he Quality Sourc eb o o k ’s Softwa re document revision while keeping old revi- ISO 9000 Software Matrix ..................141 Guide feat u r es inform a tion on com- sions on fil e. Such a system also needs to Pe r h aps nowh e re does softwa re seem T panies that provide quality softwar e allow users to create new revisions, route m o re of a boon than when it can be used for ISO 9000, document contro l , c a l i b ra- them for approval and inform other users s u c c e s s f u l ly to orga n i ze a complicat e d, tion and fl ow ch a rt i n g. Because there is when a new revision supersedes an ex i s t- h e av i ly detail-ori e n t e d, d o c u m e n t at i o n - s u ch a wide va riety of SPC softwa re ava i l- ing document. intensive process such as ISO 9000 regis- abl e, we have given SPC softwa re its ow n The Document Control Softwar e Direc - tr ation. Fort u n at e l y, so f t wa r e manufa c t u re r s section in this Quality Sourc ebook. Fo r to r y lists companies that specialize in docu- ha ve developed a wide assortment of pack- m o re info rm ation on any of the pro d u c t s ment control softwa re and provides some ages to meet most eve ry ISO 9000 need. or services listed in this section, c o n t a c t details about specific products. Many of the So f t wa r e types ran g e from products specif- the companies dire c t ly. Please be sure to pr oducts are for organ i z a tionwide document ic a l l y designed to meet the demands of ISO mention you saw their listings in Q u a l i t y co n t ro l , but some app l y to specific segm e n t s 9000 to more far-reaching titles that cover D ige st ’s 2001 Quality Sourc eb o o k ! of an orga n i z at i o n ’s document contro l areas important to any quality system. pr ocess. The direc t o r y includes the company This matrix of ISO 9000 software man- Software Directory na m e , add re s s , phone and fax num b e rs , Web ufa c t u re r s feat u r es more than 275 softwar e C a l i b ration Softwa r e and Services add re s s , and a brief description of the com- pr oducts that aid users in a var ious aspects D i re c t o ry . .1 2 7 pa ny ’ s prod u c t s . of ISO 9000 documentation or implemen- Co r re c t ,u p - t o - d ate calibration rec o rd s tation (or both). The matrix includes com- help ensure that all testing equipment is Fl ow ch a r ting & Process Simu l ation Soft- pany name, software name, software price a c c u rate and that test results are re l i abl e ware Matrix .........................................137 and contact information. and traceable to a test standard. The right The Flow ch a rting & Process Simu l a- ca l i b r ation softwar e makes it easier to doc- tion Softwar e Matr ix includes products that ISO 9000 Software Directory..............149 ument and control calibration equipment, are useful as basic flowcharters as well as This dire c t o ry of ISO 9000 softwa re s aving companies time and money and those that can help implement sophisticat- ma nu fa c t u re r s includes the company name, offering a definite advantage to organiza- ed process simu l ation initiat ives. The key a dd re s s , phone and fax nu m b e rs , Web tions with internal quality programs such difference is the ability of the process sim- add re s s , and a brief description of the soft- as ISO 9000. ulation tools to capture and analyze data. wa re company ’s products or serv i c e s . Most calibration softwa re is designed This may be as simple as calculating time (Please note that not all companies pro- to control and collect data directly from a and cost totals based on individual flow- vided us with descriptions.) test instru m e n t ,a n a ly ze test result dat a ,a n d chart steps or as complex as performing a a l l ow users to tra ck calibration histori e s s i mu l ation of the process cap t u red in the As with all Quality Digest gu i d e s , the Soft- by means of a relational database. flowchart and highlighting process bottle- ware Guide is in no way meant to endorse The Calibration Softwar e and Servi c e s n e cks. The mat rix includes the company or exc lude a particular organ i z a tion. Rath e r , Di re c t o r y also contains inform a tion on com- name, product title, product attributes and i t ’s meant to be used as the starting point panies that provide calibration services. The the operating systems for wh i ch the soft- in the data-gathering process. Readers are d i re c t o ry includes the company name, ware is designed. en c o u r aged to contact the companies direc t - a dd re s s , phone and fax nu m b e rs , Web ly for more info rm ation and to ask fo r — add re s s , and a brief description of the pro- Fl ow ch a r ting & Process Simul a tion Softwar e and check—references. ducts and services offere d . Di re c t o r y .. .1 3 8 The Flowch a r ting & Process Simul at i o n We ap p re c i ate any fe e d b a ck you have on Document Control Softwar e Direc t o r y..1 3 3 S o f t wa re Dire c t o ry includes the company our Software Guide. If you have any sug- A well-designed and secure electronic na m e , add re s s , phone and fax num b e rs , Web gestions for how we can improve this guide document control system should provide a a dd re s s , and brief product descri p t i o n . for next ye a r, e-mail them to s o u rc eb o o k sa f e and secure place for documents as wel l (Please note that not all companies provi d e d @qualitydigest.com. as a means for circulating only the current us with descrip t i o n s . ) Calibration Software & Services Directory 4a Better Business Inc. C able Single and GageMux Multiple 8950 Gross Point Road input gage interfaces connect any gage to Skokie, IL 60077 a ny softwa re, and we fe at u re the Shop- Ph. 847-470-4513 Fax 847-470-3511 Tou c h line of industrial touch screen PCs www.4abetterbusiness.com and low-cost port able data collectors . C h e cklist for Eva l u ating Calibrat i o n ASD also sells gage calibration softwar e. Management Ahlegian Precision This software helps you compare differ- 10106 Chipmunk Ridge Drive ent softwa re pack ages you choose on Concord Township, OH 44077 more than 300 elements in more than 12 Ph. 440-352-9921 Fax 440-352-9929 cat e gor ies. It includes an optional num e r - www.ahlegian.com ic ranking system and suggested test Optical comparator ch a rts ava i l able in strategies and is Microsoft Excel-based. 0.050-in. thick vinyl , 0.050-in. thick CTG A.A. Jansson Inc. Lexan and glass (1/8 in. to 1/4 in.). Cali- 2070 Airport Road b ration scales are accurate within 1 µm Waterford, MI 48327 and NIST-t ra c e a ble . Ah l e gian offer s com- Ph. 800-526-7766 Fax 248-674-1234 plete calibration services. www.aajansson.com Altegra N ew and used precision measuri n g 1035 Redtail Road e q u i p m e n t , i n cluding CMMs, o p t i c a l Audubon, PA 19403 c o m p a rat o rs , vision systems, s u r fa c e Ph. 888-306-8405 Fax 610-539-4225 pl at e s , gage blo ck s , fixed limit gages and www.spc4mfg.com mo r e. A2LA calibration services avai l - GageManager able on many types of measuring equip- Ga geM a n a ger perfor ms gage calibrati o n s ment. Rep a i rs , u p grades and re t ro fit s and tracks calibrations, GR&Rs, repairs avai l a ble . A.A. Jansson offer s full NIST- and gage usage. It works with Microsoft t ra c e abl e, A 2 L A - c e rt i fied calibrat i o n SQL Server, and customization and inte- se r vices on gage bl o ck s ,s u r face plate s , gration are available.
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