Index Page numbers in italic refer to illustrations. Ad herennium see Rhetorica ad herennium personal and social identity 332, 337 Adamson, Sylvia 244 symmetry of love 393 adjectives: relationship to substance 315 types of love 386 Adonis 320 Apologie for Poetrie (Sidney) 406–7 adultery 29, 294 Aquinas, Thomas 283 Aeneid (Virgil) 17–18 Arcadia (Sidney) 21, 112, 192, 209, 211–12 Akrigg, G. P. V. 123, 125 archaism 59–60 Alberti, Leon Battista 405 Arden, Mary 131 alchemy 405–25 argument, development of 33–6 images and emblems 410, 412 Aristotle 315, 324 metaphors 111, 112, 413–14, 415–16, 419, art 423–4 and order 15–26 Alexander, William 209 see also poetry; writing, act of All’s Well that Ends Well (Shakespeare) 332–3, Arte of English Poesie (Puttenham) 60, 64, 322, 337 408, 419 allegory 30 Arte of Rhetorique (Wilson) 352 Allen, Michael J. B. 51, 52 Artephius 414 alliteration 26, 33, 109 As You Like It (Shakespeare) 114, 365 Alpers, Paul 174 Ashbery, John 40 Amoretti (Sidney) 212–13 astronomical metaphors 23–5 anagrams 40 Astrophel and Stella (Sidney) Anatomi auri (Mylius) 413 carpe diem theme 114–15 André, Jacques 437 gestation metaphors 61 androgyny 29 COPYRIGHTED identityMATERIAL of characters 397 see also hermaphrodites lovesickness 347 antanaclasis 243 and MS circulation 139, 211 antithesis 37, 42 organization of text 52 Antony and Cleopatra (Shakespeare) published editions 209, 210 Cleopatra’s fear of dramatic resolution 228 representation 384, 388 Atalanta fugiens (Maier) 411–12, 412 concern for reputation in 387 Auden, W. H. 177–8 nature of praise 391 audience: sonnets 50, 115 Octavian Caesar’s character 385 Augustine of Hippo, St 75, 85, 86 SSAC_INDEX.inddAC_INDEX.indd 550202 99/15/2006/15/2006 33:33:02:33:02 PPMM Index 503 Aurora (Alexander) 209 relationship with “dark lady” and “fair autobiography see biography youth” 294–313, 339, 383–6, 420 BL MSS Bacon, Sir Francis 62, 193, 195, 417 Add. 10309 190, 194 Barnes, Barnabe Add. 15226 193 A Divine Centurie 204, 208, 214 Add. 21433 190, 194 linking devices 217 Add. 25303 190, 194 MS circulation 215 Add. 30982 190, 192–3 Parthenophil and Parthenophe 211, 212, 217 Sloane 1792 190, 191–2 Barnfi eld, Richard black: signifi cance 324 Cynthia 92, 204, 208, 220 Blick, Fred 417 MS circulation 214 Bloom, Harold 383 organization of texts 58, 91, 92, 96 Bodleian MS Rawlinson Poetical 152 199 and same-sex love 5 body, human sonnets to Ganymede 97, 204, 208 female 320, 323–6 Baron, Hans 87 as fl eshly substance 227, 248–57 Bartholomaeus 316, 325 horticultural imagery 318–21 Bassano, Emilia see Lanier, Emilia Petrarch and Shakespeare’s attitudes compared Basse, William 200 73–89 Bate, Jonathan 115, 116, 129–30 relationship with color 316–26 Bates, Catherine 8 substance vs shadow 252–7 Batman, Stephen 316, 325 Boehme, Jacob 319 Beal, Peter 187–8, 201, 214 Bolzoni, Lina 346 Beckett, Samuel 28 books bed-vow: meaning 304–6 as form of identity 376 “Before that antient time that man & wife” as metaphors 374–6 196–7 see also printing Bell, Ilona 8, 92, 100, 426 Booth, Stephen Bellasis, Margaret 194 approach to sonnets as autobiography 169, 228 Bellay, J. du 204 commentary style 33, 175–6, 181 Benbow, Lady 194 on meaning of “hue” 