INUT INUK Indian and Affaires indiennes .+ Northern Affairs et du Nord <c~dC <JL~bLn.L )cr..-l~b ..tlt.c~n.7t>crL.L t>..tlt.lcrL C ~1~)bCt>n~J UrLcr <c~dcr Ccr7b ~~rt>cr Cover Photo Commissioner M. J. Nadon presenting the Polar Medal to Joe Panipakunuk's widow Letia at the St. Rock ceremony in Vancouver. Matungata adjinguanga Commisioner M. J. Nadon aituiti1lugo nalunaikutamik Joe Panipakuttuviniub uiganinganut Letiamut Van­ couver-ime kattingagutautillugit St. Roch-ime. • Ca... )CF7t>~C Cr'LJuddBuchanan.PC.MP. Issued under authority of the Publie avec I'autorisation de <JL~b r7C>~b n<Ja...6do-c Hon. Judd Buchanan, PC. M P, l'hon. Judd Buchanan, C.P., depute. Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs. Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs. ministre des Affaires indiennes et du Nord. ©Information Canada. <J) <I 1974 ©Information Canada. Ottawa, 1 974 ©Information Canada, Ottawa, 1974 INA Publication No. QS-1253-030-HB-Al INA Publication No. QS-1253-030-HB-Al Publication AIN N' QS-1253-030-HB-Al <J P CL: Century Art Studio. Montreal Design: Century Art Studio, Montreal Presentation: Century Art Studio, Montreal a..cr,.ll>nb c Contents 4 ........fL...d -<lL.../IoCIorL...................................... 2 Judd Buchanan M.P.. ............ .. .•. ... ... ... .. .. .. .. .. 3 Sommaire Judd Buchanan M.P.. ...... .. ....... •...........•. 4 Judd Buchanan London-Ouest. ..... 4 4r- fL~~ • 5 Recognition - Better Late than Never , .• . 5 lIitarijaunik - Upalugaluadlune Piuluak Tussajaunginimit ............. 5 Reconnaissance - Mieux vaut tard que jamais. ..................... 5 4.J>4< --..L -<l~~ ~~c 9 Arctic Summer. ................. .. .... .. .. .. ......•...... .. 9 Aujautillugo. ..... .. ... ... .•.......... ... ... ... ... .. .. 9 Ete Arctique. ...................................... .. ..•... •. 9 .J>CLo....n... d < ~< -<l 4r-~~c...~~· 13 Pangnirtung Pass Preserved. ..........................•... •. .... .. 13 Pangnirtob Kinguangata Piulimajauninga Pidlugo. .....•......... .. 13 Le Col Pangnirtung sauvegarde ;........................... .. 13 C~.../¢ -<l J-<ldnrc CLoL.../ IonLJC ~n~rc 19 Spence Bay Photos at the Crafts Conference. ..................... .. 19 Talukjuamiut Adjinguangit Kattimajunelauktut 19 Photos de Spence Bay presentees ala conference sur I·artisanat 19 d-<l<4c A~<r--<l....rc........................................... 21 The Co-operative Movement. ....•...•........ .• .. .• .. .• ........ .. 22 Winter 1975 Co Opikut Pivallianingit ..................................•...•... 23 Hiver 1975 Le Mouvement Cooperatif. ................................ .. .... .. 24 ....~r-<r ~~ ~~c -<l~~r PL 4.J>4c --..L 25 Scenes from first Inuit Music Festival Held at Cape Dorset July 1974.. 25 4.J>4c --..L ~ LLIo4\ • 28 The First Arctic Newspaper. ..................................... .. 28 Inuit Nunangine Atuagait Kaujisiutit Neniktausimajut Sivorlipat 29 Le premier journal de I'Arctique. ............................... .. 29 .... ~~ L 'L H.C.Petersen (AC ·) 'PP'·C~.Jc 36 Greenland sends Official Visitor to visit Inuit in the Territories. .... .. 36 H. C. Petersen Niugguninga Baffinimu!. 36 c -<ld........CIo.... ...... .. ................ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 39 Only Yesterday 39 Ippasanituinak ...............•...•...•...•...•...•...•...•....... 39 -<lLC ~'L"~< ~ IoL 49 Agatha Tongak's Story 49 Agatha Tongaub UnipKagusinga 49 Histoire d'Agatha Tongak ..........•................•. , .•....... 49 Io~CLoJr~.J>c ACLor'4\....·.......................................... 54 Opportunity for Native People. ................................. .. 54 Canadab Nunaligijipkungit Pijaksaungituktalingnik Kaujitiksivut Imak . 55 c c CLo~."dCCIo~Lc ....4\....d Cc...4\....d .. .. .. ....................... .. 56 New Symbol for The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. ... .• ..•. .. 56 Nutak Nalunaikutaksanga CBC-Kut 56 6.oc-rLr-d C <lL~6 C6,L 7 C 1\C>6a.~ 7 C 1\C>6a.~ 6nnCC>~6\o-b 1952-J Judd Buchanan 6.oc-)6\a- b 6cL~C~1 n-=:>J <l6<Cr'0- Kay Balfour -,b, Cd <l ~--:> 25, 1929- In-=:>J. Ca. <lL~6 C- I\Lr'o-b 6b0-6)C, <lL~r'<dnL Grant 2 I - a- b C> P C> 6 ) b, Gregg <l d c- < b I 8 61b C<r'L -oa.C>< 6-Oc- b 6\fe-C>CI -o-b C>PC>6)b "",Ir' -06 b r'<b IO-o-b 6c-"b 6\~<lLa- 6c-"b e-C» b, C6L C<a­ C>PC>6)b. 6c-"b6\~<l1 6c-"b C'a- b 1\7rL~1 e-~­ C ~ <l~ nC>rLC>< 6c- "b 6\~<l L -"c <lC e-C\­ Ca. 7 C 1\C>6a.~ 1957-c>n-=:>J e-~­ c-rLa-C>< nn~6\bc-rLa-C>< ,"-"C 6c-"rL­ C~ <l~nC>rLC>1 66a.67r'~6\a-b 6-"Ja.­ <l)c-o-I~b C6L"6a.b r':>c-)C 6c-"e-C> 6)< PJ <f -oC pa.C>7C;::>n"Lo-b a-C>6\­ c,n) C 6c-"b C'o-b 1\7rLr'<l1r'0-. nr'r-c>r'r'o-, 6-=:>a.n)C 6La. C67C>~o-b London Life Insurance - do-. <lL CC> b <lL~6Jr'LI~b pa.C>7C;::>n"Lo-b 0-C>6\e­ L~6C <la-<16LL C 6-06LL C 6C>r-Lr'<l­ n.o c , 6 nLr-C> 6 CC>r'Lr'a--=:> C<a- -Oa.1 6c-" CC>L "6c '''-"c 6nLr--Oc • <lLCC>b <l~")a-b 66~;::>n"a-b Pa.C>7a- b -,,<lr'- Lr'na- <1L~6Jr'LI~b, 6 nLr-C> 6 CC>r'L r'a-.:o )b r'<16\f7I C 6nLr-f -"c. I 968 - J n -=:> J 6 a. CI 0-;::> <In -=:> f C .0 ­ a.6n, -"c o-;::><lCC>L, 6a.CC>< 6<Lf C 66 a. 6 7 6\ L-Oc 6b -=:>~<l-lrL<lL )6\o-b, e- ~ C~IC>-"c C>6nf7C>r'r'a-. C<0-"6a.d7C>­ r'a- 1972-Jn-=:>J a-;::><lCC>f<le-c-o-l~b C6LLc r':>c-<I a-;::><lCC>a-~1 <llr'a- <lr- f f ) 0- 6 < L 6 C 66 a. 6 7 6\ 66\ f 7 f -" C 6e-f7C>r'Lc-)b. C< 66a.676Cr'L7fC 6e-f C 6a.CC>< C>a.Cn"dnf C 6nLr-f.o 6nLr-C>6CC>6Cr'L~b, a.1)6a.-=:> .oa.c- c Pr') 6a.o- b CC>r'6 cc>na-C>< I"-Oc 6L­ r-.oc 6nLc>C>r'LI~b, 6.oc-rLr-d-=:> 6nL • 2 ~r~~L~~ ~L~ b~C~ P~~7c~~r~C t\>~~ I973-Jn~J C>~c~~c bn­ bnL~~bC~~L~~. L~r~c ~L~bc~Jr~ ~~~C~c~l~b. L~ I974-Jcn~J, L~ b~C~< b<­ ~)I\~ I970-~n~J b~C~< b<L­ Lr7r.Dc C>b~C>7bn,.Lc ~~~C~c~l~ r C C>b ~~~L~ C>b~C>7~~t\~b C>.Dc~~ b<Lc~ndc bnL~r.Dc ~L~bc~Jr~. d C ~L~bL.Dc C<~ C>b~~~1 nnc;n­ r7~~r~ ~bnr7~~r~ CC>dL~~~~~­ )t\~b. CC>L 7.D~~ I972-Jn~J P~ ~7c~~C ~L~bL~c nnC;nr7~~r~ ~bnr7~~~I~b. JUDD BUCHANAN -M.P. Judd Buchanan was born in Edmonton, July 25th, re-elected in 1972. He has been a member of the 1929. Graduated from the University of Alberta and External Affairs and Defence Committee, the Indian then came east to the University of Western Ontario, Affairs & Northern Development Committee and in London, where he received a master's degree in the Finance, Trade & Economic Affairs Committee. Business Administration. In October, 1970, he was appointed parliamentary In 1952, he married Kay Balfour. They have three secretary