JUKE 23, 1862.-Y0L. ESTABLISHED 14.___ PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH 28. 1877. TERMS $8.00 PER ANNO, IN ADVANCE. ENTERTAINMENTS. CARDS. MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. EDUCATIONAL. IIonore Cotte, Cashier of the Jacques- _BUSINESS _ THE PRESS. Cattier at is to be • Bank, Montreal, shortly THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS,! Dr. R. T. Wlldo> MISS EDITH J CUMMINGS, sent to the Penitentiary for falsifying the The Natural Wednesday morning, march 28. Published every day (Sundays excepted) by theg .Magnetic Physician, bank statements submitted to the Govern- the Hatter. Reporter and Teacher of Stnudard Pho- He ijjiail lay bands on them and they shall be healc THE BATTLE FOUGHT ment and Merry to was PUBLISHING nography, We do not read letters anti communi- swearing their truth. He PORTLAND CO.f 30* Cor. of Elm Si. anonymous Cumberland, a nov8 dtf NO. «90 cations. The name and address of the writer are in always very sensitive man, and once had a at 109 Exchange St., Portland. CONGRESS STREET, all cates indispensable, not necessarily for publication boy who had served a term in the Reforma- Dollars a Terms: Eight Year in advance. Tc GA I) PORTLAND, ME. but as a guaranty of good faith. for in ill subscribers Seven Dollars a Year it paid in ad- lllT€HCOCK, tory till-tapping ejected from a street car We cannot undertake to return or reserve commu- vance. AND A GLORIOUS VICTORY WON I References-Andrew J. Graham, 563 Broadway, as he Successor to the late faeorge Hlarsion, IftfJ New because, said, ho could not consent to \ork, Author of Standard Fhonograpbic Work, nications that are not used. oeti cod Cm ride in the same vehicle with a THE MAINE 8TATE PRESS UNDERTAKEK. thief. published every Thursday Morning at $2.50 a Everyregularattackc of tho Press is lurnisbed It is that ir, if in at a Franklin thought IguatielTs mission will ye paid advance $2.00 year. Family School, with a Coffins ami Castets Always on Haul Card certificate countersigned by Stanley T. Robes, Our a Grand Success ! fail so far as Us success depends upon the Kates of the TOPSHAM ME. Pullen, Editor. All Advertising : One inch of space, Opposite tlic Grand Trunk Depot, Opening railway, steamboat and hotel cordial ot a sympathy of to tha length column, constitutes “square.” managers will confer a favor upon us by demanding England, owing $1.50 per square daily first week; 75 cents per week .ugll YARMOUTH, ME. <4tt D. JL. SMITH, circumstance and credentials of every person to our that ‘'Britons never can be after; three insertions, or less, $1.00; oontinuing 11 yoaii Principal of Litclilield Academy claiming represent other after first 50 cents. journal. every day week, Principal. Sclaves.”__ Half square, three insertions, or less, 75 cents; one ! week afrer. SILK 50 cents HATS week, $1.00; per Unties or a The Special Notices, one third additional. Spring Term commences April 9th 1877 Diplomatist. Washington Situation. Under head of “Amusements” and “Auction Our Brow Crowned with Wreaths of Honor! The recall of Minister Russell, our diplo- The Washingtou.correspoudentof the Boston Sales,” $2.00 per square per week; three insertions and closes July 2nd. $3.3 O! Advertiser telegraphs as follows to or maticjrepresentative to the Venezuela Gov- that paper less, $1.50. For Advertisements inserted in the “Maine State lat- particulars apply for circulars. under date ol and your old Silk Hat in exchange will buy the ernment, provokes as to the duties of Monday: It having been under- Press” (which has a large circulation in part est silk the best in the market for Topsham, March 18, 1877. mhl!)eoil2w inquiry every Spring gtyle Hat, Tlie Music was beautiful, the Fireworks were and the ini. stood here that Matthews would of the State) tor $1.00 per square for first insertion, t he money. glorious, ambassadors and other Stanley pub- STEPHEN uiense multitude of diplomatic agents. and 50 cents per square for each insertion. BERRY, 'ITT&'fl'1 I? 1?4 ’I?! people that thronged our new Store and the lish to morrow morning in a Cincinnati subsequent it was the concern of paper Address all communications to THOUSANDS in the squares were One and all Elocution Glasses. Formerly chief the resi- adjacent happy. pro- some of the letters and an account of the inter- PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. and nounce our NEW STORE a Mr. Waller K. Fobes’ classes will meet dent at a foreign court to himself cffiod, (paid W’linbe’b, acquaint v.ews about the Job Saturday, March, 81, for their second lesson as fol pledges, etc., your correspond- lows: Teachers’ class at 9 a. with all matters on there which would No. 37 piurn Street NOBBY STIFF AND SOFT m„ Advances class at going