DDefenseefense & Non-traditionaNon-traditional CableCable SystemsSystems – 4th4th AnnAnniiversaryversary IssueIssue November 2005 Issue 23 1 Submarine Telecoms Forum is published bi-monthly by WFN Strategies, L.L.C. The publication may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form, in whole or in part, without the Exordium permission of the publishers. NNovember’sovember’s iissuessue mmarksarks ourour ffourthourth aanniversarynniversary inin publishingpublishing SubmarineSubmarine TelecomsTelecoms Forum,Forum, andand thoughthough tthngshngs sstilltill aaren’tren’t aass rrosyosy aass theythey werewere inin thethe “build“build itit andand theythey willwill come”come” era,era, nornor willwill theythey probablyprobably everever Submarine Telecoms Forum is an independent com- bbee – tthingshings aarere stillstill ccertainlyertainly mmuchuch improved.improved. mercial publication, serving as a freely accessible forum for professionals in industries connected with submarine optical TThehe ffewew pprinciplesrinciples wwee establishedestablished inin thethe beginning,beginning, wewe continuecontinue toto holdhold dear.dear. WeWe promisedpromised then,then, andand fi bre technologies and techniques. ccontinueontinue ttoo ppromiseromise yyou,ou, oourur rreaders:eaders: Liability: while every care is taken in preparation of this 11.. TThathat wwee wwillill pproviderovide a wwideide rrangeange ooff iideasdeas aandnd iissues;ssues; publication, the publishers cannot be held responsible for the 22.That.That wwee wwillill sseekeek ttoo iincite,ncite, eentertainntertain aandnd provokeprovoke iinn a ppositiveositive mmanner.anner. accuracy of the information herein, or any errors which may occur in advertising or editorial content, or any consequence IInn tthehe lastlast yyear,ear, wwee continuedcontinued specispecifi c monthlymonthly tthemes.hemes. TThishis iissue,ssue, ourour DefenseDefense & Non-traditionalNon-traditional CableCable arising from any errors or omissions. SSystemsystems edition,edition, providesprovides somesome eexcellentxcellent insightinsight intointo thisthis complimentary,complimentary, tangentialtangential ssubmarineubmarine cablecable mmarket.arket. The publisher cannot be held responsible for any views expressed by contributors, and the editor reserves the right WWee rrevealeveal rresponsesesponses toto thethe recentrecent STFSTF / SubOpticSubOptic Questionnaire,Questionnaire, andand inin ExecutiveExecutive Forum,Forum, NATO’sNATO’s to edit any advertising or editorial material submitted for SSecretaryecretary GeneralGeneral describesdescribes thatthat organization’sorganization’s futurefuture rolerole inin worldworld hothot spots.spots. KurtKurt RudermanRuderman discussesdiscusses publication. tthehe sscienticientifi c cablescables market,market, wwhilehile SSteveteve LentzLentz andand AntoineAntoine LecroartLecroart explainexplain thethe upcomingupcoming NEPTUNENEPTUNE ssubseaubsea cablecable pproject.roject. JJohnohn HibbardHibbard iinvitesnvites industryindustry participationparticipation aatt tthehe uupcomingpcoming PPTCTC 22006.006. GGeoffeoff © WFN Strategies L.L.C., 2005 BBallall ddescribesescribes tthehe ddeploymenteployment ooff ccabled,abled, iinlinenline ssensors,ensors, whilewhile tthehe VENUSVENUS pprojectroject iiss rrevealed.evealed. WeWe beginbegin tthehe mmulti-partulti-part sserializationerialization bbyy BBobob BBannonannon aandnd DDougoug BBurnetturnett ooff tterrorismerrorism aandnd ccableable iinfrastructurenfrastructure Contributions are welcomed. Please forward to the cconcerns.oncerns. RobRob MunierMunier suggestssuggests thatthat cost,cost, notnot technologytechnology pushespushes projects.projects. JeanJean DevosDevos returnsreturns withwith hishis Managing Editor: Wayne F. Nielsen, WFN Strategies, eever-insightfulver-insightful observations,observations, aandnd ofof ccourse,ourse, ourour everever popularpopular “where“where inin thethe worldworld areare allall thosethose peskypesky 19471 Youngs Cliff Road, Suite 100, Potomac Falls, ccableships”ableships” iiss iincludedncluded asas wwell.ell. Virginia 20165, USA. SSTFTF isis nnotot a pperfecterfect medium,medium, aandnd wwee hhaveave surelysurely mademade ourour shareshare ofof mistakes,mistakes, butbut wewe continuecontinue toto hopehope Tel: +[1] 703 444-2527, Fax:+[1] 703 444-3047. tthathat iinn tthehe llongong rrunun wewe havehave helpedhelped ourour industryindustry inin somesome smallsmall wway.ay. Email: [email protected] GGoodood rreading.eading. General Advertising Les Valentine Tel: +[1] 281 531 7417 Email: [email protected] Designed and produced by Unity Marketing 2 SShallowhallow WWaterater TTurnkeyurnkey SSolutionsolutions FForor has entered into an arrangement with FFiberiber OOpticptic CCableable SSystemsystems Lloyd’s Register Fairplay making available, complimentary to subscribers, comprehensive data- bases of commercial vessels (www.sea-web.org/), FFromrom SShallowhallow WWaterater IInstallationnstallation ports and companies (www.portguide.com). ttoo TTerminalerminal SStationtation DDesignesign & FFabricationabrication In order to qualify for a free trial of these services, contact [email protected]. 