Giscard out to stop 'otherwise inevitable war' Lehman's Peterson: 'take the world to the brink' Will dictatorship follow a 1980 election deadlock? Abscam/Brilab attacks progress and the American labor movement [THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY BLANK] Editor-in-chief: Daniel Sneider Associate Editor: Robyn Quijano Managing Editors: Kathy Stevens, Vin Berg Art Director: Deborah Asch, Martha Zoller Circulation Manager: Lana Wolfe From the Contributing Editors: Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., Editor Criton Zoakos, Nora Hamerman, Christopher Wh ite, Costas Kalimtgis, Uwe Parpart, Nancy Spannaus INTELLIGENCE DIRECTORS: Africa: Douglas DeGroot Asia: Daniel Sneider Counterintelligence: Jeffrey Steinberg Economics: David Goldman Energy: William Engdahl and Marsha Freeman Europe: Vivian Zoakos Latin America: Dennis Small Law: Felice Merritt Middle East: Robert Dreyfuss Mifitary Strategy: Susan Welsh Science and Technology: Morris Levitt "� ft degree of controlled disintegration in the world economy is a Soviet Sector: Rachel Douglas United States: Konstantin George legitimate objective for the 1980s ... " stated the Council on I;oreign United Nations: Nancy Coker Relations in its "Project 1980s" blueprint for depression. This Trila­ INTERNATIONAL BUREAUS: teral Commission economic policy, the same as that of the Carter Bogota: Carlos Cota Meza administration, is well on its way to shutting down American industry George Gregory Bonn: and deregulating trucking and all American transport, throwing this and Thierry LeMarc crucial "conveyor belt" of production into chaos and bankruptcy. Brussels: Christine Juarez Chicago: Mitchell Hirsch But the total implementation of the controlled disintegration Copenhagen: Vincent Robson policy requires that the American labor movement be destroyed and Mexico City: Josefina Menendez labor connected urban machines along with it. Such defenders of Milan: Muriel Mirak New Delhi: Paul Zykofsky living standards and industrial progress cannot be allowed to get in Paris: Katherine Kanter the way. and Sophie Tanapura This week's Special Report, "AbscamjBrilab attacks progress and Rome: Claudio Celani Stockholm: Clifford Gaddy U.S. Labor," demonstrates just what most of the victims of the Washington D.C.: Laura Chasen Justice Department's "sting" operations have in common, and the and Susan Kokinda gestapo style entrapment procedures being used to rid the country Wiesbaden: (European Economics) Mark Tritsch and Laurent Murawiec of any and all opposition to Trilateral policy. The goal is a consolidated coup against all traditional American institutions by Executive Intelligence Review is published by no later than the close of election year 1980. New Solidarity InternationalPress Service This expose was researched by an intelligence team from EIR's 304 W,58th Street, New York.N. Y. 10019. In Europe: Campaigner Publications; counterintelligence newsletter, Investigative Leads in preparation for Deutschl. GmbH. + Co. Vertriebs KG a more extensive document on the subject. Scott Thompson authored Postfach 1966. D. 6200 Wiesbaden the report. Copyright c 1980 New Solidarity International Press Service All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission strictly prohibited. Subscription by mail for the U.S.: 3 months-$125, 6 months-$225, 1 year-$396, Single issue-$lO ISSN 0146- 9614 ITillContents Departments Economics 1 From the Editor-in-Chief 6 'Industrial restructuring' comes out of the closet 5 Editorial The Federal Reserve, What cracked the alliance? "futurology" think-tanks and many others are suddenly crying 46 Military Strategy out on the need for a V.S. "industrial policy." At best, they Reagan's advisors sold intend incompetent "quick fixes" Nixon the All-Volunteer Fo(ce for troubled defense concerns, but more generally, to 48 Middle East Report "streamline" both industries and Khomeini's kooks urban centers into small-scale and V.S. spooks models of their former capacities. 49 Dateline Mexico 8 Lehman's Peter Peterson: A new environmentalist cult 'Take the world to the brink' 58 Campaign .1980 Report on an exclusive EIR interview with a leading Brandt 59 InSight Commission member American System living standards 10 Gold Europe puts a floor 60 Congressional Calendar under the price 64 Facts Behind Terrorism 11 Foreign Exchange Red Brigades threaten Giscard 12 World Trade Carter's impact in just six months 13 Trade Review 14 Corporate Strategy International Harvester's saboteur 15 Science and Technology MHD improves fo ssil fuel efficiency 16 Business Briefs Volume 7. Number 21 June3.1980 Special Report International National 26 Giscard out to stop 52 Will dictatorship follow 'otherwise inevitable' war a 1980 election deadlock? The French president, without The mouthpieces of the informing the United States, backroom boys at the Council on suddenly went to Warsaw to Foreign Relations have been meet with Mr. Brezhnev. French "predicting" a constitutional press say he listened to Edmund crisis, one resulting from a Muskie talk in Austria, and presidential election thrown into immediately made the decision the House of Representatives. Teamsters demonstrate against trucking that war was "otherwise Just to be sure, they're running deregulation in Detroit. Photo: NSIPS inevitable. " John Anderson. 