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't'I III{I'Ef,NII I KI'IRAIA LEGISI ,AIIVE ASSEMBIX RI],SUME OI.' BUSINTISS .TRANSAC'I'ED DURING'I'HE IiI,EV EN'I'[I S K]SSION s, Kcrala l-cgislature Secrctariat 2015 PRtTSS KLRAI A NIYAMASAIIItA PRIN tlN(; T}IIRTEENTH KERAI-A LrcIST-ATTVE ASSEMBLY REST]ME OF BUSINESS TRANSACTED DURING THF', ELEVENTH SESSION 128012014. I]LT'VBNTII S}]SSION CONIUNIS Page HltvrNru Sussrot't I L Obituary Reference " I 2. Panel of Chairmcn " I 3. Questrons " I 4. Correction of answers to Unstarred Questions " 2 5. Adlournment Motion " 2 6. Calling Attention " 2 7. PaPers laid on the I'able " Minister 2 8. Special Papers laid on the lbblc by the " 3 g. Prcseniation of RePorts " 8 10. Considcration of RePorts " ll. Felicitatron 8 8 12. SPecial Mention " 8 13. Announcement by the Speaker " 9 14. Rulings bY the SPeaker " " 10 15. Statement by the Chief Minister 10 16. Statements under Rule 300 " l0 17. Motion under Rule 130 and substantive " motion under Rule 275 12 18. Discussion under Rule 58 " 12 19. Government Resolution " 12 20' Consideration of Amendments to Rules " " 13 21. Question of Breach of Privileges 14 22- Legislative Business " 16 . 23. liinancial Business " 17 24. Private Mcmbers' Business " 25- Visitors " 19 26' "fermination of the Ssssion " 19 2l 27. APPendices " 2s.StatomentshowingConstitucncy'Name"l14 P;;i;"*iiii"ii"' of tutemuers of 'l'hirteenth""d Kerala Legislative Assembly SPeaker Srm G. KrrnrulrulYnN DePutY SPeaker Stlnl N. Snrl'nnN Council of Ministers 1. Shd Oommcn Chandy, Chief Ministcr 2. ,, P. K.Abdu Rabb, Ministcr for Education 3. ,. Adoor Prakash, Ministcr for Revenuc and Coir of Scheduled Castes' llackward 4. ,, A. P. Anil Kumar, Minister for Welfare -Iourism Classes and Consumer Protection 5. ,, Anoop Jacob, Minister for Food' Civil Supplics' and Registration 6. ,, Aryadan Muhammed, Minister for Power '.,. ,, K' Babu, Minister for Fisheries' Ports and Excise Khadi and Village 8. ,, C. N. Balakrishnan, Minister for Co-operation' Industries g. ,, V. K. Ebrahim Kunju, Minister for Ilublic Works l0.KumariP.K.Jayalakshmi,MinisterforWclfareofScheduled.|ribcs' Youth Affairs, Museums and Zoos il.ShriK.C.Joseph,MinisterforRuralDevelopment'Planning'Cultureand NORKA 12. ,, P. J. Joscph, Minister for Water Resourccs Industries and Information'l'cchnology 13. ,, P. K' Kunhalikutty' Minister for 14. ,, K. M. Mani, Minister for lrinance' Law and l-lousing vin 15. Shri Manjalamkuzhi Ali, Minister for Urban Affairs and Welfare of Minorities 16. ,, K. P. Mohanan, Minister for Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Printing and Stationcry 17. Dr. M. K. Muneer, Minister for Panchayats and Social Justice 18. Shri Thiruvanchoor Radhakrishnan, Minister for Forest, Environment, 'I'ransport, Sports and Cinema 19. ,, Ramesh Chennithala, Ministcr for Home and Vigilance n. ,, Shibu Baby John, Minister for Labour and Rehabilitation 21 . , V. S. Sivakumar, Minister for Health, Family Welfare and Devaswom Leader of the lIouse Sgnr Oour,,rEN CHRuuv Leader of Opposition Sunr V. S. AcrruruannNonr Gouernment Chief Whip Srn"r P. C. Gaoncs Secretary SHru P. D. SnRaNceprnnaN TMTEENIH KERAI-A. LEGISLAITVE ASSEMBLY Eleventh Session Date of Commencement .. June 9,2014 Date of Adjoumment .. July 17,2014 (At the conclusion of Date of Prorogation .. July 17, 2014 its sitting) Number of sittings .. 27 (1\rentY-seven) AssEraeLY PeRrv posntorl or THnrsrlru KEnem Lrclslnuvr (es on 9ru Ju're' 2014) Ruling 39 Indian National Congress 20 Indian Union Muslim League 9 Kerala Congress (M) 2 Socialist Janatha (Democratic) (Baby John) 1' Kerala Revolutionary Socialist Parry t Kerala Congress (B) I Kerala Congress (Jacob) Opposition M Communist Party of India (Marxist) 13 Communist Party of India 4 Janatha Dal (Secular) 2 RevolutionarY Socialist PartY 2 Nationalist Congress PartY 2 IndePendents lbtal 140 SPeaker t Grand Total l4l erged with Revolutionary Socialist Party w.e.f. 16-'1 -2014 128012014. SESSION OF RESUME OF BUSINESS TRA}TSACTM DURING TI{E ELEVENTI{ TI{E THIR|EENM KERAIA LEGISI,ATTVE ASSEMBLY ThesummonsdatedMay23,20|4fortheEleventhSessionofthe Kerala Legislative Assembly was issued to the Members on Ihirteenth 9' 2014 iot4. The ,"t'"iott commenced at 8'30 a'm' on Monday' June ]Mriv'ii, 17' 2014' and adjourned sine-die at 4'3'l p'm' on Thursday' July 12' l?' 19' The House met on tfte foG*ing days viz', June 9' l0' l1' !9'l7'18' 11, 14' 15' 16' l'7 (27 days of 20, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27,,0: loty" t' 2, 7, 8,^g, 10, sitilngg. ih" Ho,tt" transacted business for 200 hours' Obituary Reference on the demise of On June g,2Ol4, the Deputy Speaker made references Gopalakrishnan Nair' P. R, Rajan; fo.mer'membei of Parliament and R' K'Purushothamun,former*"-u"'.ofKeralaLegislative.As'"-lYAsamarkof for a while' ;il;i," the deceased, the members stood in silence reference on the demise of On July 17 , 2014, the Speaker m-ade Chandranandan former P. P. Abdullakutty, Vf . i"nttituman Nambiar' P' K' of respect to the deceased, members of Kerala r_"girr"ii"" Assembly. As a mark the members stood in silence for a while' Panel of Chairmen .lhefollowingmemberswerenominatedtothePanelofChairmenforthe session: Shri K. Muraleedharan Shri Mons JosePh Shri K' K. JaYachandran Questions and the number of Details regarding the number of questions received are given in Appendix I and IA' questions answered o1 ih" floo, of the House etc., Correction of answers to Unstarred Questions Chandy laid on the Table On June g, 2014, Chief Minister Shri Oommen No' 3561 of the Tenth Session of the Corrected uor*", to Unstaned Question Thirteenth Kerala Legislative Assembly' onJune'l2'2l|4'MinisterforEducationlaidonthel.abletheCorrected and 5675 of the Ninth Session of answer to Unstarrei a;t;; No' 4261 itti.t"*ttt Kerala Legislative Assembly' laid on the Table the Corrected On July 15,2014, Minister for Education the Eleventh Session of Thirteenth answer to Unstarred ail;;-N".- ziss of Kerala Legislative AssemblY' Adjournment Motion During the scssion 25 notices of Adjournment Motion were received. Out of which onc was taken up for discussion, thc details of which is given below. l'he remaining 24 noticcs were not admittcd during the scssion. On July 9,2014, the Speakcr informed thc I{ousc that Shri S. Sarma and threc other members had given notice for moving of an adjournment motion regarding the serious situation that has arised consequent on the total neglect to the State in the Railway Budget and reportcd failure of State Govemment to bring in the demands to the notice of the Union Government. As the Chief Minister expressed the readiness of the Government to discuss the matter, the Speakei informed that the motion would be taken up for discussion after the discussion on Finance Bills and two hours time would be allotted fbr dhe seme. Shri S. Sarma moved thc adjournment motion at the allotted time and a discussion was hcld. Shri Aryadan Muhammed, Minister for Power and Shri C)ommen Chandy, Chief Minister replies to the points raised in the discussion. The motion was then withdrawn by the leave of the house. Details of adjournment motions in rcspect of which consent was withheld after hearing the views of Ministers conccrned on the floor of the House are given in Appendix II. Calling Attention During thc session 54 statements were made by Ministers under rule 62, dctails of which are given in Appcndix III. Papers laid on the Table 'fhe details of Papcrs laid on the 'fable are given in Appendix IV. Spccial Papers laid on the Table by the Minister On July 2, 2014, Minister for Foresi, Environment, Transport, Sports and cincma laid on thc 'lbble the report of thc chief Secretary regarding the issues relatcd to Environmental clearance granted to the construction of multi-storied residcntial building, DI-F rivcrside housing project at Chilavanoor, Kochi. On July 16,2014, Minister for Forcst, Environment, Transport, Sports and cinema laid on the l'able the Report of Enquiry on the remittance of l'ax by Karuna Plantations in Nelliyampathy. 3 Presentation of RePorts noted against each: The following reports were presented on the dates I to XIV 9+2014 1. The Four*r Reports of Subject Committees " on the scrutiny of demands for grants' 2. The Sixteenth Report of Business Advisory " 1G62014 Committee on Private 12+2014 3. The Seventeenth Report of the Committee " Members' Bills and Resolutions II regarding " 17-6-2014 4. The Report of the Subject Committee 'Bhoomi Keralam' Project on 18+2014 5. The Seventh Report of the Committee " Environrnent on Private 6. The Eighteenth Report of the Committee Members' Bills and Resolutions the Committee on the 7. The Eleventh Report of t9-G2014 Tribes Welfare of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled regardtng The Report of the Subject Committee XI Research and the functioning of 'Council for Food DeveloPmant'' VIII as ..2442014 The Periodical Report of Subject Committee on 3lst March, 2014 ..25-G2014 Subject Corrmittee XI as on 10. The Periodical Report of 3lst March, 2014 4 r1. 'Ihe Report of the Subject Committee XIV on l'hc Kerala Public Servicc Commission (Additional I:unctions as Respects the Lok Ayukta) Ilill, 20ll 'lhe t2 Periodical Report of the Subject Committee V as on 3lst March, 2014 13. The Report of the Subject Committce V on the Action Taken on the third report regarding the scrutiny of demands for grants for the year 2013-2014 'Ihe 14. Periodical Report of the Subject Committee X as on 3lst March, 2014 26G2014 15. The Report of the Subject Committce X on the Action Taken on the third report regarding the scrutiny of dcmands for grants for thc year 2013-2014 16. The Periodical Rcporr of the Subject Comminee XII as on 3lst March.2014 'Ihe r7. Report of *re Subject Committec XII on the Action 'Iaken on the third report regarding the scrutiny of dcmands for grants for the year 2013-2014 18.
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