www.ukrweekly.com Strokata, Afflicted with Cancer, UCCA Fund-Drive May be in Danger of Death Picks Up Momentum WASHINGTON, D.C.— Nina Strokata- Among the many organizations to stand NEW YORK, N.Y.(UCCA Special).-A total of S53,376.00 has been collected for the Karavanska, a Ukrainian microbiologist up in defense of the Ukrainian female Ukrainian National Fund (UNF) as of the end of October, 1976, according to the UCCA and former political prisoner, is said to be dissident is the American Society of Micro- staff. suffering from breast cancer and her life is in biologists. Strokata is the organization's Hundreds of organizations and individual persons responded generously to a special danger because she is unable to receive sole member in Ukraine, and one of five in UCCA appeal, sent in September of this year. At least 8 UCCA Branches have so far proper medical attention, reported the the Soviet Union. remitted SI,000 or more, and these are as follows: "Smoloskyp" Ukrainian Information Ser­ 1. Newark-Irvington, N.J S3,180.00 vice. ASM's president, Dr. H.R. Whitley, 2. Cleveland, Ohio. , S!,535.00 wrote many letters to Soviet officials asking 3. Clifton-Passaic, N.J.. S1.4O5.0O After she was released from incarceration for humane treatment of Strokata. 4. Hartford, Conn Si,155.00 last year, Strokata was exiled to Tarus, a 5. Rochester, N.Y SU00.00 small town south of Moscow. She was not After Strokata's letter of thanks to the 6. Chicago, 111 51,080.00 allowed to return to Ukraine or travel American microbioligists was published in 7. Philadelphia, Pa 51,000.00 outside of the town. the West, the Soviet authorities increased 8. Lorain, Ohio SI,000.00 their harassment of the Ukrainian woman. With the help of friends, Strokata attemp­ At the same time, all UCCA Branches are working intensively in their respective ted to undergo a medical examination at communities in an effort to attain their quotas. Moscow's Oncological Institute, but the They bar her from any employment, they Among individual citizens who contributed larger amounts are the following: authorities did not allow her to leave Tarus. have threatened her with eviction from her S500.00: Maria T. Haurus, in memory of her late mother, Mrs. Maria Tomchuk; Eugene apartment, they refuse to deliver mail from Haftkovych (Queens, N.Y.); abroad, including publications of the Am­ S300.00: The Most Reverend Andrew Kuschak, Archbishop of the Ukrainian Orthodox Medical facilities in Tarus are inadequate erican Society of Microbiologists to which to treat tumors, and Strokata's close friends Church; she as a member is entitled. S200.00: Dr. Maria Slysh-Fischer (Kankakee, 111.); Dr. Stepan Huk (Greenville, 111.); SI50.00: Hryhory Fil (Detroit, Mich.); fear that if she is not treated soon, the cancer The ASM's invitation to Strokata to visit S100.00: Bishop Basil H. Losten; Dr. Yaroslav Voyevidka; Dr. Ilarion Cholhan; Vera and may spread and eventually kill her. the U.S. was never delivered to her, says the Anthony Shumeyko; "Arka" Co.; Dr. Walter Baron; Dr. George and Iryna Woloshyn; "Smoloskyp" information service. Nicholas Boychuk; Dr. Bohdan Cymbala; Volodymyr and Anna Rak; Anastasia While Strokata was incarcerated she did Sokolowska; Dr. Myroslav Charkevych; Myron Guley; Dr. Roman Pshyk; Dr. Paul Sydor receive some medical attention, but it was Recently, Dr. Z. Rehachek of the Micro­ and N. Swiaty. suspended once she was released. biological Institute of the Czecho-Slovakian The annual membership dues for individual members is now S25.00, according to the Academy of Sciences joined the internation­ resolution of the Finance Committee, accepted at the XHth Congress of the UCCA last al movement in defense of Strokata. Bandurists In Town Today Plast, Five Other Scout NEW YORK, N.Y.—The famed Taras Groups, Form Association Shevchenko Bandurist Capella of Detroit, Mich., under the direction of Hryhory NEW YORK, N.Y.-The Plast Ukrain­ Kytasty, is appearing at a Bicentennial- ian Youth Association was joined by scout Centennial concert this afternoon at Hunter and guide organizations of five other ethnic College. groups, whose countries are currently under The program, sponsored by the New York Soviet domination, in creating a new joint City Ukrainian Bicentennial Committee, is organization called Associated Internation­ the last Ukrainian event this year in conjunc­ al Scout and Guide Organizations. tion with the dual observances. The ceremony of signing the constitution In the course of the concert a special and by-laws of the new organization was tribute will be made to Mr. Kytasty on the held Sunday, November 7, at the Ukrainian ocassion of his 70th birthday. Institute of America here in the presence of The chorus, which managed to escape heads or chief scouts of the respective from Ukraine during World War II, has groups. Serving as honorary host of this performed in virtually every major city in unique