10 THE HAN FBANGISCO CALL, FEIDAY, JANUARY .9, 1903.- MODIFIES STEAM SCHOONER CUTS A HOLE IN A NORWEGIAN SHIP HARBOR BOARD Bteam schooner Coqullle PORT HADLOCK—Arrived.Jan. 7—Bktn J M Griffith,hence Dec 26; Ger stmr Neko, from River ran Into the Btern of the Seattle. Norwegian ship Vellore during Sailed Jan—S—^Ger stmr Neko.— for Seattle. yesterday morning's tog, broke BANDON Sailed Jan 8 Schr Onward, for HESITATE THE Pan Francisco. MAY ENGINEERS' her own nose and smashed several PORT TOWNSEND— Arrived Jan 8—Bktn thousand dollars' worth of the Vellore's Quickstep, from—Ililo. Balled Jan S Bark Big Bonanza, for Lady- Slating of W. H. Davis plates. smith. — lj-ins Passed In Jan S Stmr Stanley Dollar, henos .The Vellore was at Howard-street 4, for ¦wharf, Jan for Seattle.! as the Attorney moored, contrary to the regula- PORT ANGE.LES—Arrived Jan g-Br ship tions harbor, forty Ancona. hence Dec 27. PUNISHMENT of the with some feet —Arrived Jan — SEATTLE 8 Stmr Stanley tjie Commission. of her stern projecting beyond the end of Dollar, hence Jan 4. — the wharf. The fog- was at its thickest. —SANTA BARBARA Arrived and «all«d Jan Rosa, ¦ Coquille River, 7 Stmr "Santa for San Francisco. Long Expected Verdict The coming from Main SAN PEDRO— Sailed Jan S—Stmr Melville Haste in the Appointment Etreet and bound for Mission-street wharf, Dollar,.for San Francisco; stmr Marshfleld, Given held for San, Diego; stmr South Coast, for San in Elder Case a course close In to the ends of the Francisco; achr—Orient, for Coos—Bay. of Budd's Successor wharves and when she reached Howard TILLAMOOK Arrived Jan S Stmr Redon- do, by Inspector. her stern from Antorla. Improbable. street bow found the of the WHATflpM—Arrived Jan 7—Stmr Callfor- Vellore blocking the way. The steam nlan, front' Seattle. schooner headway, PORT GAMBLE—Sailed Jan 8—Schr Spo- was under slow but kane, for San Francisco.— Ftirmer Governor -James H. Bu<Sd on Captain Bermingham Holds was moving fast enough to do consider- POINT KETES Passed Jan 8..3:25 p m— January I,1S3J>, was elected to the offlco '• Meteor, Eureka, able damage. Stmr from for Topolobampo. attorney of the State Board of Har- the Penalties Were VENTURA—Sailed Jan 8—Stmr Grace Dol- of Two of the Vellore's plates were cracked lar, bor Commissioners. San Francisco. The for San Francisco.— is per Excessive. and ruined, two others were bent and Sailed Jan S Stmr Santa Barbara, for San salary attached to the office J2W0 x Francisco. annum. The term ot four years, for about three feet of bulwarks were carried ISLAND PORT. which he was chosen, expired on the 1st away. The Coquille River's bow was HONOLULU— Sailed Jan &-Sh!p S D Carle- day of this month. Shortly after Dr. Refers to the Strikers as Conspirators dinged in and whoever proves responsible ton, for Port Angeles. by EASTERN PORT. Pardee was nominated for Governor but I*ts Sullivan and Mc- for the disaster will have to foot a fairly — — the Republican State Convention a pro- substantial bill of damages. NEW YORK Sailed Jaa 8. 4 p m Stmr gramme provid- Kenzie Off "With Sus- America, for San Francisco, via Coronel. was made at Sacramento The fog tangled up traffic all over the FOREIGN ing that W. H. Davia, who was then the harbor and there were a number of P0RT8. of- pension. nar- YOKOHAMA—Sailed Jan &—Br stmr Indra- executive secretary in the Governor'* row escapes from collision. The ferry- samah, for Portland, Or. — fice, should be elected by Harbor Corflmls- j boats ran on an hourly schedule until CAPE TOWN—Sailed Jan 8 ShlD A J Ful- sionera Kilburn, Klrkpatrick and Mac- ler, for Newcastle, Australia. Captain John Bermingham, United afternoon. — — kenzie to succeed Budd aa attorney or tho The steamship SAGNES Passed Jan 7 Br «tmr Omba. Elates Supervising Inspector of Steam Pomona ran into Powell- from Manila, for New- York. board. ¦.:; \ street wfcar,f and did considerable dam- VICTORIA—Arrived Jan &—Br Em- The Commissioners the last meeting Vessels, yester- prers «tmr at handed down his decision age. The ferry steamer Oakland had a of Jnnan,— from Hongkong.— of the board did not execute the pro- day matter striking engin- two ANTWERP Arrived Jan 6 Ger bark In the of the narrow escape from collision with hence 30. Nlobe. gramme. Itwas deemed prudent to defer Elder, Ftern Aus eers of tie Eteaxn6hlp George W. wheelers and the business of the COLON— Arrived Jan &—Stmr Allianca, from action until to-day. Affairs at Sacra- The decision Is as follows: harbor generally was conducted under dif- New York. mento have since taken such shape that ficulties. Sailed Jan 6—Stmr City of Washington, for a postponement la highly prob- STEAMBOAT INSPECTION SERVICE. New York. further of Supervising Inspector, — — able. It is surmised In political circles Office MANILA Sailed Jan 7 Br itmr Ronald, for sym- Kiret I>l8trlct. Sonoma Sails for Antipodes. Delaware Breakwater. that Commissioner Kilburn is not in Port of San Francisco. The Company's Satled Nov 10— pathy with of the programme. 