JUNE, 1907 Editorial. The Good That Men Do. I Industrial Education. I' I ] Judge Made Law. ~ I b\ Our Duty. III I'" I How the Telephone Became. " \ I r RECIPROCITY! ~OOT&SHO£ WORKERS UNION BUY UIVION STAMP SHOES-­ TilE BEST MADE • UNlo:JJ WoMP BUY SHOES MADE WITH THE Ur:ION STAMP. A guarantee of good wage conditions a well treated shoe worKers. No higher in cost than shoes with ut the Union Stamp. Facto No. INSIST upon having Union SI: mp Shoes. If your dealer cannot supply fOil, write BOOT AND SHOE WORKERSII UNION 21'6 Summer Street. BOSTON, MASS. There's a Direct Connection BETWEEN NOTIGE YOUR POCKETBOOK- AND Those advertisers 'fho patron­ ize us should receive our pa­ Bossert Boxes To get down to figures, there'. a tronage in return. saving in labor over cast iron boxes of over five cents a hole on every out­ let put in a Bossert Box. That means a redUCti~n in your estimate figures of about $ .20 for every dozen boxes used. B ssert Boxes have heremetica11y seal d outlets, the plugs of which can b~removed with one blow of a halDme. There remains a hole as smooth d round as a steel die can cut it. You can figure still closer because you need allow nothing fOtbreakage. Being made of drawn steel, Boss rt Boxes stand the ham­ mering, the straining f pipes and the settling of buildings without a crack. If your competitor uses Bossert Boxes, you must, to meet bis figures. If he does notLyou can obtain a big advaT,tage by tbeiruse. Write for detailed description. BDlllrt Electric C ruction Co., Utica/if. y, 1 Standard The BRYANT ELECTRIC CO. Screw GInss Manufacturers of Insulntors With Patent Drip Petticoat. for Every Purpose Electrical Any Test Shows They're Best Supplies THE HEMlNG~At GLASS CO. ' OfftceJ Co~i.r OD, ICy. l.sl&bliJhod lUI. Fact ry: Muncie, 104. BRIDBEPORT, co lN, CHICAGO, ILL. 1 ) i THE ELECTRICAL WORKER 1 2 THE ELECTRICAL WORKER Benjamin Wireless Clusters and Lt~btJn!l Specialties Satisfy Every Write/or Demando/ • Illustrated Electrical Cataloll, Illumination R-l'l. CAT. No. F-4'l Benjamin Electric Manufacturing Co. New York Chicago San Francisco When Ordering CARBONS BRUSHES OR BATTERIES Specify COL U·MB I A The KIND you KNOW yon can DEPEND upon · NATIONAL CARBON COMPANY, CLEVELAND, O. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Absurdities of Useless Learning .. 22 Labor's Advance .................. 42 A Foolish Campaign .............. 25 Labor Organization and Labor Pol- Arbitration in Canada ............ 26 itics, 1827-37 .................... 18 A Shorter Work Day .............. 24 List of Floating Members ......... 17 Clarence S. Darrow on the "Open Literature on the Initiative and Shop" .......................... 10 Referendum ..................... 41 Classified Directory of Local Unions 61 Misuse of the Injunction .......... 44 Correspondence ................. 46-55 New Council Organized ........... 35 Defender of the Home ............. 9 Notices ........................... 16 Directory of Local Unions ........ 56 Our Only Hope ................... 30 District Council Officers ........... 63 Resolutions ....................... 17 Editorial- Something About High Dues ..... 29 The Good That Men Do ........ 13 Strike Notice ..................... 17 Industrial Education ............ 13 The Cost of Killing ................ 12 Our Duty ....................... 14 The Lore of Unionism ............ 21 Judge Made Law ................ 14 The Passing of a Lineman ........ 39 Notes ........................... 15 The Union Label ................. 32 Getting a Living .................. 36 The Welcher ...................... 40 Guilty of Graft ................... 15 Trade Union Morals .............. 8 How Chicago Printers Won ....... 7 True to Principle ................ 30 How the Telephone Became ....... 6 Union Insurance .................. 31 Information Notices .............. 17 Unions Hard to Kill .............. 11 Is Cheap Labor a Benefit to the Wait a Minute .................... 20 Community ..................... 34 Workingmen's Homes ............. 28 INDEX TO ADVERTISERS. Benjamin Electric Mf&'. Co. •..•..• Z Hansen. O. C., Mf&'. Co...... 4th Cover Blake Signal'" Mt&'. Co..•.. 4th Cover Hart Mfg. Co. ..................... 64 Blakeslee Forging Co., The ........ 64 Hemlngray Glass Co., The .... 2d Cover Boot &: Shoe Workers Union .• 2d Cover Klein & Sons, Mathias............. 4 Bossert Electric Construction Larned Carter '" Co. .•••.......••• 1 Co. • .••••••••.•.•........ 24 Cover Michi~an State Telephone Co...... 4 Bryant Electric Co. .•....... Id COTer National Carbon Co. I Chicago Glove & Mitten Co., The .. 62 North Bros. lUg. Co.....•••••.•..• U Detroit Leather Specialty Co. 3d Cover Reidy, John J .... : .......... 4th Cover Eastern Carbon Works............. 4 Stephens, Wllmot ......••.•...