It happened in the cantons of Solothurn and Aargau Autor(en): [s.n.] Objekttyp: Article Zeitschrift: The Swiss observer : the journal of the Federation of Swiss Societies in the UK Band (Jahr): - (1967) Heft 1524 PDF erstellt am: 02.10.2021 Persistenter Link: http://doi.org/10.5169/seals-692547 Nutzungsbedingungen Die ETH-Bibliothek ist Anbieterin der digitalisierten Zeitschriften. Sie besitzt keine Urheberrechte an den Inhalten der Zeitschriften. Die Rechte liegen in der Regel bei den Herausgebern. Die auf der Plattform e-periodica veröffentlichten Dokumente stehen für nicht-kommerzielle Zwecke in Lehre und Forschung sowie für die private Nutzung frei zur Verfügung. Einzelne Dateien oder Ausdrucke aus diesem Angebot können zusammen mit diesen Nutzungsbedingungen und den korrekten Herkunftsbezeichnungen weitergegeben werden. Das Veröffentlichen von Bildern in Print- und Online-Publikationen ist nur mit vorheriger Genehmigung der Rechteinhaber erlaubt. 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The Bruehl district is to be ended in a deficit of 6.8m. francs, with revenue standing developed as a new residential area which should house at 179.1m. If all the granted credits had been used up, 12,00(M5,000 people. The plans include a shopping the deficit would have amounted to nearly 29m. The centre, schools, churches and playgrounds. New road budget for 1967 estimates a deficit of over 20m. The planning in the old town should improve traffic conditions. Finance Department issued a 128-page report on how A Foundation for /( /terswo/zmmge« has been created savings could be effected in the future. In it, improved with the aim of constructing flats and houses for old people administration, increased death duties, better co-operation in Solothurn and immediate neighbourhood. In the between Canton and Communes, etc., are proposed. The " Weststadt ", a Reformed Church Community Centre was Canton faces big tasks in the next twenty years; the popu- inaugurated in the autumn, and the R.C. Church Com- lation may increase to over half-a-million, State expendi- munity has introduced the vote for women. In the St. ture may rise from 34 to 108m., the number of foreigners Peter's Chapel, excavations have brought to light interest- could go up from 1,400 to 22,000 and that of motor vehicles ing finds : at least five church buildings have been dis- from 3,400 to 45,000. Even today, the Canton of Solo- covered, the first going back to the fifth century. The thurn, per cap/to of its population, is at the head of all present (sixth) church was built in 1654. A new picture Cantons as regards the number of factory workers. In gallery " Erato " was opened at the Dornacherplatz early 1966, there were 5,000 works with a total of some 82,000 this year. hands. Educational, social and cultural tasks will be The R.C. and Protestant Communities of Olten have considerable. granted voting rights to their women members. The popu- The total revision of the Cantonal Constitution of lation of the town has gone down from 21,747 to 21,290; 1887 is to be studied. A first partial revision concerns the number of foreigners has decreased from 3,921 to the vote for women in cantonal matters. Another new law 3.603. concerns culture; the electorate will have to vote at the The Village of Balsthal is to have a new Commune end of May. Castle Waldegg near Solothurn is to become Centre including Gememzfeha«.y, fire brigade and civil a cultural centre. defence quarters, and a IFerk/zo/; costs will amount to Another law has been published concerning sickness over 4-|m. francs. 20m. will be spent on road and pave- and accident insurance. In future all inhabitants from one ment construction at Biberist which is also to have a month to sixty years are to be insured. Maternity benefits cemetery hall. have been increased, and the Cantonal authorities have Grenchen's R.C. Community has introduced the vote worked out an agreement with the Citizens' Council of the for women. The Foundation "Alterssiedlung Grenchen" town of Solothurn regarding increased financial participa- has worked out plans for housing for the aged costing tion of the Canton in the Bnrgmpi/nZ. 4.3m. francs, of which 2.7m. has been collected so far. The high schools of the Canton are to be extended : Messen is to be the place where the swimming baths a new building for the Lcherb/Wnng.Vimyta/r in Solothurn for the Limpachtal (half Solothurn, half Berne) are to be (33m.), the new Cantonal School