h ~( \' Bringing Africa South Vol.3 No.425 N$1.50 (GST Inc.) Wednesday June 81994 Tjingaete Lubowski duo I comes out get a roasting Accused of victimising white cops • GWEN LlSTER dence against white officers in order to get rid of all whites in the police punching THE winding-up of the force. lengthy Lubowski inquest That they had said in a report to yesterday was characterised chief police Inspector-General Raonga Andima that no white could be trusted by a scathing attack on police with the investigation, was "racism in Questions Garoeb's motives officers Willem Saunderson its purest form", Barnard charged. and Linus Neumbo by Hennie In a voice dripping with sarcasm, • TOMMINNEY Barnard, who ~aid tirey and characterising the two as "unscru­ "belonged in jail and not in pulous and dishonest policemen" AUDITOR-GENERAL Fanuel the police force". Barnard recommended that their con­ Tjingaete yesterday hit back at duct be looked into by the Prosecutor­ Bamard, appearing for several po­ General. Swapo's Moses Garoeb accusing liceman and a former NDF member him of dishonesty and tribalism Referring to them as the "incrimi­ who were accused of complicity in nating team" (rather than the "investi­ CLEARED in the wake ora stinging personal the death of the Swapo activist, went Michaela Clayton - attack by Garoeb on Monday. gating team"), he added that they had as far as to claim that the "only con­ caused anguish and hurt and ruin to claims against her were In a strongly-worded memorandum spiracy, apart from that by members many people. found to have no basis from Garoeb to University Council of the CCB, that came to light in the Also 'hung out to dry' by Barnard in fact. chair Harold Levy, the Swapo Secre­ inquest, was the conspiracy to victim­ was Inspector WilIem Terreblanche, tary General called the Auditor-Gen­ ise innocent people". Instead the con­ who had earlier testified that he had eral "unprofessional and partisan". spirators were Messrs Saunderson and informed General 'Foffie' Badenhorst He said the party calls on the Unam Neumbo as well as witnesses Romanus of plans to kill Lubowski. Barnard council to remove Tjingaete "forth­ Munango and Wi1lem Rooinasie. said he did not believe that with". Barnard, in his summing up of evi­ Terreblanche had informed either the In this Garoeb says he is speaking dence, called on Judge Harold Levy investigating officer, Jumbo Smit, of "on behalf of the central committee of to find that the white officers from these plans, as told to him by witness Swapo" and says the committee reg­ Nampol and NDF who had been im­ Charles Wildschudt (Neelse) before isters "its total rejection of Dr plicated in fact had no part in the death the assassination, nor had he told Gen­ Tjingaete as a member of the current of the Swapo activist, and that they, eral Badenhorst. inquiry on the affairs of Unam". Auditor-General Fanuel Tjingaete along with Michaela Figueira (for­ Terreblanche had perceived that his In an equally strongly-worded press merly Clayton) and Danie Botha, had own silence on the matter would be cellor Peter Katjavivi, saying "the fact been falsely implicated by witnesses release reacting to Garoeb's memo­ construed as a dereliction of duty and is that Dr Katjav iv i is a personal friend". and certain police officers. randum, Tjingaete accused Garoeb of so had decided to shift the blame (to tribalism for only protecting fellow He slammed Garoeb and Foreign Barnard accused the two officers in Badenhorst). There was no reason why DUBIOUS ... Witness Damara-speaking Namibians. Minister Theo-Ben Gurirab as "pro­ question (Saunderson and Neumbo) Terreblanche's claim should be ac- Romanus Munango, Tjingaete also denied he is trying to fessionalliars" and says President Sam of using the investigation into the whose testimony was oust University of Namibia vice-chan- continued on page 2 death of Lubowski to fabricate evi- continued on page 2 discredited. Suspended sentence for soliciting sex • JOSEF MOTINGA with her in exchange for N$50. She said she knew it was unlawful A WOMAN, whose name may not to ask for sex in exchange for money, be mentioned to avoid emotional but she had been unemployed and damage, was yesterday convicted of needed money to settle her accounts. soliciting sexual favours from men When pleading for mitigation, she in return for payment and sentenced asked 'for a suspended sentence be­ to N$300 or four months' imprison­ cause she was unmarried, had no ment, all of which was suspended. children and still had no job. She Appearing before the Windhoek promised to db her best to get em­ Magistrates Court, she pleaded guilty ployment. to the charge of soliciting for im­ Before sentence was passed, state moral purposes. prosecutor F Adams submitted to According to the indictment, on Magistrate George Mbundu that February 10, she enticed a certain police officer to have intercourse continued on page 2 ./ .'