8 'Wleeltl~ 'lRc"lew of Soclet\?, 8rt anb llterature. VOL. V., No. I. CLEVELAND, 0., DECEMBER 7, 1889. PRI\E FIVE CE;\TS. A DISTINGUISHED WURKER. MISS DEBUTANTE (enthusiasticaIM: How GRAND IT JllUST DE TO BE A MAN! MR. SOFTLY, BY THE WAY, WHAT IS YOUR VOCATION? MR. SOFTLY: OH! I AM A I'ROMINE!'iT MEMBER OF A:-i INSTITUTION ON FIFTH AVENUE. MISS DEBUTANTE: INDEED, AND WHAT DO YOU DO? MR. SOFTLY: I AW-SIT IN THE CLUB WINDOW FROM TWO TO FOUR. TOWN TOPICS. Cs(ie(jUNTNEI{~ ~ONS FU S ~eat s~I\jacl\ets.wrapsaroddoaks, shoulder capes. pelerines,moffs.etc. in choice desiglls,at moderate pricej. ~b~her 181e FIFTH AVENU~ NEW YORK SECURITY AND TRUST CO" 4G 'VALL STREET. CAI>ITAIJ, $1,000,000, SUUJ)JJUS, $;;00,000. CIlA RLES S. FA I Relll LD, President. W;\1. L. STROI G, 2d Vice-President. WII. H. APPLETV ',1st Vice-President. JOII. L. L!\MSO~, Secret:lr)'. This COOlp:tny is :tuthorizcd to art as Execulor, Trlls!l'(', Adlllinistr:ttor, Guardi:ln, Agent and Receiver. Is a legal uepository for Conrt :lnd Trllst Fllnus. Takes the ('lit ire charge of real and personal estates, collecting the rents and prolits, and :lttending- lo :III such det:lils as :In individual in like capacity could do. Receives deposits s~.iect to sight drafts, allowing intl'rest on daily balances, :lnd issues certificates of deposit IJl~aring interest. --'-------------- Fine Complexion, New ParkSorRoads TIFFANY &CO., Smooth, Soft Skin. SA~LE. UNION SQUARE, NEW YORK, Mention this :lfa,:,'a::;il/I! amI semI -1 stamps FOR • for sample of P.\CKER's TAR S(lAI'. Use .(- THIRD FLOOR. it every night with warlll w:lter ;1I1d rough 5·" wash-cloth, anu you will Ile gr:ltified with SIX '"rI-IUUSAND China, Decorated Pottery soft, smoolh skin and improved complexion. and Class. Do not hesitate to use Packer's Tar Soap on ) our face. It is absolutely pure, Silver-Leaved Maples, In view of 'intended chan(Jes ht bland, and grateful to the senses, It is thei1' sfLles1'oom for PottC1'!} mul adapted and extensively IIseu for washing Beautifully straight trees, from one inch to Glass, the delicate skin of infants, and in the Messrs. 71;jfan!f (f; Co., !",we treatment of skin anu scalp diseases. It one and one-quarter inches in diall1et~r, 1'I1,ade a 1'evi..~ion of the prices of prevents Chapping, Chafing, and Redness; the'h' stock of cu res IIchi ng, Dand ru fT, Acne, etc., and is suitable for selting out in new parks, roaus an invaluable antiseptic purifier for ofTen­ DINNER, 13BEAJ(.F.lIS'l', and or lawns, will be sold 011 very reasonable sive perspirations, di charges, etc. 25 cents. TEA SER J:ICES, Druggists, or terms. Full particulars will be furnished 'Which, lOUh ((, 'I'el'Y few except'ions, THE PACKER MFG. CO,,10~~~ll:~:~k:t., I 011 applic:lIion. Address they now OjfC1' crt tlte bare cost oj' , I 'importation. Also a number oj' Letters We buy and sell bills of Exchange choice and impo1'taut pieces of Con and make cable transfers of money to Europe, Australia, and the E. A. IDE , Pottery, rasf:,s, J(wdiniC1'es, &c., of West Indies' also make Collections at eqnally c(,tt1'active p1'ices. and issue Commercial and Traveling IUGA, "It Credits, available in all parts of the Cred • world. Brown Hrother8 1£ Co., BanJ(ers, 59 Wall St. I\IlllIl'OC Co., N. Y. TOWN TOPICS, I The ~tiIlman Perish the rhought. "No, my liltle boy," said old Goshby to his fivt:'year old, "the world is not flat, it's .I. W ~RREN COLEMAN, ManaKer. as rtJul\(l as your ru bber ball." "And why is it," continued the young in­ THE NATHAN IMPORTING CO. recommend vestigator, '. that it's sometimes day and For Domestic Use their famous foreign-bottled table clarets, at sometimes night ?" Mr. G .shhy, pleased at his boy's bright very reasonable prices. A pure article is guaranteed. A telephone c queslions, t"ok down his globe from the mail order will meet prompt attention and instant delivery. book-ca~eand lJroceerled to explain: "Now, NATHAN INPORTING CO.• my hoy," said he, "this is a good represen­ I7Z Bank Street. tation of the shape of the earth we live on, and this is the way ir moves upon ils axis. 63ntil ~tfd)ft. The world is always moving, and the sun is ~tutfdJt = ~anbhtng, ~ttblit mile~ lludJ 42 e"ttaft. millions of away ulJ in space shining grot3c~ ~iid)cr on the earth. Let me see, I haven't any­ . IDlein £ogCt bClltjd)ct ltnt> .Bcitid}riften l)olte bcftcns em, ~fo()(cl1: l.'~tl511r," ,,9JlobclIluelt," ,,1teber~tlnb tilth IDleer," ,,~tlrtell: thing here to illustrate the sun to you. Run ,.