28 Muskie's first 54 FEMA is running 18 Abscam/Brilab attacks official provocation the Miami riots progress and U.S. labor The game is 'planned shrinkage' Few stopped to ponder who was 29 No hope for Africa in of America's urban centers being hit and why, when the Club of Rome 'Trialogue' Department of Justice's 56 Exclusive: independent entrapment operations, Abscam 30 Lopez Portillo's oilmen-endangered species? and Brilab among others, first became public. It's an operation meeting with Giscard to destroy those labor and The Mexican and French 62 National News industry combinations that have presidents discussed Mexico's been the backbone of American need for nuclear technology, and industrial strength and republican France's effort to prevent nuclear institutions. war. Documentation: The joint 21 How Abscam and communique, the speeches, and Brilab "sting" an interview with Mexico's no. 2 industrial official. 24 Kennedy Justice: 36 U.S. policy on Abscam/Brilab's roots Cuba leads to war 25 Who is Benjamin Civiletti? 38 Is the end near for the Khomeini regime? 40 Is the end for Bani-Sadr near? 43 Japanese security, Korea and one Richard Sneider Plus: Japan's faction fight: key to Asia's future 50 International Intelligence Editorial What cracked the alliance? Since the Giscard/Brezhnev summit in Warsaw for a moment. Your V.S. ally is rushing into con­ and France's refusal to go along with the V.S. frontation with the Soviets, has buried detente and olympic boycott, much hysteria has been generated is simultaneously plunging the West into a "con­ about the problem of "the allies." Secretary of trolled disintegration" collapse. State M uskie railed against the French, and the Can you count on your ally to assure that you press bemoaned the "cracked alliance." are not "eradicated as a geographical entity if not "Without support of allied dollars, armaments altogether from the memory of man?" and men, the French nation would have long ago What have the allies to depend on? been eradicated as a geographical entity if not According to a confidential memorandum re­ altogether from the memory of man," howled the leased recently by Defense Secretary Harold Brown Atlanta Journal and Constitution. in London, American youth do not need to be Em otions run high on this issue. After all, the trained in science and mathematics in order to use allies, particularly France, "owe us something." high technology weaponry since it will be scrapped That they do. But what the allies owe us, they in favor of "more practical weapons that we can owe to the American nation-state, to the national buy in greater quantities." interest. They owe nothing to the Carter admini­ Brown seems oblivious to reports of Soviet stration, madly on a drive toward war that could breakthroughs in electronic beam weaponry that mean the end of civilization as we know it. may soon have the ability to knock out V.S. mis­ Giscard met with Brezhnev "to stop otherwise siles in their ascending stage. inevitable war," reported the French media. The Two subcommittees of the House Appropria­ American population, because of the hideous dis­ tions Committee recently slashed the budgets of the tortion of reality painted by the V.S. media, has yet magnetic fusion program and the National Aero­ to understand that fact. nautics and Space Administration (NASA), the The French have demanded a war-avoidance two most scientifically advanced programs left in strategy based on trade and cooperation with the this austerity wracked nation. Soviet Vnion and a development strategy fo r the The Solar Polar Mission was cancelled, termi­ Third World. The allies want to negotiate a lasting nating a joint project of NASA and the European peace in the Middle East. They know this is the Space Agency (ESA), thereby abrogating a treaty. only way to ensure that their oil supplies are not The allies invested $30 million and designed one cut by Brzezinski's arc of cirsis provocations. of the spacecraft fo r the cancelled solar mission. Not unreasonable demands. Nor do they con­ Roy Gibson, the ESA director, concluded last week flict with the real national interest of the Vnited that NASA is now considered "an unreliable part­ States. In fact they constitui� the only potential we ner in international cooperation." have for national survival. They do conflict, how­ As an ally, the Carter administration has not ever, with the present interest of the administra­ done well. As a maker of policy fo r the future of the tion-a Trilateral Commission entity-and its nation and the world, it has done even worse. As policy of war provocation and economic collapse. one NASA official complained, "they want us to If one is to usefully question the nature and pull in our tentacles and become a Dark Age fu ture of the alliance, one must "think European" society." Such a nation is not a dependable ally.
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