collar, thq coat lined througili M aby special bargains', which [will b« The New W ijetable Silk H ose,'exp^ent ife of WiHiam CANNOCK [CHASE BEST BRIQHTS. At the Arcbeif No Tender VUl be o!on6 idi!ren the proscribed form, wtiicfl may be ob- O r i g i n f i l F ' 4 guineas. Sale Price 29/S> Navyi Coating Costum es land Coajts, etc. - t. ■ ' Sale - Pri 1,/9i C.B., M.l.C.E j taiucl on applicaiion to P, H. Palmer, Eeq., admiralty. ag»d Al.I.t.’.E., Uot/ ii Hall, Hastings. M atronly I.adies w ill find a large collection Iso in bettd qualities a t 2./9J, 3/jl'^i a n d TUb J« nor an old fllm of manx-uTios pr Btilbriew DICK RUSSELL, HOUSEHOLD LINENS. Tenders under Healed cover, endorsed “Ten. of really nice Cuats at m ost unusual prices, It helored huaband o| n n ■ ' m Sld», but a r-.-al live yiuturo taken recently at the dern for Uoiise Coal,” to be delivered at th,-> Aft, Hastiats. rwwd JOBMaster. the follow ing are e.xam ples. j M e can save buyers of ^ood Linens fully d k ^ r o h i I f s . >. 71 r w j , Town C le rk ’s Offibu. Town K a il, Hastings, by in France, on Jana Crystal Palae>.*, L oudon, lU -d-r ih o eujkMYlMon o f t ^ j Two o'clock, on the Sfith inst. G ood Black Silk Coats in latest styles. , 3 0 per cent. The balancejof oiir last July W e have seiq i r e d W o n d e r f u l iadian FTpcdltinnar? )ESE» and CARRIAGES of The Corporation do not b^nd tlicmecivcs to Stocks of Sheets, Pillow C a^s, Tow els, B ed­ orpe, 24, Eteraflcm* idciraH y. { ' I e r i p t i o n . U s u a l l y , 5 5 / 9 - d e 3 gnineas. All 29/^. of Real H and Loom Irish’ Linen H jai^ker ebra. accept the lony;st or any tender. spreads, Dam ask Cloths and .Sei-vnettes, lidiin Fiance. Henry B lack BeiigaUne.’ Silk C oats in very ^arge djieis, w ith half inch H em stitch Bo|rc;ets at f Mabel Harrcr. t. I'E H C Y ID l R. Blankets and Rough Linens rem ain| at tbe a B% Discount off real old, prices, !< tM onlT 5on nf Mr. Town Clerk. Pjriyatie Motdir and TaxilCaJis and m cdium l sizes. Ladies Tiith-rd., St. Leonaiil*. Town Hall, Hastings. ’ I ' Originally 79/^- 411 45;5. original prices, and the.w holesale priejes have w h o ! a p p r e c i a t e good H andkerchiefs i^hbald 17th June, m s . PORI HIRE. life nc+ known), at advanced fully, 3 . 5 per cenL M'p shkll give seenrp .som e of I i t h e i . y G. M. North, lat T h e K i n e m a P a I/ a c e , Sporfs Co^ts. Pique Coats, Holiday and our clients the full benefit. | I 0 dcarlv -inrod eldest „ ST. I,EOSAR])S.41X-8E.V- ! O iE c e ! M otor Coats .1 All at Sale Bargain Prices. Sate Prices 6/11,7/11,8/11,9/11 to 21 1- d o z. Joseph North. St. IbnapT: C'HAS- C. UAUNKB. Tfl- X'-. HUitics* HI. Ofandeon of tbe lOYAL MEWS. ..ottm OP liASTlNOS second b^ad T U E S D A T . .-:nd W E tiN E S D A V . .T r S E CAMBR1BQE ROAD. 'ijiher. Feo . of E ld^ «9t, 2 ltd aiid 25rd. A ftlrrin); utory uf Ibirigoe-- ;j‘ Entorod into tn.p TO CORN MUrX'HAkTS AN*D OTHERS. i H A S t l N G S . ii* ipothor. L ondon. „ Tele, . ? p p lc v e o-'fiv. “ T u r k e y ' s T r e a c h e r y .” — ---- i Teleiihone "SO T ^ 37 & 38, The O olonnade, St. n^yl N. S. Wale^, Mat J , la Tlw^ l*an.^ h e Corporation invite T/^NDERS for 35y. John Robinaon. lata the supply ami delivCPv I'nf I't'iKAOE «ea’ Interred at TOvit.sii.vr., nur>.vy.~„i, s.vTr«n.iv, jrx n during the period er next. Pljjtfon, B. Cot.. 2Snl dear huebaod S[)oc-iflcutiou| and I'orra o3 Tender may be Ill T h r“c' Part**. ^ \iw MW) of Mr*. ‘Reaa obtain-.Hl at itho OHiKORGE BLACKMOKK nuJ wor. C.S.T., (Some beautiful Ggj-ments. (Pf-encli Sarriples.) I J a n e 8t1i. 1891 EsAff xiaht at S. ]^fl‘*rn<''n Cnac<'rfa'al St. Lfcnar*^ Noakes, deceased. . wKr ordf'r 8u:i am i T tajaproef A v u in s a t 3,|5.- rkOIAl. ATITEKTION tbe DJneisea Washing Gowbs, Skirts, Toilet Jackets, Cojrsets, etc. ‘ ■ I'opuar Tircea ua iiaiiaL aam^lv Corne lliin.ioS# Eniaiffemet t nf t l . . i i i j Pursuant to the Act of ParlieuJl-nt 2Znd and S Club NoiU iTncrowlnr 1 a iU W a rt4 Mn(l|i S|*ECJAL NEW liNI j ■!'' _ ^ rd Vie., Cap. a5, intituleil “ An Act to tlOfl.!i. it •V Child’s Sun and Site Mill|i^fery, Coats,'Frocks, etc. further amend the Lav/ of Property and pie™i?i»’t(1 mJi.. .c’ «t ■■ Ro-rie«idBnf|A Fii to relieve lYiwtoee. Xne .I'^ynta •>nie perM‘uaLT fw'*inn ' HOME MADl b h o c o L ; ■ AaTl^G^ 4,NI> ST LLONAitiJS H^HlTAl^ON. TO TCE HEREBY GIVEN that all Ol Town: fill '' 1 UiTwion i-s^TES. N crt*(Jitor8 j pMfJ'iitljpu ppr'kiiis ii.Tviujj any Rnlins Conncillor—^Oaiu Uoo. i claims; or df’iijaiulH llu* JvsiAtc of THE OliJKST l':sTAI LTsrnco hE?iiit»l W.VJ A G N E S F r a n c i s , NEEDHAM ILN H E N K Y l<»te join tk4 Uaouauou Aouid appl/ tJieroiu nnmt'di>. are lieivby rmjiiiir-d I d '•r i MO!^EY *9 Uts UoD beexetanmi partioularri. im writing, o; their debt-, .;laii AU I »K-VS 1.1 rX aA N T E P or dematuii» io me, tho iinrlorsigncd. 1 |ie G o t Tilutc i Uu 1>» ilid ctti»r F io w tr ^ r Solicitors for-ltho said Esecutoivs, on or Biooniias Piaa,' at ull waf in*. Mutual Loan Fund Association Ltd j fore the 31st day of duly, iOlo; after whi v. Trams from .bt) M em oria: fftop at ^ba K m ir* Is- INCORPORArED IjsSO. | NOTE TH R ICES - ■ date the said iExccutors w ill proceed to d 6 - tpifction lziTit«c Tsie. ltt» triiMito the a<-4 0 ts of tbo ^;tid d ec^ayl d v a n c e s from ;£s upw ard? upon pdrsonal or other Security, re- 1 c w t . I 2s. Go', amongst tiie rjeiv*ons rntiHc^l thereto, huvifij* A Dav.hble by iii'itnbncr.ts upon follmyiilig Tcrm.t;— | r c ^ d only toi the debt^. clainiM. nV denmivil** I c w t . IS. 23. ol which \hej] shall then Iiav4 bud iiq Hi M e s d a mMES e s G s EENAVE'AY. £5, iSmonthSy payments of 10 shillings £2^, 12 monthly payments of £2 and they will mot be liable [lor! the I c w t . •; 7 d . tho saiJ’ diwuasfxl, or any ipoilt thwxfof. COUSFitlK R F fl. £50,12 monthly payments of £5 Ahd Ipngor phriode. distributed to any person i H d . OS S T IJF K T I O ther am ount? in proportion. iSlTlONG COARSE 2jS. 6d Per !fOlmerly of Wiplli»;tos' Plaoa: laim, o r dein,atid’ they shall not then ha : Special term s for loans on approved securities. had notice. O L F IK G A N P C Y c t ,lX(t rORSF.Tfi. ABnO- Dated this 12th day of June, 1915. G JtflNAL BELTS, StlOULPEll BILlCES. Call or w rite to the branch M anager— W ILLIAM , A. W ILSON BUTLERS’ S t o r e s , W] ORAHA3I HOCiBER CNDKECLOTJIfXXG. 195. QUEEN’S RD.. HA.STINGS i/ hovr ■ ,J M, Sltip^treet, Brighri|n. l a d k a on at thd;. avs rasiisDP*. WE8I ^aiET. HASt O Jfice hours 2 U t J f . m . 6 >/^rd«ys lO U i J . jiS»liiiit« r.tor -.thfli Ex9oato» 1 w « t b r XSGtttG s t t i i t i i STrPTGS ATTD ST. LEOT^AfapS OBSERVER. SATtrRPAT. JTHTE 1 ■ I'- be sent to local sdhopls which, did ARTHUR'S POPBTEBNTH I EAST HOSPITAL. help the Hospital. HASTINGS AMUSEMENTS. SEASON. I dooDcillor Beasley, ' in answer to Hon, said he had askedi two or three The WalUs Arthur Conoerte have .become I GOOD TEAU’S WOEK BE^IBWED. TRAVEL TECTUBI.^ ON H.ASTrWGS (riiite( a Uastings summer institution; the perasntdly, bat there bad been no ‘ PIED. appeal. I resent if;!!! ho thoir fourteenth, consecutive THE' NEW. S1Te |.| Mr. Kelly seeonded Dr. Quay's asason. ' ' motion, wbich The op^ng night at the Ocntral Pavilion Tbe annoal meeting of the (wvernors of On Monday, Mr. Artl nr Malden, F.B.G.S., Messrs. Fox, Dawsoil, and Co. commenced his deries «f topical lecturra.for i 1 tho Crtekot Ground is fixed for next Moo- the'-Kast Sussc{x Hospital, Haetinn, waa held fee (tey, and ^ough it is hardly to be expected, last Saturdaj afternoqn, at the Hospital. : ; elected Auditors, at a fee to be the week with “ Enssia Our Eastern Ally.' by •the Comniittee. Kronstadt was the i irst point of Russia i 1 viefiv by tiio war, that they will have duit» 'Hie Mayor (CoaniiClop E. tf. 5lockin 6 > many patrons as usual, the merit of! the presided. Others present includedCoun­ The Bev. A. Hamel Bimpeon, rnotj touched. Thence on to Petrograd, where vote of thanks to the Hon. Medical many interesting were seen, among urtistte is bound to draw good audieztoes. cillor \V. C. Beaaley (U h ^ in a n of the Mr. Georre Blackmore heads the Oomxi«mY OovernorS), Lady Idina HlytheJ Cotmcillhr said that' be had heenijvery much imp|: which are the toighty statue of Peter,the by the «ztraor£naTy of worl; Great, which cost £ H ,000 , and the many te n.snal,Tan, J.P., lLieut.-Coionel An ■ews, J.P ., which they -worked in , Toinntary -way, and turing the finest R us^n Regiment, " Tbe hen! there will be Mr. Ijeonard Loveeey] ao. Dr.; J. W. Batterhan^,’ Dr. B. !. Barker, it was Hussars of the GnardJ” were very interest­ xeeuCnt 'tenor, who has not hitSierto : ap­ Dr. A. W'. Brodribh; Dr. Be nayne. Dr. PBttraCTLT ^OITOBBItTL ing. j.. peared inJ Hastings; and an old favourite; Hofman Tioeburst, Mis. B. C. , ,dbbe, Mrs. how they could find I tinM From Petrograd the audience was taken to parifafpe, Mr. Itobert P itt. Tho light comedy- Bea.sley, Mfes Birkeflt, Dri , Abram, The Kev. P. C. J xounff 0BCosded» and Moscow. Clement wjill be in the. hands of Mies Ethel F.E.C.O., Mr. A. E. jYoung, the Ee™. A. the Mayor supported Mr. Arthur Malden will give -two lectures pncknell, u clever young lady-; -white, atjthei^ Hume Simpson, F. C.. A. Young (), and This was heartily to-r .had mode me d ie p a r ^ Annetto Kellermanii — perfect woman; IJ mark about bis-(the dyer’s) age.- lEe Bwimmer,. actress, dancCT, and swordswoman not know whether the lospdtal, was eco^ The| bgoment of the Kinemo, Norinas- deep regret -^has dedigbted very audiences at the road. iSt. l^nards, continne to provide thw so COljRTEOVB A OENTUSl^N m icing in paper, but I the o th n sid{e Cinema de Luxe. Atu^ from beauty of end so gallant an officer as Captain Gamie^j slip which he had in lie .hand be {da!nd {tatroBs rith the cream of tbe world'o Jiic- who for 'some years was Secreitiiry of the tlio words. " Old birds accepted. (Load- form which she undoubtedly poeseescs, this tures'., lady in “ Neptune’s Daughter ” proven her. , On Monday, Tneedny , unfortu­ pyjamas, -witli a pomllo. The dog follows Ncx); ijonday, Tuesday and 'Wedneoday a ' nately, were wounded. The anr ual report Don’t neglect you hair dntil it finally dies C^ptin to his room, and tbe pyjama-clad stirring story of diplomacy and intrigue in (the adoption of which he moved! was mrid and falls out. leaving unsightly held patchee. -ivoman clioees after her pet. The husband three ipai ts, entitled “Turkey’s; ’Treachery,” | intercsiting. add dealt very ful b in every You can qnicldy get rid of the epokiDg of . tbe pyjama-dad' -womsn looks for his featuring Miss Barbara Tennant, will be respect with tl^ questions of adii uistratioh, dandrufi, stop falling hair, start a stroM now wlie. She'sees him thcough the crack of the scre?ne4 the "Palace definite table showing the cost of in-pationta ing unfailing recipe: —1 ox. I^rvoite -le Clia-pUn. takes refuge in the bed. Husband Gazette.’ i , < and out-patients. It wnR very difficult to Composco. 3 ozs. Bav R a n , and { dktehm discovers Chaplin, hanb him out, and hurls separate that expenditure. butJ they had Mjnth'Jl! Crystals. This gep right hiTo the him at the side of the -wall -witii dehdly (lone as well ns they could, and it wn.s an scalp, .stimulating the hair roots by supplying intent. ChapEn is thrown through the bath­ interesting return. It showed the cost of tile natural food and nouriahmeirt th « ^ neol, room door, and fulls in-tb the tub filled yrith JTURE OF in-patients at about .05 3n. 2d. eich iii 1913; and its quick effect is n b t ^ g short pf re­ markable. water. After coming to the surf;^ spouting A f r i e n d o f 1 compared with £5 fls. Ifid. in 1914, and out- like a whale.' explanaHons are in ordesr. patientjj 3s., ns compared with fc. 8d. last You can easily mix tbig prescription at HOAV A MISSION HELPS THE Iiome or yonr chemist -will prepare it you Mr. Chaplin docite>s that a night ont once year. He did "p t euppo«^ people in a long, long while is quite sufficieut. -Tho 1 CHILDREN. realised the Valne of the Snitiarimn Fund in at small cost, but it is jurtlas inexpensive to got tbe completed article, which chimisc? bill will include a Vjtagiuph comedy-drama, providing surgical inctruments and ap- “ Breaking In ,” ” 'When the Pire Bell J^UX is indeed fri^d of h e ; plianooB. The work of th at fund was moat supplly in convenient sprinkler top_ hottl-s By tho kindness of Mrs.. Sayer-Molwaid, n under the name of Lavona ilanr Tonic; with B ang” (Beauty oomedy), “'T he Black Dia. meetiiig; < n behalf of the Poona Mission was ably mlanaged iby ifrs. Meath?. | (Applatueq.) mond ” (- Lavona Hair Tonic under a poraonally signsd freshing place to sit in during a hot aftnru (Westfield), amd E. W. Elliott (!l^irlight), plausejfrwhichl hej believed, brought |n gceisnte© of satisfaction from A. E. Boihifiaw. noon. I F jy White Rock; H. O. Edwsrds, 17; (}c;een?s Mrs. Foyater, Mns. Sayer, Mrs. Haiknese, washing of Flannels,els, W (ocllens, Lace^ Hosiery, pelicat^ imd about £90. TWo schools supported cots. He Miss BUrteld. Miss Dannroutber, Miss •thought that |an eibellent thing for ech<»la. Kd.. H.sstings, 19, King’s ltd.. B. Eyersfiold and just theithingl which boyer and girls’ Placn, St. I/Ponards. and 254. OM Lomltni Rd., "THE; POU..Y OF'P OUTH" AT THE Bullock, Mias Sophie Smith, and' othere, in­ Dainty Fabrics. It p ivenks the textnre of l(^sehi woiven fabrics TJ B«4icr, vkOM 1 . . . . _ Ore: B. W. Geary, Sprinffirid Pbanaacy, CENTRAL PIC RE 'FHEATRB. cluding ^s.? Thynite and Miss Lane, who "ilU 'UatUe* iriH b«1glid schools ehoUl|d take up. Mhny schools superintended a needlework stall. 'blieatioD < «' > - might come iU and help the Hosmtrl in that 2(51. London RH.. St. Teonavrle; F. W. (F-od- , t from matting and shjri iking in the was J' he wM L —____ way. Many local schools supported Aondon nian, 1. Elphinatonc R-d.; E. H. HastHbyi Apologiro for ahsenoe were announced good for every rHBIXBNHjaC 144. Queen's Kd.: 5V. H. Horrell, 17, High The Central Pictora Theatre has the repu­ from the Rev. Prebendary Prewer, the Rev. m B17BWA' inetituiions. . lie jhad no to injure tation of presentingj excellent and splen­ form of refined cl^ahUnes^—splendid L L L U r O T O S , London institutions, but he was! inclined to St., Rye; Neve and Co.. 12; Wellington Ilace; and Mrs. A. M. Macdona, and others. ' for Shampll^ing the hair* „JTHEBFIBLD. M’alker and Harris, 20, George St,; Hoots, didly selected pnigrammrs of pictures. The Volte Rev. Dean Cturis regretted tie nULFLEOBOSS. ’ persuade them that it would 'bb far better to The Management has the satisfaction of fONft ■support local institutions. Aftet all, theie Cosh Chemists, all brano'hcs, and from other absence oi Bishop M^ne, w-hich. was the l^r re deir».~iibfl^ kota il leading chemists everywhere. knowing they are fully appreciated, by the morro sad | because the Bielhop had k » t his 8 ' boys and girls werq here for tbpie-quarto's numerous patrons who visit the' Theatre. In PadtetSy Icjli 2, pute came before Mr. Justice Sargant. iq fhe drama in three parts. from our iioint of view, and that a miseion- Honoof- J a d ^ Mackarness. i ^n tbiA monih'a JAshlr Chancery Division of ' the High Cour: on Other items will be:—“ Heroes Chm and Magazine; the Re^> H. seeing tli^ they had none too. much monsy All ” (Lubin drama), " Sam and the Bully” ary had only to 'go and Jay tho cause of JUDGMENT SUMMONSES. at present, but they! had mo option. T1 e .Monday and Tuesday,] when Air.- William Christianity before the heathen, and the ' burnham, and Tedtor c Me-*burn,\fdk«xKiirn r»wn«y*owner /\f of *‘r*lg»xr£“Cleveland Hoire,” (Imbin comic), “ The White Rose ” (Than­ Lewis Hyland and (Jo. r’. Farmer (JE4) . his departure toltake work was going op fOr the present. Thfy houser drama). " Greenbacks and Imlia-ns ” heathen mast accept it as tree. We did not would have eiiongli to pay for the founda­ Churcli-road, St. Leonard.?, sued Mr. Churleo realise tho different way in which, they committed eight days,. euspended on pa^ (Chaplain,' - '' E. Jeunings for the specific performance of (Kalem comedy), " Daughter of the (Plains'* tions. When I the jfoundations vicre in tluy looked a t things. 1 ment of .5s. month-:—-Sandwidcs and Co , He^saysi- an ugicemeut to take the house on a seven (Universal drama), “ Wild and j Woolly Ltd., V . Adamson (jQ 7e. Hd.); fresh qrder, j »dy that this ... would think of tlie supenftructkre. . They W est” (Slajestic comedy), and theiTopicail iGi). Sa;ier-Milwnpd, in a report on tjho had not postponed the work. Such work years’ lease a t a rent of iflOO a year. local .bran ih, regretted ([ho loss of kind £ l months——Harden and Co. v. Poole (.£3 1 time, (may it after the War Would probabli be biclu r Mr. Terrell, K.C., and Mr. R. A. Gordon Budget of Recent Events. Is. 6d.); fresh order, .£1 montii.-----[DennJ f a^ I ;have; Teoeii were for the plaintiff; Mr. Clauson, B.C!., For next Monday, TiKwday, and Wednes­ friends, which made their funds less, so that than the present [oosf. At present in HaH! they could nd longer support three children. V. Hawkins (10s., p art P«W); fresh cii-de^, ad Army ChapT tings' the price of | Labour ht«l scarcely and Mr. Bishopp representing the defendant. day, “.iThe Folly of youtli.” a ^londid balance in u month.——Wackmi* and iSoi ; id.my i^ d Jo r Mr. Terrell said Mr. Mewburn Held Cleve­ Tlianhouser two-part drama, will ,bo the Ofi'ertliries were given te the Kev. C. A. gaiio up at all, and the cost < f Sturgcs-JoitoH, the, Rev. (?anon Ffewer, and v„ Humber (J62 2s. 6.?ent site to the Corporatiop, and the gentlemap living in the neighbourhood, was killed Olga CarewF” an absorbing Edison by. two mbnUiIy instalments.-----Sewell tile Front? - looking' out for d horu.se, and hi? wife called two-part drama; “ Lovers’ Luck,” Keystone they |ould to bring the collections to their Corporation had to have possesWion -withi i formoT total. The branqn snpjwrted a girl Sewell V. Ma.y (J29 18s. 4d.); committed ''In order to , on Mossns. Cheniiella and Dyer, house agents comcdjj; ‘f Saved by; strategy,” , Lubin op th e othqr, I w. n certain time, or they might inflict terrible at St. J-epnard.?; Thoir managing clerk, Mr. and a| boy it tite Mission [tehools. days, .eimppndod «n payment by four mi penalties. ■{LaughW.)| W1iettier| the Mayor drama] " ^rner in Hats,” komic comedy; ly instalments. ing: what ivas in Rraclloigh, gave hei’ particulars of and or lers “ Samtey Iron Juan,” Urbunora comedy; Misi Ashw’orth, in a highly-interesting ad­ or his rollcag)ies would go so fat ho did n it dress,! concrasted the liM o f n Hindoo girl periniseion t to view several places, including ("level imi “ Mr. Stubhl'a Pen.” Lubin oomedy; and the MAKING rr UP. Cbaplamey.' T tf" ifcis know, but, n atu rd ly , they wanted to koe i jilonsc. The followiug ilay Airs. Jenni rgs, and woman ““ Indian Christian. A Campbell v. Stamp ( s. 2d., board, lod| faitl! with thd Coi porhtion,! and [hy '’'h® *uie Topical Budget of Recent Events. ,- 11 The next step wks jW'ho conducted the negotiations through mt, llinddo "gii 1 was a household drudge froin ings, washing, and attendance).—Plaihti’ '^neral. After tlte i the Corporation would meef them as well as icalled ,at tho office again, and inquii-^ the her earliest years. In country districts it a woman,! addressing hie Hemonr as *]. they could. Secondly, the War came alon? 1 was to he ready in c lowest rent which would be accepted for ROYAL NAVAL DIVISK)N AT was (juite likely that the mothers would Lonl," said that defendant stayed atl h been no tiine to ^ y Sinexpeetedly. and it would be extremcl r Cleveland House. Subsequemtly she made AND PLAY ” AT THE PUBLIC come into a missionary school and take difficult to get latouf later on. They wouJJ WOBl bouse. S^, put in some letters, in ‘^icj that bur Bfehop/fa ? an offer of JBIOO a yedf for a term of s

itirdcreil, -.vIhIp her husband hn,l been also a membciT of the Bible ('lass and .... ^riouslj- wounded, .and an older chilli, a p rl DrW ing Class! cjonducted by the Mis-ses 3ur- iiboiit live years of ago, was missin;. • field Smiihi at St. Clement’s. ^He took ' The victims ^were apparently shot while great interest in iswimming and football. G raiid ’ Rc flerinj: iidiu Tiispanl. which was orptured sHoyLO usi ------f------(Opposite UastfngB iy the llevolutionists on Sunday, 6tii June, "SH U nilN E” ANTISEPTIC TOOTH PASTE for fe.utifying and preserving^th»j o a'plate of refuse. Mrs. liallard irst be- These tubes arC made from! HASTINGS RESIDENT’S SON KILL I tedih. Sold in 3d., 9,H .^nd Is yibbon exit tnbBsj .. i ■ I ------• IG^L-ASS CATEMNG t k nmo acc(uainte3on engaged tor about twelve morths in infe mouthwash. Sold in bottlee. Is. eacl msn; hy the dial':: of their elder son. Private REFRESHiyfENTS & Assisting with the work. They w,ere married "SHUPglNE” ANTISEPTIC OINTMENTlfor all ^kin troubles. E. W. G:i,-sl)y, oi the HerU'ordshire H ^ i- about nine years ago at Crowliur.st Parish Eoals while you sleep." Sold in Is. tan| I ' - JFTERNOON T l.'hurch by the H'.«tt(ir (the I'.ev Baccu " SHUf ------ILANT for the sure prevention and Jh'.wit? (Irigi-hy was in the Railway Clear­ • A Speciality. Philliiis), and shortly afterwards J r. Mai- i cure Sold in bottles, BJd- “"4 2s. 9d. each. ing House ;:t i;Uston befote lie enlisted, and lard went out to Mexico to some c 1 works | '• SHUPZINE " ANTISEPTIC SKIN SOAP [for delicate skins—especially for the he juii.ed on ’reading an appeal frbm an then belonging to S. Peanson and .‘i(h. Ltd.. 1 falco 41d. pyr tablet; Is. per box of threle tnbleti, oflitcr of the'regiment. He :::id bad no pre- 1'A^i.fi DIHOTE LUNCHEQr^ is. ltd. •and now owned by the Mexican K igle Oil 5HUFI HE” ANTISEPTIC SPRAYING SOLUT ON. For dcstroringi disease v'ioius cxppiieiico of soldiering. Tho Lert- ! T I ” „ DINNER i 2s. liO. fJompany,. Later, Mrs. Mallard went out to .=. Should be used in all sickrooms. ! hospita s. theatres, etc. Prieef, 2s. 6d. I'oi j'hire Regiment was in the hottest of the „ SUPPER- IS. b®- join him, but she occasion.alty came home r |pint. , fighting on the 18th and 19th May at Fes- for a few months at a time, e.-pocinlly when SHU II^INE " ANTISEPTIC DUSTING ROWDElj. Delicately perfumed For tiibcrt. w here I’rivate Grigsby s'ast'ained the (After 9 p.m.) there w.is a dieturbanee. and she \t >s home bsbics and invalids. Price 2s. per pound. wouuds from which he died. A frienl. a as rec-ently as March jot this year. Her hus­ "SHUpZINti •• SUPERFATTED SHAyiM gJ SOAP. The nicest shaving ^ap to I’riyuto in thy wime regimenf, ,in a 1< tier i<|)|l^'^HESTRA ^ D kiL Y band was moved to another station, v.-.hich Sold in, sticks. Is. each, in nickel c.a|cs. hiiino. vividly kkvHijlx's the fighting. 'W hen was supposed to lie tjuite saic, aiift she re­ Ih',' ground WiVs-swept by gnaclline gun fire, ■ 4 to 5.3(1. turned to him without the slightest niis- JRr MARUFAbTURI CHEMISTS, aiio h.er regim ent" expected to’^e?e the Herts . Sundays iuvlndesl. givingy They had thiee children, and the cuiii' Iwct. but iiisle;id of doin.g th at they TaplesLjoservcd by 'Phone. 8:17.' eldest, a boy about eight years of age, is at IProprietof: HABOLD E. SKYElf*? like,fellows po-.ses.scd, and actu:illy ouc- Bchool in Hastings. WELLINGTON >LACe, HASTINGS. sti'lipp'-'d' (he 1 Hsh.’ r jprietors'l-R.M. Key, On the 91 li June Mr. and Mrs. Pi tferson il and .Mii-. A. Grig-by who came recfiived the iollowiiig telegram ft rum” the froni AVatford, liave sided at Githn-iroiul London,Director of the UU Company:— tor iilxtii; twoi year.- Mr. Origsliy , now I. . ' During hghting ii> .Tu.\pani last t unday, ihiTtling hiniseif (o the provision of -iind- ixiemp f|i'tr. Vaiighiin gaves no dctftils, 1 am -the .-plendid result of tlieir efforts. Two which pintuins items of interest to local Irani wounds reecivtsl on tlie 9th of L\l:iy pjv.dbi’. biuall writing pads large ilitto,' satislhsl th at Jfr. Mallard is roceivijig every special iirizes, described a.s "duty prizes," readers 1— hot of Coiiioiral Frank \V. Buth-tt,; 5ih 1 I'.iiV ep.-ctaelrs, 1 waliiig stick, 1 ! attention, and that the older ehllcJ will be are awarded by tlie .vote,; of the children to j jGrand Concert given hy the Cinque Ports Royal Su-eex Regin cnt. j pair lx Miss Ila n ott, niia 1 pillcws. looked, iitter by some of our own people. I f the girl and Ijoy who in their opinion have 1st Battalion Northampton Regiment Coi|Kiral B;iiitlett, who wa« in the einploy- (iiit! ilioney :—Mr. Edward ICciit, £2<)tl I eaii do anything to assist you in this, de­ Iierformed their sShool dutie,s in tile most I and , meiii of our townsmuii. Mr. B. 11. l.uzarus. for AV ne : Miss Mar,-li, plorable m atter, ple;h»? call uj)on (me with efficient iriannor, and this year the honour .5th Battalion Royal Sussex Regiment. fo r some years, was lini n in Ji'i sey, i and S:tle. |i 5 r. Scott, .CL For the utmost freedom. In any case, 1 shall wa,s voted to Dorothy Cramp aiid Stanley Bj[ kind liermission of Lieut.-Col. P. G' served i« tha Jc-iSey .Militia for three ybars. House Misses Calrow, .Cl advise you of sucdi furiher inforinution as I Hi'de:'. InJ accordance with custom, the I I Langhnm, Owing to his widowed mother living in Has- -T.1 15(i Misses Calrow, £2 rexs'ivo on the siibjcyt. This n orning 1 "ilc.ty giur’i proposed a hearty vote oi thanks commanding 5th (C.P.) Battalion Royal tingi, he carac liere, :md obtained embloy- GilT i''cst Done:—Bgg.s: Mrl and Hihsl called upon the IVueign OtCce; ;( ml ra:ide to '.i'-'. rnhoner fOr her kindness in dfe- , Sussex Regiment_ inent in oriler to assist his mother in keeiK Curftfi r. Taprier, Alial A) hieler, Hiss! sti’ong representations. I do not know wh:i! :lii;;; fllic prizes, and also to Mr. Fanl- 8 o’clock. ATednesday, 9th .Irnc, 1915, ing up her liotte. He joined the 5th Susrex Quillfc tss Breeds, Mrs. H( ig Airs, and] the result will be, hut 1 am suvej that tho csiier for Wis attendance. This was seconded Behind the Firing I.in-,'. in Jiitu', 1914, ,aad on the outbreak of! this Miss!Miss I tps. Cigarcties and cakes: Mr., Iqv- by the ‘IdMty boy,’’ and supported b.v Mr. Upidei tile dirwtion of Mr. T. H. Rich, terr ble conflieit oe voliinteereiT for aptivc and Mr? Curtoise, Air. Festing’s cuetoribrs,' ;ind energetically H. S. Reajl (the Head Ma.ster) who thanked Bandmaster. service. AVheii} 2(i9 of,, the Regipient jwei'o Ladv I LgiidEirdalp. Mrs. Ramsey, and,-Mrs.! “ Youi's faithfully, Mr. and Sirs. FruilcOncr for the kind inter­ ordered to attack tlui Uei'man ' ti'Cneli on Childij; itruit, flowei-s, and vepotables: B'ib J. B.IB ody." est they took in'tho school and children. The , Programme. May 9th he whs shot through the leg.! but verhiS s' Seliool, Airs, and hli is Pliillif) Under the date of 13th .Tune. Mr. Body attendance for tho year has been very good Selection ... " Down South,” ...... feeling able be; went on wilii his eonuhdes, SilverO ngi-egational Sclioo iliss leas* I '■ again w ro te" I am sorry I a u unable averaging! 93 per cent. Appended is the list Band, 5th Royal Sussex Regiment. whei he was .iiijiiied'by shrapnel in| the AT:.:, i g;'. Alifw Ileay. and r-is.Ml' Jneomb, to give you any f:irthpr inhumation regard of iirizetwintiers i —Duty prizes; Dorothy Song (comic) ... “ Selected " ...... tfglit arm. Jfq man.agcd to. crawl to) his Drive; tA! Deas, Miss Bonnet , ill'. Criiwd. 1 ing the Condition of Mr. Tom M allird or his and Stanley HildCr. Class Prizes; Cuass L rfvate ('artledge. 1st Nortluampton. trenjeh, and was kept in 'France some (lays. son mil age, and Hr. J.’ye J’ . Misdel- littlo girl, as I havo hoard notl ing . from —1st, Frank .Teifery;, 2nd, Edgar Mills; 3rd " Little Grey Home in tho AVest," ah 99. about Mr. Moll;i;d. :il|.so asking if the littlo SOhg " On (Tio Mi.ssi- iiripi ’’...... ' opetlation 1 v.eliiu days. Had not his great and Miss lltibble girl was being cared for by sanie of onr chostdr. Class IV.—isl. Lilian Wilson: 2nd, Mr. Robyns, 1st Nortliauipton. sen.se of iluty inipi'llod him to keep cn after ■ Giflls ib id Hastings Hougc : —1 Uggs: Mjrs. Horace Simmons; 3rd. Gertie Ha.,..ard. Selei tipn " H.M.S. " Pinafuro,” ...... Tiorsffiil r. Dann. Miss S jar ton, Illrs. IK-ople. T shall prohwbly have a wiply to. Cla.ss V i—list, Dorothy S;txby; 2nd, Emiiee hq roeeiv'.d the first wound, he could have this messagf in the next day Or two, when 1 Band, 5th Sussex. reaChi'd the ti'qnch which he eventually did Sniit iipd lMiss Shriyre. C ga rettels Bind Monk: 3rfh Emil;.-) Baker and .lii'hony Song J".Tiio‘ Song th at reached my heart cakes criiJ IV., f^condary Scliool, Mp.tdnd will immedi.itely let yon hear from [me again. Osborne) i Infawla. !— Reginald Osborne, bbihg womiderTpgain. ] , " Yours faithfully, Sergt.-'Major Cha]iman, 1st Northampton. iCorparal Bartlett 'was defotcslly atthched Airs,s. (.1pl|l('tt, Afiss Keevea, Alio? H inteif, Min., A^hUr Mojrritt. H en ^ Summon-'. P.?rcy^Win- Recitation ... " Th-j Dandy Fifth ” ... Sayori-MSlwhi'd. Alisa . Dunlop, indi lNIlftas J. B. B jdt.-' Nellie Bu-k, Ma.y Hook. .Tanics Ip his mother.i and .it tends tio" soraeiwhat Tho news came as a great shock t<, every, , iJance-Cotpl. AA'aters, 5tU Suasex. lejs-seu the grief of his parent that she wfcs Moonj Fi'uir, flowers, and vegetables :[ ijt BXTTfLE JUMBLE Sj LE. Felloweii ' land Herljctt Goble. Dr.nwiifg Song I... " The Deathless .Army ’’ ... «. IV., i Steofiqavy School, A lia Boiui BAtTLE ARD WSTRICT. one, aqd the greatest sympathy is e [tended prizes (.hihior Growi.n); list. Kenneth Hildtr nblq to lie at ,his bedside iwtil ho passed , '■ I t or-,.. — . ■ - :0 :- to Mr. and Mrs. Patteirson in thei^- terrible Frfvnto .A. E. Rich, .5th Sussex. .■rjiajj-. He was! only twonty-thiee years of Nursd Neale; Nurse Austin, Miss CliiBli tiN p n behalf th > funds of tlie Red Cities 2nd, W iliam tVeeke-;! 3rd loslie Selmes Sofig (tomic) ... " Si'lccted" ...... Mies B'p'iirp,] Mr. Bracher, Mis. BumstJ loss, (Senior Group); l.-t. Alhert Wood: '2nd ag'ej. ; ■ * ■ ■ ; HiyORMKT NOTICE. Society arid the Ai rfcultural Relief of Allies fyate Foley, 1st Northampton. ■ (Aye under.stapd his remains will be ifi- Mi.scof :i iiioUli: Mr. AVhicker,' Airs. FeiT E U id ;Eitnd, the BattHe Branch of the Notional Fred W 'cjces; 3i d. Clu rles Selmcs. Needle­ Coi'nct Solo ... “ Si'lected Form! IVj. Secondary School, UhurtieiW Oar RMMiSaUm.fsrlBstHe sad Ur...E.t 'PiMuners’ Union hsld a jum ble sale a t the work prizes (Jiiniot GroitiO: 1st, I>li|h Hy- tenifd at his mother’s birthplace, Squirreils Afr.s. p’eroh^M r. Dann, Mies 'A'ateoni 14ni. y. BfiJlefsi wooM adoiCM ii Tbe B)ininiosd& GatS>eo' DALLINQTON. land; -’nd, Irene .'USteh''ll; 3rd, . F.thel Bandsman Edwards, 5th Su.ssex. He,'id, Romford; and that a firing party will l i r i c i liill, llattle* wiUjbo cw to nMive joloniiMioD lor' ■Battie M arket on Mjondny, a s^m of nearly Song ... " Tlie R osary" ...... emorp. Aliss Spii k. Airs. 3at- £l$d being realiset. ^ j ------:- Smith. (Intevmedi.vto Gioupi: Ist.'k'icely attcjnd, to accord him a soldier’s last rites. ley, Oldonsliaw. Knjife Mnch)jkgi poblicatjonl or noneet of fbrt^omiBN nwotkosst otOi^' Morrickk;’‘ 2 2nd,nd, I'l'cthi Monk; 3rd,‘jDo''is Private Brigden, 5th Sns.sex. ^ r e r y Mr. Arthur Lenunon, of Ilooci treasurer of GIFT.S FOR SOLDIERS.—A-mc( ng .was Sketch f Pte. C artM ge and Pte. FeltoHi I — ^------Mi-s lo.Vqter. the Salb, w rit is :—" W ill you allow Beney. ((Senior Group!: 1st, Eunice) loiik; BLACKL-iNDS RINGER’S DEATH. .Add lied CtAss. Add W ar. w o , ! BimiyASH, (^TBFIKLD. CBO^UBBT. held on Tuesejay night j at Wood C’ornor 2nd,2nd, (rii!s arc now to hand of tlio fiiom >! Bilk Irish to offer thanks for 'tfieiffol- ( RAl’LECBOSS, u d VFHAXLINQ-' Dorothy] Saxby; 3rd; Florence P i^ r, CtiTprfral Itobins, 5th Sussex. ooittribut^ to t"b<> success of i the, Sale at supply of cigajrettes. tobacco, chocoll tc; and Song ..i ...... " P a r r e " ...... de.qth ot J, \V. iLivermoro, eldest soij «f Mr. lowin) ifift^j:—Eggs: Miss Sh spbard,! M rs., ■ '1 onr Oonsipondeat ,foF Battle oq Mcmda:'. Upwards of £170 was other comforts for Dalllingtoh soldie; It the I iJq.