NATIONAL PLANNING AUTHORITY MID-TERM REVIEW OF THE NRM MANIFESTO 2016 - 2021 FINAL REPORT June 2019 MID-TERM REVIEW OF THE NRM MANIFESTO 2016 - 2021 NATIONAL PLANNING AUTHORITY MID-TERM REVIEW OF THE NRM MANIFESTO 2016 - 2021 FINAL REPORT June 2019 i THE NATIONAL PLANNING AUTHORITY FOREWORD The National Planning Authority (NPA), with immense gratitude, presents to the people of Uganda and Development Partners results of the Mid-Term Review (MTR) of the National Resistance Movement (NRM) Manifesto: 2016-2021 under the theme “Taking Uganda to Modernity through Job-creation and Inclusive Development.” In June 2016, H.E the President, in addition, issued 23 Strategic Guidelines and Directives. To this end, NPA developed a Results and reporting framework for tracking progress of implementation of the two. The MTR was undertaken in partnership with Sectors, MDAs, the Private Sector, Civil Society, and Researchers, with whom NPA intends to, continue working. The NRM Manifesto 2016 is consistent with the Comprehensive National Development Planning framework (CNDPF) and in particular, the Second National Development Plan (NDPII), 2015/16 – 2019/20 and the Charter for Fiscal Responsibility (CFR). The commitments in the Manifesto were mainstreamed into plans and budgets of Sectors, Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs), as well as and the Local Governments (LGs). The Manifesto aspires to deliver Uganda towards a competitive Middle-Income Status from a predominantly Low-Income Society through inclusiveness and job-creation. NPA commissioned this Mid Term Review (MTR) in 2019 to determine extent to which progress had been made towards implementation of the Manifesto and of the 23 Strategic Guidelines and Directives, to enable improvements, for faster achievement of set targets and overall results. The MTR, that was conducted concurrently with MTR of NDPII and End-evaluation of NDP1; supersedes other attempts to take stock of the Manifesto commitments, because; it aggregates the findings and codifies them into implications for future Manifestos and National Development Plans (NDPs). This Manifesto MTR was conducted concurrently with the NDPII MTR and the NDP1 End evaluation. A score card that tracks the progress of implementation of the commitments was developed and the rating system provides the rate at which the Manifesto commitments have progressed. The MTR established that, overall, 63.7 percent of the NRM Manifesto commitments were on track of which: 42.5 percent had been achieved, 21.2 percent were likely to be achieved, while 36.3 percent were off track and only 0.2 percent were not assessed. On the 23 strategic guidelines and directives, 45.3 percent had been achieved, 28.3 percent were likely to be achieved and 26.4 percent of the directives were off track. I wish to express my appreciation to all those who worked tirelessly to produce this report. National Planning Authority (NPA) will continue with this partnership so as to realize full implementation of the NRM agenda. Prof. Pamela Kasabiiti Mbabazi Chairperson, National Planning Authority ii ii MID-TERM REVIEW OF THE NRM MANIFESTO 2016 - 2021 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS AFCON African Cup of Nations AMISOM African Union Mission in Somalia BTVET Business, Technical, Vocational Education and Training BoU Bank of Uganda CFI Certificate of Financial Implications CHEWs Community Health and Extension Workers DP Democratic Party DDEG Development Discretionary Equalisation Grant DUCAR District, Urban and Community Access Roads EAC East African Community EACAA East African Civil Aviation Academy EACOP East African Crude Oil Pipeline ECD Early Childhood Development EDO Emerging Diseases and Outbreaks EIU Economic Intelligence Unit EU European Union FDC Forum for Democratic Change FDI Foreign Direct Investment FMD Foot and Mouth Disease FP Family Planning FPF Fisheries Protection Force FUFA Federation of Uganda Football Association GAPR Government Annual Performance Report GAVI Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations GBV Gender Based Violence HCIV Health Centre Four HMIS Health Management Information System iii iii THE NATIONAL PLANNING AUTHORITY ICT Information Communications Technology IRCU Inter-Religious Council of Uganda KADP Karamoja Development Programme LAF Land Administration Files LARA Literacy Achievement and Retention Activity LG Local Government LLINs Long-lasting insecticidal nets LRDP Luwero-Rwenzori Development Plan MAAIF Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries MATIPI Markets and Agricultural Improvement Project MDAs Ministries, Departments and Agencies MDR Market Destination Representation MoDVA Ministry of Defence and Veteran Affairs MoES Ministry of Education and Sports MoFPED Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development MoGLSD Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development MoH Ministry of Health MoLHUD Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development MoPS Ministry of Public Service MTEF Medium Term Expenditure Framework MTR Mid-Term Review MWE Ministry of Water and Environment MZO Ministerial Zonal Offices NAADS National Agricultural Advisory Services NBI National Backbone Infrastructure NCDC National Curriculum Development Centre NCIP Northern Corridor Integration Projects NCS National Council of Sports iv iv MID-TERM REVIEW OF THE NRM MANIFESTO 2016 - 2021 NDA National Drug Authority NDP National Development Plan NDPI First National Development Plan NDPII Second National Development Plan NDR National Development Report NEC National Enterprise Corporation NEMA National Environment Management Authority NFA National Forestry Authority NGO Non-Governmental Organization NIECD National Integrated Early Childhood Development NMS National Medical Stores NPA National Planning Authority NRM National Resistance Movement NUSAF Northern Uganda Social Action Fund UBOS Uganda Bureau of Statistics OPM Office of the Prime Minister OWC Operation Wealth Creation PAS Physical Activity and Sports PRDP Peace, Recovery and Development Plan PTC Primary Teachers College PWDs People with Disabilities RAP Resettlement Action Plan RRH Regional Referral Hospital SFG School Facilities Grant SGR Standard Gauge Railway SHRP School Health and Reading Program SME Small and Medium Enterprise TEFU The Elders’ Forum of Uganda v v THE NATIONAL PLANNING AUTHORITY TVET Technical, Vocational Education and Training UBTS Uganda Blood Transfusion Service UCI Uganda Cancer Institute UDC Uganda Development Cooperation UDHS Uganda Demographic and health Survey UgIFT Uganda Inter-government fiscal transfers for Results UHI Uganda Heart Institute UHSSP Uganda Health System Strengthening Project UHRC Uganda Human Rights Commission UIA Uganda Investment Authority UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNHS Uganda National Household Survey UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund UPC Uganda People’s Congress UPDF Uganda Peoples Defence Forces UPE Uganda Primary Education UPF Uganda Police Force UPOLET Universal Post O' Level Education & Training URMCHIP Reproductive, Maternal, and Child Health Services Improvement Project UTB Uganda Tourism Board UTSEP Uganda Teacher and School Effectiveness Project UWEC Uganda Wildlife Education Centre UWEP Uganda Women Entrepreneurship Programme VHT Village Health Teams WfP Water for Production YLF Youth Livelihood Programme vi vi MID-TERM REVIEW OF THE NRM MANIFESTO 2016 - 2021 TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents FOREWORD ..................................................................................................... ii ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................... vii List of Tables ...................................................................................................... x EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................................................. xiii 1.0 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................... 1 1.1 Background ............................................................................................ 1 1.2 Purpose .................................................................................................. 2 1.2.1 Specific Objectives ............................................................................. 2 1.3 Approach for conducting the MTR ............................................................. 2 1.4 Organization of the Report ........................................................................ 3 2.0 PROGRESS ON THE MANIFESTO IMPLEMENTATION ................................ 4 2.1 Security, Good Governance and Democracy ................................................. 5 2.2 Consolidating Growth, Employment and Macro-economic Stability ................ 10 2.3 Public and Private Sector Institutional Development .................................... 14 2.4 Agriculture ........................................................................................... 16 2.5 Industry ............................................................................................... 19 2.6 Human Capital Development ................................................................... 20 vii vii THE NATIONAL PLANNING AUTHORITY 2.6.1 Pregnancy to Birth ........................................................................... 21 2.6.2 Early Childhood Development (ECD) .................................................. 21 2.6.3 Education and Training ...................................................................
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