Chronology of Bernard Malamud

Chronology of Bernard Malamud

Acknowledgements I would like to take this opportunity to thank the following kind people whose help and support have made the completion of the dissertation possible. First and foremost, I am pleased to express my heartfelt thanks to my supervisor, Professor Qiao Guoqiang. I have studied in the Graduate School of Shanghai International Studies University above three years. During that period Professor Qiao taught me by using his personal examples which have benefited me a lot. I deeply admire his immense knowledge, meticulous attitude, academic rigor and genial personality, all of which have a great effect on my study and research work. His teachings have broadened my academic perspective, enlightened my thinking and enhanced my academic literacy. He accompanied this dissertation in all its drafts and served as an ideal advisor. He gave careful guidance on both the choosing of research subject and the writing process. He not only pointed out the disadvantages and shortcomings in the drafts, but also offered many valuable ideas and suggestions. He encouraged me to fulfill this dissertation. I have special thanks to Professor Li Weiping, Professor Zhang Dingquan, Professor Yu Jianhua and Professor Shi Zhikang in Shanghai International Studies University. They also offered me enlightening lectures and constructive instructions, which have motivated my intellectual growth over the past years. Their profound understanding and love for literature, together with Professor Qiao’s, have deeply encouraged me in my pursuit of literature studies. I extend genuine thanks to my supportive friends. I get friendly and fruitful help and a lot of valuable suggestions from Zhang Jianfeng, Xu Meihua, Sun Ranying, Shi Yanling, Zhang Huaihai and Wu Chunying. I have benefited a lot from many helpful conversations with them. Their friendship, trust and intellectual stimulation have