at Olten (16.8m.), a Pro- constructed. The popular Swiss writer, ßezirk.s'/ehra- oym/Msium at Laufen in co-operation with the Canton of Albin Fringeli, has recently been awarded honorary Berne (State contribution of one million francs). The citizenship of Nünningen. The waste-water plant of Canton is also to give a subsidy to the Bernese Research Riedholz has become operational. Centre for History and Sociology and to the GewerMc/ie The Aarmatt at Zuchwil is to be redeveloped to allow Por/hZZ^MngwchHZo in Solothurn. The new Headmaster of for better traffic conditions. The R.C. Community has the Cantonal School is Prof. Dr. Hans-Rudolf Breitenbach, introduced voting rights for women. Aetingen, in succession to Prof. Dr. Georg Huber. The following Communes have opened new schools : Regional and local planning within the Canton is to Grenchen and Hubersdorf, and Olten has a new com- be increased and improved. It includes comprehensive mercial school and a new training centre for trade appren- planning at the Guldenthal, though there is still some ob- tices at the Froburg. New schools or school centres have jection to this, especially by the /7eimatsrhnC. Those been planned for Dulliken, Haegensdorf, Heinrichswil, concerned believe that the beauties of the valley could Gerlafingen and Selzach. not be preserved by overall planning which would include New churches are to be built at Lostorf (Reformed), the use of some parts by the military. Bettlach (R.C.), Langendorf (Reformed), Lommiswil (R.C.) In all parts of the Canton, serious steps are being and Olten (Reformed). taken regarding waste-water plants, So far, the Canton AARGAU has subsidised such plants to the tune of 18.5m. francs. The new Solothurn Landammu/m is Reg/mrngsrat CANTON Willy Ritschard, and his deputy Dr. Franz Josef Jeger. The cantonal accounts for 1966 were better than The new Startayc/zraZjer is Gerichtspraesident Dr. Alfred expected, with a deficit of " only " 30m. francs. The deficit Roetheli, Olten. (Members of the Nouvelle Société Helvé- budgeted for 1967 is 53m. The long-term finance plan tique in London may remember him as an interesting shows an alarming picture — the State debt will amount lecturer a couple of years ago). to 600m. francs by 1975, mainly due to ever growing con- The Bishop of Basle and Lugano, Dr. Franziskus von tributions for water protection, schools and hospitals. The Streng, celebrated the 30th anniversary of taking office. Canton's electorate agreed to a 5% increase in State taxes. A special service and ceremony took place. Teachers and civil servants will get a rise of 3%. The COMMUNES Cantonal Government has asked for 1.8m. francs for At the beginning of the year, the town of Solothurn various water protection schemes of individual Communes. counted 18,727 inhabitants (100 more than in the previous The melioration of the Reussthal is progressing. More year), 2,598 of them foreigners (2,478). Extensive plan- Communes have objected to the Rhein-Limmat pipeline. 26th May 1967 THE SWISS OBSERVER 52439 LLOYDS BANK EUROPE with Branches in Geneva and Zurich offers a full banking service at 100 Pall Mall, London, S.W.I. Similar facilities are available throughout England and Wales at any of the 2100 Branches of LLOYDS BANK LIMITED Save Rent Save Rates Save Space COMPACROW is the brilliant answer to 1967 storage problems. Get the most out of available floor area and save money all round. Our experts will be glad to meet you and discuss all the Comp- acrow advantages. COMPACROW (Automation) Ltd. South Wharf, London W2 HCROW Telephone: AMBassador3456 Telex 21868 52440 THE SWISS OBSERVER 26th May 1967 The Canton is working out a plan to grant women the Tagblatt " and "Altstetter Quartieranzeiger"; also vote. The Aargau is not to realise the projects for a uni- editor and author. versity in the near future. On the other hand, an Academy of Medicine and a B/Wwngswwsms'c/zn/t/ic/tes /rarfi/ni are Mrs. Berta Huggenberger-Schmid (85), Elgg (Zurich), being planned. widow of the late author Alfred Huggenberger who died in 1960 In December, the electorate agreed to a contribution at the age of 92; during her husband's absence by the Canton to the Swiss Epileptic Clinic in Zurich, but from home, she ran the farm herself; gifted in at the end of April, three new draft laws were rejected: writer her own right who helped her husband con- road construction, civil defence and social housing.
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