FISHES OF SAHUL Issue Index Volume 33(4) 2019 (December) Hammer, M. 2019. One becomes three: research behind the naming of two new dwarf rainbowfishes in the Melanotaenia maccullochi species complex. Fishes of Sahul 33(4) , 1492–1500. Amick, P.K. 2019. The Himalayan Snow Trout ( Schizothorax richardsonii ) is doing the unintended in Papua New Guinean rivers. Fishes of Sahul 33(4) , 1501– 1508. Shoesmith, D, Romanowksi, N., Briggs, G., Unmack, P.J. & Scharpf, C. 2019. Fish in focus: Spotted Galaxias Galaxias truttaceus (Galaxiidae). Fishes of Sahul 33(4) , 1509–1518. Volume 33(3) 2019 (September) Lenegan, J. 2019. Cairns to Weipa and back, through a new lens: the Gobioides. Part 1. Fishes of Sahul 33(3) , 1447–1483. Tappin, A.R. Briggs, G., Stanton, M., Unmack, P.J. & Scharpf, C. 2019. Fish in focus: Pygmy Rainbowfish Melanotaenia pygmaea (Melanotaeniidae). Fishes of Sahul 33(3), 1484–1490. Volume 33(2) 2019 (June) Martin, K. & Barclay, S. 2019. McCulloch’s Rainbowfish Melanotaenia maccullochi (Melanotaeniidae) in the Queensland Wet Tropics. Fishes of Sahul 33(2), 1404–1416. Scharpf, C. 2019. Fishes of Sahul: an etymological survey (part 2). Fishes of Sahul 33(2), 1417–1439. Lamin, C., Unmack, P.J. & Scharpf, C. 2019. Fish in foscus: Western Pygmy Perch Nannoperca vittata (Percichthyidae). Fishes of Sahul 33(2), 1440–1446. Volume 33(1) 2019 (March) Tappin, A.R. & O’Reilly 2019. Radical Rhads, the amazing Ornate Rainbowfish!. Fishes of Sahul 33(1), 1362–1402. Volume 32(4) 2018 (December) Graf, J. & Lange, G. 2018. Another trip to West Papua. Fishes of Sahul 32(4), 1336– 1349. Martin, K. 2018. The Cairns Rainbowfish Cairnsichthys rhombosomoides (Melanotaeniidae): distribution patterns and conservation status. Fishes of Sahul 32(4), 1350–1357. Blake, R. 2018. Hermaphroditism or plain male? Two apparent female Eastern Rainbowfish Melanotaenia splendida splendida producing fry. Fishes of Sahul 32(4), 1358–1360. Volume 32(3) 2018 (September) Hammer, M. & Duguid. A. 2018. Fishes in Australia’s Red Centre. Fishes of Sahul 32(3) , 1282–1302. Unmack, P.J. 2018. Rains of fishes: real or myth in Outback Australia? Fishes of Sahul 32(3), 1303–1305. Mossop, K. & Moran, N. 2018. Surviving in the desert: how behaviour enables the Desert Goby to persist. Fishes of Sahul 32(3), 1306–1315. Kerezsy, A. 2018. Where had they come from? Understanding fish migrations in a desert river. Fishes of Sahul 32(3), 1316–1323. Briggs, G., Unmack, P.J., Hammer, M. & Scharpf, C. 2018. Fish in focus: Central Australian Mogurnda species (Eleotridae). Fishes of Sahul 32(3), 1324–1334. Volume 32(2) 2018 (June) Scharpf, C. 2018. Fishes of Sahul: an etymological survey (part 1). Fishes of Sahul 32(2), 1248–1260. Martin, K. & Barclay, S. 2018. The story of the Daintree Rainbowfish ( Cairnsichthys bitaeniatus ), Australia’s newest rainbowfish species. Fishes of Sahul 32(2), 1261–1270. Briggs, G., Sambell, B., Wilson, D., Martin, K. & Hansen, B. & Scharpf, C. 2018. Fish in foscus: Seven-spot Archerfish Toxotes chatareus (Toxotidae). Fishes of Sahul 32(2), 1271–1280. Volume 32(1) 2018 (March) Shoesmith, D. 2018. An ANGFA insight into the freshwater fishes of New Zealand. Fishes of Sahul 32(1), 1214–1224. Inbun, B.Y. & Smith, P.T. 2018. Recent developments at Lake Kutubu: impacts on the fish and