veE EWREQIHT ixhpEQRW ivlution nd gompiltion of pission rodut ields IWWQ F F inglnd nd fF pF ider vos elmos xtionl vortory ytoerD IWWR estrt his doument is the ltest in series of ompiltions of ssion yield dtF pission yield mesurements reported in the open literture nd lulted hrge distriutions hve een used to produe reommended set of yields for the ssion produtsF he originl dt with referene souresD nd the reommended yields re presented in tE ulr formF hese inlude mny nulides whih ssion y neutrons t severl energiesF hese energies inlude therml energies @AD ssion spetrum energies @pAD IR me righ inergy @r or riAD nd spontneous ssion @AD in six sets of ten ehF et e inludes PQSD PQSpD PQSriD PQVpD PQVriD uPQWD uPQWpD uPRID PQQD hPQPpF et f inludes PQQpD PQQriD PQTpD uPQWrD uPRHpD uPRIpD uPRPpD hPQPrD xpPQUpD gfPSPF et g inludes PQRpD PQUpD uPRHrD PQRriD PQTriD uPQVpD emPRIpD emPRQpD xpPQVpD gmPRPpF et h inludes hPPUD hPPWD PQIpD emPRID emPRIrD emPRPwD gmPRSD gfPRWD gfPSID isPSRF et i inludes gfPSHD gmPRRD gmPRVD isPSQD pmPSRD pmPSSD pmPSTD xpPQUrD PQPD PQVF et p inludes gmPRQD gmPRTD gmPRQpD gmPRRpD gmPRTpD gmPRVpD uPRPrD xpPQUD uPRHD nd uPRP to omplete ssion produt yield evlutions for TH ssioning systems in llF his report lso serves s the primry doumenttion for the seond evlution of yields in ixhpGfEs relesed in IWWQF his report ws originlly intended to e printed full sized inluding ll evluted nd ompiled dtF roweverD it ontins more thn VHDHHH single sped linesD most extending over IQP olumns @out IQHH pgesAF he min textD tulr dt in the textD evluted hin yieldsD nd n extensiveD nnotted iliogrphy re retined in this textF ell evluE ted nd ompiled dt hve een relegted to six ppendies for the six groups of ssioning nulides noted oveF hese re ville to nyone hving ess to the internetF he nonymous node is tPFlnlFgov under the sunode yieldsF he les will lso e ville from fxvD seie nd other sitesF lese onsult the redmeFyld4 le in tPFlnlFgov yields node for dditionl informtionF qenerl sn reent yersD there hs een gret interest in ssion yieldsF hey re used in the lultion of oddEeven piring eetsD the numer of prompt neutrons per ssion @nurAD of delyed neutron I preursor yieldsD nd of delyed neutron spetrF ields re used in the lultion of wste disposl inventoriesD nd in the lultion of et nd gmm ry spetr of ssionEprodut inventoriesF pission yields re lso used in the lultion of dey hetD espeilly in the time from I to IHHH seonds fter lossEofEoolnt ident in nuler power plntF uh lultion requires vlue for the independent yield of every ssion produt nulide with hlfElife longer thn few tenths of seondF his work inludes reommended independent @sA yield for every ssion produt nulide to stisfy the requirements of dey het lultionsF he reommended independent yield vlues hve een trnsmitted to the xtionl xuler ht genter9s ivluted xuler ht pile @ixhpGfEsA t frookhven xtionl vortoryF he gross etion ivlution orking qroup @giqA pission rodut ield nd hey ht uommittee hs reviewed this workF everl tests hve een pplied to the dt inluding heks of tomD neutronD nd proton lnesF pirstD exept for the very smll ternry ssion ontriution the totl of hin yields in the light nd hevy mss peks should eh dd to IHH7 or PHH7 