-Sergt. Smith,, .5th Sussex. and] Mrs. J. Jjvi'rmorq, of 2, Hughenden- Craw! rd. aiid Sfiss Cook. Fl< wers, itc{eta»: lUmFBtSBBIDaE andl SALEBUBST^^‘ M r. W. realised by.the Sale; and there were BGv«|rnl Front. Mr. Peploe was voted to t‘ jhair, road, H.astings hies, nd frhit; Airs. Alann, AYdst St. -BOTTRR. Bobertefaridni and loi ETOHINQSAXI' . Clog Dt nc-e ... Pte. Stone, 1st NoTth.inte. sub^riptiime,. iso t lat we hope a very siab- and the following gentlemen were el ittil on 51'. Iiivennoh' was Fipet Driver in the nnnls: S cfiq[oil: the . Misses C akley, 1 ind HUEST OllEEN. Mr W. H. ofiiDWfflml Song .. ■' Tile Death of Nelson " ...... Meciiaiiical Trnn.-port .attached to tho 'West gtcblpclioui, to whom alinllu notiow tor ttieae t BIk o i ; stantial addition till be made to the fund the C om m ittojM ossr.-. T. Sim; jmi E. Bandsman Guy, 5th Sussex. You__ the Atisses AVhiteheid, Consent'’ •toald ba tent. raised in Sussex b," the F:irmers’ Union, i If Sweatman; G. Cramp, A, .1. York, . fforn- Riding Fieid -Ambulance. Tho ambulance 5aacred Hpart, Miss Alartin, l l i » 'Wnson.i THE itNDlA CUP.—The Jiyie shoot of the Song (Mipie) ... "S elected” ...... was behind, a f'irmlioure when a shell burst, .any of oUr fiienc s in tho district mii ford, and D. Gitlett: Honorary Sterdtary com ^ tit on for the India Cup was fi'erl on I Uandsman Sand^. .5tli Suasex. , Afrs.Its. TOt _ Icy, jMrs. Ray. Alias Agithefsi %issj ■■edntributing-to th > Sale I shall loo pleawd and'Trcasurcl, Mr. Peploe. A subsiriptioii and Afr. I . i v e i i ' was wounded in both legs. Taylojj,'aylojj,_^iss Miss Magan, Mr.Air. Billing, M d JjPilJ the Sedlcscomhc kind Di^tri'st Miniatuie Rifle Accompanist - Private Cliailes Brearley. He ’'.'as lre. ;! [) ii; l-.ospital, but succumbed tq ASHBirnNHAMv to pftcmvo any sub: criptions they would l|ike list to start ti e fund resulted in the^um of Club’s outdoor range ifi Oaklands Pa: k last God Save tlie King. sliam jj Hduse, Cakes" ■ and ‘ cig ■ iretlaiiirettro:. to send.” i « £2 being raisejd. shork .and lo ". jot' blood. The parents have week. ; rooeiveil let(•'■:> fre.-n his Commanding Officer, M ^au , Mrs, Nicholson, Miss A -fSewelA Sowell: IIEMORIAL TO THE LATE EEV:. J. R. .1 MAJOR COURTHOPE, M.P. Mi.s© t)u iljlish. Miscellaneous: t Um. o . IIfiSei BATTLE ABIIEY RIFLEE CLUB.I CHURpH P.\EADE.-rOn Sunday c.cning the cli'iplaia. and olhers, who speak in tho Mrs. Crs.wfdrd, Mrs. MarSoU,Hire.iS iP Pififle: w JIUNN.—Lady l^jaylpr (has presented a brass E'reHINGHAM . next tho memheis of th j Sedlreeomhe Jo’.un waihie-t tr-yssirf his work .and regret the Miss ^ lit, M-ps. Phillips, add Miss Ta; cross to PeniutBt Church in momoiy of her The followring ^ e tho ■po-irtcipal scores teer Tralining Cprpa will parade to 5 .dlcs- Capta n G. L. Courthope, Jd P-. has been los.s cf one who ii.id endeared himself |to all gazetted Alajor of the 5th (cinque Ports) wit) whcai ." earne in cont.ac(. He was Drives: MiSs Deas, Mrs. Simmims,«nd I : father, the Rev.-John Read Mnnn, formerly made on the Batt e Abbey Rifle Range | on combe Pfii-ish Church ini their near uniforms, 11 N u tt? ’ “T rector of the parish. MISSING i ’I'ERRl and" headed bv tho Sedlcscombe Ban i Royal £ussex Regiment. Lieut. A. W. Roe buried nt .'.t :villi' chiircinard witRsmilitary Wednesday;— ttieomes O ptain. honour.-. I'ud ear in which h« took much, 200 500 600 1 TORIAL.—Private* Albert Chamller, .he gal­ VcT.C.J IN UNIFORI^.—The memlers of To! th© Editor of 'Hi© [CT^ t r a rli EEV,| H. ^D R T AS ARMY CHAPlAnV. lant yo«ng Territorial, sou of Mrs. CUaml- i ^ prfdj earn •! him to th’' grave ! yds vd». 1 .Vils- V- tho ’ Seallescomb? apU ; Di.slrict Vollunteer Lleutiinant J. W. Tieehur-t. 2nd Field J i c T ivernKirc fsniily Iras b c ^ assoiciated .5ro,-!-Tlio British Red Cross S idle^y it, •C. Moore ...... 32 26 33 91 lor, Fontridgellane, Etchiugham, tdik part TrainiM Corps, under Platoon ______■ In this month's Ashbnmham and Penhuret OompiTly Homo C’oimtie.s Divisional En­ with Blacklanihs Church for many vears, very litrg© quantity of sta ontf. wsl] C Burton _..... 2.5 29 27 81 in tho charge pf tUii 5th Sussex on May 9th, J. N, L;igh, nn|d accompanii'd by tliiir Im gineers, has been gazetted temporary Chip- csirejially in tile leeilringiiig fog which the ffticks (for! the use of the jrogn ded At Maga^e, the Rev. H. Sturt, vicar of A^- L. C oad...... M 28 1 24 81 and has not bwn heard of since. His mo.fiher structor, Coloup-Sergt, J . Mathi.s, h.ne their tain. bumham, and reetpr, of Penbufst, refers tO/ will be very ferateful for any infoijignation' chfiich is fantoiSs; the deceased was ft ringer pud abrfjiid. ■ ! ' C. Coad..— — *9 22 1 23 first march out, in tli'qir new' uiiifcr us on th 9r> nt the age oi 14. His brother ia now I If liny jof your readers hard an_ his dejjarture to take np duties as Army J Beney 27 28- 1 19 which any reader of the *'0.bserve b' caii Fridqy night, 11th Juqe. They were 1 leaded jafr. Fred H allrtl, well ki'own in llo-stings, Chanlain. send her concerning her son. P-rlvate Chand- on active .service in Egypt. J could bppte, I should he glad ]if they VV. U. Kinf? ■24 28 21 n by tile £ taplecrflss Brass! Bund, and m irehed es|Wcial!y in couiievtiou with rowing matters. -----^--- ^------s"( tend t h ^ to me, 'and I W)iU imdertid He! says;—"M y diear friends, I write to lor belonged td Company. bo Stap[cci'(xss. A latgei niimlier oi ( jaiota. F. Thomas ___ ... 29 23 1 21 P hn[s ret urned fro.n tl'e Front, where he h.as jeJOUN' ILL(])T’. H. AV. HAtfMS IN ■forward theni to London. •ay tjliat this week I shall be leaving you for YV Tillyer ...... 28 21 23 f ' ■ 17= ; tors nssjuibleel ,at Sedletcoml.'C, Cripps Cur Ixsm’se 'yitig -writh the IJsse.x Yeomanry. His a tiine (may it not ba long, pleaeo God !)y I- ' . HOSPITAL. ©■urs truly. ' 'W. Elphick ...... 29 21 25 5 uer, am Stapletross, amj expressed th lir ad roiin.v frieiuls in tiie town will be p!e,ased to ! AUGUSTUS COLVtl as I have received a temporary commission; 1 3 W H U R S T . ijiiratioii at theismart appearance of the men l'P)ir (liat he has .In’cii given a comrarasion. Rihionrs have been current la th^ town ly-road, St. LeUnKids. ^ as Aifiny CMaplain. .The qucstionjias been; • Gains N.R.A. Rifleman’s Certificate. V.T.C INSPECTIO^h-Major V. H, Hq will ba wished ovei-y success in his in n>y mind for some time—ought I to leave ' career. during tiie [lUBt few davs that (knlncillor On the & la n o prjone figure target, a t 500 MElixaitlAL TO THE L.ATE [jlEUT. ilullensl was present at, the pur.ade of tiio JOHN; my charge here and go out and help in a yards, the chief scorers were: C. Cond, 22; H.i tv. Harris, M)f the R.N.V.R., who^ has HEKDMAN.-j-A beautiful memorial. to the Volunteer Training Coi ps on TuesHlay night, lioin with the Ijlxpcditionary Fore© in” the spiiptuai way, the only way a olergym.in H. W'elf^oite, 18; L.|jC|oad, 151 ind closely inspected thu men, who were Tlie i'randwn of Mr. Cliarlet Eatoa.^,^.P. xo OhtervL can: our brave soldiers fighting for tis a t late Lieut. Ilerdman formerly of mkhurst (ex-.Ald< rman and past ^layor of Hasttfig^, N y East, had been wounded, j. Place," has recently bee^ erected in I iwhurst rearing their new uniffirms. Nearl r forty iSiTe. Harris, four or five dayslago, received Sir,'■,+I slioidd be mu6l( cbligat. jf yo _friii'trt. __ the ' Front.a , pember.f assembled a t| hoadquartei s, the Alj(. Henry Eaton, has been oiven a comiuhs- ifiertrt ithe|th fijillowing lisflof nor tes ofl frie|ndi "In order to settle this question one way Parish Churep by rolatiycs and friends. It sioin as lin'd Lieutenant in the Chestnut Troop a lc:tcr from lifr husband, stajting that he B U R ^ A S H . is in the form of a white marble shi dd on a jjueen’n Head Hotel, arid luarehed t > their t gifts and dona ions U. ■ . or the other, I wrote to the Bishop explain-^ jarade lieUd, Jdndly lent by Platooi Com qf'Jthe Royal Iforso Artiller.v. was in hospital, but was all right, and that grey marble OTOund, and bears tbe f illowing LieiitJ I'laton w-as in the Armv before th.- she leed not woTTy. I t is siirn(isod that .the St is ing what was in my mind, and asking his; inscriptionrIn loving memory oi Lieut. nandant J. Nash Leigh. The met were fours truly. penoission, to apply for a tomporhry Army hit threugh a course pr drills, an I were prCaentlAA'ar. Hiu promotion will be hailed gnlliint Councillor was suffering from ill­ PROVriiS-NiCB G illP Iil,. - Anniversary A rthur Widqington Herdman, tliu ItCing’s with much jileasure in the Old Town. ness, Ho was able to w rits vrith hia own ] AL A. TOWNSE titer, •Utm Chhplaincyl To this ho gave ^his consent. services wpfe hpld ait this place of worship Shropshire liight Infantry, late of ISkvhurst aftcrward'5 ilispecteel By jM.ajor Mulloi s, who - Hon. ,____ eetOBM I The! nest stop was to see tho Chaplain- alked along tho ranks and minub ly cx hand. yIMrs. Burton, Hrs. Reeves. twitiimi on Wednesday at 2 and C o’clock. M'- J. Place, killed tin action in France, October ARRIVAL OF WOUNDED SOLDIERS. Into n moc General. After the interview he told mo I Kemp, juhior, of Luton, preached at both 25th, 1914. aged 28. I'elix oppoitunitate mined fhe uniforms, etc. Ho e.x;iresse Giildersleevie, Air F. E. ninE iw m was to be ready in eight days. There, has services. | There were largo cqngrcgaticns. Moriis.” 'i'he inscription is suimor tjted by reat! plehsure at the splendid progrt is th AVOUND^ BY !L SNjlPEB. Itel; Anon, Alis. Swftin^ been no- time to- say good-bye. I must add prps liald made, and liiighly eoinpliiicnb .4booi Iwenty wounded eoldiers (all sitfing Mt6m ( Tea was provided. tho family arms and beileath the regimental c.'Mc.s, and mostl.” 'vound.s in the arms); ar­ gs. Shewan.i Ail's. that; our Bishob very reluotabt to give c a n o n ! WHI'PAKER.—The mdny frielnds badge is carveil in relief. On Sunda;- [in last the members upon their [smart, soldieily pp- Lqe.al friends of Privnt© AV. Griffiths, 1st Alra. Walker, 1 non, permission to apply for Army Chaplaincies, pearamej remarking th at they Inokc l" like rived ini llaBtinga yesterday (Friday) after­ in the pairish of Canon W hitaker will be week tho Rector (Rev. A, Alorrison) riade ap­ noon, about 5.30. Battalion Rifle Brigade, will bejinterest^ to , Airs. Shewan. I lire. sad .also that there havo been over a thou­ interested to know that the reverend gehtle- propriate reference from the pulpil; to the trained iioldiers, and if every village and. know (h at our. Oxford representative -Writes 1, Miss Webs town did what they wci'je doing ’I'licrc iwero presant on the iplatform : Mrs. sand applicatiofm to the Ghaplain-Gcnoral man who had been in Icharge of the Church late hero’s pitriotic action ^nd nilple ex­ Ebdcn. Dr. Rodma.v^ne, Dr. Gerald , gp.S| th at he Ill's fqund him at Soinervill© [Hqs- Mrs. James, Ays. Chef tor them. I,m o tio n this becauee it seems a t Merryjneet, CornjwJll. since ho left, thas ample. He alki spoke of Ihis love of < h|ildreii, of great benefit to tlie country. pita^, Oxford, badly woundjd ’ in thd false more. Miss Co .(jlbeek, ' ] Mr.' Thdmats Parkin, J.P., and others, in­ i. Crowhurst. Mr l Chs mb to me clearly it is the wjll of God that I been appjiiated Viciirlof Silderne, Oxfqrd- which wa.s mapifested by tlie fact that! in Itis , lOTOHCARCOLLIsioN.-A collis^n bo- cluding Red Crcee men and nurses. The a«! the result of the efforts df a'German should go, AVitihin a week i t has , all been sl ire. 1 will ho has lejft a piece of land foi la cliil-' tiieen a motor car and two cyclielt;, 1 le son sniper. He adds that.it may comfort Private Holl'ington, 'Weslejyan woumkd men were tie obje<'ts of much eym- aOTje, IAli.ss Barnes, Rio semory, , settled. Tho highest honour Iras been' THE B.AND.—Tho Burw.ish prass Baud, dren’a recreation ground. and daug liter of Mr. and Sirs. C. Uienhami, pqUiy from p.iKsengers waiting on the plat- GriBitihs’ mother and some of his frienda to granted me, may God give mo strength to do under the directorship of Bandmaster .1. of Church! House, Sedlcsoomhc, oc urred kndw that ho is quite all righjt in hpi^lf. MiSB 1 Hobson, Mrs. tonoorq, \ my part. ior.m. They were [taken in motors to West Mijs. IKennard, Miss 1 Incketi. Corke, will play in the village on alternate about .half way up tho bill no.ar tho cluirchl Deno and the Convent, Filsham Park. The wound in his faco is he'nli^ as quickly "Ono goes as bearer of ChriSPs insiriring M ilJNTPIELD. about cleyen o’cloelf on ' Thur-sclay me ruing, ae they can desire, and tlhero dp no occasion lliamsj Battle Baptist Cluqiri Fli Saturday evenings in aid of the ,pnnd for ___I ------h------^— an Church, Miss Hubbl;; Mrs. !■' i- and comforting! message for the ear of the providing tobacco nn Iwll,/ rccont afit ion -was L held a few days ago at »;rHE MAYOR’S FUND. Aun; Afeum, Anon, Mrs. Sbewaa, A|[ before me ? P aip sure in my absence you will an ndditioT of 5s. 7d; t® tho Fund. kiiidl.v lent by Mr. ‘J'. Hall, and corsfderiug aqoompan ed by liis sister. Miss Ivy Gren B-atterseA Parish Church. tbe new circumstances proicnting, tluf mem. hafm, with tbe intentidn of going to Has­ Tb"Uie Editor of the Oheerver. ime, Mrs. Holmes. Are. H t give a welcome to those who comie to do LAD WOUNDED.-Privatb T. lit will bci remeinliered that it was with Sre,—I beg to enclose further list of atib- WalfihET, AIlss .Reed,! the work of the parish, and that you will Vidlcr. 3rd Australian Battalion writiiij: to bers 'attending did .-ome very creditable tings, when Sir. Court, of Cross Inn, 1 lapl llnis Batt.alion that Mr. Percy Ross, D.C.M.. shooting, 'riie r.ange has firmg iioirtk at 25 crbs3,[ whi was driving a motor car n the niriptions whmh I ha'vw receiged for the Payne) Pupils of Afountsido |High give your help land ssrmpathy to Miw. Sturt. Mrs. S. Brown, says;—‘[Just a line to tell lost his Hfe while lesding his men. Most of wince of AVales's National Relief Fund. AI(ss WebistBr. , Already I am feeling the inward bitterness you that I am wounded in the knee. I have and 50 yards and is situated in an id»al posi­ direction of the village, c:gno on to the oil tho Battalion werejfr'oin the south and west- tion. The Ci(lub is now open.Ip ItidicS) in the si<)e of th^ road'for thq puiT-oso of pas hng a qr(i suburbs. The-llcv. H. Foster Pegg, form­ ! Yours truly. ; J -Mrs. Keys (forjWotor BELIEF tad pain of the parting with dear loved had rather a rough timoJ but ani getting lict- E. ARMITAGB HCqCIKO^ £ i , Air. E. A. Lockhart KIs., M As AI (kil; ones. Now I know something of what the ter mow, so there is mo yeeoo * "HORACE STfURT, V k ar." the right .side, and also o i tho passed Ist class for musketry, and was con- ■box. ' 4s. 7d.; total, £2,100 7s. 7JdJ again [acknowltidge donations jbo tfie and when ahe rob led la tte Rev. 1^. Sturt’s absence, the fho Netlicrfiehl Branch of the Battle .Abbey Fund jm your icolnmns? nr It la Quito (ool b r i g h t : E i I ^ G . M iniature Rifle Club on Saturday (ere as and hands. The left sleeve < f the gratiilatjifl by the Colonel and Adjutant." Charles Browne, of Eastbourne, will uniform wfl.s split oii,-’!:. and his In his Iqst letter hq gent the following verses, AmfUint 'Pjreyiously acbow le: gei(^-I£l6 1 * “W the Sunday servioos in Jutie, and the under:— SOL»*0BS’ fD SAILORS’ FAMILIES* fid. Since lecdived 'Wit'h many thanks: M; 300 400 •e torn in other places.” His frai't by Rupejjt Brooke i— oMy. G. T. Turnbull, of BexhilL will do the NEWS FROM THE' FRONT.—Mr. knocked off;, and his niont! w.i .ASSOCIATION, Ogilbji, lOS. fid.; Afr. H. P . Okclrehaw.1 Its-, work of Uio parish in July. Mr. A. T. Ridel ‘tier f,-o vds. yds. v.l 't HFI sbLDTER. Tb the i'liitue of the bfiserverl Majorjpavenport, 5s.j: Nurse L iftlefield, J f .f Mrs. IMewett luvve receitif'l a letter 1,-om H. Goodsell ...... 27 3'2 27 and s rollon. Bis bic.vcle was datingod charge of the Parfeh Notes, and vale Rolicrt Carley, of ‘B" Company, recognition. Mjni Crenham ;iis< eol If' I shcr.ld die, think only this of me» • Sifc,—Will you! kindly insert in yonf next Miss F. Taylor, 2$. fid. Total amount) j^l'! .ur. G. Dawes has undertaken the duties of Battalion Royal Sussex Rogimcr(t, Tram isirt ' W. Tellyer ...... 20 29 2i; eroly *' Thai; there’.s some corner of a foreign issue tTso following statement of accounts' of 5s. 6d| B. Jenner ....,..... 20 correspondent of the school. , Seetion. I hanking them for a patcel cf cigar­ 21 21 her brother. She receivcif ,eiits fie|!d the above Society!’ iti truly,] ■ old .1. Winchester ; 21 28 1C, That is for ever Pigland. 'Tliere sballfh* Receipts for 1SW5, -Cl,039 15s. jjd.; eirfiendi ffCE M.ARY ELLMA:N. ettes. He slates th.at he i^ back .at hfs J. S pray ...... 19 25 18 atxlutj the l.acc, .and wfut consideiahl.v bf Jised tarc,.iC9C4 1&. 9d. i job (shoeing). He is son of Mr. George ' am) sliskeii, and her] dress was very inueh In tliat rich earth a richer dust concealed; i Hon. T roasu|eit. if'Sl Kp D istrict, BATTLE* ley, of Oxley.s Green, blaaksmitli. Air. H. Goodsell gains the N.R.A chief injury appe.ared to lie to A Idu.st whoqi E’^Jh'.nd bore, shaped, made Tohre truly. I 1. Cfmbei iere-Toad, St. Leonards. Her .aware. ^ C. TALB0'i| DAVENPORT, Major, PARISH COUNCIL MEFTING. — 'fhe man's li.adge. Private R) .Tenner v left tUirth. Her iiachino■ ■■ was alsor ' ton- be.st -hot on the Solano figure target Gave, once, her flowers to ’« « , her ■ways 1 Hon. Treasurer. G irl'S FPR SERI HA, ! icjlerate Pricjcs. A PREftK CALF.—A freak of nature in Council met on AVedueslay evening. IMr. fiiderably damaged. ITlieir injurifo iwere T. Grosvenor-cilescent. St. Leopards. , tile form of a calf: with two head's \\'as born vards. ■ ised by Xiirs? Lalc^r, who lives clc& by. to roam, L’o th'S Editor; of U?c Observer. | , Jlaviland lircsided. .V reply froip the'Ri. ral A body of England’s, bre.at1iing English air. , Received during week sC30, fyom Ipetrict .Sin; -I h^o again gi*cat p>n|sure ib rfr iMt week ion Park: Dale Farm, Rattle, occu- District Connell Tcsi>ce.i‘ ng a footpath ■jvn.s they afterwards wontvo: home. Mr. Gren' Trehsurcr. ^ }fk a S p e d ) piM Mr. Samuel Jones. Thfe faqes wci'o hiU[i wns li ter taken to! the Hck'^pital at ,IIaul.;e in the ctonial mind, no le.ss, Emergchey Comniitlce. :: iking tlr i . r n ; i.\ p i ;t t siovL.vry y l .are cuts. . To the E itor of the Obcrv.cr. cols ol mondv 'Spnt anonymous y» wasj formwl in the ^Jpposito direction, .:iso its Mjfliienee in organisili; n ijjw’ly -.Vn E.-traorilinary Case|.—On tVedncsilay, mU Gives Somewhere back the thoughts by Eng­ : liver daily, css ^0 fiay, it was an object of consider* land given, ! SiB,—I shall III' obi iged if yo i will kindly Till week t hftd tb^iopportui ity of hoftt net in e:*c of fi;.''. etc,. Ipy nir ra cl. wn* the Ithh iii'l., N. P. Ke.l. c|.s(]iinre, insert in your next iroue the following state­ P r. wlio lifts just : etiirned iiiphone No. Sl28, AHb interest. |. j discussed, an.il tho Con n il dec ccl uot Her sights and [sounds; dreams happy as u m o to r COLLISION.-.Uiout nine o'clock Coroner for the Rape of .Hastings, he d an . ment of account- of the above I vxei.'ty :—Re­ SorUi hu.s como back < n- purposo | to take any step.s in Ih njiatler. iTo ill cf her day; OOilp nvgciit necQssiiric; to take baik #Ba Thursday morning, a colli.sion between a imiuc.s'. at (he Sl.iii Inn,: in the pai -:o I- .And laughter, lea; at of friends: apd gentle- ceived, already qcknowli'[lge assist -•vidinc',' showed that ;<\yrin ihle lor theik* training, nii I tfirir OflBce, stilting than her Iirotlu r, ,Pte. Plxilip Pi-e-q |t (here arc two li-cj'i'.it 111! uniti ttu were considerably damaged; coiir.ac of Hied t.’n,.-- ooturos vas won’t you go duwiir" The fii'li str 7lod () WPJ’f mr.ch appreciated by la go Fi^llci- (No. 7,(i59).l 1st Jiatt. Royal Munster To the Flditor cf iho. Obk»rver. W:.TTnr' cxcc lit four lo six niPi ojrdcrU] NEWS FROM THE FRONT.-3L-1 T. given by Dr. Lewis, of I!u'tjin^5, in tbe nnd partly down tlip rn in’j throat The Mr. Chiyton i’i Supcrintcndeti: of Fqsilicrs, with the Afediterrancan E.xjjedi- Si«,—In u l?ttdr 1 Imvo rocriv ?d this wri'k and ; hey arc e.xpccting anjother Clarke, of High-street, has received, a letter schcolroo-ji cn Timutay ovcniii ilctfmeod tricMl to gnt it br.rk. but f I'ilrd. tityran- I'oi-ee, di 1 of v.ound.s on Alay 7th from hpadquartof<, the writer lays:—•* So I I'cf-Jet f'liij (he in'in'cnt wl'niher at ilQin Driver C. H. Bowers, of Ihq-A.S.C.. A portion .of a rope was ppt down the luan's rec.'ivcd while lain Ig at thc Dardani'lleu on many thanks foji- th<^ magnificent consign­ Ni-ll hv He!rirailc. but nov they have betin EGG Cm.LEC'l'ION; .-T h y csull of alilei jo s; ni blit a w.cys'lda < ispcnsai j olvhich ll^e following .are c.xtracts:—“ I ro- egg colh-ctinn this wii- is Cat-; eld 187. : tliroat in an effort to ROt; the ff«h oi^t but April ‘20th. eomji from Egypt with the ments of sandbafe.s mid tlic.r si hiuUd tohil. for ttbtd thp parcel’of Woodbines which! you nil to no succ“f^'=. A .verdict of ental W E3T?iELI). India P.eeimcnt. ipp' Was .aged 29. bri:;;; Ixirn Those you send! are-f'O aUo^e tlie jrft-iliiins where Hiero is o ic idoctog field 123, Hon'' 131. twee 111 f iqir and twoiiilir.h'S. This tltby do after .otlend ®td jour H'ustomcrs so kindly sent me quite hundred eggs have hen .->::t i)|> to hcadqi death bv .nttemptin.'? in aljolvV* to swuitUow a on March ;19;li. |SS(i. lie had served 14 that they are seht straight out ^he same day safe, and I Uiank you all ver.v much for ters. cTnnVi firih*’ was returned, j J’roni the *' year.'i. wa- in the fighting in 1993 in India they arrive. Yjtji.r voikors i:i Urit be very the I .-i'ldirrs Thhe are miikihg' it ]:xprc.xV’-J;irc 21-*t. Wo. 'M l l : S.\T,L.—A very sueer.-y’fi: when elui’.l'ra wa very had amongst tho proud to bo ablo ,to help to sTiol the brave tc:i (nail- rad; 11'. Dr; Kingsley appe.ilel tien. We have not had any tun yet. but .NORMANHCilST CRorNDS. — ' 4 iciilhiVW foj money .md clot ICS and] ^ have got our w;iggons loaded, and every- ...V i.ih* wa.'i arranged inj the Peri.-h Re: triiaiv-; hat he e-calpcd that, nnd came out of men who are ^Ihdtcrinjf \ii> at llfll cost.” grounds and g.anU'Ti It .V.ii'iiiaiihnrst SiUnrdi'.y !ast. and tno prove; the fighting witho; t a seratch. He is one of 1 nm sure that everyone wild, ha.s h<*l;>C(L tliingjajid •erything in the medical . 1 tiling ready to piu-h on, so 1 expect 'wo open to V sithr.s o:i T iwday.v as vi-uai. R05ERTS3RIDGE. omdnn'.;d 1o the splendid sum of /CM. Who hire II come forward ."Ind helj shall lie all right eoa>h. I h.opc so, at, any eiglit brothers no siTviiig ihe Flag. .H e and who is helpihjj with thi.s work, will road niittame by ticket (pr ce Cil.)ltn he obti'.i div 1--1 li;-l ivcen tlio Niir^in:: Fund nd was porter to M!; Alaeonio, tailor. Rolwrt- this with ‘?reat Pleasure. If oilr »iand briyc little iintry ? latc. \V< !|1,' I am pleasid that four molo of from.E. Cruse, Estjiti fiffice; Battle, or Pm sU Kno Fund. j son-.-treet. Hasting^,. before enlisting. have stopped oply 1C') bnllcis j from {toin;? I(^ must bo foi-gotten f ia t Sctl^ tjiB lioys have enli.-ted, and I wish them all payment a t tlie LtiilitL'L'S. Thp |l'.o,«;ii<.''.l. PERAltNENT BENBIfIT SOCIETY.- baitlq- single-hand c U 'nt1i:k Pv t u .\ i k i n g c o k p : His brother, wh i w i: in- the same Rcgi- ‘MiOine,” it mea|ns that wo have saved 100 ’he best pf luek. 1 don’t expect you jmve be visited on thi- kh beiwpeh 2.30 an Tbo accounts <;f this old-'.'stnblishod I' ieiidly mont with him in the Dardanelles, was viJuable lives,' ahd thus given to the nation Jis4 fherjlinre man'y claims just jk ty on itot. many((liiuyj m,jrcni.ai'e roto semisend now,no' and I tjiink o’ehxk. Tlie praeerd' from siilo cf tie show WorfGh'ld oluntcvr, Ti-pining Corps, thi Bne. blit I do earnc.stly aiipeal that - " - — Society linvo been publis^licd, am to an cue: ;etic Committoe. under t woniid'..''I on 2Sth Vpril. receiving'a broken a^undi*cd tr^aniiied men ab'^oliitely where ‘t Battle has done well.” will Ik! given to the. iipspital a very ,Huti«faetory state :of ntfairs. Vhe pra.-fidoncy if the ViearllUev. F. J. M jaw. which cannot be got to heal yet. Iiiit he tlieVaro noedcid-j-in the trenchei—to say no­ Ip Sorb if, and to try and loltheir Vy'^nr started vrith a balance in C^vei nment for th'- isrricken country. ' in c r e Jvse i n p r i c e oOF f GAS.—A the NORM.INKURST j;ED ('llHfS HO who has entered most • en.(hu>iastleally write- that he hop: to lie o'lt of hospital for thing of the pain and borcavomjpwt averted. slhiU lv> •Wiual general.dneral meetingmeeti; of Uic sharehojlders TAL.—Thirty sick u'l wo'.iitih'd ::i'iivccl Stock and T.O. Siivini^H Unnk of t Is, 3d., the; ihovcmi'nt. ha.> made inarvellor trifdps. i the. Ea'l of fon..^'oti'loplo. He says the Tljis week we |have sent up 5p0 sandbags, (inly too glad to eoeive q(t! dialled pa '''cjs - o r ■ m'Oilcy, indeed ai vthing ^ BBattle attle Gas Comp.any.Comp.a held a t the 11 attic this ho.spTiil tm Tiie day. .lijne 15th. wliile the meinl>ers’ coiitiiibutions Alnjujt 3) m ;nl>crs liavp been eniofl^d, Turks eannet b'ar the lo.'k of nrifisli steel have been contributed by Mrs. E. G. wo ; help ■ fo lessen til.'' siffciiings! aoheyAbbey E-tatoE-lato Office oon Tue-day, tiiere wore Com run u (b lit, 1.July liliun HyMio. iivatcf' cCllO lOs. Sd.. nnd inteieit on dene it nc- they ij'.Te h' pin*.: to c- t ;on in-tructor and they ran like rtibliits. His Iirolji'cr Philip Edwlards, the Mis^ses Ow'uns (Hattie). Mi)s. 111 01 17s. Serbi. . bAgalii thanking all thpsd who! present; Mr. Charlc.s Sheppard (chainhan), nr-k iiO'.vlet|~es t lie Ilov.'inj; eoiintft jLG 7s. fid., making a fotfil ot £ eon|menuc drill next week. Funds '•^re WiiBi knocked dinyn on Anril 2Gth while land- Arni|itage. Anon. (12 bags). Mi^s "Woollard, ijled t« m.y appeal. ^r.R.B.j...i Allwork, IV, Mr.M C. J. Tirehiir-t, aril Currie; h;in.: Mrs. G gs 'll. Ipit lur aii'l The expOTKlitnre. jncludin,^ sick and line ml quireil' ■■■■ired '* (o d ’[efray . tlie initial outlay, nnd ingj but not badi Philip lins served 12 Mias West. Miss ‘Hurchill, 'Fours triilv. %• Jphu George Still. A dividend qf 7.) llessT.-. Pepper an Hiiig. Ino: (1 ; VIr. Ix'neiits, tolallcd totallc I £11S toJ)eb;' hopedhope tlint tlic miovement will h- years in the same Rckiment. (fourth parcel), Mys. Cater, IRENE KTRK;BULL0| Per cent. Iwas imid as recomini'iided. The Ismithe, Mr. (.Iregson, Rev. J.’a 'rurruT (iiul fi.s. 2,id.. Icnviii}' n balance pn de^xisit and in supliiarli'd. Miss Keys, the Misees Ilills, Mis,s Stutely. 0, Bolme.si ale-gardens. H asti igs. ^0 retiring Directors (.Mr. Sheppardl and Dr. G. Kendall, brot and pap IS: Lev. Trensni‘er‘.s linnds of .£256 lOj. O^d, The P.VTRONAL l'E ST lt.\T ..-'O n Tlu'"i HASTINGS NAFJ'L AIAN’S DEATH. Mris. Dowding] Davi (120 bags), members of .\lloii. jtc hich ^ r . .Mhvork) were e-r*leeted.' Mr, F. Gcfrbam Ridge, c;:ke; Alr.s. 5V and (oficu Prcf^ident of this ,flourfshjn.tr Society, ‘24tl\ June, the I’atroJial Ecslival of the St. Maiy-iji-the*CnstIe Christiap En. (Coi finued on Page 9)*, ^cehur.st was re-olected :u:ditor. Owijig to Mrs. G. W. Bleach,.,i ‘Jl’.’)■*.s ilHUnnd lUjcal>b0,«7t*p; >[v.‘ Tne'''ts nt the Seven Stars Inn on tho lastj John' the Baiiti-t Pafii-h Chufeli, Wf Al!r. W. .)daiqs Raker, of 2. Tire Croft, deavjoiir. i>er Mills’ Clarieq Reeves (65 bags,), ‘he increased cost of coal and wa.ges, it i.s Henry Blackman, bli ns.' ors; iiro ntlriit- Monday in each niontiiy i<; Mr ll.‘ lealey, field, will In- eeU'bratedI 'ffhero will be Hastings (who isj whll known in musical cir- Afi-« Brook,- (fif h parcel). All's. Ross, anil prppoECil .to make a small'advance in tho ted on SnmUivfi nml fvoin the Seerottirv Mr. J. Tlobinson, tho Cl rirm an brations oB Holy Coinmiunicti) at S ami. el-.'i:' in the Old Town), and Mrs. .Adams the Misses BIqomfieid (sixth parcel). Jriee of g;i.s eoniu.meil by ordinary meters, 4 p.m. rriomls of -the pntifints fliinilrtl Mr. a. Taylor, thh Tny Trc-noirer? 3IessrNARD J. HOHSON. , -I Mere was the u,;t:ai good iitlendai'CC.' S ore an addresi. Tly kind invitation of,tho Vk-nr at Alexandria on Siitiirdajf. June T2th. nt the been received! from : Aliss Sinden. £1 10s. ; C R O W H U B ^ ^ STAPLSCROSS. (Rjev. E. 1. Alorgan) arid Airs. Alor'^aii, the age of 191 years. - | Aliss! F.vke. £ 1 (second contribution). Miss Cohti ning luch hitherto uppub tls wasts wpi'e we.v not . „.,mvroi:iamerous. hut includcil a mjimbers will be cntp-fiiincd to tea in the infori ation f value to all nteres cMviiig cow fmid Mr. G. Bates, sold to Ur, ] ------:o:------Air. Y\' if. Hakt r. was called up r.n .nctive Emily Christiiin,! 10s. (second contribution): Vicarage gardens by thq Conmiittej. •service on the ^- August. His duties were th'q history ;d genealogy-of the di triat. J.S* i;21 10'.: and t>\o sleet’s t'iOm ^^^v G. A IIORRIBLB TR,AG1;DA'. EX- 1 Miss Dannreujtlidi, 2s. fid.; and R. UKhM. SOLDlUirS TllRlLLr pCTfpimed with the ('ompaiiy at Brighton Tompkins, 3s,; Cbbiej; may obtained irdfr the A thop, "•KS b:iii;ht by Mr. H. AVatsoii at ilS iper I’liUi LN» '£S.5—Pinvute • A. Uusscll jf tillC ,1': t l^.i-t- in-Iiid'd two fat heiiers JN •ow ps- aorke*9Q41 Pin I as Porrinjoutli. and Eastrv (near Sandwich. I ,am plea-cij to send pattern and particu­ Roberisbridi , Sussex: Piicf 3/l3 pO! t i n i.ROVvllUR-S'f AVtlAIAN' M1I.RDLRED I2tii J.cruprs, b:is Ii.id some very lu lars of sandbiigsito anjonc whenever asked ^ m M r . E. Ilobdeii. h.-uight bv Mr. Holldnd : MEXICO. ! cijies. While pn aetian recently h:> ad hti Ifon Can Helyl On a Sb.'e aof) Sure Kent), and went ovpr to Dunkirk, and on (lie leise trbmablikeireetrct, the jr it it JJ" Mr. |Hiiline.s for .'."21 I."i.s. :-e-.7>eet;velw.— Iris ah's) •nmedy. lo tither Sc*, for .iJ] Act poiftoning. but. has fortunately •cravered. Over50 Vears Success. Of Dorset) going to Bri.'tol en route for Alalfa the ni.a'king qp Of these sandbags. Thev ^ pograptoeal, aiiide t.v fd r, I'. 'rhoui.-.-’s red n ad sl^Cbemints. I/Bpcrboi.or Alcxaiiidriii, and to the Dardanelles, take' .os manylasithey care to have, and are the way of tc with teiTiUW ^oality bv tlio liorHfyiuj; lu'ws Ho is h well-known and unuh est ificd re- C l a r k e hi, itory, ■The T imes. II ■Rr ° o'.i' '’“■fi hov'rbt T'v '.li''s-r-. Iliekman of the tent direct, jpost free, for wasi a member of tli'e St. Clement’s paid at the rate jof 2d. each for them. wos.^ S’ic-p a'ul iaiii!;-. av'iivred about 3|7s. wliicU reached -.he pereiH’.dul ivillaije on sidunt of Stnplecross. aijcl was uraiiirci Sisty Pennf Eraiaps by tbe reeom end lovers, of S ussex fjo a^d iaiuov "jivred nl'oufr 5" d a i; Staplecro'e Cricket Club. - He lias serted for Brniiob of the C.I.M.S.. and Afr. J. Baker I here acknowledge a further consignment , E“t eiiecri ; v il :'hn|!!i ; 2-. a liove. Pi 9th June that Mr