~ttfJeint," ,,~hJUt ~JJ1eer" ~cfterrllllg into the kitchen and bring papa an apple or ltlube/' iJele 311m locrbcn ollf vrompl in~ .ptlU03 gcficfert. ~()otoOropl)ic,2(tblll1ts ilt rcid)cr 2!1I~ltJO{)l. an egg." The little fellow, greatly amused and pleased, went to the kitchen and returned in CONGER & COLLINGS MANTEL CO. a moment with an egg. "Maluma ain't got no apple," said he, "but here\ an e~g." Artistic Mantels, Tiles and Grates, Fine Gas Fixtures and Electroliers, Continuing his illustrated lecture, the fond Fire-Place furniture, in Rras~ and Iron, Lamps in Brass, Silver and Iron, and shades suitable. Specialties in our line continually being added. parent said: "Now, hold the egg in your right hand. That's right, my boy, Imagine 817-88a EUOLID AVENUE. C. H. COLLINGS. c. H. PRI1CHAkD that the e~g is the sun and keep your hand steady. There, set:? the earth moves in this manner, and here upon this spot we live. HOLIDAY GOODS. • • They are wortlJy of} our attention as regards novelties and prices. See how we are moving away from the sun? FANCY COODS-~l1 exten5ive line that will interest you. As we move away, it gets darker and darker, MI LLI NERY COOOS-Everything marked down. and lighter and lighter on the other side of ~OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS.~ the earth. " SHAVV'S 9a and 95 Euclid Avenue. The father was about to congratulate him­ self upon his ability as an instructor when the boy interrupted him. "fhe egg," he askerl, "is the sun ?" "Ye'," relJlied the father. "Whew!" said the little fellow, "what a time the people on earth wduld have if the real sun was an egg, and if the egg was bad and dropped on the earth." 800-808 Superior St., Have just r~ceived a large stock of fJ.Cot Much Difference. I II a m lIsi.: slore. MACKINTOSH GARMENTS Y()Ullg lad)' 10 dirk-I< The other day I For Gentlemen and Ladies-the fine~t line ever shown in Cleveland. Also a complete line uf sent the servant for some music and I wish to exchange il." ~7"iD.te:r Goeds., "Certaillly, Miss. Did we make a mis­ ~ubber Boots and Shoes, Hat Covers, Buggy Aprons, Door Mats,etc., and a choice selection of Toys. take ?" "Yes, a slight mistake wns made, I ut I Ohio Rubber Co"mpany. don't know who is to blame, you 01' the servant." HE Hf~ST edu~allon is alway, the cheapest. An T educatiun i~ something to be u,ed a li/ctime, and "What did you send for?" should be 01 fir-t qualltv. TH E BI<:S I is non~ tnu good "A Beethoven SYIll phony." fur anyhody. You ,ho"ld not allow a few dollars' difTer­ ence 10 cost to de~ide the queslIon, or atlel,d an inferiur "And wh,lt did you receive?" idI schaul lor any reason There is not the lea't doubt ahout whIch IS the LA K\, r;s I allu 1-a.S I III UIlIO. The Spencerian Business Colleg~, of Cleveland, wa~ e,tablished ",I have Fifteen Dollars in my Inside in 184';. Uy regular purchase alllltr.'lbler it embraces ~ix bu~iness schools, including the coll~ge of Bryant, Pocket'." Spencer Lusk & Stratton [the FI R~T of the celebrated Bry"nt & Stratton colle~e~, estabh,hed to 18S2). It pay,'to attend the best. Day and eveninl{ seisions. 422 Superior St. SPENCER. FELTON &: "Oh." LOOMIS. Proprietors. 2 TOWN TOPICS. PERA HOUSE. O NEXT WEEK. Lveeum Theatre. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. EXTRA I Prof. HerrITlann's '1' TRANS- ATLANTIQUE MONDAY EVENING,DEC. 9· VAUDEVILLES. Ideal Extravaganza Co. "The only European Novelty Co. in th·is.~ou~trv, devoid of burnt COl k and Irish Sketches. -11. Y. World. Season '88-89-Crystal Slipper. Next ,week-The Rostonians. BLUE-BEARD, JR. Comm~ncing Monday. Dec. ~th, Wednesday aRd 200 l'EOPL"~ ON THE l-T.\GE. Mis s ~~I:aIYi ~~Ieesp a ~e r. Direct from its long runs in Chicago and Phila. delphia. In Her Sensational Comecy Drama, IT'SEATS NOW ON SALE. THE SCOUT'S DAUGHTER, Supported by an Excellent Company and her Fa­ H. R. JACOBS' THEATRE. mous Horse, DICK. Next week-Frank I. Frayne. Next Week, Commencing Monday, Dec. 9. SPEOIAL ENGAGEMENT! DRURO~:~ f~~~: ~~~70~~: M. H. C. KENNEDY'S 'J he pleasing resort for ladies and children. Pre­ seullng this coming week, Monday, Dec. 9· Lights and Shadows. ~~:Ii:' LAVARNIES p~i~~I~se The California Magnets. A Five A~l Panoramic Me!l)-drama, from the pen of Mr. Charles S. Gayler. Week December J6-N. S. Wood. SYMONDS, HUGHES & RASTUS. J. J. MURRAY AND LOTTIE GRAY.
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