IssueIssue 7272 YearYear 20062006 EuskaraEuskara mundura!mundura! OFFICIAL STATEMENT BY THE LEHENDAKARI ON THE ETA CEASEFIRE AURKIBIDEA / TABLE OF CONTENTS GAURKO GAIAK / CURRENT EVENTS: learning Euskara around the globe IssueIssue 7272 YearYear 20062006 3 • Aurkezpena Patxi Baztarrika, Euskara Deputy Minister for Linguistic Policy of mundura! the Basque Government 4 • Interview with Kinku Zinkunegi, coordinator of Euskara Munduan Plan OFFICIAL 9 • To the samba beat: the experience in São Paulo STATEMENT BY THE LEHENDAKARI ON THE ETA CEASEFIRE 10 • University status for the Basque language 11 • Germans get wrapped up in Basque language and culture 12 • Euskara looks back on thirty years of history 14 • Aisa: another step toward integration 15 • José Félix Azurmendi, director of EiTB International Issue 72. Year 2006 urtea 17 • Interview with Andrés Urrutia, Chair of Euskaltzaindia 19 • A country on the move: Official statement by the Lehendakari on the ETA ceasefire AUTHOR 20 • A country on the move: The Basque Government presents its foreign Eusko Jaurlaritza-Kanpo affairs strategy Harremanetarako Idazkaritza Nagusia Basque Government-General EUSKADITIK: Secretariat for Foreign Action 21 • The Lehendakari attends the swearing-in ceremony C/ Navarra, 2 for Chile’s new president, Michelle Bachelet 01007 VITORIA-GASTEIZ 22 • The Lehendakari regards human rights essential for Telephone: 945 01 7900 coexistence in Georgia [email protected] 23 • Jesús de Galíndez: martyr for freedom DIRECTOR 24 • Basque Vice President underscores the “balanced Josu Legarreta Bilbao model” for economic growth in Euskadi COORDINATION AND EDITORIAL Jesús de Galíndez 25 • Ballet Biarritz performs in Los Angeles OFFICE Kazeta5 Komunikazioa [email protected] EUSKAL GAZTEAK MUNDUAN PHOTOGRAPHS 26 • Pedro Oiarzabal and Olivia Bidaurreta Antxustegi Basque Government Archive, HABE Archive EDITOR EUSKAL ETXEAK / BASQUE CENTERS Eusko Jaurlaritzaren Argitalpen NABO leaders visit Euskadi invited by the Directorate for Relations with Zerbitzu Nagusia 28 • Servicio Central de Publicaciones Basque Communities del Gobierno Vasco 29 • A delegation from the Department of Justice, Employment and Social Security visits Argentina, Uruguay and Bolivia LAYOUT AND DESIGN Didart 30 • Javier Madrazo signs an agreement with Venezuela Public Television 31 • Basque spirit in Havana PRINTING Xxxxxxxxxxx ISSN: 1579-4229 LEARNING EUSKARA AROUND THE GLOBE Aurkezpena Opening letter Deputy Minister for Language PATXI BAZTARRIKA Policy of the Basque Government asque society and the future “Euskadi Institute.” government agencies Approved by the Basque have made a huge effort Parliament, the mission of the Bover the past twenty-five new agency will be to promote years to revive Euskara. The Basque language and culture Basque language in Euskadi abroad, and will therefore today has made considerable absorb the activities we advances compared to its have been responsible for circumstances in the 1980s. until now. Twenty years may seem like Euskara very little time indeed, but the The language assistantship fact of the matter is that in reaches out program in American and 1981 only one out of every European universities falls five Basque citizens spoke within the framework of Euskara, whereas twenty “Euskara Munduan,” a years later a third of the population Euskara, just like any other language, program administered by the Basque now speaks the language. This belongs to those who speak it, in Department of Culture through the spectacular leap forward means that addition to forming part of the independent institute HABE. Euskara there are now 200,000 additional cultural heritage of all humankind. Munduan is in charge of developing Euskara speakers. At the dawn of the third millennium and certifying Euskara courses for languages have gone global. At the adults taught beyond the borders of Moreover, the increment in the beginning of the sixteenth century, in Euskal Herria.There are currently bilingual population is across the the first book published in the Basque thirteen universities in Europe and board in terms of age, although it is language, Bernat Etxepare wrote the Americas that have included important to point out that the “euskara jalgi hadi mundura” Euskara and Basque culture in their younger the age group, the higher the (Euskera, open up to the world). curriculums. percentage of bilinguals, clearly Today his words ring true more than influencing the transmission of the ever before. The old borders have Together with university programs, language. 