323 Benn, Antony 194 overview of commentary and edition by 142 Benson, John 7, 53–4, 58, 140, 148–9, 188, overview of contribution 7 189 on punctuation of 1609 quarto 301 Berger, Harry 368 on Renaissance sonnets 284 betrothals: Elizabethan 304–5, 307 on Shakespeare’s frames of reference 285 Bible on sonnet 1 113–14 Coverdale’s 118 on sonnet 3 274 Ecclesiastes 60–1 on sonnet 18 348 Isaiah 118 on sonnet 35 178–9 John 418 on sonnet 44 259 Leviticus 416 on sonnet 53 227 Luke 423 on sonnet 59 62 Revelation 418, 423–4 on sonnet 89 365 Song of Solomon 421 on sonnets 97–9 320 biography on sonnet 105 231 Empson on authorial 163–82 on sonnet 113 88 sonnets as autobiography 45–56, 121–36, on sonnet 130 80, 81 228–41 on sonnet 138 89 emotional identity with sonnets’ speaker on sonnets’ ambiguity 244–5 169–81, 267–71, 285 Vendler on his structure theories 30, 31 SSAC_INDEX.inddAC_INDEX.indd 550303 99/15/2006/15/2006 33:33:02:33:02 PPMM 504 Index botanical metaphors 23–5, 318–21, 349–51 sonnets as attempt to halt 65–6, 231–2, Bowers, Fredson 155 238–9 Bradbrook, M. C. 126–7 as theme 4–5 Braden, Gordon 85–6, 88, 342, 435 time and change in the sonnets 106–8 Bradley, A. C. 46–7 see also memory and memorialization; time Breitenberg, Mark 284 Chapman, George 133, 215 Breton, Nicholas 197 characterization 28–30, 383–401 Bruno, Giordano 421 see also speaker Büdel, Oscar 77, 84, 85 Chartier, Roger 353, 354 Burbage, Richard 126 Chaucer, Geoffrey 60 Burbage, Winifred 126 chemical weddings 410–14 Burckhardt, Titus 420 Cheney, Patrick 8, 134–5, 206 Burgess, Anthony 122–3 chiasmus 37, 267–8 Burghley, William Cecil, Lord 129 Chloris (Smith) 212, 213 Burke, Kenneth 249 Christ Church, Oxford: anthologies and poets Burrow, Colin 190–3, 194 and 1609 quarto 205, 206, 210 Christianity on “dark lady” 294, 301, 302 and alchemy 409 on A Lover’s Complaint 100, 421, 427, 435 and Petrarch 80 on MS version of sonnet 106 198 religious signifi cance of sonnet numbering overview of contribution 8 418–19 overview of edition by 143–4, 161 Shakespeare and blasphemy 80 on Shakespeare and classical allusions 242–3 Shakespeare and Catholicism 169–70 on sonnet 43 253 Shakespeare’s rejection of 33 on sonnets 153–4 59 Shakespeare’s use of Christian themes on sonnets’ nature and structure 51–2 A Lover’s Complaint 423 on sonnets’ power to reveal emotion 365 Much Ado 377 Butler, Samuel 54 sonnet 29 287 sonnet 105 231 Caelia (Murray) 209 sonnet 125 416 Caelica (Greville) 211 sonnet 146 85 caesura 60 and sonnet conventions 20–1 Callaghan, Dympna 8 sonnets as theological sequence 268 Camillio, Giulio 345 churl: Shakespeare’s meaning 114 “The Canonization” (Donne) 407 Cicero 259, 344 Capell, Edward 150 classical references Carew, Thomas 186, 187, 192, 194, 197 and Shakespeare 242–60 carpe diem theme 113–15, 338 Shakespeare’s allusions 33, 242–3 Carruthers, Mary 344–5, 352, 356, 359 Shakespeare and Ovid 77, 106–7, 108, 116 Carson, Anne 315 Cleopatra (Daniel) 93 Cartwright, William 191 Coelia (Percy) 212 Castiglione, Baldassare: The Courtier 227, 240 Colie, Rosalie 34 catachesis 268, 269 Colin Clouts (Spenser) 209 Cavell, Stanley 398–9 “The Collar” (Herbert) 28 Cecil, William see Burghley, William Cecil, Lord Collier, John