David Pankow An Index to Printing History Issues 1–32 Note: Article titles are enclosed in quotation A, B, :– marks; subject headings are in regular American Art Noveau, by Diane Chalmers roman type; authors in caps and small Johnson [book review], :, – caps; and the page reference format is American Iron Hand Presses, by Stephen O. [issue no.]:[page nos.] Saxe [book review], :– American Type Founders Company, “‘Adapted from an Old Book’: Some /:– Sources for Chiswick Press Woodcut A, K, /:– Initials,” /:– A, H, :– “Adobe Garamond: A New Adaptation of a “Analytical Bibliography and Renaissance Sixteenth-Century Type,” /:– Printing History,” :– “Adobe Garamond: A Review,” /:– Anathema: Medieval Scribes and the History Aldus Manutius, :– of Book Curses, by Marc Drogin [book Aldus Manutius and the Development of review], : Greek Script & Type in the Fifteenth Anatomy of a Typeface, Printing Types: An Century, by Nicholas Barker [book Introduction, by Alexander S. Lawson review], :– [book review], :– Alexander Strahan: Victorian Publisher,by Antiquarian Bookselling in the United Patricia Thomas Sbrebrnik [book States: A History from the Origins to the review], :– s, by Madeleine B. Stern [book A, S M., :–; :–; review], :– :– A, M, /:– The Art of the French Illustrated Book, : ‒, by Gordon N. Ray [book B, D B., :– review], : “The Bibliographical Society of America: A, A L, :– Publishing About Printing,” :– The Ashendene Press, by Colin Franklin The Bibliography of Ottmar Mergenthaler, [book review], :– Inventor of the Linotype; A New Edition “The Autobiography of Stephen P. edited by Carl Schlesinger [book review], Ruggles,” :– :– B, M H., :– A Bibliography of the Kelmscott Press,by Ballou, Robert, :– William S. Peterson [book review], B, J J., :– :– “Baron Frederick Wilhelm von Egloffstein: Bibliography of the Typophile Chap Books, Inventor of the First Commercial ‒, John Rathé [book review], Halftone Process in America,” :– : B, T, :– Bibliography of the Work of Gregorio Leti,by Bay Psalm Book, :– Nati Krivatsky [book review], :– “Before Rosebud was a Sled: B, J, :–; :–; /:–; Documentation and Reprinting of Early :–; :–; /:– 19th Century Commercial Wood A Biography of James Parker, Colonial Engravings from the GramLee Printer, by Alan Dyer [book review], Collection,” :– :– Benton, Linn Boyd, /:– B, J, :– B, M L., :– Blumenthal, Joseph, :– Benton, Morris Fuller, /:– B, L, :– B, S E., :–; :– Bodoni, Giambattista, :– B, M M., :– Bodoni, Margherita, :– Between Covers: The Rise and B, T L., :– Transformation of Book Publishing in Book design, :–; :–; :–; America, by John Tebbel [book review], :–; :–; , – Book design—Renaissance, :– Brussel–Smith, Bernard, :– Book Illustrators of the Twentieth Century, B–S, B., :– by Brigid Peppin & Lucy Micklethwait B, J, /:– [book review], :– B, G B., /:– Book trade–U.S., :– Burgess, W. Starling, /:– Bookbinding and the Conservation of Books: The Business of Enlightenment; A Publishing A Dictionary of Descriptive Terminology, History of the Encyclopédie,by Robert by Matt T. Roberts & Don Etherington Darnton [book review], :– [book review], :– “C. Volmer Nordlunde: The ‘Grand Old Bookbinding—England, :– Man’ of Modern Danish Printing,” Books, :– :– Booksellers—U.S., :– C.R. Ashbee: Architect, Designer & Romantic Books—morphology, :– Socialist, by Alan Crawford [book Books—Renaissance, :– review], :– “BR (Bruce Rogers) to Robert Ballou” The Cantaneo Manuscript: An Italic [letters], :– Copybook, by Stephen Harvard [book Bradbury Thompson: The Art of Graphic review], :– Design, by Bradbury Thompson [book C, D, /: review], : C, M, /:– “A Bradley Reminiscence,” : Caslon (ornaments), :– Bradley, Will, : “A Catalogue of an Exhibition of the Philip B, F, :– Hofer Bequest to the Department of “A Brief History of Golding & Co.,” :– Printing and Graphic Arts” [book Broadsides, /:– review], :– B, W S., :–; :– C, R, /:–; :–; B, C T., :, – :–; :– “Bruce Rogers Looks Back,” :– Chants Democratic: New York City and the B, A E., :– Rise of the American Working Class, B, C K.,:– 1788–1850, by Sean Wilentz [book review], :– Cubery, William M., /:– Charles Whittingham, Printer, ‒: An “A Curious Document Attributing a Jewish Exhibit of His Works at Bailey/Howe Background to Johann Gutenberg,” Library…, by John Buechler [book :– review], :– C, P A., :– C, R, :– D, W J., : “Chinese Ink and Inkmaking,” :– “Daniel Berkeley Updike: Humanist, Chiswick Press, /:– Scholar, Printer,” :– Chronicles of Genius and Folly: R. Hoe & “Dard Hunter at the Smithsonian,” :– Company and the Printing Press as a Das Schriftgieß. Eine Dokumentation,by Service to Democracy, by Frank E. Walter Wilkes [book review], :– Comparato [book review], : D, N Z, :– “Clarifying the Musical Page: The D, S P, :– Romantic Stichbild,” :– De Vinne Press, :– C, K, :– D V, T. L., :– Colines, Simon