www.ukrweekly.com Adores*: UKRAINIAN WEBKLV SECTION 8]-83 Grand Street Jersey City 3, N.J. UKRAINIAN DAILV Tel. HEnderson 4-0237 Ukrainian National Ass'n Tel. HEnderson 5-8740 РІК LXV 4. 17 Ш TWO SECTIONS SVOBODA, UKRAINIAN WEEKLY. SATURDAY, JANUARY 25, 1958 IN TWO SECTIONS No. 17 VOL. LXV UKRAINIANS GATHERED AT MASS RALLY IN NEW YORK RECEIVE TV Will Commemorate Fortieth Newark Ukrainian Community GREETINGS FROM PRESIDENT EISENHOWER Anniversary of Ukrainian Observes Ukrainian GOVERNOR, McKELDIN OF MARYLAND,"*tT. GOV. DeLUCA OF NEW YORK AND MAYOR WAGNER OF NEW YORK Independence Independence Day CITY ASSERT RIGHT OF ALL PEOPLES TO FREEDOM AND LIBERTY NEW YORK. N. Y — A one- mittee president. The fortieth anniversary of The principal address was NEW YORK. N. Y. -In a-sol- diplomacy, and it is certainly hour TV program commemor­ Also taking part in thc pro­ the Ukrainian national inde­ delivered by Mr. Dmytro Ha­ emn mass celebration comme­ no less now." ating the 40th anniversary of gram will be thc "Dumka" pendence and thc establish­ lychyn, Supreme President of morating thc 40th anniversary ;l Major address was given by the birth of the Ukrainian Re­ Chorus of New York City un­ ment °f free and independent the Ukrainian National Asso­ of Ukraine's declaration of in­ Stepan Wytwytsky, president public in 1918 will be telecast der the direction of Prof. L. Ukrainian National Rcpub- ciation and President of thc dependence in 1918, Ukrainians of the Ukrainian National Re­ here February 2 by WOR-TV Krushelnytsky; the Khotke- on January 22, 191S, was ob­ Ukrainian Congress Committee of Greater New York gathered public in exile. The senior vet­ [(Channel 9) under thc spon­ vych Bandurist Capella of Eli­ served with proper ceremonies of America. He presented in his here at Manhattan Center on eran Ukrainian statesman and sorship of the Ukrainian Re­ zabeth. N. J. directed by Prof, by the Ukrainian Americans of talk a true picture of the January 19 to reassert their former Secretary of State of publican Committee of New j Roman Lewytsky; Mrs. Isa- Newark. N. J. last Sunday eve­ plight of Ukraine by calling to ideals of liberty and democracy the Western Ukrainian Na­ Jersey. jbella Orlowska-Fomenko. solo- ning, January Huh. at their the attention of his auditors for the Ukrainian people be­ tional Republic reviewed events The TV presentation is sched­ list, and Prof. Mykola Fomcn- Ukrainian Center on William to a picture which appeared in hind the Iron Curtain. leading up to the proclama­ uled for 6 p.m. and will in­ 1 ko, piano accompanist. street. magazine section of last Sun­ Greetings and best wishes tion of independence by the clude addresses by Hon. Wil­ It was indeed a fine program; day's The New York Times of Mr. Keybida said that Uk­ "for a memorable meeting" Ukrainian National Rada liam W. Wall, Canadian sen­ one of which pleased al] those the Ukrainian Suite dancers, rainian organi7ations in thc were received from President (Council). ator; thc Hon. Averell Harri­ who crowded the Centers au­ [part of the Russ'an show thc Eisenhower. Greetings alsocamc I Metropolitan New York and Dr. Lev Dobriansky, pro­ man, governor of New York; ditorium well nigh up to its [imprcssario Hurok will present from numerous well-wishers I New Jersey area arc undcr- fessor of Soviet economics at U. S. Senator from New York rafters. Speeches, readings, і in this country beginning in and from exile representatives •writting the main portion of Georgetown University and na­ Irving M. Ives, and thc Hon. choral singing, solos, made up [April. Ii is quite evident, he of other countries enslaved by , the $2.000 required for the tional chairman of the Ukrain­ Florence P. Dwyer. U. S. Con- for it. I sail, that these so-called Uk­ Soviet Russia. 'program. Thc remainder is be­ ian Congress Committee of gresswoman from New Jersey. It was opened up with thc rainian dancers are actually The President's message took j ing raised through donations America, discussed the present Andrew Kcybida, secretary singing of the Star-Spangled Russians, dressed in Ukrain­ note of the Ukrainian cultural J from private citizens. international tension created of the New Jersey URC, said Banner by Mrs. Z. Vorobtseva. ian costumes. and spiritual contribution to' "Anyone who wishes to sup­ by constant Soviet Russian the program was prompted by Then followed the reading by The musical portion of the the American heritage, and plement this TV fund may send pressures. He pointed out that the need to inform the Ameri­ Mr. Dolynsky of N. J. Gov­ program consisted of selec said: a donation to Mr. Kost Pry­ it is necessary to educate thc can public thnt the cause of ernor Meyner's Proclamation chodko. 