9L AMERICAN FOREIGN SERVICE ★ + JOURNAL * * While we’ve never seen the statistics, we’ll wager fast in your room, it quietly appears (with a flower and there’s no home in the country staffed with such reti¬ the morning paper on the tray). If you crave in-season nues of valets and butlers, chefs and secretaries, maids or out-of-season delicacies, you'll find them in any of and men servants, as our hotel. That’s why we say the our restaurants. Prepared with finesse and served with New Yorker is "no place like home" — purposely. We finesse.Youmayhaveyour railroad or air-line ortheatre know that everyone secretly longs for and enjoys the tickets ordered for you and brought to you. You may luxury of perfect hotel service. And you have your shirts and suits speeded back know it is yours at the New Yorker, with¬ from laundry or valet, with buttons sewed out luxurious cost. • It is unobtrusive ser¬ 25^0 reduction on and rips miraculously mended.You may vice, too, that never gets on your nerves. to diplomatic and have all this service by scarcely lifting a fin¬ Everyone—from the doorman to the man¬ consular service ger. • You will find the Hotel New Yorker NOTE: the special rate ager—is always friendly, always helpful— reduction applies only conveniently located, its staff pleasantly at¬ to rooms on which the but never effusive. If you want a lazy break¬ rate is $4 a day or more. tentive, and your bill surprisingly modest. HOTEL NEW YORKER 34TH STREET AT EIGHTH AVENUE • NEW YORK CITY Directed by National Hotel Management Company, Inc. • Ralph Hitz, President OTHER HOTELS UNDER SAME DIRECTION: HOTEL LEXINGTON, NEW YORK • NETHERLAND PLAZA, CINCINNATI • BOOK-CADILLAC, DETROIT • THE ADOLPHUS, DALLAS • HOTEL VAN CLEVE, DAYTON JHE /^MERICAN pOREIGN gERVICEJOURNAL CONTENTS PAGE THE NATIONAL FOREIGN TRADE CONVENTION By James J. Murphy, Jr 633 PROCRESS OF SCIENCE IN THE UNITED STATES By Henry S. Villard 636 SIR HENRY MORGAN—Portrait 638 PIRATES’ DOOM By William W. Corcoran 639 EMBASSY DAYS By Miss Emily Bax 643 THE PRESIDENT’S GREETINGS 646 THE SECRETARY’S GREETINGS 647 NEWS FROM THE DEPARTMENT 649 I RETURN .FOR Two MONTHS WORLD SERVICE By Elma P. Laurvik 650 NEWS FROM THE FIELD 652 for TRAVELERS The American Express Travel Service scene above is CHRISTMAS IN SCANDINAVIA—Verse 653 typical. It begins when the Company’s uniformed in¬ terpreter meets travelers at foreign railroad terminals, FOREIGN SERVICE CHANGES 656 and continues with— All details incidental to foreign travel... VISITING OFFICERS 659 Foreign financial accommodations . The shipment of merchandise and valuables . Marine Insurance . Customs Clear¬ ON THE COURSE OF EVENTS ances . Mail, Cable and Wireless By Henry L. Deimel, Jr 660 servica Traveling Americans seek help, advice and informa¬ MARRIAGES, BIRTHS 662 tion from the American government representatives in cities abroad. In many of these foreign cities are American Express offices equipped to take over the IN MEMORIAM 662 business of serving such Americans in their travel, for¬ eign financial and shipping requirements, and in gen¬ TEN YEARS AGO 666 eral to give them the assistance and information so important to traveling Americans. Because of their strategic locations and because of the ABRAHAM EINCOLN SANMARINESE 670 wide variety of services they are able to perform, the American Express offices can be of assistance to those THOUGHTS ON DIPLOMACY 671 who are attending to our government’s activities in for¬ eign lands. TRAVEL, FINANCIAL, SHIPPING SERVICE WHAT TO DO? : 672 GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS 678 AMERICAN SPORT AT RIO By the Honorable Hugh Gibson 679 EXPRESS LETTERS 684 629 JHE AMERICAN pOREIGN gERVICE JOURNAL ^ GRACE <~>anta SAN FRANCISCO 1 10* AMGEA.ES c~>etvice£ VIA PANAMA CANAL NEW YORK—SO. AMERICA Weekly between New York and West Coast South American ports. Short¬ est and fastest route between New York and Buenos Aires (via Valparaiso and across the Andes by train or Pan American-Grace Airways). EUROPE—SO. AMERICA Via NEW YORK f Through tickets at no extra cost. SO. AMERICA—CALIFORNIA Weekly between West Coast South American ports and West Coast Cen¬ tral America, Mexico and California. NEW YORK—CALIFORNIA 17 DAYS OF RARE ADVENTURE AND LUXURY—on the newest, fastest liners; opportunity for visits to the capitals of El Salva¬ V dor and Guatemala; excursions ashore in Havana, (easibound), Cartagena, Barranquilla, Panama Canal Zone and Mexico. 