Medieval Authors Abbo of Fleury

Medieval Authors Abbo of Fleury

Medieval Authors Abbo of Fleury (Floriacensis), c.945-1004 Abelard, Peter (Pierre), c.1079-1142 Adam of Bremen, c.1040-1081 Adam of Cobsam, fl.c.1462 Adam of Eynsham, fl.1196-1232 Adam of Perseigne, d.c.1208 Adela, Countess of Blois, Chartres, and Meaux, c.1062 -1137 Adelaide of Burgundy, Ottonian empress, 931-999 Adomnan of Iona, St., c.625-704 Adso of Montier-en-Der (Adso Deruensis), 10th cent. Aelfric Romanus, c. 955-1015 Aelfric, Abbot of Eynsham, c.955-1020 Aelred of Rievaulx, St., 1110-1167 Agnellus of Ravenna, St., c. 487-570 Agnes of Assisi, St., 1197-1253 Agnes of Poitiers, c.1020-1077 Agnes of Prague, St., 1200-1271 Al Hariri of Basrah, c.1054-1122 Alais, Trobairitz Alamanda, Trobairitz Alan of Lille (Alain de Lille, Alanus de Insulis), c.1120-1203 Alberta, Leon Battista, c.1404-1472 Albertano da Brescia, 13th cent. Albertus Magnus, St., c.1200-1280 Alcuin of York, c.730-804 Alexander III, Pope, 1105-1181 Alexander IV, Pope 1254-1261 Alexander of Telese, Abbot, 12th cent. Alexander V, Pope, c.1340-1410 Alexandre du Pont, 13th cent. Alfonsi, Petrus, c.1062-1110 Alfonso III the Great, c.838-911 Alfonso X the Learned, c.1221-1284 Alfred, King of England, 849-899 al-Ghazali, Abu Hamid, c.1058-1111 Alix (Adela) Of Champagne, c.1140-1206 Almaric, Guirad Almucs de Castelnau, Trobairitz Alnwick, William, c.1270-1333 Amadeus of Lausanne, St., c.1110-1159 Amalarius, Archbishop of Lyon, c.775-850 Ambroise, fl.1196 Ambrose, St., c.340-397 Andreas of Bergamo (Bergomatis), 9th cent. Andreas of Fontevrault Andrew of Wyntoun, 15th cent. Aneirin, fl.c.560 Anezka of Rozmberk, 15th cent. Angela of Foligno, c.1248-1309 Anonymous Anselm of Canterbury, St., c.1033-1109 Antonius de Rosellis Aquinas, Thomas, St., c.1224-1274 Archpoet (Archipoeta), fl.1159-1165 Arderne, John, fl.1307-1370 Ardo, St., d.843 Aretino, Leonardo Bruni, 1369-1444 1 Ariosto, Ludovico (Orlando Furioso), c.1474-1533 Aristotle, 384 B.C.-322 B.C. Arlantino Armburgh, Robert and Joan Arnaud of Verniolle Arnauda da Lamotha of Montauban Arnaut Daniel, fl. 1189 Arnaut de Carcassones Arnobius the Elder (Arnobius of Sicca, Afer), d.c.327 Arnold of Bonneval Arnold of Liege, 14th cent. Arnold, Richard Arundel, Thomas, c.1344-1414 Asser, John (Asserius Menevensis), d.909 Astronomus, fl. 814-840 Athanaeus Mechanicus Athanasius of Alexandria, St., c.295-373 Audelay, John, fl.1426 Augustine of Hippo, c.354-430 Aureoli, Petrus (Peter Aureoli), 1280-1322 Avicenna (Ibn Sina), 980-1037 Azalais de Porcairages, Trobairitz Bacon, Roger, c.1213-1291 Baldus, c.1327-1400 Bandini, Domenico, d.1360 Banester, Gilbert, d.1487 Baptista, Mantuanus, 1448-1516 Barclay, Alexander, c.1475-1552 Bartholomew of Lucca (Ptolemy of Lucca), c.1236-1327 Baruch the German of Languedoc Basil the Great of Caesarea, St., c. 330-379 Baudry of Bourgueil, Archbishop of Dol, 1046-1130 Beatrice of Lorraine, 11th cent. Beatrice of Nazareth, d.1268 Beatrice of Planisolles Beatrice of Savoy, c.1195-1266 Becket, Thomas, St., 1118-1170 Bede, c.672-735 Benedict of Aniane, St., c.750-821 Benedict, Abbot of Peterborough, d.1193 Benedict, St. c.480-547 Benjamin of Tudela, 12th cent. Berard, John, 12th cent. Berardo Appillaterre Bernard