-rr~ Tccmits, rem,uded BATTLE OF HASTINQS. COBRESPOND^NC NATA& RECROmNO WEEIC^ jnikTecs______that w . ithout tl)e iNavy tlieit couijtry, iflnl justice, aid liberty were dooic sd. Effective addresses were also deil Verc4 by PHIRVEHSION TO EjOME ELLIS, SON & VIDLER Ca>EN-AIB ]j>BMOjNSTEATI(K;s. Mr_ Marsliall I’iko and Mr.i McTi i',bish, and L t d . , CORPOR.AjriON’S HISTOpC PICTDEE To the Editor of tho ObsetTcr. tbeir eentiinerts were heartily ch !■ !r«l. j H I & G . S i ,—in ilximmoii with otli.-rs ho knew jdcsirle to point out that iherB is I am sincerely grievexl th at M Mouitne %ARL BEASS|Br SBEAKEE. On Tuesday night meetings refo held THE ' A inST’S .DE3C1UPTION. simulfiineoubiv at AV'cllington-sfira ;e and at (wi^h Mr. irrow) luia “ gone i ver i Rome,'" nse m ' the price of their the. I'i-binark "t. 'I'ho former, o -•or which but I am It very greatly tly. surprised B oqueiit, jpocti- In ounn^tion the efforts of the Ba«!- Connciilor Samson pniaidwl, wae Ic^pt gding Reoentlvi tome notes appeared tr. Monj :rio was a m w t a* yjinoiious ipar|cs of Whisky tinii tings IJocraitiag yMninittoo a fipeciul ilteefe for nearly two hoursl During t'liit peficd the "Pictorial Advertiser'’ I in ' refereneo to j btit 1 do not I ou behalf of the (Bwyrf liaval Division was interest was will sustained by excellent W in e Merchants. the historijcaFpicture, ‘ Battlo. of nasting* his frlend.s could litih Xtor him speaker.-;, whose iiatriCtic point.* -vaked fre­ en in the po’s-! Hiaphe heSl a logical mind lor particu- baccessfully inaagurat<‘e tar-i-cuehing < ffCc! *f feared, 'I raining t'orps, in «jinnkahd of Coloiiel (i^afe, plavitione as fo the H.N.D.. an-' (luid th.at in any lojeal public building. Rocently a 0ome few extreme before the War. ! were in hhe prcK-^ssion, _ti3.se liali-a-dozrn iimiK-iliatel.v oti mobilisation of the force llllO writer betfrayed complete itnorance of the Svaink an.d some few /siWy motor cars with ivoundud soldieiB. A large •uernbe)-- wcntj^ri active seiviee irom Ifjst- .size of thd picfiiTe when he Ruggeslcd th at it jbjo who’ want their thin done for banuor of the I{opl Naval Divinion, depict­ iiigs. The Ul’v. Clias Wheeler, who tin- should bo found a place in i the Town'Hall. and ho pride 1 on! their ing .lack at work a:id play, was i-ari is'il. The lioiitiCT'd that lie had rccesitly eoiuo to lalxnir are indebted to Mr. Vi. H. RnseeU (a limitxv one. (AmaKiog doulids, I route along the I’rant and thiough Koberl- at h'liiiiuiniict Church, pi-oved htmjelf a c.a;pi- former tpomfeer of the (lorporatipn), _ of henri people ea j caln.J|ir thatj they bon-street, into Wielliligton-sciunre, was lined ta! <‘UtiUKir tjeaker. He had oflerr fivedomiiA^inaAiLu aminiu.1 aai. Liiviwt-iu-[ncident- Ml.P., who wak, we beliexre, the donor of the having to support himeelfion two sticks, is-in ),U.v> after appealing to .voiiHg men t i recruit. good health. An-ivi at the Square, the Hants lives-—on i the eea and under the eea idturo (jwhieJh was paifited for the Grejat itholicism is abi»liitoly illCpcal. SMh ANNIVERSARY^ gVO expi'ps.s<'(i tlic hope thah after the War PATRIOTIC VERSE. [all a t Ba-ttle Abbey) to; the Hastings Cor; upon document fry evidenre, men were marcbcj off, and the Volunteer w'heu some of thorn came up 1« EtaEra paiiuelltopaiiuclto above the land and below the land. All Training Cbrps f< ed a ring round the spot was for the comfort, safety and securi ppration. leen proyed over and oyer| again tret marrieioi, despite ■ 1 PLAT THE OAXE In the book the a rtie t' ac’ctowledgcs th.ak ing), wChring Iihs fficial chain, Mr. Alfred the picture oxted its existence to tho liberal ,|ad nauseam,” in he hope that it hoarse ypiee. as the result of 1 is efforts and accent their, share in the risk, Hailed P^t beat on tha War LonFa patronagO of Sir QmJfrny. Hero are the I / Dyer (Chain an t ; the Eecruiting' Cora- On the previous evening, also .add p&sed the 1 thd bbliearncd and the uhoril leal' mdy not struggle, laud the sacrifice. He heard a drum. Jirtist’s words, addyeMed to the then hake heard. 1.,..,the otherIt ^ aide.' 'll, thip they The SSth annikersary of th.x SilverlUH mitt|ec), jCouM.illor H. Samson, J.P. (lion, mooting, wlileli wound pip with tie singing PreAbYte.rian Supday School xva;; celebrated Treasurer of the. H litdig Committee),I Mr; young main who was imked to do his duty And the xiatioda at tho summons coma oxvner of! Battle Abbey: "Cm this occasion, aif rightl Fexv have! Pfere •retry said of the National Antheim. .At the j close of make tlie :o.xcu,sc that Im was safer at hoi Frt>ra| north nnd south, and from east and in jnstioS to your public .(pilrit, candour ob- tb fraud.' on Wr ednesday With a public imecttiig and John Kiiig (one of the Ho i. Secretaries), Mr. the mcfting.ij'*'to nvnntier of vouug fellow.s their cam Was “ gangrened Lieutl Spiv, B.X.V.E.. Quite trui«: Thanks tp tho lads ,who liges'me !to declare that w.itltout your foster­ I t is Bui they have not losb thAirJpoxfer ciiterlainihcnt. , . > i l Coulson Kernahanl lined Up behind a blnejjaekei ami marched muc. (Apidniise.) Thfy were figlitini The Minister, My. Wright, presided. Tlx* toi Hotel Lieut. Hughes, Mr[ McTa ’ish, Mn Marshall to the ix-eriiiil'ing olllees. .At the F shmarket at is brayest, all th at is beet. ing enooiiragement and munificent c^iinmis- of be re ecu! n, though nowada;» the " velvet rey, at d others. ' , reedom, solf-i-espeet, jliome. sion. I would :not have venrorxm on so ar­ Rlqy« T CO ITS tlm tiger’s cladrs. 'Unhappy room was prettily decorated with fetus and : j ■ I Pike, Mi. C. G. S( Mri’ MacTavish was the principalrspeaker, True men! were UxosejT.>ho, being jfit, flower j.l v: A largo numbi'r of iparente and The Mayor expi pleasure in attend­ and thoro w:is a good crowd of listt ners. who is this tliet disturbs the peaesF duous an, undertaking; nor could I have had- Grhti himtolf vzae (hoy, God alone remly and: willing to risk and saciifice Geanls to Qiorrible war a lease P persevered so constanitl.v in the severe; course knows)! to; to recant, and " lilenced and friouds : wer© present. The most •ipleasing ing, and wished l|ie promoters a successful item on|the programme was tho duet py ARiry ' '' \ '• i' i week's miBsion. T1 I ?y wen i all...... right heartily The campaign, was continued on! Wetlnes- lives in dedence of these great things, ig3 half the world to a shock of Krma, of study necessary for its accomplishment. itcly became of bljn his peareut wanted mere hel|>—mpro and more mejn. fills the whole with the worst alarma. In The manr anxieties attendant on itslexe- ilarfin j and Bobby Fuller, tx(o Hby ohm ■ ■ " ■ glad to irelcome tl [jpir deer old fyiend, that d.ay night with meetings on the V’est Hill, Mr. Stewart Scott spoke briefly dwelling cutio.'iAA.sd;;__ t! 1______•-! ___j_ j ' jj- bno)x^ from the Prirhary Department, thd quaint 1 I inpomparable patri , Ijonl Braaaey. (Great at the Ei.diniarket and at Ore. 'l|liousands have borne in mind thoVffis- hi Ute Hope, the “ Pcosai't Pope, chiefly on advantages joffei>ed young fo lowfj Said, "Strike terror whereverer youV. RO,_ , able to read .or write any othc • Lmt hii way |n xvihich they sang “ A Little Philoso. applaueb.) They . kne r Lord Bras.sey's of people were attriictetl to the west Hill who joined the Eoynl iNaval Division phy*' rauisiiig great auxusement. intense devotion f< their nmgnifipent Navy, no doubt largely due tp the .anno lincement -And luthlessly trample the»tollenfallen foe,toe, IhTgxiage, j though I believe b'i Barth he red with the blood1 of the e.elaia._ ■cei el;r ] religious, had 'the I’he flupcrintciiderat, itr. K. Eldriflgo,' to - ' and they were deQij hted tl at when he heard that some naval aerojilanes wouto assist. -A|nd ever your brows the brand of Cain. !K - ... ______s parents to do all they :ould-’to hblp of the nieoting on satni-dt y he decided th at The crowd was the largest seen oil the hill Last night- mectii^ wero held «t the tolminuo whicli [is tjorn y FINAL RAl^LY TO-DAY I Attilajgrcedy of human blood. to posseiss are of vonr creation, and that it« is: " 0 )1 ! lihti his faiili xvas Ihood in Icpum-elion xvith her father si Sunday force which was w 80 eiectivnly guarding Lieut. Spry and Mr. Marshal Pike, . In the tjXTUts' ^ e exejn sively iriy oxtn; aa y'pu per- bodulii'xil’.” (1 'orgetiirg tiic te.xt, “ WoC Unto iSehool at Oxferd.i xvlxerc he xvas superinfen. .course of his: mfdrees the Lieutemvit-read a thf and w Ikri lu r j. rinres a-i > children.'’) I . J . PARS th^ s h o ^ of dear[b d Englj rad. (Applause.) I "I ami tbe 'War Lord! Hearken Ifo moj mxtted i>ie enriroly to folloxt the coprse of dent lorjover------30 yenrs. ■' - . n '! -'i;'' ■■■ . I •' Earl Braesey, ai i resBing the gathering as letter.from a Hastings man at tlie Darda­ ! Tims do I promise yon victory, li my own conception in the treatment i of the All itt‘ien<*'i uU nif'A'■trul.be, worii anathema"’ Mr,! E[prkc (Minuter of I ■ r- ■ V nelles.. This omcer also annonnci c: that ho GEe Ia T MEE'TLNG TO-NIGHT. to h im .' He xf.-is the ekvqjair of the JeshitS, a the iPre^yt:ematt: " Mr. Mpyor and ml frie ide of Hastings, j Tlho world shall be mine. I am supreme I subject.!’ ' Church,i-at Bexiii'lll, alsO Hee said This Or^ei said he must [f4s3 that he was not in- might be under orders at any laoment to ! Eut yqu are tho salt, you are the cream." Describing the picture, the ariiSt says: more or tolls toarned, though pnvudiced body his fpelilogsililogs of pleaspleasure a t the . levcn(nga!en. . vited. and really intrudpr. (“ No.") They proceed to thelFrunt. He appealed to the Tbo last) meeting in coiihoction wit] i tho ‘Tn tho( charaotens introdnceil portraiture ia reri- aiiusiiig American' c a rtooix bf the tertaihment xvere [mixed with bnvyl foriih* youth of H.'istinEs to come forwar 1 and take i a would appreciate tla t he n as now aged and special eflojrt on belialf of the E.N.D. xv;'11 bo li|ut wd. th« nations'aaoembled here, not attempted) from the circumstance of piCKnt P<» ) represents hiih laii si had no Spmiday Sclmbl at Bexhill.' I Het Was TH crippled, and thit he con Id no longer be the places of those who fell ainl warned at AVcllington-squarei this (Saturday) even- i(oving| freedom, knowing not fear, Art being in sneli a ptato of Rarberism xvi^Ix u) lifited hamle and avid ed Cyds, lie- glad JtO|!seo so largo and xvelljeoiiducted a expected to appenr at their public gather­ every woman who prevented a lishand or iiig, a t 7.*4. ” id yon hearken to our demand. among |tbe twee i Cain I ihiid m urdered' ! Irol,. ctying : school with, its PHuxixry IXnianwcnt and]its jit iA (be’dni^ ings as ho forma ly did.' ''Fhen he read in a sweetheart fro n coming foi;ward| jvas doing For thisj final rally thcr.o will bo. ejocial !x't know you when the Fates command f !x! blit Ij ixn strictly neulrii referring, cori.vonlant cq uipraent. ; ; | their nCwspUxier t*"'^ -v_l ----- —j__ a serious wrong to others. iANOIX>-SAXONS AND NOBMAS9 liodginK-bpifp, pi th a t th e ■ wore going to Bix.',akois. Tlio Mayor (Couuhillor 1 of to dr®f, tojtiie War. We E:^ish appear A youwof liiiiiiiks to Mii. W right and to I* yenrs bW.inff have a Navkl Kt iti is l^fs than 400 years igo that the house) n tSiMea Ji iid breezy Coinmaaddr the Hon. Rupert Guiiiness, secon<|led|by Mr..Mercer, the Treasurer, and planse.) He recalls J the tine, nearly forty sions listened to some eloquent M.l’., originator of the E.N.A^.R., wi 1 he Ton struck at Ifne weakest, yet 1 incntit.y t)f N.ntiire, much lesi; the ■neculinri- Itom xniate burnt alive at the stuke OurlArch- showing ar86 the yeara ago, when h> was recriited b y th e la te speeches. The Rev. C. Wheeler ntrodiiccil Tio the 'weakest the honour, not tie? of individual feature;”■e; 'iHe H e .adds: "T *^or ot biehep or Caiiterbury. (Grnnliii< r, Oh (March present, add tho speakers will include the degree of historical trutf And it! 1! Mr. Harconrf, thor a residint in Hq^ngsJ tlxe speakers af'er making a splend id appeal matider UidficU], Air. 1’. J. Hanuon (Gehernl truth my picture 21kt, i5.5G, at vxford.) Or anbt ler Bisnop in I who h o stays , , ir and an uncle of the pre lent well-known! himself. When tou count np your loescs and gains. po.ssessos, I must, in justiceatice to Dr. Meyrick, hid own leHthedrul city. I (Hoiipeil, at Mr. P. Soeietary pf the Navy! League), Lieut, iipry. acknowledge mVeelf nrixeh i I to Injirisb !h Minister, for the i Joynl N ival Eeeervo of and Mr. IdaiBhall I’ikh- When you add no your perils aixd pains. leh iilde-btod to his Glqn jester, idn February Dtl 1,555.j Or iKa , , those days. He a so reme mbered that at] as pixrtly As yon may for Ihe war you begun— learned: researches respecting the costumes, Bifjli ips ii'errar. Ridley, and luititnelj, and Trish and l»rjn in toe middle of IJareh ami The Dnim and Fitb Band of the Royal arins, Cte., in use nt that remote period of I'plice I Dtackpool; rccitixtiou. “ The' lin- the present time le was I cm.' Commander Naval Division xvill bg in attendance b?fi>re Fior thefwar you had thought to have won. codntlesfl Prito*'’ Icity, iiinrtiTed, tor- eliantcd-Bhirt,” I Pcixy Lodge;' *0101, “Tli» . of the Sussex Couity Navid Eeservo DivT^ they would fch >w from this anii<> nneement onit] hi.^tory.” The nrtr.«it_ pjaeses on i to ex- tiiiied, liquisliifd ! I t is nearl.v! -■Kl yeato..uw(i hrusting, tlie meetitiig. This hajid consi.sts of iO men, p!a(n that the equostri.on figtare in the cen­ Choriiter,?’ Herbert Dar/soii! reoitntiion, i ^ T A o t i fion. (Applause.) He came there fooling it that they would have u stabbing, 1 I'i'ill yon boast when tho price you have we j 1 aye! foilgqtton * Sir AValtcr Seott, in a i*‘<5>ur Baby,” Phyllis Mercorfe soloj ‘"Eh* beseechmgl app ral. Having paid com pi i- xvho will arrive a t Hastings Railxvay ,St ition !. paid- tre of the picture is Williain tho Conquerqr to bo his duty a t t lis time, when ‘Gangland at 2.50 R.n).,- and retiilii at 7.50. Tho Aay or jioqn detoribiiug an unhapp.vl woman being GAto 'of 3|Iercy,” iAIise Etbel Cox; rcditntlon, '. •'. r expeUtw e r^ y man to do its dnty!" (Ap^ ment to Mr. (dnlson KornahaJi, ■«lio had When tlxe howls of your people, ibotrayod, le.aitingia charge he mad.x just after Harold’s ivxx|l«d nj) «fiite> makeu her- say, ‘‘ Yet. droatl as.sistcd recently at Eastliouriie, 1 ) made a has kindly invited the, iiiembera of the Baud t'h.'ill clamour for vengeance on you— death,eath, atlilt thetho hc'-Jnoad - of t some — ofie x..-his princxpiil a —•_.« f'TliBi Flaig of the Free,’-’ Reginald Dawsoni planse.) Etioidng buck over a loing opaco of to tea at the C'astlo l-tulel. Tea was given mejfreni niy! living tom b,Ye V;i38al-«la|vc6 of bysnin “ Singing! for .lo.rus.” Choiri aplfc time, he rauld say I bat Haetinge had always stirring appeal for vengeance. Lcl them get On yoxx [and your death-dealing dtew?" vormau foHoxvcrs, who niaxf have brought blop< y Ronie!” And Rome bo; stw th,;£,t ijho strong and fit ind like^ giants rei eshed go the lioys’o ' iho Iiiyercllyde Baud ora Me:ro inlay iini to tho spot xvhere that mOnare-b lav. He [‘Ifiolts 01 Clover.'” .Tolin D.auAhay; i reeitaf stood well in regt i d to th« defence of the by the IbcixJ Rccruitiitg C'omniijtee. yer alterra’” History is 'ajpt to re•epoat tiun, “The Halfi-Worii Shoe,” ! Dorip Pdrai country: 'thov wetrB always strong for the forward and work a dlire axul dr. adt'ul re- ! I^BNRY STEPHEN EOEOE. is, lb tbe act of unpremwlrtatively •checking gi|ve)a| wxo same powep i.nd. ophbrtu- tribution on Hu brutnl butchering To asgisp in advertising thi.s fin.al •ally, hislRorto. By tho expression of his (iountc- xvaill; solo, “T'hes Modwji Violet,"’ Ix'y Ijla, Voiupte^, they 1 ad been strong for the Mr. Vih nt Edxvards, the General 5 an.a- [42. 'Eversfield-placo. dr dg( ; I recitation; “ xVbicli s lm ll'it bef* Terntorials. and new, when a great national In a certain iilaee, not in .France,Ihe lately St. I^eonards. nai^tonai^pe And.And, by by the action of Tiebis rigright! h t hand,band. ari at ‘hi.s moment api'Siled at the delivered a scot ting lecture to sonie men of ger of 3 HiistingB Tramivays Conijiaiiy, rioin xvhich his sword has uilconficiouslT fal- ss li'lbronce Bijitt. rrimixTy Dcpairtment, .cmergenoy had ariien, they knew how their offered thtough the Recruiting Comm tlei’ foatflnl suilCrihg inflicted fly It the Huns’’ toramrled Teci&ition “ Wliq Stole! ike j men had the Border Ee(;iment, nnd at tho end he It ‘i’A® heeix attompterl to sxpreps the sen- Igium, Fniueo, Si told a story, they were mystified at first, to have 01X0 of tho traincars decorated .md eaoipn ^e feels a t suddenly fiaxMng the d’a NeH?**; song, “ He tlniika of piA.'l Bri.t ' I C os* th e FI :0NT. run round tho town during the day, ane this bur do riot let xlh forgiit the .ary Choir; .eoiig, ‘‘The Wiild,” , Primary.' so will you lie. but when they saw Hie point WHAT IS GERMAN KHIfTtnif ICONSUMWATION OP HIS WI8HB8 drojixdful[dc!ijds of lohg,ago infiit ,'Xl by [Home, amd how bravely .hey had fought. TJhey they cheered vo liferoualy. In far away In­ ofitr was pronfptly accepted. Mr. EclvarilB boirf I dialogues “Tlie Binlic's.'Return,’’ ■ knew, too, how mai.v had fallen in the ser-| has also hung cards in the windo«-.s o' the Apon him; the croxxn of England AlvaJ rquemada, arid tho lUquisi If Vidler nnd ;M._ )Miirti!it : song; :“T)i* dia there w'an a super-venomon I reptile witLin ;lii® tiTid Harcld '{^Icopinff in in the pfJcthcrIands, Botjth . tmeried- and Ell'iwery Month ofl|o kept open ing hiA favourite, a gift from the King of can nre of “ Saint’s I 11.'' ‘J.Pross- oertifientefl: .AIus© Brackpool, Ivy L indrid^ need of! mnmrima tljan men, but and then fired ^ he centre, presently these This is plain . I'lnglish for thcir Wgb SpA OLDRglBiE they did trish to h ite enrdlled tho greatest tor two dr thrco xveek.x for the conveni:: ee of "KnUiir.'* \ m) nnd his toiirtli not l avinfjr Wen de- mnny otliere? Vre^tpere no., ...Dai.syl 'Whjto;^, £iljeen Toxvner, PliyJlSsi Mefi , dreadful serpanfirmad with rage ixiid fear local meai who want to enlist or obtai seri bM by anv hi.storian. t i e horse! intro- ternorials?” No oij|p V-Ijo ' possible litmber of loyal citizens, so as. to flungdihemselvefi xguinst the netting! and were, i[i- r A. E. STYLER. [binks’i ceri Fivo pass cetHficatos: Iicslie Bridsi jbe able to draw up >n them in future needs, figrniatioin. duced by the artist was seleclied for the sako will ovpr - over” to Rome. laud, I Winnie Standen, Lily iPnVlor.r Kitty' killeiL ‘ Nbw fen: ful as these creatj res were of its colour, as coritributir g to thd effect' plionld these needs »risc. TTio events of the —they are a ver tqblh scourge of Bod—tney iNhxt WPfk. on Mqpday, Tuesday, and (Ved- Yonre tn ily , ' Brackpool,. Nnndy Judge. IntermSiate War wwd well km wn to them all. They npsday, B,ieut. 8pry and his aaiistants wiiU of the pioture. [ On the toft side lof the- grald©i—One first il prize, IrcnS Kinwt; two were ! Conqueirpr is Odo, Bishop cf Bajeanx, his ANGLICAN ( ATHOl/IC.! knew qnlts w e^tha: when they entered 'upon BPOKTSMEH AND GENTlEMEi carry ou« a special camip.aign at Hexhill ixnd 'SON OF THE SOIE.>" secOna prizes, Iranie King, Edward ■“ 'iVar, not only tnat they wOro on Thursday, Friday, and! ,8,0111011 at nnlf b)xrther-ythe “ ambitious warlike Pre- fou,r [honour eercincates^ Tiibmas .ucp,,,,., compared with i ho modern Germa; soldier, l? I ’ aspired to oxwceed Pope Gregory.” iH^ksst isi r^URTINa II I A GOOD CAUsa. Worthiii; 'i'his will be foHoived by a spcci.ol To Uib Editor of Hi© Ob servcrl Percjl Imdgo, II. iParri.x. Thoihas Bratfkpoojf iwlib plays men, women and child: en by a wpek at righton, Son of the soil, son ftf tho aoil, [to the left side of the picture is the dnod lfc,-|-'lTie Eoman Catholic nowprtapor, iiixrco [pass ccrtifi«xl.f i: D. Hoult, ELT’'' ' but. they 'pore mi^t ng an jMiemy which had ^prolonged, crnel and pitiless death and does .Sobslrcug and brown with your daily toil. body of Harold, supported by tvx'o Nbrmani UiolU nivfrrso;” in noticing t fo peiivmeion lirett. I D. Wlxitel • ’ ’ . had very long propa ration and hod an inoom. it with open del ght. Now wixat wi s it th at Born of'the humblest, yet none -the leas loyal ivlto are s'uppcsed to have raised it irp from Rex-s. Moultrie ' and Bort ow, sajas: ‘‘By [honour certificateal parable The r Allies wore alao iH-pne. kept them out of fair England. 1 lie N.avy lEBCRUITING COMMITTEE’S FUN )S. When, the Gre.at AVar cume. amlorrg tho dead at the approi^eb or William reception xx-e Iinvo yet ano ihor Inatanee leera King: two , ^ b U k h A pared, ^bey did I heir best, aaod promptly ! and too Nas-y alone waS the liaaiad yad net­ I can picture) your home, in tbo country for; thoj pnrpeso of showing it to tlieir chief, ^ touthpf the late )Atgr. Be: sonls dictum 'Rnggcjtt, Winnioi Bridgeland. j | .r*'''■ i'i'll sent to Tenders tioir gaDant litno Army, ting. (Applause )■ But for the Nivy Eng­ We reC late Bi ihqp LOWEST Almost the law: time he sixng Hi xt h.vmn eiiahie nSe to anknoxx ledge in your p.O! the "and to yell,; chief, ^ n glorious trophy ,xf the dry. Hie nie Daudoj Kathlein Fiillti'. lvv LindridsSi- ha'd sent th « r m ^ and brayer trbops never was in Mid-Athhtio during a violent storm Dooln (Ghristopher Word sworth) said Kitty I iBrackpodj, I/illie Fuller, EilteS .f fought. KBear, htar.) The whole nation rtceipt of axlditiouni silbscriptions foi tho A mcTjry youug fTnrk. Uyhingls Helm, pr King'.s liolmet. Harold per»c|utQr!5,?,) ■ ' ■ '1 ‘T ' fe- "on the d<-ek of! the l.u.-.it:inia. ! low th a t pUi'i>o.X(\x|of tlie RecruijHng C-oniniitteo: also I can riee in thej distance, jnet tw^ milen wore, i whii'lx b*i“o acco:-ding t>, the Townie Lizzie lice, Alie© Carey, ] :V'i' trad ' been-----— Mirreii . by patrioticby feelings. 'They noble ship lies fethoimi deep off he coast 1 condition of things In be Chraneh t Frederick Davison. George- Daiwson, HerMHj i knew wbat tho m(||th^r nu 8 and daughters of to suhmfit statement of present positio X of axi]ay. j eostxxmp of tluo period iiurroundid by take to be solemn warning agatnst any of Ix-eland. -Fi'o n now to the Judgn ent Day. our final!ijces. a Saxon Croyrn, may carry With it Bridgelknd, H arry BJackninn. Rlch'iir*’] England had how they hrid parted when tlxo' sen gives up its dead, th ire wouhl Tho farm roof, where later yon trudged day rev) Son of ijhe Pfayer Book ai regardpf tho Party, iThomas iB-ackpcol, WillitimiCaw, with husbanida and othise that they might The C :jmmittee will lie gratefnl for fur- ^ b^ day; , an allusion to william’s obtaining the ixt arid Holy CommunioCommubioh, nt, in a Edmiux hCliurcIli, East Gnnstcad, on Sunday a pretty [ -^reni cheeiB>--aad hoped tojotart tot hard stricken Irt looked for comfn t to the your birth, ■ 'tion, an|d make legal tho xifsticentsl and abont a fnrtn^ht. Morningside," W hen tbo cry catoe for men. in it* Rwlft; side of Bhdiolp Odo standi Toetain, calleid iWedcUhg took idacp. tho hnde beinbi Miss- -e-” !-*- As; to the prospecto^f*' faeroic figure oil the head of tl ht great Elpldustone-road. Haetings. the fairii fpom Iite.Comploxioa. To him was iiass! L th el; Annie I/exixx'prd, nnd Dife I'ridegrooin the neaplft^— " column and rrmembored that w evld-wido sudden denrib. Yours truly. of doubt their oiieito Previously aeknoxvledged. iliH .8s. 2d, Al- You .Answered (he call. yje consecrated banner presented Sapper ;Harold Ulhopas Connolu. THo [ teiq*, famona nigmi,!'! sever so eloquent as new, by! Pore AUiaitoto i® the Conqueror. Ho '!■! AcncRciraAk i.s tlig daughter ofl xvell-knov.nj tradesfemas , a i^ must bi .aeagtog the.pototyof ex- "■Englanxl erpee-s everv man to do li B duty,” dei m.'xu Mitcltell, J.P„ Ith.; Dr. C!Ibxvre To the neighbour; around, who were nimpl* hanabqg |da tro«^ Pritcharji1; Ll Is.;Is Sir \V. Mackworth Y; and few. ham bfs chief xvitlx a feeling of triumph, I'osidiug in LiiigUeM-road, wlxiic Hie reldiw ,! He thought and hpp®4 and as ho turl ed sadly.away he thou.glit (ung. and his action is intended bi imply his eoa- brulearoom hails if rdui Ilastings] Jliss .^niijel thati4l*!i.a(w;-w»»w,.■w»»^ ’verjl'distaht______— AAien they never .again ove • the whole empire B0X1 Id it £5 ; Capi aSn the Hon. E. T. Necdhain, P.N. So reiiKito was the war that it hardly seemed !i; A NEW .STREET DAf ER. . at th'^ term s of peace. (Ap- (aecomi ilpnatioii), T3: Mp. Eveleigh .5s.: true. viepon that this banner xvae the immediate I-edwdrd was bridesmaid to hePi, si-sterj anld be ijcee.ssary to liold another reernili 11 g meet- eaxjse of their suooess. Bbbind him is a i fTo the I Editor of the ' IbBcrwer. , Jfr. Ru'sseH ConnoM was his broflfor's! Beit this e^efal Ichoi BiMcejeame it would be ing. He was vrrong. That meeting was totol. J!1 x8 4s. 2d, Expended to date. ,ei 3 Ts. And thoy frowned xrhen von epoke of a duty (^roup Of Norman eoldiere of various rank, —In refeTchoo to ’’ Eesi' nt’s ” letter! man. I The serrioo xyas coiidiicten by tljoiRer,' prrind<$ to a long, pmuie. Germany -would gathered to roufp tho men of Suesei; Who lin- 7d.; cast in hand, AW IC-. Td. the al ove bending in yi r last issue,; - 1 have h«d Im S i, a h V. to H". . and in irbar of tbe Conqueror is pArt of tlfe- W. IT; Edwards, and Mr. E. V.'.i Young, [Jil.i l«d {kmoek that, i.t wionld d. When I dmxind Burke 'heard of the Eat +OU baffisa them all. ' * ’ - -• adm itting th a t eomo ruej sure of t'on. presuled at the organ. . ; [ i emba'w-pidd venture sading of Mixrie Antoinette he I'.xelainictli ,a l fignrle in this etc ill. ^ Babiy become necs ^ary in .I the * - hplanec.)----' , 7 Herc Gb^ed — '“ Surely every fcword in England xvjll flash Soix' of the soil, though a soldier you've ------_ Jjin t . - , ______■ of " I'llc popular juvora foot oyclo." MApRvion wouid'iba givea from its scabbarxl to avenge h e r ” ; later he PCAL SHARE LIST. grown. Eustocej whom \Villinm ord sred to attack a ) expreesia wish that its u( o may not Be eaiid "T h e age of chivnlx'y is diia He Dame Nature for ever will daini yon kerf bod.y of iSaxo’nsj who songht to renew the sly chet|ced : it is an imp irtant meaim .nel^ed the m en, of SnesOx " 'Wherp yoiir oxrn. CoinpiKvi MeSkAT^ Clienttellt, Dyer nnd Ga iftwiir, combat I after the death of Harold. Oii an iriing our rieing populati i p, and sonie red motoei; iBlidi"Abra I-R iv alry f Mjhere is your flash steel, '8. ^Hvek k-roiul, UcKtlDgs; aad e, £ios‘«-roa 1. iji'c. For yolxr lieart’s in the laud that' you’ve' omSiien|e nt the extreme rig it of the pictnro residents would do well t<| adopt tliieia. y—iband'cif Wiv are your bayonem frozen to the hilt- Luomirilts reaped and JP’a’ii® sown. Is |a Norman trumpeter, seated on a dark T|W are a [" nuisance ” ; eo re peratuBxi. • *N®vy>call4 £ But she willed [you should go. . ba.Erto. (Elood’ A43>'.7 itcoiii dnd .Aroadt a...... 6ifto 6) ehpstniit horse. !He blows tiie (Jnghorno (or latore, and mapy other nocodi.ary things, j Hto Xtobte B ari aai'd YOU BBSITATF.f BaTuluy’.A pliiik *'1^' SSb«res ...... Hi to lU If. to 261 Wimndod, .de.^. and dying Saxons ;an’d Nor. indo^ndenx'© of action which v ill be, of the ttm to __ y'vas^oaHaiiLassatod wayrtw Oonii.iratiGu 3 pur evut. fetock to 80 Will xvhieper "W ell done,” through the soft gTMtjost vnlu© to ttioni in rafter life[, glorkM , fl^rtAodged a{>iikxnse.) .yoracair almoet see tho treuehes. Loo Hui^tiii-M iiiH St. 7/uoiiard({ r o-ant. - evening brecam. mams pecupy tho foregi-oond of thp. pictum 'and you will see every day Conrerl d HiiH\ ...... to 93 A Saxon in front is intended to represent an "”i©ra will [bo loss,room than over now; in . . who apoko aexf, fleto of all lZajtiinb.A nn< Hr. lifonardi G.-v*. per cen*'. 4tod grant it be so. great reutre ofpour gram empire for ptiiMe htorty chocis for th^griiad destroyers guarding you ami Oojiritrf* d stofL' L. D. . ngdd .chiet.^ filled xrith niehtal and bodily j

Sloxk ...... coi-(i«>xoiii» of the Croxx-n oif bis late King lahould/like to Miigaiftst, flist, 'th.at the be came om, the patoe of Earl Braesey was “"There is no) a sin.'le stroiig msxiilpf cn- Hartin-'.4 nn'i St (i?ia A tht THE LIQH'rS OF HASTINGS. beijng; presented to the Coriqueror. Behind toil snerild inelnde raw s Orx tliekr .Hstable age left in ijie County Bpi’o iigh of l)s.*b''Ht UH fitAtk ...... tc 92 thik chief is a Sa.xon of ordinary rank. Ho igst J tiicir ehildaan’a '(ports, anfl. as msto. respected m in Hastings. Proceed- awl Kleeiiio Tramn a^ per jug. Tie sa^ they* ‘»^er© there to get recruit^j Hastings." AVhie.h was it to be, T :'s.” or fI>oi''‘ri*HiA SATtb-k ...... to 65 rems. dii hie bepenni.s, or double axe, in iiily, th a t any adult W liete! with nera’Os No!"’ No lesn than 1(18 brave men in East­ TlfMjtiim'ri'mitl J)isrri(’l iilocfric Tram.^ 6 p< r 1211. suillen 1 silence. He represents otto who is )ld obtairi one; only.don't st xrt on a Balf- for the Royal] Naval Division—men to sum>ly (’iiit, rmn. Pn-f...... their Grixn|d Fleet, and! also for Espexlitionarj] bourne jonucpd^ the Colours last week—w'ere to 12 ovorcolne but not subdued; one xvbo may ho ordinary type will proljobly be they going to! be bcaton like thal; >iii Ha.s- TlBstiinia Hu*r Onni-inf ...... to 21 supposed to have fOught hardly and bravely Forces. At top pn iselit time many men of CAhtavG Iinprovemtot Sori'-tv to 17 Twilight calm andj sunset. fast cn ough to begin W|i t the Royal iNayal I ivjsion, weio doing thedi|i itings? And i)ow the women of Hxstings. Liptoni fiy.Iiimry ...... j. to 1V5 fi-ota tile dawn of the day, 'vhich he feels is "What might be say to them Hxx l ad growi) Jiloyda HJq):...... to 2TJ A Crin son glow ip the west, ter^nirilated by the ruin and disromfituro of Yours tnily, b it in the IDatdanei las. (Appbinse.) TIiouJ Iiondon, (hity an 1 Miillxirni liink ...... t» Hi' Starw I bove rise dne by one, H. r . sands of mha were va!ntPd--tixcy wore asking, old and gr>-y ih ExustViurne .and felt entitled IiondcHi arul Sratii vrtjdo'n llmk ...... to loj hto c-otintrymen. Near Itin: are p Norman to slumk his nililml tliere nnd h? did. In Ha Lomli-n, fttiijfht'u anil South lt4ii;w:ir, liig-hts. below iu the quaint old town. and aiS.ixon. both slain.' On the extreme for 90,000, and hst unknown. Ho was mi ILferr-'d. Urditniv ...... to F.3i On hil • mid valley and crest. left ofi the foreground is a jroup of varicus supply its diare. Tlipy wanted men of 18 to M^rpolc: iThiry Coa'jvi'ir, Ti’-i -rrtol ...... T t'< N/3- Fairy liglit? by th^ seashore. To Hid Editor 4^ the fil server. .38 years of age. 5ft. 3jn. in l)eiglit. and with ver.t-_ da'i.geronB gro'itid, Imt erently daring Id’H'lnn, iTon'ily uml W'vtininuti’r Honk .... 17 To ’Pi .Saxoni-aiid Normans who h ive fallfeix during —Aa i :'(Mlidx»Dt of wme }ti xr.s’,landing, ho would rep<4t what he enid in E.'isllourn ruilH*. 0|!* fo jjrg Music knd laughter arid pla.C, tho) bittle. The most proninout figure in .34 inches che.st measurement. He gave in­ HP strong young I’aifki I nnl: ...... ZA to .'4-; Happy Ijoimg heaijts xvith leisure. froipt of this group, restingng his torenead on villy ondofso the opinion exf rorec-d by t‘ A teresting particular 3 iof ; there: what wpre they doing? Many thei'o ruunui'’ , Or.liii.iiy ' If-. Holida glee and! pleasxire. hiB'bajrad, repreeeiite Garthl tho brother of ■ident the current issm of ;the IMuminf , Ttoduiri I’refprpn IT to li- seifvfer" as the x'ory great) IHB MOST I nyiAKKABLB SHIP were who are xvorking night and day doing OutN'n'fi Horrl ...... to- 94 Jo.T a t 1:hct close oi day. Harold, xvbo, although not dead, is in that. itli - state to’ Buffering from 'lijs Woundi th a t he is and danger eixused to Ixith pede ever seen—i‘ H.M.S. Crystal Palace.” At thS Angels’ work. !(Hear, hear.) God blees them 1 to ?6,‘ thpilo tryin to enjoy quiei Ci'ystal Palace they ]had the finest training all. (Applausn.) Tho hospitals jTorjiCil St. L'?oi3''la Tiiuiii'Jtr ronirni;' to 2 ; . 1915. [ nnqonscious of all that pSjsw *. To point out woiir ' - ' “ , mo!‘t* the victory ns being conBlusively in favour in sonmi of the camp, ant <'yc!i X bs«l cverywhci'i Crystal Palace should appeal to every young But xvlmre .aro thejlights .so softly streaming [rpvcfit of streets. Thex- not man who possossedl q siiirit of sixort or ad| tliein Were training to Is’ niiises. S )nvo of fair atteiulaiiee. Mr. Neil gave a very ground. This siandard Js deseriliod in a them xvere holding Igtck their .sons l>r he'lpfu addr-ns. the subject 'bc-iug “ The Goil From iransion .and eotrage casement, gleam, poeto,'entitled “ Tbe B.'itte of Hastings,' ^ Bs speto in venture. In oonolttsion, the gallant officer ini! ' 1 talinus, the wariifly thankeil | l»rd Brasscy aud the ami sweelhe:xris, beehnse of the loy© you of Peale.'’ Miss Tli'azier sang solos, enlilled ascribed by- Chatterton to liowley;— Ixeaxx them. Djjx'C like that xvfi.s a peri fo tijo ” Free I as a Bird ” and " Into Tliy hatids." T rom crest and valley hnd bill? ■' A .^f.andi'nlo made of silk and JeweHBmare bxf tbeir “ Mayor.-. The toxin is sliroxlided in darkness, call;|d to a Mr. Mixrsjiall Pike proved himself a first-j Empil'o, .it xitas almost dishorn UMnp—let- Miss Aviili-.