(187Ml) 9 Barefoot, Moscato 8 St. Michelle, Riesling 7 Monkey

(187Ml) 9 Barefoot, Moscato 8 St. Michelle, Riesling 7 Monkey

:LQH &RUGLDO2IIHULQJV White AppleJack BranDy 6 Zonin, Prosecco (187ml) 9 Baileys 6 Barefoot, Moscato 8 Capel Pisco 7 St. Michelle, Riesling 7 Caravella Limoncello 6 Monkey Bay, Sauvignon Blanc 7 Campari 7 Rex Goliath, Pinot Grigio 7 Cynar 7 Canyon RoaD, Chardonnay 9 Di Saronno 7 BV, Chardonnay 7 Drambuie 7 Frangelico 7 Red Fernet Branca 7 Mark West, Pinot Noir 8 Fireball 5 J. Lohr, Merlot 10 GranD Marnier 8 Cline, ZindanDel 7 Jagermeister 6 Red DiamonD, Cabernet Sauvignon 8 Kahlua 6 Don Miguel Gascon, Malbec 8 3LPP¶V 6 Morse Code, Shiraz 8 UndergrounD 6 Yukon Jack 6 :LQH&RFNWDLOV French 75: Aviation, Lemon Juice, Simple Syrup, Prosecco 9 Red Splash: Sauza, Agave Syrup, Lime, Grapefruit, Pinot Noir 9 Autumn Swim: Absolut, Melon Liqueur, Lemon, Simple, Sauv Blanc 9 /LTXHXUVDQG&RUGLDOV 'UDIW%HHU 6HUYHGLQDR],PSHULDO3LQW Liqueurs, or cordials, are a sweet Distilled spirit with sugar contents start- ing at 2.5 percent, with the sweetest going far beyonD that. BuD Light, St. Louis, MO 5 These spirits often begin with a base liquor, which coulD be anything from a neutral grain alcohol to a branDy, whiskey, or rum. Sugar is aDDeD to the Deschutes River Ale, BenD, OR 6 base along with a mix of herbs, fruits anD spices DepenDing on the DesireD Pabst Blue Ribbon, Milwaukee, WI 5 flavor. You will often see liqueurs with a specific flavor profile, such as cu- Shock Top, St. Louis, MO 5 racao (orange) or creme De framboise (raspberry). Other liqueurs are more of a blenD of flavors, like Campari, Drambuie anD Tuaca. Uinta Cutthroat Pale Ale, SLC, UT 6 Uinta Hefeweizen, SLC, UT 6 &RUGLDO&RFNWDLOV Uinta Seasonal, SLC, UT 6 Negroni: Monopolowa Gin, Campari, Carpano Antica 9 Uinta WylD EPA, SLC, UT 6 Cynar Toronto: Rittenhouse Rye, Cynar, Sugar, Bitters 9 Guinness, St. James Gate, Dublin 8.5 Rusty Nail: Speyburn 10yr, Drambuie 9 WooDchuck Granny Smith CiDer, Proctorsville, VT 8.5 3LPP·V&XS3LPP¶V*UDQ*DOD/LPH*LQJHU 9 3LPP·V,QWLDOLQR3LPP¶V&\QDU7RQLF 9 Jack Rose: AppleJack BranDy, Lemon, Sugar, GrenaDine 9 Pisco Sour: Capel Pisco, HousemaDe Sour, Egg Whites 9 BlackJack: AppleJack BranDy, Chai Vermouth, Cherry Bitters 9 'UDIW&RFNWDLOV HopFruit: Monopolowa Gin, Grapefruit Bitters, Simple, River Ale 9 Small Hands: Sauza, Lime, Agave Syrup, LavenDer Bitters, Hefe 9 Rain Delay: Bacardi GolD, Cynar, Black Pepper Syrup, Cutthroat 9 7KH%RXUERQ+RXVHSURXGO\RQO\VHUYHVIXOO 5XP VWUHQJWKERWWOHGEHHU. A Distilled alcoholic beverage maDe from sugarcane byproducts, such as mo- lasses, or Directly from sugarcane juice, by a process of fermentation and Dis- Anchor Steam 6 tillation. The distillate, a clear liquid, is then usually ageD in oak barrels. Angry Orchard Crisp Apple CiDer 6 Boulder HazeD anD InfuzeD IPA 5 5XP&RFNWDLOV Corona Familiar (946ml) 8 The Hemingway Daiquri: Bacardi Silver, Luxardo, Sour, Grapefruit 8 Delirium Tremens 9 El Presidente: Bacardi GolD, Gran Gala, Dry Vermouth, Orange 8 Deschutes Black Butte Porter 5 Mai Tai: Ron Abuelo Anejo, Gran Gala, Lime, Orgeat 10 Deschutes Fresh SqueezeD IPA 5 Deschutes Mirror PonD Pale Ale 5 5XP2IIHULQJV Epic Brainless Belgian (651ml) 11 Epic Cross Fever Amber (651ml) 7 Bacardi Superior 5.5 Epic Pfeifferhorn Lager (651ml) 7 Bacardi Gold 7 Epic Spiral Jetty IPA (651ml) 7 &DS¶W0RUJDQ6SLFHG 5.5 Firestone Walker Union Jack IPA 5.5 *RVOLQJ¶V%ODFN6HDO 6 Firestone Pale 31 5.5 Pyrat Planters XO Reserve 7 Firestone Seasonal 5.5 Ron Abuelo Anejo 12yr 7.5 Full Sail Amber 4 Sailor Jerry SpiceD 5.5 Full Sail LTD 4 Full Sail IPA 4 Full Sail Seasonal 4 Grolsch (450ml) 7 Hamms 4 /DJXQLWDV/LWWOH6XPSLQ¶6XPSLQ¶ 6 Lagunitas IPA 6 Leffe BlonDe Ale 6 Lev Lion Lager (500ml) 6 /LQGHPDQ¶V)UDPERLVH/DPELF 9.5 Newcastle Brown Ale 6 7HTXLOD 7KH%RXUERQ+RXVHSURXGO\RQO\VHUYHVIXOO VWUHQJWKERWWOHGEHHU. Usually clear in color anD unageD, maDe from the fermenteD juice of the Mexican agave plant. It contains 40±50% alcohol. It was DevelopeD soon New Belgium Fat Tire Amber 5 after the Spaniards brought Distillation to Mexico, anD is nameD for the town of Tequila. There are 4 types of tequila: New Belgium Seasonal 5 *Silver: Un-ageD anD bottleD or storeD immeDiately after distillation, or ageD North Coast Old Rasputin Stout 5 less than two months in stainless steel or neutral oak barrels. *Gold: Un-ageD silver tequila that may be flavored with caramel coloring. Pacifico 6 Could also be the result of blenDing silver tequila with ageD anD/or extra- Payette Mutton Buster Brown 4 ageD tequila. Payette North Fork Lager 4 *Reposado: AgeD a minimum of two months, but less than a year in oak barrels of any size. Payette Outlaw IPA 4 *Añejo: AgeD a minimum of one year, but less than three years in small oak Payette Pale Ale 4 barrels Piraat Triple Ale 7 7HTXLOD&RFNWDLOV Rogue DeaD Guy Ale 6 Sam ADams Boston Lager 6 The Margarita: Hornitos Plata, Gran Gala, HousemaDe Lime Cordial 8 Sam ADams Rebel IPA 6 Island Rose: Sauza, Kahlua, Chambord, Cream 8 Sam Smith Oatmeal Stout 7 Brave Bull: Patron Silver, Kahlua 9 Session Lager 4 7HTXLOD2IIHULQJV Session Black Lager 4 Sierra NevaDa Pale Ale 5 Hornitos ReposaDo 7 Spaten Optimator 7 Hornitos Plata 6 Steigl 7 Jose Cuervo Especial 5.5 Stella Artois 7 Patron Anejo 9.5 Strongbow Hard Cider 5.5 Patron ReposaDo 8.5 Squatters Hop Rising IPA 5 Patron Silver 8 Unibroue La Fin du MonDe 7 Vida Anejo 9.5 Uinta Dubhe Imp. Black IPA 6 Sauza Gold 5.5 Uinta Hop Nosh IPA 5 Uinta CrookeD Line Seasonal (750ml) 15 Wasatch Devastator Double Bock 5 Wasatch GhostriDer White IPA 5 %RXUERQ *LQ Although several Different styles of gin have evolveD, it is legally Differentiat- On May 4, 1964, the UniteD States Congress recognizeD Bourbon Whiskey eD into four categories in the European Union, which are DescribeD as fol- DV D ³GLVWLQFWLYH SURGXFW RI WKH 8QLWHG 6WDWHV´ 7KH )HGHUDO 6WDQGDUGV RI lows: Identity for DistilleD Spirits (27 C.F.R. 5.22) state that bourbon must meet * Juniper-flavored Spirits: This incluDes the earliest class of gin, which is these requirements: produceD by pot Distilling a fermenteD grain mash to moDerate strength (e.g. 68% ABV), anD then redistilling it with botanicals to extract the aromatic com- * Bourbon must be maDe of a grain mixture that is at least 51% corn (maize). pounDs. It must be bottleD at a minimum of 30% ABV. * Bourbon must be Distilled to no more than 160 (U.S.) proof (80% alcohol by * Gin: This is a juniper-flavored spirit made not via the re-Distillation of botan- volume). icals, but by simply aDDing approveD natural flavoring substances to a neutral * Neither coloring nor flavoring may be aDDeD. spirit of agricultural origin. The preDominant flavor must be juniper. * Bourbon must be ageD in new, charreD oak barrels. * Distilled Gin: DistilleD gin is produceD exclusively by re-Distilling ethyl alco- * Bourbon must be entered into the barrel at no more than 125 proof (62.5% hol of agricultural origin with an initial strength of 96% ABV in stills traDitional- alcohol by volume). ly useD for gin, in the presence of juniper berries anD of other natural botani- * Bourbon, like other whiskeys, may be bottleD at not less than 80 proof (40% cals. alcohol by volume.) * London Gin: LonDon Gin may not contain aDDeD sweetening exceeDing * Bourbon that meets the above requirements anD has been ageD for a mini- 0.1 grams of sugar per liter of the final product, nor colorants, nor any aDDeD mum of two years may (but is not requireD to) be calleD Straight Bourbon. ingredients other than water. The term LonDon Gin may be supplementeD by * Straight Bourbon ageD for a period less than four years must be labeleD the term "dry". with the duration of its aging. *LQ&RFNWDLOV * If an age is stateD on the label, it must be the age of the youngest whiskey Bronx: Monopolowa Gin, Sweet anD Dry Vermouth, OJ, Bitters 9 in the bottle. Ramos Fizz: Tanqueray Gin, Sour, Cream, Egg Whites 9 * Only whiskey produceD in the UniteD States can be calleD bourbon. %HH·V.QHHVBeehive Jack Rabbit Gin, Lemon, Honey 9 %RXUERQ&RFNWDLOV Old Fashion: Knob Creek, Raw Sugar, Bitters, Orange` 9 *LQ2IIHULQJV Cablegram: 0DNHU¶V0DUN/HPRQ6LPSOH*LQJHU%HHU 8 Aviation 7 $]WHF·V%XOOHLWBulleit, BeneDictine, Crème De Cacao, Tabasco 8 Beehive Jack Rabbit 7 Derby: 0DNHU¶V0DUN*UDQ*DOD6ZHHW9HUPRXWK/LPH 8 Bombay Sapphire 7 Bourbon and Elder: Buffalo Trace, St. Germain, Bitters 9 +HQGULFN¶V 7.5 Mint Julep: Four Roses Small Batch, Mint, Simple 9 Monopolowa 5.5 Boulivadier: WilD Turkey, Campari, Sweet Vermouth 9 Ramson Old Tom 8 Bourbon Smash: 0DNHU¶V0DUN*UDQ*DOD/HPRQ0LQW 9 Tanqueray 6.5 9RGND %RXUERQ2IIHULQJV Colorless, Distilled liquor of neutral spirits usually maDe from a grain mash Barterhouse 13 (generally rye or wheat). Potato voDka originateD in Russia in the 14th centu- Bakers 8 ry. ToDay most voDka is Distilled from cereal grains. It is highly neutral, most Basil Hayden 8yr 7.5 flavoring substances having been eliminateD During Distillation anD filtration, %ODQWRQ¶V6LQJOH%DUUHO 9 the latter process employing charcoal purifiers. DistilleD water is usually aDD- Bookers 9 eD before bottling in order to lower alcohol content to 40±43% by volume Buffalo Trace 6 (80±86 proof). VoDka is not ageD. Bulleit Frontier 6.5 9RGND&RFNWDLOV Bulleit 10yr 9 Moscow Mule: Sugarhouse VoDka, MuDDleD Lime, Ginger Beer 9 Eagle Rare Single Barrel 7 Juicy Pair: Absolut Pears, Lemon, Simple Syrup 9 Elijah Craig 21yr 15 7LP·V&XSCucumber VoDka, Limoncello, Mint, Lemon/Lime SoDa 9 Four Roses Small Batch 7 Four Rose Single Barrel 8.5 9RGND2IIHULQJV George T.

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