helped me to finish this dissertation in a different way. I am also grateful to my parents and my mother-in-law for their understanding, help and support. Last but not least, I wish to thank my husband Wu Yonggang and my daughter Wu Qiuhui. They have supported me to finish this dissertation in more than one way during these years. 㚠㔝 Ⳃᔩ 㟈䇶 Ё᭛ᨬ㽕 ..................................................................................................................... ĉ 㣅᭛ᨬ㽕 ..................................................................................................................... Č 㒾䆎 ........................................................................................................................... 1 ㄀ϔ㡖 偀ᢝ咬ᖋ⫳ᑇϢ߯԰ ............................................................................ 1 ㄀Ѡ㡖 偀ᢝ咬ᖋⷨお㓐䗄 ................................................................................ 7 ㄀ϝ㡖 ⷨおᮍ⊩ǃⷨおⳂⱘঞ䆎᭛ㅔҟ ...................................................... 22 ㄀ϔゴ lj໽⫳ⱘ䖤ࡼਬNJЁⱘҎ䰙Ӻ⧚ ............................................................. 28 ㄀ϔ㡖 ℆ᳯП㌃ .............................................................................................. 29 ㄀Ѡ㡖 ೄ๗Ёⱘᡝᢽ ...................................................................................... 40 ㄀Ѡゴlj෎䕙ᗼNJЁⱘ⢍໾Ӻ⧚ ............................................................................. 55 ㄀ϔ㡖 ⢍໾Ӻ⧚ᛣ䆚ⱘ㔎༅ .......................................................................... 57 ㄀Ѡ㡖 ಲᔦ⢍໾Ӻ⧚Ӵ㒳 .............................................................................. 72 ㄀ϝゴlj᠓ᅶNJЁⱘ⇥ᮣӺ⧚ ................................................................................. 88 ㄀ϔ㡖 ԰ᆊⱘӺ⧚ೄ๗ .................................................................................. 89 ㄀Ѡ㡖 ⇥ᮣ⶯Ⳓⱘ⍜㾷 .................................................................................. 99 ㄀ಯゴljϞᏱⱘᘽ䌤NJЁⱘ⫳ᗕӺ⧚ ................................................................... 