-rs presided, supported Viy Slfcssr.s. Wller<|in alle Qoloures xvroughto a-brat in tlieiii e,u,st it jProm them. Did tliey know X':d Ely. Air. Conignnn xx-.-is a; I.ixiightOr and play! must cnaso, bigJxesj, ckilljy to an rate opcii-air orator. He argued that it was I'n lil -from the land beyond tbo «wa aii ii^ my cast'; upon tho -Nxivy tlijxt England depended for what the Spartan Mothers- said tV tlioir Next Sunday the speaker xx ill be An, ai!my"d Knyghte was ueen .dethtooynge young men in War time: “nei'C i.s > oui f.liiold Brave young hearjs hnxe' won the key there. everything. The llritisli .Army went to war (If vietoi'v and Peace. on the back of the Hritinh sailor. On August come back xviph it or on ij.” M en by fire Hildet! the motto: ' He'conr n©r» or ho dire.’ thoxisand liavq fought and die< fpr the: I E. H. B. Th!is Standardo ryelic cmlazzlying mortal 5tlx they got into war, and they went (n eybs, somewhat light-heditetlly. None of theiii women and thpusands .more, woxxb' ht and nB|kVY dreamt what they! wei'e taking ,on. Since die to keejl them and their little on4s from Was bOf°t' near Harolde evil, (\pplnnse.) Were .any will The: Norman is about to trample on this then their I'eppect for German rosourere l-.ad to go THEi SLACKER. been increiitod. England had the haiidwit into- the xvor^rshop.s, the Post asfjee, the Rtrandkrd,; while th© Bannei of the Normana railways, the qa^rvest fields, nnyxvh 'fO lo take flies triumphantly on the spot where Htoold’* nut to track she had ever experienced, and had been erected, and um ltr whiclx,’be the only way to crack it wii* through theit their pdiieps T)»ov bo oithor (Ix'ead- ’Tia the voice- of the slacker, I heard him w.'vrehips. It wn.- only iiosdhie for their isilj- noiiglit-i <>r inf re Inr! lerfiie--. Wixi ill ivas it: foiiiplaili:' FOlTQHT AND FBM,. diors to do what tli!ev had done “ Ixeean.to the -li.s he dosed lie xxouhi give them iiee.-:;i"o to engrave on) their iiearts a parupl rase of You ,uxyo chIIc(I mo too soon, I must In the middlo ground, and iistanc© is repre Navy lets thpm.” (Langlifcr.i There! xvii* Nd-oii's signal; " Erigl.vnd expect every shiekeii again; seiited' a sort ot epitome of the Battle of Hns- ixo evidence that the German Fleet was ‘‘i-om! If over Lord Kite! e'ner runs short of men. tiixgs,' in xvliieh to introdxeed most of the iiKitlii'r. -.isti-i- and sxvwtlK'art to do her lug out." The fapt that Genhans liad w (li.l.v.’’ (Tbiid applause.) I ’ll come when they fetch me, and not before varieties ^ attack and defi nee prevalent at much cominoh-sento was the thing wiiieh Air. Mri-Tiivish, xvhen bp an louTvced then that period. On the right s ide of the picture made them so; dantorou';. They were at xvar h" (■::ui--ifrnm Fortsiiioiith., x\ ns preeteil Put real J. L. iu the distance is seen a troop of Norman v.itli 70 million t»'ji'iitific savages! He had xvitlf eviep of "Gcofl; old Fompey," He en- horse, galloping down a 5ill towards, the coufidenee th.at eyentiially ohe Geruinns tereil .an are:imontntive discfalir on the Bceno of immediate action; In the remfote dis. would lie beaten oki land with the helji oj fruit into ROADMEN FOii FARM WOHK.-At the tance near to them are various bodies of W ;ir. -lionelx] drneiilnring Iho.t.np riels of the monthl.y iim ting « the Hastings Rural Dis­ their ehi|is. As evidence of the - nine of the Germiiius, :i»u rn:iliin.g an eii-rnesli appeal for men armed accondlng to their rank, also Cr.vutal I’alaep training, he said that la.st your Jellies. trict Coiiiieil at tJ, WoUington-squarc, on •dvanqing in tbe order uaid to have been rnenrits. Tl Ix-.e- ;i!log.'ther, ai) .-Ifectix-e Saturdayy-aturuay afternixnalternix) the chair Xvas taken by. Friday week an urgent message ciyme jo tliji epeec!:. an'I \xi.m Iniid outloirsts of ajinlaose. jellic.s'mad-e from Corn Flou adopted on that occasion. TJho scene is the Paliiee th at 5()0 mien xvere wi^ntcd at once, klr.Mr. J. Davis.—itrDkvis.—.Mr i S. 1’. Fryer (Inspector of wret o!t Hastings, and the lime towards srtn. Another i>-i|iu;iir .spvilker xvas Mr Coulson am i th e ju ic e o f .stewed fre.s1 i Nui-'i and they xxerii seiii. ^ (.Applnn.--!?. i They had Kerroiluin.' Nui-'imco'-) I'cporteil Hmt tlie'di.striet xvas frije' bettor take ito mqnT preeantiims than inft fruit.s are much richer in ’from---- 'nbetious diseases.—\ letter, from the This description of tho nicturo may ■per­ ,\( .Ore add.iies-.,\s xx-ere\given by CotificinoT $ Ka<-t S ex Couni y Conheil was rend, ijoB- enoogh. Suppomng they had 20.000 men iij Tl. Sixms.in and I.lent. Spiv. haps lirouee the curiositv ol' modern authori­ tho Crystal Palace and never wnntexi them. flaxiour, and more wholesomci fylnir thnlt tliey h' <1 ndopti-d the notjficaitlon ties oP bistorieal Art. Yoai^ ago, local e-xiiorts A jolly good job too! (.Appkause.) Piyiple Counp a •Eiroion &polsons and Mr.|Fo.ster sehpnilrd, th at tho roS'olntion BiRAT TBjB GB11H.AN8 bx'-xx'ord for generations to eome. i Conxnciltor iUppLrtod. This was carried.—.V letter' Thd Or ly O phthalm ic O pticians by •nd in this gajme he bontonded that the Navy Sam.s-m rmplored ronsideratinri oF what I Corn Flour. receivexl friJm Hr. Janih.s Moon, of was the trum p carxl. [ Tho Navy had kept the xx'ouhl iiaiipen slionld Germany i xir happily Wixitcrstoro Farni, Fuirlight', as to tlie'em-' j appointm ent to get ••the un;x-r hand, Th.eir fate rnld he; J-i/.'/ ncipe in fJ'ijry packet and enemy out of' this; Country for ten months, “ Summer IhAes," a recipe plovmei t of roadlinon on farm xvork during I THE BUCHANAN HOSPiTALT and would ktoP t)x^m out tor ever, (pmd like that ot Belgium. Surel[v. he ex-[ -file" sum mer in coij.tequei)ee of tbe shortage of cl.aimiMl, “'it is up lo all who arojstr: xng and hook you should have, free from labour. A discussionlor took - - place ■ on this snb- ajqrlaxise.) Brown *• f'ohon. Paisley. Hk HOMOEOPATHIC The Mayor lhahl i the speakers, andithep .active to come forxvnrd in tliis grei ,t crisis. ieet. there being |some doubt as to whetber B movo waut mad i eastward to the tHsh- and serve tbeir King ami Counlry.” fTri/e for it now}. it coub' he arrarmed so as to raueo uo dis­ I8PEN8ARY! market. wl)bre ai(i Ithcr euocessful meetini Then followed a .stin-ing .'•peeell fr^m Mr. Nd> ADVANCE IN PRICfi, content' among me farmers, i 'riie District •was held. Here ( unciWpr Samson opera MacT^avisb. H > rexijiinded those; he Surx-eyer iMr. J. f tanden), thcbiglit be could p e r p o u n d — d . p e r i p o u n d '. *t1 arrange the mattm-, and it xviras' left in his the mecHng xrith oj ipiriteU speech, in which dressing that only a i'exv miles hxv.n a> be urged that th at wha^wna; they wanterl was to kick fcllOxv eountrymen; and feiloxv toxvineir ban ‘s.- Tlie Clmvim.-xn expressed Ibis thanks the blood-stained off hie thramto He fighting and rAking and eacidficin to the lacmbere R r hitviog re-plected ^im . :T?#j i r

flASTTtrtJS A JD ST y s ;r , s a t LTs [9. _ r - 1 H A STIN G S OROUGH BENCH. derslih, stationed a t Aldenbot si tihe 14th Jnriej—;P.C. Alexander eeid that aa'W the THE NEW RECORDER.; BATTLE; OF HIGH BEECH ;b:------priiioher in Harold-place on 13t! inst. His WAR ' R l J K ! atordat DLER S .—Before Councillor Dr. G. G. pas^bhowed that heibad leave fi th e U th e m i n e n t K.C. APPOINTED. VOLTINTEIllfe TRAIN!Nt: CORPS VISIT Gray (in the cha; r), Commaniler H. iff. . Old. :o ;ljo 39th. I t was/ all in one 1 ndwriting Ml, WERTHLIMKR. | :| there is SAFES. helu. Councillor J. Pelham, Captjii. A. nc uding the signature. Enqulr s. proved !!. . . I. It. A. f'olvile, Dr E. " II. ” Mabsell, ” ahd Mr. he jpass to be ai forgery.—^P( >n«r was Mr. Ale::ander MacMorran, K.C.. has been the kiridnesM of Mr. Conway Werth$i- i:e lof their F. R, Bonos. handM over to await an escorf The con- appointed to euceced the Into Mr. James | UHfr tlie lo ci platcwiiis of tile Volunt B0fYS d a m a g e g r a s s staple wae awarded Ss. Fenudng Terr as Recorder of Hastings- j Tra (ling ifeeps ii.?ited his Estate W h pfcy and Cartwright’s well - know a Mr. MacMorran, is no stranger te our ■William Smith, Henry Raiton, and John HigiHeccIi, HoHingloa, on Wednesday, ,abd sm Buy SKIN a e i».tT.—Before the Mayor (Cm i&cillor E. town. If we femember rightly he was one engaged iii s>ib» inici sting field day evojn- B ent Steel F ire and B u rg lar Hutson wefe cliaiged vrith wilfully ilamag- 'Toefcing). in the chair, th > Deputy- of fho CoiinSelj in regard to the Borough tiotij=. The cather was Iwanlifully fine, Bexei^a, ScroAilt iiig growing gra-ss, the property of Ciithbert [or (Alderman; G. Hutching s), -klder- tenaion. , ulesrs, autol Rjssisting SAFES. ojnd he if n wcll-kuovrfv authority There was a! capital musten .Nos. 1 ajid It, PI nw« ~ -IrUen Liongiiurst.-Prosecutor said tiniiat the B. H. W. Tree, Councillors Dr. G. <3. on questidns relating to Local (30vernmcnt. 2 Platocua aishinbleil at the Hntheiley Ro k, Plica, BlocMi^l qes of th«r boys had b ^ n cortinually w anM . ifle eeti- . H. Samson, and H. T. Dirhton, Mr. the Poor imw, and Public Health. He ilias Drill Halli -So:i. a and + at I'nivoivify Stlio- , ..,~n, Gont, Ac.? It so don mated the damaj.o a t .£1. T ie boys were seter. and Mf. C. Eaton published mapy works on these subject?. and the Ore centingent a t Grove Road. Thp, tijne and money On lotfonaJ i 1 2 5 0 . o f these have been sold running about in the gross,—r DctcfndantaDclcn Born a t ’ iewtOn-Sitewart on the 5th No.eih- ; which cannot get b« low the son ame as A BOY AIN'D A FENCE, tuarclied in teftions in tJie direction of Iloi- 1 Aihnt yon want and what youli lU^ b y f H . Cousins in Hastings pleafled guilty.—The Bench fiped flfo laile ber, 18o'2. he was educated at Edinburgh lington, atid v ei-e divided into two forceti 2s. (id. and 2s. (id. damage each, and iillowed Aijtlhur Goodsell, a lad of 15, Cenied wil­ Universit.r, where he took hig M.A. degree in aedioine that will thoroughly m i and D istrict. fully damaging a fence.—Thoniab Bates, of pno linv.-vding gnd the other attacking. One I tiio poisontnis math r which altm 3 a week for payment. • 1872, alid in the same year entered tho contingent was! commanded by (folonel Cafe, poB of [aU your isuffcring. *’* Wel]ington-TOad, Hnstings, said h ) occupied Middle 'femple. He was called to tho Bar is just such a niMliiine. AN ABSENTEE. la^ ;b etw een CollLerrroad and H ilton. > He in 18T5, and tqok silk in 189(1. Ho is a Fel- and ;the otUerjby SiTgeant EIpbick, an o|ld J ingreilionts which'quickly I A ll S izes and P r ices. Alfred IgglesilenL an absentee MthOi t leave fottH«[' that a number of palinge had Been low of tlic Institute of Hygiene, tho Saqi and experienceH’Volunteer and Tciritoriil. baiod'all iiupuritiee Ifom wliaiova ren: o; red from a fencer there.—An ji mploye of JThb ileal plan of campaign was ndf dieulgpd, and 'by-eehdering t dean am* from the 12th Royal Sussex Rwimeut, sta tary In st tute, and ,the Royal Meteorological Relied u|^n to^oep a lasting < Vm£R, tiouvd at Heshill.lsince the lOtU June, was Mr. Sates said he caught the biy pulling Soedety. His chief recreation, liowever. is but tho idei, was that the enemy hod at­ W rite jfor Catalogue to remanded to await an escort. the fj'nce. Tl'ere was another bjiy there.— not astriinomy, but salmon risl'iiig. Mr. tacked Hastings, seized tin* railway, blown up the tuiimdi and cut oft .supplies. Tpe e iiW y 4 H i itin g s . ReiUing to .klderman Tree, defeidant said McMorran was made a J.P. for Middlesex 4 cdccesi worked at a farm^ at Fairligl t.-^Defen- in 1909. ' arraijgemjnW itere sucli that tin* contending ;■ j Before Mr. O. Ix>cke (in the chair) *ncl (Com­ purttes sliouildjg t to close quarters at Hikli COUSINS, mander II. J. Oldlield. t, who had been ; pjeviously I before the The leial o®cials of the borough received ch for damage. Was fiiunl 5«. and the the news of Ids appointment oil Thursday ileecli. Air. jWertheimer, w!i'.) is a uiemin A SAD'CASE. tlamato (6d .i; allowed a week to Jay. with pleasure, regarding him as a very good of the Ifastiji* Vvluiitecr Truiniug Corj 1 8j CLARE \0NT, HASTINQS, Rosa CaAline IHiig was chvrged on re­ i 1 SERVANTS An d L1GH” S. man for tho position. arriveil t?si 1)11(3 to " fall in,’’ having detiiiiied in .litidon over a (-a.se before tl) R S i^ R Y , W here Stock of Safes can maud w-itli stealing a certilicato of U entity, ' 'Tlib foUo'wing were summoned nnder the At HuitiugS Petty Session* on Tliiirsday the properly ot lira. Rosa Floienco lartoii, morning the Mqyor (Councillor T'.. A. Hwusi; of Ixii Jfe wa-s aide to put in ^olid I^ent Steel Safes, G rdde 1. be seen. Lighting Order for having too iiuoh light aip[M*aroiice I tjiirc the hiitt’u* and watche! from Mary Julia llutchiueon, on 19tt April. visiblb from their premises. Chd rlee Oliver Hocking) said lie noticed in the newspapers —Miss Hutchinson, sujwrvisor it the Uiat Mr. .Alexander MucMorrun, K.C., was the ppproac. •f the two Muall armies King's UenlaUv, Gr^nd-parade, fiued J!1 ; Is.; Louisa c o n l p a i i y iwii .Ataj'or-Gcneriil Cixrper. Fron B1TERIAN Road Post Office. St. Leonards, aaid lat the Jane,Gooding, Clive-avonue (.fil Is,). Defen' .appointed Recorder of Hastings. Mr. Mac­ Morran was a wpll-kaown lueniber of the oTli^ df (h'e Ilf 1 ti-iiav-es a splendid po.=ition prisoner e.ame to tlie office and produ •ed the dant said it was a shame, and t lat it was of vaiitligo wiA; t'l be ofitaiupd, and pjesentlk certiticate of identity. Witness bantlee y-i M approaciiing; Thp the two dratts (produced), and; tlie pjrisoner blinds open.—Sarah Miackinder 'VVarrior- great «fijtx-t, OCUI-S-, was that the Vqlui; tja SilverliQl signed tliem R. F. Clewley. U dhe asquarj . said she had been most ct reful. but Inr that portion relating to I’ublic Health. cpiehrated it ser Hb (the Mayor) \]'aa quite sure that they teer.s should 14 utiolwi-ved, and it was ir prisoner’s att<>ntion (o the fact that] it was rant ewitebed pru the light 1 and left tercsting ,to thein cioiicliing along thb meeting and not the Correct name. Prisoner said it was them The Chief Constable sai( th at de- would w.dcotqe the appoinbuont, which un­ fenda it's eterv was tjuite corrolx 'ated; and doubtedly would give creheral e.'i-tlsfaction. bodges in long gross. Ti Hotel and Lodging eepers, &G her niaidcn name, She was atilted to sign In w.is itolioived inctusiiunt attack, and whe Kt, p :eside«L Tha her married name, but she aa'd: "Tliey are he would like the cafd adiourned.-f idjoum ed d wilSi ferns and for a week,—Roliert! TIV illiam <31nrk, Ijower the ;um'pire'- whistle isounded both force!? r of parents and no^ mine; I am collecting tliem for ejmeoue were iu I'lo.so qjmrtci-B. No doubt in who is ill." Witness told bet to get the Park-road (,£1 Is.); Charles Loc , London- STOMACH TROUBLES DUE lie iidet pibaeing road (^ 1 Is.); Walter Willsh p, Albion •.varfuro there would have been heavy l i n t s ' ^ ■ the I [net by Idhry doctor to eeitafy the draft. On tbe hixt day M cE .tM . Mrs. Barton c:>aie and signed taqdrai t.-', and Hotel (.J5l Is.); James Odell. Linton-road TO ACIDITY. u.vsr ■TIES'.ox EACH BIDE, tv 6 tiny ones (del Mr. F. R. Bonee, J.P.,| as an old 'I'he whole h^fom ed aniL marelied up tej iment, the iinaint took the money.—Crcss-examijied br Mr, friend of kl*"' Odell, ienmo at his[ request to Glenister, ■witnees said that pi oner seemed BO SAYS EMINENT SPECIALIST. the toaiisioi!, ij|lHU-e an appetising tea was iq VA liitti© P liloso- apologise.—Julia .Tohjnson. Sh. H e|;n’s Park- wairii.g. Tlie l)nsu, many of them getting i. self.—By the Deputy M^istrat ■ Clerk (Mr. stood tliev charged___ .. ionly __ Kls, foj the „.„vfirst So*callul stomach troubles, ouch as indi­ into .^e.iri, h.nd Ixinie the ordeal splendidlyl hoy . »ttid ti> help K. M. Edwards);: The ringpa wae vein by offence.—;Ada Bedfold, W arrior4luare (£ 1 gestion, 'vind, stomach-ache and inability to and! aeveijal of jjtlicso Old boy.s declared tlicniJ Lj iks each Sbnday the person entitleditle to thd mo; ly.—P(risoner Is.i j Eiizabetli Skihner, Mount Ple-asant- retain fbod, instead of indicating that the selves iii^Lfit .nil ever. Mr. Wertheimer was ' I pleaded not guilty of stealing tjhe mpiey for stomaeli IS out of order, are in nine cases out busy majjtig.st lie guests, and had tlie assiSt] • and aimctuilly t« rondj (.£'1 Is.); Thomlis Grout. Wsst-hill, St. arcaric > 4t Mr. liviii repeat th ei botSclf.—Mr. Harold Gl^nister submitteil Lconm-ds ( £1 Is.); WilliaTu Jinks] Bohemia- of ten siaaply evidence that, fermentation is jtorey and several friends in diiy. that prisoner ha«l no crimhiial intej t. It road I £ 1 Is .l; Leonntd O’Connor,! Markwack- taking place in the food (contents of the ha:nding round refreshments and smokes. . 1 1 stefnach, causing tlie formation Of gas and After,tea llu |re w.as a aiiort interval, dur- ( Uio prises, aftet AND FORM ^ FOR USE WITH SAME seemed oe if she was not quitja c3ea:' as to tcri-ace, and IViruthy Tcale. nuj-se at the what the was doing; she waj actinj in a same honsp, aiding q,nd abetting,! wore sum­ aeids. AVind distends the stomach, and ing wh’iqh th- opportunity was taken in ROBE BT5QN IsTRiEliT, • mg f peech :hank- halting a look OUEEfi’S HOAB, i ig hr r and saying i CAN BE OBTAINED OF focdisli ■B ay, but was trying to obtt in tlw moned, and tho Chief Constabioi asked the causes tlipt full, oppressive feeling sometimes a t some of the features of jveniag. She told money for her friend. She was nqt v orking Bend to make no order against !lr. O’Con- known as hearthurn, while the acid irritates Mr, Werthaiimire chatmiiig domaiii. I’wpie , v ic a f : AGE'HCl-'U, on the lines of a criminal.—Dr. .E. Ifirson. nor, as h-e w:i.s not ip the house a . tbe time, and inflaiups' (he drlicnte lining of the 'aIio knew the pliice iu (in- late Coiomi .o'LON DON RQAC, (incos of her child- stomach. The stomach, however, is not Lewis’s tjine wyn* surpiisfyl at tiie traiiiitur- V father's t unday of W arrior, Square, gaid he i»tten>nv iacnt pud ita ' the letter, and fliinlting Mrs. Barton|wonld Compliin.iiit denied using similaj language magnesia, prdbaWy the hc-st :nul niosi fur (lie houKiward niartli, tlie ’' Pictorial Lodgiiig'l'd^u Ajpaitments, to ^eep a RegisteAof dll afiens over the age of not'be ar home in fiuie she ■went tc dravir first. - - Neiglihours gave evideijie. r - The I ptt ’Dairy- 7 offpcitive_ antacid Iioown. ■ sliouM I..- f tlvcrtioer ” nhoto.grajilicr tcol: a group on iand g t a t t 'Wright ^nd ta * 14 yetn-s stafing in his ho^e, and to obtain from eviery ^rson staying in his the money for her. She co'uld lUt ren embe,r Mayor* I t is 11 pify you ladies can lot live in taken in a .-quarter i>f .-1 glr,of i‘*.p terrace, 'itlii.s and other snaixsliots of tlie by ? tr. Eldridge, 1 house a sige ed statement sho'wing bis nationality, tmd. im the case of an alien, clearly wimt she did. O n'the 19th M iy slie peace in these troublous times.-f-Defendant Iiot or I cold watc,- i:um;-di,a''*ly uft (irocecdiuKs will appear next Tfinrsduy. f i Hie Tjreasui^r, and j sbpmiig also the particulars reop of was fitjed 10s. 6d. eating, or whenever viru! or iciilit.v is Mt. t'olonci KlefeldeUvored a siiort aildross. He| And it is t^o jects, and Robertson Street; Neve and Co.. 12, 'Welling­ sljowcd them jia a small way what would he lel'Ctx; recitation, (in tho chair), (louncillor H. T. Dightonf with' foiling to region when entei ing a pro­ ton Place; H. (t. Edwards, 17, (jueen’s Road, retjuired of Jtheiii if they came (d actiial Ifezi mid Hitwsoni Meosns. Wilson Crewdsou, (X Goxctejr, and hibited area, and Clara Jane Ancntfii was and 18t King’s Rd., St. I/Conards; F. lioasiter, btieineee. rtej wanted them Ixj understand ILS,LS. <11011';; soldo ('. Eaton. charged with ,not informing the piilice of the 9, Grqnd Parade, St. Leonards; and, token th at the Yoluniteer Training Coijp.s had to flo pan ihay. irecitaJ BEGGING. prespnes of th e aliens at her ijimae.—The as directed, will enable tho stomach” to do its wprk which! lyas mote of gucriUln warf; 3 5 M I D D L E 8TMET. Ihjic.yi Dorisj Corn- Chief Cknwtable (Mr. F. James) si id th a t a work properly! without being hindered by U1 Virdfit,"Virr' Ivy Ida. Elizabeth Alleop. 79 years of age. |lM ded than the ordinarv movements'and forma' FRAOTIOAL M iKERS 0.V EMtL ^TREEt, HASTINGS. form hiid been filled in, bnt the pilice were poisonous gag and dangerous acids.—M.F.P. tiOi',0 of the re^lar service, i What was ich elinll i t ' - I -ffuilty to' begging in Txindon-road'.("t the not informed of the fact.—,Jp efendants ALL KINDS 01 BLINOtw TlMBlER-HBR€H ANTS, d m ^ n t was that if they were callod' outj it iiliiry Department. IS & ' 12th May. and was handed over to ■hep nloo© pleaded guilty, and were fined £ltl«. each. Fnnliture Renovatfoi |"nv^0"lIYfo !?to}o_Sto|o the to be cared for. would probab1,k be suddenly, to jbear th ^hono 807. Irinka of ma," Pri. ANOTHER LIGHTING OFltENCE. ANGLING JOTTINGS. j FlfltBlI EnVNT os A IlAljll, niEFT’ 01’ PIGEONS. -Alfret U/ind,” Primary lER of all lilmis, ngs, SkirtiRg^/Greoiihoasey and Fre« Newham pleaded gnilfy t not Buffl- and (.iieir of firlia of iicce.srity would be Of! tho /die’s Rhtiirn." Charles Kent, aged 16, aid Fnderick ciently obscuring lights at 'liis' house in lardort Timber prejp jn the promise^ Spi^taLatton^n giji ST. LEONARDS SBA ANGLEBe. guerilla k(r Let tlieiu not g(i, away with ijj song. I “Th» Edwiwd AUama, aged 12. were chaqg© I with Quarry-road a t 10.20 on tho 18th line.—De- tlie idea that „ guerilla warfare 'represented unary Tehchera; litsom ’ own desii 'PHONE 741. stealing a pair of pigeoiie, vjdue Sel—The fondant expreeweiil eorrpw a t the door had to d(»i If faults were looilcwl for] thhy Corsets : I Vive honour "TLES, JAM J/ .torn away'from the wood. Tile otlhir birt| of th© ponipany, said he missed the cok seBTOn. Mr. Farrow'h offer sliuald be the Enquire mas Brackpwl; wall. Ho-'became!Euspacioiia, and rc' nier for affording them the opoortn|iity of Honlt, B. Rag- XCetm &;0«neni|l Hastinga has the beet .posaible' I t tyfll be noted th at the boat 'hire has now He .asked-the^Iad'w hot'he wip doii to be paid by tickets, which have to be hiving «uch ani afternoon of heal toy instruc-- jut grade—Two I T . W , BJ& e»IESi & G O ., ISevehKnta, what was nndiemeath. his ctat. Tno only , because it acmes from a Hi tipD. T iey woiild go home and talk lo their to. Dawsom Knth- dent but becauoo years have-pass affixed to th© diary kept in the C’luh box at I E ^bli( bed over 75 T«l(q>haie 197''EaatiBgg. said: " Whet’s it got to do ■witli yoafr The the Warrior-equare stode. These tickets; of neighboira ubiut it, and nli50, Mrhips, in tilcates: Dorothy proof wtU; first given, yet to-day i" tl|eir si'dp. He h1. - !. ■1 Watson. Edith On October 19th, 1910, Mra. E, [Dicker, of cJieors 'rare giyen for Mr. ’Wei'tlfeimM'. who Blackinan, Doro- the pigeon, but hod hiad it back. He saw 162, Old jlaondon-road, Hastings, k i d : - " - I lloat competitiooe will lie arranged from th e ' prisoner .Adaina in a paMage In Croft|- time to time by tho Comiaodore; due notice content id hinioelf by bowing ijis ;irknow- llja White, Gladys thought at One time ipy son, would ISdgmei t; ' nvothy Jamieson, rood, Kentihad';-tJto’bird.—Mt. A. G«vntt; have to te oTOrated u p o n 'to r si lO in the of which wijl be iioeted on the Clnb S iuden. Marian' KonFs (Uuploynr,- kald th e ladKi«dnher -r-f NEW ARCHDEACON. -i'L-'VXr, convincedj there was a stone there,. Every­ —— : :t I{ t'Jr. Dolly “‘aaga* Paagi*' 'hot oonvieted. Thei birds-we* i -wortli from thing pointed to it, for Frank wab in agopy Pier competitions is pearly doubled, 0 ' Mexiferm* licurn' ): 'iislrotnwnll, WiivTin. I .(9s, to 10s. each.—The defent ants p eaeWd when relieving' the bladder; thelnrine was and they hayd bean arranged with the idea CANiDN 40SKYNS APPQlN'lj'ED. Eitr'efiiely egd.) 1 ■(',! Ivv: Lindridg*!I.indridgey . “^gnflty, and were bo-ujid over on proliation 'ntways, more or leiB, in a. gravelly rtato, and of getting as many as po.isihle daring the Smart Corset ‘iehlo” riilier, Eileen ' for six months.—;The Chairman thank ?d the at tiince Ihere ■were painful stoPpamiB as wdll. liours of daylight, tlie restrictions re liiriiting Tile lishcp of f.'hicbester Imp apaStnted I hi 'White in finest liHeJ Carey. Boyali PMCES. young man TVidd’.for his help, «nd*cxi rjossed He WB* fipite dementell with the bain, ■worn on tho Pier iiiilitating against, a large num­ non l^lcyiis, vigar of Brighton, to bo CoutlUe of I OoutiUs Dawson, •ITerhertl the hope that;,■when*916 wns eider he would ber of members entering for competitions A|roli(le!' cHt of Hastings, in Succession to tho durable tex­ out witffi backache, and -xxiuldntt sleep at ture. J-Boned I ^ yhtmin. Richard' become a special constable.—T i>dd: " 1 1 1 d| night. Hft lost all vitality, and h s strength held practicall.v in the dark. ThtTs is also ifite Aivhdeacon Cfinrioii. ^ . ■ JEMPIBELLA" hi etrsngth !, William Carey; my duty, sir.” failed hi;' a special romiletition fixed for Boxing Btey, .I’be new Anchdeaooii lias been’ 'vicar of Steels, (hat are ■ “ PLIA- from 10.30 'a.m. to p.m. Altogether the I ’sfWnrd Creng'ii, FlSHBRBrBN AND THE D SJPENC^: O) “There IkoBmod tittle hope of rejoyery, for 1.0 ightoa since 1902. It is anticipalud that slightly curved ’ (Begd.) iDawsoti, 1-Tarrjf Handbook is a vera useful and uitereeting ho will leave Brightonor» faith— with the liufi?. Spinning over the Goat they 1 0 , fii ( brother's best careful choice .. of Libonr I vlfhich conttriblntes largely in girkag on 8th June. At about 4.30 Mrs. Oij :ar said:—“I feel I ought to let it be have aceounted tor five or six nice 1 fish, There (was a very satisfactory atteuidanoe on IT. LE0NARD8*PN*Sl ndubted by the Rev, witness saw two trawleiB fishing a( •knowm at Doanis pUls effected h thorough .scaling from 3Ih. to-‘'411b. Mackere'j are Monday kit'ternoon a t the BoyM Concert Hall, K[. W. Toung, J.P ., about five miles oat. TIm r aftagumdl now about, and should before very long be cure in 'rank*! case, ;for ha has never had giving good sport. ; T Slj. Leomrds, where, under the aasiMoes of “ THE WSjRK TH a Y Pij.E40Ee-” steamed towards HaaiSr^stT Tbs ^ . any sioi of stono or kidney trouble,since. the 'Catholic Women’s Suffrage Society, a tiers were Rxl98 and Rxl26. Hi uj; He is J ,jt turned thirteen, and enjetyt the Members pliaise note' that by ordor of the lecturo was given by the E«v, j , T, IValshe. matter to Hastings. At, 5,29 0. b> SB 1 r-'lKSt^ Ealth now.” Mili^-y Authinatiee civilians are no(J al- of Idverpooi. iranee lo tii ‘THE’ UUNDRTl 49j ALFRED ROAD. Rx23 coming from a_ SJ|!. dk«et Price 9d. a box. six boxes 1?B. 9d.; of all lowed OP' tbe Pier between the hours of ten Miss Bfenuett presided, in the nnavoidable HASTINGS. and Ex3 was six ^miTea out Q untn^ “cHealers. from Foster-MoClelh n ,Co., p.m. and eight a.m. absence of Miss Abadam, owing to i^ees. from ttie SR.E. Wifaiees ^ported the ■Welle-^j t, Oxford-etrect. London. W; Don’t LANDING NB]r. Others piesent incilnded;—Mrs. Cameron, the lOil. to Hastings. — Chief Petty Officer We ask for j hadkache or kidney pills; ask Gountajs CfClery, M ra Darent Hasrison, ter Martin, Hoangs Coasts’lard Static i{El> iWJ . .“ A[ llliSKS;" I protoA^il, pi nnr la snpraion de iferoj. Hi movement for a long tinte, and har oltrJVji, fu ne estas ebl« kaj toiisilinde was the telwriMn, a,nd th at dn war tin e ■wi bozi ilir. sur la fimdamcnto de la i letruoj de would not go. near a convent, but when they Og>JTAL i SURGERY] sufficient. Ithe reason of the order Jesno KriSto. Ili d,evas malkaOe Inj kurafie met a Suffragist who wae also a CatholicL and FIRE OFFICE n t go th at thodr l i ^ t s caused a gre konfeci.-kc ji(is nun kredoj kaj dognoj eupeie. WAR TIME MUSIC. ^otmd th at Cath(fiic8 were quite ordinary N deal of confusion in the Channel gio liaii jsimplan inetruon pri bojnvolo kaj people, they sometimes asked (luestionsl A ,2 - 3, Banl^ Buildings. Mr. Moigan asked tor a dielnlssal if th paco. little while ago she was I MNE CONCERT AT SOMERVILLE' IN A ladles’ ci-vu, * WorM. summons.—As there-was a dispute as to th and they riere speaking of divorce. She told Enlirara,?; Door West tq Bank.i ’Phone 589. Order, the Magistrates said that in regard Tranolatip;h r HOUSE' theiii the Church’s views on the subject. to tho fishermen justice should be d«Hc, bijt AFTER THE WAR. They woud not have listenod if she had not the Government (.Irders should be en 'orcoc bcdn a Suffragist, but because she was;they They adjourned the case until pext M ipdaj The p n ^ n t world-war caueos, Iceidcs na­ Oh behalf of the funds of tiie Committee of ijlusic in tVar Time, a conceit, practi­ not only l;.stened bnt said it was .an intfirest- so th{!.t tho Admiralty might Bend a rOpr tional con-sidorations, many uneasy iiijj point of view, and they would thiijik it eentative. j thoughts to those whft are acccstomed to cally of British comixi-Mtions. was givdn on Th-qrsday afternoon in the diniii-g ball of over. look mor*' deeply than upon the surface of T he Rev. J. T. IVulshe said that he haid no T uesdat-—Before Mr. J. Macejr'Wri(ht''’H things. Ijiey more and moir . strongly ^m eryillei House Sclioo!, Upper tit. Liio- nnrijls (principals, Mi-ss Johnstonoi and Mis. cidectalio;i of sitcli a roiwcsentative gather* the chair),). Capt.ainCap A. H. A. ttlvile, Coiid- Tcnliso th at many cherished idoai and con­ iag. T ub cause was eesen (daily a cillon? J. N. Collins and’Hr.] Sanuop. a' ceptions must be tlirown overboar 1 ; that for I'ernau). There Was a large attendance. •moiral ahd religious cause. He ( was W aterproof Fa^es^ Slfaders & ^aist^oats, Mr. P. Strickland. j some terms tiiey must find new -loflnitions. Ikixco artistes had been engaged from, gOjilig t o ; speak of a lyonian of ■ tre- And it wq|ild be an uu-speakablo p ty if these Loudon, and all acciuitted themselvee a'hll. SILVEBHILL CINEijdA, J mciidous strength of will, a woman !who a n d i u r a ^ L e . terriblo silfferings should pass aw ly without l-Bidy 'cello players ar<* often very sui-dess|fu’ haej not tlio,slightest regard for what; was SEPTIC, V i-PROOF Tiro music and dancing licenos of f le Sijl-' th at being brought .about. .Christ; an govern- in producing a rich tone from that instfu- verhill Picture Jfonse was, on; th called “ public opinion.” Tho Rev. J. T. menta (raoase allow- the expression) and ment, and Miss Beatrice Eveline shewed Widshe. la "Footprints of S. Catlierinjo of Th^fie nscfuUcarmeD ts hfiivc jbeen sent fiy thousand*/to the (ion of Mr. Olenilte.'.'. transfori-ed Christian leaders will have to ove-haul th<)ir oo]t power iu “ Melodia ” (Marie Horn) and Crawshaw Crabtree to Mr. M.' Beavai, Sieha,” deketibed that Saint’s life in chtiim- front,! hn'd have proved a gfiat boon to the troops, keepfing the .principlesJ to see if it is imssible and demr- Sflrenudq by Frank Bridge. Her itwideriog ing' languojge, which was very free frSip cx- lusuranci affected on (lie j folk risk*- Mnnaging Director of tho Great West®' able to teso them upon the fonadntion of " Butterflies” was especially clever. Mi.ss ivearais both tsarm and dry. Cinemas, Ltd. j thovtenohttngs of Jesus C!ii)iet. '!Tiey musj: trayngaiicc, The leeture Was illustrate-il by FIRE DA3IA(SE. Glailys ktoger saiig “ 'I’lie Blackliirjl ” bfeautifnl ’ ‘iews of places associated with S. Wi(f DERS, 3,- per i^air. WAISTCOATS, 2/3 ekcL SENT TO* A HOME. openly Amd fearlessly I cohf(?«s th ft till now (Hofifc), -with, a very taking melixly. anq a esuUanfi Lo*is of Ecnt| and Profits. creeds atu! dogmas haye oyersha lowed His Catherine Mid of famous pictures. Hc;wa« iJmKloyei-S' Liability Personal ’ Accideat, Haiay Parris waa charged on remani 1 'wifh lively SouuH'setfilure folk-song. “ Dashjng sorry the ilos.sonS taught by St, Francib of simple teaching of goodwill .andgyenco. awah witfi a smoothing-iron.” H er vocal and jWrjrkmipn’s Com­ .Sickness ijnd Disease stealing JiS, toe money of Elizabeth So Imar Assisi hundreds of years ago, and which (Icalt pensation! incltldin Larante#, —Private Philpot, who at “the l last li|eaTii)g resourchs (made her singing a physical,! .os a blow at war, had not teen learnt. ^Thc Occidents to ur; lary. PAllSOIlS, LTB„ had expros-sed his willingnosp to THE HlON. O. F. FREEMAN-'l|HOMAS.— welll as a mental, pleasurei ‘‘ In a Seraglio policy and diplomacy of Europe were ' Dointstio i Servants. Glass. ■prisoner, was reported by the M agistr*’^®* In the Probate IMvision on Monda r, Mr. Jus­ Garden,” by Delius, and C.vril SeottJs “ t5l . ! :!SaENnALLT ONH-STDEO. |- CLARStM OiM T, HAStlflN b© in hospital, and -under tho cjonditKcion iie tice Barg rave Deane gave leave io presume Song ” were very attistically given bj’ hf>- lV}ifin wonian was allowed to exercise iher Tirafi prepar( to maiTy I p tbe deaf i. as on or pince Septe n te r ;14th, In a setting (>f “ O Mistress Mine,” and piu'- power, then the lesson th at all were children STREET. pre.iont.,______-The___ „girl______wa.s bonnd . _ O'over f()r tv J914, of t le Hon. Gerapd Predericl; FreMnan- ticularly in ” \ Spring DiDy ” (Cyril Srotit). of (Bod would be Ibarnt. (Applause.) The fiV. I,. fiecretary. years, and 's-as sent to a home tolbp car id fo Thomas, a Lieutenanf in the loldstream M r.! Ernest (Iroora’s resonant voice ovas work of Catherine iwa.s an answer to tho nar­ A NEGLECTFUL HUSBAND. Guards, and son of laird Willi agdon, of united With good' expression, and he was fie- row; statement that woman’s "plc.ee” was Agencies in eccry Dislrkt. Ration. VVillingdon, Sussex. At (iho firs!) callijd. J -i the ]home, C.athorine on ifiefi mission.? was ro- D’Arcy Frank laiw was charged on hW ing Lieutenant Roderick, firmorlv of Miss 4k('o Worthington, L.Tl.A'i'il.. CBi’yqd ambassadorially. rant with failing to comply with an ■ the OoTdf!. ;tream Guards, in an affiiavit, said A.R]C.5L. |tlie popular resident musk- mfs- AI vote of thanks was carriod.’to the Lee- g l G-e e l g ia n WEDI — -A num- made by the Magistrate? on thei^27th *laj\^ 'that on tentember 14th last, the i leixmd day treSS, was a t the piandforfe. and in ■‘Doiifc tnnir, on (te proposition of Mra. Cameron. iends, inclu-ding s; Bolgians, TTie oriler was for of the Bfi(itile of the Aisne, the Is1 Battalion Negfe ” (liy request) [da.vfd With mii|-!i pres: nt at a prtvUy .Viq io-B^Igiun vred ;one Dap I t!ie He now ojypd J!1 Is. ---- qf llie roldstreams Was uiider leavy fire, spirit. Mi !S Worthington ]iissers-od refine­ ■fi.aid lie liad been o u t of work, .put h ai no| IVfELLINTrTON SQUARE P'.S.A. - Last at t 1; Itenian Catliolii irch of St; Witness saw a slirapnel shell (lurst near ment in tic softer mixids. when accompai Sunday, at vVellington Souare, Mr*. Tuppen- Thoma.“-r.l -Ca nterbury, 1-ej )mrds. ou found a situation, and would bp; able ti pa; Lieut. 1 rreman-Thomas,1 who .fell bleeding, ing. Ver>- attractive and dainty .Was J —Ih e Bencli committed prisoner fi. r one iiey- jiresidW, supixiried by .Mr? Sargent. Sati The cmitructing p ir ti^ were Pri- bilt/tbld witness to keep on. Tin Germans Ernist! C room’s singing of “Mavil” v-atelViol-or .Joseph Rogers (a ir; 1?(1 Belgian month, but he would te release^ for fori tliat tlie Thn .adiiresa was given by Air. Andrcia-s, and were .id rancipg in siich number! (Harold (raxton), niid his song. " TJst- Hist Aiargi ry tiri'enbill sung a f o'o. The sold n of -Mons. Freder togci'i, and night to rtf.’ what lie could pay. Bjriti.-iU wei'e' comp.'tl'ied to ret ife. No Ballad Monger.” was viviiciois?. He N n (aoce H. A'ciand, itsr of Alr. I.rarers could imve reacfieil Lieut, ep)'n|l;er fo r to-morrow (Sundayi ivill-lr,' (he ANortTEB rNRT;OTSTl':REl|) A L ^ N . etretcli'- wns enti iisiastically encored, iipd ie. Ifoyi -A. J. tlv’inomt-i- ( Ocotoe Ai'laqd, of Greenhi.f Kent. The Fi-cemn 'riionias for iiteut fifteen lours, and spofi lied -111111 ” Drink (o me <>nly wilth I IJeojor, Mon iyuor Utticy, ( c-d. The he could not have survived. . * Mid Dn-glisii (lurt-, “ The I l)ri(|e, whp w m given away ly if |r. G. F.. .7. Keys of Heaven,” eap|itally neted and sufig I I layman. was; becomingly ntlirH in

