%. £g* MONDAY "EVENING, V <•-••• ••' "' l,""T history the most able railroad mlniatec RAILROADS. in the .cabinet. A HILL 18 OPTIMISTIC Expects to Move Great Quantities of THE G, IP. SCHEME Wheat Thl* Year. James J. Hill on his return after a five weeks' summer outing says that he ex­ Railroad Experts Slow to Talk, but pects to move more wheat this year than ever before. \ Some Say It Can't Be "The corn crop," he say's, "promises to be excellent. While the floods and exces­ * ' * . Carried Out. sive rainfall drowned out some of the grain in the low-lying districts, the same conditions are favorable to a heavy yield in the uplands. There the fields that Estimate of $50,000 a Mile in Moun­ would have suffered from drought in a season when the lowlands had only just tains Too Low—Blair's enough moisture are in splendid condi­ tion. What has Injured one locality has *> Resignation.. „ 4.' helped another, and the average result is satisfactory as far as the total crop jlis concerned Mpeoial to Th« Journal Our broad acres do not feel any trem­ Now York, July 20.—Prominent Amer­ ors in Wall street. From St. Paul clear Tuesday Morning Promptly at 8:30 o'clock f * - ican railroad officials and financiers who thru to the Pacific coast the people are have been asked for their views on the engaged in producing food stuffs, in lum­ scheme for the building of a new trans­ bering and mining, In developing the continental across Canada, are generally great natural resources of the country. We inaugurate that popular semi-annual event which . •\ ,; reluctant to be quoted, but In general, Therefore, they are prosperous, and I see i . the opinion of American railroad experts no reason to believe that this prosperity 1 is opposed to government control or op­ will not continue. every thrifty housekeeper watches and .waits for, namely: 1 eration of a railroad, and for this reason "Our farmers are giving more attention If for no other, it is natural that the than ever before to varied industry. They opinions of the railroad magnates of this are going more largely Into dairying and country are generally opposed to the the raising of different products, and this scheme as laid before the house of com­ wise policy- protects them against mis­ mons. fortune. There is no distress of mind among them'because of money or stock The president of one of the northern movements elsewhere, and there Is not railroads, well qualified both by his own going to be. All thru the territory cov­ The Stupendous July Linen Sale railroad experience and by a thoro knowl­ ered by our lines the present industry is edge of Canadian politics, gained by per­ satisfactory and the outlook for the fu­ sonal experience in the house of commons, ture excellent." The new store is nearing completion, and in it we want to open with new goods, hence the prices quoted now is, perhaps, the most caustic critic of the Grand Trunk Pacific scheme. In effect, and the values offered positively bvershadow all previous triumphs. We invite you to a veritable bargain he says: G. A. R. OFFICIAL TRAIN "If they try to put the scheme as out­ lined in operation, I venture to say that It Will Leave Minneapolis for San Fran- banquet, on our assurance that these values are designed by us to make of every chance visitor a permanent twenty years from now the people of Cisco, Aug. 10. Canada will still be paying interest, not Department Commander I. L. Mahan customer.^ *. Add to this our acknowledged reputation as advertisers of FACTS only, on $45,900,000 but on pretty nearly twice has announced details for the trip to the that sum. It is easy enough for people San Francisco general encampment to be­ our abhorrence of misrepresentation and exaggeration and further inducement becomes to sit down and figure out that they are gin Aug. 17. Minnesota will have head­ going to build a railroad for $30,000 per quarters at the Lick house. All Mlnne- tnile thru a wilderness like northern Que­ sotans will register there and mail will unnedessary to assure for us the biggest crowd of patrons that ever graced our aisles. bec, and then make it pay the Interest be handled there. ' on the expense of building it; but I have The official train will leave Minneapolis built a railroad or two myself, and I know at 8:30 p. m., Aug. 10. This train, will that you can't build them on the earth