Documentof The WorldBank FOROMCIAL USEONLY Public Disclosure Authorized Report No. 6751 Public Disclosure Authorized PROJECT.PERFORMANCEAUDIT REPORT CHAD LAKE CHAD POLDERS PROJECT (CREDIT 592-CD) Public Disclosure Authorized April 24, 1987 Public Disclosure Authorized Operations Evaluation Department This documenthas a restricteddistribution and may be used by recipientsonly in the performance of their officialduties. Its contents may not otherwisebe disclosedwithout World Bank authorization. CURRENCYEQUIVALENTS CurrencyUnit CFAF 1974 (at appraisal) US$1 = CFAF 225 1976-79(estimated average of disbursements) US$1 = CFAF 230 WEIGHTS AND MEASURES 1 kilometer(km) m 0.6215 mile 1 centimeter(cm) 0.033 feet 1 hectare (ha) = 2.47 acres I metric ton = 2207 lbs 1 kilogram(kg) 2.207 lbs ABBREVIATIONS ADF or AFBF - African Development Fund CCCE - CaisseCentrale de Coop ration Economique (FrenchDevelopment Aid FundingAgency) ERR - Economic Rate of Return FAC - Fonds d'Aide et de Coop ration (French Bilateral Aid Agency) FAO/CP - CooperativeProgram between FAO and the Bank GDP - Gross DomesticProduct GMT - Grands Moulins du Tchad (MillingCorporation of Chad) GNP - Gross National Product OED - OperationsEvaluation Department PAP - Projet d'Am nagement des Polders (PoldersDevelopment Project) PCR - Project Completion Report PPAM - ProjectPerformance Audit MeF.orandum PPAR - Project Performance Audit Report PPF - Project Preparation Facility RMWA - RegionalMission in WesternAfrica SODELAC - Soci t de D veloppementdu Lac (Lake DevelopmentCorporation) USAID - United StatesAgency for InternationalDevelopment FOROFFCIAL US ONLY THE WORLD BANK Washington,D.C 20433 USSA OiMweof Detminor-Cfirwm Ope.atk4nEvaualiten April 24, 1987 MEMORANDUMTO THE EXECUTIVEDIRE(- RS AND THE PRESIDENT SUBJECT: Project PerformanceAudit Report - Chad Lake Chad Polders Project (Credit592-CD) Attached,for information,is a copy of a report entitled "Project PerformanceAudit Report - Chad Lake Chad Polders Project (Credit 592-CD)" prepared by the OperationsEvaluation Department. 4ttachment This dccument has a restricteddistribution and may be used by recipientsonly in the performance of their officialduties. Its contents may not otherwise be disclosedwithout World Bank authorization. FOR 0MCIL USE ONLY PROJECT PERFORMANCE AUDIT REPORT CHAD LAKE CHAD POLDERS PROJECT (CREDIT 592-CD) TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. Preface i .... Basic Data Sheet ........... *.. **...**f..*****.. **. ii Evaluation Summary ...... iv PROJECT PERFORMANCEAUDIT MEMORANDUM 1. Project Background ............... I Introduction ....... ........................ I Bank Activities in Chad .2............................. ... 2 Setting .. *.,****a. a **.. *..,**...* * 3 Project Formulation ........................................ Project Objectives............... * 7 1I. Project Implsmentationand Outcome .........................7 Start-up and Effectiveness ........................ 7 Project Implementation ...................................,. 8 Project Results, Outcome and Sustainability 99............... III. Findings and Issues ......................... **......,*. 10 Overview 10 Issues 10 (a) Lending Pressure 10 (b) Suspension and Supervision 11 (c) Final Disbursement and Closing 11 (d) Technical Feasibility ............ 14 Appendix: Government Comments ........... ......................... 17 PROJECT COMPLETION REPORT I. Background ............................. 25 II. Preparation and Appraisal ............ 26 ILI. Imple-nentation 29 IV. Agricultural and Economic Impact 31 V. Performance ................................... 32 VI. Special Issues - Lessons Learned ..... 33 PCR ANNEXES: 1. Key Indicators 2. Disbursements 1!a2: 11447 This document has a restrcted distribution and may be used by recipients only .n the performance of their officialduties. Its contents may not otherwise be disclosed without World Bank authorization. PROJECTPERFORMANCE AUDIT REPORT CHAD LAXECHAD POLDERS PROJECT (CREDIT 592-CD) PREFACE This is a performanceaudit of an irrigationproject in Chad, for whicl.Credit 592-CD in the amount of US$5.0 million was approved on Novem- ber 11, 1975. The project was cofinancedby the African DevelopmentFund (ADF) for US$5.0 million equivalent, the French bilateral agency, Fonds d'Aide et de Coop ration (FAC) for TJS$2.0million equivalent,and the United StatesAgency for InternationalDevelopment (USAID) for US$1.0million. The projectwas expectedto be completedby June 30, 1979 and the credit to be closedby December31, 1980. However,the Associationsuspended creditdisbursements in May 1979 due to politicaland securityproblems which made projectimiplementation and supervisionimpossible. SubsequentIDA mis- sions concluded that resumptionof project activitieswas not viable anrL recommendedreallocation of