P A ^ S CHENNELLS DYER & Order i>f the Exors. of the late Mr. IWin. L |ADtES> E s TABLI # E N T 8. j t^LklVIEffs WOODHAMS, REEVE & FINN Banister. EsTABLlS^MENli BIB VfAiaim Pi jtu,.-rJLtJ J. S. BEETRAM DYER. UCTIONEERS. HOUSE A •15T) ESTATE h i g h : STREET, RYE. SUSSEX, and A. W. GALLAWAY, ‘ u AGE.VTS. V.ALUERS. & SURVEYORS LYljiD. KENT. PSASMARSH. SUSSEX. l|rfI]|lCHEST£B HOUSII |:S|GB00L. PtnoT W6od, *>.!•* rx iu as. RSOW.I (Agents to the Official iver m 48, .MARINA, 4^0H]aAin)8 lAKE. ST. I.K0Ni D»0.V.8Ea. Bankruptcy) T. LEONARDS-ON SE A. ESTAlkuSHED 1812. ‘ VERT' Desirable Small FREEHOLD liW al Btoikn bbol (Chi -Yt M e r—"-*-” I?HO 'ETUl'Y. siiuate in the very p ’■etty BB > Ikaiit* 1 !7iiBbar: of FU --BdUXU RSTAHLt^HED 1S60. A U enO N EE R S, HOTEL an) ENEPwlI tTCTlONEEEt^. LAND. EJJFSE. AND IjipBeJpftlt: ; inSS AbNEB Bijiojn Wid MISS R i :;' ai id. Dot |Bon. a . VALUERS, ESTATE A( TB. a: Telephon.’ 19x. dcijtinl d.!etri( t of Veasmarsh, about jhree OCnOKTEKRl!. APPRARAISERSlEES. lA N D 111 EST ATE AGENT'S. TENANT RIGHT ‘s fron: the .Ancient" Cinque Port Ibw n l i t [AN STl^^TTON j I .! ratioa for Iho 'aivnaitiaiy to B iu X .a B o oURVEKURS STOCK AM ARE Established ovrr 89 yeirs. ND TIAIKEi: VALCRKS .Examinotioa^ : geraiaeal -I at 1* s ^ U< 1 AND ESTATE AD:ENPS. 1TENANT ‘.vej (w 'lin two hiiiij-t of Imndon), with IdU H T AND T I i B E* VALITERS. MORT­ b r o k e r s . Estatos jind Property .Managed, and Rents ^i>nliit Sebool for 0«ntlcin«Bi> lUiickWrA Atteatiom |to ' Miss A. Tollev, Ucceasod. A t'.nui')U6 l»-liole gbli oour.-e and fine sjancls 1 GAGE SDRVETQllS. 'ptl^tod. i . 'aipHor Tl compriitc!: an old Black; and BANK. $4, AUCTION SALES of Erery Deec -i'iption. T i-rtv * i-Tvs n v Valuatio;is Inr all p-irpcsos o.'irc1'nlly made, AVliite'Fan tail 1, EAST ASCENT, ST, l,.'- 11,,,.-.-.! M I'ni-. JCnONS Cindgctcd Property, EXPERT VALUERS lor all purTosee. j SEA. of Estatfs, Farms, Uuuscs (LTifur- U S.SEX WINDMILL. ! ^ 1 8 Hastings and Si leokards Farming Stock. I^b er, Uiijlerwood, Pnr- ESTATES MANAGED, Bents Col lected. she-1 am) Furntsheil) k>pt. ^ with fbui floors and .veramlali. ea.sily .con- m nit^re. Plant, eto| p r o p e r t y r e g i s t e r , witjb Hap (gra- vertiblp in|t " Ix:oke3iit Summer Iloqse,” Ladies’ Colle| ei| lASTINGS; q R ^H H A S tis). MESSt?S. D .U V S O X & HARDEN piiELiv INARY LLST OF FORTIK OMING L THATCHED rO'n'.AGE,' - SMAl OidfE BOAD ANP OTTMBERI-AJTMBERI-AN l>, G.O. lBDKKS. ST. at EndewmWU iaittend riADDATlONS Uondneti of Tenant Will SF, ,r, BY AFCTTON, on TUESDAY, i.M.Kt to be colmlucted by ■ c-ontaiping three loom.s ami w.Tsh-!',ouxe, with ! I LEOXARns ON-61 Rigmt, Fanq St<^k, Dila: iationB.i Pro- INSURANCES ARRANGEp of thfl Chiril CoaaiMioaenj JUNE :;9rM, at Two ^Vloi’k. IV .c.. won;! jiTifl "Diden; al«> abdut THE LORD BISHOP OF H CHESTER. liate. ’Kraber, ete., 88, HAVELOCK ROAD, TINGS. -AIlilBSRS. RREVE & FINN ACRKt OF EIKST-rj.AS.S PASTURE BZ( olilDABT DAT BOAEDINdH(i ai^enUr ford (Telephone 661) the Kcmaind'^r <.t Hr’ AU .TIONEMRS AND VALUERS, Ctiiinaui bf CVniiicit: SIR W. jIA CKWORTH Ifister of all aTsilaUc Residences, ITUnK. : 'I'hrm Hrdit)nm T.VND. fTOUNO. K.C.3-I.. M.A M- it ii an inUr=»^ Bdijinew Premises and Coim :r; Estetee on KING’S ROAD, ST. LROh ARDS. RYE AND LVDD. 11 ix iju very nrovttly tirnbDrril dUfirict. cipa jMIRS C V„ BATTY-: , Raooir F. B. !Bi |V, X-A.. B.8el th a t peoit>le who have. appjti cation. (Telephone 892) tc'«, two olKui'/ri! oTina ue.arlv ' 1.‘‘) f'^t abovp crca level, rommhnds |ol cf ^Natural Sci«no«, Ozfor< , L it« AaaiiUnt OiolN^O. ■blMtOL ! ae a family med 66. MOUNT ROAD. CLIV VALE. inlaid i^ah-os'D^'' <'ibin<|t. 1!M.5. ijrets )f ta« Citphftm liizh School ((t (! irU, London) b tile utinoat conidenc Offices:— ho],I r(’HK* ll. lovely juri.l cNirn-'ivc viev/s, is convoni^ntly iTLcc larqr Umrenitf of London }([tia Qj|jh*s CoIle;a Sdoed :»nd Goimai 1^ .^ F41*. London Office: 38, CONDUIT ST., \V. table, ec of (V'lToo tables. <‘ho*jt' .1 UNE 2(!lh.--\K',V fNN JIOTEl,. NEW plae. d rr»‘m nxiiT' roaoarfl, l^.cO^V4•^pl 4>0, at Now Ri'i'iuev, far ijd' late Mi.sh ]fI6^ dlLnlVKLL.fFintl Hononre. fnxd. {In RiftOTY, Frebehi W. F. SaZint r atm eiit wnicii qo«6 (Tele ilione 7S9! ON FRIDAY NEXt 1!ES1DE*.'CE, . ; wit), mfiiTt! Tc»chcr> I'li^cnai Ma^^t-ioa: & 0.rAiKi B.A, M.3a 4 0 1 ea*’5onaJ tables. portfolio I’UU'.'OII. ’’ ■ MISfe KlNiaLFiY /Pinal Honoart. t zjbn!,li BnffUaA). ■ , let.)- ' yemilto. iM edici^ts. li either large or -inall. or forhis a .xound in- Him KLK|H7X0, B.A.. London 4. CORNWALLIS STREET, HASTINGS. v. alnnr ( iTun«^-r'>om suito uphoU'tc-ro<'| jn bine ,rU.\ K 2Si !i.-i:0 VAl,' 0 'il^ET)OiCT,,\NU, V'tstnielit, being let to a good totmnt atfjKlO w th Lbndoa Te» EDcUsh ajid Histoi E. lGtBvn.ts. ILA. •Irt ised ' o fi; com p]vr*i. ball stand and c laiTS. Tonbo- v’iduabb* House .::j-3rt.V' at Saiiiiior’a- , t)jpk*ma). Art----T- oM: GoOfRmpbr, - ...... IT? hi. K.]M-oi.i.»k jd. aociirding CE.—Owini: to a n'rnber of our cortled {IFF nnnmii Po.d. ‘telephone,^-Church'^ |and HtSP BimPOED (Hirtcr Ortlflent», IN-K-IT.). Jn■ iiior ‘ :Fonn “ICmterl;. B I, IiiW., prahy or>|»n Ixiolvcn and ylxHit !f)0 volirim"? lanc, U ainied, i'ljr ijxo'rs of late Ml'.> HApAHEJB. ATiBXASTlEB: A. p.ip.rl L.H AH.. L. B.A Uti achieve, ll^eeka 'baTingr joiniid the Cole nrs, w{e now CHENNELLS, DYER & GALI AWAY ('•ire. I ^Jinps within e.asy rc.acli, and a njotor Piano. Hkrmonr. aod Sirciair. Ibr a |)iirt>cnlar Jitirpf of Ijdok •bus) near, also carriers to and from SiBfin J. BakRajOuk. A]r.Or]> (Toeab. onr Offices from 1.15 to ! SO p.m,! daily. Have received instructions to i SEl:LL BY JUNE :no..- CUoRDi; hoTET,, RYE, 65 MISS HgLKN HACUBEGOR-rVioti ManoJ. Infltre^nii{(_------A 8. kMimM. gke liniiMnras aiiune AUCTION, on the Premises a above, on On Vit the Morn.in'^ of ?al ae-es uf l o !. Maisii riirlih.g ]-and. in the (iRi)y Early possession nnght be h^d if ihtm IM- kisitinc Teoc^aia foi [and Spaeial GTmBiietics and 0Ufl>$er|eaBt Mom. •rUin a dieor lered FRIDAY. 25th JlfN E, 191.5. t 2 .30 p.m Catalnj es at and llanlen, I’.ii'i'li of irk! ''b.-iia. [l2.' acres of fresh roqijired. Snb; ioBoroH 8^ onh|aiit f iooji’ «Wt do iMtuall): brin "the Auction j-ianri Kstnte .Agency Otiic-'N, lb. Ma.-h Land, io flic I’krishes of I’iajderi !■ prapantorr Seputmoil AIIANT.*- M 'n n tcjoBdll'e BoudtDC nowo o m Clerk to tha Oovatao^a F W. Cole^ >• L A fad’ All Goods to fe paid for and clearei 1 LKON Altos. I'.islurc and .Ar.ablo [Land, in Witter- ‘ o’block. Joiilb* Jhe jCoOein), trader tbe non of bf]M Boildi|i^ Haattefa MESSRS. cham .' f-.:- : io Tviisiccs of ,Iohn Body, Pjirticula ? and Conditions of Sale m aj be TootU, Tlent* Jlistriw, for 14 yesrt ID^r. Willlamf* immediately after the Sale. 1 F-.-i., d( Dcfl at Dolrenr, and, foi nara. of tho TfOODHAMS. SON PARKS Auction and Estate Offices, as, ab<|nre. Owinjr to Kxp'r.'ition of Lcia-^c. otit^ined of Mc.xxr.'i. Tlieodore J. Smith and HUl of ^ i d o ^ i Aber b,; tTnivenlty .'lOU. TIC TV.L.^VYV., Frop- .Sqnw Solicitors, Flushing House, Rye; Messrs. COVNirt BOnODGH 6f ~ E sTIN68 E^DDa to annop«oed OB Tna<*d«T, 771th and i* B E E C l BUILDER I-'!- i: irr-. of lato Mr. amf Lydd. vent. . Vn pmriilaQ for the ] eoapt on), for abort SCHPOLS OF SCIEIKGS alove date. An* bv ATr. T dv or to SELT. lipiK 'Day or Boor<^mR . 1 in) bK owioc to BY AltrTK^N. on'’Tl*i:sn.\Y , JUJ.Y 20' h. CT> iDISTrJCT to retnm to Utev fchoolt tbi Continent. BKABBE': P 's H E ^ CHENNELLS, DYER & Gfl'LLAWAY .\NN1.'AT, w o >r. ?.\i. ttre |frill be at tbe Collem parenti. etc.. Iter (Alt) — W. COLli tho w’h|^b> of I ho y . :R.i GODDARD, F.A.I., >dnAftoraoons, 2.30 to u). Have received, instructions to SELL B \ • oi Bioloffieal Snljceta {MISS EL E 10] A. I Stoc^ most Im in the Ya 4 h j 10.45, ex- ,rpi-:rin» FURNITURE id I Efi'ecti, UCTlbNT'TEIf. VALUER. AND [rs can be obtaiaed r t i «ep< Pi|T8,; which eill ho admitted to the Al'CTfON, at THE Y.AI.D, iln tlie oe'eu NEW E( ).m .\ k y , | k e n x . patioii of Sir. D. II. Snow (w s 'SHIPPING AGENT. BNBT O. BAILT. 6< rf|tajy. of MatbaasHaa- P! »t T CB]«. M aiket tween tie honn o ' Elexen and i.s Volin .Aiii'l Tv and E.:-ne ,\gcn;v oncOiS: 48, 2S. HaToioc Ic B( id, Haatlnge. T w lre. quishiug the business), OLD ON DON Mariiia, ;. l/cnu:iv,|<. VAi.u\TH,E FT?fr;rinT,t) h o u s e a n d 22i SltCHESTER ROAD, Eoses , - OB INBTlTU'l'JL h’O.AI) (near Frmlc.ict Road), 11 \S. 8RITTON. BSI » c o t t a g e I'L’O l'E l’.TT. S'?. l Eo n a r d s -o n -s e a . ■ , 1 : ■ Pfipawi TINGS, on WEDNESDAY. .1 E :*t1i M?ss 11 TuEcy. (>',"■•!-fif xnf.'ST FOR THE iallan. .AifKinrAy. ruNAfen, 1913, at Two o’clock p.m., th4 Firstrst Por, ffULLIHGTON c a t i ^ ISEl tetne ean ba| oht^iaed (ha BteMki MOMAS BEBCHAl (IN THURSDAY NEXT. HUNE 24th. tion of. the CjlNAMlAN,...... PACI'KK;, noY.AL WHITE STAR tha anderii MES’'” n D.UVNON inaKNT. rXluN CASTLV:. Rt»YR»V.Slr * • :t> l* AM» — ---- LIKE- A8SUUAXCE pills) s (' ‘.sT i.i: t ‘'»' II.X'Tntor of :il»o late Mi-isi I'o.irson to a n d HfaklmMrcvo-wMlSS HELEN I ATI GATE. Saniija By Ord»i^ of the Exeentore of the late comprising: York, Bath, and I’ortlam H oT i:', rtT I'H X , TU 1. oai.;.\N 1 CItUl’IiU.lTiriN., A 'li Slone, Slate, Blue, Moulded, (|Il:r ( . ami ;s'i).\v. ‘jrai snr.Ti Uy N R'v in n ,|TTS l'‘i1TtEIOVi I’AIICKI.S EXPItrS.?. rEUTI. Hooi^enu?|tr*f«-bnSS EMILY L. 4 aVH<3ATE, vbo W. B, Gilbert. 1 JULY ,, I’ATEri' IrW .IlT tTNIlKl! the I.AW OP litlS- eiv^ a few Uefnddnt PQpt■ .5. ■ other Bricks. Drain Piiws, Gniiov BcimI,- . IiOTT:Li NKW iroMNKY. on S.\TUR- TllESS FOU UKNTi TKLEl’HOSK So \1i iO 'd l'o ;TAI;|.!' M,,d?rute-.< D.\ Y. .1 uNU ‘.iCtb, IJilO, in Two Iiot«, as fol- ifinini; Hoom for Day irdr ri. and Junctions, (ilazod Floor. .Broscll ev anr zfd Ei:i;r. PRIVATIl TDTdB. HASTINGS. other Tiles, Scaffold Polos and CViiils,] Boar.l 2 IliE, ' i.‘i;.siDL'\ui:. Ni 1 , EAST lows:— PeRnai^n^ SutS of Seven Fully Qt|all|Bed Teachera 1 A SniN T, -t. i .‘•'liMI'd-. Vbiitins Staff: Pntlogs, Laddci's, Tinibci*. ^aspneil Pitcl t qu et. -■hcltered L o t l —a b r ic k a n d s l .a t e -b u il t B G nuN ’s A ucm o.j^ o f f ic e s . pine. Deals and English Oak, (ilazed Frames ( IKi-iitiun. (■ ,v.“ ' f) i!,c >c,u i’.'onv. liliiblf for •C(.'O'lT’AGE, kni’wn as “ ,Rome Cottage,” gym: s ASTI, Sfaff-Sergt- Moao. E. R. BLOMPIEJ >D (farirterad mdcM tha Oite «< HR CAPiTAT- FREEHOLD PROPERTY and Sasheiu Corrugated Iron, and I anC invalid <>r tor ;i iiHxlual j»i aiti: kmer, • situate in live Eoim-niad, NSw Romney, cte. 0> By. th-' d! ■one rf )!l,' Uxvnufi r of the late sion. Eients Collected. Estatee Managed. Sour,d Gfen»*tal Kdu' n, te.«W iMblio Examliuk Hwe Been instructed to SELL BY AVC- . Jo),u T ■■-I. ing a froiits'.’e t'l Ciiur-'h-ioml of about 75 tion, fitb I ’Cia! prepiiVatinc for Ar ietii, CocmiercUl. feet, a.mi aj return i fi-niiEme to (Hiapel-strcet S'lrveys 1 Made. Valuations for Probate and Litura •V, 4' secretarial cereers. 19 .3.h n4. cohdidetee, ON, on the Promisos, on the above date. MESSRS. BEAGtETl? f al'out 95 ifeet, containing two .sitting-rooms, oiher purpojscs.i ' Inventorieis Taken aiid 103 pa wc*. 37 lonours. 1S14, 114 oai» ifdUee. 110 pi One' o’clock 1 CTheckedl Hensej end Estate Agency in all (3 bon ror«. [n th4y followifis Kxaxnin Cambridfe Mflnei Established 1850. 'DABVI U..\T,T„ Ul.HJER’l H!i!iD(.;r.. kitchen, pathruoin, t)iree bedroijms, twe Lorak Dnwinfr Swiefy, Cop. i;< of * Preceptors, V (cant poeseesion will be givten on comple­ attics, cellar, ami two w.c.’.s. Water and gas jtjs biantluts. j Pi yftl u c t io n e e r s , v a l u e r ^, h o u s e (IT Afoc.. Bd A.M. and U.G.M. and (don In«titnte tion of i3^, purchase. inim the St a ion.) laid oh. l,et to the Uomney MaTsh iH-nefil Paiticulars of Freehold and Leasehold for X'edt^irorlr. l*rir.*» list. * Terms fr dO for famdiM . ^ and ESTATE AGSNTS» SURVEYORS Nu-sing Siieiety. at £4 4--. (Id. per. quarter. and R'‘hoWir«li ip lioIdfrAl, on epplicati m it th e Colleen- Pirticn^ars and Conditions of Sale can he SALFS b y a u c t io n of ETieryi Decicriptioi Ground ; Rents, jHouse and Shop Propert; Mid- TUiupor Term Mnr to J1J7 28th. ^ £3 TO I filO O ft Dhtglned of Messrs. Langham, ifion and Doug­ on Moderate Term*. Sale to commence at 6.15 o’clock in the llusiress • an i Boarding Honsee for Soil J. BllTTkR^: CO.. . DEFECTS, iiifl-a Evening. wanted for immediate investment. 6 las. 44s. Robertson-etreet. Hastings. 15a. Soo- VaSnationsA -and ’ Sukwi^s for all I uiipoees. tal who Ijave been cti-twliphetl in |the Midland S'UIUNG VAN. (.'.ARTS Particulars .and |ComTitions of Sale of the Toai I, Bexihill, and 10, NewTCoiiTt. I.incoln’a Inventories Made and Cuekecked. MorigidgeB Eff^ted. £ 10.()()0 available. for niea^r Fort jr Tears. Inn London. AV.C.. or at the -Auctioneers’ hamos.^e's, eluokeii-lu.JU»es. e;M. iiiculKitore, Auctioneers, Eye ivd Lydd; or of the Solici­ GLKN TTKTT H av^ a local Office] fo r fb e pnrpoaa o f RENTS COLLECTED AND ESTA'TES foster-mot hors, lawn mowing lua bines, gar- tors, Messrs. Hall^tt, Crecry and Co., Ash­ Cewtifidd Bailiff to Levy Distresses |OR GIRLS AND Ki: DfiRGABTEN. tush aiaiaiasca to tbo-Ic babita)it« of Easth'^ Offi » 3, 51, Havelock-road, Haftings. England, and Wjiles. sc^ioot Dh trictv ■ MANAGED. den roller, gaixlen seats. cake-br< aker, chaff- ford and Lydd. MpHNT KOAD INSURANCES for Fire, life. Accident, cutter, hotise-rake, double-cylin leV roller, Agent to til© leading Fire, I,ife, Accident, iiT^r pwmlwit 4 N C E S m a d e a t FEW HOUBS’ N<> B A S lkN O S KSH chain dredge, water cart, quantit; galvanised Plato Glaas, and Burglary Insurauco (Jera Tl«jmoTed Edrnnnd-yoad/ to H E G^otry, Clci rymeii, Fanaer<», Bm-glary. Plate Glass, Workmcij’s Com. HE^DHliLr Sodnd/WdncilioB_ - _ with nropamtion Hud Uoii^eholdcrA seccra ly utod aiznple Pri <(N TByRSDAT NEXT, JU N E 24th. rooting, ecimen trees in potA mixens of BROKEljt under; Merchant Shipping Actshy .nd |A<«(C^tcd Board Examina ICR's. Proepectua acs. a l lI ti avs\ ptionsi steb ; B A ^nitD A Y . J By Order of the Executors of t)ie late W. B. Illustrated Ecgister„_with Map, ioiu|cd Free manure, fxccllont VICTOJIA AND FREEHOLD ioUSE PROPERTY. plteatioB COXFIl lENTIAL. GUhert. r appointment to Ithe “ Union <3a»tle." “ New T BROUGH.aM (.UARRE-AGES, w tli rublier Citetoihfr. 4eaUn^ yqth Obei Lehdhra ran hnra 1 27. GRAND PAPJiDi. Zealand," ‘‘Oriqnt.’’ "Houlder," ‘‘E.'M.SiP-. Louni raid off - and inprea.i sd. tyres, hrass-moiinted double harness, and (io.." “Nelsdn.” ; “iK-yland,” "White Stay,' cipah J388 K. WAtMSLET. Jim ST. lEONARDS-ON-SEA. (Tel. 450) other cffectls, whuii MESSRS. REEYE & FINN j We me .the ACTUAL I ENDEBS and everyl app 195. PIBIORY ROAD, H-A^TINGS. Have received instructions from the Execu­ Ameriortn,’’ !"White Stak-Dominion, tiOQ .11 recede IMM 3DU.TE and PERSONA NATION tors of the la+e Jlr. Etlward Care to SEEL ' .Allan’i" "Canadian Pacific,” “ Cnnard,’’ COtCNTT BOROrGH OF IIJUSTIIIGS ATTEN rtON. by onij lUvidenli Masager- A i ON VIEW TO-DAA', SALE hlOJiDAY. F. RIDSCIN Royal,’*; am) otjiar lines. THOfi, GBUNDY. 44, Cavepldiih Avenue,. itBoniiii BY A U enO N , dt thd ROA’.AL OAK INN, FJDt CATION COMHT PEE- ✓ ' .Street. Eastpef— OUSRHOI.D FU’’URNITURE R N i AND Is Trst--ieu|a fo !'KLL B5' AUCTION, , pianqforte, mahogany cbeffopier, bonk- bridge. AND TILE-BUiLT HOUSE, con­ NESS AGENT. AG®? VALUER, Etc. h Ub Mirirau: UIH.S N. CXAUl B.A (Bash,—L oilpftintings, —; aeveral Baxter prints, -AIKTTION on the premises^ on Mt'NDAY JUNE st. 1915, at 2 o’clock, taining eighty itoofns; a brick and iron-built CHEAPSIVE, I KING'S IfOAD, ST. er I ' 21 the remain. store. con.siatiaa of store room, coach house shimii. RENTHIAI. Et)TTC.4TI(« ifor Giri« [nrai 4 n d u p w a r d s a d t |a n c e d o n ing well-made By direetioi) of tbe Executor of t|ie late JoOin A ■ - I of testl books, £ 3 ks i Layton, Esq., deceased. and scullery, and haVing a large wool room A LEONARD^. 16 toi 18 yeaxfl of mr«, with iirori ioi HAND Al^ONb .E asy waekW ly < «tation»rv jand tram tekents at a low ipcl LKive f«*i nndor ' pie kens. u r n i t u r e and e f f e c t s romPr'singi over, running the whole extent of the hniltf. Hoard 1 oi i Ed icAt-ionV Ucciilatiocs. |cjJ^l h^thUv lepafm e i Apply— etc , whicA ■ . th'3 appointments of six beSroo: ns and DARVELL HAEL, EOBEETifeBEIDGE. ing, with lean-to I timber and ^alnto-bnilt . VALUA'^IONS FOB PROBATE. sitnaten on tmm rll. b^ininton, fete. ' Hot * nnall WDORKAMS. SQN & PARKS Fand lady’s cycle. .Mr. Edward Fare at the very low rent of BOARDING AND APARTMENT HOUSES rh.'iTjra Staff ,11 graduate* lioWing. T Diploni*4s. Offiodi— , tmUenU Highly important Sale of Valuable £9 2s. per annum Svstemntiirl Pre i;lantion for London Ms' rivnlnfion, nnirerv, ' and 4. LINCOL:iN’S jlN N F IE L D 8,i « n tM Ha m been instructed to SELL BT .ATTCITON On View Saturday, June 19th, snd Morning FOIB DISPOSAL. »itv. Ii(^al am Entrance Bntiance SpholarshipSpholars-hip E&'jminatioai, Ex- 7 o i the above date, commencing at 1.30 of Sale. ' URNITURE. including hanqsbmo draw, ID T 2. cel>ntl fUfloesB'i. LONDON. « « * 0 o' flock. - F ing-rojm suite mahogany pedestal A BRICK. SLATE. ANT) TILE-RUILT PriJsnectnA. eto., from the Head Miitr«eii_or the Clerk , Iwk meowy fo Catalogues of the Auctioneers as a mve. writing taliie, grand pianoforte, inaasive HOUSE, containing eight rooms and two box to the] Uoveraors, 18. Wellington Squu ir^ Baotinga. to oreroome al (' r htaTogUes can' b e , obtained at the ciu ved Chir eso arm chadr.s and writing table, rooms, with n prodnetive garden. Ix>t 'o Establishedilished IBM. 'Phone 99y. ‘tioneefs’ Offices, 51. .Havclock-road, Has- Mr. William (i.ore at the very low .rent of eU. lo i t o i eruu CbniliirtA, I lb haye optiiiud in lection-of iiignc'd artists’ proof engravings, NESS AGENTS. FOR <1TTILS AVn KJ’-’DFBIi tb e UoderraeBineBtlou;f( add) I Aova'ii«a.s raa to] large bronZ5 model.s. valuable b:>ok.s. silver Dawes anil Sqn, Bank Chambers, Rye, COM^VALLIS------GARDENS SPECIAL A FES TO FARMl- TH|e FOT'J.OWTNG F07T8ES! A'NTl FT,ATS MESSRS .~BE AG LEYS and ether ourios. v.ajuablc set of 12 silver Sussex. Auction Sales Cinducted. Valuations Made. Plind Hln M ;S8 EE CnCQ nnd MTS I . lTTR. t. t.a t k a u b i ;m e n ■ ofi Note of Band, Furniture EeonomiOally Controlled. ^t. ^ d4t«wNi, .niCfer][ 7ambri^S< BemovaL and lotber l^eni ities j Pri^mp: coi TO BE LET UNFURNISHED. Will ,8ET,L BT AUGl’TON, on the Pi-emiscs, and gilt champagne cups, silver tea set .and Estaitce Certifloate, etc. Apply, 'r i eoni npllt'e).!Jit'e).! -fitf>ta 1lUj’ fhti reQmremanj on WEDNESDAY,-WEDNESDAY - .TUNEJUNE ?3rd :9i5. at other silvc ■, quantity silver-pli ted Items, 7, CLAliEhtONT. HASTINGiS, and Maoaser Holipisy. I81 uw>rahtll. ipe ^ toto maanei T l clocks, Dr-'sden and Sevres ornaments, SUSSEX AND KENT. isldeat and Yisiting f teffj iriaiu#i ADprovji|| ji^pk^wich- Telephone /lai t>y IwvH tfae ' kflonei ROiir'OBEL ROAD. ST. U-EONARDS.— , Two p.m., B JRljvASII. SUSSEX.; . T TOaoi MODERN EimC.l ard Tera* Japanese vdses and plates, etc., which lU-lA ____.1 tPwiiianieBitary pum 4 ^ e m honed, detach_e|d, no basement, eor. h e 'useful and wdi-made FlIlRN^TUEE VALTTABT.E FKElkHOLD MAItSH LAND. A fn! Boarders re isi ■Stiringed t! ining three recenHqn-reomaj nine bed- T ami Effects, Piano, Books, etc. Oruh«* !ro. rioms. Tytthroom. and oxc"Tlent bffieeis, with MR. F. HUDSON MESSRS. liREVE & FINN Dimine tanjrht by Mias V. V. Bol: ng ^oke (pvpn cf f poUCHala; 'whftTtfa* n ee garden and ehadjy lawn: Ifitted with On View Morning of Sale. All Lois to bo Is in stru ct^ to SUtiL on tlio preroiees, as OLBEAM (tir Uiey cto jhrfp cleared on date of Sale. C atalo^es Have been favoured by the Trustees of the ooMBfdl opnclu p' ectjric light. Rent i95 per annum. of th© above, oiT t UESDAY. 29th JUNE. 1915. SucceesoT] to;Messrs. Breeds and Son. IWIF T i |T t ; j p Auctioneers. Sale to c pmmence at Eleven o’clock, Will of Trayton KDnw.ird, Esq., deceaswl, bol with inatructioh.s to SELL BY AUCTION, (ErtablisKed nearly a Century.) i On View the Day Previous, 11 a.m. to 4 at the GEORGE HOTEL, RYE, on WED­ ^01! HOUSE SC I ?oui ^ to|do, and we WT LLINGTON SOUARE. — ronrenient p.m. NESDAY. 30th JUNE, 1915, a t Three UCTIONEEfe, VALUER, SURVEYClR, ATON K0.4D. HAB’n IWJK,';, s m a I. i can BO j t ’th ia iB wb< Catalogn a n d hnm e; three [receptio n , rdoms. eleven bed- Establish).! 1873. Tel. 875. ;S8 may be obtained of thq Auc­ o’clock, as follows;— ‘ ESTATE AGE?" If OU TnuXCi I-VDItS. coniinb(ia*<^ yof in the way of a ite w toe nom s and bathroom; usual offices. Rent tioneer, Ribertsbridge, Sussex. | Telephone HO'i’EL ANl PUBLIC HOUSE BROKER, Cas.h Mvp.nco inri eHali not aak toTbe adii JE Hi per anmnn. No. 14, . lt, t h o s e s e v e r a l p i e c e s o f VALUATION FOE PROBATE Al RKtCH’ALS: MISSES KIMN nn 1. HEW. Hicbon for etwMiritv of -..ar.-ciefe. your i COUSINS & DEBEN] [AM “ r ic h MARSH FATTING LAND," i llivttmnnisK pnd Refer m10* — - fVP.lVTElll PRpJJtnsjB — - A oil .'toe SUCCESSION DUTIES, CERTIFICATl Superi^' Eilnoation pn Modern Prinr plftk to ,pa^ U aPH rwiu u c t io n e e r s , v a l u e r s , HOUSE known as the “ Marshes," con­ jDENT TO THE L0ND1 1 -.QewkHibist AND e s t a t e AGE! AND BAILIFF, Phrils------prensred for ’ritMin KxnTnination. rednwiaylitocaw WARRIOR SDIARR.—^Tem bedrooms, 4 rs- taining about 65a., 2r. 13p., situate in theASSURANC CORPORATION, FIRE AND RTMENTS I !st!^hlistied 1879. o ^ tio n ^ roonls, 'bathndom, usual offices; i ACCOUNTAN'TS. parish of , adijoining the Brede P Tin I.. PHIL4 % ^ b d to to to®i® A t LIFE. H0WSE -3t CO. L )cal O f Qower (L, n p t JESS. Bailiffs under the'L aw of D\___ River and th'e road/trom Wincheleea to R.ve. Office*: 6, liavfloefc Road, Hastings-. Owinjg Increase__ -. of PnirU^ . lirg T ijI 8(^hoolrooln. ^bUe. Itlivoo A Insurances of evary DcBcrilitioi ESTATII AGENTS, AUenpNEBES. Let to Mr. J. W. Barling at the very low meetioR the reeiiirementa of the Edn«|ati<[i|al Bye*Laws, LiCtOlholi jTca.. '•.'Vt;! Lonitoii, vil.(L ied- Ob ail hUK rent of £115 per annnm. has been opened. MABTNA.—On S«e» Rron)t: Three reception AND VALUERS, mi. liWidable, abd tl rinoB, sevMi — ^(od bathroom; rent Export Voluerq and AnctioiKmn to lIOETHIAM. SUSSEX, ALL TlioSE SEVERAL PIECES OF n ia ita t 'iSS. FREEHOLD FRESH MARSH LAND," H I T B A K E B , P U l V A C Y . the Printing, Newspaper, Statioaery, and R a t t l e , t h e T o trE ts . p w h a n d Bookselling Trades. containing about 125a. Or. 39p., situate in the *gOIISE._LA5 D.liind ESTATE AGKKT. 1. VEIl parishes of , Su.=sex, and Brenzett, LAM PliACjE^ ST LEONABDS-ON-SEA J Principal: MQS. JCTSCN. \ 8T. H k lEN’S Ir a RK r o a d .—hfodsm ds- S -rocKLSOLD in RYE MARK BT on the 3 : bsJhed. contapirmr fotry reception rooms, usdal IMarket Days. Kent. Xet to Mr. Richard Piper at the EStFABLlSHBD !8{>L ill:to a ’vuTOoa ti ffre bedroooM 'bsthroom and good offices 49 Years’ Practkal Experience V aluaiib^ Sales, and. Lettings (if any kind moderate .rent of £187 10s. per annum. ESTATES MAN AOlED end RENTS COLLECTED ... ECI^OOL FOR THE DatTOB TI S OF Ih In £500 6) toe jnnnitidb wlHhnioeigairqen. ReDt tJB45. Valuerar .and Auctioneer receive caiefnl attentlen. Particulars and Conditions of Sale of the Moderate Charm Prompt gettlemente G’tuirdnte< d. I GENTLEMEN. LON'lJii.N I’leovixcKB inventories iQh^ abd checked by experienced Qerlca. cuUNT go. n >, j which dr toe outirat o .Auctioneers, Rye and Lydd; or of the Solici­ ValuatioiM f{?« )l£te, etc. ^ livhM 17 v«ars B«mor«4 from r^nfit owina birttup’veA may not ! be WEDNESDAY, 23rd JU NE.—The Sale in tors: Ateesre. Dawes and Son, Bank Cham­ te t;,‘ wkr. PopiUiU prepared for I By uaminations. KlUL'fioin rn Note ofj Hoad al^L t e |?!i Aorarra Km teb CrmAsn ain> {ot^ eb bers, Rye Sussex. La reel ifToubdA as< hfeUtbf localitf. oil any btl er •^nrity! at a few ‘ W to and ire* 9!T MWRGATnfTR RACE. ST. LEO- Stbajcseof Lnras. i NORTplAM MARKET will include a r ARDS.—Twx recopiHon-roome. six hed- J notNyb - to all Ieln.4set4j in any, iltaak o f no sm all d 84. PAVELOCK ROAD, HASTINGS. good P tmy Phaeton, the Hop Poles lying t'.ie eonntr . repayable by daej I r loms, hatbn om Close to Sea Front. in B ill >y Wood, and a young Suasex Bull. FBINK SHOESMITH k CO 'fltatmifDta. Apply Mansffpr, ■ k e d I an* JE42. ' By Order of Exors. E RS V I L L E u |U S E. H. ‘K/GJl ’'•A ^ N . :9.f l a n 6] in n e s tto UOAl^, Cfl‘'•MIAN By order of, the Executors of ] tijo late AND OABOKNa. Local Offl :ei 69, 3H1P ST _leb^tjer it Thomaa BOucher. WINCHELSEA. SUSSEX. UCTIDNJEER. HOUSE AND ESTATE UPPEE 8T. LEONAl 3SON.SEA RRIGHTON 8T. MARQATtR P’S ROAD.—Three peceptio'a i AGENTS. BVen bet niV r wma, eight b sdrooms. psual offioee. Cfosa RESTHOLM, WHATLINGTON. ' PrineipaU: jrdgementm ti■ > Sea " “Bnaht. ' Rent .£49. Very Demrahle 17. HAVE^OCK r o a d , HASTINGS, JOHNSTONE and MBS, RNAU. doapite’ r e e h o l d Bu s in e s s a n d Re s i ­ HESSXS. Notice . KESSBS. j st a n c e I T. WESTON & SON Itetor has. i^t \V I STERN ROi iD.—Four hedro .' ®Vi.. ' (pOBfeniant. Well-ventilated LAEGIl. S 1 Havelock-road, Hastings. JUNE, 1915, at 2.30 p.m., by ordbr of Mrs. iRenta Cillected. Valuations for itSalnteea is bej Worbey, Who is leaving the district. Solicitors: William Dawes and Co., Watch- Tboi^ modern Kdacation, with iiratlon for . Sdirate, and to bell-chanibers. Rye. ^ , I Ptobate, Eltc.. Otforfoi Cambri(!ra IfOcaU. Colie 50 Preeeptonk jHA VELCICK ROAD.—Fla|t, on first floor, Auction Offices: Battle and Bexhill. Mail[atiKfi'Illation, Associated Board, etc. in ciinfiddnoe ]k> tlinager. nn oil getosl nej I oontaindng c n© bedroom. oti(. receritiou- ,-Auction and Estate Offices: Rye, Sussex; Sharis in Locil tympanies Bought, Sold, ai d Prcfiil 'cetu|i bn Application. ' Exchanged ^ ■FEINITY STK s e t . HASTINGS, e h e a rts of ' nag voom, and offices. Rent £301 inclusive. YIDIEB AND CO; and at Lydd, Kent. M 'teV years ; : AUCTIONEERS. | Ifke demand at T. SMITH & SON WITTERSHAM, KENT. FEBH|41N. h o l u k g t o ^ 'ABK, trade imioii I 3U .ARRT CRE!!CF,NT — Oinrpneenf self- R'YB, SUSSEX. I omtained Un ieT ' Flat: three beilrooms, W. T. SailTH. P.A.I,) ST. LKONATtn«!-PN.Si: i) . ._ darathm I TOCK SOLD in Rye Market lany Market A VAI.UABLE RESIDENTIAL ESTATE. ' Teiepboqs PrincipHl; MIPS ROSE BA TES, 1 Veetrietiona of ihf tro rereption, bath andrl offiims.omces. Rent Hem' Sussex -Valuers Association. ^Oi!K CHQOL FOR THE ] tEBS OP © ilv £26 per annum inclusdve.rnadve. day. ;<» fnra ^nfiont an A ' U C T ll O N B E R S, SURVEYORS, I • GENTLEMEN Ail Kinds of Sales Undertaken MESSRS. REEVE & FINN tpeFl il llioMtut Cla«e for Tonn^ Cl ildrt o. l^tftimlar far bv toe fohx A. VALUERS, HOUSE AND LAND lAYM ND HOLLANDS 1I paid to delicate of bajikwafd Girls afad PAW) BROKERS, ® m M r Lloyd (5i Afterttf TP rNlTT PL.A(B, CAMBRUDGE PO A D .- S AGENTS. Have be^ favoured by» the Truateea of ai#ci n| tbf • a*ho«e parents reside’ ‘ LABOR (Buceefiedr to \). W. Banks). W ednf^av f "T wo recepHoi rooms, four groom s. HASTINGS AND ORE CAITLE JfA|tKET. STATION GATEWAY, BY E. John Body. Esq., deceased, with instruc­ OAR ) ^N. iVfTH TENNIS AND CR T I.AWNR, 46, iXondbn Boa 1, St. Xeoamrde* tions to SELL BY AUCTION, at THE Eren. , HoiHo 1,0 Comfort Recmamemied - Rev. O. ijr Twther the kitchen. Rent £26. !ialee ni)d Vainations of all kinca under­ AtWwk n.’.etor uf St. Matthew*!. St Lr >nards*on-8aa. -Il w^tnbers will . NEXT SALEf TUESDAY, 22nd JUNlj:. 1915. GEORGE HOTEL, RYE, on WEDNES­ (X)UN. KlGUR. HAY. STRAW A.\’U Chilli^ Dpr^’inir Cla«. WMoeellsy Af e^coTw at 3 , At Two o’clock. taken DAY’, 39th JUNE, 1915. at Three o’clock. SEED UERCHAN'C. o m.jJLISS^ AGNES S. l‘KAT ICetf ' iiits and ro> nafas lto.be spe RT MART’S T9RRAUE CwiD,' good S«? v e r y V.ALUABLE FREEHOLD RE­ Cdve*! .'uoi ai (pp tbo Pianoforte. ASH ADVANCES : msd^ on pianioai h > War. commi SHORT NOTICE OF SALE. SIDENTIAL ESTATE; known as aM other Jeij»i|nery, W ashes {sal Pi«ws), — Se-■pn-rooTrrf*d House. witli RIME FAT HEIFER, Two gold Pat Ne t the!Ad lions mitidot ' (fire s . Rent only £28 per annum. 1 ’’ Bates." lying just off- the main road, close Chains. Antique add [Modern Silver PWra I'aeBB, and the : usive. Barren Cows, and a Prime jFai Calf HE FORGE, to the village of Wittersbam, and a mile SI. ANDliriW'S liUILDINQS, » Goode. Curiodi etc., at ;hel following ratei)'^ tom thi trade!ni nlrcady entered. Afrom Wittersham Road Station, comprising; I [OtNTSTBE—eiOH 5C1 [ C d£3 lent f<»'lione ghill ngj1 per month. ' ' ST d e'wn the “ pi Earlv 'entries resnectfully solicited o|f F.AT I I . 63a. 2a. lip. CpRN^V ALLIS s t r e e t , a i..« FOL GIRLS ANLj KIN DEI GAMES. STUVERL.5NDR R 0 4T). — SninP modi'TU P MESSRS W. T. SMITH & £29 hint foifffive ehill inj(s per mopth.. ' "■11 , lei ‘ ; ns bdpi ^ hm se; two rpfceprioT rooms, threp Iw,.-!- and STORE STOCK, etc.' 1 1 SON of vffinablo orchard and good pasture land, OVED to Tiarsrer rr**ml.am it . AEXOE.^ a. («. “ foiltl rill SET. running down to the level, with an old- OUU LONDON , ROAD. R’ L.ITOM liO.MI. U:V=T[NR! £100 eat for £li p«lr no^th. mradf r.om s. bathrJ'(om, kitoher etr Ren*. I?* rffi BY a u c t io n , on Til ESDAY, leant . bv the 3d. per week inSr'luwve. Kov= |22nd JUNE, at 2.30 p.m., the f.Tfihjancd, wcllitiinbered farm house, con- ORE HASTINQS.------1 Thorbuiih !rtxlern Ednc^tViii. l’r»pirati*n for iqihbo with AI”. P' VIBIER & CO. tainliig ten rooms. An excellent range of EXaipii atio is. ileme Comforts for Boi irdlnf.i Terms Slyer, 2, 4, and 6. Sedlescombe-road N. ► LACKSMITH’S PLANT and McdiTate.cdiTati AUCTIONEERS, RA'E, SUSSEX. Stock- very substantial brick and tile building, Prtsonal Attontion Glviin. ' in Trade. No Catalogues. eonsiftin;g of;—Stable, cart lodge, cow ehedx IrincipivI: Mltsi'v. C. COOPE Esta lU^hqd ortx SO jeM EAfAHN'FFX ROAD. — ConWpnie^t On TUESDAY. Gt^ JULY, a Sr| al Sale fatting lodges, mixing room,!2. covered yards, THE LA^ r 'OTnod house. : Dent, 9s. tkt weok. inclu- v.ill be held, tree ot'jan eNpoirist^, bolialf a briek and weather board biiilt barn, with r re. -.1^ ■ ...... tiled roof and cemented floor. Tlie whole StOciall Appointment to her Qat- Majesty Hastings PermaDGnt BuildiRv Societi k t i k m en s s A"ricu1tnni!l Delicf of Alliesos EllEm CM Any being let] to Mr. Edward 'Ashdown at the Gk . ’ E T.ABMSHMENTS.: FmEPR<|)o:; s a f e s . thoj Eulpii-ss Frederick of Gernnny. yearly rent of £ 110, ! 1 (IK lauubst in . „ CA NfBRTDGE D D \D . — .FonT-^oomee»i i.j .hh, .1 • Afl^irted by A Stmn? Staff of B e r »t«i HUjffElTTEKsJ CA (I’K.NTEBbJ described bj Tax and Rate .Appeals). .AVE| received instructions to SELL BY Masters. ilul e-s-suy. t STRAND c o t t a g e , WINCHEllsi■I': A. AUCTION, at the GEORGE HOTEL. iureKtlUR SQura* in tbe alK*v«> Soc’etv it* toilGm-fi-.-. s JOIJ^ERS, PLUUBtS& l a n d . ESTATE and HOUSE AflENT. £ « Il pRjE VTIQN for the nnivera rtes. I tOfMSiODK iR cortceiti YO'S DODO.\D.4-tSn lurested foj n ^ S^chools, . rtr. Snecial AtflpiiViDn wiv«^ GA$----- T------a n d Htili W rEK FITIERS, ’ivT. Sajlc of Team aniciunls to , « « .. „ I ’B 'f ljl I vihif aeoomtr)leoomtmybitioT ion over; i;tovl>1 shop 13, SOUTH COLONNADE. at Ttiree o’clock :— tntefort at. < per iieot . to it'-’d: X&nLmaiTQn, Cheroiral ned P b iiie h l LeboiW' DE(X)RATORS (ITERS. Etq NXTOCE AND' MODERN FURNT- H19 £30 Debentures bearing 4 per cent, on the tory. I * M'prti. etc. Tbe School s a n d ih v]ts Aowk Archeriher q'I io1 f ‘olit; twwo i-«y‘p^ion room-s, ; five bedrooms. ST. leonaeD,?-os1;-sea. CTOnnd' ^ien'.acres. kitchf A TCRE, including: Antique ma- Genoral District Rate of the trough PRIORY $TRjEE T. HAS9|iNdS. Deivt |g.50. Tel qhone Hastings, Np. 3l CJOO Cada| attached to l»t ^Sussex Boy ti En^inetrt, Yet* O slr)cl^ hog.any tallhoy ohi..-•t nf eight Irpwers. of Rye. ■ / llllLfUl 'ri 4 Fully-raid 'new £5 Shares in the Rye »VITP RONCS IN ADHITION remember Hok of bun KCDV' \ DOAD.—Shop with itvinff accom- bo.'irrl, old pict.i.res, liina, silver, ■Iheffield And at Cattle Alarket Company. only tithcvaj*** Do yon wjam to Save Mjoney? :ind olhor plated goo Is, copper coat scuttle, 1 Fuliy-jiaid £5 Share in the Rye and batter P«W- nodal on over. , D-ciit s£i0i 5. d e v Ontsuir’E p l a g e , BEXHILL. and 7.5-galloii cepi.ver. tc., etc., etc., for the C.qnilber Tramways Co., ltd ., i7. HAVELOCK E^Ali; HASTiM*!! EO A EDS COLLEGIAtE lStpHOOLi Do yen to Lend ffloney? '4Pril. came to —f Exor-. of tile late Mr. -.A. Cooke. m Speiiifl ists of 1IOU.SES, witli (tetaiU. ji\ 5 Fully-paid £ 1 Shares in the Old Rye U y. JlOllTON CHAMBERS. lEASTBOUUNE ELLENSLEA ROAD December V DO-VD.—Lock-up Sh

