abcd 80°25'47″ 20' 10' 80°00'00″ 50' 40' 30' 79°20'20″ LEGEND THE ABITIBI SUBPROVINCE 05 545000 m 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 600000 m 10 15 620000 m 25 ; ! 47°29'46″ The Abitibi Subprovince is an 800 by 300 km Archean "granite-greenstone" BANKS Globe PHANEROZOIC : WAL LI S SPEIGHT Lake AULD / LUNDY DYMOND HARRIS 0 domain situated along the southern margin of the Superior Province. It is 17 / 16d HUDSON 17 / 47°30'00″ 17 16c dominated by supracrustal and granitoid rocks with a range of ages from 15c 17 CENOZOIC 2.75 to 2.67 Ga (Jackson and Fyon 1991). Historically, the Abitibi Ontario Geological Survey Pike 16d <2683.7 ± 0.9 Ma D greenstone belt was considered to be that portion of the Abitibi 17 17 18 10 Lake 20 (! 5260000 m 5260000 m QUATERNARY Subprovince extending to the western margin of the extensive granitoid Banks 5 8abc <2725 Ma complexes west of Timmins. New mapping and geochronological evidence Lake / D " (Heather et al. 1995) shows that the Swayze greenstone belt contains MAP P.3581 Big 5 20 * ) RECENT Bilsky 17 17 D* many of the structures and stratigraphic ages typical of the Abitibi belt in 17 16c 2 8abc / Lake, stream and wetland deposits Lake 16d 16d 20 D * the Timmins–Kirkland Lake area and is now interpreted to represent a Mowat 16c 20 15 17 16d deeper erosional level of a once-continuous Abitibi greenstone belt PRECAMBRIAN GEOLOGY Moccasin Landing 15 20 (!90 PLEISTOCENE extending to the Kapuskasing Structural Zone. Lake D 5 20 D ! , Klock TRETHEWEY * 16c 5 8 2 20 19 Glacial, glaciofluvial and glaciolacustrine deposits: sand, The Abitibi greenstone belt is one of the world's largest, best preserved Lake Lady 10 D gravel, clay, till LADY 17 2 and most economically productive greenstone belts in the world. GEOLOGICAL COMPILATION / Evelyn 16d 18a EVELYN-SMOOTHWATER 20 !44 / 17 River D D ( UNCONFORMITY The Cobalt–Temagami map sheet covers the area from the southern 2 OF THE COBALT– PROVINCIAL 17 16c 16c / (!8 Haileybury PARK 16d 20 ! boundary of Kirkland Lake south to the Grenville Front and from the Makobe BARR 5 5 17 / 08 Québec border west to approximately one township west of Lake 17 MESOZOIC Lake 8 / TEMAGAMI AREA, WHITSON / 16d 8abc 0 Temagami and Lady Evelyn Lake. Rocks are classified on the basis of BUCKE 20 20D * 16c FIRSTBROOK Moose 65 D 18a their dominant lithology using textures, structures and both approximate 55 VA N 55 JURASSIC / 17 / 15 Lake and specific compositions to refine the classification. Geological ABITIBI GREENSTONE BELT ; North KLOCK NOSTRAND / 16d information has been primarily compiled from previous mapping. New Cobalt 20 Kimberlite 10 16c 9 8ab ! 17 19 interpretations of the extent of lithologic units, specifically in the areas / 17 / 2 / 65 2 17 lacking outcrop, have greatly benefited from the use of the reprocessed 16d 15 ,/ 85 , 2a,b geophysical data for this area (Gupta 1995, 1996). As well, geochemical 17 / 16c 5 2a,11b / 5 data have allowed for the further subdivision of the metavolcanic rocks. Scale 1:100 000 Grays 17 , (!12 PALEOZOIC Taylor 5 16d 5 8 Lake /16d 2000 m 0 2 4 km Anvil Lake 16d Lake 2,618 Within the confines of this map lies the classical Cobalt silver mining 