197 - 19th Avenue. tions presented by the Khot- "Holding in common the right United States that its greatest Ukrainian freedom and inde­ of Ukrainian Independence Gov. McKeldin of Maryland with President Eisenhower Newark. N. J. Contributions kevich Bandurist Capella, di­ Of all peoples to determine! weapon against Soviet Commu­ pendence is no longer just pa­ Day. the reading by Mr. P. 1 will be recorded and receipts rected by Roman Levitsky; the freely their own form of gov- nist imperialism lies in the So­ triotic desire of the Ukrainians Pavlenko of the Fourth Uni­ promptly mailed." Mr. Kcybida eminent, wc share a basic con­ viet Union, that is. in captive but a political necessity to versal of the Ukrainian Cen­ mixed Trembita Chorus, di­ added. cern for the privileges and re­ freedom-loving nations like President Eisenhower's Message safeguard America freedom. tral Rada of January 22. rected by Alexander Mykytiuk, sponsibilities of freedom." Ukraine. The Proclamation of Ukrain­ Chairman of thc genera! 1918; the reading by Mr. W. and soloists Michael Minsky, The message was read by To Ukrainian. Independence Rally ian Independence, the Fourth committee supervising the TV Borowyk of the Act of Union Included in the three-hour G. Kovinka and Raisa, accom­ Gov, Theodore P. McKeldin of Universal, will be read by Mr. presentation is Myron Leskiw, of Eastern and Western Uk­ long program was the reading In New York City panied on thc piano by Dr. J. Maryland, principal speaker, Keybida. Master of ceremonies secretary-treasurer of the New raine in form of one. united of the historic Ukrainian docu­ Bnzalia, and Mr. A. Geler. Re­ who told the rally that "speak­ will be John Romanition, Com­ Jersey URC. und Ukrainian National Repub­ ment, thc Fourth Universal, bv Telegram sent to Dr. Lev Dobriansky, national chairman of thc citations were delivered by Mrs. ing as a Citizen, I have no hesi­ lic of January 22. 1919. and which the Ukrainian Central Ukrainian Congress Committee, at Ukrainian Independent tation in asserting that the concluded with the singing of M. Proskurni. The affair came Rada proclaimed the full and Rally in New York City cause of the Ukrainian patriots NEWS NOTES the Ukrainian national anthem to a close with the singing of unqualified independence of engages not merely the sym­ "Sche nc vmcrla Ukraina." I thc stirring "Ne Рога." Ukraine in Kiev on January To thc members and guests American heritage. Holding in Yaroslav Rudnytsky. president pathy (if the American people, WINNIPEG. Man. Metro­ 1918. of the Ukrainian Congress common thc right of all jieoples ">f thc Ukrainian Academy of but also their calculated in­ 22. politan Maxim Hermanyuk, o' Committee of America. I send to determine freely their form the Ukrainian Catholic Church Arts and Sciences in Canada, terest." Bluc-and-ycllow banners of St. Basil Branch of Ambridge, Pa., tT І. of government, wc share a Ukraine were presented to in Canada, says he believes thc has been chosen to represent "On June 1G it will be exact­ greetings. , . Mayor Wagner and Lt. Gov. basi( concern for the priv Ukrainian movement for lib the Ukrainian community in Installs New Officers ly one hundred years since The Ukrainians who have ileges and responsibilities of thc Library Commission oi DeLuca to bc flown from thc cration cannot reach a success­ Abraham Lincoln made the emigrated to this country freedom. Winnipeg's City Council for ular members, and is the sec­ City Hall of New York City ful conclusion unless Ukrain Newly elected officers of St. 'House Divided" speech in which have brought with them cultur- Best wishes for a memorable 1958. The commission is head- ond largest assembly in West­ and thc state capitol building ian political groups resolve Basil Branch 161 of the Uk­ bc proclaimed thc truth that al and spiritual values which meeting. led by Winnipeg's Ukrainian at Albany on January 22. their differences. Metropolitan rainian National Association, ern Pennsylvania. This large this nation could not perman­ have contributed much to the D wight D. Eisenhower Hermanyuk expressed thc con­ mayor, Stephen Juba. /ere installed on Sunday, membership will entitle the In the musical part of thr ently exist half slave and hr-lf viction at a lecture here on * 'anuary 13th in their Am­ branch nt their regular meet­ nrogram. soloists were Mary free. Today we are realizing January 3, when he describe* BUENOS AIRES. Argentina. bridge, Pa. headquarters at 5 ing in February to elect three Lesawyer, soprano of thc New that this world cannot Chicago Ukrainians Commemorate his impressions and observa Ukrainian carols were among n.m , the Daily Citizen news- delegates to the XXIV Con­ York City Opera: Michael Min- exist half slave and half free. Lions made during a thre^ arols of many nations broad- >aner reports, vention of the Ukrainian Na­ •ky, baritone, and Daria Kara 40th Anniversary of Independence As long as men are in chains month tour of Europe.
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