' ~ T To rijnsolo the bereaved, mourning the 083 of thedf cherished oms by tellingl KJtanb l e a . ' g^»i«i{Ti.u«. E eijn . axYVos, a t hern Lhat now h a t t^ie beloved h as died, aOUlBllM UIBIA. Ightiiig in a sicred i cause, and died in ' AM* •• aiOBT asd Ob..CL (O^W rtrm. iuch nanner a ; to riiako them proud ol liwpioi UiadiK Iut o: accord iviih: our era. T hat, at Drill H ill; No.'a Platoon, 8.15 p i Wednoe- RESULTS east, s-how it i ,trikes me. Mapy of our BUY— ■ l?W—Company Drill .parade Sum & r Fields, IjAft 180 1 M l , Ads who have f lUon during th e la st few ' p.ia.l Filsham Park Range, CUibs Firing •lirsra td l! Thei .pro^e . the ihoet. etrik-___ larroY ing montl is were mere striplings, VtAtt iind PrM tice, 6.30 p.m .; Grove Road DriU lag,—and indeedf theth e bn‘only trn sti^orthy-■ 1 ome < f them co isiderably below the age Hall, Np; a Platoon. 7 p.m.; ^lunsday— ioaem irTdeuce of the Isnccess or failure of any imit. .Tile joy ,| iDtor., Iio ^ GO FAR WRON( WEI. they aebiere. Beecham'a Pills a n prepared death the oaly 1 e t n q day y , out. n w can .INGTON COLLEGE M EM­ for a particular pjurpoee—to relievo and enxo PIRR AY.—The pupils of this U-known Lll ^ffbcaO. Wve do comfort to , the ______43, Ring’s Rd., and the numerons ailmente which Lavci their th ey are ipt hoi curing to the lead. 1 Dastinga College did their part oi mbers •rigin in a disordered digeatiTe system. That 'Tram Jnaction, Silverhill. )^f pie [League of_the Em pir^on tli official IT jT.-OOAjtaw. they do actually biinf; about the tes^lU for 1'refer to turn to onp of Canon Fanar’s is year, .June 12th. That Idky being , 32, 33, ROBERTSON STREET, 2 & 3. CLAl^liftJi)k HASl W i ARBHIPS cp a e te a which they weref deeagned haa bmn proved leautiiul passages in “ Eternal He pc,” ?atu y. th« held their service pn Mon­ NOf EXHIBI C IO B ^ ■Ja niytiado of instances during tt * " yhere he says: *' It ie not all dariniesE; la.V, ths College Ball, at 4 o'clock, the rear Jot thet r - * ■ *, they have been before tl U haa its crimsou dawns, ^ts rosy sim- SleV. Talbot, Vicar of the...e PafiahLPariahl omciat- suits always te■ ijl! They tell—w leiB. It is not all cloudsj; it has its ng. For the sake of some of thej younger icholaw. the service was elightlv Wiortcnecl asis which it ii impossible to ignore—that eilyer smbroiderit e, its ;raddant glimpses t i cf hearen's blue” If it had l-cn my HOUSE bp MERCY .-A mnalll Sale of fir. Talbot's addrees wae apptopnite, eepe- Cole aC iiih Work wae held at the House of SactW Com- nally when he referred to hie own experi- EASlr SUSSEX FOXHUUNDS. fite tol lose a yoithfnl .son in this War paseion on iWednesday in aid of I lie Houqe mces in Canada, and emphasixed (Qe reepon. I------:o:— PACK M, I ehouid have been proup pf his ocaGi, of Mercy ahd the Home for Cripahd Chil­ libilitylon the shoulders,of all Uiejgirle and a n n u a l p u p p y s h o w . .tut I lihould have ponspled myself with dren. There wae a good gathering of the roving b ^ l e of the Empire, a Tespfcnelbility tie belief that this boy jin hia teens had friends of the Homes, and the p:>>seeds of >f .sding, 5s, years.; (tonsiderablo interest was manifested o yho join tio Army for Army pay Ebenezer Ba|l'ard, Beokley, Sussex, cleeires to E in th i sliow, dunongst those present beiifg; IS O M IS BEECjiHAH.. St. Belbna, Lauo. th ese too are icld inj holnour—b u t ol. express her grateful thanks to all sutweribers Gi r l < JTJIDBS,—let St. Leonardiji < kimpany of the Royal Agricultural Benevolptit Insti­ aden-P»well Girl Guidee. NotldWfor. the Sir...... Anchitelrid,' Lady li Lady Ashburnham Ashburnham Clement, Clement, ; Sold sreiTwhere in bozsej. lads, and there are many thousands eck Ju n e 21st to 26th:—Monday :i Company the Master (Mf, K irto Stapley), Mr. ami them, who havi ileft comfo]^ble homes, tution who ensured her successful el rotiou. y i l ‘(5S pills) and 2/9 (U^ pills). on June 9th, 1915.—. (nc-cting, 6 p.m. Wedneaday: Guides on duty M«. H. Currebi Dr. Ueasemnn (Master of id assured posil ions, tp risk the surreoj- at 2.30, at Sale of Work for Barnarrib Ilomee, the Eastbourne ! unt). Dr..Farm an. Air. and “ of all they ha ro to giye ih the defence TEMPEr An CE GATHERING.-}-a rally in Gensing Gardene; Signallere, &15 p.m.; Mrs. iKiok-Ijahca iter, Mr, H. T. -Simmon-s, i ■ ! , our flag. Aid never iri our history of members'of the Hastings Bran'ib of the Rusebudii, 6.30 p.ra.; Tendqrfoote add Re- Mr. and Mrs! Ifrod Stapley. Mr. Small- |tlM and St. lUve tjhe words “ Our piafe” had such N.B.W.T.A.; was held in the Hastir iB Caatlo fcniite, 7 P.ni. ' T hursday: (tool;*, 6 p.m. wood. Miss Jda'b Dixon, and Mr. and Mrs. / gnifioancc. No , alone' fof England is Gronnd on 'Tuesday. Members oi the St. Friday: Pioneers, 0 p.m. Note: | a 11 meet. B'igh,„ ____ Some 'of the wounded soldiers' from ELECTRlCAt Leonards BranCh and Other friends rere pre. 10 battle wagec, but for our distant ]ngs are hdld at headquarters,' 1S,| Bohemia- Noi-manh'urst, riere also interested specta­ sent and after the tea, at whicl |104^at road, with the exception of the (Jtoke, who tors, and they were made quite at home hy S T . L E 6 ifl iB^R D S. * ' b ^ E R V E 'loniet, for the freedom of Europe, fof down, a short meeting was hclital, Hiflmeedale Gardens, and a t Hostingg work done amongst .the soldiers by the louee. Names and times will bel pcsted at Ihe judging r ; Id. for 6 passes i| thorohghfy 'and sportsmanlike, despite al­ itnt D ^ . secret drinkers in the East-end of London, & fco.. meni by volui tary enfistm ent will be MIR-m. M^X)DY, AND SONG AT HAS­ most OVerwJieltning difficulties. | No. J and No. 8. (All iBightjg Boeegrod.) ^ tb« I'Siidlaod ' lemorable for i ll timeJ Not alone by when working there as a Slildmay l eaconess. TING^ PIER.—The Mayor and members of Dr. Heasemaij, Jlaster of the Eastbourne T^n. to all da reason pf num bers, but b^A use of charac- A recitation, "Poor Old Carter Sill.” by be Gmporation have accepted an invitation he ipnrpdM'ff Mrs. Montagu, foHowetl, and was much ap­ Hunt; and E. Bmith, Huntsman of the'East- '»» Aijnid the din of battle at this mo- So attend ithe opening performalnce next/ iDtd,' ol Eastl ou preciated.—Mrs. 'Puppennev alludpd to Mr. tonrnp Back, were the judges, and they made lent there are hundreds of thousands of Monday night o f " The Aristocrats,” tbs their awards as'under;— Tom Wing’^ proposal that the !Silk’s ex­ toncert party engaged for the sumiU|er season Dogs.—1, Critical, sire Craven Lincoln, ' ■ n o w ; T nouns* Ij m c E «» ffios Ia n d ST. LEOijrABba itish'youths w’lo , a year ago, had never ample slxmld be followed in the House^ of , 3r'anodrft, ven a tfiought to soldnering; iinlitary It Hastings Pier Pavilion. 'The Company dam Crocus, wlielped ,luly Rith. walked by .■ K>Q aimple ProffiliaMi7 Commons by the closing of the Fi,r‘during win to under the direction of Mr. Horry Mr. Sewell, George Hotel, ■ Rntortsbiidgo. -U , moothlr, o ' QTMtttrir —ice: held . nc attracMcjn for them , the W ar. It was, however, not ever seconded. Behet, and embrace the following {dozen ar- -sto' iDterfril me of them , jutside bf the Offifers’ ParMamentarr apathy must, therel '< re, be an 2, Triumph, fire Craven Windsor, dam ^^The Khaki l^lnll th e Q re^.” J I listes:—Mias Marjorie Monldfioito (come- Trespass, silielppd July 17th, walked by Mr. vrnoNs ^TEIGTLT' AtrnKDAiY, JUNE 19th, 1915. raining Corps, wpro still at school inoentive to| British women to still greater liVords by B. H. Ciaby, | MuaiU by l^aled H. HalletL CAti. effort: Mrs; Tuppenney also r^ijidWl her iji^ne), Mr. Clive Woods (entei-tainer at the Bligh; . LODdera oan have tbiif hers had enter id upon careers, accord- .piano), Mr. Herbert Williams (baritone). 3 Sjilintei-, sjre Despot, dam Sportihe, fg to Itheir station, iwitlf every prtspeit hearere that the American Prohibi lion States HissIClarisse Heney (soubrette), Mr. Monti ' J. of to-day owed their existence as sflch to the whelped June l?t3i, walked by Mr. Barton, r p ;ns aod ev« r. applies NATION WA1TIN0 FOR o[l achieving success and proving I'heii teaching in the schoolfl.25 years a f > of tem­ (fi^o n ald (comedian), M-iss HUda {Barita (in “Bed Lion,” h V. Lowihep^s I Ljinibs.’’ T£ aod USU^AL THE Tisht to an bono ired placei in the vvoild. lainty songs), Mr. Alf. Shaw (U(mt come- BitcTiea.—1, Friendless, sire Essex Despot, Jjtanagerr- perance prhiOiples.—^Mrs. Moxon included lianj. Miss Alice Hay (vocalist). Miss Doris - Words by R. H.'Gabyi M us^ by Alan T. Tborno. A L E A D . !i .stead of havirg, alreadk, oxim nenced with prayer. - Altoiether the , rathering dam Freedom, ivlielped April 29th. rialkcd .[ - ■ Avenqft, BOQTM 11 the joy of life thCy wCrcj b ar^y across 'law thorae (vocalist), Mr. WaltelR| Lawton by Mr. C. Gaynjier, liailwtiy Hotel, Battle. PRICjE t HREEI proved to be moat enthusiastic and (njoyable. (solo jpianiet). Miss Tessie Parkes (J^alist), e thr^hold of the tim e when the jo- A motoT-kitchm, which costs J645(ll is being 2, Tifvtal, sidq Craven Windsor, dam Tres­ Wo nova previously stated thjot in our Maes Beatrice G'Ctonnor teoprano).(eoprano; t h e s e SONGS CAN BE PLAYED AND s Iu n G IN PUBLIC WITkoUT responsibilii.ies that constitute the sent to th e F r w t by the mernttops of the pass, whelped July 17th. Walked by Mr. Minida the o^faxtry is simply aching for will be two performance d;ihify a^ Smith, jnnr., Hooe. ' . leed tiie Govc^iiineiu in Ithe direc- lesB lof life b ^ n . The m evitable toll N.B.W.T.A, and 7.45. The prices are popnlati ranging Ifl a great w ar ik the kfiling of tens ot THE PEKFlSOTION OF FHOTOOlOArHT ll 3. -r-Tragedy, sSte Craven Windsor, dam tkm of|^f^ Bechill. Aid <1 ibl< d We have no doupt t^ t ilndr. F. J. Small, F.E.H.B.. The otlier entries were walked by Mr. NCED on s o m 99 thia Bccur.^. .describes the f ielings, of , ,hle loss. [ Science, irt, the w ttld THE LATE MRS. BRACfKPOC: - The [tab1i«>*d oTer 90 ymxm. I, Sih ‘ Perrin. “ 'Watermill,” : Mrpi, A. * BoWtaQO-Btref{is Erietings. UT wMktr t«nM «t the great majority of the pebpl s. ^ letters all conm bqtoti^he vast m uetcr funeral of Mrs. W. G. whose l^lopbonc 76r. Hyland,,'“ White Hart,” Catsfield; Mt. J- and of tjfie Printe-.-s and Pnblishe yMTta time! W would advise th it)|ll of the dead, and, in place ol the death was announced in pur took BOREEP CO.NGEEGA'nCWALlffrS. - A Clifton, lOatefielJd: Mr, Prickett. Boteham are o^wnplaiin|ng th a t noth in g ha« bi purpoas of somej soaring in- place at Tonbridge Cenaetery on Aturday. &le of Work was lirid on Wedneraay, anK)d, .Stnckland had kindly consented to ip j^ the the dqiri. and two couples of the bitches, wiere - » r - vary ^tr^siM , and we woul l like to beloved mother, from Fred and'Eyie (Har­ Solo OB Work in the absence of his wife, who in the presence of tlie Rev. {T. 'W..Coo£ MrS. l)i .ve shewn the endi{trAnce and horoism ’ a credit to the puppy walkers of this coun­ arid Miss Uarkness, ColCnpl A. Bjartott- OF WORK FOB THS FENDS. aM Mr. Spjraktf p u t th e closure on t h ^ wich)"; " lu loving memorv of our darling Was.unalile to be present owing to an im- try, Or any] other country. ■ (Applaqse.) If of brav4 m en inspired by the clearest cen- Grannie, from Dorric, Willie, and BesSie, .nt 'engagement in London.—^Mr. H. C. Brown, R.A, (who wore his uniform), Mf. members whoraFe w asting valuable tiiho ctptiQiiiof duty in a noble muse. There they Could jonlvl get rid ot Giis didastrous Ay. .AC. Grace, J.P., and others | ' j kt- the iBoyal Conoert Hal 1 on r For ever with the Lord” ’k “ W it|t deepest er moved a vote of thanksl to Mr. war they ,^““14 be happier aiuithcr year. ocqhiU. in this matuuu. The people of ^be coun- w; I] b e' few hom es free fipm m ourning .The inscription on tho wreath net' fort) rnobri a very sttccetofnl i alo'iof k... iboue _sympaihy. from Tom, Ester. onack from serving thoiir King and coun­ stCM and in Introducing Miri. now they can help to bring th|e War to tl e devastateng cur^e -of ruthless war and nepiiewR, George and Alice Feriner an 'Wfaai to dO', and we are not w itl^ t hope tb|e casp of one w porkait has ap- Annie, and Willici. Liverponl” : “ W ith dent Stall * Mrs. Long,IT. "inf-Mr; cult time to keep the hunt going, and he Urifortuustely, altboogh a latgri that this is what the Qovernmieiit intends Cbrkej aiid Miss Barman. Dry Forces ot Wel'lington’o Arriay, and we:re l{ I can ac .red in th e local Ri .TotHonour. I was deepest s.Ympathy, from Mr. and Mt^, Morris, nskod those ■fvlio conW assist to take n puppy. granted thn AA’aterloo medal, though thqy supporter) bad done their bwl,'i he tfay of i |» do in the near future. Meanwhile it senior, Silverhill, St. Leonnrds-Oii-Sea F Ptrish, Mrs. Parish, anjii Mr There was (me other point; ho know that difficult ti make bi^h endi ;meet. itill not aal 'king {up a etafi BSsiipt m e as Par- Hoop a and CorioertT: Mr. C. Dicker did not hei r ' AVaterloo ’ on their 'Golourp, - I •lice, your y to be I admitted that the postpone­ ])|imemtary Election lAgent fin January, ' In loving memory, from Mr. apd Mrs. everything vtns dear; biit when they took a not having been engaged on th at day.” J iwajy the funds could be rased wm Norton and family W ith deep t sym­ W. Drapi'r.—On Thursday the Sal© was 3 WISE ment of .thie ehgerlyaw aited statem ent of "10. It; had always' been m y praotdee, ol'omd by Mrs. yarley. During thejoveniiig. pnpi»y it would be very helpfiil if llie.v wonhi Yesterday morning Mre. Harknees, tlrrongn ing;a sale of woit year by ; ear.' Ap te new Minister of Munitions until next pathy, from Haroldl and Mum, 119, iLavcn- ' keep it ns, llong as they jiosi-ibly could. Of tlreir own parishioaers it uoaU wiether in journalism or other matters, Miss WarDl) arranged n musieal’interfal, eon- Mr. Field kuperintondent of tho Haatings I Tf iWedneaday hiem caused general disappoint* dor ni'll ’; “ With {loving sympathy, from course, vvhejii they got 14 or 15 couples of Borough (einetery) found phe grave ^pf la to iexpectij much outside hstp ridth L. PHIt.iP3, to go to the Grapiniar School for juniors. Miss I>. Ilanepm. Mlvorhill ” : “ With sin­ ttibufors to the programme beirig:—Miss Dent both to the House of Commons and I; found four, the ypungasii being quite Biimiicombe, Mii»i Hilda Varley, Miss hounds at tl e kennels towards thp middle of French soldier buried in 1891, who was ■witjh funds rapidly growing up. The • Qoww 8t., tbepubUc. li'is, however, freely acknow­ cere R.vmpathy, from Mies Ada Bond and the year, it was a great expense. He knew Napoleon. Mid close to him; when ho gare heortlily thanked Mrs Tubjbs fo small!lad. After Ii week’s service ho Mrs. ,T. Flood” : “ With deepest fernipathy, Winnie A'arley, Atiss May Taylor, land Mr. Leoilon, W.Ol ledged on all hands that this] delay is P. 'V'. Mackic. The amount of the dsy'e tak- the difficult r owring to lambs, but if they his orders 10 his generals at AVaterloo. 'This came to } me 'with a request for more ad- from Mr. and Mrs. iDunstall”: "W ith sin­ would only keep Uiem a month longer it rs, T u ^ , in opening the! 'Eoavoidable, And that it is far from pre­ vlanced {work; he thought he could do m?« £12 9s. Thie, together with W'ed- informatior appe.ared in the “ Obeorver f’ cere symiiafchy. from Mr. and Mrs.J C.*En.rl, would make a great diffv'Tence, for which of (Detober 19tli, 1891, in an, account of thie sd the fact th at not n ahyl rif saging any relaxation of the policyi of >rk anj older lud yVas doi ig. My ex- Somerhill “ With 'deepest sympathy, from nrsda feccipts' (JB29 8s.), made a total of It meatbere cf St. Paul 'e Cffiimb i'.l > ^ A C Y . "pnah and go’’ which Mr. Lloj’d Geotge £ fl 1' ho would be extremely grateful. Ho hoped fjirieral. The meinoriaUstono bears the drt- pluienco' is that mo?t boyu want to be Mr. and Mrs. Timmins"; “ In kinj! lomem- th at when tpoy mot anotligr ,vear this terri­ N^iption; “ In lowing memoiry of Franoois hit over' SO years a ^ sie was ii has himself cnoeen as the watchword of b isy but very many jof then want to be hrance, from Mrs, Hopgood ” ; “ \\''ith heart, FUSE tho most destructive element, ble calamitjl would be ove^ and they would aifishionur in the pansh. Rhof eorild hia new office- The bringing in to line Pfeservo your money, deeds, and ot|>er vahp Benoit Baron, who fell asleep IKth Octobep, tired d >ing something they have not been set felt sympathy, from Flo, ‘ Peace, [lerfect ba all happlf again. They ha peace “ With much sympathy, frem Mr. aples (by purchasing one of Henry Consins’ rih ) nudol took charitable < rgmiMtiaiis. It 0 . nu| n> £boo from their usual custom of haring a- lunch. Thy .SMviilion. O Looxl.” 'Mrs. Harknedd i the munition trade, so that hence- yyii think you could'rnanaf e to take my and Mrs. ,G. J Kimmine and} children, ^lid Steel Fire and Thief Resisting Safes. He was «nro they would excuse him this riM reiuai table that noarir all ritlks of i J'liOYINCF* 2w of lthlace. hearing the following Ansjeription: " I n bn^ltipvep be hampered by peace- memory of a dear friend, from Mri [aid Mrs. atid district. Write for illustiwted price list lid 8UI ass all those prev: ouBlj; t« of Hoad „ ^ may . not sir. “ Then,” I said.]” you lad better get (Applause.) J ■ *. friotidly mni tho prrizas. He propoood a Flowers arc plat«d on the lOCfth anniversary Mabel, ' Until the ilay break, and tne sha­ vote of thanics to tlio Judges, remarking that ‘'iases B i^hcroft, 1 LANSDQ and assurance than the late. Chancellor silldying in the evenings;} he had got lition r f, this- annnal financial reference OT that glorious contest, noiv th.at Pra?M!© Soldiers' Con..^ of the Exchequer it might well ssem hoi dows flee away’” : “ Madame Chowi, High fork, wh ch expreesee opinions, is iu.st pub- .tho Show would be no goqd without the ,nn.d Eiiglard as allies stand tcjgelheT in anris aSETe dl into shorthanct,; wO;? mastering the pank, Tonbridge.” n. Mrs. Ballings IL )kn ]tM. Even ho mpst have keenly felt tl typewriter and working* hard in other ijslito. I has been further enlargedI'larged from people werej patisfied, and that the Judges against a cnmnion enemy.” L Mieses Rjeketts and ajAm. ' (fiscotHogemenk, cd nearing on Mjmday.last ’ LA-PIER am iiiTjtM to , ionttwt Dvrir 4fl0 pages, and, as usuall, covers prizes. He thought that any rate six Parieh AA'orking Party StaQ; directions. At the sind of the week he rtjrim in hair«)iri>vbH7 at The Makon Beabowj26. Grand would got home witihnut being shot, although Cite thd despite aflt hia recent eloquent ap­ WHS promoted, add a year later, Par»(V“.lAowiaila Of8f. T-ontvoTwlw 'i 1 dia i:s( s of securities—Government and ts, iJIip. Moffett, an-«biry).Secretary). AinonglAjnongj others prese} t were: ato refc^'opcos are revised to t ’ end ‘ of May. ' ,\s Mr. Stapley had said, they we.re not carry- long been icganled as n leediug work of ro­ paid to all ap [>tt* over free labohr which aimg at nothinc Tile Revs. A. Grifiith, Henry Cols Colonel invttvestoTs can reailily see ('ompanics iijg on the till) hunt this winter for their own te I'ent© in ri'gard to the Navies bf the AVorl4- u n d e r HASTINGS EDUCAtdoN fa :t thtA his euiplovers soon promoted ard, Mr. pleasnnf, blit b as they knew several of the COMMl'TTBS. Isss than a ntonopoly of good joba--:-and hi|n to the Estate Office with the oppor- W. AVanl, R.A., Mr. G- P- M. \foyi hi Ive fs r«d prior to and suV eqiient to ilic 'I'he btok nppcar» under Uie title of “h', ht4 SMALL or J. Witherby. Mr, D. M. Ja s; and Mr. J. T. G nyit V'ar. Authoritative ojiiniOns are East SnBBex SuBBei boys—he thought lie might call toy’s Naval Annuai.” Wgh wages for trade union member?. tu;iity o| training ini a valuable lirotos- Gem boys pn account of Ms ydars—doing ppemded are the I'SBnlte of ^ Selfishness is the hardest o|[ ali vices to McMillan. In opening t.ho j)i-ocw i&bMIu'Aips HASTINGS. the hearts of trade tmioniata during the wvrthlesk have igiiorid it; the best and and be as.sared that in the end ri tht wonlii fi(l of Bf voral new feature introduced in I his Egerton’s sons, he said he might ospeeially mtoar Sdritol Schbl arsnips, arid (5) past few years. Patriotism an tenant fa rmers and Inndowiiers in . the In the first chapter,, I/ord Brassey deals irshi i; William Guv 1^014114111, St. remains to be seen. P.atrotism baa'smee surrounding country. (Apniause.) i(li till) c: uses and osmduot of the present MiU|j--in-tt T-Castle, 13, 8isna«treei[ E.C. sc th a t lihertv may live and .enduring whiclj, - contrasted with that of I. ulther. Wa .sl ouid b' ad<)pted. csneclaRy toward": certain tde Ion Diamc nd the W ar cooTtbenced nro'-ed a most o-aT- peace be secured. Oimnani S. are emphasised. .The book is tlr. St'ipley in r^plv, paid f *lF thnf 'hi'ar. He <.s.vs tho conflict ha« not been, thie Sob larstnp; Atbalal an : B io m , St. the negation of the estentuil principles of' ;:tcomo of i ammcrcial rivalry. C'ompiki- ty Ma$ lalen, ^ Mann-s trsdt, E.G. Flrie r, Watches a id vellous antjdcte to the poison nf selfieb- RRCAM. n' ibl i,she( at 5s. by “ 'The Money Market Is getting 4n old linnd ns Tbi'« srn Silver, Plaiid Protestantiism. Germany bad breti the hoiuc i|nd Investor’s Chropiele,” St. Ste- w!H the sixth or fs^venfh evasnn ho hn'l >n had n >t lieeh a dio.Tdvantogo to eitlau' .ScHwarshu i; Aloe Wilaon, lit. MoryJ pess, and the man .who turns out n.ore of modern destructive or'tic s:n for the last R -view DUntiy: b vth h.id uro-'pcreii. Nor should rollo|WinR rateaj-^ ffian tpe trad^ unmn maximuni of pbel's plieu’s C 1 omliers, Telograph-ftreet, E.C. li; -t-d ha"' l^ 'J '3, Ki i^s-road. E.C. F ree ScaotaiBhlp; fifty years. I'ombin'-cl with the teachings ot hal said, they mn«t try to koep thiv-2ney, St. Leoni rdsiC- *8 N-. per month, and e^mn the | blackleg’' rnnTv't.ion worker meii.IikeVon Treitschke, Nietzacli«|, find Born, M U.II ARY PA'SSES may be obtained \ftar German navai aspirntions. "he pointp Gepy;ng-ro id, E.C. Free Stholanbip; Fred Parsons, Ltd. “ Observer ” Offieo sHtntion goioR Th^'re wh'fl n sliortn'Rp of | per! month, will, let ns hope, soon be ha'led ns worthv local ‘lllcws. hnrdi. no'wonder the moral sensb had bren fitnm F but ^‘Ijon tl)9v fTot »l'’<^^'tuto of • lit, are no of recent date. Considering the Hdffie)?, Cl ve A'ale, 28. Haiold-road, M ag ^ - t h . ; somrades. " f’ thr* olodi-d in (hc|ir Prot-'s- i ' ’ollir.s. . pT-<-c4\nV FTnr.t The War party hod '•■fen P'l-vsin teiming on {BY RECAM. 19 .’,19 tafit Confessions of. Faith. ]|’ui}fhoi\ the ! U- A. Tl lilesley, ivnd 11. Gro-'niO: Messrs, ar4 fS'Orvi TTis T'.'riT'f'i-q. Nina Blake, St. VfarVrin. the-Cate: ■ 1-1' Sakutoavi- - (‘ -i 7 i''^dnevi(ay 6 .52 7 ,6 Hnn '■'r. T. Fester. G H. Simm-ms. i 1,'won.th .vnd ir.n'trry si'i'cngtlh They tie) M’lwanJ-road. Hew Sch} pnlioy of Germany, in riveiit years had Is'Cit ('unt3>in IV’junr'l K^f'rto^’j n*- thp ci"''r. to erosM swords before a rivh.t alreadv .wouflai.v ... 3 ‘id 4 9 rijursdak. 7 51 8 ij to curry favour with the Papal Curia at CV'le lan, H. Fool'd. J. AV. Ttufflett, T”. int wit’i • to'' ITF’a T.AjnfpHs^ T/itnit, Q!?v niron. Towter Road A fejv days nen SSir James Yov®*l wrote Moiidav — 4 'll 8 Vr)day ’ ... 8 43 • 9 ‘‘ H. I>ov n, ,1. E. Konward. W. H. drenic.i to 'TO dangerous had grewn too podd I nil Schnlarshiip; E ither Biisbridga. AND SONS Rome. Who were its allies teMilio ? I’ltra- I'Vv■«r4(j)rt 1(3 onl TT.^T S =viro. sUo'hg. (t •t-mary nearfod the suppori of Aus. * strilkiiig alrliclf an d er the Heading Th.esday.J. 5 48 CIS peakoble i Hririiall. together with tl'c Clc-k (Mr A. R. 389, Tx)1kIo* ' Council montane Austria dud “ the |Ur(! :nul other ofnejaW.—Mis^ LiHie fh^ K^orton tptia. ,an<( ithe lureq . Emp-ror \va« naturally :r s . “ Marthing .Alwa.v,” and on the n ex t day Turk.” In closing vrniarks, AJlr. Liinbriek skion) oil 1x)i?iy1 tt M Dorrifti Smith, Ptior;^ Rood, d reb er as itt W.l' niipnint"d as-sistant foster I'lirent [o y nr IT-'' wa.s'deeply moved hv thjr NTKJb. , it wa^ described hy W illiam LianTiNCriT T im PS for (Jrelists' and others dealt with the imlilipnl aims of tl Pa pnev, ') of fhe heir apparent! It wa,--' root T’-ouucil Scl tofanhi;}; Alic<.. • beautiful e$-say, the-insp’ring thought re. Air e(j I he V ’ar.-^ge Road ChiiMren^s 180010, on ory PoJ»d, 156. Hnfrhenc en-roltd, JS. I^LOMBEB^ fqr week commenoiiif J|une 19th, 1915. and the British Envoy to the Po mohtt trial, .at a salni-v of X'llS a year, i Jliltl 0’’Vsvt.1tn ’ ity not te l>e ’ost. .Austria ih- of which in edneentrated in Robert T.Ouis Walter Mayo follnwrd with ah a idroM on h o la r^ ip j A-nu'e; ReeveR Prtery ;i{ FITTERS. '^alurday...... 9 G .Wei Ine.sday ... 9 I® th ber , lo'tg'ng, and washing.—Th''.,off’''r WATERLO ) DAY. e'r''! ii!)on terms wl-ich ■ eotild r-ot l>r eon- Re si li roft-rond. M^a^aleu BzhibBtioiii TERS. Etc. Steveneon’s |" In ' Memoriami F.R.A.” Jiiinduy }...... 9 18 ■| hi.rsday ... . . 9 I'J recent events and l<>ca,l matters -pspecting Mr. H I!. R.aijnn (sttoplejack)' to execute —----- :0 :—----- iH "d In- .S'-rvio with-nt utter loss of na- Ee = William Archer q{uoted these tw<[ sta n z a s; the re-organisation of Romisn fo reps with tlpnoJ independence. Ku-sin w.-e l;oiind tje Tower Bead. 27, Somhwttte^ to nday 1...... 9 18 Ijritlay — — 9 1" ppessa ivpair,.; to the er.acked Chimney VETERa NI b u r i e d AT HA.STINGS. Kr*»e Scholarship; Mnnel Kin^, HASTINGS. liesday I... 9 18 1 the object of further extending Rnmish in- iff at le Workhouse holler ho-use was ae- strind bv Srrvta. fl-rm anv s*o-d by Atf^tria. IPi"'neo st-xd by Ru'wiii, England 'e->-nw=t E Cl vH ' 178, Edm tind-rwi, EjC. Pw« I "Yet. O stricken heart, remiember, O flvgni-e during the War. He also alluded to ted. lie amount being . Jt‘23 1.5s.—The i' I I the recent seoes.sion to Rome of tfie ex-Rricto...... :u cic Yesterday (Friday) was AA'aterloo Day. pet)"', was dra-med in. '‘AYhen AVajr Vera W. Cmttenden, Sf. P aurs, = 4 = = = remember , ’ycnitnent Foard enclosetl sciue ir.- The officers past and pr}raeiit of the Royal m., Pet>rV'^nd E.C. P tpo Srhlolafship; How of |iuman days he [lived the FOtl thje finest Scotch ai|(a Irish 'Whiskeys of Christ Chprrh, (5t. Tsoonards. on whi'Cjh h e j ' s t S n < r eports on Hastings bote boarde^!- WPS (l.eelnp' d.” olwerv-rl Enrl Hra.«sey in h i v e M o n e y ? Reginiout of Artillery isbuglit to place a Inter pnrt of the nrJir’e. “ we tor.k a tre. | c Roop, Tower Road, SI, Salisbhrywroad. better part. of iudispintable purity and gre^t- age (see would have something to say hereafter. The 'ada, Tlie reports were in refer wrtath of blue and red flpwci's on the grave {^•holar^h p 5 Elii;. LiVnn S'ms, Borough Analyst's R«ik rtl L. G. Olenjstev]’’ meeting concluded 'with a hearty vote ol lit tioys nnd all were hichlv satis- in“ndoi»! leJin jp the H'-k. N rither the Ad e n d M o n e j ? 'April came [to bloom, and rjever dim of' every Artinerymnn, of. whatever mi-n't'-. nOr at thn, Tew r R md, by Colonel P.ur‘nn-Dro'n-n s. they were nttrn^Rng church anr' tf*p},ip-t, wtip it known, nor -onld it have Breathed pts killing chips {upon the THE LAl'E MISS SC ;IEBF.—The {funeral wiiance of this they communicated with Iteen knOM-r . h'-'W tPingr r'ouid -o h’-J sea or <#.a. AT.' '5»^r^re, F C. | Fro/' Sr h r vr- klhoAl regularly; thev }were liked T>Wr’[? Kf^+*looTi St. AST SUSSEK head or heart. ' ■' of the lato Mis.s V*ol*t tirind (Rone) Scherf, ndeavour to]find the grave cf land ” Hi® lortehip adds: “ 'I'l-e final re.- i M«-v jr —d 'h till) second daughter of t lieletiate I late LpuiisIp: Scherf. enplo.vers. and some wore alrcad.v 40.[ ’“^errat.'o. E C. ri veral dollars a month in addition Cnjptain Robert Newland.jwlio died at Ha.'i- '=iVtlt deprndo on tl-o romlvn.-d pfTorl'e of thf * Free' Sehe.’ ami M rsf E. Scherf, oi l9.l9, BtajilBtujibvooke-ter- TAX DIFFICU tings bn the 12tli July, 18.58. and was bnriefl Al’teH powfli-s. st'>ndinn ehonlder to gl ouWer sbipj Cl ufi; Phyllis AVord, Monnt PIen«vnt All Piat lit > contains of tor and W ging.—.A box of ibewls toge- ■ e» f r, ^ T"' Hjastinga Cemetery, To the Editor of the 0| in Ithe old Clilurchyairi, Hastings, facing the fkintending in a righteous cause. However 4flJ';|t. -M and treason. ______Ht G Godwin offi- rome odd “ woods ” bad been niv. shipt .Ali'etjle(lones Priory Rond 23. JV-V'-r-.-' l O C I E T T Shame, dishonour, death, to him were Sin.—Procrastination is not only tbri thief the old men by the Ore and CHve east window. l|n-'g it mtiv In-'t. we do not doubt how the The chief mouinet's were;—Mrs. E. mriney is Mrs; Harkness (whose iqterost in military ar mav o rd,” | fotUU E C lfr«rep Sehelarship: Doretiv Ft- 'd, hut a nkme. , of time—th at it is aJao^tbe th i« of ith (Tub. and a vote of thanks was S't I. 1 A b ^ A M A ( -clearly proved by Taxpayers i l«jct to to bo sent to tlie Hon. Se^etary (Mr. matters is well known) and Mr. Thomas TUie S'^terd part of theJhook is enmuosefT; 1.3. Sedln,rr.e. hojrpp d N: Hero, a boy, he dwelt throujh all.the Papkiri, J.P ., have made gi-ery Cnd-avoMr to in rrevie-is year?, of the .Ti-=tlr=*s 4''f er^'Toy and ijiirK: wbilp ip ilArebin- Nellio Knot spare sum s nrt TV n useful'forio^i OH ■ Ijondbn-i. iCljye A’alo, o ftTvy^chen of ttie- First lo rd ; tW " ‘t, E.C. Free Sch olnirsriin: Doria j5