Payne 202 Certain Small Works (Daniel) 209 color Certain Sonnets (Sidney) 210–11, 219 ancient and early modern attitudes 315–17 change darkness and the sonnets 324–6 and color 318–19 darkness and writing 325–6 cyclical nature of life 57–70 and nature 318–19 sonnet 15 24–5 relationship with the body 316–26 SSAC_INDEX.inddAC_INDEX.indd 550404 99/15/2006/15/2006 33:33:02:33:02 PPMM Index 505 as revealer of inner nature 323 The Complaint of Rosamond 59, 93, 97, 98–9, and the sonnets 314–28 209 and time/change 318–19 A Defence of Ryme 406 commemoration see memory and his sister and Southampton 129 memorialization MS circulation 197, 214 “The Comparison” (Donne) 324 preferred medium of circulation 185 complaint genre 59–60, 91–101, 428–9 repetition 218 see also A Lover’s Complaint as “rival poet” 133 The Complaint of Rosamond (Daniel) 59, 93, 97, see also Delia 98–9, 209 Dante Alighieri 87 Complaints (Spenser) 204, 215 “dark lady” complexion alchemical view 420, 421 cosmetics for 321–2, 323 character 293–4, 297–311, 337 as mirror of bodily humors 316, 317 darkness and female sexuality 324 as mirror of feelings 323, 374–6 darkness and the sonnets 324–6 The Compound of Alchymie (Ripley) 405 identity 51, 100, 123–34, 225, 314 Constable, Henry 214, 217 as love object 225–41 contracts and A Lover’s Complaint 100, 309–10 early modern 110 and nature 267, 420 as metaphors 305 relationship with “fair youth” and poet Cook, Carol 367 294–311, 339, 420 Cooke, Sir Anthony 214 Shakespeare’s disgust with 230 Corbett, Richard 190, 191, 197 and sonnet 40 235 Coriolanus (Shakespeare) 376 “dark lady” sequence Cormack, Bradin 8 and color 324–6 “Corona” (Donne) 214 dating 215 coronas 220 narrative in 293, 297–309 Coryate, Thomas 146 and privacy 186 cosmetics 321–2, 323 dating (calendrical), and Shakespeare 110 couplets, Shakespearean 34–6, 100 Davies, John, of Hereford 209, 215, 216, 427 The Courtier (Castiglione) 227, 240 Davies, Sir John 214, 215, 315 courtly love conventions 20–2, 284 Davison, Francis 209 Cousins, A. D. 258 De proprietatibus rerum (Bartholomaeus) 316 Coverdale, Miles 118 De re aedifi catoria (Alberti) 405 Craig, Alexander 91 death Craik, Katharine A. 96, 426 and distillation 112 Crane, Mary Thomas 353, 354 and Petrarch 78–80, 106 Crashaw, Richard 187 and sex 112 Crewe, Jonathan 139 sonnet 12 43–4, 109 Crooke, Helkiah 320, 328 sonnet 15 24–5 Crum, Margaret 191, 201, 215 sonnet 32 196 Crystal, David and Ben 365, 366 sonnet 60 41–3 Cuffe, Henry 197 as theme 4–5, 65 Culpeper, Nicholas 319 writing as immortality 231–2, 238–9, 338–9, Curtius, Ernst 352 345, 348–9, 350, 351–6 Cynthia (Barnfi eld) 92, 204, 208, 220 see also change; memory and memorialization Cynthia (Nugent) 215 deception in A Lover’s Complaint 438 Daniel, Samuel in New Arcadia 438–9 Certain Small Works 209 in the sonnets 437–8 Cleopatra 93 deconstructivism 167 SSAC_INDEX.inddAC_INDEX.indd 550505 99/15/2006/15/2006 33:33:02:33:02 PPMM 506 Index dedicatee Dryden, John: Aeneid version 17–18 Pembroke 9, 122, 130, 131–3 Dubrow, Heather Shakespeare himself 130 on carpe diem theme 342 Southampton 9, 122 on lyric and narrative 49 Who He? 143 on nature of desire
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