the Foe people. Fishes of Sahul 32(1), 1225–1239. Wilson, D., Hammer, M. & Scharpf, C. 2018. Fish in focus: Wilson’s Mangrovegoby Mugilogobius wilsoni (Gobiidae). Fishes of Sahul 32(1), 1240–1246. Volume 31(4) 2017 (December) Tappin, A.R. 2017. Breeding Threadfin Rainbowfish Iriatherina werneri (Melanotaeniidae). Fishes of Sahul 31(4), 1182–1188. Moy, K.G. & Unmack, P.J. 2017. Update on saving the Running River Rainbowfish – new populations established and going well!. Fishes of Sahul 31(4), 1189– 1197. Lamin, C. 2017. Breeding Flinders Pygmy Perch Nannoperca “flindersi” (Percichthyidae). Fishes of Sahul 31(4), 1198–1204. Briggs, G., Unmack, P.J., Stanton, M. & Scharpf, C. 2017. Fish in focus: Marjorie’s Hardyhead Craterocephalus marjoriae (Atherinidae). Fishes of Sahul 31(4), 1205–1211. Volume 31(3) 2017 (September) Tustin, D. 2017. The lost Rainbowfish – Melanotaenia corona (Melanotaeniidae). Fishes of Sahul 31(3) , 1143–1161. Martin, K. 2017. Translocated rainbowfishes (Melanotaeniidae) and blue-eyes (Pseudomugilidae) in the Queensland Wet Tropics. Fishes of Sahul 31(3), 1162–1174. Lenagan, J., Unmack, P.J., Hansen, B. & Scharpf, C. 2017. Fish in focus: Peacock Gudgeon Tateurndina ocellicauda (Eleotridae). Fishes of Sahul 31(3), 1175– 1180. Volume 31(2) 2017 (June) Martin, K. & Barclay, S. 2017. Factors influencing distribution and form of the Utchee Rainbowfish Melanotaenia utcheensis (Melanotaeniidae). Fishes of Sahul 31(2), 1095–1117. Fauth, S. 2017. Husbandry and captive breeding of Mouth Almighty Glossamia aprion (Apogonidae). Fishes of Sahul 31(2), 1118–1122. Tappin, A., Unmack, P.J., O’Reilly, L., Briggs, G., Hansen, B., Stanton, M. & Scharpf, C. 2017. Fish in foscus: Crimson-spotted Rainbowfish Melanotaenia duboulayi (Melanotaeniidae). Fishes of Sahul 31(2), 1123–1141. Volume 31(1) 2017 (March) Kerezsy, A. 2017. Invasion complete: the quick march of Sleepy Cod through the Cooper Creek catchment in central Australia. Fishes of Sahul 31(1), 1067– 1072. Lange, G. & Graf, J. 2017. The discovery of Melanotaenia garylangei – the Golden Rainbowfish from Dekai. Fishes of Sahul 31(1), 1073–1078. Lange, G. & Graf, J. 2017. Keeping and raising Melanotaenia garylangei – the Golden Rainbowfish from Dekai. Fishes of Sahul 31(1), 1079–1080. Unmack, P.J., Sambell, B., Wilson, D., Lach, M. & Scharpf, C. 2017. Fish in focus: Hyrtl’s Catfish Neosilurus hyrtlii (Plotosidae). Fishes of Sahul 31(1), 1081– 1093. Volume 30(4) 2016 (December) Unmack, P.J., Martin, K.C., Hammer, M.P., Ebner, B., Moy, K. & Brown C. 2016. Malanda Gold: the tale of a unique rainbowfish from the Atherton Tablelands, now on the verge of extinction. Fishes of Sahul 30(4), 1039–1054. Romanowski, N. 2016. Reticulated Freshwater Pipefish ( Hippichthys heptogonus ) and others. Fishes of Sahul 30(4), 1055-1060. Moores, G., Lenagan, J., Unmack, P.J., Martin, K.C. & Scharpf, C. 2016. Fish in focus: Snakehead Gudgeon Giuris margaritacea (Eleotridae). Fishes of Sahul 30(4), 1061-1066. Volume 30(3) 2016 (September) Thierbach, B. 2016. Empire Gudgeon: one more breeding attempt. Fishes of Sahul 30(3) , 1010–1014. Martin, K. 2016. Black-banded Rainbowfish ( Melanotaenia nigrans ) in the Queensland Wet Tropics – a failed translocation? Fishes of Sahul 30(3), 1015–1020. Wager, R.N.E. 2016. First successful