OUR ROLL OF HONOUR. SP*'ORT AND RECREATION. il SPEGIAll OFFER tfL Rheum atic Sufferei^s. BOlWLS I , ____ l-t* ILPOTS If you are suffering froirl Rheumatism, or any diseasb of Rheumatic origin, Bo- vis Clnb Accomplished o meritjonous feat i nd will take Apcel regularly for one month, costing 4/p by post, according to I J by getting the better of the Hasljings Clnb. ,SH the directions given, 1 will w^illingly return you the money you have paid for it, / Thi! opposing side included eiysh strong iho,, . f r Has failed to give you relief, provided you obtain the supply fresh from me. plareTB as W. Adams, A. E. Whijic, and A vtfh io : ( (Signed) H> EWBANK SMIT|H, '(lrAGE. and F; J. Thomp- and E. . 1 ’ABI REB H S 6, NIORMAn r o a d . ST. LEONARDS, i ; ^ soi (Skip)...... ^ 29 (skip) 15 tbiB Edrtoriof i H ir- lU yon kindly 31 ; « ledge ihimkdj oh: fa tngeet immittee. A^xandra beat West Hill in a League F I ( i H T I ^ Q MEN’S I, i T T E R S . SCOUT N O T lsT pj bhuor xtceiwed dnce match on Saturday. i ... j titm (isMd. in tbe l5tsam an^ ^^tsam THE HOSPITALS AND THE PROPOSED f Alexandra. . W'est Hill. ■Ti^hF.r n I r HORTICULTURAI.^HOW. T u r n e;r, Goslingi, Alfred Blackman, OBD TO YOUNG MEN a .N o l d DISPLAY AT COE-XV^ALLljl 1 " m .1 .bet ist Befiigt Some question.s having been asked as to -Atkins, Smith P. Overy. C F. ! ^ GABDENS. • i I M ^ ,6* " itban is 1^, - :o (skip) ...... 22 firew. A. F Wood i \ ! SOLDIEE. ini' flie twd h ^ t whether the locaT H orticulturarSaudty will s a d 1$1; Que. n' HAVE YOU BOUGHT A ROSE? hold its proposed Show in July with la view , (skip) On iVedneSday, in Cornwallis GaraJi J. Forrest, S. T. H. E. tVhite;... i,;"* i 'ns,, a . I ;.ybursitr4ly .\s the display oi roses [will re ■ smaller to assisting the funds of tte kcUl hos^ Carr, ! Thj followiing letter, written Mr. C. M. Scout display was given b- pitals, I may say that circumstanoi have W’iston. A. Black- Farroll, J th e local Association. Mr than last year, Ihroiisli thb alrsfiiee of de­ man, E. ■ Harle.v (.}• T. Saxby 1 Haw ina. 49 St. Thomas’e-ro Hsisdags, corated vehicles, children’s .processions, etc., arisen which prevent the carrying out) of the .ttery Sergt.-Major A. Jeiiner. Thorp! «iened the display «t 2.30, & Society’s inteufiob in this rcspMi. 'This (sldip) ...... 18 (skip) ).... 15 I by —n id " " Oury Brown oek-Tojad. and itis pos.siVie that some lieople may miss Ada,ms,f Benbow, B. Shoesmilh, H. shou^i irove_ a valuable lesson tho — — ^ Hst of <01 the lidies selling the emblem, I venture to being the case, the Society is sendin,' io each I men IIf* itings who are hdldiij; back from r-Admiral c f T ' " ; of its memtreiyi a request to thih t of the -Abrahams, Bow- AT.W. Eatob,Eaton, H. If b^leekidiu: Hd ro.ininr my readers that-this is Alexandra ker (skip) ...... 23 t; i, ' 1.. j,..; . H. takM th«ir places in th e figh^ling foices------oi' (Codn :y Scout Commissioner), aad AlV U-fif dib oeiUectiob. Uay in Hastings, and that 1 ro-ses are being liospitals duuing the season, and (jo helin Eicliardson (skip) IS j the ^ mpire W. K Mealing '(Hon. County J Secret! S t |Mary-iiftl sold i t the strecds to olitai l money io !belp them by sending flowers and veget ables fui-l I — i Thl j ijrriter of the letter, w ha-s la wife who|wIS aicoompdnied by Mrs. IMSeoling J oellectitm. ppr the benefit of the sick and wounde, . [ It. ;, D istntt Commissiomer Chantiiirsj ' the hospitals in their noble.work The sale 63 40 and children, lived at 127, |Priory-ro*d. 4d.g St. of ros'js has again been adnjirabli organised to bo hoped that tJiis suggestion He sbrvjedf ib the Army for years, and Dpring ^he afternoon the SWotlVs gav|e ex; enfib'jooUeCtiob iidopted not only by the membfr a by tho itayore-ss. who has securtd the scr- W<[st Hill met St. leonards in a League retirOT pn -p.!nsion in Y'ebruai 194^ He hifaitMns in bridge building, bUtUhlling InliyT , 4i6*,i;SL: vices*sif a num ber of ladies ts ’’saleswomen.^ Society .but also by many other was okairied at Cairo in 1904. [He then to- dical|<[rillj ambplance; mamem(j-aimR,,also in >lTec4aWi rcon|t^‘ ffil ; “ THE BEST HELP TO RECRUITI hJG.’’ G. r.iiv. T). Far- H. Burton, W. S. “ mij per. jMr.'U as tbiy please; and that a 1 the money oh- 'V. Birch, W. Burton, D. R. that jhej has got his Battery dent be is the di Crto Cllaftenge S hield .iiy h ich lclrriil1 , tbe London tamoti jgocs to tJio hospitals after paying tor ^ Imitation ia uaid to bo the uince "elst flat­ Turnbull, H. S. going to the Front. All pa lotie people with! it the premiSTship amorib the'TtOTM . *Bt:./?ln Mi the Tts^s. Nothing is deducted for other cx- tery, and it is worthy of note Upt the will lris(h him a safe return, his letter for the year,! and which wasTwon ibi tK l '' ' IPlIalcS,;, .Hark ”v.e (skiol ..... 15 Btcharde (skipl 24 Ore ThoopjCehtral being 2nd, >ffc. ■ Matthew’* - i pensai, ^stem worke aval \\ eek calls UTx>n all eligible men, is regards s ttie yon and my large ci friends'L Camp, andjtwo rLE.A. ihedals for rifle tong ' in I^stin ^ T'he Bpecial fSort imrried out most effective form of recruiting, l nd the 47 72 for , ^ d |' ihteiest you hai; shown to-| won bj’ the Ore Troop, were presented tti the !• by Li< rUtenant Spry ami the N avy iieaguo in 8cnding of a card of merit to the res t eiice of wardk in* dtuTug the period t :at ,Ii have winneis— Sir Hanbury Brolwn, Mr. JlesP • 'a Bwiefc-t eonjuiction with tho Hastings-aid St. lyeo- every man who lia« enlisted from the horouch been fagedj^in train in g a Bo; <>f thel ing, Iwjbo ckithint Mr Eaitbourne Cavendiaii played Alexandra Hann ittou-imto.;. the fignrgs WhTel Sif t ! harde Hecruiting Goramitteii has iilroady had is acknowledjfcd to bb an excellet t move, Bowls Club at Che Redoubt Gardens, East­ New can assure yon ti .t it:» with, ide tte presentations, and law I ESooU mt results, a numbo • of nen having Ifpqufets for infonjjiAtion a« to the njaimor feelii found regret I ivo ^ota for' the etjerling addrees, cgmgrStuUted ’ jpinec tlie Koyal Naval Dhisiox, after lis­ bourne, on Wednesday. Result: - the . in wluoli tho Committee carries out pm . part Alexandra. the 1 consider as ,oJd I ' old P*c^nt ex* iv tening to speeches made at the virions open- ! of it« work have come from several Cavendish. hibifk mdlcrafts and other tyunpetit nns OOI jdac Eestiin, Henning, Mairkwick, H art­ soldii « t air meetings, at which, l y the way, very tlio latetst’ Ijeiiig a town in GloT3C(‘st|r.shiri and to the Modefl Whitsuh Ci imp’, fine vork has been done by Mj-. M arshall Clark, and Shep- ley. Cooper, and BOUmJEH PUTT GO, t whii A resident there, who ask.s for information 1!) Abraham (skip) 19 and commended the Htfl!- . cWlu^— . Hke, in extremely effrK-tdve speaker on naval eavt?: “ In Saturday*8 ‘Country lAif (sklp)...... hecahiej, as yhjn are all aware, is will not li: jp pn securing th<» CarapiS been. exde)il*dt} m attes. No donbb this wei k'a efm-t in Has­ .W all.W ood- Forixsst, Pavier, be mi;' first ] experieiKe of T0 jsmjTice, he aD'Mo paragraph from a correepondent wli WOS to n. and tings will continue to beaij fruit for rome that p Ilasrinprs he- aaw card.; and Frowell havii' servem.in the Soudan poign of the to the excelli work ' time, but the promoters i rWuld verjr inuth the coltas:e windo^ ^vin^ th<‘ b) ...... 25 Smith (skipl...... 16- 1898,1 Klin* awarded tho Khedii «||s apd lEn^ ddne ts in the seTOce of t h ^ 1 like to see a great rally of iBcruith this niation ttliat ono o r more nlo*'’*)' ok. Crump, I) y e r. .Moffett, lish )ltd& tor theI same, all o ' th e . isoutn connti the commencement of jw:iwnr.' eyenirg, consequently they are iirranging a of the family were 4t4^he War. lan'l jer. and Reeve B e n c a nd Airi<4|n W ar I Modal, wbere_T aegved for 19 Sell .Ohs word played during the. final demonstration at Yellington-sqimrc M ritten record of the reoiment wd i|’j ’ (skij ) ...... 19 JlowUcr (skip) . 18 the fanions ~ Gahacre, nooni )j Miss Bizett’s excellent stitirg on at *.'0, particulars of ■ which are given l>epn joined, and . the pjiper considr' Frontier incidep in India, chest, 1. A splmiGid ventriloquist entcrtaSlI* tii {I in anjther part of this issue. Speeches M 53 meni;. thcf^o carde are the best help to vi ' tbe ice in FbbruarRI 1914, 'with jyith songs and sketches, was ^ten to j'p ^ will be made by ofEcits and gentle- til.-.t could lx- invented, and that it and Good Coi ' Modal ’ Mr. Hkroli King and his friends! ’ Ato. K iar •’ ji ineii thoroughly versed in tlie subject, Patriotic pride wliieh is very coptji BRADFORD CUP. Bfflr say that tbe [Jnits of the also; hn: ro n s ^ condpetied a: Dutch add and iny man in Ha.st.ngs vbo wants The Hastipgs Committee, glad to ir An Eastbourne Redoubt Ground: rmy i^il faitMully uiffi. the grand tion,tion.' Aftonroon-ftoi |ea. pa. was arranged bv to know anything about lllio Rjoyal Naval nsrist,recruiting in other parts of f West Hill. Haywards Heath. of the British • A riy, [uid no ' Jeffeiy' " and Mrs. Parks, and there Wei Diwisim can obtain all the infermation he tr.v, is. of course, sending the reqr Saxby and A. Mr. Anscombe and givs III good- aeconnt of thomselvto. vionp stallh, cake; frnit, flowers, and ■taiid needs either a t th e m eetirg o r a t the' Oflice Vf»’TT'KrwtV nuL-fi The alen hayi entered keenly ii 4f> th w dif- toUp,jama,sweets, kindl. arrangH by Ah : emy Wood ...... 37 All. Austin...... 15 E ."'t 1, Harold-plivee. laeiiti nanj: Ipry is out f In Eastborurne Cavcn this one object, bnt ije had found time Cope land & W arren 15 Scale and Scott 10 pnrofeolnoiial and no H iuht it will bridge drive, kindly j arranged m to be very atfable in the idisciiargc of hifi Jt rei>orte;i Diat parents amjl At Preston 'Park Giround; give a stunlus: to recrn-nng> -when Thomas, and aPapig Other side' shoe iriTiticf. As a m atter of act, h s is hles6e. - ! Hastings. Southwick. pro’ be . the most feaifiil and piH*l tendered Ito Meis^. .tohn King did I day th a t he, on bin p a rt, gladly and prrate- two each .summer wifi in mo^t ca f.s. .Son of Mr. and 5Iil.s. J. Georgo. 24. F/versfield-pll.ci c. St. Leonards. 2. — and it is only by posopem-j Groome, a}s<[ Lto all those kho sbt kind P iv k fully recognises the ibince he has re­ ihoir holidays as \isual|. Hading any Boss, 23rd Londetn Regiment’ Killed in aertm on May 25th.I Went G. Cck and A. Gre- H * n r i ott and afil idlasses th a t hs cm be over- helped in •ions ways; both by g i r ” ceive! from the Mayor, the Re.crriting (Toin- ic South African Caippaign. Son of Mrs. Ross, l™ o r Ilou.se Hastings. 3.— vatfc...... 21 Tibbs ...... 151 will liorkp that this propheef will Ik*- and the fate of Belgium diverted tortaininein’ and' hy taking .kalis, et flririOirr: !nittc“. and tlie varions speakers (hd workers. Heanwdiile it- is interesting to p. C.'Shanks, ,5th Eoyall Sussex. Killed in action at Ricliehourgh on Slav 9th. Iritain;. to time a > geperonsly contribntedj P«y; The ime may come wire.i he tfill have to medical eviden.o rtron^Iy suppor of Mr. C. Shanks, 2.5,ISt. George’.s- road. Hastings.j 4.—Pi ivatc Philip Fuller, HOLLAND (KIP. flowws, Vi labled. etc. - jraoe ilie foe: if so. he m ay resf ijswured that Airf)uith’s view that "liolidnya are . Gt Battal' >n Roy:\l Munster F-ufiliers. Died on May ?th ofjwouuds received landing at Eastlboumo Redoubt. St. Leonards. exdminatlon foil profilcie tlie liarda'onHput to thr Wo t Riding Field Ambdlance. Eldest son of Mr. / hnd Mrs. J .' Livermore, 2, W. F Jenner...... 21 K Cheesman . . 10 Pri' ite Alfhed Foster (of 4,1 ji ium phrej'- entries for [ th eir [IVoops to the Badge Seeikh'. sk' ti i ' Piivsito 'A. ^ ohaerve that the Ixvsr v ay for the men of ntent in a ijouclon .laiiy pajH-r;- Hugl en


[Continued: from Page 9.] /r^3Al,t!41.>li cooniry AJi’AUTSlEOTS. or: wiwlUvout fti\' roodui^ lut el luruihiicd,VILLA sard |i> J>t, " * board, cbmiortablT iurawh«d« neat Chorcb, pest, dose to Chiucb and ohoiM; amo[cur«.—iLi^ijr Huud,. •4^1 soli li'nltc!; spot;ldi tetms for a lar?e party.—Ju T. damew Viila, oO. i^vard-Ht., SoutAborousb, 'ranbridi^ ffoqr, no etairs ohk minute iChrist Cnuivh, K^rwin, Aberparaimy Botei, Frajit. Tanfaxidi* \>ella. ______T______jyi M. Leoruird#; terms very muderato.--4Addr«#» lettei, M., ^ ^ U O C F liY , FroYisjoiib, aud~ B o iled Bee rjk—Sound 46, Gemung-tA. bt. Leoaard#.. I ! _____ j2e ioC5.XiiY. - FonUated AFAUTMEXl'S or .would Business, famooif town, Kent, lior ioimidiate die* I^LATB to Let, in Bemtyo-rd., with pieoa of garden ( * board;I indoor suiutatiuii: luoior 'bus^e* pn£a poaa]; own>^ enii^tuis; good p r e n u ^ , exvelkut fittijogi, A giiumid lr:ciu d ^ : aW> tWo joonU to let, Separately. t!ivtg7^a:iuff air.—[2didtf L. Lickie, F atr View, (tdeahie •took, long oHorcther] euy il5aiL—Asent: —Apply A rthur MUU, Builder, 2d Towi^-*id. Vrart, Ht. (K egistered Trade Idark,; Ortjcii.i ; ______jl9 F. Wiokenden, le. Olnu'di^id., AAblora. ____ Leonardo ______i______• —Jy3 \ ’AHMilifUBL AFAIl|fidEKY5i; Board-re««knc<\ X{ ploaa^astploa^ant 1 aspect;ii«p9ct. Kittkns cmd two bodroom^, good GINNER AND GLENISTEII, yy AriTlSUS.-WtU-furiil.lwi FLAT I«t, on _8( P '|in i;«»okiPS.^LUett. Pednafoy, BU»ckboy^■_____j.;l»e l^ n t, bret floor; fitting, two j ___ AiWJwn, AUCnoXJiLKS. VALCEUb, Und EbTATE goa' cooker, every oonvenieocc: tennfe weekly,—bey- M ES.|E1^P SHll T'U U X iB k K 'D A FA irrM K N T S.“ FaraUH>ui«, two or MED ^ AlfFM’S. I M, monr, 12, Pelham-creA, Haatinta. •j26 o f B aild is,' X tbroo biHiroomK null Icink moderate. 37. ROBEUTSOX 8TE K E T. J h a STISQ 8. tVAJiDMO^ifi DEALEE - sfw J>ari>orf'>u Fanu, llettUilield, __ _ __ jlCe g^ELKOTxOA AbTTNGA—OomxctUble Furam t^^pper F L A l'; I j r . •*»*<; — «* *0 tw «o«t» 4CVW.V liOSTEY AAVAVA3* qs: depailt wcyuntk T. H E L K aN'S d o w n .—T wo m ileno< H tfitlmg-room, two bedrooms, lotchw (gae cooker)» London, Leicester,' .Pvojrthamptcin, Mancheste|r. ■ cetot.^ per annum, lucotne Tax paid. Interest 182, QVE;ara ^OADiJlASi! l> L K A tA >Tl.Y vSjtuaiM AFAItTMEXTS Ob' dairy S •ea, iuuid«t beautiful enifounding#, close to #ea and station: 25a. per week.—Apply Mia. f-j^iy,—Apply Frtnk Bhocewtb, Manager. 17, ea#y reach of oentiej of towin; three Branches, yo Labd? anjd Colohies Supplied. iind poul’.ry fnr;a, kopely aud eomforwWe; luraJo* i FBOU leucptiop. fire bedrobiis#, b a U irro ^ etab* Reilly, 39. Cainbrklgeitd]^ 2 0 0 •cyel >^-nl^. Hasting#. Jj T teS9 B E^ PBytes GIVEN :tp t-vT»>.—ilru . Cree. H'c.hiiffiv i.vi7 o u s e Ck part of' h o u s e to Lpt; ^UTAuiheSllnrge '^YJ^VVliSfEnS ar»4“^ h Uu,\- gUrage, one aere- gm nid#; rent -J >, - repaired, cleaned r,ent.*k, tmljlc4ildrcn'.<( 1 4 -ft.afl _KT Ooiiuuy AFAK'rilKNTS. within ewy reaeh 4j itruuyav ; well refqmmeudedj ' rooms) on Sea - Front, overktokink gardena aud La ^UuAte Le*., m the towa of Battle, Cf»:ily ;furm«hcd: (ool^er aaU range in kitchen; reat two AS TISas;—W«U-funuslii!d FLAT, cpsulnini lance BOOTS mitq-rq.t p'otkest-one. _ j j | j •• ' • jt5 ^toard. Pared! m t o r valued. Moncr ieUiti wU>UK*roo‘a oiui bodrocm, lo»ely waik^,; no gUil H dxawing-rooxu, two bedrooaa,] buRr, e tc .: ^ cim* 4 .* *A L e n t ifbr i«. pier month on 'll ktmU of Jewel* ' couie day. 12*. 6hed, WitU r»r without HOUSES. For further particulari of Jn m and X j <^rnwtiUi#*gds.. H aatiuge; near] 8ea. central: two v 4 l •ttiendunee: two fittaaB-roornu nud three bedroom^, or other-; ptopertiea to be Let dc Sold, reception roofiM, two iiedrooma, kitchen, gs«H;ooker: L O G o c i : . WiEtY IHBI wci!d let the whole of F-ineliouse gardetrvaad farm apply M above. ■ tc37< piano, 30.^ to two guinea# weekly.—J., 636, •‘Oltecrvet” I|I|ICELLAN(=U l is a L E S F p R pT(duce).—For flirUier partiouJara and ord'*r to Tiew, Office, Haetinga ' ■ OI^'E to "L Let,, e fr unfurnished, in Sedloioombe-rd. 24, NORMAN ED,ST.|LE8NAflpS SALE. 3k ’s r o a d , E A s iu n i »r MIL ‘5-1 W- B I »iy Thomas Hujuphrey,' Auctioacei and Valuer, 1, H MALL unfurnfvhe^ FLAT to Let; in\ffiiTatc houM, r.a ttil!-ol.. Tunbrid;;# Woll^*.______—jl9r stuurh, With Jiieo varoc-n.—Applj to Artpuz Mills, Bt ] Bmlfkr, l’?._tfower4d. West. St.' Leoaarda. -jy3 S suit one or two ladicar tental te 6o.~per WMk.; rnsm ■ open td ^ bin rent f i ■\i T’ELLV c RXJ S HE [> Country A PARTMEXTfi.^ Apply, by letter, to L.D., c.0. Mm| Stanley, L Fhfk* lilcR L of gold*ttiled SpiEO LXK8 atid l^e* 3kw', L 4 airf ( h;ldr\i{’a CUlTHli V f with or without, own ojr?s, butter, itrap, good H kTU E.-To or sail, detached HUUSIS im beet rd., BexhilU - jl 9 b . j k |i^ osi guanuiised tv wear 2q UR. sight tested ir.v iil svEAtt.T c«; kia..': rthady Inwn; tnnp£ moiierau.—Vider, Churc^ part { MTen •od xooiue; flUo(! bathrcHA; large 0 u ill u Bo o k llUalxte - CtiSii 4 T, • M-CUGABET’S-ROAD..MAUGABET’S-ROAD. WunlbPTSquare.—Excel­ ttued'to above frerj ^charge; |ali one Hoa^^oNId Lmod, O] fits’ rruform-s V ld ad H«r«uionoTUX. jl9« gordear £34.. per ^unum on aeroem^nt. — t|>WDer. 46, pnoe. oiy.—Feiioa’s upWc.,ai Part-ojdi h1 / p(»t t n e TE - j l 8 S lent self •contained FLAT. #ecou4 ahd third floon; 16, LoQdon*rd., lily valuea; Torridon-rd.,’ H ithey Qrcen, London. M E S S R S , c h e n n e l l s . d y e r A n d - l i v e STOCk. CATTLE, ETC., F(lR SALE- o u JL^baxd^ ^ tu45 Ladie^ Waitei W; Jirispceera .>t pm ^weia . H aetiiga. nine good MS view: comprising two sitting I and four bed* H O0SK lor enit, in BaHklow-rd. rooma, kitehen, bath, electrio light.—Appjly to Mr. Tree, ttl'ALSlI a n d s o n s . Too . Owu N<‘w and Reliabbi 014-ps^abiisbed. Al«o roottks, tur^ gurdon, leaee :I5 year#, g. rent. G a I - L A W A Y 'S s t o c k a n d s h a r e l i s t , Itce. L G BOARD AND RESIDENCE. £6 10s. ;v piicp‘ £3&0[ pari may readun—Apply Owner, 1, 15. 8t. M arcaretVroad. St. Leoimrde.i tc47 tis^ix BULL for sale, two years Old ^Apply A. B iOljojBdhaud,Complete H u u ^ ( , , 44 and 45. BritUiC»id.. St. ijeoiiuiid^. Jy5 IQUOP to Lcs, Upper part Londonifd.i with room at S_____ iTarvia, B i^a.* to let in* M Isale a t tV mojoeut. ' £200 H astings Corporation! prioee: euitable fo fc r tradesmen.—Sklnsera, Western* j'Toom, drawing* country d Ltiict; lucuerate terms.—Apply Mrjj, C., H beat rx'--atiou 1 oh Sea Front. liear euo )#, truiu#, 3 per |.v-<'iat. 8l‘>i-k at T6i ; £280 3i per cent. GonyerlodI (out. two bedrtmuiN, kitchen, eciiiii,- and all outdoor MISitl..Slt>EXC£ iToui : comioruble ho'tue; moderate for >uth or longer.—Uagenhan, Carlisle g irS i''00 K Rynock yr*-’- Arklow * Debenture,-* ut ‘ 95: 100‘Maypole' C iUOii^iiOBN O ^V ES from reeozd Chevhire Uiikeie; U w p rluew to effect 6peedy cleuranct, fU B E or R e B - n cow doa^ wait I d, o u b ; o liberal table; Sea viev.-rSD, Wo»-t H ill, SI. Leo* FiATiMje. LEONARDS UllEEN.—Selfa#ure« *' of eigl] fix u itiro l almoAt n ^ and includ^i Miry lot of ppta, LK»aafdtn______.*7:^9_ toi^______ji# tibn t>i.bur new atock, ^eonprising ithrM beautiful Queen ](•***<< K::iU n j.. -- ljt»\KB-H liSinKNCE in .HimKrtablo ibSl£S on Pal3ee~Pier. to i.et. bfle wit!» ?xocptioQal O be Sokl'or Let in Dover, m aihiltre^ adjoining -lU iBeaufort Fmonce Co., Ltd., 6, Trm ity-sL, Han* A one patten sideboards, inlaid o^ih^ta, solid mahogany *^•••1 weB>.'8,-ana uqum "ate Left-dfl i B — facilitie# for I Pier and Pubiie |PromeiMde trade; T G.P.O.,“ 8HCU* and H ouho, welUhtfed with gla-e tings; t( 8 i:.D, ro bire for the gummer (or would pur* >ho IliolMieliolJ li'i.A T H i gd*Mt.. a 1 'O-DAr isli home offer U E alliE X C K offered in uoinldrtable home by i n e r a l Wa^er M anufactory, dctabli^hi 1 over 30 y p o Let. unfnmidied PLAT, one kitchen. *dtting*room !« paid 01^ i teUt i s : KSBAY. jtnirB ftb. il —jr j UJijAPi-Torthitwhvir^srd .CA ^.r inlaid ailver, old " m -o u T-, b r B gentlewoman: central po^tiou: facing and M years oxoollent»bi proof rn*de.tTHde. ciipablecapable of gr'“at exr X and l>edroom (extra bedroom if iequlred); South MUSICAL INSTRu<.u^NTS, ETC C (di H, g*nt.:s HJ'lver wntch. marji^se ring, dishes, .Tathflght ’ ;rk; zncdeiote terms.—U, 'Wicknam^ayenue, Bexhilh vm non -. apaciou# iW^t^y> ample outlfaildirugBL ren t only^ aspect; moderate rent.—Apply 6, Braybrooke-ter., Mas* teiiirelajiire ih c tt suttaUesuitable for going soina abToadl sbrosdl ibhtVigood} ninr^^Sifroodl frock ______riS b £50; capital planti macliinery. horea#, van.'LjFtc.. £500: tiug&^______^ jl9 (no denlaa!;.—Wkking, X, lieory ^ , Haatihy; —jl - LANE -td. West. 4 M u n ____ or by valnatkin: ; bus.v j.e;v j CATEP Maternity NURSE reeeiTea p^ienta *J jPPEKri-jih uiMAand Lower rxoAFLATS xa v" Uirwmu>^ 4ttovuu w(» nocu.each; , uoariy new, £ 1 2 ; cost more tbtiii double; T'klA i^N L) linlf Hoep RI^U, DiaBond Pendwt 'nnd and Child m her own *houae, situate In a quiet plea* w irk enden and Somq 20. Hirti-et.. TVnbridgq W ells Jl9 rente. 5$. and 4s.—Apply 11, $t. Matthefr^-drive, ~ and tried by appoiuuucnt-’-Aitpiy L., 11, Use X ineii, . ltd* eaistn i t e i ])tiihbDd EarriDm. pledged 50|mneaa, with Rose 'fek.;recaiyed';.T. ,nt Inodlity —Addres# X'urse, 8, M ount PleaeantnireB* YJ-L—Farniehed HOUSE'to Let, hroe I ineae week; St. Leooarda______il 1______—ji9 u d I ates. St. Ijeonams. Lady thra^^ adversity- un« _____. 'ereneaB; ‘Ut. riOAtiup*.__ '______to R leJe» » for lomrTlong! i>f-riod; two w ttiab, thn k bfdri. oom#, TT NFUHN18HED FLAT to I^r, fotrlargo xocmn and iSTcS^rtSboac-ft. Vi, v3*iip^:L .. iS§? bathroom (pereer). jkitchen, ga« cootert gae, i: all rooms, slle to jeedeeiu w i l l d u p U c a t e a . £ 14 ^ save total loss. i'lOMFdliTABLK BOAUrFB>;sn>EXCE in lady\i I-*' icnilery to quiet peop>; 84. 6d. {weekly Inclusive.— —|Add+j6fe*Iiadr, 2, Mhclise Manstone.l [KendDgUm. fl8 B ait pridi " ^ private boa-^e for the eummer or longer; gu^ earacF.—Bowvftf. Drayton TIou^ TTotei. fit. L inards. jl9 Apply 7^ ^uthwater-Td;. 8t. Iieonarpg.______j l9 dt*bS oTothiiig, I I ahMSi affd hor ‘ ^ c irden. n'«ce eurrouiuLugis, one mile from Sea Front, AJIFS lx)nk. .. aioTHES.'' — ------„M~i!S .--*n— 21#.: i bargain 1 ^_jeipt reeef-* of " p ' MWANT ANMO., 'iJNPURNnSHED______FLAT to_^I.et. .. ___ -round floc-r, ^elf* IJIANOS.—A large nujLber of Mgb-t-la-AS eechndliaud | X X immediate j delivery. £ 21.—Jclinsob, J.dhd of loveliusis, ohoioaohoica garmeowsgarmeote .perfently h6me* J aoting.v—For tena^.^eU., w^te O.H.. 157, **ObserTor** contained, best p»»iti4m, ItnrisMqDpaT St. ]>onurd# i T l*I FIAN*'**ANOS, on recently------taken‘ ■ iu exchatigu - ...... at very! ' Cheiuieall • • —Works, • ■*''New Hythe,’ Kent, T B and j ttiopoy reti day.; j ^leM a ? OB ■■i.Weob daja ; I l fltce. Husiinr*. _j______—Jl9 uisde; mstaov approval.—Mra. M tti IM a Chase, NottlciP 4, SE>k ROAD, BEX ILL pier; sitting-reom. bMioom, bathroom .and kitcheu. — low prloas.—8. Hermitage and Sons, 30, R<’bertson-st., !-w^t a I l SHAM’ 1AARKP7T —Wodu^iav Jiin' 23rd. — J ___ _ ' \ fl- iTSw lETH , OocioaltiM, ] ASl’lXiJS.^onVfortabio B()ARME^^IliEXCB in F or pnrticolars. T., 144. M arine. HtJ Lef>n»Tds, —{19^ Harting#5_and 26_and 28. St. Leonards,rd.. B « h i l J . _ H 2^“^ irill ofleMd bought; rel pno^j Tals. l iinuT, .jim E #1. te lady’s ctrnall prirute house, near seH and ehops; Xni at CBOYfJO: . J H»K‘B 31AUT.—Splendid bli top desk, ina* it^L oeockJ H 1 C 8T. M AU G AREPS ROAlM~W>»rriof ’ Square.- IA N uS.—For bargain# in Se^-ondhund X'IA.'nGS by ^ by aactiem,___ mapnfactared._ by, C. Uill,____ A#hf< Kent. i|[»ny,. two walnut diicbe^ um, oak drenaing' :nd ^rOl,' Qo. 0*]^^ IT. ■' till board, 21s. weekly, Iwa for permaheuoy or two T?OR all ttie liesti aroilable ^-0011.01.4 and pnfnrni^ed X O y Fintt-elass self*ccntaiBfd MjalSDNETTP,; 'two P hUh-elas#...... makem at low- . price*;...... the- largest largest seleo*i se!^ | It will pa payy_prwpe^lve prospective imr(ha purt-haaers.4 to reserve orders. j H d waARstand. wardrobes, oli jM ar^ china ea* Tk n c y . dJ«nBiid Q«t,’rT ^ « laring b^com . — M., Highf%ld, 58, Milword-rd., Has* A HOUSES, ^^legridiu#: M traatl Auctioneer, Bex* receptien and aix bedrooma, bath, eleqtrje liglit. and eea tion in tbe South of England^—S. Hermitage, and Sons,] wanted fUr NE-HOBiwowftwl8t r Harrison-- _ MrUregor^s /R o w in ’* Inoletiul, '^floor*clotlis. mgsi, nporior bo4didg.-f 'B . s m oAih; obdtiua t tiRf.______L j____ ^26 T>‘|e. 658. Local Reprosenudivoil Kojujeflndets. teb view.—Apply to Mr. Tree. No. lA | r- tc48 3U, RobertsoB-st., H asting#; and 26 aail 28, St. Leonards*! , M ACfllN^!,; as new; Bamfprd’s twp*hoti»e Hatl Logdowd., '8t. Leonards. ’ « ^e, l ihotA etc. I bay rd., Bexhill._;______. . ' ______tc35 O lente; lali good ARY could be reoi-iTe*l in Hume of iitntlfwcmian, A f ESSKS. X. U. jUARDEX and CQ^^Ttiooeen and O K /b Per Annhm for UixfumilhM *FIiAT, Sve way*'# I Hay Slsckor, new; hleo serofadhand Ha pN , — Hamffhine Diaiuow ' and ^ppliilL. ipprovpq retotiM ti c p;trt of St. Loon.-ir£k BOHEMIA ROAD, butcher> chop and hooea; CDVK IS. ait new, hand sewn.—36 hy |30ft., £5 ^I>O C 7LABS.-i-For*LABS.-i-For Suie. powerTuipowerful [pair i>air of fit BINO* € reae Nurse, C.». 8, M ount Pleafiaat*creec4nt, H o e tin ^ J ./W U xentT £65. , [ inchidiur rates and taxe^—Apply 'ChcnPelR and Dyer, monthly.—Murdoch’s Tianq Salooufi, 21, HiBh * 4t.. DUtABS in leatlicr ciire, quite ftew; OfflcersTin* • r . u i -JrObre;-; gODtte H»vel4>ck-rd.. H a e tin p R .______[1 'j .______AshfoJd. ' jyS • X L it'.]; 30 by 25ft., IN. M.; 30 bv y;m.,r£3 4*71; rente;. ___ to /7 MOUNT HOAD, CLIVE V a IlE, «ipital lotik*up >s.i.r..Tx^r»TrAXT^—c r i , - ^ . ------.------by 20ff., 55s.t 24 by 17*h., 45*.: Lo^nd Corerk, Hi W faatry S^ wd, in Sam Brown Sfhbbdrdr: proved blade.— a i ph roete v i *OAx'lX:_ terrmi to dJ'O twf> otherK; rJHsap.—E. King, 3S. Cam den-rd.i'! *-Mwnfncturcr, - • Gilh^*zd.,. — ...... Ashford, Kent. jro I Mr- L I I .-jTfi; r t r f =.» -^R-DKALKI] ,r *^ttobd. prltieKl t Address Guest, a.o. 6, Mount Plea#ant*crescent, H rent £26 a yodr* ______, tc55 imitable tenant; newly, re-derorated: .[aijother room if Tunbridcp Welle. Tel<‘phrn*' 41^ —jy3 ►AllOAINS in Fp^> of fh^ Timos.4 •Seilihg oft 8u|.)ut. yV joabeUmanfv: 0T&' < d, Boye* . te !] ianinn. te <^X M A R I’S B»iAi>. tte s t HiLL—Olipital eight- required; use of aculiery.—Apply 36J BoLemia*Td.. St. fJHT Cottage .ri.VNO,. suiTabio, ter Ohi’dn-n ,v ?) |:rt*ss Table and Ix w ert. Si u>i>&^ and...Fork# bbota aad atutex bouisfebcdi ' 3HYSICIAN’S Hausiiti-r ?»a» nu?# FLAT, with bath- rootned hou#e| to be let, 9#. per week uaclusivei; Leopard#. • , ______ll '| ______—jr$ 'Proctk'e; prn.u £2 15e.—34, Piiory-st., Haetiii:;#. »td TjOApxihs, p art of Sheffield stocia bought le^B thra .fit'iO f. / ^ ^ 'oaixL^ C, . . room, on Seo " Froot, tk. Leonardo, would like a wilt be done up to '^ i tenant.—Bohuk 11, Havelock-rd., Q O ALEXANDRA ROAD. 8t. , .....(to - j l 9 DEAD STOCK ETC., W a n t e d ; Mlf-PTU-e; heavy weight, fine qtuilitvJ kuitTanteed wbor wpffet Bufikland, *' 3 oung lady aa Boarder: ur care of Inralid TiSdy or H estuiga ! - j i d O •'W > X#et (o rorniJ*!. uae of «;culleTy| t e 6d. per week vl ite: tsMc-^peen# and forks, 6s. 9d,l dcx.. Usually lOr. tO L D d f f eutlcmau or child: higbest n^ferenrfw can be offered.— SERVANTS' Bcgjtetry Ur a acE for* sale, with baauar; inclut^iye-—Apply Vi-wien, 1, Trinity-v Hastings. —il9 ■\\7ANTKn. a'8«r.TO4hand MSfinj llACntNEi-Soilf k1|; ditto. 4.q lid.. URvallv. “ tea.'p‘K>nji^ -2s. B u m Of an 9L, c.a Balton‘5. Royul Victoria Librniy, SL Leonards. cr would bo 4uitabi|e for ooule^oueif, etc.; pica* CHUIICH ROAD. «. groniid ▼ » pi!k>e io Gardener, c.o. Howell, Stationer, ISilverj- liL, liflially .K 9d.; orr*'>rTUTiity forTiBoardipg House ; 'goods, takew ' l ^ ____ _ H r L cant shop and hoqse, lacing two mom r wds. — Mra 4 3 , id second floor flat .for nue ’ two Igdies ohiy: StABLING, WORKSHOPS. WARE. hill. icd Ityraurant Keepers.—liandoll'a Irounioagery.Stored,. » OO qbjiB^i pxtt SOCTHMu W'NS,” Bor*te. naar Peteiwileld. _ — A Cooke,P/viL-a ''Phok The Relial^ WAliahla R ^stry, Luu)on*#t.. T.^a Leatherhead, ' moderate im t.—Apply Mr. Benbow.. 1,1 OraM Parade, • 3K np's _ ' 2 . ' - ' l l -^Jlfi. cbarmins‘T5onntir PRIVATE HOTEL in lovely Sorr^. f______] ______—jibe 8t. -Leonard.'. jl9 HOUjSES. ETC TO LET AND WANTED. I'O ltj S^e, Turkish Bath CAHTNh'Tli somplefe and'iB I ine district: furaiihed-in old oak; modern'conveniences: por ^ le or to Let. = » w A new condition, to view, apply S e w a ^ Rope .Whlk«‘ ;■< : 1' sccsllent cuisine; eeparate .tables; tennis, croquet, bil- rooiUA bath* flrr ■' — ^arA^—Botham.______J19 KAUoX UOAD.—Se!f-cbuiaia«d GARAGES* To r#nt; PAHM PRODUCE. POULTRY, ibfcr .. House Decora* FLATS WANTEt F rente 5#. aud b«». _per >v®ek inclusive; also large E^OB 8: lie, Uanrom, SiRoa and «Tefl^ P aten t Auto* tor, 64, High-wt, pover; or Lea ut, I Ihepheniswell. i ^ EA ^ONT.—Beautiful large sitting and of twe warelibuee with cvuicnt floff thene Mfeu have been sold in lor im m o la te caie^ take xeaksonable oftei.—{lOO. Florence* 6 6 ingi and dirtfiet “T h r o w : lE XTERDEN. - BOARP*RJ?SlHENCE with home ting#______K_____ 1______—llS and Confectioner)'. Laundry. Dye Works,“ eth.—/ efh.—Apply to l a c k Minorca CUCKEUELS f(>i aale. ivheati.-Apj )y He ury Conrin9> Safe Dealer, 8, otit; Eartinga k RomfortM' can be obtained for rcaeoaabla terme at td.. Maidstone. . -jl9 Mr. Tree. IS. t ANTi!.D, 1st September. Meif*cohtatueLANT8 fqr ■#al6; estohliahed IBUSIKESS on S^uth Cout; lai^ between Warrior Square and Bop 6.—Addresa Mary. W )aidtlaid on;on: low inclusive rent.—Appry Adara'and V-' CnampiOn Dronlhoad, 3.^. per thousand.- lApply ^ iR ^N lpF lkT H E E CLOCKS ttltfee).l £2 5#.. £3 Ite. premiaea at moderate reht; present h#nd# quarter Cen* 0.. 4, 'Observer" Offlee^gaatiDgs ■inrrrtlt. Ltd.. Noruion*rd., Sf. Leonards. -tr49 Stevensph, Stdll^nrrit Farm, Ore. Ohd ^ '1 5 * .; ail in good order: ital appoiatnM nt r,.ofi,Fjte.( jr tury; stock M vahiatioa about £250.—Goa sin# and De* o vie v.-T-walkfir, M3, _.Battl^rd., - 8t. lards. ii9 L JbMn lOARD AND RESIDENCE w a n t e d . lieaham. Auctioneeia, Hastings. |______N 8U N D B IE S of . the finest qnUifiyr .'v cam* Ua*M^)l>£,; aiickA bmnhoo.%. MttiDg«.l ehMlaea. tyBir ■■: 'S P '-l) Haytingri; 18 rooms, bay windews, <‘lebtrio light SALE, AND WANTED. n iteriiis. etc.,; prompt dfilivery glvfn ^ ordw 1 b^ {or, iu aiiall family without children, at 8t. Leonard#, exoeVtent hojnsc, m odernise^ euital le p^oMional .. GTC.. FOR SALE AND WANTED. 