120 ㄀ϔ㡖 ⫳ᗕॅᴎⱘ䄺⼎ ................................................................................ 121 ㄀Ѡ㡖 ⫳ᗕӺ⧚ⱘᵘᓎ ................................................................................ 132 㒧䆎 ....................................................................................................................... 146 㣅᭛ὖ㽕 ................................................................................................................... 150 খ㗗᭛⤂ ................................................................................................................... 173 䰘ᔩ˖ԃ㒇ᖋg偀ᢝ咬ᖋᑈ㸼 ............................................................................... 185 䍋䄋 ᨬ 㽕 ⎉ԃ㒇ᖋg偀ᢝ咬ᖋᰃ㕢೑ᔧҷ᳔䞡㽕ⱘ⢍໾԰ᆊПϔˈ݊݋᳝⏅ࠏᗱᛇݙ ⱘ԰ક਌ᓩњϔ໻ᡍ೑ݙ໪䆘䆎ᆊⱘ݇⊼DŽϡ䖛ˈ⦄᳝ⷨお䌘᭭ᰒ⼎ˈ೑ݙ໪䆘 䆎⬠↨䕗䲚Ёഄ䅼䆎偀ᢝ咬ᖋ԰કЁⱘĀ⢍໾ᗻ䯂乬āǃĀᬓ⊏ǃ⇥ᮣϢ⫳ᄬ䯂乬āǃ Ā㡎ᴃ߯԰䯂乬ā੠Āᅫᬭ䯂乬āㄝㄝˈᇍ݊ᇣ䇈ЁⱘӺ⧚䯂乬᥶䅼ⱘϡ໮DŽ㱑 ✊г᳝ϔѯ䆘䆎ᆊ䆎ঞ䖭Ͼ䯂乬ˈԚᰃҪӀᕔᕔ㗗ᆳ偀ᢝ咬ᖋᇍ⢍໾Ӻ⧚ⱘ᥶ おˈᇍ偀ᢝ咬ᖋᇣ䇈Ё໡ᴖ໮ḋⱘӺ⧚Џ乬≵᳝㒭ќ䎇໳ⱘ䞡㾚DŽ೼ⷨお偀ᢝ咬 ᖋ԰કⱘϧ㨫Ёˈϧ䮼㗗ᆳ݊ᇣ䇈ЁӺ⧚Џ乬ⱘгᕜᇥDŽᴀ䆎᭛䲚Ё᥶䅼偀ᢝ咬 ᖋⱘ䭓㆛ᇣ䇈lj໽⫳ⱘ䖤ࡼਬNJ˄˅ǃlj෎䕙ᗼNJ˄˅ǃlj᠓ᅶNJ˄˅ ˅ЁⱘӺ⧚Џ乬ˈߚᵤ݊ЁⱘӺ⧚ݙ⎉ঞ݊೼ϡৠᯊᳳ੠ljϞᏱⱘᘽ䌤NJ˄ ⱘব࣪ˈҹᣛߎᇣ䇈ᡬᇘⱘӺ⧚ೄ๗੠ᬥ䌢䗨ᕘˈᑊ㮝ℸ㸼⦄偀ᢝ咬ᖋ⏅८ⱘҎ ᭛ЏН㊒⼲DŽ ᴀ䆎᭛ᡞ偀ᢝ咬ᖋᇣ䇈ЁⱘӺ⧚Џ乬ߦߚЎҎ䰙Ӻ⧚ǃ⢍໾Ӻ⧚ǃ⇥ᮣӺ⧚ ੠⫳ᗕӺ⧚ಯ㉏ˈᇍ݊䖯㸠њ䆺㒚ⱘ䆎䗄DŽ佪ܜˈ䆎᭛䅼䆎њ偀ᢝ咬ᖋߎ⠜ⱘ㄀ ϔ䚼䭓㆛ᇣ䇈lj໽⫳ⱘ䖤ࡼਬNJˈߚᵤњϾҎЏНӋؐ㾖ᕅડϟⱘ䗑∖ৡ߽ⱘṺ ᛇ੠℆ᳯˈҹঞ⬅ℸѻ⫳ⱘҎ䰙Ѹᕔೄ๗ˈ䇈ᯢ݇⠅Ϣ䋷ӏⱘᡓᢙᰃᓎゟ㡃དҎ 䰙݇㋏ˈᨚ㜅ೄ๗ⱘЏ㽕䗨ᕘDŽ݊⃵ˈ䆎᭛㘮⛺њlj෎䕙ᗼNJˈߚᵤњড⢍ЏН 㚠᱃ϟ⢍໾⇥ᮣ᠔䙁ফⱘ䖿ᆇˈ䯤䞞њ⢍໾Ҏ೼⢍໾Ӻ⧚ᛣ䆚㔎༅䖛⿟Ёⱘೄᚥ Ϣ䗋㣿ˈ䇈ᯢ⢍໾Ҏা᳝ಲᔦ⢍໾Ӻ⧚Ӵ㒳ˈᢙ䋳䍋ᇍᴀ⇥ᮣⱘ䋷ӏˈᠡ㛑䍄ߎ ᄬೄ๗ˈᅲ⦄ᬥ䌢DŽݡ⃵ˈ䆎᭛ᇍlj᠓ᅶNJ䖯㸠њߚᵤˈ䅼䆎њ⢍໾ⱑҎ԰ᆊ⫳ ੠咥Ҏ԰ᆊ೼݅ৠ⫳⌏੠߯԰䖛⿟Ёⱘ⶯ⳒϢކさˈҹঞ⬅ℸѻ⫳ⱘӺ⧚ೄ๗ˈ ࠄѦ㸹݅ᄬˈህ᳝خ䇈ᯢϡৠ⇥ᮣ೼Ѹᕔ䖛⿟Ёˈা㽕ֱᣕᆑᆍ੠⧚㾷ˈህ㛑໳ ৃ㛑ᅲ⦄⇥ᮣ੠㾷DŽ᳔ৢˈ䆎᭛ߚᵤњ偀ᢝ咬ᖋߎ⠜ⱘ᳔ৢϔ䚼䭓㆛ᇣ䇈ljϞᏱ ⱘᘽ䌤NJˈ᥶䅼њ㰮ᵘЁⱘ⛁ᏺᇣቯ೼⛁Ḍ៬ѝৢⱘ⫳ᗕӺ⧚ᵘᓎ䖛⿟ˈҹঞ䖭 ϔ䖛⿟ЁӺ⧚ೄ๗ⱘ㸼⦄੠ॳ಴ˈ䇈ᯢҎ㉏ᑨ䆹ᡓᢙ⫳ᗕӺ⧚䋷ӏˈ䙉ᕾ⫳ᗕӺ ߭ˈ䖭ḋᠡ㛑⹂ֱ⫳ᗕ㋏㒳ⱘ੠䇤থሩDŽ⫣⧛ I ㎈㈔䈌㈩㭋ᷛ⤏㚪⭣᱅㕎㎎㚍⭣㾂㯖⭥㔸㏎䑘㳃䁱㈠ ᴀ䆎᭛䅸Ўˈ偀ᢝ咬ᖋ䖭ಯ䚼ᇣ䇈᥶䅼ⱘ݅ৠЏ乬ᰃӺ⧚䯂乬ˈᅗӀП䯈ᄬ ೼ݙ೼ⱘǃ㋻ᆚⱘ㘨㋏DŽ೼থ㸼Ѣϡৠᑈҷⱘᇣ䇈Ёˈ偀ᢝ咬ᖋᇍӺ⧚݇⊼ⱘջ 䞡⚍᳝᠔ϡৠDŽҪᇍӺ⧚䯂乬ⱘ䅸䆚ࣙ৿ಯϾᮍ䴶ⱘݙᆍ˖ϔᰃ݇⊼⼒Ӯ⫳⌏੠ 㘠ϮথሩЁⱘҎ䰙Ѹᕔೄ๗˗Ѡᰃ᥶䅼⢍໾⇥ᮣ೼ড⢍ЏН㚠᱃ϟ䙁ফⱘ䖿ᆇ੠ ⺼䲒˗ϝᰃ㾷䇏ϡৠ⇥ᮣ᭛࣪থ⫳⶯Ⳓ੠ކさᯊⱘለሀ๗䘛˗᳔ৢᰃߚᵤҎ㉏᭛ ᯢ䖯⿟Ё᠔䴶Јⱘ⫳ᗕॅᴎDŽ偀ᢝ咬ᖋᇍӺ⧚Џ乬ⱘ䯤䞞㒣ग़њϔϾ⬅⌙ܹ⏅ǃ ሖሖ䗦䖯ⱘথሩব࣪䖛⿟ˈሩ⦄њҪᇍϾԧϢҪ㗙ǃϾԧϢ䲚ԧǃ⇥ᮣϢ⇥ᮣҹ ঞҎ㉏Ϣ⫳ᗕ㋏㒳П䯈Ӻ⧚䯂乬ⱘᗱ㗗DŽ 偀ᢝ咬ᖋ೼ᇣ䇈Ё⌕䴆ߎᇍҎ㉏⫳ᄬೄ๗ⱘᖻᗱDŽԚᰃˈሩ⦄Ҏ㉏ⱘ⫳ᄬೄ ๗ᑊϡᰃҪⱘ߯԰ⳂⱘDŽҪᦣݭЏҎ݀䙁䘛ⱘ⮯㢺੠ᡬ⺼ˈ݊ᛣ೒ϡҙҙᰃЎњ ˈℸ᡼ߏ᮴㾚Ӻ⧚㾘㣗ⱘ㸠ЎDŽৠᯊ׳䅽ҎӀ䅸䆚ࠄϪ⬠Ϟ䖬ᄬ೼㢺䲒੠य़䖿ˈᑊ Ҫ᳈ࡴᔎ䇗ೄ๗Ёⱘᬥ䌢DŽгህᰃ䇈ˈҪ≵᳝䅽ᇣ䇈ЁⱘЏҎ݀೼ೄ๗Ё↕♁ˈ 㗠ᰃ䗮䖛ҪӀᴹ᥶䅼䍄ߎೄ๗ǃᘶ໡Ҏᗻǃᅲ⦄ݡ⫳ⱘ䗨ᕘDŽ಴ℸˈ偀ᢝ咬ᖋⱘ ᇣ䇈ϡҙሩ⦄⼒Ӯ⫳⌏Ёⱘ㢺䲒ˈ㗠Ϩ᳈ࡴ݇⊼ᅲ⦄ᬥ䌢ⱘᮍᓣDŽᅗӀ㗗ᆳⱘᰃ Ҏ㉏ⱘ⫳ᄬೄ๗ҹঞᬥ䌢䖛⿟Ё৘⾡݇㋏ⱘব࣪ˈ㭈৿ⴔ⏅ࠏⱘӺ⧚ݙ⎉DŽ 偀ᢝ咬ᖋ䅸Ўˈ԰ᆊⱘ߯԰Ⳃⱘᑨ䆹ᰃ䘧ᖋϞⱘˈ᭛ᄺ԰કᑨ䆹ᣛᓩҎӀ䍄 ৥ℷ⹂ⱘᮍ৥DŽҪЏᓴˈҎ㽕䖛ϔ⾡䘧ᖋⱘ੠Ҏ䘧ЏНⱘ⫳⌏ˈ᮴䆎໘Ѣᗢḋⱘ ೄ๗ПЁ䛑ᖙ乏ࡾ࡯മᣕϟএˈᅲ⦄ᬥ䌢DŽ偀ᢝ咬ᖋⱘЏҎ݀䛑೼ᇏ∖㾷އĀҎ ᑨ䆹ᗢḋ⫳⌏āⱘ䯂乬DŽҪӀг䆌ϡᅠ㕢ˈ೼ᶤѯᮍ䴶䖬᳝㔎䱋ˈ೼⼒Ӯ⫳⌏Ё гᐌᐌ䱋ܹᖗ⧚੠ᚙᛳⱘೄ๗DŽԚᰃˈ偀ᢝ咬ᖋᑊ≵᳝䅽ҪӀഴܹ㒱ᳯⱘ⏅⏞ˈ ेՓ೼ߎ⦄໻ሴᴔǃ⇥ᮣ䯈থ⫳⶯Ⳓ੠ކさǃ⫮㟇Ҏ㉏䴶Ј↕♁ㄝᘤᗪഎ᱃Ёˈ ⒵ֵᖗDŽ偀ᢝܙҪԐТҡ✊Ⳍֵˈᑨ䆹䅽㞾ᏅⱘЏҎ݀ᣕ᳝മᅮⱘֵӄˈᇍ᳾ᴹ 咬ᖋ೼ᇣ䇈Ё㸼䖒њᇍ⫳⌏ǃᇍҎ㉏ⱘֵӄDŽҢ䖭ϾᛣНϞ䇈ˈҪⱘ԰ક䍙䍞њ ᮣ੠ᯊぎⱘ⬠䰤ˈ݋᳝᱂䘡ⱘӋؐ੠ᛣНDŽ⇥ ᴀ䆎᭛ⱘⷨおⳂⱘᮼ೼ᠽሩ偀ᢝ咬ᖋⷨおⱘ乚ඳDŽ೼ᇍ೑ݙ໪偀ᢝ咬ᖋⷨお ៤ᵰ䖯㸠ẇ⧚੠ߚᵤⱘ෎⸔Ϟˈᴀ䆎᭛ᇚ㒧ড়ᅣ㾖ⱘӺ⧚ᡍ䆘ⱘ㾚㾦੠ᖂ㾖ⱘ᭛ ᴀ㒚䇏ⱘᮍ⊩ˈ਌㒇Ⳍ݇ⱘ᭛ᄺ੠᭛࣪⧚䆎ҹঞ݊Ҫᄺ㗙ⱘ㾖⚍ˈⴔ䞡ߚᵤ᭛ᴀ ЁЏҎ݀䴶ЈⱘӺ⧚ೄ๗ˈ᥶䅼ҪӀ䍄ߎॅᴎǃᅲ⦄ᬥ䌢ⱘ䗨ᕘˈҢ㗠ሩ⦄偀ᢝ 咬ᖋᇣ䇈㭈㮣ⱘӺ⧚ᗱᛇˈҹঞ䖭⾡Ӻ⧚ᗱᛇᇍ㕢೑ᔧҞ⼒Ӯǃ⫮㟇ܼҎ㉏ⱘਃ II 䍋䄋 ⼎੠ᣛᓩ԰⫼DŽᇍ偀ᢝ咬ᖋᇣ䇈ⱘӺ⧚Џ乬䖯㸠᥶䅼ˈৃҹЎⷨお偀ᢝ咬ᖋ԰ક ᦤկϔϾᮄⱘ㾚㾦DŽ ݇䬂䆡˖ԃ㒇ᖋg偀ᢝ咬ᖋ˗Ӻ⧚˗ೄ๗˗ᬥ䌢˗lj໽⫳ⱘ䖤ࡼਬNJ˗lj෎䕙ᗼNJ˗ lj᠓ᅶNJ˗ljϞᏱⱘᘽ䌤NJ III ㎈㈔䈌㈩㭋ᷛ⤏㚪⭣᱅㕎㎎㚍⭣㾂㯖⭥㔸㏎䑘㳃䁱㈠ Abstract Bernard Malamud is regarded as one of the most important American Jewish writers of the age. His works, with their profound connotation, have attracted the attention of a large number of critics from both abroad and at home. However, so far, most critics focus on “Jewishness ”, “the problem of politics, ethnics and survival”, “the art creation”, “the religious issues”, etc. in his novels, while putting less attention to the ethical issue. Although some critics have discussed the ethical problem, they tend to explore only Jewish ethics, ignoring the complex theme of ethics in his fiction. Among the scholarly books about Malamud’s works, there are fewer which focus on the theme of ethics. In this dissertation, the present author will explore the theme of ethics in The Natural (1952), The Fixer (1966), The Tenants (1971) and God’s Grace (1982). The author’s purpose is to express the ethical dilemma and the ways to salvation by examining the ethical connotation and the differences in various novels, and thus to indicate Malamud’s profound spirit of humanism. The author of the dissertation intends to consider the theme ethics in Malamud’s fiction