23 17 16c 2690.9 ± 1.3 Ma / INSET Map 16d 16d / SILURIAN camp with numerous past producers of silver, cobalt and associated 17 2a,3f 15 Sasaginaga 16d , //(!11 elements. Other past producers include base and precious metals, iron Lady 16d 3f 16c Lake (!10 16d 19 Sedimentary Rocks ore and industrial minerals such as limestone, dolostone and marble. At *# 17 Sydney 3f / 15c / / / 19a Thornloe Formation: dolostone, limestone, minor present only limestone is being commercially quarried. NTS Reference: 31 M/3,4,5,6,12; 31 L/11,12,13,14; 41 I/9,16; 41 P/1,8,9 Lake / / 17 / / / 80 / 2ab,3a,6 / sandstone / 15 5 16d 2ab 17 / 16d 5 19b Earlton Formation: limestone, dolostone, shale 16d / Lamprophyric 2ab,3f,6bd/ / 17 16c / 17 / / 19c Wabi Group (unsubdivided): dolostone, shale 16d 5 dike / /////2687.4 ± 1.7 Ma 50 © Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2006. 50 / /*# / 5 Lady Evelyn Lake / Gillies / / / ORDOVICIAN 2ab 81° 80° / 83° 82° 2 17 Lake 16d This map is published with the permission of the Director, Ontario 8 10 2ab //// / 3a / Cochrane 16c 16d // / Lake 49° Geological Survey. / 2ab 16c 18 Sedimentary Rocks Québec 16d / // 2ab / / / /2ab / / / / / 16c 18a Liskeard Group (unsubdivided): limestone, shale Lake Abitibi 2 17 ; / Timiskaming 5 17 / / 3a Timmins Sheet 1998 Sheet 1999 5 2ab KNIGHT BRYCE ARMSTRONG BRETHOUR 16c 17 10 / 85 (Map P.3379 HAULTAIN CHOWN MICKLE JAMES TUDHOPE / / 3a / (Map P.3398 VAN HISE 80° Thornloe 79° HEN- INTRUSIVE CONTACT 8 / CASEY / HARLEY / / and MRD 36) 81° ROAD- KERNS ; BARBER CANE WOOD Bay Lake 17 / and MRD 46) WILLET Tupper 16c / 16d 17 TYRRELL MILNER NICOL LAWSON HOUSE Hobart 8 16d / Timmins DYMOND HARRIS 10 / 10 HUDSON New Liskeard / 12b LUNDY / AULD / SPEIGHT Lake Lake 16c / 12b BANKS / / LEITH CORKILL WALLIS COLEMAN / LEONARD / / / / 10 PRECAMBRIAN CHARTERS FIRSTBROOK 16c / VAN Haileybury 15c 2ab Kirkland Lake TRETHEWEY KLOCK BARR BUCKE / 2 / NORTH NOSTRAND 17 /2a /17 RAY BREWSTER Angler 16c / / / WILLIAMS WHITSON 16c 25 DONOVAN LEO / 2ab COLEMAN Cobalt 16c ; / / 12 / Kirkland Lake KITTSON Lake / LEO 16c / 6 // PROTEROZOIC Matachewan MCGIFFIN RORKE RORKE / / 15 48° DUFFERIN LECKIE CORLEY GAMBLE DANE 16d 16c 2af,6 Swayze Sheet 2002 Sheet 2001 Latchford ; 5 / / Sheet 2003 DANE Giroux 17 LORRAIN / / / (Map P.3511 COLE BRIGSTOCKE GILLIES LIMIT Québec 16c SLADEN MEDINA MCGIFFIN / (Map P.3425 ELLIS PARKER SELBY / / (Map P.3527 MCLEOD 16d 17 Lake 10 12b and MRD 93) STULL 16c 2 / 12 NIPISSING and MRD 58) KITTSON and MRD 94) CANTON 17 / / ACADIA ASTON BANTING 16c 15c / / 16c HAENT- SOUTH 16c 16d / VALIN SELKIRK 5 16d 17 SHELBURNE LORRAIN 17 17 / / 17 / New /10/ 12b SCHEL DUNDEE 45 / / / / / 45 17 LE CHAMBERS CASSELS / 8 Mafic Intrusive Rocks: diabase, granophyre Goodfish 15 TURNER SEAGRAM DELHI ROCHE STRATHY 16c Kitt / Lake 16c Cobalt COTTON HOWEY MARCONI CYNTHIA Lake 16d 2 2ab / STRATHCONA ELDRIDGE / HEBERT 16c M STOBIE BRIGGS RIDDELL 47° 16c Lake 16c 10 BERESFORD ARMAGH BELFAST JOAN o / GRIGG DEMOREST CLARY / n 2a / / Cobalt– 5 t HARTLE BURNABY Bay 17 r / SHEPPARD YATES LAW ASKIN 16c e / 16d Temagami TELFER SCHOLES PHYLLIS / 16c al HURONIAN SUPERGROUP CREELMAN AFTON 5 Lake R / 12 Sheet 2006 FRALECK MCCONNELL 16d MACBETH FLETT ANGUS 17 16d i / 15 20' MACKELCAN VOGT OLIVE MILNE PARKMAN ve / 16d (Map P.3581) CLEMENT 47° HUTTON PARKIN AYLMER TORRINGTON r MCCARTHY 16 Sedimentary Rocks LA SALLE 8 OBABIKA RIVER WYSE Latchford / 16c KENNY ; 17 HOBBS MCCALLUM SISK MCAUSLAN ! 