the balanceof projectfunds to support the min- istries responsiblefor agriculturein their rehabilitationand drought- alleviationactivities. The recommendationwas approvedby tle IDA Board of ExecutiveDirectors in May 1985. The credit Closing Date was extended to June 30, 1985,but finaldisbursements were made on May 30, 1985. The audit report consists of an audit memorandumprepared by the OperationsEvaluation Department (OED) and a Project CompletionReport (PCR) dated May 31, 1985 preparedby the Western Africa ProjectsDepartment. Data collected during an IDA review mission in February 1984 wer.:.used in preparingthe PCR. The audit report is based on a review of the Appraisal Report (No. 828a-CD dated October 16, 1975), the President'sReport (No. P-1702-CDdated October 30, 1975), the Credit Agreementdated November 26, 1975 and the PCR. Project files, includingcorrespondence with the Borrower and internalBank memorandaon project issues,have been consultedand Bank staff associatedwith the projecthave been interviewed. The draft report was sent to the Governmentand cofinanciersfor commenton July 18, 1986. Commentsreceived from the Governmentof Chad have been appendedto the audit memorandum. The audit concurs with the principal findings of this PCR and shares a number of its conclusions. The points discussedin the audit memo- randum have been selectedbecause of their importancefor this and other Bank-supportedprojects. - ii - PROJECT PERFORMANCEAUDIT REPORT CHAD LAKE CHAD POLDERS PROJECT (CREDIT 592-CD) BASIC DATA SHEET KEY PROJECT DATA Appraisal Actual or Actaal as % of Estimate EstimatedActual Appraisal Estimate Total Project Cost (USe million) 13.0 8.2 631 Credit Amount (US5 million) 5.0 5.0 100t /a Cotinancing:(USS million) - African Development Fund (ADF) 5.0 n.a. - - French Aid (FAC) 2.0 n.a. - - USAID 1.0 n.a. - Date PhysicalComponents Completed 06/78 irrelevant/b - Proportionof PhysicalComponents Completed (M) 100 32 /c EconomicRate of Return (%) .. negative InastitutionalPerformance good inadequate AgronomicPerformance good inadequate Number of Beneficiaries 1,200 none STAFF INPUTS (staff weeks) PY75 FY76 FY77 FY78 FY79 FY80 FY81 FY82 FY83 FY84 FY85 Total Identification/ Preparation 15.0 4.3 3.4 22.7 Apppraisal 4.7 2.5 59.9 27.7 0.4 95.2 NegotiaLions 0.2 9.9 10.1 Supervision 3.1 17.5 10.4 17.9 10.6 2.5 9.3 71.3 Total 19.7 6.8 63.3 27.9 13.4 17.5 10.4 17.9 10.6 2.5 9.3 199.3 CUMULATIVEDISBURSEMtNTS FY76 FY77 FY78 FY79 FY80 ... FY85 /d Appraisal Fstimate (US$ million) 0.4 2.0 4.0 4.4 5.0 - Actual (US$ million) 0 1.4 2.1 3.8 3.8 5.0 Actual as X of Estimate(X) 0 57 54 86 76 100 Final Disbursement May 30, 1985 MISSION DATA Date No. of Mandays Specializations Performance Types uf Mission (mo./Yr.) Persons in Field Represented/e Rating/f Trena/g Problems/h Identification (FAU/CP-RiWA) 1968 n.a. n.a. Preparation(RMWA)/i 02/72 1 2 ae Preparation (FAO/CP-R?WA)LJ 05/72 3 42 ae,i,a Preparation (FAO/CP)/k 11/72 7 3 i Appraisal/I 10/74 6 108 f,a,l,s,t,i Post appraisal/m 03/75 2 It f,i Post appraisal 06/75 3 15 f,i,l SupervisionI/n 04/76 1 4 f I I Supervisioni1 11/76/o 1 6 f I I SupervisionIll/n 07/77 1 7 f 2 2 M Supervision I V L 01/78 1 4 (+2) i (X)/ 2 2 M,F Supervision V 04-05/78 3 21 i,i,f 2 3 M,F,P/r Supervision VI/s 12/78/t 2 10 i,a 3 2 F,M,P7F SupervisionV117u 02/807V 3 IZ i,i,e 3 1 F,P SupervisionVIII 02/84 3 1 a,e,i 3 3 F,T,M SupervisionIX/w 10/84 2 n.a. a,f -/x - Total - i.i - BASIC DATASHEET OTHER PROJECT DATA Borrower Republic of Chad Executing Agency Soci t de D veloppement du Lac (SODELAC) Follow-on Project None Original Actual or Current Project Dates Plan Revisions Estimates First \ention in Files 1968 1968 Negottations/j 09/08-12/75 09/08-12/75 Board Approval 11/11/75 11/11/75 Credit Agreement Date 11/2b/75 11/26/75 Credit Effectiveness Date 02/26/76 02/26/76 Closing Date 12/31/80 0/30/85 /a US$3.8 million was disbursed against project-related activities and the balance of credit funds (US$1.2 million) were disbursed against the rehabilitation and drought-alleviation activities of the ministries responsible for agriculture. /b Project buildings and assets were deutroyed or stolen during the civil war. 7c This represents the weighted average of the physical infrastructure that was either fully or partially completed, before being destroyed. /d Project disbursements were suspended in May 1979 and credit funds uere reallocated and fully disbursed on May 30, 1985, when US$1.2 million was disbursed against other activities (see footnote /a). /a ae - agricultural economist, i - irrigation engineer, a = agronomist, f -financial analyst, 1 loan officer, a soil specialist, t - transport specialist. /f 1 - Problem-Free or Minor Problems; 2 - Moderate Problems; 3 - Major Problems. I1 Improving; 2 - Stationary;
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