6AN FRANCISCO, Oal.. Jan. 7. 1903. Oceanic Steamship So- IQUIQUE— Chll ship Cristo- the purpose noma, Captain C. F. Herriman, bal Soler. for Port Hadlock. Moreover, itis conjectured that Commis- In the matter of the appeal of J. F. Sulli- sailed last Sailed Dec 5—Br bark Isla- van, licensed chief engineer, late first assist- night and Antipodes. ROTTERDAM— sioners Kirkpatrick and Mackenzie will a for Honolulu the ship 'Hill, mount. for Victoria, and passed Ventnor Dec 6. ant engineer of the Ort-gon Railroad and .Navi- She large cargo ret cargoes the colliers willbe forced to re- Br . Loudon Boyd, 127 days from — — not desire to take an active part in tho gation carried a and more than naln Antwerp. MELBOURNE Arrived Jan 7 ShiD Hecla. Company's ocan efamer, George W. \M idle. * from Port Gamble. distribution of harbor patronage while Uldrr to tho l.'nl'.fd States Inspector of Steam passengers, of whom jabout seventy Bktn Irmgard,- Schmidt, 18 days from Hono- Vessels, district, IS, 1S»"2, were booked ¦ VANCOUVER—Arrived Jan S—Br stmr Em- the subject of their own confirmation as first t&krn October for Honolulu. The liner did NEWS OF THE lulu. press from Hongkong, from the decision of the United States Board not get away hour, owing OCEAN. Bktn Fullerton, Macdonald, 19 days from of Jaran. via Victoria. Commissioners is pending in the Senate. Portland, until a late to . v OCEAN STEAMERS. of I»cal Inspectors at Oregon, which the tardy arrival of the.British-Australian Kihel. — Should an effort be made at the meeting beard, after a. hcarinp of the coinplaJnt of the Matters of Interest to Mariners and Schr.IdaA, Campbell. S hours from Point NEW YORK— Sailed Jan S Stmr Nockar. to-day to execute Oregon. Railroad and Navigation Company mail. The Sonoma's passengers included: Reyes. for Bremen: Btmr La Lcralne, for Havre. of the Commissioners ;a.'.ft Shipping- Merchants. — the programme the session may become : the appellant, and Second Assistant For Honolulu— G. Aydelotte Master Aytfe- CLEARED. GIBRALTAR Passed Jan S—Stmr Ferugia. Engineer C. M. McKenzie and Third Assistant lotte, J. The British ship Galena is chartered for from New York, for Marseilles, Naples, etc. decidedly interesting. When the plan to Huston, A. Caio. C, Clark. R. V. DennJson Mrs. Thursday, January lingtnfer E. U. for leaving the steam- N. Ellis wheat to Europe at 11s 3d. i. LIVERPOOL—Arrived Jan 8—Stmr West- attorney was devised it er Elder at Portland, Oregon. ?s they did. in r Duthitt. John Ellis. Mrs. and infant. Stmr Ramona. Glelow, Ban Pedro; Pacific from Philadelphia. make Davis the tt B. Ellis. Mrs K. \V. Mrs. The barkentlne Denicla. now at Grays Har- Coast Steamship Co. •rnland. — was supposed that the Senate would con- a body, on October », J!*~>2. revoked the license . Kills. Kvcrton. QUEENSTOWN— Sailed Jan S Stmr Cym- J. A. M. Geffeney. Mrs. Gpffeney- and bor, chartered prior to arrival for lum- Stmr Sonoma, ¦ of of arpeliar.t en October 11 for violation of sec- Ferris. was . Herriman, Honolulu and Syd- ric, from Liverpool, for New York. sider and confirm the appointments 444!', two children. Mifs Marietta Havens, \V. H. ber from that port to Sydney at .'tis 3d: with ney; J U -Spreckela & tion which reads as follows: It. 9d, or Bros Co. LIVERPOOL—Arrived Jan S—Stmr Celtic, Kirkpatrlck and Mackenzie before the In- "If any licens-ed officer shall, to the hin- Hoots. C. Jackson. S. N. Sheridan. E. N. option of Melbourne or Adelaide. 35s Ger stmr Isls, Groot, Seattle; J D Bpreck- from New commerce, South-a-orth, Mrs. Southworth 1* W. Taylor, Callao. 36s 3d. els York. auguration of Dr. Pardee, but th© Sena- drance of wrongfully or unrea- & Bros Co. reason, sonably to wtrvm capacity H. Wilson, Mr?. M. KlrchborR and child. H. Whaling Williams, tcrs saw no good for extreme refuse in his orncinl Knapp, 'Knapp. F. Knudsen, bark Andrew Hicks. on any steamer, a^ authorized by the terms of B. Mrs. A. Mrs. Europe. whaling; Western .Repair and S Co. GREETINGS FROM THE haste In the premises and therefore took • • • an-I Livingston. "Wheat for ¦ his certificate of license. his license Kr.ud.«eii child. I. Hon. I.C. Fr bark Eurenle Fautrel, Leheude, Queens- -"• the subject under advisement. It i3 pre- shall be revoked, upon the tame proceedings Miller. Mrs. Millrr.
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