de Castanet Bernard of Angers Bernard of Clairvaux, St. c.1090-1153 Bernardino of Siena, St., 1380-1444 Bernart, de Ventadorn, 12th cent. Beroul, fl.c.1170-1190 Bicchieri, Guala, d.1227 Bieiris de Romans, Trobairitz Bijns, Anna, 1493-1575 Birgitta of Sweden, St., 1303-1373 Blannebekin, Agnes Boccaccio, Giovanni, c.1313-1375 Bodin, Jean, 1530-1596 Boethius of Dacia, c.1240-1285 Boethius, Ancius (Manlius Severus), c.480-526 Bokenham, Osbern, c.1313-1375 2 Bonaventure, St., c.1217-1274 Boniface, St., c.675-754 Boso Breakspear, Cardinal, d.1181 Bower, Walter, 1385-1449 Bracciolini, Paggius, c.1380-1459 Bracton, Henry de, d. 1268 Bradshaw, Henry, d.1513 Brigit (Brigid), St., c.450 Brunhild, queen of Austrasia and Burgundy, 6th cent. Bruni, Leonardo, c.1370-1444 Bruno of Magdeburg (Merseburg). fl. 1084 Burchard of Worms c.965-1025 Burchard, Provost of Ursberg, 13th cent. Buridan, Jean, c.1295-1358 Byrhtferth of Ramsey, b.c.970 Caedmon, c.675 Caesarius of Arles, St., c.470-542 Caesarius of Heisterbach, c.1180-1240 Caffaro di Rustico, c.1080-1164 Calcidius, 4th cent. Calvin, John, 1509-1564 Capellanus, Andreas (Andre le Chaplain, Andrew the Chaplain), c.1170-1190 Capgrave, John, c.1393-1464 Caradoc of Llancarfan, d.c.1147 Carenza, Trobairitz Cartwright, William Cassiodorus, Flavius Magnus Aurelius, c.490-583 Castanega, Martin de, fl.1511-1551 Castelloza, Trobairitz Cathal Og Mac Maghnusa, c.1439-1498 Catherine of Siena, 1347-1380 Caxton, William, c.1420-1492 Celestine V, Pope (Peter of Moronne), 1215-1296 Cely Family, 15th cent. Chadri Chandos Herald, fl.1350-1380 Charles of Orleans, 1394-1465 Charny, Geoffroi de, d. 1356 Chartier, Alain, c.1385-1430 Chaucer, Geoffrey, c.1340-1400 Chestre, Thomas, fl.1430 Choniates, Nicetas, c.1140-1213 Chretien de Troyes, d.1185 Christina of Markyate, St., c.1096-1160 Christine de Pizan, c.1363-1434 Christine of Stommeln, d.1312 Chrodegang of Metz, St., bishop, c.712-766 Chrysostom, John, St. (John of the Cross), c.349-407 Ciriaco, d'Ancona, 1391-1452 Clanvowe, John, Sir, c.1341-1391 Clara d'Anduza, Trobairitz Clare of Assisi, St., c.1194-1253 Clementia of Burgundy, c.1078-1131 Columban, Bishop, c.543-615 Commynes, Philippe de, c.1447-1511 Comnena, Anna, c.1083-1155 Compagni, Dino, c.1260-1324 Conrad III, Holy Roman Emperor, c.1093-1152 Conrad of Eberbach, c.1140-1226 Constance, countess of Toulouse, d.1177 3 Constantius of Lyons, fl.c.480 Copland, Robert, fl.1508-1547 Cosmas Indicopleustes, 6th cent. Cosyn, William Countess of Dia, Trobairitz Cryseos Cuimine Ailbe (the Fair) Cynewulf, 9th cent. Cyril of Alexandria, St., c. 376-444 d'Abbeville, Nicholas Dado of Rouen Daneau, Lambert, c.1530-1595 Daniel, Walter Dante Alighieri, c.1265-1321 Davy, Adam, fl.1308 Defensor, fl.c.700 Dhuoda, fl.c.850 Dicuil, fl.825 Domna H., Trobairitz Dona Leonor Lopez de Cordoba Douglas, Gavin, c.1475-1522 Drogo van Sint-Winoksbergen Dudo of St. Quentin, c.1043 Dunbar, William, c.1455-1513 Eadburga, abbess of Minster, d.751 Eadmer of Canterbury, c.1060-1130 Eddius Stephanus (Aedi) Egeria, 4th-5th cent. Eigil, c.750-822 Eike von Repgow, c.1180-1233 Eimeric, Nicolau, 1320-1399 Einhard, c.770-840 Eleanor of Aquitaine, 1122-1204 Eleanor of Provence, c.1223–1291 Elisabeth of Schonau, St., 