DOCUMENT RESUME ED 099 579 CE 002 667 AUTHOR Stinson, tTiiliam J., Pd. TITLE Consolidated Bibliography: Navy Personnel and Training Research. Volume III-Unclassified Reports, FY 1964-FY 1973. INSTITUTION Navy Personnel Research and Development Center, San Diego, Calif. REPORT NO NPRDC-TR-74-15 PUB DATE May 74 NOTE 475p. EDRS PRICE MF-$0.75 HC-$22.20 PLUS POSTAGE DESCRIPTORS *Annotated Bibliographies; Career Ladders; Costs; Curriculum Design; Educational Programs; Educational Research; Human Engineering; Job Analysis; Job Training; *Management; *Manpower Needs; Manpower Utilization; Military Training; Personnel Policy; Program Costs; Research; *Technical Reports; *Training; Training Techniques IDENTIFIERS Manpower Planning; Manpower Programs; Manpower Research; U.S. Navy ABSTRACT The publication is part of a consolidated bibliography which lists all technical reports issued since 1949 by Navy personnel research organizations in San Diego and Washington, D.C. Abstracts are included where readily available from past records. The overall bibliography is divided into four volnmes for handling convenience, with classified and unclassified reports listed separately. Reports are listed in the publication in appropriate subject categories for reference convenience: manpower management, personnel administration, training and education, human factors support, resource costs, and bibliography reports. An author index is provided. Information is given for ordering documents listed in the bibliography.(Author) BEST COPY AVAILABlt FEEL} 5 19Th USEADEPARTMT EDUCATION OFHEAL NATIONAL WELFARE INSTITUTE OF tt DOCUMENTEDUCATION AM. f), f D EXACTL HA,. 'kff tiff N OE RSON ( f t, f l't,to ORORGAN , I 0 ; rING iTPOINTS ;,/ om sTA TED IA 'ONOIC;NI DO NOTOr otEo. ,1Nr OPrICIAL ntEcrS',R,top c,p,nt,otv, F Du( A NA' DNA. * YF F'$if TION ROsiTtON nt3tri: OR Pot 01 (,t P NAV`T ERSONNEL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CENTER SAN 'AGO OALIFORNIA 92152 NPRDC TR 14-15 MAY 1914 CONSOLIDATED BIBLIOGRAPHY NAVY PERSONNEL AND TRAINING RESEARCH VOLUME Ifl UNCLASSIFIED REPORTS, FY 1964 FY 1973 APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE, DISTRIBUTION UNLIMITED TR 74-15 May 1974 CONSOLIDATED BIBLIOGRAPHY NAVY PERSONNEL AND TRAINING RESEARCH VOLUME III - UNCLASSIFIED REPORTS, FY 1964- FY 1973 Edited by William J. Stinson Approved by James J. Regan Technical Director Navy Personnel Research and Development Center San Diego, California 92152 3 UNCLASSIFIED SECuR1 CLASSIFICATION OF TN15 PA ;F ,When (tart.nrer,n }WAD INSTRUCTIONS REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE 13FFOR1. ETING FORM 1 REPORT NUMBER GOVT ACCESSION NO.I RE -101FN V< A" ALOG NUMBER TR 74-15 4 TITLE 'rind Subtitle) 5 TYPE OF REPORT APERIOD COVERED Final CONSOLIDATED BIBLIOGRAPHY NAVY PERSONNEL FY 1964 FY 1973 AND TRAINLNG RESEARCH (VOLUME III- UNCLASSIFIED 6 pER,ogro,N,-. ORGY,REPORT NUMBER REPORTS, FY 1964 - FY 1.973) 7.AU THOR'ci 8. CoNTRAC r ,RANT NLIMBT:R%%) William J. Stinson PERF71RMING OR,I4ANi/ ATV-4N NAME AND ADDRESS 10 P00 .RAM FL EM EN T. PRoJE.4..T TASK ARE A Ek WORK UNIT NUEMIET)S Navy Personnel Research and Development Center San Diego, California 92152 C.C.NTROLLING OFFICE NAME AND ADDRESS 12 RE PORT LATE `'icy 1974 Navy Personnel Research and Development Center ii--r40.4aE:44OF San Diego, California 92152 470 14 MONITORING AGENCY NAME A ADDRESS(!( different from Controlling Office) 15 SECURITY rI ASS. this permit) UNCLASSIFIED "Icari5EaLASSIFICATI6NDOW4GRADING Sr.o-IEDULE 15 oisTR,BuON STATEMENT (of this Rep,..rt) Approved for pJblie release; distribution unlimited ' ". DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (of the abstract entered in Block 20, it different from Repo ,) SUPP. EMENrARY NOTEi NORDS (C,nfrour on reverse side if oe vs.-nit- and identify he bin.:1, number) Personnel Research (Annotated Bibliography) Training Research (Annotated Bibliography) Human Factors Support (Ann,tated Bibliography) (over) 20ABSTRACTecnntintre on reverse stzl If necessary and identify h black number) Thispublication is part of a consolidated bibliographywhich lists all technical reports issued since 1949 by Navy personnelresearch organizations in San Diego and Washington, D.C. Abstracts are included where readily available from past records. The overall bibliography is divided into four volumes for handling convenience. Classified and Unclassified reportsart' listed separately. Each volume covers a time period of approximatelyten years as outlined below: (over) DD 1473 EDITION OF 1 NOV 55 IS ORSOL F. TI .......,........______.....___UNCLASSIFIED... ci, u i-y ......,,s,c,,_,,,,,,,T411';nA -,E . 