• « > /4 MNfly etatf? todty wd (g. , Distribution •igbt, dunce of tfaondentoniu. High abort M, Low tosfgbt, Today M*, Mostly bir tomorrow, Hlgb, M, See weather, tide* 1 Independent Daily f 14,200 page 2. I J issued Dally. Monday through Friday, entered at Second Class Matter 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE VOLUME 82, NO. 247 at the Post Olllct at Red Bank. N. J., under the Act of March 3. 1879. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, 1960 Convention Town: Morning Scene Nixon Has Tight Grip By JIM BISHOP Author of "The Day Lincoln Was Shot;" "The Day Christ Died" CHICAGO — The cab driver inches through the OnChicagoActivities morning rain. He looks at the low scud of clouds and murmurs: "Them delegates got here with one shirt and a five dollar bill and they ain't changed either.' Lodge Seen He makes it along Balbo to Michigan Avenue and a fat cop stops him and holds him in the left-turn lane. Ike Cites Military Choice For Across the street is the Sheraton-Blackstone. On the fourth floor, little mounds of confetti hud- Veep Spot dle in corners of the ledges. A vagrant wind Strength, Prosperity catches some of it and it spins down like salt, too CHICAGO (AP) — With late for Nixon, too early for Eisenhower. Behind (CHICAGO (AP) — President n iron grasp on its every Eisenhower says it is "irrefutable Swiss Cheese Look the ledge is suite 408. In 1920, this was the truth" that the nation is enjoy- ignificant activity, Vice "smoke-filled room" where the nomination of Sen. ng unprecedented prosperity, has Hits School Field 'resident Richard M. Nixon (See JIM BISHOP Pg. 2) the strongest military system in waited today the Republi- the world and is working cease- RUMSON — The athletic field lessly for peace.) at the Rumson-Fair Haven :an convention's nomina- Regional High School has He gave this assessment of his started to behave as if it were on as its presidential years of stewardship in the White ripening Swiss cheese. Superin- :andidate. UN Plane Hassle LEONARDO TAXPAYERS Association held its regular monthly meeting Tuesday House to an enthusiastic "Thank tendent of Schools Frank F. You Ike Day" session of the GOP Around the fringes of this un- night at the home of Joseph Pulaski, Concorcl Ave., to hear reports on Navy naviga- Klnncy reported to the Board National Convention last night. precedentedly controlled party of Education last night. tion rulings from Miss Gertrude Neidlinger, secretary, left foreground, and George Especially in the fields of na- meeting dissident voices cried Large holes, some three feet Stanley, president, right foreground. Standing is Arthur Weimer, a trustee, and one tional defense and economic out in the political wilderness Impasse Seen As deep, have appeared over most growth, Eisenhower strongly de- igainst a Nixon-dictated platform of 30 members who attended. According to reports from the Navy, no marine of the field, he said. Little fended h i s administration's md his prospective choice of a League games scheduled there traffic is permissible between the Leonardo Marina and the Earle Pier. record. At many points his speech Oinning mate. have been cancelled. struck at the Democrats, but he But behind his legions of dele- Victory for U.S. 9 could as well have been speaking All hands arc searching for ;ate votes Nixon had the solid, of Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller Ihe cause of the sudden craters. •till glamorous figure of Presl- 'Secession Fever Spreads when he said: The fire department is helping lent Eisenhower. to probe drain pipes to see if Lodge Reports Russian 'Pessimists' faulty subsurface drainage is To roars of thunderous ap- "Just as the Biblical Job had the cause. So far the holes re- plause, Eisenhower told the From Riverside to Leonardo his boils, so we have a cult of main a mystery. convention last night that his Espionage Efforts Here professional pessimists who, tak- administration had "employed LEONARDO — Secession fever no action had been taken by Committee at the committee' ing counsel of their fears, con the whole might of our mili- seemed on the point of spread- township officials. meeting tonight asking correc- tinually mouth the allegation that tary, economic, political and UNITED NATIONS, N. Y, (AP) — Security Coun tions on some of the grievances Suffer Minor moral strength to prevent war ing in Middletown Township last Study Group America has become a second dl debate on the American RB47 reconnaissancf A committee appointed to study They planned to ask the com- rate military power." and to build a solid structure of plane shot down by the Russians ended last nigh night. the secession possibility includes mittee: Rockefeller has criticized Injuries In peace." On the heels of an announce- Joseph H. Murray, Mrs. M.P. 1. To provide lifeguards