when ominedF eondD the verge mss of the hevy ssion produtD plus the verge of the light ssion produtD plus the verge numer of neutrons emitted in ssion @nurA should equl the mss of the ssioning nulide plus the mss of the neutron induing the ssionF hirdD the of eh ssion produtD times the independent yield of tht ssion produtD summed over ll ssion produts inluding ternry ssion produts with a I through RD nd divided y IHH @to remove perentA should equl of the ssioning nulideF hese tests were stised for therml ssionD nd within experimentl error for other ssion energiesF est results pper in the following tle in order of the mount of dt ville @the order of pperne in this doumentAX le IF etomD xeutron nd roton flnes xulide um of etomi gompound winus evF winus evF iquls epE ivluted irror on Bields xumer xuleus vight wss revy wss prent xur xur ivlF xur PQSt WPFHS WPFHH PQT EWRFWHUP EIQVFTWPQ PFRH PFRP B HFIP B PQSf WPFHH WPFHH PQT EWSFHSRW EIQVFRURH PFRU PFRU B HFIP B PQSh WPFHH WPFHH PQT EWTFSUQQ EIQSFQHWV RFIP RFQV B HFPP B PQVf WPFHH WPFHH PQW EWUFQQTI EIQVFUPVS PFWQ PFUW B HFIR B PQVh WPFHH WPFHH PQW EWUFVVRH EIQTFTWTU RFRP RFRP B HFPP B uPQWt WRFHH WRFHH PRH EWVFWWIH EIQVFIHRR PFWH PFVV B HFIR B uPQWf WRFHH WRFHH PRH EWVFWWWS EIQVFHWVU PFWH PFWR B HFIS B uPRIt WRFHH WRFHH PRP EIHHFPUUQ EIQVFUSVV PFWT PFVU B HFIR B PQQt WPFHI WPFHH PQR EWQFQTPR EIQVFIVQS PFRS PFSH B HFIP B hPQPf WHFHH WHFHH PQQ EWIFHSSS EIQWFUIRR PFPQ PFRP B HFIP B PQQf WPFHH WPFHH PQR EWQFTWPS EIQUFUWUT PFSI PFSP B HFIP B PQQh WIFWW WPFHH PQR EWSFWRRP EIQRFSVIT QFRU RFPU B HFPI B PQTf WIFWW WPFHH PQU EWSFUPWH EIQVFSVSR PFTW PFUV B HFIR B uPQWh WQFWW WRFHH PRH EIHHFIUIQ EIQSFPPVU RFTH RFWH B HFPS B uPRHf WQFWW WRFHH PRI EWWFTQWS EIQVFQWVV PFWT PFWR B HFIS B uPRIf WRFHH WRFHH PRP EIHHFQSHH EIQVFTUIS PFWV PFWS B HFIS B uPRPf WQFWW WRFHH PRQ EIHHFVQWH EIQVFVISS QFQS QFQI B HFIU B hPQPh WHFHH WHFHH PQQ EWQFVPVP EIQTFPTTI PFWI QFWP B HFPH B xpPQUf WQFHH WQFHH PQV EWUFIRTW EIQVFISWR PFTW QFHS B HFIS B gfPSPs WUFWU WVFHH PSP EIHTFIPQI EIRIFWRWT QFWQ QFVP BB HFIP BB PQRf WPFHH WPFHH PQS EWQFWIHI EIQVFQUHR PFUP PFTU B HFIQ B PQUf WIFWW WPFHH PQV EWTFSRHU EIQVFURPT PFUP @PFURA EEEEEEE uPRHh WQFWV WRFHH PRI EIHHFQQHS EIQTFHUHW RFTH @RFTPA EEEEEEE P PQRh WPFHH WPFHH PQS EWTFISRU EIQRFTRVI RFPH @RFPHA EEEEEEE PQTh WPFHH WPFHH PQU EWUFPIPT EIQSFSRQP RFPR @RFPTA EEEEEEE uPQVf WRFHH WRFHH PQW EWVFRWSV EIQVFSHPI PFHH PFWH B HFIS B emPRIf WSFHH WSFHH PRP EIHHFIWIT EIQVFTUTT QFIQ PFWI B HFIS B emPRQf WSFHH WSFHH PRR EIHIFHTWI EIQVFWIIQ RFHP QFVQ B HFIW B xpPQVf WQFHH WQFHH PQW EWVFHVIP EIQVFSTIP PFQT @PFQPA EEEEEEE gmPRPf WTFHH WTFHH PRQ EIHHFTVRQ EIQVFUISS QFTH @QFTRA EEEEEEE hPPUt WHFHH WHFHH PPV E VVFVUVI EIQUFURRR IFQV @IFRPA EEEEEEE hPPWt WHFHT WHFHH PQH E VUFWIRR EIQWFVIQH PFPU @PFQHA EEEEEEE PQIf WIFHI WIFHH PQP E WIFIPUU EIQVFQWTI PFRV @PFSQA EEEEEEE emPRIt WRFWQ WSFHH PRP EIHHFSVTT EIQVFRWTV PFWP @PFUWA EEEEEEE emPRIh WRFWV WSFHH PRP EIHPFHPTI EIQSFSIWI RFRS @RFUHA EEEEEEE ePRPwt WSFHQ WSFHH PRQ EIHHFWVQI EIQWFHTWQ PFWS @QFHRA EEEEEEE gmPRSt WSFWV WTFHH PRT EIHQFHRIQ EIQWFTTHH QFQH @QFQTA EEEEEEE gfPRWt WUFWP WVFHH PSH EIHSFWQSI EIQWFWTIP RFIH @RFHPA EEEEEEE gfPSIt WVFHS WVFHH PSP EIHUFRUWW EIRHFWHRH QFTP @QFVRA