4 UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE(When Dat Entered) 19. KEY WORDS (Continued) Manpower Management Personnel Administration Training and Education Human Factors Support Resource Costs Bibliography Reports 20. ABSTRACT (Continued) Volume I UneFissified Reports, FY 1949 I'Y 1963 Volume II Classified Reports, FY 1949 - FY 1963 Volume III Unclassified Reports, FY 1964 FY 1973 Volume IV Classified Reports, FY 1964 FY 1973 Within each volume, reports are listed in appropriate subject categories for reference convenience as follows: Manpower Management Personnel Administration Training and Education Human Factors Support Resource Costs Bibliography Reports UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE(When Data Ente%rod) SLM1AItY This publication is part of E consolidated biblioraphy which lists all technical reports issued since 1949 by Navy personnel research organizations in an Die7,o and Washington, D. C. Abstracts are included where readily available from past records. The overall bibliography is divided into four volumes for handling convenience. Classified and unclassified reportsare listed separately. Each volume covers a time period as outlined below: VolumeI - Unclassified Reports, FY 1949- FY 1963 VolumeII Classified Reports, FY 1949-FY 1963 VolumeIII - Unclassified Reports, FY 1964 - FY 1973 VolumeIV - Classified Reports, FY 1964 -FY 1973 In past years, certain reports were first published locallyby the originating activity and subsequently reissuedbythe Personnel. Research Division of the Bureau of Naval Personnel (BUPERS). In such cases, the BUPERS printing is normally notedin lieu of the local listing to avoid redundancy. Reports are listed in appropriate subject categories for reference convenience. The scope of each category is defined below z, for bibliography purposes. 1. Manpower Management - Involves overall planning and management of Navy manpower resources on broad-scope aggregation basis. Includes consideration of major organization functions/ configurations, career patterns, rating structure, and occupational specialty cod.s. Includes cot.duct of studies for identification of occupation (rating) characteristics and standards. Includes development of performance qualification standards basedon specific job requirements. Covers al.alysis of work methods and productivity. Also, covers the development of computer simulation modelsrelated to forecasting and allocation of manpower resources. 2. Personnel Administration - Involves detailed personnel administration functions such as determination of specific duty assignments and evaluation of individual qualifications foradvance- ment in rating. Includes consideration of factors affecting -cruit- ment, retention, and morale. Covers functions related to measurement of aptitudes and capacity, facilitating classificationof personnel in various ways for training and career developmentpurposes. Involves detailed consideration of psychologicalaspects of human behavior, including the effects of motivation and attitudeon individual perform- ance and organizational effectiveness. Covers all areas of human relations. Includes conduct of various types of opinionsurveys. Includes study of minority problems affectingcareer opportunities. 3. Training and Education - Involves desi:J1 and evaluation of training curricula and procedures. Includes analysis of operation/ maintenance task characteristics to facilitate development of valid training objectes. Includes experimental a;nlication of innovative training methods and media such as pro ;rammed instruction and computer- assisted instruction. Covers training feedback studies involving evaluation of job-related performance capabilities and requirements. Also, covers the development of correspondence courses and other self- instruction approaches. 4. Human Factors Support - Involves analysis of personnel and trainin' requirements associated with developmental weapons hardware and logistics support systems. includes identification of man/machine (human engineering) interface implications. Covers the develanment of new approaches for imnrovement of manninVtraining predictilre techniques. Also, covers evaluation of maLning/training adequacy under operational test and evaluation (OPEVA0 conditions. 5. Resource Costs - Involves determination of costs associated with various aspects of manpower plannins; and personnel utilization. Includes identification of costs by rating, pay and occupational specialty categories. Covers all cost factors (recruitment, clothing, medical, retirement, etc.). Includes determination of projected life cycle costs associated with specific organizational functions/ configurations and work operations. 6. Bibliography Reports - Covers bibliography listing of technical reports published by Navy personnel research organizations in San Diego and Washington, D. C. since 1949. Requests for copies of reports should be addressed to til..? Defense Documentation Center, Cameron Station, Alexandria, Virginia 22314. The DDC accession
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