de, /:– De Vinne, Theodore, :– “Collotype: Prince of the Printing D, G A, Processes,” :– :–; :– The Common Press, by Elizabeth Harris & Denslow, W.W., :– Clinton Sisson [book review], :– “Der Frühdruck im deutschen Südwesten The Compositor, as Artist, Craftsman, and –: eine Ausstellung der Tradesman, by Alexander Lawson [book Württembergischen Landesbibliothek review], :– Stuttgart. Band I: Ulm” [book review], “The Convivial Printer: Dining, Wining, /:– and Marching, –,” /:– A Descriptive Checklist of Book Catalogues C, H, :– Separately Printed in America 1693–1800, “The Country Printer,” :– by Robert B. Winans [book review], C, P A., /:– /:– Cree, David, :– D, W D., J., :– Dictionary of American Book Collectors,by Century Platemaking Processes” , Donald C. Dickinson [book review], :– :– D, J R., :–; :–; A Dictionary of Book History, by John :–; :– Feather [book review], :– Early American Women Printers and A Dictionary of British Steel Engravers,by Publishers, ‒, by Leona M. Basil Hunnisett [book review], /:– Hudak [book review], :– A Dictionary of Colonial American Printers’ “The Early History of the Thomas Todd Ornaments and Illustrations; A Tribute to Company, –,” :– Alden Porter Johnson, by Elizabeth The Early Illustrated Book: Essays in Honor Carroll Reilly [book review], :, – of Lessing J. Rosenwald edited by Sandra “A Dictionary of Toronto Printers, Hindman [book review],:– Publishers, Booksellers and Allied “Early Journals of Interest to APHA,” : Trades, –,” :– “The Early Printer as a ‘Renaissance Man’,” “The Dimensions of the Renaissance Title :– Page,” :– E–K, B T., :– “Doctoral Research in Printing History, E, J, :–; :– –,” :– Editors—women, :–; :– Douglas C. McMurtrie: Bibliographer and Egloffstein, Baron Frederick Wilhelm von, Historian of Printing, by Scott Bruntjen :– and Melissa L. Young [book review], E, E L., :– :, “Elbert Hubbard to W. W. Denslow from “Dr. Robert Lincoln Leslie, Humanitarian the Sanford & Helen Berger Collection” and Educator (–),” :– [letter], :– D, J, :–; :–; : “Emery Walker and ‘Letterpress Printing’: D, P H, :–; A Centennial Celebration,” :– :–; :– “The End of Books,” :– “Dungeons and Dragon’s Blood: The “English Bookbinding and the Continental Development of Late th and Early th Woodblock Tradition,” :– Engraving—U.S., :– :– An Enquiry into the Nature of Certain “For Gospel and Wool Trade; Early Nineteenth Century Pamphlets (d ed.), Printing in New Zeland,” :– by John Carter and Graham Pollard F, M L, :– [book reviews], :–::– The Fortunes of Mitchell Kennerley, “Ephemera in the STC Revision: A Bookman, by Matthew J. Bruccoli [book Housekeeper’s View,” /:– review], : Ephemera—printing, /:–; /:– Fowle, Daniel, :– The Estiennes: an annotated catalogue of 300 Francis Barlow: First Master of English Book highlights of their various presses,by Fred Illustration, by Edward Hodnett [book Schreiber [book review], :– review], :, European Graphic Arts: The Art of the Book “‘Franklin’ Common Press,” :– from Gutenberg to Picasso, by Dale Franklin, Ann, :– Roylance [book review} F, J H., :–; :–; :– :–; :–; :– “Every Man His Own Printer: The F, S, :– Typographical Experiments of Josiah Frederic Goudy, by D.J.R. Bruckner [book Warren,” :– review], :– “The Externals of Books [by William From Punch to Printing Type: The Art and Chambers],” :– Craft of Hand Punchcutting and F, D, :– Typecasting, by Stan Nelson [video F, M, :– review], :– “Fifteenth-Century Papermaking,” :– “From Woodblock to Silicon Chip: The “The First Pocket Book,” :– Transmission of Tibetan Language,” “The First Publication to Use American- :– Made Type” , :– Fulton, Robert, :– F, H. G, :–; :– “Fünf Jahrunderte Buchillustration, Fleuron Anthology, by Sir Francis Meynell Meisterwerke der Buchgraphik, aus der and Simon Herbert [book review], Bibliothek Otto Schäfer, Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nürnberg, ” GramLee Collection, :– [book review], :– G, C B., :; : Garamond, Claude, /:–; Green family of printers, :– /:– G, J N., :–; : G, M. E, :– Gregynog Press, :– Gatekeepers of Black Culture: Black-Owned “‘Guard the Mysteries! Constantly Reveal Book Publishing in the United States, Them’ The History of Printing as Shown 1817-1981, by Donald Franklin Joyce in Type Specimens,” /:– [book review], :– Gutenberg, Johann, :–; :– “A Genial Philippic on Taste,” :– “Gwasg Gregynog: The Reincarnation of a G, M ⁽.⁾, :– Press,” :– The German Press of the Shenandoah Valley, “H.L. Mencken: In the Steps of Gutenberg,” by Christopher L. Deutsch [book :– review], :– Halftone process, :– Glaister’s Glossary of the Book: Terms Used Hammer, Victor, /:– in Papermaking, Printing, Bookbinding H, D A., :– and Publishing with Notes on Illuminated H, R D. , :–; /:– Manuscripts and Private Presses,by
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