rearing of Hypseleotris compressa larvae in aquaria. A long lost article by Rob Wager (written circa 1991) with annotations added 2016. Fishes of Sahul 30(3), 1021–1024. Unmack, P.J. 2016. Update on saving Running River Rainbowfish. Fishes of Sahul 30(3), 1025–1032. Unmack, P.J., Hansen, B., Briggs, G., Stanton, M., Scharpf, C. & Gill, A. 2016. Fish in focus: Empire Gudgeon Hypseleotris compressa (Eleotridae). Fishes of Sahul 30(3), 1033–1037. Volume 30(2) 2016 (June) Graf, J. & Lange, G. 2016. Discovering Melanotaenia bowmani and Melanotaenia grunwaldi . Fishes of Sahul 30(2), 980–988. Hansen, B. & Constable, R. 2016. Blue-eye diversity in Australia, including new distribution locality records with a focus on Torres Strait Islands. Fishes of Sahul 30(2), 989–996. Romanowski, N. 2016. Giant water beetles and water tigers: serious predators on a small scale. Fishes of Sahul 30(2), 997–1001. Tappin, A., Briggs, G., Wilson, D. & Scharpf, C. 2016. Fish in focus: Blackmast Craterocephalus stramineus (Atherinidae). Fishes of Sahul 30(2), 1002–1008. Volume 30(1) 2016 (March) Eisemberg, C.C. & Berra, T.M. 2016. Fish species sold in the Kikori market, Papua New Guinea, with reference to the nurseryfish, Kurtus gulliveri (Perciformes: Kurtidae). Fishes of Sahul 30(1), 942–949. Allen, G.R., Unmack, P.J. & Hadiaty, R.K. 2016. Pseudomugil luminatus , a new species of blue-eye (Teleostei: Pseudomugilidae) from southern New Guinea, with notes on P. gertrudae. Fishes of Sahul 30(1), 950–961. Martin, K.C. & Barclay, S. 2016. A review of the distribution and status of ‘Burdekin rainbowfish’ populations in north Queensland. Fishes of Sahul 30(1), 962–972. Briggs, G., Sambell, B., Hansen, B. & Scharpf, C. 2016. Fish in focus: coal grunter Hephaestus carbo . Fishes of Sahul 30(1), 973–978. Volume 29(4) 2015 (December) Roberts, D. 2015. What is the future of the critically endangered Elizabeth Springs goby? Fishes of Sahul 29(4), 922–933. Unmack, P.J. and Hammer, M.P. 2015. Burdekin rainbowfish on the verge of disappearing from Running River! Fishes of Sahul 29(4), 933–937. Shoesmith, D. 2015. Unusual coloured Galaxias . Fishes of Sahul 29(4), 937-940. Volume 29(3) 2015 (September) Allen, G.R. 2015. In the footsteps of Wallace: 2013 Aru Islands expedition. Fishes of Sahul 29(3), 894–903. Briggs, G. 2015. A quick trip for rhads (ornate rainbowfish). Fishes of Sahul 29(3), 904–913. Tustin, D.P.S. 2015. Melanotaenia of New Guinea and the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (continued from Vol. 29 No. 2). Fishes of Sahul 29(3), 913–920. Volume 29(2) 2015 (June) Graf, J., Herder, F. and Hadiaty, R.K. 2015. A new species of rainbowfish (Melanotaeniidae), Melanotaenia garylangei , from western New Guinea (Papua Province, Indonesia). Fishes of Sahul 29(2), 870–881. O’Reilly, L. 2015. Breeding the honey blue-eye ( Pseudomugil mellis). Fishes of Sahul 29(2), 882–887. Tustin, D.P.S. 2015. Melanotaenia of New Guinea and the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (continued). Fishes of Sahul 29(2), 888–892. Volume 29(1) 2015 (March) Allen, G.R., Unmack, P.J. and Hadiaty, R.K. 2015. Melanotaenia rubrivittata , a new species of rainbowfish (Melanotaeniidae) from northwestern Papua Province, Indonesia.
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