ent has now to from the most HATS, lla. Monroe’s Sixth Reader is the give unquestioned ENTERTAINMENTS. m; only book in any way interest or amuse the home gov- Marvel of used in these classes. Those wishing to join can authority these further important facts. On O. O. Davis tfc SPRING CAPS, TRUNKS, Beauty come with book at time mentioned. ernment. In fact lie was a in the Co., Classes meet at spy house the evening of the 2i»th of February list, there Civil & Y. M. C. A. Room. Terms for Teachers, $5 00 for 10 mechanical Engineers Never before seen in the State of Maine. From 7 until It p. M. our of the inter- a Union Bags and Canos lessons. Terms for others $7 50 for 10 lessons. For enemy, specially exempted by assembled at room at Wormley’s the Hons. Ml UE PAEATIAE STOKE was literally packed with human To circular address care et or Gospel Meetings 189 1-9 DP STREET, (Un.ro beings. Y. M. C. A. apply Satur- national law from the penalties usually vis- John Sherman, Garfield, Foster, ex-Goveruor Bank Block). Particular attention given to the IN GREAT VARIETY FOR SPRING. accurate estimate of the vast number that visited us SAT- day troin 8 to 9 or 12 to mhl9tt — — give any 1_ BY Railroads and Public ited Of course he had other du- Dennison ol the Hoc. survey of Works, including URDAY EVENING would be impossible. From the crowd we should upon spies. Ohio, Stanley Matthews, of wood or iron. Maps, masonry, bridges profiles, the entire come en masse. MISS MARGARET E. NEAL ties, as the interests of his fellow- Congressman Ellis ol Louisiana, Senator La- and estimates made therefor. MERRY THE say city had protecting plans, specifications, HATTER, John of City, town lots, and farms surveyed. Drawings, T^SJRES Classes of Children for instruction in countrymen sojourning in the foreign laud, mar, Young Brpwn Kentucky', aod MEDIUM & STEBBB specifications, and estimates,of all kinds of machin- Major Burke of Louisiana. This was the Com- made. t as the medium of intercourse between the ery promptly 337 Middle Street. mittee of conferenoe between CITl HALL. O. O. DAVIS, FIIED DAVIS. the Republicans mli5 eoiltf two nations, as master of ceremonies when- Portland, Feb. 9, 1877. d3m and Southern Democrats. and Gibson Friday, March, 30t.h, 7J p. m. Farewell address to ever a fellow desired-ta be Levy the unconverted. subject presented were and The people are now aware of our removal, and have seen the EROEBEL’S KINDERGARTEN. sick, consequently not present. This FRIST BAPTIST CHURCH. J. B. at court, &c., but his primary business was SANFORD, conference lasted several hours. There was no New Patent Desks, may he seen at 148 8priuic Street. Also at Ar- Corner Congress and Wilmot Streets. cana that of spy. The Republic of Venice, whose Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Hall, Congress street. Hours from 9} to pledge given in writing there, but the verbal Wednesday, preaching at 7£ p. m. The last half year the 12th of were in their 12}. begins February. envoys day the most accom- understandings were that the would be Thursday, Bible lecture 3 p. m. Thursday preach- 33 School St., Boston, Mass. The WOOTON CABINET, and Handsomest Assortment cod7w troops ing to converts p. m. Largest plished diplomatists in Europe, and the states of South Carolina only 7£ of debts, bankruptcy, &c., a speci- fully recog- removed, and Friday, Farewell address to Christians 3 p. m. COLLECTIONalty. Funds remitted soon as collections are nized this duty,and her archives are Louisiana would be allowed to conduct their meetings at 8 a. m. each Instruction in and Class- diplomatic Prayer day. made. Also collects in and foreign conn- English mli21 dlw England OF mines of wealtli to the historian. Therein are in their own tries claims of American heirs. ical Studies governments way. Several of the sep29d&wlv exhibited the secret springs of every court in- gentlemeu named above have a complete mem- given to piivate the subscriber. orandum of the conference, with FAIR AN ) LEVEE. HIATT pupils by trigue in Europe, the moving causes of wars, notes of the ADAMS, of alliances, of the downfalls of favorites, of conversation, understandings, etc. On the CLOTHING J. morning of the 27tb February Mat- Tin* Portland Ladies’ Temper- Constable for W. COLCORD, the promotion of ministers. Even the petti- Stanley ance Aid Portland, thews had an interview with Ellis and Society est court are Levy, AND ever exhibited in of not In ui this city. 143 derails gossip neglected. uuiAC, an xiuuiaiituii, iu uue ui tue aiue* will hold a Fair and Levee in Pearl Street. Coroner for Cumberland County, jan2! dtf consequence of the unceasing vigilance of her rooms of the United States Supreme (Jouit.
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