••••• 4 4 THE ELECTRICAL WORXER CAUTION [astern High-firade Wet and Dry Batteries and We announce for the protection of our customers that all small tools, At I ant i t Dry Batteries climbers, etc., of our manufacture are stamped with our firm name thus: Eastern Battery Connectors M. KLEIN m SONS. There are tools on the market EASTERN CARBON WORKS stamped "Klein's Pattern," and a CAR.BON PLACE number of climbers have been sent to JER.SEY CITY, N. J. us in a defective condition which we have been asked to replace. Evi­ CUMDE~S Beat in the dently the owners were under the im­ LINEMEN'S World pression that they were made by us. Purchasers wanting genuine Klein goods are cautioned to see that the full 5 't,f.ii,ij"1S name M. KLEIN m SONS is stamped on them. None others are genuine. Manufactured by WILMOT STEPHENS OFFICII: AND FACTORY, 16 MITCHELL AVENUE BINOHAnPTON, N. Y. When Writing Advertisers Please Mention Mathias Klein & Sons THE ELECTRICAL WORKER.3 The Michigan State A New Departure! Telephone Company .." Has over 24,000 Subscr.ibers in Detroit connected by means of Good Commer­ cial Toll Lines, with a large and growing telephone exchange system in eve r y City WEAR THE 1. B. E. W. and Village in the Upper and Lower Peninsulas Cuff Buttons Embracing ina 11 about 104,000 Stations iOLID GOLD, (PER PAIR), '2.00 ROLLED GOLD, (PER PAIR), $1.50 We are growing constantly at the rate of 1,000 Stations per Month Send in your order now, while the sup­ ply lasts. All orders must be accompa­ And every day extending our toll service facili tiell nied by the neceiOsary amount of cash. ADDRESS So bear in mind that through our Sys tern you can reach Everyone, PETER W. COLLINS Any Place, Any Time Grand Secretary Piecik Buildin2 Sprin2'field, III MichiiZln StZlte Telephone Compuy THE ELECTRICAL WORKER OFFICIAL JOURNAL of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. OWNED AND PUBLl5HED BY THE INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS Edited by PETf» W. COLLINS, Grand Secretary General Offices: Pierik DuildinS Sprin,lteld, Dl. Entered as Second-ClaMs Matter, June 6, 1906, at the Post Office at Springfield, 111 .. under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. THE ELECTRICAL WORKER OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS Eltm4 at thB Post Ollca at s,rtmBld, m., lccordiq to Act Ir COIIIBIS as second-Class latter SiDal. Cople•• 10 Cents VoL VII. No.8 SPRINGFIELD, ILL, JUNE, 1SK)7 $1 per year in .d.aDce HOW THE TELEPHONE BECAME. BY HARRY S. COYLE, To tell how the telephone became is to thought by symbols of fire. Almost every tell the never·tiring story of evolution. tribe had a code of signals of its own. The telephone is an instrument for In the more advanced periods of barbaric transmitting thought, and it grew out of life these codes became a very intricate the demands of the age in which we live system. When civilization came to the -an age which demands rapid action in shores of the Mediterranean sea, cities every phase of our life. commenced to dot the prOlific feeding Tt is a product of evolution; the tele· grounds. Then man saw that it would phone did not rise in the course of a be necessary to communicate from city day, or a week, but it has been growing to city, so he invented the semaphore for thousands of years. with its wonderful codes of signals. By Every invention of any importance is means of the semaphore he was enabled the nursery of future inventions-the to transmit visual signals from tower to cradle or a sleeping Hercules. tower. All of the cities of Europe were From the beginning of time man has so connected. Even to this day the been devising a way by which he could semaphore has its own field of usefulness. so combine the forces of nature so as to It was a long step from the visual sign bring the whole world into his own en­ signal to the audible sound method of vironment. transmitting intelligence, but the sema­ The records of past inventions are not phore prepared the way for the tele­ aU contained in printed books; their his­ graph. As the light from the fire sym­ tory has been graven on tablets qf stone bols showed the way for the semaphore, which were written in the picture lan­ so the visual sign system of the sema­ guage by men who used the campfire phore prepared the way for the audible system of communication. sound of the telegraph, which in turn The first efforts to trasmit thought gave birth to the telephone. were made by the sylvan man-by the It is not possible to measure the time hunter or savage man-long ago-not in years that it has taken to accomplish very lon~ when compared with the geo­ this grand evolution from the firebrand logic history of the earth, but very long, method of signaling to the electrical pro­ indeed, when compared with the written cesses of transmitting thought. When histories of man. The night is to the the art of telegraphy was first put into savage what the day is to the civilized practice, men thought that it would be man, so the firebrand was adapted as a necessary to receive messages by visual method of transmitting thought.
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