1129-1165 Emma, Queen Of Franks, fl.942-942 Ephraim ben Jacob of Bonn, b.1132 Erasmus, Desiderius, d.1536 Erchambert of Freising (Erchanbert, Herempert, Erchempert), d.854 Erghome, John, 14th cent. Eriugena, John Scottus, c.810-877 Ermengard of Narbonne, 12th cent. Ethelwerd, d.998 Etienne de Bourbon (Stephanus de Borbone) Eudes, Richart (Eudes of Rouen), Archbishop, d.1275 Eugenius IV, Pope, 1388-1447 Eusebius of Caesarea, c.263-340 Eustochium, St., c.370-419 Euthalius, Bishop of Sulca Eutropius, 4th cent. Falcandus, Hugo, 12th cent. Falcone di Benevento, 12th cent. Fatteboni, Giacomuccio Ficino, Marsilio, c.1433-1499 Filippa di Leonardo di Gislerio Firbisse, Dudley (Duald Mac Firbis), c.1585-1670 Fitznigel, Richard (Richard Fitzneale) Fitzstephen, William, d.1190 Flordebellina of Milan Fortescue, Sir John, c.1385-1480 4 Fortunatus, Venantius (Honorius Clementianus), c.530-609 Fournier, Jacques, 14th cent. Fox, Richard, Bishop, c.1448-1528 Franco of Cologne, fl.1250 Fredegarius (Fredegar), d.c.660 Frederick II of the Holy Roman Empire, King of Sicily, 1194-1250 Froissart, Jean c.1337-1404 Fulbert of Chartres, c. 970-1028 Fulcher of Chartres (Foucher de Chartres), c.1059-1127 Fulcouis, Belvacensis, c.1020-1083 Garsenda, Trobairitz Garzoni, Giovanni, 1419-1505 Gaunilo of Marmoutiers, 11th cent. Gautier de Coincy, c.1177-1236 Geiler, Johannes of Kaysersberg, 1445-1510 Geoffrey de Villehardouin, d.c.1230 Geoffrey le Baker Geoffrey of Auxerre, 12th cent. Geoffrey of Burton Geoffrey of Clairvaux Geoffrey of Monmouth, c.1100-1155 Geoffrey of Vendome, c.1070-1132 Gerald of Wales (Giraldus Cambrensis), c.1146-1223 Gerard Cagnoli Gerard of Solo Gerold, Patriarch of Jerusalem Gertrude of Hackeborn, Abbess of Helfta, 1232-1291 Gertrude the Great of Helfta, St., d.1302 Gervase of Canterbury, fl.1163-1210 Gervase of Tilbury, c.1140-1220 Gilbert of Hoyland Gildas, St., 6th cent. Giles of Rome (Egidius Colonna), Archbishop of Bourges, c.1243-1316 Gilo of Paris, c.1142 Giovanni di Plano Carpini, (John of Pian), fl.1240 Giraut, de Borneil, 12th cent. Godfrey of Fontaines, c.1250-1309 Godfrey of Winchester, c.1050-1107 Godwin of Sarum Gonzalez de Clavijo, Ruy, d.1412 Goscelin of St. Bertin, c.1035-1107 Goswin of Bossut, d.1230 Gower, John, c.1330-1408 Gratian, 12th cent. Gray, Sir Thomas, of Heton, d.1369 Gray, William Gregory I, “the Great,” c.540-604 Gregory IX, Pope, c.1170-1241 Gregory of Nazianus, St., c.330-390 Gregory of Nyssa, c.335-394 Gregory of Tours, c.539-595 Gregory VII, Pope, c.1020-1085 Grosseteste, Robert c.1169-1253 Guernes de Pont-Saiunte-Maxence, 12th cent. Guerric, Abbot of Igny, d.c.1157 Gui, Bernard (Bernardus Guidonis), 1261-1331 Guibert of Nogent, c.1064-1125 Guido Faba (Fava), c.1190-1245 Guigo I, of Grand Chartreuse, c.1083-1136 Guigo II of Grand Chartreuse, d.1188 5 Guigues du Chastel Guilhem de Cabestanh Guillame de Lorris, 13th cent. Guillaume de Tignonville, d.1414 Guillaume de Tudele (Guilhem, William of Tudela), fl.1199-1213 Guillelma de Rosers, Trobairitz Guiraut de Bornelh Gulielmus, Pictaviensis (William of Poitiers) Gunther of Paris, fl.1200 Gutierre Diaz de Gamez, c.1379-1450 Guy de l’Aumone Guy, Bishop of Amiens (Wido), 11th c.

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