-.l. ~ l' 2 WeQr)esPC!y· ~h.in~A · 1-9.9·4 '..rJ T"'~, ~~"ltlIA~,! .' ".. ;;; . z. ..,.. •. "' .. .. :::;0; ..... .... ' ... _ f' ." .... :&: .... £\0,"' .. ,.. .. j :;J:30:,.. .., .. , lt' . J: ~ ;:\Jt....... ·• ." . n :;;;;: .... ~ .._ ... · .. .... ..... t .. ",""' , ... -"' ,, <j; .... '*:.\.· ... t:;a;r .• "" • • ··.. ,' .. ',1ko' •. ---;-- -.. -. !,,'iI'\liOk .. , ..' .. ... ,l;... ....., ...... 'or -;-----..--""""'~ -~~ -~~~~ ';._I"t,p;;..~-. - .:.~:;.: :~-"iii'T... ----:n:.,;:;- _; , ,'..r~.... i ....", --:-...- . .....,. ..... .... - Lubowski COp,S get a roasting Lubowski finding. in f ==FROM-PAGE 1 rently servingajaiJ sen- ~alse certifical~ of serv- L tence, had only served Ice had been Issued to a couple of weeks . cepted by the court in "to muddy the already Munangotoallowforhis JUDGE H Id L ·d· th preference to thatofGen- troubled waters into socalIed 'spy studies', • ~ro evy! presl 109 over e eralBadenhorstwhohad which Rooinasie had and to "enhance his im- Lub~wskl mquest, said at the ~nd of the denied he had been in- ventured", age as a spy and a killer". hear~ng!ester~aythathewouldmformt~e formed of such a plot. Describing this wit- Munango was de- parties mvolved when he had fuade hiS '. B amard was ' also , ness 'as it "stranger t6 the scri bed ' further by finding, but this is not expected to be .for a scathing about the evi- truth", Bamartl said that Bamard as a "fearless couple of weeks. dence of both Rooinasie Rooinasie had motive to 'h,mter of ' men ' and It also emerged 'in a discussion.hetween iohn and Munango', and said lie because he·wished to ~omen plagued by a WaIters for the State' and Judge Levy, that Prosecu- theinque~thad~ee!1u~ed "revengehimselfonpeo- . ti!'le problem'" who had ' tor-General Hans Heyman had refused to give evi- as a "forum for slander- . pIe who had caused his made up 's,torjes in the dence or make a statement on why he had decided ous. alIeg~tions" against ultimate predicament:'. cou~ ~d en~oye? him- UNSPARING .•• Defence ,counsel Hennie not to prosecute Irish mercenary Donald Acheson, police officers. Munango, he contm- self while domg It. Barnard (left) launched a scathing attack on the who was arrested shortly after the murder of the He agreed with coun- ued, had made a number The court could find investigating officers in the Lubowski case. On activist. sel for the fa~iJy of the of claims which were that Munango .h a~ . not the right is General Foffie Badenhorst. In response to questions frcimJudgeLevy, WaIters deceased which recom- patently untrue. attended meetmgs re- said the Prosecutor-General had exercised his dis- mended that the court He had said he was a gardingeitherLubowski the statement~ ?f "I personally have cretion and was not compelIed to give reasons for place no reliance on the member of Recce 5, yet or the late Immanuel MunangoandRoomasle, never com~ across tw.o withdrawing. He agreed with Heyman, however, . evidence of these wit- had not recognised the Shifidi, and that such Saunderson and more uru:elIable a.nd bl- that it would have been futile to continue the case nesses. offi~ial emblem; he de- evidence had been Neumbo had mad~ 11 ased pO~lcemen m my against Acheson in the absence of witnesses and co- Barnard pointed out nied being paid by the trumped up. ~nsu'pported alIeg~tlOns pr~fesslOnal c.areer accused, such as CCB operatives Staal Burger and that a 'clarify~ng' stat~- SA police, despite proof In a memo to,Inspec- m thl.S regard, an~ m fact which spans a period o!, Chappie Maree. Neither would circumstantial evi- ment concernmg prevI- of an 'R' contract as an tor-General AndImastat- had I~~erted their own more than. 29 . years, dence have been sufficient for such a prosecution, ous statements by informer for them. ing what could be estab- 'facts m statemeJ;lts by Barnard mamtamed. WaIters said. Rooinasie, who is cur- He also stated that a lished and proved from witnesses. This was folIowed by a discussion about the Inquest Act, the upshot of which is that the Judge is Tjingaete conies out punching not empowered to make recommendations for pros­ Affention all ecutions in his judgement, but that it is up to the He says Garoeb only at- tribalistic purposes". Prosecutor-General to peruse the evidence at the FROM PAGE 1 I . bI' h 'f th . f ' tacked him after he un- Tjingaete firmly re- conc USlOn to es~ IS I ere was a prima aCle former Nujomadoesnotdeserve . covered fraud in "his jected Gar6eb's aIlega- case for prosecutIOn. h' d .. tr - relative's ministry" re- tion that he had said he The Judge, however,. did not have to base hiS th em m IS a minIS a , f' d' . f"d h' h Id I Ella du Plessis tion and party.
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