10 17 12 79° NORMAN RATHBUN KELLY MCNISH PARDO GOODERHAM PROVINCIAL 10 WISNER CLARKSON MCLAREN HAMMELL GARROW 16d 16d 12b DANA 5 DAVIS JANES THISTLE OSBORNE POITRAS PARK Sugar 2ab /2ab,6 HANMER Capreol SCADDING GLADMAN 20' Sucker 16d e CAPREOL MCWILLIAMS 17 / 16a Bar River Formation Valley MACLENNAN STEWART JOCKO EDDY Lake East LYMAN Gut Lake e Location of 1:100 000 scale map sheets and corresponiding digital data STREET GIBBONS BASTEDO FELL LOCKHART 16b Gordon Lake Formation LOUGHRIN HENRY NOTMAN / / BLEZARD FALCONBRIDGE CRERAR 4 GARSON FRENCH BUTLER 15 releases (Miscellaneous Release—Data) cited in "REFERENCES". MULOCK ANTOINE 80 GRANT BLYTH / 16c Lorrain Formation AWREY HAGAR RATTER HUGEL FIELD MERRICK 16d SNIDER MCKIM NEELON DRYDEN CHARLTON 10 2ab 12 BADGEROW PHELPS OLRIG Lady 16c / 10 ; 16d Gowganda Formation Location Map 1 cm equals 20 km Evelyn 16c 2 16c Lake 10 17 16c 2 17 / 16c Hound 40 5 Gullrock / / 17 40 16f Mississagi Formation 17 Chute 2a ; 3af 17 Lake 16c Lake 12b 10 ABBREVIATIONS 15 16c This geological compilation of the Cobalt–Temagami area is the sixth of a 16c 17 17 2ab 15 Diabase Dikes 16c 5 16d 16d 17 10 2a Ag .......................................silver Mo...........................molybdenum series of 1:100 000 maps and GIS data sets of the Abitibi Subprovince in ; Isbister 15 15a Matachewan (2452 Ma) (NW) 5 Au.........................................gold Ni .......................................nickel Ontario being compiled over the next few years. 8 16c 10 16d /3af 15b Biscotasing (2167 Ma) (ENE) 17 Lake 15c 12b Bi ....................................bismuth Pb.........................................lead 16d 2 15c Sudbury (1238 Ma) (WNW) 16d 16d 12 17 LORRAIN 12b Cd.................................cadmium Pd ................................palladium LADY 15 ; ; 15 / 16d 15d Abitibi (1140 Ma) (ENE) SOURCES OF INFORMATION EVELYN-SMOOTHWATER 16d 16d 16c 16d Co......................................cobalt S......................................sulphur 5 Turner 5 Cu.....................................copper Sb.................................antimony PROVINCIAL 17 2 GILLIES LIMIT 16c 8 Lake 17 16c INTRUSIVE CONTACT Fe..........................................iron U.....................................uranium This geological map of the Cobalt–Temagami area was compiled from SELBY PARK Eagle 16c 16d 2 16c published maps and reports of the Ontario Geological Survey and the / 16d ; 5 Zn..........................................zinc 17 Willow MEDINA Lake 17 17 Geological Survey of Canada. In addition, information from unpublished 16c Island 5 16d 10 COLE BRIGSTOCKE ARCHEAN reports and maps on file with the Ontario Geological Survey, university SLADEN Lake 2 12/ 16d / 12b 3 8 theses, papers in professional journals, geophysical maps and satellite 17 2 20 2ab 10 2 17 17 16d 16d D * 12b 3 NEOARCHEAN images were incorporated.
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