60% of the population disappeared; today’s world is an open Basque language and culture classes between five and fourteen years of place in which all of humanity offered at Basque clubs are key to age is bilingual. benefits from interaction.This is why ensuring the future of our cultural the Basque Government contributes legacy. We recognize and greatly Euskara has reached new spheres to the promotion of Euskara and admire the efforts made by Basque and levels; it is now commonly heard Basque culture both within and centers around the world in spreading at home, in the community, the media, beyond our borders. Among other an appreciation for Basque language government, business and commerce, activities we want to strengthen and culture.We want the Basques of the workplace and in academia. collaboration with Euskal Etxeas to the diaspora, the men and women However, knowing the language and spread the Basque language and who make up our “eighth province,” actually speaking it are two different reinforce the university language to know that Basque society is proud matters, the latter sorely lagging assistantship program under way. of their efforts and determination. behind. Therefore, it is vital to And we want to work hand in hand continue working towards promoting These activities, promoted by the to reach out and build the future of the use of Euskara if we want to Basque Department of Culture, are our language and culture, no matter become a truly bilingual society. slated to come under the umbrella of where we are in the world. Issue 72 Year 2006 GAURKO GAIAK 3 EUSKARAREN IRAKASKUNTZA MUNDUAN ZEHAR KINKU ZINKUNEGI coordinator of Euskara Munduan Plan A sign of identity for Basque communities 1989-1990 ikasturtean Ardanza lehendakariak sortutako “Argentinan euskaraz” proiektua finkatuz joan da eta beste herrialde batzuetara zabaldu da. 2003an, Miren Azkarate Kultura sailburuak hiru eskakizun beteko zituela hitzeman zuen: bertako irakasleak trebatzea, irakasleak eta ikasleak material didaktikoz hornitzea eta aktibitatea diru-laguntzen bidez finantzatzea. The seed for Euskara Munduan, a plan created to bring Euskara classes to the Basque centers, was planted in Argentina in 1989 by a group from the Basque community who presented their idea to Lehendakari Ardanza during a visit by the former Basque president. Little by little other Basque centers around the world began adding their names to the list, including countries from Latin America, the United States, Canada and Australia, as well as clubs based in Spain, Paris, London and Rome. Sixteen years after the launching of the plan, originally called “Argentinan Euskaraz,” several thousand people have learned Euskara outside of Euskal Herria and the project is more active today than ever before. Program coordinator Jose Franzisko Zinkunegi, whose work falls under the auspices of the Institute for Basque Culture, Language and Adult Literacy, HABE (Helduen Alfabetatze eta Berreuskalduntzerako Erakundea), has closely watched appreciation for Euskara spread to all corners of the world. Familiar with the actual conditions and circumstances of Basque communities abroad, his insight helps shed light on the process involved in reviving a language. Seventeen Argentinians signed up as students, and after the experience was through they went back to their Basque centers to teach beginning Euskara Young people are the driving force in Argentina classes to 175 students.” “In 1989 there were no longer any Basque immigrants From 1990 to 1995 efforts focused on training in Argentina keeping the language of their forebears Euskara teachers so they could respond to the demand alive,” said Zinkunegi. “Euskara was lost and a group in Argentina. In 1996 a second phase got under way. It of young people from the Basque center told was decided that more intensive training was needed so Lehendakari Ardanza that they needed support to revitalize it. That was the birth of Argentinan that the Argentinians themselves would be equipped to Euskaraz, a program which took its first steps in 1990. take over the process, although the program would still It began with a three-month barnetegi program (live-in be funded from Euskal Herria. “We set ourselves a Basque language school) in the village of Macachín, La goal: by 2000 Argentina would be completely Pampa, taught by two teachers from Euskal Herria. autonomous in terms of teachers,” said Zinkunegi. 4 CURRENT EVENTS Issue 72 Year 2006 LEARNING EUSKARA AROUND THE GLOBE Argentinan, hirugarren eta laugarren belaunaldiek egin zuten eskakizuna. Above and below are pictures taken at one of the barnetegis organized in Argentina. “We began bringing people to Euskal language, and since these are the Herria when they reached level 6 and people now at the helm, it’s really here they would continue their encouraging. language studies in barnetegis for The number of people enrolled in periods of up to three months. As Euskara classes in Argentina rose they became more comfortable
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