'ItAd Offices: New York, Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, and in Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras, Panama, Colombia, Havana, all West Coast South American Countries, London, Hamburg and Paris. ft AUTOGIRO SPELLS DEATH TO INSECT MENANCE Recent official tests the ability of the have shown the effi¬ autogiro to fly slow¬ ciency of the Auto¬ ly and safely, with giro for spraying uniform distribution A GENERAL oil on mos¬ of insecticides A COMMANDER of forces who finds that quito breed¬ over inacces¬ all the forces necessary for his physical comfort and social satisfaction are his to command for his stay ing marshes, sible localities at The Willard “The Residence of Presidents,” at lowered Two Blocks from the White House, Near and distrib¬ Theatres, Public Buildings, and Historic uting oil or dust on cost. For informa¬ Points. World renowned Cuisine. crops or trees for tion concerning our Single Rooms with Bath S-t up Double Rooms with Bath $6 up insect control. unique service 25% Discount on Room Charges to Members of the United States Foreign Service. Observers marvel at please apply to— Popular Priced Coffee Shop N /''7 v/ Write for Illustrated Booklet and Rates SALES and WILLARD HOTEL SERVICE, Inc. 14th and Pennsylvania Avenue Washington, D. C. RooseveltGIRO Field Garden City, N. Y. H. P. SOMERVILLE, Managing Director : - (This space courtesy of Carl M. J. von~ —Zielinski j 99 Wall Street, Mete York.)— 630 To ^Patronize Our oAdvertisers Is to Insure a ‘Bigger and Better Journal for Our Service. INDEX OF ADVERTISERS American Express Company _ 629 American Security and Trust Company- 657 Bacardi 682 Baltimore Mail Line 677 Brewood (Engravers) 658 Cathay Hotel—Shanghai 682 ChoiseuI, Hotel de France et—Paris 682 Continental Hotel—Paris - 682 Dunapalota Hotel—Budapest 683 Federal Storage Company 666 1935 Firestone Tire & Rubber Co 632 Giro Sales & Service, Inc 630 Goodyear Tire and Rubber Export Company 661 Grace, W. R.. and Company 630 PHILCO Harris and Ewing _ 658 A REAL RADIO Hungaria Hotel—Budapest 683 Kressmann, Ed., & Co. — 682 Natural tone from the Broadcasting Studios Martinique Hotel 665 in your own vicinity or in a far off land, is Mayflower Hotel 662 yours by just the turn of the almost magic Merchants Transfer and Storage Company 668 dial—hear every program at its best with Metropole Hotel Shanghai 682 Philco. Middleton, Mrs. Lewis 679 The Philco leadership held throughout the Munson Steamship Lines . 665 years by the combination of the greatest engi¬ neering staff in radio, together with a produc¬ National Geographic Magazine - 659 tion schedule that gives you the finest in both New England Mutual Life Insurance Co. 675 reception and quality of workmanship at a New Yorker Hotel .... II Cover minimum cost. Pagani’s Restaurant—London 682 There are 55 magnificent models to meet the Palace A mhassadettrs Hotel—Rome 683 taste of the most discriminating buyer—a Pan-American Airways, Inc _ - 675 Philco for every- purse and purpose. Park Lane Hotel—London 682 Ever>r type and size of radio—AC, DC, AC- Philco Radio Company 631 DC, battery and 32 volt. The model 28C Plaza Hotel 671 illustrated incorporates the following features: Powhatan Hotel . 658 Wave range 530 to 1720 kilocycles and 4.13 Ritz Hotel—Mexico City : 683 to 13 megacycles—23-73 meters and 175 to Rockefeller Center III Cover 565 meters. Sapp, Earle W., C.L.U 675 Universal AC, DC, for 110 or 220 volts AC-DC Savoy-Plaza Hotel ... 671 Pentode Audio-System Sea Captains’ Shop—Shanghai 682 Bass Compensation Security Storage Company of Washington ..... 657 Automatic Volume Control Three Point Tone Control Socony-Vacuum Oil Co., Inc 673 Full Rubber Floated Chassis Strasbourg, Restaurant Brasserie de—Marseilles 682 6 Philco high-efficiency tubes equal to 8 single Terminus Hotel—Marseilles 682 purpose tubes Tyner, Miss E. J 675 Cabinet 16" wide, 8$4" high and 8*4" deep Underwood Elliott Fisher Company 681 Tune in on Philco programs from Station United Fruit Company l , 679 EAQ, Madrid, Spain (9.87 on your Philco dial) United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company _. 667 United States Lines 667 PHILCO RADIO AND TELEVISION CORP. von Zielinski, Carl M. J 630 Export Department Waldorf-Astoria Hotel IV Cover AMERICAN STEEL EXPORT CO. Washington Diplomatic and Consular Institute 658 347 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. Willard Hotel 630 Cable Address: Anisia, New York Woodward and Lothrop 669 631 JHE AMERICAN pOREIGN gERVICE JOURNAL lOT one Gum-Dipped cord loosened, not one tread separated, not one blowout when Ab Jenkins made his torturous 3000 mile endurance run. Here’s the most amazing proof of tire safety ever known. Firestone High Speed Tires are safety protected on the outside with rugged, deep-cut non-skid design that grips and holds the road. They are safety protected on the inside, with gum-dipped high stretch cords that eliminate damaging frictional heat—the greatest enemy of tire life. Equip your car today with new Firestone High Speed Tires and ride in safety. Listen to the Voice of Firestone — Featuring Gladys Swarthout—Every e Monday Night over N. B. *°t ZTf»i0a C.—WEAF Network. Le - Lsat V«- °^r,o; Cj o° r b2off 3i P eci out % / Us^e a n £t«s „ «ab **io th *lth £ eb Of **°t ri^tSr * wJ’.j °hsn^.
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