to the Minister of Indian & Northern Af­ sons: Grant 21, Gregg 18 and James 10. fairs. In January, 1972 he became parliamentary In 1957, he joined the London Life Insurance secretary to the Minister of Finance. Company as an agent. He is a past President of the In February, 1973 he was appointed Chairman of Life Underwriter's Association of London and a the Standing Committee on Indian Affairs & former member of the London Board of Education. Northern Development. In March 1974 - elected He has also been active at the executive level with Chairman of the Ontario Liberal Caucus by his London's United Community Services and the colleagues. Board of Stewards of his church. The federal elections of 1968 sent Judd to the House of Commons, as member for London West, in his first attempt at a federal political office. He was 3 JUDD BUCHANAN -M.P. Judd Buchanan inOlisimalaukpok Edmontonime Canadab nunangita sillatanut aijunik sillatanillo JOliutillugo 25,1929. lIingniagesimalaukpok innu­ pijunik. Adlanik Inungnillo kamajiusimagivok, kama­ maret ilingniaviksoangane Alortamektome nOnia­ jiusimadlune Canadab sillatanut tauksevigiKanaja­ midlune London, Ontariob ilingniaviksoanganut. ptingnik. Taipkonane ilingniasimalaukpok angejoKKangogia­ Annerijaulaukpok Oktobreme, 1972, ikajuktisau­ mik sulliaKaktune. lidlune inuligijipkut angejoKKasoanganut Januarau­ Arnatalaukpok 1952-ngutillugo attiKasimajomik lingma! kingorlimik ikajuktiunialimidlune kenaujali­ Kay Balfour. ErniKav6k pingasunik: Grant, jarelik gijipkut angejoKKasoanganut. 21 -anik, Gregg, jarelik 18-anik, 10-Kattillugullo Februarame, 1973, annerijaulaukpok angejoKKan­ James. gotitaulidlune Inungnillo Adlangnillo pivalliaga­ 1968-ime Londonimiunut annerijausimalaukpok suaktisijinginut. Oktutaugasualidlune kivgatuktigilugo Canadab Marsiulingmat. 1974, angejoKKangoktitauniali­ governmentingane. Annerijauniamidlune 1972­ dlune Ontariob Liberalinginut annerijaudlune ngulimat. KamajiuKataulauksimagivok unataktisap­ su Ilia KaKatigijaminut. tingnut illingajunik ammalo kamajiuKattaumidlune JUDD BUCHANAN - London-Ouest Judd Buchanan est ne a Edmonton Ie 25 juillet la Defence nationale, du Comite des Affaires indien­ 1929. Gradue de I'Universite de l'Alberta et de I'Uni­ nes et du Nord et du Comite des Finances, Commer­ versite de «Western Ontario», London, 00 il obtint ce et Questions economiques. sa maitrise en Administration. En octobre 1970, nomme Secretaire parlemen­ Marie en 1952 a Kay Balfour. Trois fils: Grant 20, taire au Minislre des Affaires indiennes et du Nord Gregg 16 et James 8. et en janvier 1972, Secretaire parlementaire au En 1957, Agent de la Compagnie d'Assurance M inistre des Finances. «London Life». Ancien President de I'Association En fevrier 1973, elu President du Comite perma­ des Assureurs-vie de London; ancien membre de la nent des Affaires indiennes et du Nord. Commission scolaire de London. II etait aussi mem­ bre de I'Executif des Services Communautaires unis de London, ainsi que de la Commission des Regis­ seurs de sa paroisse. Eolu depute de London-ouest pour la premiere fois ala Chambre des communes a I'election generale de • 1968.
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