EEEEEEE isPSRt WVFWT WWFHH PSS EIIHFVHWH EIRHFPQVW QFWS @QFWPA EEEEEEE gfPSHs WUFWW WVFHH PSH EIHSFIQSV EIRIFSUWU QFPV @QFQHA EEEEEEE gmPRRs WSFWW WTFHH PRR EIHQFIHTQ EIQVFURHW PFIS PFTH BB HFII BB gmPRVs WTFHH WTFHH PRV EIHRFRRWS EIRHFHHRW QFSS @QFTWA EEEEEEE isPSQs WWFHI WWFHH PSQ EIHTFIHVT EIRPFSPII RFQU @RFQVA EEEEEEE pmPSRs IHHFHH IHHFHH PSR EIHVFVIUV EIRHFWRPW RFPR RFHS BB HFIW BB pmPSSt WWFWW IHHFHH PST EIIRFSIIV EIQVFRHSS QFHV @PFVQA EEEEEEE pmPSTs IHHFHH IHHFHH PST EIIHFVHPI EIRHFVQWH RFQT @RFQTA EEEEEEE xpPQUh WPFWW WQFHH PQV E WWFHHIS EIQSFSQQQ QFRU @QFTIA EEEEEEE PQPt WPFHS WPFHH PQQ E WPFITRH EIQVFHRWV PFUW @PFWTA EEEEEEE PQVs WIFWW WPFHH PQV E WTFHVTI EIRHFPUQV IFTR IFWU BB HFHU BB gmPRQt WSFWW WTFHH PRR EIHIFSTVR EIQWFRVQW PFWS EEEEEEEE EEEEEEE gmPRTs WTFHH WTFHH PRT EIHQFVIWQ EIQWFITTV QFHI EEEEEEEE EEEEEEE gmPRQf WSFWW WTFHH PRR EIHHFWWIU EIQWFQIRQ QFTW EEEEEEEE EEEEEEE gmPRRf WSFWW WTFHH PRS EIHIFRQVU EIQWFVUUS QFTV EEEEEEEE EEEEEEE gmPRTf WSFWW WTFHH PRU EIHPFVHIT EIRHFSRHV QFTT EEEEEEEE EEEEEEE gmPRVf WSFWW WTFHH PRW EIHRFIWUR EIRIFHVTU QFUP EEEEEEEE EEEEEEE uPRPh WQFWW WRFHH PRQ EIHIFSTWR EIQUFPPSW RFPH EEEEEEEE EEEEEEE xpPQUt WQFHH WQFHH PQV E WUFRURR EIQVFSUHQ IFWT EEEEEEEE EEEEEEE uPRHt WRFHH WRFHH PRI E WWFTUIQ EIQVFRSUI PFVU EEEEEEEE EEEEEEE uPRPt WRFHH WRFHH PRP EIHHFVVUT EIQWFHRWH PFHT EEEEEEEE EEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE B eferene ixhpGfEY BB eferene @TRrhIAY por more nur dt see @UUryIAF ields re lso heked to see if they sum to IHH7 per fission under eh pekF piftyEone do sum to IHHFHH7F PQStD PQSf isPSQsD pmPSTs re off y HFHI7D uPRHhD gfPRWtD nd xpPQUh y HFHR7D PQPt y HFHP7 nd fPSIt y HFHS7F por ixhpGfEsD even these smll devitions do not pply euse of the finl normliztionF sndependent yields re tken from lulted hrge distriution modelF he model independent yields re normlized so their sum equls the hin yieldF vrge errors re given to the model yieldsF hese model yields re merged sttistilly with weighted verges of mesured yieldsF yne set of umultive yields is lulted y dding independent yields strting with the initil nulide nd ending with the hin yieldF e seond set of umultive yields is lulted y strting with the hin yields nd sutrting independent yields ending with the initil nulideF hese two sets re verged using reiprol vrine weightingF he rst set domintes the initil nulide yield vergesF he seond set domintes the nl hin memer yield verges euse of the smll errors used y the onstrint imposed t H7 nd IHH7 of the hin yieldD respetivelyF he powerful nd onstrined merging tehnique nd resulting error nlysis used is tht reommended y rofessor fF sF pinrd of yregon tte niversityF re ws hirmn of the uommittee for ixhpGfE Q pission ield irrors @UUsIAF yther renements tret delyed neutron emissionD prtition diret yields etween metstle nd ground stte isomersD hndle internl trnsitionD nd omodte et dey rnhing rtiosF vight ernry pission roduts e survey ws mde y wdlnd @UUwehIA of experimentl informtion on the proility of ternry ssion nd the hrge distriution of the light ternry ssion produtsF e new presription ws presented for the ternry ssion proility s funtion of inident prtile
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