Schlaglicht Israel Nr. 20/09 Aktuelles aus israelischen Tageszeitungen 10. - 23. November 2009 1. Friedensplan von Shaul Mofas a democratic system. […] The Mofaz plan, along with the pressure from the Der Friedensprozess zwischen Palästinensern und United States, can […] prod the prime minister to go Israelis ist festgefahren. Während es Premier- beyond the peace process' paralysis and submit an minister Netanjahu und Palästinenserpräsident initiative of his own as a solution to the Palestinian Abbas nicht gelingt, an einen Tisch zu kommen, conflict.” legte der ehemalige Verteidigungsminister Shaul HAA 11.11.09 Mofas von der stärksten Oppositionspartei Kadima nun einen eigenen Friedensfahrplan vor. Dieser The Israeli option should be first sieht die Gründung eines palästinensischen Staates “The Mofaz model comes with good intentions, but mit vorläufigen Grenzen vor, die von Israel zunächst based on past experience, it will likely yield bad unilateral bestimmt würden. Der Status von results. […] The main problem with Mofaz's plan is Jerusalem und ein Austausch von Land würde in that it puts forth the Palestinians' best alternative einer zweiten Phase verhandelt werden. Mofas ahead of Israel's. kritisierte die Regierung, die keinen Friedensplan Facilitated by security strategists and political habe und den Zeitdruck unter dem Israel stehe pundits, the gist of Mofaz's master plan is to enable verkenne. Er erklärte sich auch bereit, mit der a Palestinian state on borders that temporarily Hamas, die von Israel als Terrororganisation encompass approximately 60 percent of Judea and eingestuft wird, zu verhandeln, sofern sie „ihr Samaria, and to guarantee Israel's eventual Verhalten ändere“. withdrawal from 92% of the territories once conditions ripen. […] Mofaz is an Israeli war hero, With Mofaz as Beilin but his proposed plan for peace does not serve his “Shaul Mofaz […] comes along this week and country well. The plan's main problem is that it is proposes a plan for establishing a Palestinian state more of same in terms of giving the Palestinians gradually on ‘most of the territories’ captured in something in return for nothing. […] Israel should 1967. Mofaz, as a former defense minister and army start by getting land rather than always giving it chief of staff, is aware of the military and away.” demographic dangers facing Israel and sees a Ophir Falk, JPO 17.11.09 solution in the evacuation of the settlements and the setting up of an independent Palestinian state Mofaz’ left turn alongside Israel. He is a far cry from other politicians “Apparently he realized, just as Ariel Sharon realized in his willingness to talk with Hamas. in the 2003 campaign, that in order to win the Mofaz's proposal is not perfect. […] It's hard to find a premiership one needs to break to the Left. […] Palestinian counterpart who would, at the start of the One way or another, he is forcing the main players negotiations, recognize Israeli sovereignty over in the political arena to dust off their old campaign West Bank communities such as Ariel and Ma'aleh kits. […] Mofaz’s diplomatic plan elicited broad Adumim, as the Mofaz plan provides. The plan's public support according to a weekend poll. His details are less important, however, than the very problem is that the other politicians in the race may existence of the initiative, which poses a challenge adopt this plan, a move that would leave him without to Netanyahu and his government and stimulates a unique status to boast.” public debate. This is the opposition's classic role in Baruch Leshem, JED 16.11.09 1 Wettkampf der Torheit tinensischen Konflikt. Netanjahu habe Obama dazu “Das friedenspolitische Programm des Abge- aufgefordert, Abbas zurück an den Verhandlungs- ordneten Shaul Mofas hat den guten alten tisch zu bringen und versucht ihn davon zu über- Wettkampf, in dem Israelis der zwei Jahrtausende zeugen, dass er ein großes Interesse am Fortschritt alten Hoffnung nachjagen, im Lande Zion […] einen des Friedensprozesses habe. Das Weiße Haus ließ palästinensischen Staat zu gründen, auf einen lediglich verlauten, das Treffen sei „positiv“ ver- neuen grotesken Höhepunkt gebracht. […] laufen und habe sich um die bilateralen Be- Nun, da der Mann, der als ‚rechter Wegweiser‘ von ziehungen der beiden Länder gedreht. Kadima galt sich als ‚linker Wegweiser‘ neu erfunden hat, ist der Höhepunkt des politischen A relationship in crisis Opportunismus erreicht – und das sollte nicht nur „Relations between Israel and the United States are die Unterstützer von Mofas beunruhigen, sondern all in crisis. This is the conclusion that stems from the jene, die sich Sorgen um das Ansehen des difficulty in arranging a meeting between Prime politischen Apparats in Israel machen.“ Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and U.S. President Yoav Shorek, HZO 11.11.09 Barack Obama. The White House wanted Netanyahu to sweat The new converts before being granted an audience with the „Once every few months another right-wing politician president, and wanted everyone to see him perspire. sees the light. Suddenly he believes that time is […] In such circumstances, it is no longer important working against us, […] that the Palestinians what will be said at the meeting, and the extent to deserve a state and that the occupation must come which there will be an attempt to present it as an to an end. […] Former chief of staff and defense achievement. The prime minister of Israel was minister Shaul Mofaz […] has joined the converts' humiliated before all. […] Netanyahu may be an community. […] experienced diplomat and politician, and Obama On the face of it, this is good news. […] It appears may be a novice, but Obama is the president of a that those who seek peace and justice are in a clear superpower, and Netanyahu represents a small majority. […] But this of course is a delusion. As country that depends greatly on the United States. soon as the spotlights are turned off and the It sometimes appears that Netanyahu forgets this, columnists finish their praises, the converts resume and pretends he is the head of a superpower. […] their routine without lifting a finger to advance what Instead of making excuses and explaining the they preached. […] terrible situation, Netanyahu should make the effort Mofaz suggests talking to Hamas, but it doesn't to resolve the crisis with the American occur to him to try to do it here and now. […] And administration.” the public? It says yes to two states and votes for Aluf Benn, HAA 09.11.09 Likud and Avigdor Lieberman. In this great masque- rade, Israel has raised denial and pretense to an art. Washington chill The terrible price will be paid soon.” „As Netanyahu made his way to Washington, there Gideon Levy, HAA 12.11.09 were those bent on exacerbating tensions between our premier and President Barack Obama. […] 2. Netanjahu in Washington Much was made of the fact that even as he embarked on his journey Netanyahu still did not In den israelischen Medien wurden die Umstände have a firm appointment to see the president. […] von Premierminister Netanjahus Besuch in Wa- Comings and goings aside, the administration has shington überwiegend als Hinweis auf eine Krise been fundamentally misreading the situation here on zwischen den USA und Israel interpretiert. the ground, allowing its own initial poor judgment to Netanjahus Termin mit Präsident Obama war be reinforced by unrepresentative voices in Israel mehrmals verschoben worden und fand schließlich and on the margins of the American Jewish in den späten Abendstunden ohne offiziellen Foto- community. […] termin oder Pressekonferenz statt. Während des Most Israelis support a demilitarized Palestine living Treffens unterhielten sich die beiden Regierungs- side-by-side with the Jewish state of Israel - the very chefs mehr als eine Stunde lang unter zwei Augen. vision articulated by Netanyahu in his seminal June Israelischen Quellen zufolge ging es bei dem Ge- 14 Bar-Ilan address. spräch hauptsächlich um den israelisch-paläs- 2 Rather than giving Netanyahu a cold shoulder, Obama got carried away Obama should warmly embrace this viable blueprint “The latest move in respect to Gilo appears like a for peace.” tragic mistake that was not thought out at all and will JPO 08.11.09 merely serve to complicate the regional situation. We are talking about a move that is so illogical […] Saying goodbye to mom that even Opposition Leader Tzipi Livni […] realized “Netanjahu was received in Washington this week that she must openly speak out against this new with the honors reserved for an especially demand, which views Gilo as a settlement. embarrassing relative. The kind of relative you were Yet this is not only the demand that we stop building forced to meet – after all, he’s part of the family and in Gilo – a stipulation that nobody really intends to mom really asked you to do it – but you made sure adhere to – that makes us lose sleep, Mr. President. to meet him in a place nobody knows, so no one will It’s also the tone of your words. […] You explain that see you. […] However, it seems that something the construction would prompt the Palestinians to bigger is going on around here. […T]he Americans commit radical acts. You are hinting to us that are closer than ever to reaching the understanding terrorism is a direct and unavoidable result of that they would sleep well at night even without the Israel’s conduct. […] Mideastern food poisoning, and that they have There are especially illogical demands – and the better things to do in life than playing the role of one that views Gilo as a settlement is one of them – babysitter for us and the Palestinians.” that unite us Israelis from the Left and Right and Asaf Gefen, JED 14.11.09 remind us that at the end of the day we, and only we, are entitled to decide where we build, what we Are we with Obama, or what? build, and what will happen in our sovereign state.
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