in terms of interpersonal ethics, Jewish ethics, ethnic ethics and ecological ethics. Firstly, the author focuses on Malamud’s first novel The Natural to demonstrate the dreams and desires for fame and fortune under the values of individualism, and the resulting interpersonal ethical dilemma. The author is to point out love and responsibility is the way to establish harmonious interpersonal relationship and to be out of dilemma. Secondly, the author explores The Fixer to illustrate the persecution of Jews under the circumstance of anti-Semitism, and the dilemma of the Jews because of the lack of Jewish ethical awareness. The author is to point out that the way to be out of dilemma and to achieve salvation is through the return to the tradition of Jewish ethics and the bearing of responsibility for the Jewish people. Thirdly, the author analyzes The Tenants to manifest the contradiction and conflict between two writers of different ethnic groups and the incurring dilemma. IV Abstract The author is to point out that only tolerance and understanding can help realize the coexistence of different peoples. Fourthly, the author examines Malamud’s last novel God’s Grace to indicate the construction of ecology in a fictional tropical island after thermonuclear war and the causes of ecological dilemma in the process. The author is to point out that humans should bear ecological responsibility and follow ecological rules so as to guarantee the harmonious development of the ecosystem. From the above analysis, we discover that there has been a common theme of ethics in Malamud’s novels. These novels are intrinsically and closely linked because of this consistent thread of ethics. Malamud focuses on different ethical issues in novels published in different ages. His understanding of the ethical problems includes four aspects: the plight of interpersonal communication in social life

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