ceremony was Joseph Lesawyer, Europe and the North American continent. Vice-President of the World Congress of Tickets for the 2:00 p.m. concert can be Free Ukrainians and a director of the purchase at downtown Manhattan's Ukra­ Institute, who greeted the representatives inian stores or at the box office. Hunter and said he was pleased that the Institute College is located at 69th Street between was the site of this historic event. Lexington and Park Avenues. (Continued on page 15) Chief Scout Dr. Yuriy StarosoJsky, of Plast Ukrainian Youth Organization, is ready to sign the constitution of the new organization. Representatives of other groups are seen in the background. No. 227 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1976 Patriarch Josyf Meets U.S. Official Says Soviets Were With Canadian Officials Recently Asked about Moroz WASHINGTON, D.C.—John E. Rein- response was. hardt, Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs He did display a thorough knowledge of of the Department of State, said that the Moroz's case and said that results are limited U.S. embassy officials in Moscow recently because the Soviet goverment rejects inter­ raised the case of Valentyn Moroz with cessions on behalf of Soviet citizens by Soviet authorities. foreign governments. "Our Embassy in Moscow recently raised "We continue to believe that our efforts in Mr. Moroz's case with the Soviet authori­ cases such as Mr. Moroz's have some ties. In its approach to the Soviet Ministry of beneficial effect," he said, pledging further Foreign Affairs, our Embassy expressed actions in defense of the 40-year-old Ukrain­ the concern of many Americans for Mr. ian political prisoner. During his recent visit of Canada, Patriarch Josyf Slipyj met with several high ranking Moroz's situation," wrote Mr. Reinhardt in "You may be certain that we will continue Canadian government officials, including Prime Minister Pierre E. Trudeau, and former a reply to Walter Sochan, Supreme Secre­ our efforts in support of Mr. Moroz as well Prime Minister and currently Member of Parliament, John Diefenbaker. The head of the tary of the UNA. as others who may be denied their funda­ Ukrainian Catholic Church also held talks with Sen. Paul Yuzyk and Ukrainian MP's Mr. Reinhardt did not indicate in the mental human rights in the Soviet Union," Stephan Paproski and Ray Hnatyshyn, and leader of the Progressive-Conservative Party, November 12, 1976, letter what the Soviet he said. Joe Clark. Photo above shows Patriarch Josyf, center, in Ottawa with, left to right, Very Rev. Leo Chayka, Rev. Peter Steciuk, J. Clark, S. Paproski, Sen. Yuzyk, R. Hnatyshyn, Bishop Isidore Borecky, Rev. Leon Yakubow, and Rev. Dr. Iwan Dacko. Congressman Eilberg Urges Questions Soviet Legality Brezhnev to Release Moroz WAS HINGTON, D. C. -Congressman culture and Russification of their country. NEW YORK, N.Y.—After being arrested He admits to performing certain acts for Joshua Eilberg, of Philadelphia, chairman I, Congressman Joshua Eilberg, Chair­ and sentenced twice, apparently for alleged which he was charged during his arrest in of the Subcommittee on Immigration, man of the Subcommittee on Immigration, crimes committed by him prior to 1949, 1967. forwarded a letter to the General Secretary have a wide acquaintance among Ukrain­ Vasyl Malozhensky asked the Soviet Ukra­ On New Year's Day, 1949, Malozhensky of Communist Party of USSR, Leonid ians in the United States and many friends inian Attorney General and the Presidium of crossed the Polish-Soviet border and was Brezhnev, urging him to release Valentyn among them whose tireless efforts are made the Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian SSR arrested. He was sentenced to 18 months in Moroz from imprisonment and permit him on behalf of Valentyn Moroz, whose ordeal for a review of his case, which he claims is prison for not having proper identification and his family to emigrate to the U.S. is troubling even myself. and border crossing permits. illegal under Soviet law, reported the press The letter reads as follows: With this I call upon you, Mr. General Some two decades later he was arrested service of the Ukrainian Supreme Libera­ We American citizens are concerned Secretary, to personally intervene on behalf again for alleged crimes he committed prior tion Council (abroad). about the young Ukrainian historian, of this human being, who only recently to 1949. In January 1968, a Lviv oblast court According to Soviet law, Article III, Valentyn Moroz, who for the second time is broke his fast in protest and was written up sentenced him to 15 years in prison without paragraph 42 of the Criminal Code of the imprisoned. by every American newspaper. deducting the time he already served. Ukrainian SSR, if a person is convicted for We Americans honor and respect freedom I personally wish to ask you, Mr.
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