an several phases of administration Then, in passing the baton of with a 9-2 council vote rejecting Soviet charges againsi ment last week that Riverside Ruggiero, Harold Newmier, and police officers for the protectioi activity. GOP leadership to Nixon, his the United States and a Russian veto of the U.S. pro- Heights area residents had vot- Mr. Stanley. f beach users and residents. Vice President Richard M 2-Car Crash specially trained vice president, ed to establish a separate vil- — r" posal for an internationa The association also voted to 2. To take action against reck Nixon, who got a handsome send- LONG BRANCH — Four per- Eisenhower added: an lage, the Leonardo Taxpayers present a letter to the Township less operation of motorboats i off for his coming campaign from "If we can be blessed with ex- Pen Is Mightier Association voted unanimously sons including an 81-year-old lo- investigation. crowded bathing and bulkhea the retiring President, hailed cal man escaped with minor in icrience and steady leadership in The Russians also vetoei to study the feasibility of se- areas. Eisenhower's speech as "a smash Washington, the possibility of the Than Bandit's Gun ceding from the township." juries yesterday in a two-car ac- an Italian proposal that th Union Beach 3. To improve maintenance o hit." cident at Joline Ave., and Lib- outbreak of future war will be MONTREAL (AP) - A man George P. Stanley, the group's beach cleanliness. Rockefeller called it an 'excel- erty St. minimized and we can eventually International Red Cros president, termed the action pointed a pistol through a 4. To clarify the boundarie lent, forthright" statement. Bu Ralph Palaia, 81, of 185 Gar ivin the peace." contact the two surviving crew- "psychological warfare." of the beach. teller's window in a branch of Youth Day Rockefeller, who has urged an field Ave., suffered cuts abou Nixon was In full command of men of the American plane, who But he also called it "food for 5. To explain why the Leonar- the bank of Montreal yesterday immediate rise of 3>/J billion dol the face and body as his car a convention as perhaps no are being held by the Russians thought." do beachfront is now open to the lars in.defense spending, refused overturned after he allegedly ig- other nominee-to-be except a and demanded large bills. Merl- Scheduled for trial as spies. The move came after the group general public. to comment when asked about the nored a stop street sign at the White House occupant ever has lyn Marshall, the teller, stuck Despite the official impasse, had discussed numerous griev- UNION BEACH - The Recrea- Miss Gertrude Neidlinger, sec- "cult of professional pessimists" ntersection. been In history. her ballpoint pen into the muz- UN diplomats chalked up the ances on which, members said, ion Commission will sponsor its retary, pointed out that the land |phrase. Police said, Mr. Palaia wa In the past a few outgoing outcome as a defeat for the So- !irst annual Youth Day Aug. 27 originally had been donated to zle, and the bandit ran from Jhe Warm Welcome driving South on Liberty St., who Presidents like Theodore Roose- viet Union and a victory for the at the beachfront. the township by property own- bank and disappeared. Eisenhower, who is nearing 70 his car collided with one drive velt and Andrew Jackson have United States. They pointed out Announcement was made last ers for the use only of Leonardo received a warm "We Like Ike by Daniel P. Donovan, Jr., 24, o controlled conventions, dictated and other Middletown Township that on all three resolutions the Decision Is night after a special commis- reception from the GOP dele Statcn Island, an employee their nominees, and had the final residents. vote was 9-2, with Russia and sion meeting attended by rep- gates, whose party rode to powei the Monmouth Park Race Track word on platforms. __ FBI Agent Poland opposed by all nine non- Delayed On resentatives of 24 local service Oppose Rezonlng with him nearly eight years agi Mr. Donovan and two passen This convention listened to and Communist members of the coun- civic and social organizations. after two decades of being on thi gers, Edward Levelle, 50, of 11! cheered President Eisenhower. cil including Ceylon and Tunisia, The session was also attended The group also planned to ask the committee to take a stand outside. Broadway, and Robert Kasagran It might bend somewhat to his which usually abstain from voting by Mayor Harvey C. Eriksen Stricken; 'Fair' Site Option opposing proposed commercial- He ' spoke earnestly, and di de 22, of Staten Island, sufferec wishes. But because of the two- on cold war disputes. who gave his full support to the HOLMDEL — As a result of ization of the Leonardo beach dained the teleprompter used b\ minor bruises.
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