56. per liawt.,; £ per ton;—Apply J. Cumi' Jetwoen Brittany aud Springfield*rds. ■ moderate terms.— FULLY>LI0EN8£D Boateide INN on xnaiu Lou­ Ha^ t t t a e Mill#. Suasme. ____ ■ jrioka iick^, and NunperymeCp garde Hfi«13i. visitors. — 4 PPly i principal Houae AgfBsa; Owner. Jlfitee i ^ l c . 411. _“Gbecrver^^_Office, _ H a stiiig * .______Lawnhurst, HastiPg*- - i l 9 = A don Ruad, Suesex viliagw, modein; pt«*nufies, every .MAIjL g o YLRNESS CAlt, anitabls lor poiiy or 'O ATX g b to Let.—Apply Herbert Wood, KiSlBlandj JE2i North Tr* ’ - r in j L V i ^ E XTLEVOMAN ond. 8®N (disqut^fled serviccT, rontenienoe; mco gard^; about £200.|—L> H. Luck, 12, doukoy; ali^i a light horse Tip Oart, *100001^ ou North T re te-rd.. B a tila ^ [a.—C- roydon . _____ and______bther^h______Ine for paths , letting their hove .ton summer, will give eervie«i, STAINES AND C(0 ., Berkeley-rd., Tunbridge WeUs.______^ r*3l9 aprinin n aud fitted with Hi£y l^dder^.—Dar» and Soui, forlor sitsitfinc:^ ing: 64 6d. sitting, uiifextiies.ubfertiles rMlaci ‘ ' ^ ^ snd ^rives :8t0DN or Flints, Gte Hmse Olinkfirt. ”A c a p i t a l Country Rbadaide^le aad'Stout'HOUBl^T r i ^ e‘ Bnild»rb,Bi B attle. ______—jia 4 ^ foitowing ledlgree stock: BeX Brown, Sh m a Blv A u ^ andlCIinkcT# Ooane and Fine Granite for ^y capacity, preferably on iarlh; or as Caretaker’s 7, ST. LEONARDS ROAD, ta rri raid icd path-tDnking; Pea, Bson. Cdbraeland Conerete for country house, in rt»tfleid, H kktisuL ______1_____ ^ and Vulucta, 37, Rohertson-st., Hnalinfas.______—j26 J p OR Sale, a very nioo doublealmost new, write for Till ustrated list.—Hide. Rzthi «his,8 oaLv L LfilG N bTR E ET. BaRon. — Comfonabie .double* te Ik? ♦toXi, cb**wp-—19. J»Tid>v*rd.. Hariinea. —jJ9 ford.iH » Radio* Clothl». Linon^ lUaslieta. ete., U & Mast L fronted Cottage to be let; four rooms; rent 6s. O 1 ^, or would sell if. pr^erred.Ttwo VHiLAS. ia ■ pULLY-IdCEXSEn HOUSE in , gretty village lOoclEVto;.Ml,et-fnim, hiH ihrptlM rtt iannnon Mw, B orw aw ; spieadid ^ n « iy , good pkraesis, tru it JO good outhuildinxs. 7i acre#|,i pasture, _ ge&n* otf Sakr V\ A• HKlA KTTK 1*Y Worxtt N d Soh. J.ou- ■ ^ O More Br|»k?D .Eegf.—BOXES to bold on^ d. per wee)^ inoluding rates and taxea.—Bohun, U, T don; excellent condition.—Wrena, Bnrwash. jyto li .kuriiif. onalitr, ItorkiiuwUi^ dittkliimy. e n r r lev^ock-nl., iHaatinpa [______—jj§ ticasi etc.—H. t \ WieuB, R u r w a a h . ______jy2s ine; ingoing about £500. — ChecksfletdJ Valuer, Ashford. F x l 'eyn: no jpacking required; breakages finl;i"wat kept.-OMr »MfoiA W AwVwi- Sn«inV *|^OR Sale, one Baker's BOX VAhu two tilted vans. ■* »; p rk e 6(L GUOB SHOP, Fuitabia lor any busiseeo, with kit* TC .S 1 UL £ W£LZjS>—T o Let, comforiably fmxuahsd Kent. I impQwuUW; price 6d.~6ac£. — 'Obtam abla^j PortBMnlMA. B i o Tm A! T ra n B . A . _ near ataXioa; two siiuug, hve bedioouia, i c e n s e d p r o p e r t i e s for DipHoai.—Exceiisot X one chaff cutter, one cob h a m ^ —OaAson, Baker, Par»ODs,t: Ltd., at, Olarfintopf, HsstinffR. hnot., aimwi, > , ^ 0 0 . WcJ 1 ,.~i ;■ . M { Cna* tocAt chen, three bednsmis, scullery and back garden; bathroam, gu," garot'a; 2s guiaess week. - Siaduigtu&, variety of toira. coimtr5\ and Hotel#, Inns, TIni*«t Ore^n. Klecorated to suR ten an t; xedt t e w e^ly >ncli»ive.— L a.a«.x4^w7 4/AirL/Bi'XT«ax. rp iferorelw a 5 6 i, urply George Fryer. 43, Pllphinfitone»rd., Hawtiugs. —j26 Upper Grc#v|mur*id. ■ ' ______3^vh and Tavern#; ingoing from £ 1M t»» £lj5!iM—Full reliable yoiir tam i^e, always irw^t. jDM& M details supplied on rormiMinhsiinr rei^irementa to the NICE HOUSE. 26, ^phinstone*M.: drawing, din­ fjlO K xosil^ - booatiy B1 ISll lENCE, wit^ iw - o my new depn^to^|MIO.eQO enhte H len^i model fanwery and .aoout 42 acos of Pasture Agent! Fredk. W'ickt»ndon—late of Tunbridge Wells*- ffiet o ipaei^is flfM; with up*to^te|inodfirh;iodatejhi appliant^ ing-room. kitchen. seUllery, three bedroonu, bath- TMW 16. Cligrefa*Td.. ArfifOnL Kent.. ’Phone 114. —^19 fv2e — Trtth ceyaer, gas fittlinga; will bo modemly d ^ Land.—Apply! Thomas Hnaiphrey^ Atetitussr and te f; esftetaies fn ^ - WajlW Eoway, ^ O R * J E- rated; reet £26.—Apply George Fryer, 45, ElphiiiMtoae* Ute Ageiit, 1, lama BiU*i^. Taubridite Weils. —fl9r OFF-LICENCE and 41eueral butiajieas, favourite tfcaside OUK-tVilKFLED Governess CAB. mbher-tyted, splen­ Ih o v e . t u n b b i I . Hastintpy.______—j26 iT^UfiBRiDGE WKLi^i^T^ be l«et, fuaJ^ed, faeiog town, .South; nice shop. eOnveiiient house; rent F didly uphobtered. for sale; also a strong two- [ ■pniiB: Ptn,*! rO LDOWAT% Queente-nt] { to Otfdiat, wheeled deW cart; owner civioe up driving through _ of Scotch Seed Potatoes, timltc ijinAind^i] PUMinxa—^c o n d h a n it CBESTEBJ srX >R b M£D HOUS^, oa two floors, large X Cosbiuon, HOUSE :u garden; two aitriBg, tiro £25; good living trade; ingoing abou^£l^.—Wtekenden iqnhntities lof York, Puritan, Exprewt. Hlrbinge^ O a t e 0 and Bona. 2Q^ High*st„ Tunbridige ______i ^ ® _ illness^Apply C ^Wobber. Bopeep Hotel, St. Leonard*. , . . 1 cfiiir lo fold, ombo^OoS ToifttJ b i garilun, 7#. 6d. incliwird; near trains Id. fare (tL and Cij; ao baseieeai—A.,124, Xridge* jl9_ Aahleaf,l Fnrter, Dates, Edwards, British {OneeDi ■ !■' iw » Memorial: 12 minutes' walk; 1, or 3ff. Hardwick-rd., ^TTSSKX.—Well-known Fam ily and 'Conuucreial HiAT'S.i-6!e«,i,aiuml: 43 Oredi BeditMd. Wd-avcmio. Hastings.—Apply Stephen Fryer. 28. KlpRin- O L SrSv'i^A&E drer;’#, five , )isd abaht offered to good teoant —For particuJaw.jiii'ply. to Messrs. ^ -wliU. tn tiio i bttl, palliM , ' i r ’and';-pVii»fi'; k)De.rd., Haetmgs. Ak».Ae?eB*rtKtnMi modern fed-bneked T 5i aoigg cif g r ^ Chenaelli. Dyer and Qallaway, Hotel Brokers. Hustings. my t lOyiU., 226ih. fr felt. 6£ - ^ r Hous# on two floore: Only Ite inc^T b; 144. Emnwnnel. portioular#, C.O. £. Ruiee]!, {Peyass' Place, ‘‘ —tc4 tehegpny cjtcolA bargain, ttj Hastings. Also four-rooimed -FIm , 7a 6d. inclwivew Blaoklmys, jy2e nNQ8~5etf>Bdhand _ lo.; 86 and 17, ______1 ______- i r 3 nftO Be d, a banraiiL capital leaaibo d BUSINESS n*9*rd.—Solid oink’ 4ft. dinner mtegona S lflliiii M iffirlM ei i, a n d D< X PREMISES:),■"Faf, WiWi Ifrgol^igo WorkshopHorksheff af'rte, - - , aituated-i-—*-» ahe^ny bow -front, ch of -lour long and a p Sale by Private Tieaty at a low flguiA in tbe besti pairs of Bohemia; atao piitabe dwelling BEANFEASTS, CATERING, ETC. ^iy£ lyAi ^ g o o d s port inrawtfe . in excellent “-LEXXOX HOUSE.” iiiioh,' only three _ OLB L0X60X ROAD. HASTINGS. house, let in three self*omitained Ftabs.-*Fbr It^ par- Is; a |vfiry handsome 6ft. oak j teboandr with fine LW...l(UUMMi1, MotTOivQtm n Gcuhu#, apply Frank Shommith and Co., ,Bpnse and. n^ANTERBURT.—Beanfeasts;______-- and otbor^ .partios catered l| aud jbevelled...... gio« bb62fc; ^ k ; . tb n Ifrge drtweM and u n ri b. ta.':lo^' DEL1GHTF0LLY .sttuMed FwheW RESIDENCE. ^ a te Agen{t»», 17. Havelock»rd., Ilaainta ______jl9 for at SARACEN’S HEAD HfbTEL; exteostre i^rds.j h sacrifioe a t £5 lOs.; :-lV on the oatekirt# of the town, * enjoying T or^ UumH* ‘ wiUh ]jlea!sara.: j » tite sign: Please . .i& ticnti' U w !' -‘-j rp HEATRICAL COSTUMIERS. ?'hslold*««tsbtiahed stabling aad ^ragq: lubderate terms) fipUmdid Jiotel U) lBtatl«fi4 o a O r '! add £«a views, approached by a carriage drive. Prbprietoj. The Hou^ ha# the follo-^sg accammodation: Three X Business------osxried, ou — for______nearly_ , 48 -w ytere by the acoemrabdatioii.—H. dohajoa (late . Best possible qnality a|; loyestl prices. Secotulffiaad Fumishilng Oo., 86' and i f , « booklnr m»,irPar«>m»,ILtd.,...... “ OiMerver” 1 partieuIaBA with priee and order to view of the South: seventeen good rooms and 01 her ^ efcetlent ao* A e 6lgP ? P lease step inside. | ______ji9 * m d W i ' 4 Agents. coinmodation; genuine bld*estabtished. lue^tive <'.«ncern Office, Hastings.______.______-] to TIN 4 ^ S e iro n d b a ^ n ^ b n ie ^ g Co., "fii and” 87, MESSRS. GTNNER AND GLENI8TER, Mcrificed through iUneea to wnmeditte porchastur for A D M IRA BLE *.: the I i t e I 1^, Chureh*rd., St. Leonnr«, hesUhy situation: hath. GENERAL STUBBS, lice jery, ITrapery, V etc., capital district, Kent; « 'Phnoe 056. ___ —tc25 ID! .. only a few of thq, bargains out of oar _ , BoarHs. |rden; £55 per annum : also offices in Haretock-rd., lands over Ire Ugipek; hODdreds inpre may'i be seen hy making a > »».t ■■UAl: ST 4inga.—Apply 130. Marini, St. Leonardo —jl9 yeaie; proprielor retiring; excelleni iremiaes;...... gas n e x c e l l e n t oppottuutty to acquire one of the iu K L O r.—On Jun« l» b . I f l; , at BiTlKttllMd, aud water o n; returns £45 weekly, 'e a ily inersased, A m agnifl^ut late :.9J4 uiodeL, 2 eeater. 2 cylinder _iia:__hote tho sign;‘Rleosejstep inside.___ jl9 of John Kennedy pank>7^ (nee Hefes .< ► KXHU,i^N-SEA-—Furaiahed HOUSE to.Let, one ohiefly ready money: total ingoing £5O0 tc 4;600.—Agent: Swift Light CV3. CondiGco as new, only run ohnrchee; two recej * Lawn Mowers and; Garden Furniture. flMPpRTANTr.to M0THEBS.“ 4 " Every metbeTwho of .-a son . 1 II ■ i 1 1 F . W Bkenden, 16, ChnniJiM^ A#hf«rer nhd C x t ol7 ON* s t e v Ie n s / % o s o n , thd beautHol Alexandra A'aiik:Paik; containingcoutoioini Tunbridge Welle.______. ______—ji9 aroj Cornwall. Kngiam^ I SEA KGAD. two rec^tion, four bedrooms, bath. Maul offioss and i^jOiR' Sale, 6*10 b.p. twoeeater, with dickey seat, I WHOLESALE AND BETAjlL ;IIE0NJI0NGEB^ has- a quantity o7 ejcfeileni F urniture for SKLAKD-BRO)ltD.-Qpr gurden.—Full particulnre of Me«ia. 9iBier and Glen* X* magneto. Zeoith carburetter, good nuudng order, no dealer#.—Writb H.. 500 •' Jlw cner” office, I «£▲. List. Map and Uuii Fzea. TcL 409. ister. Estate Agents, Rgberteon^. £4S^*^Kastgate Oarage. Lewes. M l ? - j l 9 ‘ ■■ ‘ teb jaattnea.- —J26 t N l ^ , Per Annum.—Modem VillafEESIDKNCE. to ■Otm* Sale, 16 h.p. DARRACQ Delireiy Van. us^ Uniform CLpTHS OA osed in all K IU 8IXESSES for Sale.—Fnuteirf#M d Greangiocei’a, £ 3 6 let, contai^ng two reception, tl rea bediooxns, X I daily; also touringing body, withiwifb hood, to fit some; ^5, High ^treet, & 6 & 7, Btiiidings, jEASTiNGiS. icroal Hospitals,. „ ------Asylumsi- land— Nurnins In^titu* r> ca&h trade, Surrey suburb, prioa £100, inclaaing* bath (ll. and c.). offlcea .aad plesMani garden: key a t toc^her or separata—Or*eedii atejte^** “ Hill,** ••Luradx,” ‘‘ Lustra,’* from liaslnuK- aiedi of vteunaai m Hceinth], TKeiVfea wpinl 4 m high gruund, with pretty eea -and country Tieaa; st.. Haatingi.______■ |______ETC., FOR SALE AND WANTED. MILK, FRUIT, ETC, [ tta*; PDtra,-lte*e and Bates, Utifi., 1 lirtotred MervUle.OemWfc * ■ a .uth aspect; ^ociKikuuodatioo: T lje e reception room#, shORk abeorbere* f^tUy equipi^ and in perfect ranning on; duty May 130tb, W ELLINGTON SQUARE; reht ^15; 13 rdom; coniditioii.—Apply by letter to Box M .H., J(X), ** Sussex .f^ltenv 4fe, I^ n d c n ^ d , St. L e o n v d a Mocey Frppne, M(>chamrfil Tra Mport,. A.S.S Att:»lra Rwa ] re bedrooms bathiooiu, eleoUie Ight,'main drainage- 3 8 E xpress** Offlae, Lewes. • ftee \riC TuU lA , French ^hape, by Biigh, Canterbuh', goudi O u t^ A ^ iu k w W ed;^old andi yhdng; good prh « s; aoir I ori «rewenvry and PiatA- > T —tsfei Ulpuig Field I Aid mla tee. jmpany’# water; garden about ( ne*third of an acre will bA re*de«orated tbrougholut and bathroom fittr^d. Norton Villa, Hilled., rent £50 i d Cached houae, m settlemeot of debt, 6 h.p. Rotpt Motor V ae nd*w, with rubber ijrat. br;uce aud all coiuplfie: ' •L I oM irtitr;; iiumediot* uA .-A . biUey. 6H, .^ortU^. >47 *<«».Pew, any rga^qnabte Price not ifelANT.^ 1 Untie .13th, [1315. rage aivl nUble with room ovei lor m an; r&nt £86 garden. greQnbonse..r-seven; room#, bath^oonu 25, East Car {two seater}. in flue condition and running tins i« really h nice cairia;;e.—Suliv, Bexley H oumi, bi.^ taae,: Caaterbury.______^_____i_ jjg j wo good^ lamps, c^Vialw,,-. irttnaaa^j jio t. hedtest, Iflrtld-road, Hii.'1-la;s‘. ';|jalbella .Maivh>mt _ I annum ;; ifecjivNUifechoid £1.500.—Apply Stameij and Co. Dunstan'A, Oauterbur>’ ______jW es^r phv^ ' - - . . « * vmsm ?| St. LeoiUirdatTd.,irdij^d.,_B BcxiiUi. —tob Ascent, St. Leonards Mercatoriu;] twp reo^tion, order; complete with Stepn«>y wheel an d acocesoriPA-, COBliW GOD,^ hny quantity 9dy*4 cdiatr; ..washmgj .«tan< [,;.to^ng Siichceter*raU or liard jodd :;.foo2 pncM fi? ^ —traiik -4, StoprfleM*Td>^ Hastiiigv. • — j {9 Aged 91 years.; ■ - 1 . ’ .j ■ i lAPlTAI., CSTTAL&TTAGE to Let. Batile-rd., HoUington ford, 49. Georg^., Ha^ags. Davia and Co., AshTurd. 1 ifeHeRF—At 1ft, IlTiTt«o*f»*tmacM RW'tags.iTwim, ■u.; cladve;^ key at 1, Mercatpria. next dobr. “T. B. Poole, tc70 CV tisinU'd; ch^p, to clear.—ilmarr, Mount -719 j- B uja« MiKB^KS for'llhop l^ittifig. etc.; 2 0 rent 6a.L 64.,4. per week ineJudiTA—Apply O. DawBOn, 2. Exmouth*pIace» HastingR. -j2 6 r;iEKTLEMAN'6 1814 Model De Luxe CYCLE, fit* Epbre^,_Tunbrul;:6_W«iJ^_^______H I A O T tlD r isnS ll'H eld* of jiO W IN b- OKAS .S. near irtore, very; obeap;: j naefiti shop . fitting. ^ Mande tReD^. <1^ »rly. jo re d atsdj ^coad ' ^9. Loodop-nLi 8t.‘ Leonarda. \[______Vw—{ ted with B.S.A. three-speedthree-fneed genu xeat^ latest imniimprove* tru ths late' Mr. I.pu'Hr'ra'Lerl noq Mri. E.jfi MALL^ UAMJTBU*HU* p'-ar^fbUy a my Jane Utls W®- -/ ards; reni fa. iBclusive.—Apply T. B. Harden and S u cohditioE.—Slut i*B€W3iRUJr^’ f-tea * 1 ?W. nt 16t.fU‘d[ U^tjb:! [StoYiSiM HOUSES AND BulsiNESSE! WANTED. acoept £4 35s.: reason explaiaed; approval wrlUnely.— wheroj to bo aeon, Jl, C., 554,i''“Obt«rver ” BOOS pfr wMk per biid ATO etiiil obtain, d with fyics -and 8nav,. 43. mvtihga. ,r-tc29 T Xto'ilingt'oD, St. Leqitole-pn-Sea. lat^ tBWLT. pnjIbAl t o., A uctione^e. 7. Cla.-emont, Hastings. J®51_ .•ifi. iCR-fi'bridpe-.'t.. Hvde Park. London. -jlSe•’“* tin s? -' ji9 ^^«*;|^_Jbanu(«»l_lnd^*f*y-ro^,...... ■ af • TB X G R D T i m tj ^lO*** N eVOLh^,A.* A WJi 1 nJ. ^ 5a. IXAOU, oasbj \f, or fvf^. Ifk. w*, with VdWlorder OUAdand AGGONFTTE lor,sale, light, single, carry e4,’jit:' ground insects, w]iich c a n n o t' h u rt livv-^ ’2(L, fed, Id low Ipnre to cleat: juatl completed .v rw for Bfrab. Gerflia Shr IshtarJof s ^ ltl " .y suiAble alniot ouy buaiuess;' rent te iui:!!!#!^.— P wiic.: QUO or tu o #ittiBg'ru(mui. l] tree bedrooms, monthly payments Signed guarantee for all time. iu good conditioni—Apply Moot, Fvrulclgh, Stuiry. ®ol^®roia*rd, St^ Leonards. [ ' j _I^j26 modMatc rent lor six months or longer. W tow at Tonbridge, where Wme' irbSwH^ toto lAbrititaii and fgbdry, in.M -,h Ootuol 'tic Jfpply .T. R. li|ardsu and O^., 7, Claiemcnti Haatiugs. - lit## Campbell, Now fitted with 6-speed gear without extra eharge. A A ' 1-AI'TE.NINO c o o p s , eoeh t a k O n u b b . , neii date (|f Q. iL; Jaekao^ feOthyt-ar. 319 C.O. Cneniielle, Dyer 44!ui tjalhiwar. H a il^lng<. —J19 Packed in crate free and carriage paid. Since 1905 T *\X7-a In 'TFD, Seoondh SPIN A L CABUIAGE. alK-ut' ~ x \M last y^ar, tarred top pnd back,] te PTOM!—(>»• *Tnnc fii a ■lUUWLbKOElGa—Well-rSniehed, detacJied HOUSE, i'CitNlS'bED HaUSEf%#nt4f ^ l o y Ji^y, August hare advertisfid in this pappr, and have made and sold vY |5it. 6in.—Apply Griffiths liicbards, Ltd., 58a, inoubotor And foeter-inolher for iqtle.—Dew denj'II c^dot^ '■JSOB BB A PES - and returned tfiro eerr.'ce, h»)]PR terved I.>.I 1lyt’am yoa______' a f l ' for ffommer m onths; twb leccptiou, foui; bedroomr, and September, with option of < xtcnsioQ: two over 20,000 Maobines. No extras: lamp, hell,, pump, Fawn. l*iinnert’# Town, Hea\W ld. f r t f I and ererything included: carriage paid. You can rioe High- Hastings. - j l 9 for to. per doteb.—Zrfu □ utler, Brlgbtooi. tjF.A, Harry. eW . .. of .Jr.JMr.] amand Mrai'HBjwT'y bllth, balcouy: iperioCk FaniUtion;. good position: i- Mrtng*r«xuns, lour bedToivas and b athtbe^;. near Has­ i Faeiragis 1 l..C)EN’rRAi oms with attendance.—lU»i<|dale, Beecfae#-i«l; —j l9b tings F ront id poasibie.—0., 507, *’OLwer’cr” Office, Has* aad test the machine for 10 days. ' If you do not approve ANTED, a light secondhand -tilted Baker’s \A av',' )Th‘Tii. of 5 Wate 'aei»ag<*, liiKhK-t.; H|M” ^ X >0] in good condition, suitable for a pony, haniD.— vGa^btmina.sS^oi GateeU FrsuMS*JMc.t fUitetiratod 82lnd..V) %’<*ar«. • QTJ£EXBexhill, at .M ^t for smsU lOndfin . d^iwriphil 4A pply, lo r fiiiiher paiUc^ilarti, to Owner,\jmuKin X'atBcna’ printed {with oolourra illastration^ showing exa^ for Sale: illustrated catalogue iree.- j WANTED. LUrT y^uuiiiMia. lu family; near oehtre of towih—Sen< all particular# maehtoes].—George Beatepu. **Lion Cycle Worke.** 84, HBK/mtia . - . ______, •Tonr*', widow of L Wamwr e'lH. library, Hirthe. br: "to Ueaste. Temple Barton,** polke^toae. to Mr. H . Vane. “ ybaerrer** Office, ^ Icathfield 02^ Sotw, Gold Medal Works, Godinton*! le. fed.. 2a. | fed.. Bd' '8&M... iterve hilL ____tcU Moeelpy Street, g in n ingharo. ______jy31 rd.. A|5bforA jy3 .^Rabaon’s Emporium, Hlkhst;.\ Ashford. Rent. iLLlS m r . II -126^ /^BAZlNG FARM, Kent. 66 acres, imodem h p a ■ ^ Ilfi ILfOTOR AMBULANCE for tele, fitted for six po- v a MUitaUio buidiugi*: imtTkei •♦owd 'EM IRTAM. ^ONFECTIONBHY and SWEI-rTS; shope and real* 7 ” MU4»A4Mt,f. Atuuhri .10,wn, two im ies: . , ...... , _ d i8on, a/ denoe on Sen Front, at Hasting; ch^cn for a d-VA tiente.—For price nhd particulars, apply to Oii»er- £150.—W.^T. Sm ithland b,'L an d rhon orv.of dfay d.td. and Bon, Motor ’works. HawlAurat. K|ent —j 2fe 86 ig]i*at.i hare a fine eelectibni of good clore .term* b.—Tn ever lorini 3£PBOB BLACSMi *££ li dy or married Tconpie to start above; lexit tooderato.— . 45, Havelock-rd. J26 STOCK, CATTLE. ETC., FOI^ SALE; *v?eiit,<, Kyp. I . , • -•‘jifirj biiek Tjaijd, -wljo ied ) t St. L»*o lafdr*,' Juj trn [a n d antique; being! the b lM e t hnyexa in r ~ U!:wijnCM. . iV3. O M ALIT HOUSE, tlbree faedfoumfl at T^OTOR VAN, carries 15 ewl, four cylinder, 14 h.p.. f!^ E X T j-^^M A lL y i j i r (ISi^ b rab i^ Iwe can give you a gt»d*r^’“Election ‘’“ ak the * ffip. f “ Never forgbl '.«D b hiA tionate wiffe least, ren t nob - ______p. carburretfir; 20 ^I'HACTOiiS, Farmers and Carrier#.—Fur boie, tax iwk ^ to exceed £35 inclnsne; in Old iTowb-; or I ’he IVX Bopch magneto: W. and “ with ;«iQttli hfin»5o and hutldihgH; i, ^eehold [£625.* itt«pection invited —tkfi 1 bfitWron.’’ i t e r r flight at A Aflera<>ob CHEAP HOTTBB to Iy*t. 33. Urovc*ro#U. Urf (key O M P-G .: , four-v9 fied»: reedy for immediafe uba, real ijojvy Cart Vpt‘. K O K bhb; umouiwt -iiieio are Trnsoott arid Co.. Aui»tioiH-<>r;, Cantfirhui! ijw rc v .—Tu Uwllip h*vi Rmeruote .of Ed rfin ...... ^8un and -Ttompfo M door), auuii)'. hcaiihy titnatiou; te 6^. incltanve Honiao m ight gait.—Aiylwin, 115. W in >r*id., Bexhih. Itarguin quick mle: £95; photo:, can be seen and aereral valuable Mar ». 6 to 9 ycui^ old. 15 to 'i7 iiuBck, jlfi NGim iERS. Eto.-For Saleitwo iTrge LATWES. d .Time 6th,t h . ^ t1. 4 ‘rtl s i . Ruerte’i Pitcna as Weekly.—Apply Arthur W. AUrkB, 5, ScaaidQ-id., Weal —jy3b Moumwent Garngfi. Dover.______, w -^il9 warrai^tfid in ^ e ry way. uud trial arraugi*d<, with in­ U SSi^ and Snrrry Re>rdeT# —To be l e t OA.al Koiai " “hlo taf ve’ry lienvy work;: qno 8ffc bed and] the t:* rWnkins tbiir irv TP,Tnpmhr')T)f tJjou^h uJitfiittb Concern, small DAIRY' FARM. 43 ^re* ‘ ' ‘ fc l. J.i<#>narte. 1 __ | 37^ \|rA N TED , to Kent, «mall HOUSE three to , two*seater Oar, jnrt received works, tended puTcharers; pxtci-.. fr -ui 20 gvuxitav; thtee horses • S ... -- i8J iirableH t. bed; ' would entertain «xchimge| for [crop auy roach hini li^re lio to’ HA ItMSiinob^, ^ noiir cciftre 6fl T oto7~3^ vV ten actei, suitable Poultry Fan atation; have l^ u reinrned off differtnt ooutiaccs thiqugh t>c«r* with six-roomed house and ample hniWinsI, one m !e etal betals.—For fuPer particiilbr* and pricepf J IppJy MlLWAlbD CEKS., coutaiuiiig two: reception immediate delivery; also WM.Ford, twoseotfir. tioji, pood I locality: rent £ 6,3' per aniinm: llte anJ iPhone! U4. cohrenisut LOndou^^eferr^; ino^nije ijental.—bSili ngli«h - body, £60; trial.—Hhllinvsworthi Ford city oi-carmen.—Appj Coatiactor, 98, Tower Bridge-rd laMoh, Ltd., Kiug-et., Camerburr. ^nis, five bedi5on'.». b a th ., kitebeu and scullery; lint particolara Janrta, .Nw^^agwit. Cross-in-jjapd., , ■ —jy e Troxn#^ and ’buses fro n ail Louoob Stations pasb the' dead stock ami tenant right £1.250.—T n ^ o t t and Co!I 2 A ^ n t , -Silverh?!!. St. LeooydR. *Phcmard, jyi-e LPAl 'ERS from ihL perlT'dl, any «jtmtity. ® y VE$~CA*. 6 h.p, gooArannlug lof^r, spare wheel. atock agnecd.^ v v . of Uorebaas Bbud; AtuniKt < iptembor; two X V iltmer,, H eifeiT T ek ai to keep—KU ett,. irouusiey, ;T i.*^*^* Market Town, East Suwfa: rent Write for Ipattete* stating iciW AI eL;i a„ n ].)Ra fllp.kR-]: 'uyloQt, Gifcoa^roccr, Milward-nk ur m U fifobiold, ParakQU I ’arade. Cheltenhaui. -Jl8e rean-rd.. B lao k ^ v.______•' - I - >' ___ j.;6 e Gliddmg, Son and Wmg. M l, Pavilion B'lildings, B ri- L -D e^ 15fe, Barnett WaUpvier C Ltd, ' ti ■jy3 ry jlSe. j j^33b ; 84. and ftd. O N F i:cT lO > fin ry , Tobacco,j^Toyss ui Svi^^'x Sea*, 457 I rrerb; must be cheap —Apply Evans* Hnret Dene, a pToouekng two-year^ld Gelding^ ' i ' . IC4 ‘ W l^ f acre j>f gaidenj>r |#LBture: piore preferred Butherlai ; 4^LT, nmke a ivy vunner, unbroken.—Cml, Gun, TTNSO Ll) Anetton Barsuin.— Cante bnry ai d t>4 tXQ GD • 08011!..' . ' cude towii: taking £oo0 per annam; good shup and Avenue^ Bexhlll, ~ ' ' — j-5b 3 Hjartttifff, -J / C near Hastings, Bexhill: or Eastbourne; up for cs^.- u> 4&hiddiDF>y, Horr- ,am ItP*rd.______j 7 ^e Coad.: Dpurly 500 f**fit al« ve eea levc capita email ■ea,jS^\ ... Hte' plpte •i^tamw'dj, - ...GUST OFFl.cjl and Storae; tekreg £12 weekly: goc^ ■ Bcimive i fiaraire, Tonbridge Wella. —jlfi Jj4yU' SaK Sixteeii JiiiW-bred Giant RABBITS. |1 i ^ ' ffompleti shop and hciwo: rent £'2 and water rat4>; post particulars to J.B.. 456, *‘Obserrer*' Office, Hastincs. a t Sixiieuoe sHcb'.—S. IfoiA near licwes. 5: 18*n. by 2in.. 4h. fed. :*?4n. hr ?ia.. 6«.; 30in. J N p lX |7 MOTOR CYCLES in Stock. i lSfein. b? 2in.. 8«. * ,42kn. bvl 2___in..______. to lsd .: Tfi 1 iffioe pay# £18 I t e ; pnoe ______„ JW. —---.1 . ______t~ " jiSe • »y 1-, iPi? Od.; 72in. h r 2in.f lfe«.. for of and .Tba B K A ACRE FARM. Mi4-eni«ex. very nepr sfation; ANTED, for one mouth, small ftu^ehcd^HOCSE; S.a L 3^ h.p.* in good oOBdition.' lam ps ete.; Fp lli Sale. Black C0B. J4 fumde, firing oix; *anart s h o o i I n g . ynr D. No^ 19e. Gange.. all Br.itmb. m tde. *TI»epff are L O v liftlf arab’.e. half puMure; irood laud; : ren; £'i.W: VV be close to sea; gixxl «SDds;|ino<]erate re n t B *, £25 10?. I tup, uearl.v new!J;;iruc#«j kcII or ux<-J»anye motor h pricok t have 800 rolls in stocL—A cod farrabOTiee fully atucked; poiseasion any tuna; Any nAke of-New Macliiufis snppliled: Old Uochinca H. Threadgo’-d. or.would oxthange own houre in West ijamprteail; re* cyelo. jjtii'l sidc-car.—Ho o <>. “Juk^x E.'jpre'S,” Lew«u5.i n nni'ipc'M r . '«mhridce Well*.« ^ -iJlO H ■' BU •' i' rON ■X X i id e r t aroiug ^ , « j, a l**roni-«s Riven and required.—C'., 1.‘4, westMre-iA, N. taken in:port phynivnt tor new. H8o T7XCELLENT SHOOT to Let; mid-wa; ria itin For full particulars off abi>vA m>ply Bradley, and IJampst-yid. ______| ______—jl9 PON ON a n d Motor CyiJe Depot. Csrt1e-»t.. A-i Tunbridpe WpUr, about 800 acre'. Apply jVery Pretty.Crochet PATTFI ,NS. *cMorte»i wiritbi. uR Sule^ Useful <|lieau i?.sk«d J'xVKM HORSE. 17 ■ V. w .- F: Spencer, 16. Ca: ron*«l Stirb-wi. It'jfvv^rn^ Canterhiity. Uaitlen aud t o., Auctionctra und Val ett, 7, \T. Croydon. tpnefiold R sad, fineen s ^ U S J WANTED, Tv excbqiige, a good F L A lf in W. London, MOTOlt CYCLISTS.—Renairs of a'l kindR to Motor liAnde. out <'x'. Itamlb wor!:; or would oxchan-C: moiit, HrLH*-i,p?;. —f18e a i r y BUSINRSS for #al«. with two milk ivund#: for wiwil house or accommodation for thrw . Fanner, about 15.2 Ji^nd^.—A ppir Gladdirg, Bctj Rud ANATTAl D low reu i: fXceiisnJ npiH*nuui:j';, good reasoii# (or Cycle and Cycle Com: re-borinr. hushing. ceneTul over* VVifir, 8*11. BuiMiogriv Brighton. jlSe \ W rilST WATCH.—Splel.h.r 1 ”M«‘tarT r . ptv.a.-Apply [T. R. Harddn and Cfc., Auqtioneer . 7, Hartine*. BeiJiiil or di'dnet* ,/or nb'^ct la month, from flni«h • fom-ot 1 4 5 mid*.Tu]y: or would pay «-mall rent,—Apply <>.* 31/:J, TumHng. lirfi-enarael'ing: inacnetoj overhatrtM; ^wtitnnt**# Sal'-S a Hand'eulme BAY Pt>-V\. wiiiiTioverumi Hrith qA ELEU V ) i :ilan'’MC0t ,_ H ^ r n i ^ ______^______free; a r(iiinher of Sfi(*ond3»Hiid Machin*« alware in stock. LOST AND FOUND 'ant ilft^thir wri'^t etrap: a Ilre'^»‘rn Colville Square, Notring H ill Gate. Loudon.' W. jl9 —Poxon'e Motor Cycle Depot, Castle^t., Cautfirbnry. lU'l UarLer«| ako u euuill pony with EHlJii .-tbri , Bureau, Station .^’^proqeii, Kew G ar ;. I ’KiSBOX. ijti a t t e n t i o n . T\OVl-^ ,o«i Sh#phc:(te^b.—F ot/S als 'or tu J /c U \X7ANTED, to Reffi or Purchase. nld*faehloDed Conn* Car .uimJ liuvness; will separate: giving ui>.—Fori M i L a s t Xg cuuvcuteut csijntn* cicht rooms, bath* tc7i>0 o s t , «/j •-^^Invaday. .Ium> 8*h. lKTw«y li lie K«. plurtey. Ji v» try HOUSE, with 50 acres 0 or; more land: Snerex particillarf. apply, W. T. Brown, Broorahill. Vit-w, St. St. Ltoaardfe •ON’S : ■ ' 00m and larg# karilen.—Aiiuiv Wurfiford, Houiw Decor/v or Kent horden* ucur main line <:tatiob: lowest price 1 Q *20 H.P. DAKRACQ Motor Dfiliveryi V.4N for i‘'da. Jobs'a^rnl., Tunbrrdktf y eH s . ______—jl9 r LI and Ite' kb’v. ciirdboard BOX, coi taiaiogiulDg :7bild’ Comisatpd Roofling [SHE rs, ?pe< CL-!SE !or. 94 IJik'h*sL. Dover; ut Lea U urrt. ShepherdsWcil. and full particnIbrA, with photo (retornable},’ to Stevene, X O '*t« exemption’"llv ’ buy n''w.-*is C. H ITUK tlr'*>4ow: fufliug I'oik, on two ThoU'UUid Headed Kale.,2«. fed. I«r 1.000: 2s. per 1,000 lor L Garden.* ann Tiro Gre^. St.. 1I eouard'. :onurdri. Cornia :NDMAikEBrtr';[.{ fciJiil.arn. A»ot.in^p4. ?4. Ua^e'wk-r H astings —jlfi 'W hour p'r«on? inride. with R+^pner wbeel. all j J ...... • j ' . . 1 . s3ft -jl9 0 ( ItlH v STTFFTS, Oiekt f' :»t IodR onlv nse*! ft- t. B L I N D M01*EItV"FLAI». 59. St. Thomas**i|A: four. ioom«, 8 C. on Saturday, dune , .^th in*-t.. Ha4*j ;1m rt. 2«. varh ; al'o ...... ■>MPLoTkt^?^' Rntvim aiid ’ LwriUnif. with hii?h Nmpel. eif ort»npM<*. in good- rrmningf order; £ -'>.— I KEEP: lUittb or hOTice taken.—Apply between ^ine and o«Tpfnt|v tokon off.. puju-Mtire buftioes,*, all one floor. Ba. w«>ekly: aU><> •iimiluk iiin Emmanuel* ” “ obi „ — i ™ ______8 ^ tiUK# and Bcxbill. Gold Circle l ilOOCi:, twoi tOT A, ,.in’h jeouare by l'’^r.. mild ♦eelJ|l«r^. i^—!• indor will be rewarded .ob takini .«ame pnl wnrk* etc.—C. S. Suiucrr lie. DjpwDflfh, ITim* klAAcR, S'wilv by 051V or tlws |i Mount P'easant-rd., HaEUinga. ' -J26 |/^06[lJ i*R KF1>2P frr (attic, ueor Ko^bouroe; to Mr-i*. Mui MaNtPt. 73, Marina, St. LeoUards. ’ - jl 9 ho^ p m Hoq. atvVsrafie te a: copier fittinn*. 'X pj!enly water: extensiye run—Box A-A.,: **SuR.«ex >» T. Tijil#' A.SB ■'8 'P ,tL E rfi aflcriftosd for £150 MODKUN Self-oootain'nl FLAT, fitiir lur^o rooms Exiire.-j*”r.xpre.-^j Office.i ;m<^. Lew«e UonFe ewtiusutlr «tntflblo ni.uii’iM ilff • wir<*. wlireJiK iflv#". ;ill lvre^> TTA^k M b ll OG K ’ Herd' roiu • ♦ M,. ijiiti.' and t Sturt. FOMKRANlA.Vb. “Lord .'4)Tnc,” oraut< tiiral-UrSiieidick and Son, Nor HavwferjV ^ V S U S F lE L p I/AflGE 5i*>ifiiii71 SeJ:'- Fl •4T. lour p-rdj(vn 11 -r: uiivf>--! new r'op*;r!T '|/ a 1 I Wsu :iMi! 10 irAny yfi'-rs, Ooa* ^ 1 1»RCai.’' Jeo' 8'*. art., eHoh,. dnriug \L'ir. -.Speuofer[*^i U iee ?fi room# and the Usual o^ues; 28. Kiph:^tmuine-iu, ifuAircv. Munll th lyi-r oo’aed FUt, 1 !5?.-^Wm Booteaoieoi ilotor Wvike, H«Wikh :r ('wtre:r»r-^ the s(l- lodv 4|;.r' ’.1. 16. AV*i;i>ra*rii.. J^axuk'. jl9b TJ»0K .e l.et< 6t. Stf-phen Fryer, .''8, HphihFtone-rd.. H| lings. ' ^tberi Gowtraw H^IU UoYer. _ ;_ J ______jlfi ' xAI n mrr .livMnprr;ili«T^inprr; pri.-^ not— m rhan h.2;' det!icr^‘ . , FU nN lT U U K Om u , yl/ati_ I«OQards*OD*Stt. to49 £4 single irear, £3 3s.: afiprovat; «nme benn not requi;en*f4uL«h^ FLAT' high ground: Tnnbrirtgp WeUa. _ . | —jl9 XX DER. A lure preventative {or tbe **y striking i26b I fenp Gilete^te:; .t?. RohertAon^«t.. Hft« H-n,Vate-' uortuap l e kirre rooms, re ]te reo, eta*' B «heep;;! ex.,' and 3e. ISH TR R B IE U DOG, twt* year**, re I coni, ver !2.J» terw' 3 *id Churches; ntodste*# te■ inao.—4 Ql Klng*fi-rd., . hix ro'uu-. b::tnrootn/ two mufiafejs S.E. and C. A "I Q P0 UT*«voteT 14-lfe h.fe. GRiW HR^ OAR. mNYiiuT.v i* of Vjiiue,—Hoare o fit , __ _ __ I'nilway.—2. Collingtod M^ione. • —jikb I #/ J.e J rperiaHv detigned body, hood and icreen. fed._ ^|fO Foot ^ Rot Pusje.^in pots. 2s.' fed, anc^' l^ “w ^ P (<10(imat:, u rk tly clee*i, bouse trained, good guards pari:' Asy Kurpbo> imods p u r^ i lieoDAxdv. ______r : i « ^ reeistipg. loviiluab’e for sheep on gram: agents through*. 12 V fed.—W. Cook, *1, Grange Park*rd., The rnten X)n ^We. psiTty-erected ” ^foiT i' 0UMFOHTABLE, ^nr - roomM I 1 , Earl*rt.', .flT*[ detarfifehle rime; all lamps, horn, speedometer, tools, Heethi j^t^cea [g^ren (or anythin; of market av,\ *S9 On; overlooking golf «to p o :in w l dark green. Inrt re-varpifibed perfect order, nnl: Anew ^W/finn VTaUkir Vanvit . t.. ])*§t. Ihe^ohiest tetehim(ied ^firte are iu tin I' licks Qssr xrams, 1 6 minuitl^K station and eaa: r U^Ktuigs: flTfi rriinutft: from Rca ,rail; rent 7s, j l 8o iDICQIKSEip 7 4 1 ,UBqs Foil FBI tbr«R . rsiaptioaxooma. i five ubrete every modem con- 3d. week, including lutes and taxe:.-A )ply Chcnnelb run f.OflO TuRe*: price completej £250.—Apply Fa«t« T AfiGE BUbOK B o Xr s . reveral eix to Mvett moatha ANCHKbTEH TKKHIKR DUG. 2j r are Mt ■ ,S‘-(te the be,t ptinw ia i b« A[sWct.-Oall!•all'AiUI 1 UIor XJ^dld for m and Son. 43. H _irhr*^ rer.josee; thirfi -acre crewed \ £ 1 . fli IroehoJd—Psrtiim and Dyer. ?fi. TlaTfiVjck-rd,, Hvtlngs. ils: very ;Di:*ely bre^: fbll of qualit>; nol M gix)d huuse, :05.-^Huti;hings, JeweU>r. te. jHlegrtw^ ______I a * n ^ rrA, I...... A, <.7k_ perterlipic# for crowteie purpo«|as; mnderato priee#.— C'uilerbury. STpU’S ]5iw» A fjE !?^Y , ^n, I ppe.f] Br l Y A N H ill. RsxhilL jy5b •ntXCELLENT Uppff FT,AT. at fifiri joodoQ-rd., St...... y i l ! " ,. - . , ridgcwti and K; itohln on. Tforrtl I>we*, mi4toe e . o u a n t . iiiiin stroi*. ?, Mar'.-, fiSMtetbury.—Wantefl, ouy (piantifr of get X i Leonards ladiey and .(diildre] S f P 'i U : rooms, six hedro-Tua.! l^throom, e tr.; Rompletely re* T JE U IO R F E Berkehirfe B O .\IlS lo i sale. Palmer, 1 M Irfdiwrd'*. hjj.: roirtovwl fo 1, Broobi ■' lcat*off oloflifts. HE r & am* decorated: rent £50 inclasive, — H. '4sba. 32, 'X . JJbnre Fl mi. BuxtM P arkj , Sjraex. jyCa ; Aipaeon tulkiing pjrrot and rag e.’quTte laAV’a * ‘ prices offeted by retain for giM' m if- ■H^valoc’k-rfi, Hastiags) -1 p E p i r 4 B E B JKUSRYI two yfeora dne Ju n e feth; datn - jlf i fee of the Lower TUBLIC HALL for Meetiagt 1 ______Addr**% leitftTH. ______9. St. Tl^maeV*r t}im» oct| —Chilsbot) Hex, j ‘ )<1 Tnrnar, Koglmh I Bsst^ic Kbare, ieoeard* and Bostinfs ____Tnguen*.A TH Horebanl R ofid. T ji8e nto MldrSuesexMld*8uase 8w p UiUe, • 6 oO raatals aaii pifMn.-r Dawum aad Harden T^LATS te. Lei iut Hnunanue'^otid, . self e otitaiofid. one ia inolnd y. v«rj lU ^Tchased. lartu. < II lC9b who w(B be bspwf iliugtartcfl free 1 knmda and reullerr at > . 6d.-Ap|py J Teww i. moderate-€ttd«colMra* MAUopete^ B oa •“ Gtani 'Abbot'eJ'StTaiu-,; 10 wmIc*: yearly Offw. IN Y Creilim POMji p rd i^ c e P D P P D fo r akij r tmall qvanlitiev; ''ok-lu, C l a r a i«41 I 6 A Mandator, HoouiR lO ^ I «tS3 mmA-^Tiliton. 2^ w«m Hill. St. Leoaordo. -»iifi cost, eotrs and tail '•arrliHee, K;ro**g Jnd h ^ l .osdon 'ite givam-Rahion's 1 mporiusa -t,. ! PAriSl of TriiHty, Bidtii cheap to COM home; alae Periion krttfeoe.—" ii9 J.JS- I Uotjiii^.of b n i V J . P a r* M.. S t L reovda. [

/■ 1