Second S«rJ«>, Vol. XVII— » « , «* 7th j/klty, l f 5* <We<iae*dLy> L O K S A B H A DEBATES m m n m (Voi. XVJi cc m a in t Nos. 61—64) LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI 92 a> (nun) Turks Shillings ( r o m a e x ) CONTENTS C olumns Oral Answers to Question?— Starred ^Questions Nos. 2036, 2037 to 2039,2041 and 2043 to 2053 ............................................................................ 13553—9i* Short Notice Question No. 1 9 ........................................... 13593—99 Written Answers to Questions— Starred Questions Nos. 2040, 2042,2054 to 2075 and 1899 . 13599— i3 6l 4- Unstarred Questions Nos. 3356 to 3444 and 3446 to 3478 13614—8b • Papers laid on the Table ...... 13688— 90 Committee on Private Members Bills and Resolutions— Twenty-Second Report . 1309' Calling Attention to Matter of Urgent Public Importance— Accumulation of Kalyan Cotton .... 13690— 94 Leave of Absence from sittings of the House 13694— 97 Correction of Supplementary to Starred Question No. 1738 . 13697— 13700 Trade and Merchandise Marks Bill— Motion to Refer to Joint Committee. 13700— 50 Shri Narayanankutty Menon ..... 13700— 11 Shri Naushir Bharucha ........................................... 13712— 20 Shri S u p a k a r........................................................................... 13720— 22 Shri Braj Raj S i n g h ...................................................... 13722— 28 Shri D. C. Sharma ....... 13728— 37 Shri Balasaheb Patil ...... 13737—47 Shri K a n u n g o ................................................................ 13747—49 Indian Stamp (Amendment) Bill— M otion to C o n s i d e r ................................................................ 1375°— 73 Shri B. R. B h a g a t ................................................................ • i375°> 13752* 13763— 67 Shri Nath Pai. ....... 13753—55 Shri Narayanankutty M e n o n ........................................... 13755-56 Shri Sinhasan S i n g h ...................................................... 13759—61 Shri Balasaheb Patil ....................................................... 13761 Shri C. K. N a i r ................................................................. 13762 Shrimati Ila P a l c h o u d h u r i ........................................... 13762-63 Clauses 2 to 13 and 1 ................................................................. 13769-70 M otion to p a s s ........................................................................... 13770—73 Shri B. R. B h ag at ................................................................ 13770 Shri Braj Raj S i n g h ...................................................... 13770—73 ♦The sign + marked above a name indicates that the Question was actually •sked on the floor of the House by that Member. [Continued on the third cover page] CONTENTS—contd. Columns Motion re: Reports of the Indian Airlines Corporation and the Air India International Corporation.................................................................13773— i 3®21 Shri Rajendra S i n g h ..................................... 13773— 83, 13820-21 Shri Joachim A lv a ...................................... 13783— 9 t Shrimati Renu Chakravartty ...... x 379-2— 99 Shri Mohiuddin . ............... .13799— 13802 Shri Harish Chandra Mathur ...... 13802— 07 Shri S. K . P a t i l ...................................... 13807— 20 Half-an-hour Discussion re : Government Advertisements . 13821—42 Shri Bhakt Darshan ....... 13821— 27 • Shri K h a d i l k a r ......................................7 3 8 2 7 — 2 9 Shri Braj Raj S in g h ............................13829-30 Dr. Keskar ............................................... 13831— A2 Daily D i g e s t ............................................................13843— 52 LOK SABHA DEBATES 553 13554 LOK SABHA or unfilled and there is reduced ex­ penditure on purchase of stores, Wednesday, 7th May, 1958 equipment etc. May I know whether these economies have not affected the efficient working of these Ministries Lok Sabha met at Eleven of the and whether the economy drive is Clock keeping this also in view? [M r. S pea k er in the Chair], The Prime Minister and Minister of External Affairs (Shri Jawaharlal Nehru): That is a difficult question to answer. Some economy drives cer­ ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS tainly had affected the working of Economy the Ministries—some work has been postponed or delayed. It is always a 4- Shri D. C. Sharma: matter of balancing whether we Shri Bhakt Darshan: should carry out or postpone a work, keeping in view all the circumstances. *2036. Shri N. R. Munisamy: Shri Daman]: Shri Bimal Ghose: When the Plan Shri Raghunath Singh: was first formulated, a certain in­ Shri S. C. Samanta: crease in administrative expenditure Will the Prime Minister be pleased was allowed for in the Plan. I should to refer to the reply given to Starred like to know whether that estimate Oi’estion No. 1081 on the 13th Decem- has been exceeded and, if so, by how % 1957 and state: much. ia) the actual savings effected in Shri Jawaharlal Nehru: I could tl, .