3 Advertisers ContentsIssue No 23 NewsNow 5-7 ICPC Call for Papers 11 November 2005 STF/SubOptic Questionnaire Response 10-11 Global Marine 37 Executive Forum: A view of the Industry NATO SecGen Gwen 12 Great Eastern Group 4 Lloyd’s Register 3 Scientifi c/Astronomy Cables Kurt Ruderman 15-17 Nexans 9 Cable Infrastructure Defence Against Terrorists Bannon/Burrnett 18-21 OES 42 Mars with Alcatel Article with Inset Steve Lentz 24-27 STF Advertising 8 PTC article Article Inset John Hibbard 28 STF Reprints 30 Deployment of Cabled, Incline Sensors, 3.5 tons in weight Geoff Ball 32 Tyco Telecommunications 4,6 GMSL- Project Venus 35 WFN Strategies 31 Mobius Group 20 Back Seat Driver Rob Munier 38 PTC 23 Homeland Security Tech Workshop Robert Bannon and Doug Burnett 40 Letter to a Friend Jean Devos 52 The Cableships 43 Diary 53 4 FibraLink Jamaica Cable Laying to Begin in november FibraLink Jamaica has announced that the installation of its new submarine cable system linking Jamaica to Dominican Republic. In Dominican Republic, FibraLink interconnects with ARCOS-1 for A synopsis of current news items from NewsNow, the weekly news feed available on the transit to Florida. A synopsis of current news items from NewsNow, the weekly news feed available on the www.subtelforum.com/NewsNow/9_october_2005 SubmarineSubmarine Telecoms Telecoms Forum website.website. FUGRO PELAGOS, INC AWARDED 3-YEAR USACE IDIQ CONTRACT Fugro Pelagos, Inc. (FPI) has successfully negotiated a contract with Alcatel to Supply Submarine Research Network the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Mobile District to provide Surveying and Mapping Services in support of the Joint Alcatel has announced that it has signed a contract valued at approxi- CTC Acquires ROV Airborne LIDAR Bathymetry Technical Center of Expertise (JALBTCX) mately US 33 million dollars with the University of Victoria, Canada, to Regional Coastal Mapping and Charting Program, as well as other deploy an advanced submarine cable and data network for educational CTC Marine Projects’ associate company, European Contract Hire USACE programs. and oceanic research activities. (ECH) has placed a contract with SMD Hydrovision for a 125hp, 2000m, work class ROV system, with an option for 3 more www.subtelforum.com/NewsNow/18_september_2005 www.subtelforum.com/NewsNow/7_november_2005 www.subtelforum.com/NewsNow/7_november_2005 Global Marine and NSW team win Caribbean con- Dubai Holding Buys Share of Interoute Asia Netcom Prepares to Land EAC in Qingdao tract Asia Netcom has announced that it will dramatically improve connectiv- Interoute, owner and operator of what it says is Europe’s most densely ity options and network performance for Korean companies looking connected voice and data network, has announced that it has secured NSW (Norddeutsche Seekabelwerke), a world leader in the fi eld of to link up their Chinese offices and manufacturing facilities with the a new strategic partner, Tecom, a United Arab Emirates telecom repeaterless fi ber-optic submarine cable systems, has signed its fi rst landing of its region-wide cable system, EAC, in the northern city of operator and member of Dubai Holding. contract with Global Marine Systems Limited (Global Marine), which Qingdao. www.subtelforum.com/NewsNow/7_november_2005 will cover the marine installation and support of the Grand Bahama www.subtelforum.com/NewsNow/7_november_2005 to Bimini submarine network. www.subtelforum.com/NewsNow/18_september_2005 Energis Architects Flexible and Multi-Service Back- Avanex Announces Supply Agreement with Alcatel Global Marine Completes Acquisition of SBSS Share- Avanex Corporation has announced that it would enter into a supply bone Network with Xtera’s Nu-Wave agreement with Alcatel to be in effect from October 2005 through Energis has selected Xtera Communications, Inc. as the multi-reach holding October 2007. DWDM supplier for their next generation backbone network in the Global Marine Systems Limited announced the completion of its acquisition of the shareholding in S.B Submarine Systems from Global www.subtelforum.com/NewsNow/16_october_2005 United Kingdom. www.subtelforum.com/NewsNow/18_september_2005 Crossing. www.subtelforum.com/NewsNow/18_september_2005 International was awarded a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) contract to design and build a new scientific
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