carry delegates from Wisconsin, North REMEMBER. THE TIME—TUESDAY AT 8:30 nearly so easily or cheaply as you can on and South Dakota also. The route is by the map. My knowledge of the route to the Minneapolis & St. Louis, the Rock THE PLACE—DONALDSON'S GLASS BLOCK be traversed by the government section Island, the Denver & Rio Grande and the of the new line leads me to the belief Southern Pacific. that If they build that 1,500 miles of road at an average of $45,000 a mile, equipped,, with proper terminals, elevators, freight RAILWAY CLERKS' OUTING Pattern Cloths Napkins Bleached and Half Bleached Damasks yards, etc., thruout the system, they will be getting it mighty cheap. They can't They Will Go to Prescott, Wis., Saturday, lay a trunk line down in 1905 like we Aug. 8. We lack the napkins to match a | Bleached Napkins, all linen, the 62 and 64-inch all linen Bleached and Half- could in 1S95. When we came to a hill Railway offices will be closed Aug. 8 on number of pattern cloths, hence we $1.25 kind, sale price, ftl AA Bleached Damask; the 60cgrade; yard 37£c we built over the top of it or around it; account of the ninth annual picnic of the quote quick-selling prices to close: dozen. H" I • Iflf we have, been busy ever since digging thru Twin City Railway Clerks' association at The $1.59 kind, sale fl*<f] |E 68 and 70-inch all linen Bleached and Half-Bleached those hills. If the Canadian government Prescott, Wis. The association has char­ 2 yds. by 2 yds. for- f£4 |Q Damask; 75c and 80c grade; yard. follows our original plan, the road will tered the steamers J. J. Hill and Cyclone merly $1.65. To close ^lilv price, dozen via .•*•• 50c be the anomaly of the century in railroad and two barges for the occasion. Marlow's building; the government will probably military band .will play, also an orchestra 2 yds. by 2 yds., $fbT> ffe «f K O The $2.00 , kind, sale flt 4 R A 72-inch all linen Bleached and Half-Bleached Damask\ undertake to put down a low grade line. for dancing. A program of athletics has merly $2.25. To close ^ I •IP «P price, dozen H* 1 • w 5r $1.00 grade; yard ;. 75c .There is hardly a foot of the whole dis­ been made up and prizes will be awarded. 2 yds. by2yds., for- flvA OR | and $ Bleached Satin Damask, the tance that lies thru flat or level country, The executive committee is made up of C. merly $3.25. To close vfiiaaW $2.95 kind, sale price, ^<§ AE 72-inch Bleached and Half-Bleached Double Satin and a good many of the cuttings in north L. Townsend of the Northern Pacific, A. 2 yds. by 2 yds., for- fl* O O R dozen. "^ I m%9%3 Damask; $1.35 and $1.50 grade; yard ,.« $1.00 Ontario and Quebec will be thru Lauren- B. Sharp and E. L. Pardee of the Omaha, § and | Bleached Double Satin Da­ tian granite. If you want a good example F. L. Sweeney of the Great Northern and merly $4.25. To close ffiiVU 72-inch of our best grades of Damask, in Bleached of the way granite hills help run up a mask, the $4.50 kind, OO AA Harry Wagner of the Northern Pacific. 2£yds. by 2 yds., for- f£*| CQ sale price........... VllivU and Half-Bleached; worth $1.75 and $2; yard bill for the builder of a railroad, J. R.Nearl y 4,000 clerks are in the general of­ merly $2.00. To closs *P ••V'XP $1.25 Booth of Ottawa can testify that about fices of the ten railway systems reaching We have a lot of odd napkins, the $7,000,000 due him from the Canada At­ the two citieB. 2i yds. by 2 yds., for­ sample line of a prominent impor­ lantic, In addition to the capitalization merly $3.00. Tojislose $1.95 ter, which we have marked at a Towels and Toweling. originally intended, was due to the gran­ 2iyds. by2yds., for- Ifc Q AA ite formations. Mr. Moffat Promoted. price to insure their speedy disposal: Special to The Journal. merly $4.25. To close VUivy "I do not condemn the plan to build a The $1.35 grade go while R A A The price concessions on Towel­ A limited quantity of Towels will railroad across Canada, but I believe that Marshalltown, Iowa, July 20.—Bruce M. 2$ yds. by 2yds;; for- fjtJH OlK they last 6 for O If U Moffatt of the Iowa' Central general merly $6.00. Tockwe V*W*mmm9> ing* are so radical as to necessitate be sold during this event at phe­ the building of this railroad should be The $2.15 grade go while 7C selling in only limited quantities.
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