• expenditure of each Ministry not answer that enquiry. If the hon. durir^g the financial year 1957-58 as Member puts a specific question, I a resiilt of the efforts that were being will enquire. made under the economy drive; (b) the measures being adopted for Shri Tyagi: Are the Government this purpose in the current financial aware that the wages and salaries bill year i.e. 1958-59; and of the Government of India, both ori (c) the amount expected to be current and capital account has in­ saved as a result of these efforts? creased from Rs. 416.23 crores in 1956-57 to Rs. 518.2 crores during the The Parliamentary Secretary to the year 1958-59, a difference of Rs. 91.97 Minister of External Affairs (Shri crores within a year? Sadath Ali Khan): (a) to (c). A statement is placed on the table of Shri Jawaharlal Nehru: If the the Lok Sabha. [See Appendix VIII, figures are in the Budget, they must annexure No. 138.] be correct. I have not got all the figures with me. It is a fact that the Shri D. p. Sharma: I find from the expenditure has increased. You will statement that some projects have remember that the interim recom­ been partly or wholly postponed or mendation or award of the Pay Com­ Ibandoned or reduced in scope, posts mission has added a large amount to have been abolished, kept in abeyance that bill. Oral Answers 7 MAY 1958 Oral Answers 13550 Shri D. C. Sharma: From the state­ the Ministries will be pleased ment I find that a saving of supply the information asked for. Rs. 32,80,140 has been effected, so far as the Indian Missions abroad are Dir. Speaker: It is better than go­ concerned. May I know whether to ing into details on the floor of the effect this saving in expenditure some House. Missions have been closed or down­ graded? Sbrl Jawaharlal Nehru: No Mission has been closed. But, probably, snRr ftcrr | far ?€. * s - u m e some posts in some Missions may be 3 f t jfjuflr wrt f r *r f | lying vacant. I believe—I cannot say 1 definitely—some allowances of re­ sim r !m^rr f % wr *tf «rarwT presentatives have been reduced. *ft wm % w r May be, some buildings which have to be put up have not been put up. fP t f t tf tr fofliMWcTT tit 3TT That means considerable saving for w £ the time being at least. ^ TTT ^ ? Shri Tangamanl: We find from the statement that more than Rs. 2 crores * 5* : 3ft $T, have been saved by way of reducing the expenditure on the purchase of f*THT ?ftO ^ ITJTo fVaffSR ■tores. May I know whether this is ^rt smr fam r 1 1 s n r m ^ % due to the reduction in the price of 3r>f¥?R<hrf, •tores or because we have curtailed 1 the purchase? wnr ?rft | firm Shri Jawaharlal Nehru: I am not In a position to answer that question. sflT *5 f 5 =FT | I ^ *FT qffTT This is a big statement relating to ^Trfrsrr *jqfavr | arrc ^ several Ministries. If a specific ques­ *ftr HcfrjTT f t I tion is asked to that Ministry, they will answer it. Shri N. R. Munlsamy : From the Export of Monkeys statement I find that the total sav­ + ings come to about Rs. 24 crores up fS h ri B. K. Gaik wad: to November. At that rate, we are • 2 0 3 7 J Shri D' A Kattl: saving about Rs. 7 crores per month. 4037 ^ Shri A. S. Sal gal: May I know whether we are saving (Shri A|lt Sinflt SarhadL- the same amount subsequent to Will the Minister of Commerce and November, 1957 also? Industry be pleased to state: Shri Jawaharlal Nehru: Not at all, (a) the number of exporters who because if we give up a project, it It given up. It is not given up every have been given licences for the month. export of monkeys to foreign coun­ tries; M». Speaker: When such detailed information is asked for, if a state­ (b) whether it is a fact that the ment is supplied, hon. Members will export licence of M/s. Vita Private thereafter go through it and put Ltd., an Indian firm, has been sus­ individual questions to the Ministries pended for alleged cruelty to animals; concerned. (c) whether it is also a fact that Shri Jawaharlal Nehru: If I may M/s. T.E. Patterson Ltd. a foreign •ay so, if separate questions sre put, firm, was fined Rs. 200 and Rs. 400 43f $ 7 "Oral Amwtra . 9 m s r 1m Oral A nartrt 13558 lor violating Foreign Exchange Regu­ Shri Prank Anthony: With regard lations and exporting pregnant to part (b) of the question, is it a monkeys against Export Regulations fact that Government has destroyed in F eb ru ary 1957; and the business of Messrs. Patterson Ltd-, the largest exporters of monkeys, by (d) it so, the reasons lor continu­ assuming culpability in spite of th* ing the export licence of M/s. T.E. matter being sub judice? Patterson Ltd.? The Minister of Commerce (Shri Shri Kanungo: Yes, Sir.
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